Sonic TALK 756 - Superbooth 2023!

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foreign [Music] well hello everybody Welcome to Sonic talk episode 756 this is a sort of rather free-form version of Sonic talk normally we have very fixed topics to do with music technology electronic music and all of those things this time it's going to be a bit more free from because we've just come back from Berlin uh the greatest uh synth show on the calendar lovely weather lots and lots and lots of releases I mean really it's like they've been penned up behind the dam of I don't know what would you damn synthesizer releases up with I don't know some some kind of substance and it's like a anyway and it's all flooded out into the world of sense uh before I get to introduce our guests yeah that was a terrible metaphor I started I thought I started it well but I hadn't thought it through at all but uh I'm gonna play uh before I go I'm gonna encourage you to join us on patreon we have a couple of exclusive videos there from uh from uh YouTube uh from the super Booth as well as all the other stuff that we do have you considered joining us on patreon uh for a mere couple of cups of coffee a month maybe one depending on your taste you get access to all of our ad-free content uh that's everything we post to YouTube monetize is also posted to uh our patreon feed we get a Sonic talk pre-show uh we also actually exclusive videos I've just posted one of the third wave from Groove synthesis which is a great synth I've just reviewed it uh there's some extra video there exclusive to patreon plus you get samples downloads all kinds of other bits and pieces and if you join before the end of the show at the upper tier which is still only six bucks a month you will get your name in credits at the end of every Sonic talk as a big thank you thank you very much for those who already have joined us anyway back to the show yes indeed it is back to the show so yeah let's get on to our guests uh we've got a collection we've got two well three of us went and one of us didn't um so we'll start with gas because gas saw it from afar gas will intercourse um YouTuber and music technologist and also um you you actually did something really exciting I heard you played a uh a fuzz bass Solo in front of a crowd of 15 000 people at the Eurovision song contest um event so good on you yeah oh you've gone very quiet oh I'm recording it's all right I got yeah I got you it was me my phone yeah you know I was so yeah great gig but I was just always ah just so torn about not being at Super Booth especially given what a bumper year it has been I mean uh but briefly touching on the Eurovision gig uh just for a bit of context so we were the headline there's a Friday night major event Eurovision Village uh which took place in Liverpool and um and it took place outside immediately outside the liver building which is you know maybe the most oh nice in Liverpool and uh and it's famously the life of birds on the on the roof there are the kind of you know I don't know what the guardian angels of Liverpool overlooking everything so you know I felt very much you know in the presence of the of the liver Birds um and not not the 70s sitcom ones either disappointing British enough to know what I'm talking about um but uh what was just fantastic about it was um it was like it was full to capacity but all areas where uh outside of the actual thing itself were full of people rooftops people you know on balconies you know uh so just an amazingly unique and uh you know nice incredible experience but I think my favorite thing really though is that with the Charlotte Church popped dungeon is it's all raw there's no backing tracks it's a four piece band at the Heart bass drums Guitar and keys all played live uh you know and raw and heavy and dirty and I just feel that that was such a kind of uh very very different juxtaposition all are back in track Uh crap that goes on you know we're like doing the real bringing the real deal into some into that kind of environment so I felt I was doing my kind of subversive best really um and I wore my SAT my dear late um mother-in-law's dress in the concert as well right okay why have I not well I'm glad to hear that guys I mean I I bet it was fantastic but I mean turning back to Super Booth obviously you know um it was a big event uh and there was a lot of stuff I mean it was a bit of a whirlwind for us I must admit maybe what I'll do is I'll go I'll go I'll introduce the other guests and then we'll sort of come around and and work our way through the huge pile of stuff that there is so much stuff okay right okay well let's uh let's join uh Mr Robin Vincent there molten music tech um YouTuber and uh aware of uh fancy shirts um I saw you over there in Berlin you came on Saturday um which was your usual kind of dawn raid arrive at midday stay I don't know what time you left did you did you stay the night or did you um did you go back yeah no we stayed the night and did an awful lot of walking around Berlin on the Sunday which was great we went on a bit of a David Bowie uh Mission because uh my kid Arthur who I brought along is a big fan and wanted to see his apartment and hanza Studios things like that so we walked all over that part of Berlin which was great very exciting that sounds fantastic that's fantastic okay and also we have Mr Matt Hodson AKA maths maths maths or um Ed Wellies AKA maths who actually played a gig at uh super booth and went down really well sadly not the biggest pa uh on the seaside stage anymore I think they moved the function one over to the other stage but uh still by all accounts I couldn't I could make it oh that was the day I was in a eh funnily enough but it was it was rocking how are you Matt that's all right Nick I'll let I'll let you off and yeah I do I do hope your daughter's alright um I'm fine yeah I'm just uh I've just been putting together my own video actually summarizing super boots so it's all very still fresh in my mind and it just occurred to me as I was making it just how many cool things I saw and how many cool things actually I didn't see there was so many things as I was putting a video together I'm like I didn't get to play on that I didn't get to play on that I didn't get to play on that there's just tons and tons of stuff guys you was you was me best we all missed you but um but you a gig like Eurovision don't blame you mate um and Robin I didn't know you was there on Saturday it would have been lovely to have met you all right hang on it sounds like there's a large phone going off I'll just kill that so there we go it's all the usual all the usual the suspects and good stuff yeah so guess was that Hesh Schneider ringing us up or something does he want to get in on on this as well it'd be nice to have him but uh it would be even more it would be extremely chaotic he's a very uh he has a very flighty um uh um uh topics brain he kind of jumps about all over the place and so but yeah he's done a fantastic job yeah he's um they did a just jumping straight into it they did a documentary on super Booth as well which we all saw the preview of it's still not fully edited yet um but those independent companies done a documentary and I've used a load of your material from Sonic State Nick and they're pulled together this kind of hour-long documentary about it all and it focuses on Schneider pulling it together with uh Mr duckfer and the kind of legacy and what it's meant and what it's created and you know what it is and how it's grown and it makes it look so easy putting on something like this it really does and when you meet him around the festival and and you you have a chat with him he's got all the time in the world and yeah he's just one of those guys who makes it so easy I it really occurred to me just how grateful we should be of people who put all that time and energy into putting something together that is it's not really about money it it's about the community and it's about the those people are making these amazing modules that we can go away with and um bring out our desires as Music Makers and and and do things and connect with music in magical and wonderful ways so should be really thankful for what they're doing in um and watching that documentary was it really did summarize it very well and I urge anyone to watch it once it's finished yeah definitely I suppose before before we go before we go into to jump jump in I want to say a big big shout out to our all of the people who worked on the r side of things to make things work which was obviously Andy uh there was uh Ed and Chris and Simon Forsyth and uh Chris B from that battery operated orchestras doing all the stories and Ben who's a new addition to the team who edited