Sonic, but Omochao is BACK?! - Sonic USB NEW Update!

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you're really talented man take this reward uh that's oboe ciao I don't wanna okay here we go okay oh no he pressed white you will go on the right look at these sprigs they're like Moto Robotnik springy flying things that is creepy what is egg bug whoa robotic Moto bug boss fight this is awesome oh yeah if you push m a bunch oh my gosh whoa this is crazy [Music] all right [Music] hey everyone it's Derby from Blue television games back with another episode of Sonic USB this is an online Sonic fan game with over 30 playable characters seven different zones a level editor you can play with other people look for pets and more let's get started with this update we had all side of it here I love him so much uh yeah but we're gonna check out this update and see what's new apparently we have a new playable character some new pets to collect new Darby's monitor challenges we also have new emotes let's check it out all right I need to switch characters because sonomate is too slow let's just start off with Sonic though seems like a smart move let's go okay so to start off everything we need to head 2021 and check out the new Darby challenge all right so we got our Tails ciao but where the heck did our Mario Go there's our Mario pit all right Mario you stick with me little Plumber guy hey little cute little plumber all right here we go we gotta find this new Darby challenge It's gotta be around here somewhere here we are I found me it's me what's up me the new challenge I knew you will come back good luck all right new Darby challenge shall we just go like boom oh this one looks harder okay we have to hit all the monitors in orders somehow how am I gonna do that oh okay I get it I get it we gotta go like one two three four five is that all of them I think I did it that looks like how much how though the [ __ ] I'm looking at it that's oboe ciao I don't want it I don't want it uh that's omo ciao I don't wanna I don't wanna bouquet here we go you're really talented man take this reward okay here we go oh no wait you will go on the right if you press jump you will jump but that's how I feel right now sick that we have obochow [Music] s yay we go ciao I guess we're excited now we're going through a wave of emotions okay let's go Mario is not the team that we expected but it's the team we got jabber knows where Eggman pet is so we're gonna find him oh there he is Eggman pet okay to get the Eggman pet we have to fight him with one of our pets let's let Mario take him out that sounds like a good plan now we gotta use the spring to get him yes get a Mario Marius find mini Eggman that's awesome get a Mario got him Mario took out little mini Eggman sweet all right Eggman takes the place of Omochao though but he's really cool how many Eggman imagine if Eggman was really this small all right Jammer was trying to shake my hands thank you for helping me find Eggman Jammer there we go nice heading over to two as they call it two play the next Darby Challenge and uh unlock another pet let's go so now we become tails in this level because that's just how this level is you need tails to get through some of the sections nope oh here it is Darby challenge okay should be easy with Tails where's the next monitor okay I didn't see the second monitor monitor two is somewhere but I'm not sure where maybe they put it up here oh sneaky this is definitely one you need to use Tails otherwise it's probably gonna be impossible trying to see where the next one is right here final ones up there this is a cool one these Darby challenges are so sweet I love that they had to be to uh Sonic USB and I get these cool blue television games challenges it's just awesome the coolest thing ever all right you've reached the quest objective that's good take this reward ah cool so we've unlocked another little pad sweet that's pretty awesome we're gonna stick with omo ciao I know actually I didn't what have you been talking about now we're gonna head to 3-1 for another btg challenge me sweet let's go Ruby four Zone what could possibly go wrong other than getting spiked instantly all right you destroyed a bandage that's awesome yeah and omochal is a pet is pretty awesome okay I found it uh let's see what I say this time I forgot to like oh I got hit I was waiting for you good luck as soon as it opens up we'll go for it this one's hard dang I would show off my screen blocking everything go away I don't need to do everything I do okay okay so I think I gotta go like so close [Music] yes okay got it easy for you take this reward okay and now we have another selfie pet cool all right time to unlock a new character and apparently the new character is in six one the only thing I could think is maybe we can actually get trip now so this is trip I