Adventures in Speed | Compilation #5 | Full Episodes | Sonic Boom

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[Music] um [Music] tails what are you doing just enjoying this beautiful meteor shower that one's flying beautifully toward us [Music] this could be a major find we need to approach it cautiously and with great career wait for me [Music] first think again sonic eggman that's right and as the intrepid explorer who first discovered this regal rock i hereby call dibs what you can't call dibs oh so now you don't respect dibs what's next you can allow cut c's flout the five second rule step on a crack without any regard for your mother's spinal column not cool sonic of course i respect dibs but you can only call dibs if you're touching the thing that you desire to dib oh well in that case [Music] [Music] what am i doing in eggman's lair ah eggman what the what am i doing in eggman's body dr eggman you're awake we had to drag you back home it was spring break all over again i'm not eggman i'm sonic he's pretending to be sonic again well i'm not gonna be amy this time [Music] sonic you rest here yeah see me dear i won't move for i am sonic and this is my humble shack [Music] all right don't freak out play it cool you're sonic now did you say something um no i was just thinking of something funny that red imbecile we both know said you mean knuckles yes knuckles that's the guy this is delicious with my genius mind and sonic speed i'll finally be able to destroy these pesky rodents once and for all time for a test drive oh yeah this might take some getting used to these numbers are off the chart fortunately i have a bigger chart now let's find out your purpley secrets i'm telling you i'm sonic eggman switch brains with me i mean i switch bodies with eggman uh hang on did you switch brains or did you switch bodies both well then nothing's changed listen gearbrain definitely eggman look i'm not eggman i'll prove it oh boy i can't breathe what is this awful feeling in my lungs good show sir real impressive stuff boss need to find tails you don't know what to do [Music] now that i've finally gotten the hang of this athletically superior but far less handsome body i can destroy those do-gooders for good come on out i made milkshakes for everyone milkshakes okay milkshakes first then destroy arch enemies i really appreciate you guys lending me the egg mobile i have no idea how eggnog gets around in this flotation device he calls a body did he just say he appreciates us i'm thinking this might not be eggman after all could someone else be in his body and if so oh yeah score one for dr egg i mean uh sonic hey no need to rub it in dude of course sonic's a good sport i don't know what came over me nuggets let's see badminton with sticks at 4 30 then a hike with the gang can't miss that another video game sesh with nibbles at seven then i'll destroy everyone at 7 15. wait no amy and i are going to see that chick flick at nine guess i'll have to destroy them tomorrow what was that sorry about the rough landing my baby [Music] guys it's me sonic nice try eggman wait no that was a terrible try but i'm not eggman i'm sonic don't listen to him i'm sonic look how blue i am must be one of his ingenious plans we all admire him for haha friends genius plans good one sonic yeah we're making fun of eggman because we're secretly jealous of him right i mean the brains the panache the mustache he's the total package listen eggman and i switched bodies somehow he's me and i'm him ow eggman threw a pie at me huh no i didn't let's send this mystery and packing [Music] perhaps it's time we bid our foes at you no time we got to get out of here [Music] no i'm sonic you gotta believe me [Music] with my body at his disposal eggman's just too powerful how can i possibly take on the fastest hedgehog in the world like this ahem oh yeah did you see the look on his face when he ran off he looked ridiculous especially with that stupid mustache all right noodles that's enough whoa did you guys feel that remember warning shots only i don't want anyone hurt got it well what are you waiting for we're programmed only to obey orders after being threatened all right then nobody gets hurt or somebody's gonna get hurt yes sir [Music] oh come on do you have any idea how much those cost i mean between the parts and labor ah jeez he's gonna be feeling that tomorrow [Music] [Music] wow did they just switch brains [Music] sonic is eggman eggman is sonic [Music] wait what did tell say oh nothing you know tails always the jokester when eggman and sonic touched this meteor they switched brains oh how come nobody told me in order to swap back they both need to touch the meteor again come on eggman just touch this and give me my body back you can't make me i'm the fastest evil genius on the planet now i'm here now i'm there nothing can make me touch your stupid purple rock nothing not even a close shave you wouldn't dare oh i would dare so eggman what's it gonna be the speed or the stash [Music] so close i was so close to finally defeating sonic what are you two laughing at nothing boss [Music] what happened to us last night my head is spinning that's not spinning this is that was a mistake i hope whatever we did yesterday didn't involve a heavy meal i'll check my memory array curious last night's memory file appears to have been erased check yours [Music] where was i perhaps dr eggman knows something about this dr eggman sir that's odd usually by this time he's telling us how inadequate we are it appears as though he's completely vanished uh so wait dr e ain't here i can