every single one of those 100 videos but a couple on his own just amazing amazing and also of course all the people over at superbeets are sort of you know who who made it work as well and of course our sponsors couldn't have done it without them same electronics and GPU Audio Plus all of the other smaller uh supporters who we did various video things for as well anyway that out of the way um Gaz from afar what was the what was the sort of I mean obviously our first video was George's uh uh super Gemini and that that sort of set the tone rather didn't it it was kind of like really set the temperature should I play a little bit of that before we uh before we go into it just just because I can't East what a beast let me see I've got a button uh that would be this one hi Nick hello another spring another Berlin uh show he played this amazing so this is the uh super Gemini which basically has it's like two super fives I suppose because it's a 10 Voice or 20 voice uh non-in binary but each each synth is represented by an entire row of discrete control so it's essentially it's like a cs80 in that sense you can access all the parameters there's no kind of doubling up which is very unusual and this is the only video the only synthesizer I've ever posted a release for when all the comments or a majority of the comments were I can't believe how cheap it is when in fact it's still foreground or so but people are expecting to be quite a lot more than that and he just did a one of his usually fantastic performances all just to improvise I don't know what have you thought about that guys but I mean I know he's a Bristol guy and we have fondness of George I mean he's just he's a bit of a superstar isn't he yeah he's a good friend of mine I've been fortunate enough to to know George from for a long all time so seeing him go through all the you know the different uh stages and uh you know this feels like this culmination of everything he's been working towards I've got a super six behind me which is just the bringing of Joy I'm sure everybody who's got them can kind of relate to this that there's something that there's something about udo's policy you know sort of design ethos really which you know because like a lack of screen now this big this big new one no screen which I know will irk a few people uh but that still ties into this kind of philosophy now you know and I've known George and you know 12 10 12 or whatever and he um this philosophy is something very deep that's been within him all this time so you know having that perspective on George seeing this now it just is incredibly exciting because I know that you know if you look through the evolution of the synths because of course the 008 from modal was uh largely George's work which was the precursor to the Super Six before he went alone with Udo um so this idea of just like an immediacy and this uh this relationship with the instrument in front of you um like George spent an incredible amount of time in the development of the Super Six just working on a monophonic voice just I mean for what seemed like a few years just getting the fundamental tone of it right the playability the musicality of it and I you know you can see that in the way that George plays when he does his demos absolutely but um but you know the music just comes out of his machines and in the most beautiful way and I'm really pleased that this one has got um polyphonic aftertouch I always felt that that was a slight Mist opportunity yes that's the big one isn't it yeah capability of the super six um and you know obviously the excuse me uh the the the big touch strip which you know again ties into the cs80 um comparisons um but I also think you know a lot of people will be happy to see that 61 key bed as well but I think you know when it's in front of you I was party to seeing this before super Booth something that I had you know like come on I was really excited for to see the public reaction to this which has been pretty overwhelming but I mean I think just to be in front of that thing is going to be an awe-inspiring experience and I think for new musicians and all musicians alike I think that it it is still very relevant you know this is an evolution of you know of a kind of a specific way of doing things it's not necessarily like the latest you know it's not teaming with features it's a very tightly focused subset of features which um yeah anyway plenty to say about that for sure no it's beautiful I I did get the price it's actually three and a half Grand UK about four thousand dollars four thousand Euros so I mean astonishingly you know I I know it's still a lot of money but it's it's so much less than people thought it's really quite peculiar um I don't know Robin what did you get a chance to see I know you're only there for a short time it was in out in Bungalow door so I don't know whether you would have made it out there or not or whether it's your kind of thing but it's a thing of beauty oh well yeah definitely I mean I didn't see it in person but certainly it's a it's a beautiful machine I think the cs80 thing is really interesting and also for some reason whenever I think of the Super 6 I'm always distracted by the by all rule nature of it that seems to be the thing that's talked about that and it's and the nature of its oscillators and so it's almost like I've never seen the Super Six as an actual synthesizer it just seems to be some kind of equation that we're trying to trying to solve whereas this is just pure synthesis and loveliness you know laid out in a gorgeously designed instrument and you're not distracted by any of the I don't care what the technology is this just sounds completely epic and that's really what you want you want to have that instant connection to to synthesize that as an instrument rather than trying to Fathom out what it's doing or where it's going and you know why it sounds a bit strange so yeah no I think they knocked it out of the park with uh with that fella yeah and the mat I mean we were fortunate that we got it on Wednesday which meant that you know it sort of set the tone it was a and it's it's the biggest it's the biggest video of the show still um I mean that might change now but certainly but I mean it was the first one so maybe that's part of the reason yeah well I think um I think Gaz is some this up very well is that this guy the designer sorry I forgot his name he's got a very strong George a very strong connection with what he's making and why he's making it and the ethos behind it and that just comes through so so clearly whenever you see him using it and talking about it rather than it being I just want to make something that um is you know it's kind of based around this and it's got this added onto it and there's a place in the market for it it's kind of like this is a vision this needs to come to Market this has to be out there even if we don't buy it you can tell this guy has to make it and um and that doesn't it's not just true for him I think that's true for a lot of the the makers that we saw around the events when you walk in and out and you're talking to them and it's just like it's like just opening the door going in their head for a minute and then you when you're playing with their modules and it is literally like walking around in it in their mind and just trying to go oh okay how did you come up with this idea this is this is this is crazy but it's I didn't know I needed it really until until I got to play with it just now um and yeah yeah I just I just love that I love that connection makers have with their products rather than it just being I'm just making this for money can I just jump in here because uh last time George was here I mean there's loads of instruments here but he gravitated straight to the super six and because the monitor's sounding really great he he just proceeded to just have the most fun playing on his Sins not interested in any of the other things here you know just like why it's still just finding pure joy and Delight in it and I just was marveling at that and I think you know yeah great great to see you George brilliant yeah well he I think he did it before well as you know he did it if you want to see George wig out on his sense there's a a previous Imon that we did in fact actually that should point out we're gonna do another email and we're just having it was due to be next month but I sort of decided I can't we can't we just can't take it on if we had Imam Nam and then Super booth and I just there wasn't enough time to promote it so we'll we will get another one done it's just not going to be when we thought it was going to be so do hang in there um Robin you also had a another a choice didn't you as if I can get that in because