The "Darkside" of Standalone Production 😳

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all right so a lot of you guys right now are thinking about going fully Standalone and you're thinking about getting you some beat machines and some keyboards and all that good stuff and that's actually kind of cool because we all know that it sounds really good and with everything being kind of limited to extend alone production you kind of get a little bit more creative as well but there's a few things that uh is associated with uh being fully standalone and let's go ahead and talk about that today boom [Music] party if you guys need some equipment whether it's keyboards beat machines whether it's microphones audio interfaces whatever you need go ahead and click my link in the description and go to has a ton of stuff on the site that requires no credit or background check now it's not everything but it's a ton of stuff on the site that you can get that you can just order link your credit or debit card up to it they'll ship it over to you and you can just pay it off over time making some monthly payments so go ahead and click that link description if you need some equipment today click on that thing and get you some equipment right now also if you guys do not have my drum kits go ahead and click that link in description and get my drum kits today they are all dope I'm telling you they're dope and they're all cheap most of them go for ten dollars my last drum kit is 15 but it comes with some extras okay especially For You NPC guys so if you do not have my drum kits go ahead click that link in the description right now and get my drum kits today I'm telling you right now they're dope all right so some of you guys really want to get into the Standalone game and I'm going to go ahead and tell you some of the stuff that you might want to think about before getting into this now you guys know I make a lot of my Beats using my MPC key 61 my Jupiter X my sequential profit I have a phantom uh 06 I have a FAO six and I had a ton of other keyboards and stuff before all of that and to be honest with you I'm probably going to get some more stuff but there's a lot of stuff that is associated with having all that and I want to let you guys know the Dark Side of having a whole Standalone production system now if you guys are fairly new to this you don't know what Standalone means it basically means you do all your production outside of the conventional computer or laptop and you do it using either Hardware instruments or anything that does not require a computer that's pretty much it but old bolo is going to keep it real with you because even though I do a lot of stuff in Standalone I've done a lot of stuff inside of the box as well and you know inside of the Box pretty much all you need is computer MIDI controller some speakers some programs and maybe like a USB mic or something like that you know and then you're pretty much done however using this stuff right here um it's a few things you need to know about like number one the first thing that you have to take an account for is you're going to spend money yes this stuff gets very expensive depending on how much equipment that you have and how much equipment that you really need now a lot of times we end up getting equipment that we really don't need but we just get it because you never know when you're gonna need it like my equipment right now just what I have on this rack right here is close to about eight thousand dollars okay and it serves its purpose for what I'm trying to do even though I got about eight thousand dollars on this rack I have about another let's just say I've spent a lot of money on a lot of gear that's not even on this rack that is used from time to time but as of right now this right here is about eight grand worth of stuff and that's not even including the extra cables and even the mixers and even a few few pieces of Hardware that I have as well with all this stuff going in so the first Dark Side to this is money you're going to spend a little bit more money than what you would spend with a laptop in the MIDI controller we're actually going to spend a lot more money now the second thing that we have to discuss is space when you have this type of gear you're going to need space to put this gear okay when you have like you know like your laptop your MIDI controller and stuff like that you could pretty much just put it on the desk and you're pretty much fine with this here you're gonna need some space and to be honest with you you're going to need a few other things as well to hold all this stuff while it's taking up a bunch of space because before I was really into like getting all this analog gear or getting all these synthesizers and beat machines I pretty much had a little section right here where I just pretty much did everything but the more and more stuff I got the more and more space in my studio it took up so you're gonna have to have some space I had to get something to sit all this stuff on and I got a mixer right here so I needed more space for that so you got to prepare yourself for how much space is going to be used even in the rack mounts and everything it's going to require space number three creativity when you are using analog gear or if you're using any type of Standalone production type of a setup your creativity is going to change and if you're somebody who is not as creative or you do not know how to produce without pretty much using one of these well I know you guys don't like using these because you know you guys don't understand the power of using this type of a mouse but this is one of the best things you can buy like this you ain't got to move your hands all over the desk and all like that but this is for another video if you're the type of guy who likes to click in your notes and you don't really know much about music theory and you don't know much about playing or using chords this is going to be a lot different and it's going to hit your creativity in the beginning now I don't know how long it's going to take you to get it but it's going to take a little bit of time because it's going to be a huge learning curve and some people say well it's not going to take that long I can make beats on anything yeah I understand all that but this is definitely a huge learning curve for anybody anytime you get a new piece of equipment it's going to be a learning curve now some people get it faster than others but I'm just going to try to keep it real with you guys if you guys do not understand some type of music theory and you're not that creative with making stuff with your hands then you're going to have a learning