Sonic Forces - All Cutscenes Full Movie HD

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[Music] sonic how i hate him and all of that loathing has been focused into this invincible instrument of destruction humiliation at the hedgehog's hands will be returned a thousand fold by my unstoppable creation this is my dream come true with this invention i can expand the eggman empire across the globe and conquer the world iceland's business this time [Music] is everyone okay we are thanks to you putting you kind of close though pal yeah that's pretty much how i roll okay let's finish this eggman it will be your finished sonic behold the power of my ultimate masterpiece shadow it's you zambok metal chaos whoa this guy is faster than sonic no wait it's something else gotta scan him and figure this out i need to know what's going on with this guy i'm trying sonic but these readings are all messed up they don't make any sense running out of time ugh eggman's army is unstoppable without sonic the people are losing hope and giving into despair despair is a luxury we don't have i still dream that sonic is with us do you think he might be i'm an optimist but i'm also a realist sonic is gone amy and tails's tails has just lost it if we're going to win we have to do it without them silver's right we've been hoping for a miracle these past six months but i'm afraid we have to make our own miracle eggman's army has everyone terrified if we want the people to rally we have to show them that strength doesn't just come from numbers not everyone is terrified isn't a new recruit joining us today yes a survivor from the city right i'm accessing the file now [Music] knuckles what's this it rep commander happy to see you're all still alive eggman's forces have chewed through our defenses at green hill and the resistance in the city is reporting that whatever it is that finished sonic sorry i'm still not used to saying that whatever it is has got them running in fear well except for this brave kid who survived the battle and made it here in one piece meet our newest recruit doesn't look like much neither do you charming but i still managed to find a use for your pointy butt here kid take this we're depending on you okay let's get going everybody the world's not gonna save itself that should have done it i couldn't figure it out for you buddy i'm sorry i wasn't smart enough whoa chaos sonic help me [Music] sonic you're alive wait what oh you're that sonic from another dimension aren't you right right right that makes sense i think do you know how you got here maybe the power that eggman is using is somehow affecting other dimensions which might work to our advantage i mean everything happens for a reason right you need to save the world and maybe that's why you're here to help save the world either way it's still good to see you sonic heck it's good to see any sonic [Music] i can taste your territory all that anxiety and doubt [Music] and i'll let you live [Laughter] this is the end sonic oh hey sounds like the party started want to let me go and join in no of course not you hate fun whoa wow the end huh let's see you try something now that i'm free foolish hedgehog getting out of your chains does not make you free now come and face the inevitable the only thing inevitable here is my foot kicking your butt it's that sound again whoa it's not time for thinking it's time for running easy there everything's cool are you here to rescue me i can't tell you how much i appreciate it it's been a while since i've seen a friendly face hey rookie you still in one piece oh sure don't even bother to ask how i am amy i'm so glad hold up is there an exit around here your concern is touching knuckles [Music] this wasn't part of my agenda but i'm always happy to crush a hero it keeps the rabble in line does anyone but you believe your lies [Music] time to tag out silver i got it from here well look who's back from the dead the little blue savior but what's that i smell you reek of fear glad to see i left that's not fear i ran all the way over here and you haven't left an impression i don't know anything about you not even your name you may call me in the brief oh great see infinite now we're getting to know each other so what's your favorite color you like long romantic walks on the beach what's the source of your power you can skip the first two questions if you like the source of my power sorry but you've just got to share the secret of your power with me i insist you're insistent whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa sonic you okay well you've improved since the last time but you will still lose as i predicted you're not even worth i gotta figure out the secret of his power and with that the disposal of the phantom ruby prototypes is complete it was a defective model it could only record the dna of the one that triggered it only a being with my strength of will could ever activate it it doesn't matter now with the lab locked down in mystic jungle which reminds me didn't you run into sonic there after he escaped yes but he was powerless against me there is no need for concern you let the hedgehog live that is a great source of concern for you perhaps he is beating you for decades yet i defeated him in our first encounter phantom will be prototypes and sonic is alive what is it nothing we move forward with the plan of course when it's complete the resistance will be erased the world will be nothing but ashes from which a glorious eggman empire will rise and the resistance will yield to the phantom ruby's power all [Music] i don't have time for this look at you fighting like you've got a chance to win it's adorable almost makes me feel bad that we're never going to do this little dance again in just three short days my plan will eliminate the bothersome lot of you wait three days and what plan if i told you it wouldn't be a surprise you know what they say the anticipation of the end is worse than the end itself maybe not in this case though hmm we met before i was so worried i thought you were you worried too much look i'm perfectly fine it's been generations since i seen you you okay good news is you're safe the bad news is eggman said he had some plan that will destroy us all in three days three days huh well a lot can happen in that time all right shadow what's the deal chaos control another shadow he just disappeared that was a fake a fake how more ants to crush i wonder if this world can offer me a real challenge huh and as if to answer the world sends me a trembling child i'm going to fight and die here or run away in fear again hey don't be scared this is your moment to shine keep going don't let your fear own you [Music] fine i will teach you fear then pain and then well at