uh then this is quite an interesting one because I I don't really I didn't again I didn't film this one I think Ed filmed this one I don't really understand what it is but I'll play a little bit should be so ah there we go we've got some video oh hold on a second there should be some video hmm audio where's my audio gone can see the video no audio there we go there it is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I watch this and I don't fully understand I think as well what this is what I understand of it Tip Top audio it's like polyphonic oscillator control that will help keep your oscillator sort of in tune with each other so it's it's a new it's a bus or a signal or a kind of a way of working that the interfaces with they have a specific control module which I think is octopus that then will tie in with other and control any other oscillators doesn't really matter what they are and keep them in Pitch have I got that about right I mean you you brought it up so you might have to justify this to me a little bit because yeah yeah something like that I kept watching different videos on it going I still don't get what this is but I think I do now and it's uh it's something to do with a universal asynchronous receiving transmitting system it's basically a serial connection uh so it's uh uart but they call that art because that's simpler for them so it's an rs232 like your old serial Port you used to have on the back of an old computer that ran your mouse back in the day but it's a you know a good version of that so that is essentially what's going down the the cable so it's just a regular patch cable this art cable I think and but it's using these two connections here just to give you like Morse code at the other end so it's sending instructions it's not sending well ultimately it's voltage but it's not sending what we see as control voltage it's not sending one volt per octave that kind of thing it's sending a series of control of uh of instructions very very fast between two voice controllers I suppose at either end and that way it can send no information and tuning information reference stuff so they so your analog oscillator with your art input becomes a digitally controlled oscillator I guess and and that's why it's able to to to stay together and that also means that this art cable can send polyphonic information it doesn't have to be one note at a time it could be well it will be because it's a serial connection but it's so fast so it to be simultaneous does that make sense so yeah yeah yeah yeah so so that that's sort of the idea so because I could not work out what is going down that cable because they kept talking about these polytip cables which is actually something else a companion to it and all that's doing is using a USB C cable to carry multi-channel analog audio it's not doing anything other than that as far as I can work out so because what they decided to do we want to build polyphonic Euro rack which is always going to be trouble when it comes to cabling so they're trying to get around that so if they can send polyphonic data down this art cable that's just one cable to controlling a holophonic module and then that polyphonic module will output six lots of audio or eight lots of audio from all the oscillators rather than having that skill out in a whole load of cables spill that out in the little USBC cable into the uh your right volatonic filter into your polyphonic BCA so that reduces all of that cable mess down to something very simple while at the same time introducing digital control over everything so that it's very tight it must so does it anal does it analyze the the the pitch of the returning signal so that it can keep them all in in in in shape as it were because I mean that's one of the problems with modular polymphonic is you have got a discrete per voice kind of scenario which is essentially you've still got to tune each oscillator or each invoice against itself so make sure it's in tune so that would kind of if it could do that now it would all it would also remove some of the charm I feel absolutely I mean at the same time as I'm going this is really interesting and exciting and I feel I'm completely ideologically composed to the whole idea but it's still interesting and fascinating because I don't want to lose all of this control and hatchability and slight crappiness because I imagine the first thing they're going to do is introduce a vintage knob which is going to reintroduce the pitch variations that you've just cured because that's what we like you know and it's like why are we doing this uh but I I believe there's a tuning button an auto tune button on the octopus which is like the bass controller right module that will send out to everything and tune it all I mean it's it's clever well that makes sense and you can do scaling yeah do expert sleepers do similar sort of thing I suppose I mean you know you you use polyphonic stuff in your set to great effect I think you use the uh the poly cinematic isn't it the nebular thing yeah I was using that um but I'm I'm using that with midi because as Robin says using prolific inside of your rack there's a lot of cabling involved although the um the qubit cord where is it it's down here somewhere the cubic cord that gets around a lot of that because uh all the oscillators can be tuned and and that kind of thing that's quite a nice module by the way the chord two um by qubit if you want to get into a bit of polyphony but thinking about this um thinking about this art thing got me wondering you know is there potential for us to evolve modular synthesis from what we know it which is built on it's quite old technology really and up until now we've you know we've had CV and gate essentially I think a middy's in there now and then to talk about this R is there another kind of signal we haven't yet thought about something that we can use well that there is a preset bus isn't there in some modules I think there's a preset bus for someone yeah I'm trying to remember what that is now because I someone did tell that I mean just trying to think of an come on guys oh the the bus it uses the dope for like within the kind of uh um the the bus board on you know what you plug your modules into yeah there is a bunch of extra control signals that can be used it was Shack Matt I think that uh that that told me about that that they use it as well yeah yeah but I mean you know it caught me out on the on the Waldorf KB 37 when I bought the the dope for 116 a116 uh the the the the analog synth voice uh in a you know I brought it home I put it into my into the KB 37 patched in the CV and then the and the gate started playing and oh all the tracking was really rancid I was like oh God no this is awful and then so I looked online and oh there's all these trimmer pots inside this little you know I'm saying opened it up got in tried to change all the tune in and it was oh god I've spent hours and it was just making it worse and anyway I put it back in and I pulled out cables except for the audio cable I think I might have just lent on the keyboard and it made a sound it's like ah huh nothing nothing's patched into the dope fur yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you can see what I done you know I didn't know this I absolutely almost like a newbie I mean I know now but the dope first system it puts the CV and gate from so you had it set up essentially like 200 keyboard tracking basically yeah I get I can't get an adult foot to track and I've messed it up you know with all that oh you know so yeah there's definitely a warning in there for someone out there ouch it's just interesting to wonder if the if there is any potential for new signals that when we're not using yet I don't know whether it is using I don't know it's always going to come back to kind of changing the pitch or opening the envelopes and then you've got modulation and triggering something I guess these are a combination of the two that we still haven't looked at or utilized I don't know I I just got jamming in my head you're walking around with the dog going for a walk and just walk around with a dog I take the dog for a walk and uh I was just thinking what else is it what else have we not got to yet um there's plenty of different ways to interface with a modular synth you know you can control it with light you can kind of troll it with putting Clips on a plant or whatever whatever you're into but um yeah maybe there's a potential here to start looking forward as to what this could be and it doesn't always have to stand in the past is what I'm trying to say the point oh on mini jack midi 2.0 or midi yeah mini jack yeah yeah well it sort of is I suppose it would make sense yeah I suppose the thing is