didn't know this last time I saw this character but Tripp is in the new Sonic SuperStars game three hits four hits five hits oh it's like a tail stop that's creepy I mean but a Amy doll all right we got trip unlocked Sweet let's get this Amy doll real quick okay we need to get some hits quickly there she is Grabber got her cool let's check out old trip and see what trip could do trip trip trip trip that's cool we could play as a character from an upcoming game before they even come out what can Tripp do whoa I love trips jump move that's really cool looks like Tripp can do mostly everything that Sonic can do all right I got a secret list of tips from selfie the creator of this game and they said that there is another pet in 3-1 right after the Friday night funkin section so we need to go all the way to the end of the level basically find the Friday night funkin section and then we should find another pet probably let's go a little Jammer the game rope should be near here there it is found it there's tune skin up there we need to put one of our pets through this little obstacle course all right so we need a pet to go through here should we make Mario do it I say we make Barbie to do it again I like making Bari do everything for us come here Mario you gotta go through this little thing get all the Rings the spikes don't hurt us which is great smart oh the spikes do hurt us it killed Mario sorry Mario go okay we're almost there please don't screw up now [Music] yes got him all right cool boom whoa the new pet is fast all right there's something in 3-2 that we see every time [Music] I lost my b key can you help to find it please we see this every time I'm gonna ask the creator of the game how the heck we find this tank b key because I can't figure it out oh all right so apparently the b key is in level 2-1 in one of the trains and if we're gonna get the b key we might as well be Charmy B all right we've made it to the trains apparently the B keys in one of these train cars so he's got to keep our eyes out see if we can find it I'm not seeing anything oh I think I got it if it's this that's very sneaky because look how tiny it is it's it we got it all right here we are we got your b key wow you found it I'm so happy are you giving it back to me uh yeah give it to you thank you very much all right now we have a sub all right now we need to head back to the lobby because there's doffman in the lobby somewhere and off man wants to sub so we just gotta find off man golf may there's Jammer the gamer hey uh would you like a sub Dolph man no well let me give you this cute pet to thank you for proposing it to me sweet so now we have a Sally pet all right now we're trying to get Sonic which we need to free a dolphin in level 1-1 to get all right we just need to save a dolphin all right we found the crystal here and now we just gotta go find the dolphin again and uh release the dolphin and then somehow we unlock little mini Sonic okay I think the Dolphin's over here yep thanks for free me I see the same thing happen to us at first I didn't notice anything but now I have clear ideas okay all right dolphin so we just gotta head to the lobby now we gotta find newbie hello there's nubis hey I have a gift from Echo the dolphin You released in learn flower Zone it's a little Sonic now we have little Sonic Tails Amy Mighty Knuckles Mario Sally and trip all right next up we are gonna look for mini dark which we need to find the Moto bug Jungle which is some secret level so let's set to 4-tune and see what we can find all right let's snaggle omo Chow to help us out and our buddy Mario it's our favorite combination probably okay so somewhere in this level is a secret Moto bug level hey look there's a little little thing over there somehow we get over to that maybe spin dash the pillar's falling over sweet uh okay so we got uh okay cool we found Shadow Chow okay cool that's a secret exit for sure Moto bug jungle sweet we found it we found the motorbug jungle now motorbugs are just you know hanging out all right cool these Moto bugs hurt us yep sorry tails that would be cool if they're a bunch of nice uh Moto bugs and then fly up here oh look at this giant motorbug platformy platform oh well that didn't work we'll just fly the Tail's way good job Tails now we got lightning Shield and everything's going great all right now he's got a fine mini dark oh it's death right there we're kind of on a Moto bug Massacre but you know I didn't mean anything Bible these switches [Music] doesn't seem like you can get combos here all right otherwise you could really level up quick whoa whoa whoa dark the creature mini dark I think we could just click on it yeah we got mini dark this is cool okay oh mini dark can fly it's a flying Moto bug a little mini flying motorbug pet mini dark that is awesome looking around maybe we'll find some