do whatever i want i'm gonna kick over that garbage can that'll teach you to mess with me doc we need to figure out what happened to us last night and find dr eggman but where to start what do you two bolt bags want oh my own talk show long blonde hair taste buds but that's not why we're here we seem to have misplaced dr eggman did you end hyper chance battle yesterday oh we battled all right i remember like it was yesterday it was yesterday well it was i've got you now oh no i guess we have no other choice but to give up hey that's not how is shhh [Music] i'll handle this [Music] now you've made me mad [Music] [Music] what a dreamboat i want to be just like you when i grow up knuckles you've been elected governor all in a day's work [Music] uh that's all very nice but i believe we were inquiring as to the whereabouts of dr eggman yeah after we as a team defeated eggman he retreated toward the marketplace many things now if you'll excuse me i have to write my acceptance speech what rhymes with governor keep your optical sensors peeled cubot there must be a clue around here somewhere hey you two ooh you got a lot of nerve coming around here after what eggman pulled last night dr eggman was here he was and he tried to make me the victim of his most evil scheme to date i'd like to return this umbrella you can't expect a refund for that it's broken what are you talking about it works fine see but you have a 30-day return policy this is ridiculous you just lost your customer pal after he ran out i called the police officer hey don't sneak up on a guy it's not nice i do apologize but have you seen our missing employer he's a loud stalky fellow with an evil laugh and uh you know oh no that guy he's a dangerous criminal we caught him last night the streets are much safer with him off the um streets thanks you're welcome we need to raise bail money to get the boss out of jail and i know just how to do it daisy daisy give me your answer dude i'm half crazy all for the love of [Music] i have a better idea so with your donation we can finally build that oil bath for the old robots home of course i've been collecting for a charity myself operation toasty beak we provide sweaters for baby penguins they must be so cold in the frozen tundra they are and we have all these sweaters for them but we can't afford the jet fuel to deliver the sweaters those four little fluff balls i was saving this money for that but your cause seems important too here you go we can't do it you keep the money oh and take ours too [Music] i don't think we should sell the eggmobile the boss ain't gonna like it oh i see what's going on here you're trying to con me well you're not gonna pull one over on t.w barker no siree oh no we're not trying so how about i take her out for a test drive if i like the way she runs you've got yourselves a sale just name the price hey he says we can name the price this guy must be a real sucker mr barker we have a [Music] [Music] that's it we tried doing things your way now we're gonna do things my way boss over here [Music] [Music] for the help fellas i always appreciate a good jailbreak willie walrus nice to meet you we thought you was eggman oh i get mistaken for him all the time in fact i was just talking to him about it last night i was walking through the marketplace when you just lost a customer pal whoa who's this handsome fella oh you i need to repair i'd love to stay in chat but i gotta break into a helium warehouse well you bumped into the right walrus breaking and entering is my speciality well what are we waiting for after you how do we know these are helium [Music] i'm not sure if only there was some way to tell and that's the last i saw of him i spent the rest of the night in the joint breaking and entering is my speciality but i'm not so good at exiting dr eggman dr eggman are you in here here eggy eggy look it's his disintegrator ray finally a real clue now all we have to do is follow the path of destruction and dr eggman's mustache in his panic he must have misfired his ray and and all that's left of him is his glorious mustache [Music] come on cubot let's go home [Music] [Music] surprise dr eggman hey get off me we thought you was toast what are you two clanking oil cans talking about well you were gone this morning when we awoke i went to get a breakfast burrito we traced your footsteps all over town until we found your mustache at the helium warehouse that's just part of the pin the mustache on the eggman game i made for your party our party yes you said it would improve morale if i threw a surprise party you went to all this trouble for us of course not i don't care about your nincompoops i had you do all the work and then i erased your memories to make sure it was still a surprise so surprise and what a wonderful surprise it is hang on a sec you erased our memories you can do that oh yeah i do it all the time it's real simple you just press this button right here [Music] what happened to us last night my head is spinning that's not spinning this is [Music] that was a mistake i hope whatever we did yesterday didn't involve a heavy meal hey do you two have any idea where the egg mobile is i got no idea boss no one at the pie festival will guess that beige berries are my secret ingredient and yes one of these trees is a spy in disguise [Music] i'm off you tree you'll never get the recipe never hey sticks how's trixx i see you're making baseberry pie i don't know what he's talking about i'm taking you to live on a farm now if you'll excuse me i've got a few trees left to pick looks like you could use some help be right