is you know having that doubt for bus I mean it doesn't really get utilized because you could remove an awful lot of cables and stuff just by having that myth module not all modules talk it I suppose so that's that's the issue isn't it the dope for stuff does obviously and there are certain other one I think I think intellijel does I can't remember now but there's you know so so I'm not set up in a license this new art to although you know and that kind of thing do you know yeah yeah absolutely they're they're going to open source it to some degree or at least they're encouraging other manufacturers to get on board which I think is the only way it's going to work uh it has to it has to infiltrate and it has to be easy otherwise yeah you know people building their own modular or uh that's not going to be interested standards within standards within standards yes well that's interesting yes so okay um so who uh gas what are the favorite stuff I see what was in your favorite list as well I may have a video and I'll see if I can bring it bring it bring it into it I've got a very long list I made a list of 10 and I've got a bunch of honorable mentions so um well I I think we have to talk about the norand mono don't we because well in that case yes let me do that because I've got that yeah that hey Matthew how you doing hello Nick I'm great thank you so much so I've heard a lot about this this is a an interesting new it's analog right analog synth yeah absolutely fully analog accent tell me about it so uh on the surface this is sort of a basic Baseline synthesizer with a sequencer but once you dig a little deeper into it there's a ton of great features that makes that makes it really unique so right now I've got a basic patch running in it so let's uh let's go to a Sawtooth and then you know put some filtering in there so the very very cool features in the in the analog path is that each of the parameters has its own modulator and envelope so let's say you want to modulate the filter you just select it it will it will turn red and now I can have a an LFO on the on the frequency yeah this is um you need to watch the whole thing but basically what he's got is an analog synth uh at the heart but it's controlled by fpga and the fpga gives every single parameter on the synthesizer and LFO into audio rates and an envelope and the lfos can be synced together they can be free running they can be synced at different rates and they go and they just do everything but not only that you've got like parameter morphing you've got extremely fast uh patch changes like sort of base station so you can have it in a kind of drum pad mode where you hit a pad it changes the to a bass drum saying you've got full voice I mean it's just a really the the chap it was on the arturia distributed booth and they said oh you should check it out and it was like I was a bit peeved because we'd been to arturia five times and hadn't been able to film something and after a while you just think oh well solid I'm not going to do it but the guy said you really should check this out and I'm glad I did because I don't think anybody else filmed anything and it just blew my mind oh God I mean it's not terribly cheap it's battery and required but it is it's a Mark II um so but there's so many cool features the guy has got a really brilliant mind so guys what did I mean I guess you watched the same video as I shot so yeah and I I was with you on that Journey you know just thinking oh it's just a little old mono synth uh you know and then just as it starts to reveal itself you're just thinking wow how many clever ideas but of course our little keyboard is worth mentioning because it's that's like a it's called it's like a Keith McMillan type thing yeah yeah yeah three-dimensional three dimensions of touch on the little keyboard um just on top of everything else um but yeah the morphing sounds really really cool I think um oh my goodness where'd you start um that interface is just beautifully done isn't it it's just really everything about it yeah it's just like very very modern thinking I think but coupled with the fact that it's a an analog signal path so yeah no it's cool a little bit on the on the rich side it is 800 pounds which does seem quite a lot for us to to oscillate of mono you know but you're getting a kind of almost an entirely New Concept here I don't know Robin did you get to see this at all is it something that you've been on your radar at all uh yeah I mean I had a play on it I remember the the original one as well what was interesting about it was it's the amount of cross modulation you could do you could just crash everything into everything and this seems to have taken that to the to another level I suppose I quite like the idea that you can just touch something and then yeah rooting LFO straight too without having to fuss around but it doesn't look like much you know I had to play with it thinking oh yeah here we go another another little mono synth sounds nice you know you're able to to crunch some things together and it was very playable without having to to understand anything um so it wasn't until I came away that had any idea of its capability uh but it was certainly a fun little thing to play with and now starting to understand that there's lots of different sort of depths and levels to it um which is really really interesting particularly to do anything which is surprising in this space as you say in the two oscillator modest in space what what could be done that has not been done already so yeah no good job it could look more exciting it's the only thing I would say yeah I mean I hate to say it needs to be bigger and have it needs to be bigger and have some ballast in it so it feels like 800 quids worth it's that sport you have to it doesn't look that way but yeah that would be a bit weird I don't know if you get you've got a chance to see it Matt but it looks really interesting you can more yeah it's got a TR type step thing across the top the other thing that it's got is so you could take step it also recalls patches so you what you can do is you can actually morph between patches pretending on the pressure that you put on each individual program point so you can go with morph quick or morph really slowly it's also another thing that's kind of interesting is it's got parameter recording but an internal resolution of something really silly you know it's not like 96 ppqn like you get with a regular step sequence it's it's extremely high resolution internal parameter recording so you can do completely different things than you could do with even say you know an electron or whatever because because of the amount of interpolation that you know that you don't need because essentially you can edit each individual yeah it's kind of and you can record sequences with that parameter stuff and then use that as another modulation Source or set a module it's pretty powerful actually I mean I I'd like to see it I mean yes it might be a bit expensive I agree but I think it's it's starting to see a really interesting amalgamation of this sort of analog and digital hybrid yes guys when you're talking about price if there's one Trend that I saw across all the videos was every single price when announced made me wince a little bit it's like there is clearly like a the price of everything as which you know and we know why it won't get we won't get drawn into that but it's just like every single price when they were announcing it was kind of significantly more than what it would have been just a few years ago and yeah it's like Keen oh you know we we are look things have kind of moved over a little bit in terms of our maybe our expectations obviously Behringer and some other companies but you know are going to be catering for the budget end of the market but you know these small manufacturers you know always I'm sure with good reason but we saw a definite you know maybe where something would have been 199 it was 299 you know it was like not just like you know like a food or quarter more but you know there we go it's time of the time sadly there was there was a few makers as well saying that they they can't make things quick enough because you know again we don't want to get to it the chip shortage and all that kind of stuff they've got the orders you know it's it's there's people wanting to get these things but they just can't get them built and out to people quick enough um so it must be very frustrating for them yeah and they can't find the parts you know the parts have got all gone up you know when you take you know okay so a park might go up by if it costs a pound it then becomes one one pound 30 say for instance you multiply it would be it would be a much smaller increase but