least the fear and pain will end i remember you you ran from me before you survived then but you throw it all away now this will be goodbye what how is this possible it can't be how did you no matter they have only two days left let them contemplate the inevitable until i end this once and for all hey that was great we're like a well-oiled machine fighting a well-oiled machine huh [Music] those resistance pests and their clever little plots they're like something on your shoe that you can't wipe off it appears they've taken our legs right out from under us quite impressive really i don't have legs neither do you dude don't remind me dude five more hours before the plan is executed infinite let's make a tactical retreat so that we can re-mobilize our forces and by tactical retreat i'm quite displeased about this doctor shut up and just follow me wait welcome sonic glad you could make it to your funeral infinite do it take this what is that null space it's a little something that the phantom ruby cooked up a closed-off space where absolutely nothing exists goodbye sonic my soon-to-be eradicated nemesis enjoy all the nothing oh buddy don't you'll be sucked in too [Music] but we destroyed the phantom ruby's power source tisk tisk since you always destroy the power source of my weapons i decided to learn from my mistakes i had a backup power source created under metropolis excuse me the boss it can't be it's impossible to get out of the phantom movie stone space no maybe by myself but i had a little help from my friend something you wouldn't understand since you don't have any friends this changes nothing dr eggman will still have the last laugh maybe he'd have more friends if he didn't talk about himself on the third person [Music] let's go [Applause] hey infinite long time no see did you miss me why yes i did i've been looking forward to finishing with your annoying friends i trust you're all ready for oblivion if you're not oh well [Music] omega you've joined us awesome is there no end to this annoying insect i will burn your resistance to ashes and you along with it [Music] got to be kidding that's just a special effect right no it's not while we're under the phantom ruby's control it's a part of our reality unbelievable what chance do we have against that [Music] the sun will fall upon you all bro the end your pathetic lies are over [Music] look it's reacting eggman said something about the phantom ruby prototypes let me see whoa it is he said the phantom ruby prototypes only react to the person who activated it that must be you buddy your courage and heroism are probably what triggered it just maybe if you use this it can make that sun disappear [Music] three two one the sun it's good right what just happened [Applause] [Music] impossible i thought all the prototypes were destroyed a costly oversight doctor this is why i always check and double check as any good scientist would this is the turning point guys time to press our advantage and kick major butt [Applause] [Music] even with the phantom ruby weakened i still have enough power to smash you into blue jelly i'll show you how outclassed you really are i'm in a class all my own time to put up or shut up infinite you're done the phantom ruby's energy is recharged perish along with your useless my friends got me this far and together we're gonna win [Music] the impossible and i cannot be defeated wrong loser the things that can't be defeated are heart soul and the bonds of friendship three things you and your counterfeit cronies lack no wait i can still fight you never fail to surprise me i didn't believe infinite could lose victory will be so much sweeter when i defeated don't think this is a way and you blew nuisance my plan just went into overtime we did it eggman's army is officially butt-kicked we won oh come on now what can we ever just win and have that be the end of our truck gotcha the fortress reactor was just a decoy a true winner always keeps his trunk card hit until the end sonic what's going on what how can there be so many confirmed sightings indicate shadow metal sonic chaos infinite thousands of them what have you done i nearly incorporated the phantom ruby into this death egg robot but that means the phantom ruby no longer has a vulnerable energy supply it's an invulnerable ruby a good deduction this death egg robot has no i have surpassed infinite to become the complete and ultimate poor you will be crushed by this captain robot powered by the franchise and in the end everything will still be just as i play your plan will end like all your plans do with you sitting in a pile of busted robot parts wondering how you failed so badly let's get them [Music] all right we won yes [Applause] [Applause] i guess this is goodbye get home safely sonic and thanks for everything [Music] look [Music] cheer up tails i'm sure we'll run into him again all right guys it's time we cleaned up the mess that eggman left this world in and i'm not talking about those illusions he dreamed up for us we need to fix the real world we all live in [Music] come on let's go [Music] finally an end to this endless battle everyone can go back home and relax there's no need for the resistance hold on there's still a lot we need to do we're just getting started huh what you're leaving us there are others who need your help but okay i'm not gonna stop you man the first time i saw you stumbling around i had no idea you could pull this thing together and see it to the end i've changed my mind about you i knew you'd come through rookie well i guess you're not a rookie anymore you did good out there it's not like you just waited till the last minute to come in and act all cool saving the day our battle is done and our resistance has come to a conclusion we'll be friends forever a single person cannot restore the entire world we have to work together and make a diligent effort [Music] hey you're taking off too i was thinking the same thing you gonna keep moving forward no matter what yeah you and i aren't so different see you later buddy [Music] you
Channel: ProsafiaGaming
Views: 1,640,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic, Sonic Forces, Sonic Mania, Generations, Unleashed, Knuckles, Amy, Tails, Silver, Shadow, Metal Sonic, Infinite, Zavok, Chaos, Nintendo, Switch, 2017, 2018, HD, PS4, cutscene, cutscenes, cinematic, trailer, all bosses, battles, fights, battle, fight, boss, secret, ending, 100%, final, finale, boss fight, boss battle, last, ProsafiaGaming, walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, speedrun, soundtrack, ost, theme, boss rush, no damage, Eggman, Dr Eggman, Death Egg Robot
Id: qrs8UozGEDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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