back grab claws connected to the trap jaw trap jaws connected to the scoop maw scoop balls connected to the positively charged resistor coupling ion matrix oops needs voltage a lot of trees means a lot of these nope nope nope are you sure about this tails you know how styx is about machines but this thing runs on natural energy yours it's better than going green it's going blue say when [Music] when well my work here is done your machine destroyed the orchard could be worse at least you still have the berries what happened here looks like tails got himself into a jam get it not at all but i never leave a hog hanging at least one tree's still standing such senseless destruction wonderful our organization could use the mind that created this send him a crimson letter i can't believe sticks is making me replant the entire orchard i'm gonna miss the pie festival [Music] this is for you maybe it'd be easier if we just told you your ingenuity has earned you an invitation to the bi-monthly potluck dinner and raffle of the super secret exclusive club known [Music] the as bolt society wow the lightning bolt society really i've never heard of it that's because it's super secret duh come we'll take you to our clubhouse much as i'd love to go off with you strangers my friends left me with an entire orchard to plant [Music] cool gizmo how much was it let's just say it was a steal well my work here is done and since i missed the festival i think i will take you up on that potluck notify the membership at once i've got him now you've stolen your last sunday paper you furry little mutants ah pop up wait what's this it appears to be a status update from the lightning bolt society more like lightning dole society that clever play on word should indicate that i think they're a bunch of pests hey you bums get out of my trash run gotta invent some device to keep those losers out of my garbage there that ought to do it why would those wannabes initiate tails into their group if they're working with sonic i'll never get them out of my trash to the eggmobile tails we're back sticks won and we've got some pie for you he's gone and all the seeds are planted there's no way he could have done it so fast unless he used one of his inventions i was gonna say alien magic but that was a good guess [Music] what's going on here what's this some kind of pulp it's an envelope sticks tails is invited to join the lightning bolt society wait aren't those the crooks who are always stealing from the village fruit stand and they've clearly mistaken tails for a lemon what morons [Music] you two stay here and keep these traps shut amy and i are going after tails [Music] tails welcome such an honor i assume you've met everyone actually no though that tree looks really familiar super stuck nice to meet you have you tried the shrimp what did you bring to the pot luck oh uh all i had was beige berry jelly it's full of dirt and twigs i told you he was evil do i know how to pick him or what i say we crash through the window i say we dress up like pizza delivery guys my idea has pizzazz my idea has pizza pizzazz pizza pizzazz pizza hey could you strangers hold this door open while i go not now pizzazz pizza the lightning bolt society is proud to welcome our newest member he's a deforestation sensation and a berry bad boy i give you tails he brought the jam with the dirt in it oh oh thanks it's an honor to be among so many uh guys with hats like this one with an evil genius like tails to lead us we can go from two-bit crooks to four-bit crooks or dare i say it eight-bit crooks yes combining the warped genius of tails deforestation machine and eggman's mutant seed gun we can finally launch our master plan to control all the fruit in the village and beyond yeah uh having understood very little of that did i hear the word evil in there indeed with you as our evil leader will be unstoppable when it comes to fruit yeah um well this is a little embarrassing but i'm not evil he'll recruit us all that sounds pretty evil to me now i'm just confused guys tails don't gotta admit that had pizzazz sonic i've seen through your plan to team up with the lightning bolts what i thought you teamed up with them i'm here to rescue tails um we i said we didn't i me team up with these dolts hey words hurt i'd never team up with these dolts i'm sorry there's no other word for you so whose side are you on oh we're doing our best to be bad then get sonic we don't have any weapons now what kind of villains are you find some [Music] really that's all you can come up with i'm not gonna say it but you know what i'm thinking you adults looks like it's just you and me a ham i meant you plural as in the two of you and me hey hey are we gonna battle it or what actually dr eggman sir i was wondering if you could autograph my trunk you seem busy mr popularity i'll catch you on the flip-flop [Music] uh it rained while you were gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice going tails i guess that machine of yours was good for something after all and your paranoid ramblings weren't completely detached from reality good talk now get planted i'd stay and help but a very nice tree invited me and my pie to a potluck dinner at some lodge oops almost forgot the sesame seeds [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that moth bot is no match for my swattopolt [Music] knuckles we are code green for moth bait hey look at me i'm having an idea [Music] i need to model my robots after something that's not so easily distracted [Music] you got to walk on your tail [Music] you can't trust moths they read