by the time you've built it you know you have your bill of manufacture which is a certain thing and the actual final cost is usually a multiple of that so it's always going to be Amplified and I don't think people are trying to rip each other off it's just no they've got to make a living out of it I should probably do an ad because I've forgotten um so here's one [Applause] ozone 10 is the future of mastering the new version includes Master assistant match your master to any reference file or files also the stabilizer module Advanced ads Clarity with intelligent adaptive mastering EQ also included the impact module in advanced which enhances the Rhythm by controlling microdynamics don't forget the code sonic10 forward slash Sonic talk to save an additional 10 of any software purchase not including subscriptions [Music] uh we thank them very much for their support if you head over to uh I think that's it isn't it is it there yeah here we go ice forward slash Sonic talk you could save 10 off any isotope plug-in purchase with the code Sonic 10. so we'd much appreciate their support as well yes I think it's uh yeah I mean that's another interesting thing I mean I think with small people who build small numbers can't get economy or scale I mean that's just the way it goes you know I don't think they're necessarily I mean yes Behringer can make things extremely cheaply but they've got an entire Factory and you know probably own half the world's components in this in this link so I'll tell you what was great to see though this year Nick was the amount of new module makers coming to Market I mean we we all had our you know make noise with air which was great who who haven't been there for a number of years obviously with their yes we've got a video coming in soon on Sonic's there that's the spectrophone that's kind of brilliant spectrophone it did of course you know there was oh yeah yeah all your traditional module makers are there but there was a lot of newbies a lot of newbies and that was really exciting to see as well and a lot of things still also in the kind of first iteration with you know things scrolled on on the panel using a pen as opposed to things being printed um can I talk about one that I was drawn to one one of the new makers they I don't know if you did a video of them though so um it was caught in my walk around but it's a company called okay 200 and they've done this kind of touch um sequencer performance bass sequencer um called the uh uh oh it's just gone from my head now the decade I think it is something like that um okay 200 and check that one out it's got um it's got this really interesting design I first saw it on Instagram months ago and I was just like oh hang on what's this all about because you've got these kind of capacitive touch sensors which you can play you can record in what you play you can quantize that you can send in additional CV then to modulate that you can change things octaves up and down with it you can add Glide to it you can do ratcheting with it it was um I mean talk about you know sometimes you get a piece of equipment and you connect with it this was definitely something that I I connected with this is something I've been looking for for a while something that really does sit along the line of sequencer versus a kind of um a a Melody performance module if you like it was a combination of the two it was such fun to play with and the guy behind it he's done some amazing work I think he's still working out some bugs and I think there's a version two coming but that was definitely one of my favorites of the show um interesting that that one and uh voykers or voices um actually I've just got their lead prep presser which is this uh stereo uh compressor with sidechain input on it they've just done this dual Distortion unit called the Duro the duo what's it called Duo Rover I think it is they're lead Rovers the mono Channel and they've done a stereo one it's got filtering in it um High Pass low pass you can change the order of them you've got um add resonance to it so you can put the low end back on and it just sounded brutal in terms of a distortion unit so that those two things were my kind of like yeah well they're right in your pocket really part of yours definitely yes totally totally me absolutely um who wants to go next with a selection I think um should we do dread box I think dreadbox is worth the mention isn't it Robin should I just pop that in there quickly we'll just go here we go I've got a bit of hello there how are you doing pretty good here at Subaru 2023 we're having a nice time it's the first day and we have the pretty nice telepathy with us to present to you I knew you were going to say that three it's telepathy yeah telepathy come on so what is it so telepathy is a single voice a full voice module which can have like 16 presets it's a single voice with one oscillator yeah I I watch the video and basically it's a single voice Euro rack that can go into a control situation where there's a control module you can have six of them I think I don't know if there's a limit to that and then each one can either be controlled by a master so you end up with a sixth voice so it's a bit like um the uh nymphis perhaps or you can split it so you know two of them will be on one midi channel one will be on a miniature you know so you can make it multi-timberal there's all kinds of stuff I mean it's an interesting thing it's still it's not a not an insignificant amount of cash for the full system I think it's over I common Waters it's 12 or 1300 pounds I think or Euros I forget now maybe Robin you can remember but this again you know was you brought this up because it was another a different approach to polyphony as to what uh what Tip Top would do yeah yeah absolutely this is sort of polyphony but working within what we already have and and know and understand I think they're they're concession was it has midi in and out so you end up linking them up uh via midi and then you can play them together and then those faders on the front become midi controllers for either the whole lot or bits of it or allocated to different bits or or the whole thing becomes a midi controller over the whole synth I think so it's you know it's working within what we know and sort of works now which I thought was just quite a an interesting alternative to the tip top you know Tip Top go let's do something completely Bonkers and new uh whereas dreadbox going well it's already works and what can we do that's going to be interesting and perhaps bring you know something to the table that we can use now you know I thought that was just a very interesting comparison to each other in presenting because there seems to be a need for polyphony we've seen it with the the nebulous stuff as well and um oxy instruments who I don't think they were there but you know there seems to be this little push to get to get a synth in there you know I'm happy with me beeps and me boots and me me mono lines is that any other I just want to bring in a big pad or I want to bring in a piano or yeah just get it maybe 1080 and stick a midi keyboard on it stick that in a rack so yeah I know something really interesting um system so they they they're showing it with six linked together but then at the end of the chain they were also showing a little mixer module and I thought it had a really clever idea which is now those mixer uh points they don't have individual pans but what what you do is as you plug in all of the six voices I think the ones on the outer numbers like one and six would be all right right okay and then you know two and uh five would be a little bit closer in and then uh you know uh however it works like it and then you have a control which controls the width so you can make all of the voices models or you could then modulate it but you can invert it as well so you can oh that's cool your wider stereo moving across as all of the stereo kind of moves and I just thought I think really yeah that's not I think the only thing that they have to get right and I I didn't know whether this was the case because I think you could only make one a master of the rest or maybe it's a master of the other ones that have the same midi Channel I'm not sure because obviously if you grab one that's a slave then how does it tell the master to move you know so that and also I think technomatic mentioned technomatic big shout out to uh Simon uh synthet me as well um you know it's too compromised might get a decent might as well get a decent poly I mean and that's not about you know that that's sort of true as well because essentially for the price I mean the the nymphis is what it's about 500 pounds so it's six voices and you get a lot more synth depth to it