other goodies but this is a new level for us I've never seen Mota bug jungle these never-ending Moto bugs don't seem to give us experience which is very interesting as we're getting all our rigs taken away from us wait a minute this seems like secrety secret Town up here and it's not okay wow there's this motor bugs everywhere I'm on a motorbug massacre I don't mean to be sometimes you just have to take out Moto bugs even though they're our friends sort of all these wait these sprigs hold on hold on hold on a second we gotta go back here look at these Springs they're like Moto Robotnik spriggy flying things that is creepy all right oh geez help oh wait we got more combos okay I'm kind of nervous that we're gonna have to fight some sort of a weird boss here uh yep egg bug what is egg bug whoa robotic Moto bug boss fight this is awesome he looks hilarious this is great robotic kinda works well as a moto bug oh geez help suppose we got one ring we should be fine we got one ring did he drop anything I don't think so that was awesome all right Moto bug jungle a giant motorbike robotic I love it so now we're gonna find Luigi who happens to be in level six one apparently and we gotta find a Mario block somewhere we're gonna find Luigi somehow some way you gotta be around here somewhere right all right through the wall wait a minute can I get up here all right get the ring whoa oh there he is oh well that works all right now we got the Luigi sweet Luigi's awesome all right another character off the list all right next up we are going to try to find 4-2 mirror and unlock some stuff too and we have to find the mirror it's where we unlocked Metal Sonic but it's been so long I don't remember that fight that wasn't too bad though hit this little Gemmy gem check points and mirror we found the mirror and Jammer the gamer or jamer the gamer so now we need to select our Sonic pet oh and we need the Sonic Chow which we don't have all right I heard these bunny for Speed runs because Bunny's very fast all right so we gotta take Bonnie and we got a speed run 1-1 get to the end and get Sonic Chow let's go all right learn flower Zone act one with money I forgot how awesome the rocket shoes are wow all right uh we got hit but I think we got plenty of time we might as well just try to go through here Bunny Gets going really really fast almost like bunny doesn't even have any sort of speed cap at all all G is hit again but we got about 40 seconds left all we have to do is beat the level in under a minute and then you know snag Sonic Chow oh that was close I keep getting hung up on everything all right come on buddy we got this go go go go go go go you're fast your feet are really really fast okay okay we're almost to the end of the level I know it's coming oh geez we keep getting stuck on everything okay we got about 15 seconds I think we can still pull this off oh 10 seconds left it's right after this I think oh there oh there it is click it click it why can't I click it oh yeah I gotta jump up and grab it that was easy okay woof all right now we gotta go back and unlock Metal Sonic pet and Metal Sonic Chow no I seem to beat the giant spider again okay got the spider got the giant gem check points and there's our mirror okay okay so mini Sonic and we need the Sonic Chow okay and then break the mirror Maybe [Applause] okay wait we got him look we got the little metal Sonic Chow up there all right so we got the mini Metal Sonic and the Metal Sonic Chow now we're gonna look for Knuckles ciao let's go let's go with uh cream this time and then we gotta go to three one let's go Knuckles chows in this level somewhere so we're gonna fly around his little cream and see what we can do oh this looks sneaky but I don't see a Knuckles Chow there he is Knuckles Chow grab the knuckles ciao good to give all right we need to buy some stuff and I was just talking to the creator of Sonic USB online and they're gonna give me a bunch of rings so I can buy stuff and check it out so that's cool I'll be able to buy a bunch of stuff whoa my rings are going up he sent the rigs the greater the game just gave me a bunch of rigs look at this my rings are just going up like crazy now we got 16 000 Rings we could buy everything now it's time to buy some stuff I will take the bumper shield I will take the bad capture The Shield I will also take the invincibility I'll take a couple bombs for the heck of it I'll take this ciao and I'll take some lives sweet all right we're gonna switch back to charmi B because why not we're gonna try to find there's a mini Momo pets in a five one and it sounds like an easy one we're getting pretty low on our list of pets to where we only have five more to find okay I don't remember this level super well the mini Momo is gonna be up above this because this looks tricky to get up but not for Charmy B Because Charmy