curve in your creativity is going to be hit for a minute now I noticed that with a lot of people who have bought NPCs that have moved from software to NPCs and you never used it and a lot of you guys like all the NPC I don't know I just don't get it I don't understand it because you're not used to the learning curve above it and a lot of times is you have to just sit with it and you have to force yourself to learn it if you do not want to force yourself to learn it then it's just going to be something that you bought that's going to be sitting there and you're not going to be using it to its full potential so yeah your creativity is going to take a hit but if you just kind of hang in there I think you'll be all right and that leads me to my other point patience that's the real Dark Side of Everything Is patience some of you guys do not have any patience when it comes to making stuff in Standalone okay you're gonna have to have a ton of patience with this stuff because this stuff does not work the same way as like vsts and stuff when you are using this type of equipment you better understand that things do happen regardless of how many updates how many firmware updates they add to this stuff stuff is going to happen one of the main things I tell people is have patience because when you're producing on this it's going to take a little bit longer unless you're somebody like me who's been doing it for a while I can go ahead and I can get through this pretty fast see the thing is right now a lot of you guys don't have patience and you're thinking okay I just want to pump out be some pump out be some pump out beats but with this this kind of slows everything down to where you actually have to think a little bit more that's why what I was saying before with the creativity you have to have some type of patience because creativity is going to be hit a little bit but once you get a grasp of all of this stuff things will become better and then once you try to actually learn this stuff and give it some time to learn it and understand how everything works things will be better so you're going to have to be patient with this stuff okay patience all right what are we on like number five number six I can't I can't remember but another thing you have to worry about is failures equipment failures now as of today with all of my newest NPCs and everything I've maybe had two times where it just completely shut down on me for no reason but once I restarted it everything was cool and I've had these new NPCs and stuff like that since 2017. now with all the keyboards and stuff I had I didn't have any failures with that but one thing you do have to understand what Hardware is over time these things will sometimes die on you and over times things might break or whatever it's just like with any type of machine we have the more we use it the more it could be damaged now with these you'll spend a ton of money on them and then if they're damaged you have to go ahead and get them serviced but I mean just to be completely honest with you guys I think I maybe had one piece of equipment in my life serviced and that was a compressor other than that most of my keyboards and everything had very minor issues like it might have collected some dust and maybe some of the buttons were kind of working weird but that was after like 10 or 12 years of usage okay so just be prepared that if something breaks try to learn the equipment and try to learn how to fix it yourself because if you have to shift off to somebody it might take a little bit uh time for it to get done and they might tax you a little bit but you know that's just the risk of buying this type of stuff stuff breaks now does it break a lot I haven't heard a lot about this stuff's breaking like these newer keyboards and stuff like that but it's all depending on how you use it so yeah just be prepared for that I haven't really had any problems but I've heard people that have had problems with it but uh yeah just be prepared for it and the last thing the dark side of this that we all have to understand is this ain't for everybody and for some of you guys who think it's for you it's really not and that's not a bad thing it's just you understanding that you might not be able to handle it and that's cool but you have to be somebody that can handle all of the stuff that I just mentioned because if not then you'll have a whole bunch of gear just sitting here and then you'll be sitting there talking about like man I just bought this piece of gear and it ain't do nothing for me I don't know what they talking about man I just spent my money yeah because you were not ready for it and you didn't have the patience for it and you really just didn't understand what you're getting yourself into everybody is not going to be about this Standalone life and there is nothing wrong with it you can get great sound out of anything if you're good but with this I believe it will enhance your Productions because it will force you to be more creative and it'll give you a greater sense of how production really is and how people used to make great songs with just using the limited amount of stuff that they had and I'm gonna keep saying it some of you guys are just not ready for it and it's all good because in the beginning I wasn't really ready for it but then once I started hearing how things sounded I got hooked and I want to get more equipment because I loved how it sounded and I loved the workflow of it and some of you guys are just not ready for the workflow or ready for the things that come along with this Standalone production now I'm not trying to scare you guys okay the Standalone world is not that bad I know a lot of you guys want to get into it because y'all hear how this stuff sounds and it seems really fun but I did want to give you guys kind of the dark side of being in Standalone production but don't be scared of it okay go ahead you can get one of the new MPC one pluses and you can get you like uh like the Juno keyboard that's like super cheap it's like seven eight hundred bucks you can start off with something like that or start off with some small synthesizers is very cheap just get you like some type of a sequencer and try it out you know what I'm saying you can get all that through my Link at uh a lot of that stuff with no credit or background check but hope you you guys enjoyed this video hope you guys learned something from it and like I always say peace out
Channel: Bolo Da Producer
Views: 5,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bolo Da Producer
Id: cs5YJyJv8eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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