I mean there is quite a lot of function shifts and all of that sort of stuff but it does provide would you would you go for something like this Matt or is it just take up too much room for your life sister yeah for life definitely I mean I'm I'm working at seven you here so there's no way so that's why the poly cinematic goes straight in there because you've you've got um 16 voices I think and you've got filter you've got an envelope in it you've got um envelope shape you've got an amazing Reverb I actually told Jason that I'd like to use Reverb just stand alone I don't know what he's doing with that but it sounds great but no having all those voices certainly not um the uh the the chord two that I mentioned is probably the next largest that I'd go to if I wanted multiple voices I have gone down the route of having individual oscillators um and using them as different voices but tuning is an issue and when I played live at superbooth at the weekend I was playing in the bright sunlight I mean you'll see it on the video literally I'm glad I had Factor 50 on and I must have had to retune my oscillators about five times before it went on I thought I better just keep checking this because the sun was beaming down onto it in fact one of the modules I won't tell you which actually failed because I think you got overheated so word of one and if you're playing out live um get a fan of a certain installed yeah don't don't play in the sun don't work there now there's a thought someone does a Euro rack cooling system it's just a little module which has got a fan in it that sort of drops down like a blade and blows air now that you can have that for nothing whoever is is designing these things I should I should now actually bring in a word from our friends over at baby audio because Baby audio's released the ba1 which they describe as the modern reimagination of cultish 1982 analog synth that looked like a toy but sounded like a beast the cs01 basically it brings pure authentic textures that are faster program and dripping in color they also impress upon us that have not just recreated but enhanced and moved the design forward adding polyphony and a second analog modeled oscillator FM and the ability to drain the battery which gives power sag that running down on the original one used to do pricing availability regular price 99 bucks it was actually on if you want to save 15 on that use the code st23 to save that over at we thank them very much for their support okay we are with that I mean this is normally we struggle for news items today it's just like we could probably do about a five hour show easily um to cover this who hasn't had a choice who would like to choose some well what I would like to do if this if that's okay is just speed through this list and just just like with one line of information about each other okay yeah yeah yeah all right just yeah why not we do that I see time is going to run out and each one of these could spin off into things okay Erica since um steam pipe like a really interesting new sort of approach to synthesis using physical modeling sort of made me think of um Elements by mutable instruments but substantial big interesting looking synth uh Teenage engineering tp7 the little recorder I mean I mean my goodness a feat of engineering very very expensive for the functionality but really really oh something really nice about that um you know oh yeah kind of got the gas for that that's you know like ridiculous um pwm mantis amazing hybrid of like like a new wasp and the Oscar and a real kind of um you know tribute to the late great Chris huggett and it wonderful to see his name emblazoned on the back there really can kind of making that sense like it was the last thing that he worked on before he sadly died and you know and it kind of sums together some of his Greatest Hits and I think it's a looks really brilliant unique and a very British synthesizer um okay we did the Gemini um the noran Mondo uh the tempura granular that's that beautiful little looking really interesting and this is the first of three little granular Delights which uh which I've picked a definite grainy grainy kind of granular uh theme this year but the little tempura you can have like eight channels of uh of granular channels really interesting approach as well to the interface really worth checking out tempura granular the tasty chips um yeah which is uh we've seen the gl1 I had one here for a short while um shot a video many years ago when it with it but it's just like the Beast of all beasts if you're into granular which I know many of you are so definitely check that one out um and then the last one of the granular little trilogy there is the clavis greenity which is definitely one of the most interesting ideas I heard at this year's Super booth in principle is it's a it's a it's a uh it's an all analog essentially filter module but with digital control and the digital aspect of it cuts the filters into tiny grains of so the sound so it's like analog granular um that's interesting yeah so that's something to check out uh and nearly there beep boop with the tape rack which yeah I was at the concert that Jack was talking about I was with Jack watching as Jerome nottinger doing his incredible performance and Jack just sort of like you could virtually see the light bulb over his head but watch watch the Sonic video the beep boop uh it's like a big long tape Loop in one use so enthusiastic isn't it it's just brilliant he was so buzzing yeah really there uh fine gear I thought had just the most incredible uh two things that they were showing we know fine gear from their dust collector really odd large oh the mod mix yeah um the mod mix a four Channel which is a massive mixer for four channels but um it does so many interesting things and I think that was a priced at about 1300 which actually for the Beast what it is that actually looks really good but they were also showing uh the follow-up I suppose to the dust collector which is called the dirt magnet and that's got a tape uh a real tape Loop in there which uh is made from cassettes and they're going to do a video to show you how you can make your own tape Loops for it using just regular cassettes I thought that was pretty cool but also a whole bunch of really interesting uh and unusual collection of effects within this quite odd form factor um the Lambda poly pulse is yeah yeah very peculiar totally different like a interface you've got like was it five different touch panels um I think it was it like a kind of weirdy synth Groove boxy polyphonic thing um and then uh and nearly there just um the facko FX boy a second modular where you can a module the effects unit that uses Game Boy cartridges as a means of like having um different effects um so I think you might be able to buy these oh I think it comes with seven cartridges ah yes yes you kind of you know using all the old Game Boy format for the cartridges so um and then finally the caveat Wolfie which is the sq1 sorry the sk1 Casio sk1 for the 20 21st century that we wanted for a very long time yeah interesting there we go I'd like to give a shout out if we're talking about granular Australia artoria released their uh update for the mini-free uh the micro freak sorry which has some products they found two they found two minutes of sample storage in that you know so there's obviously loads of dsps sitting around that they haven't used uh Robin any other highlights for you uh yeah a couple of little mentions that just squeeze in uh one of them is the jam sandwich uh from a little company called Electro jam and this is a I'm not entirely sure well it's it's a it's it's not perhaps as weird as it as it may sound it's just a little sequencer but the important thing about this sequencer is it's designed for someone who's blind so it has audio description built in so every time you touch a knob every time you turn something it's telling you what you're doing out of another channel so you can have that connected to the speaker and it says on knob to this kind of thing and all of the icons on it are very large it's got a big visual display and this guy basically designed it because he was performing live with electron boxes and then sort of wake up one morning and could no longer see the display and so his eyesight's been deteriorating and so he went to work designing and this is the first module I think ways of working that are less visually important which is weird to go into eurax as we see it as a very visual format but it's actually a very feely format you can feel your way around a Euro rack that you can't do on a Groove box and so um he's very much into designing inclusive um you know differently abled useful I think I think I remember that I spoke