minds turn left no i left oh well he's under the moths mind control now we have no choice but to destroy him i'll release the most balls okay fine we have a choice [Music] ow my neck you cheated hedgehog what how do you cheat in a fight fight's over cheater pull me out of this piece of junk be careful i'm injured yes victory is mine it's a tainted victory yes tainted victory is mine excuse me sir are you sonic the hedgehog guilty as charged so what'll it be kid autograph you want your picture taken with me maybe a bite of this comically large sandwich huh you've been served dr eggman is suing you are you sure you wouldn't prefer a bite of sandwich most of it's gonna go to waste eggman is suing me nobody's gonna take this seriously it's the trial of the century that everyone is taking very very seriously this will ruin the life of whomever loses brought to you by namburger so let's see if we can get a statement from the defendant the only thing i'm guilty of is being awesome you heard it sonic says he's guilty of being awesome hey who's the news reporter here come on eggman you're not fooling ah help sonic's attacking me unprovoked again leave me alone you brute oh thanks for making me your lawyer i couldn't be more proud if you'd done it because you actually believed in me instead of because you think this trial is a joke well i'm glad my contempt for the situation worked out for you where'd it go our eyes for the honorable and lithium-ion powered judge bot oh i'm okay let all who come before me know that i have been programmed to be fair and impartial and to in no way favor dr eggman the great man who created me um why are there cockroaches on my bench t.w barker your honor council for the plaintiff i intend to prove that sonic t hedgehog willfully and maliciously attacked and permanently injured my client dr eggman please refrain from such outbursts in my courtroom now commence your opening statement that was my opening statement isn't it true that dr eggman was attacked by mr the hedgehog while doing nothing more than taking a leisurely evening drive in a harmless moth-shaped vehicle harmless eggman's robots destroy mountains level cities put songs in your head that you can't get out if frogs had wings and snakes that happened automobiles were fly through here no more music all that man's robots must be destroyed i mean not you your holiness oh boy mr orbot is it would you describe dr eggman as kind and honest no not really oh because those words aren't strong enough he's kinder and honest what's safe robot turn off your internal dialogue switch fool and just show the film [Music] boss now that we're done faking that evidence you want i should return this stuff to the costume shop finally a witness i can rely on could you tell us what it is you admire about sonic the so-called hedgehog so many things he's fast he's cunning he can destroy any opponent with a single spin dash he's got a lovely singing voice my he sounds like the total package you bet if total package means a fast crafty menace to society bent on the destruction of anyone who disagrees with him oh man i never said that that's right i left out lovely singing voice now these opponents that mr the hedgehog mercilessly destroys can you name one that he battles with a regularity that borders on formulaic um i guess he battles eggman a lot ah how long did you think you could keep that from us objection your majesty we're losing overall but yes yes you are badly i rest my case that guy's good you should hire him as your lawyer i'll be fine people know the truth about me and the number one reason you might get attacked by sonic the hedgehog you've been telling jokes about them all week on your late-night show uh-oh [Music] we'll be right back unless sonic puts me in the hospital you sir are fearless in your comedy hello well now i'm just a simple country lawyer i'm not as sharp as mr barker here i don't know how to do that fancy lawyering heck i don't know how to do simple things like putting on mittens i don't even know which end of the toothbrush goes in your nose why i'm dumb as a rock just like you good folks the defense calls knuckles oh you're not gonna trap me with your lawyer tricks i know how this works i've seen hospital shows on the radio where they sometimes have lawyers who trap people wait what was the question again so tell me mr knuckles is it is sonnet capable of doing this kind of damage to dr eggman are you kidding no way he's scrawny weak and pathetic i always have to bail him out of jams he's an embarrassment what a loser and quite frankly it sickens me to look at him so could sonic hurt eggman like this well um answer the question no no sonic is way too lame to do that kind of damage there i said it i said it hey i'm totally capable of wailing on egg eggs florentine for breakfast i call them whale don eggs oh for the love of all that's holy that's it was worse than mine i would rest my case but i'm hoping there's another fist sandwich in it so has the jury reached a verdict actually we need to deliberate first yes of course that would be the impartial way to do it yeah well then the jury shall go to the deliberation room while the rest of us have a groovy hippie themed dance party [Music] some party huh my mouth feels like it's full of socks oh wait yeah oh i was wondering where that was here comes the jury oh man they look serious has the jury reached a verdict actually we have your honor and would the jury care to share it with us actually we would am i going to have to make you say it actually what was the question again of being awesome now