to one of the organizers and he said he kind of practically you know lost it when he saw that happening he just sort of felt that was sort of the whole reason that they do what they do for these moments where they had a huge crowd of people around him and he was just saying what and everybody was just like wow that's amazing and because it was to fill fulfill a particular need of his diminishing eyesight he just said it was yeah it was very special for him yeah no nice job nice job at the other end of um unworthiness would be the uh the ultra audio time tosser or the wave wanker as uh he suggested it might be called in Euro rank Euro rack which is this is a wonderful row of eight buttons that basically remixes on the fly so it buffers a bit of audio and you sync it up and so you can then re-trigger or ratchet stuff and it's a desktop unit that I've I've reviewed previously but now it's being worked into Euro rack so you can do the same thing with CV or CV control it or something and it's just a barrel load of fun if you have the the courage in live performance to pretend like you're remixing on the not pretend you are remixing on the Fly um like you're you know like you're down with the kids then it's a whole lot of fun to play with it's just that sounds really good I can imagine if you put CV into that that would be really interesting rather than audio an awful lot of sense that'd be really cool yeah nice nice is are you done or is there more all right well one two one more then okay quick it's Janet oh you don't have to I mean yeah yeah there's so much uh the glitter which was a simple um touch strip controller but very much like the sound machines LS1 if you're familiar with that but this one was very light up and very visual I like that sort of thing you could pull things apart and basically draw in your own modulation and you could record up to a minute of movement which generates voltage and pressure which you can then stuff into your system that was great um uh oh well you know and anything from this is uh not rocket Sciences is awesome Steve yeah that was good Steve here's my first video was it yeah which was a lot of fun so yeah I will yeah not concede at that point Matt anything else that you feel uh should get an honorable mention I'm sure there must be yeah just two and as you know I naturally gravitate to quite doomy sounds making quite a lot of visceral hard techno um so it was great to see Scott back in from um love that guy brilliant um I love the way he talks about his modules too and he had this volkmeyer's Inferno I think I read somewhere that is named after a very difficult level that's almost impossible to complete on a computer game I don't know what it's called but it's going back to granular it's it's kind of like a crossover between her um a granular um unit crossed with oscillators and the ability to morph between them and it wasn't quite finished yet but it was great to see him back there showing that off um and then there was also of course um who else was uh just gone from her mind now who does really do me kind of oh yeah schlappy engineering so I've got a couple of their modules and in fact I'm I'm going to do a couple of videos for them um I've got the ankle angle grinder which we was making I like ankle grinder better could we get them to remain we can make colors show that um we we was making kick drums from that and it was just I was like oh I need to get this out as soon as I get home um and I was also playing with a three body which is this three oscillator cross mod yeah it's crackers loved it again talking I think it's Eric Eric schlappy I think that's his name talking to him and going through his modules is exactly what I mentioned before opening that door walking into his mind and you just like right I get you I know exactly where you come from and I know how passionate you about about making this and what it can achieve um one last thing was of course these guys Maya Emi uh we've got a video again coming up for this sooner we Nick for the um yeah um yep MD 900. they uh they were showing this off but what they've also done is they've kind of cut it in half like kept the touchscreen and stuff and made a smaller version of it exactly the same guts so it does exactly the same thing four part multitampable same amount of oscillators affects everything but smaller and they're also developing these boxes um I O boxes so you can get more ins and outs whether that's dcv connection or audio connection um yeah and it was great great meeting up again speaking to Holger and the team who makes this um there's some CL do you know what Nick we're surrounded by such intelligent clever people I just make weird music with this lot I don't pretend to know exactly how they're made but you're I've probably just you know if there was a bomb to go off in super Booth the amount of intelligent people we would lose from this Earth would be unfathomable yeah they were so they would defuse it before it went off though that's true yeah good they were good I'd like I'd just like to bring a couple of honorable mentions of myself obviously uh there's so much obviously the electron analog heat plus effects I mean that's a big release we didn't even get around to that uh there was of course um oh no I forgot what else I was going to say that but that yeah that was a really big one um the uh gosh uh the Korg um uh acoustic synth that we saw with uh Tarts that was really interesting I mean there's so many things that got released here or got first mentioned I mean it was really like you know the gates just opened and it's I think part of this was because Nam Was Out Of Reach For A lot of people because either because of traveling or expense and also people have been having to work a lot on redesigning things and because they're smaller companies it's taken a while so this super Booth is sort of the first opportunity that they got to release their ideas and their stuff into the world and I think there's just so so much there we've got a ton of videos up there and there's probably three or four more to go but just you know look at that sorry guys there is another thing isn't there I don't know if if it just happened to launch at the same time but uh the little Roland Ira compact S1 which oh yeah just really cool and people who've been used and it just like wow this thing is for the I think was it about 160 quid or something but I think we're getting one for review actually yeah yeah so I do were they there we're rolling there because like was that launching no no Roland weren't there no it's just coincidental yeah which is a really bad idea because most organizations all their people are going to be on the ground there like so I I don't know if the pub if the story even got posted here but I mean I did get a heads up but when you're in we're in superproof there's really no point in expecting anybody to do anything outside of their their immediate point of focus I mean like to say we were flat out um the entire time I think that S1 has surprised people are because I think with this little kind of the tweaks in thranger whatever this little uh you know the things are generally kind of cut back but this one isn't it's actually surprisingly deep so sorry not related to Super Booth but related to new stuff yeah I'm just trying to think if there was any other stuff I mean yeah I mean inevitably there was and we will have got there's the uh some new bootless stuff there was the new oh yeah um the finger is up um enjoy Electronics The Godfather oh my goodness which is this rack mounted triple delay line with compression on it and it you know I'd use the term Vibe a lot I like vibe in my music and and as well as hard industrial techno it's got a Vibe of course and uh using delays is often the way that I do that I just you can send anything to a delay it sounds cool this thing's got three in it he's got filters in it he's got a compressor in it um I think it's Europe compatible in terms of its size yeah about the size of it it's not new we saw we saw it at um synth Fest uh last year yeah but uh yeah we definitely saw that I I'm just a couple of shout outs want to say a shout out to Carl Bedford in the chat because uh I bumped into him I know he's a matter of Doms as well I always spent a couple of moments reminiscing uh it was you know obviously you know Don was there at the last one and it was great and as were lots of other people but uh you know he was very missed as you as you were workouts as well but it was just another quick round up I mean there were so many people it felt like we were up by a certain number there was quite a lot more people there I would say and it just felt and the exhibitors because they had an extra 60 people because the Sports Hall wasn't open last time so there were another 60 exhibitors there I mean oh yeah oh behind OB um OBX desktop that was there as well we almost forgot you know it's just crazy the superlative monolab 1210 it's just a beautiful looking um subtractive synth but just in that really kind of unique format do you know that one did you see that one I didn't we we did do a video but uh I didn't I didn't watch it or film it so I haven't had a chance solar 42 is another one worth a mention the Elton music that's interesting that's interesting yeah we did we did that I mean Chris Chris D he was really enamored by that I I we we review I reviewed the solar 50. and um the CL the QE it's a it's a microtonal drone machine and I'd all I remember doing most of the time I was reviewing it was trying to tune it up um because it had 50 oscillators I don't know whether this one's got 42 and that somehow makes it easier but if they fixed that and made the made the tuning easier because honestly you do something go oh this is great and then I mean like the liar H you know it's quite hard to there's actually um some control law to those tunings whereas on the altar it was those tiny little kind of plastic nylon you know trying to micro tune stuff with that it well I found it it sounded beautiful but it was incredibly infuriating so I do hope they fixed that because it was it was lovely it was just one of those things that is because you can't tune it to itself how are you going to tune it with anything else it almost has to be you have to build stuff around it and expect everybody to tune on the fly to you at least in the 50s maybe the 42's been changed but it was it did sound lovely that demo good shot Robin it's evolved a little bit with that I think they they've reduced the oscillator count but also built into melodic voices so it's not just ah I'm not just saying like some sort of drone wash you can now you can now sort of play it I think it's the key but it was the Lovelier sounding thing yeah we've been totally focused on Hardware but I mean uh yui zebra threeish being shown oh yes that's what I was getting yes time uh you know that was amazing yeah well you know one of the most beloved sort of software instruments uh it's been a long time in the making what is it it was first sort of told 2012. yeah laughs yeah so that's you know that's that's good news yeah there was I shot that video with I shot I did a couple of software things I shot the video with us and that was really interesting because that that new wave editor the mscg editor and the set that is it's deep as you it's incredibly deep and really impressive I mean the morphing between the waves it's real I mean wow I also shot something called uh by Kong bath Kong something or other called Strokes uh I'm trying to think I think we've got a synaptic video somewhere another one of the uh but but that's one of the stragglers that we'll get around to um we've got our client in tomorrow with something very exciting to film which will be coming out next week as well so uh there's just it's just like it's impossible to analogy too much effects at the analog yeah yeah no that's right we shot that that was a big one too noise engineering as well Patrick he's in I think he's in a chat lovely to have met you as well Patrick uh actually four four Ms uh looping delay and the sampler those two modules together Dan did a really good uh we've got a great uh demo of that and it was the Looper is amazing because you can construct and deconstruct but if you use the delay you can clock that off the Looper and kind of build sound on sound loops and then bring them into the Looper and then it's just mind-boggling he did a really good dump that is well worth checking out that actually capability modal carbon 8 which is the third in the range of those uh you know which is um Distortion based synth as well so I think so I told them they should release uh for the promo of that they should release a sparkling drink to go with it that was obviously carbonated but so they may or may not take me up on that I mean I would if I understand but you know hey yeah yeah I mean it goes on and on and on and I know we've just been sort of listing loads of things but literally I don't think when we usually do these shows you know there comes a certain point where we've done you know 10 or 20 or 30 videos and then you're sort of just going and looking at things that are maybe updates or whatever this was literally I don't know I think we're probably like saying 100 videos which is a record for us of all new things pretty much and that was quite so that's just shows you how big can we do a casual pick of the show can we do a pick of the show okay all right well let's let's finish up with that that's funny because I know I know people have probably got stuff to go over so Best in Show um can I go first because then I then I think for me I'm in the Udo obviously was the big granddaddy because it was a big thing but I think the norand mono Mark II uh just for Innovation and interest might be the one my pick of the show actually what about you again guys I know I suggested it's really hard um I'm gonna go with udio I was Best in Show because I think it's caused the biggest impression yeah cool well her name is Juno so um she's probably gonna go with something Roland but I'm I'm gonna pick the the newcomer the okay um okay 200 the degree um just because I I thought that was quite Innovative I think it's something we haven't quite got out there right now um from a performance aspect from a sequencing aspect from a jamminax aspect uh from an interface aspect and and then newcomer and I really want to support the newbies coming through as well so yeah well done good shot good shot I should point out that you're probably going to be looking for links to all of these things in the show notes I'm afraid that's not going to happen because it would take me hours to go through this and so I'm just gonna say that right and that's to begin with if you want to check I mean if you just do a search on YouTube for any of the things we mentioned I've tested things I hopefully it should be pretty good so there's there's a playlist on the Sonic site for yeah there's a there's a full playlist yeah exactly yeah exactly uh Robin how about you what was your pick of the show well just to go for something different that we haven't talked about another sort of entry from a new company I think is the kaona Skippy which is um oh gorgeous looking uh eurek module with a circular interface in the middle which is essentially a four Channel trigger sequencer but but beautifully realized with lots of interesting uh midi effect type tools or other algorithms and um euclidean bits and pieces and tape stops and strangeness but this wonderful sort of Eye of a circular within circles or sequencing I quite like that didn't get to see it would have liked to have spoken to the bloke but never did but I think it looks kind of Shame next time well we can only look forward to we can only look forward to the next Super Booth which I I mean if it again if it doesn't rain which the weather was absolutely fantastic this time I mean we thought it might rain and it didn't it was I think there were three or four spots of rain on the Saturday night after it was all over so it was fine and there was no wreck I mean just amazing and hopefully that may that long continue because just being out in the woods and doing it in in the you know in the outside is it really good but obviously not so much fun if your roof is leaking and you've got expensive Electronics in a tent I'd imagine that would be a little bit less less than fun but fantastic so yeah brilliant work by all of our team uh Andy Ed Chris the two Chris is Simon Forsyth uh Ben at Robbins and uh um there's other people um yes I can't remember and now that yeah and also the super blue team fantastic so thank you everybody um I hope you will all uh we'll we'll probably have to switch things off just because we've been going a while and I've got to get this edited up tonight but thank you everybody for joining us I hope that you enjoyed it there and guys viewing from afar hopefully we'll see you there next year but uh that was the end of the show so we'll see you all next time thank you very much see you later bye-bye now bye [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: sonicstate
Views: 17,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonictalk, sonic talk podcast, music production podcast, sonicstate podcast, 752, Waves u-turn
Id: scVpjGOajc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 53sec (4433 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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