to make the verdict official i'll just pound my gavel not so fast [Music] that's not a gavel this is a gavel [Music] hey look at egghead he can move his head just fine but i mean yow save it eggman fine you leave me no choice not that i wasn't going to do this anyway [Music] water on the cord yeah i'll have one of those fist sandwiches [Music] [Applause] i uh well you see i leave town for a week to attend a beekeeping seminar and look what happens i'm sore the eagle reporting live from the courthouse where we're told there is breaking news i'll give you something to sue me about well that about wraps things up stay tuned for comedy chimps new year's eve rockin banana ganza coming up next well that was anticlimactic [Music] um wakey wakey eggs and bakey don't ever say that again today's the day we're finally going to defeat sonic with your new weapon so i thought i'd make you a special breakfast you thought you don't think your artificial intelligence and even that's only half right hmm no fresh squeezed orange juice suddenly i'm not so thirsty is my egg tank ready my other egg tank [Music] hmm [Music] movie day eh spoiler alert i win you lose weapons play my battle music [Music] close enough [Music] [Applause] i guess that wasn't the men's room door i don't get it nice job on the projector thanks i had to reorient this no talking shh no slurping no attacking [Music] tails incoming [Laughter] [Music] activate superweapon [Music] fortunately i'm prepared for this activate super duper weapon [Music] uh wakey wakey eggs and bakey i told you not to say that today's the day we're finally going to defeat sonic with your new weapon so i thought i'd make you a special breakfast this seems awfully familiar what's going on here weapons online [Music] [Music] if you say eggs and bakey i swear i'll dismantle you this is nuts i'm reliving the same day over and over no nothing [Music] cubot stop playing with my hologram thingy [Music] i've got it when my laser the plasma ball and the lightning collided the fusion reaction caused time to fold back in on itself so i just have to avoid going into battle piece of cake well that didn't work i don't want eggs in baki same day over and over again maybe this isn't all bad i can keep refining my attack on sonic until i get everything just right just because there's no tomorrow doesn't mean i want ants today [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] i've got you now sonic yeah this day will go down in history the day i captured sonic the hedgehogs wakey wakey but i have bakey i can't take another day of the same day string theory super string theory string cheese theory you really should eat healthier it doesn't matter none of this matters tomorrow will just be a do-over anyway really see you tomorrow it's no use i can't figure this out alone [Music] i need your help cartoons are over by the counter yes yes very amusing but that's not why i'm here what do you want egghead a funny story you're really gonna get a kick out of this i was attacking you with my egg tank when a freak accident caused an endless time loop there's no such thing as a time loop that's what i thought too oh by the way you're about to choke on a piece of candy lucky guess sonic is about to get a message from amy saying the projector is all set up love to help you out egghead but we got a movie to watch i hear there's a cool twist ending turns out comedy chip's partner's a ghost there was a one in a million chance that when the laser the plasma ball and the lightning collided it would create a time anomaly like this it resets charges for a while then explodes and the day starts over i know how to fix it there's no such thing as a time loop you know what we need to start this earlier what say i pop by your house first thing today there's no such thing as a time loop so i've heard how about you come to my lair and we do some math maybe watch a movie i hear there's a cool twist ending i wouldn't know i can't believe it what what is it comedy chimps partner was a ghost yeah who could have seen that coming can we focus please what we need is a shell made of super dense matter to contain the recurring explosion i'll have to invent it don't worry i have lots of time okay let's get it to the beach did i mention it's super dense so is knuckles maybe he can lift it he's got to close it around the anomaly just before it explodes okay so how do i get you to believe me about the time loop right away tomorrow there's no such thing as a time last night you dreamed you were being chased by a giant sock puppet [Music] oh my neck itches seriously a little higher a little higher up too high yeah right there now my back now oops sorry i better take this hello itsy bitsy problem knuckles doesn't seem to want to fix the time loop knuckles is there something you want to tell us no knuckles okay okay i have a dentist appointment tomorrow he's gonna pull my tooth let me try reasoning with him knuckles the dentist wants to help you good oral hygiene required hey problem solved what am i supposed to do again wakey wakey eggs and sausages yes yes we're out of bacon don't be bad want to hear about the broken vase don't push it i wanted to capture this beautiful moment for posterity [Music] you
Channel: Sonic Boom
Views: 5,677,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #SonicBoom, #Sonic, #SonicTheHedgehog, #Animation, #Gaming, #CartoonSeries, #AdventureGaming, #FamilyEntertainment, #VideoGameCharacters, #AnimatedSeries, #YouTubeGaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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