B is awesome oh yep there it is mini Momo all right we're gonna need a pet to pull this off though wow okay this looks like a fun one all right who we gonna let do this how about Metal Sonic metal Sonic's doing great so far [Music] that go down here this is cool like a mini level for Metal Sonic to play oh we got spiked over oops I'm having a little trouble here we got jamer here I think jamer's having an easier time than me [Music] okay there we go easy peasy little Momo oh we got a little Momo pet oh mama Pet's pretty cute all right we need to go to one one past for the next one let's go Charmy B we gotta get a 1-1 pass and we can unlock uh array mini Ray and we can also unlock the one one good future so let's go the best Okay cool so somewhere in here there's gonna be a generator all right I always gotta look for this generator and then we can unlock the good future and we're looking everywhere so far not so good we need like to find stuff maybe we'll find Ray maybe we'll find the generator or maybe we'll find nothing you know it's hard to say at this point we've been playing this all day I'm not sure how long this video will be but we have really been playing this a long long time so hey look generator boom generator destroyed a and Jammer the gamer you beat me to it good job Jammer so now we unlocked the good future and now we just gotta find Rey if I was to hide Ray where would I hide Ray found him I must flew right by him all right we got Ray sweet okay now we're gonna try to find the Amy Chow which is in the good future there's just so many cool things to do with this game seems never ending where's this good future at good future all right now we just gotta find Amy Chow in the good future which could be anywhere well that was easy there's Amy Chow cool and there's Jammer Jammer founder too okay got the Amy Chow look at this collection we got now we got Speed Run and one two we're gonna use bunny again because bunnies very fast and we're gonna head to one two and try to get to the end to get Super Sonic let's go [Music] all right wow it's pretty dang fast okay I heard this one's harder to get so we'll see some spots on this level that are kind of tricky we already screwed this one up so fast go go go go we just need to go fast as heck okay that's pretty fast keep on running do some of this action as long as we don't have any slow down sections we should be better off now oh that was pretty fast down let's go we're fine we got this probably there you go after that okay everything's fine I'll give me one please okay okay just gotta go go go go go go go go go go please [Music] I don't know what I'm doing good and the love always right there oh that was so close okay we can do this all right I've been doing this for a while but I got a good strategy here and it's basically just hold right a lot instead Dash and roll and every once in a while rock it and if you do it just right you'll rock it over some of the really tall sections and we'll get through here really really really quick and I feel like I got this down finally holy cow that's fast this is definitely my best run so far okay we always Bonk ourselves there somehow but you know we could pick up the pace here I think we got plenty of time across the Gap across the Gap Google don't get spiked we didn't get spiked oh nice oh dang it okay okay okay we got this okay drop the side sneak over I hit the spikes every time here but this is our best run we still got 10 seconds left really closely at a level come on buddy go go go go go go go go get him yes we got supersonic ciao finally okay that one was kind of tricky but that was fun all right good all right there's another Speed Run we might as well do while we're in the speed run kind of mood here we go we need to go to the bad future and beat the level in less than 40 seconds oh geez all right we're pretty much experts that learn flower Zone good middle bad not so great Futures pastizzes whatevers we got Bonnie bunnies fast as heck and I'm not too worried about this one although we only have 40 seconds this time we seem to be going quite a bit faster than before I don't know if bunny has a speed cap and if she does I don't think uh that it's limited too much because if you can hold right long enough you could get going so fast I think even with this hang up we still got this this just seems like a really good run yep there we go boom we got it sweet all right there's the Methodist chow and we've got to look at this one there is supersonic ciao now all we have left is the chaos Chow so we gotta head back to one one bad future we have to hit the one one future and in the mini capsule use the capture ball I'm not sure I really understand what that even means all right one one bad future okay so here's our Shield and we also have these little balls we can throw to capture enemies that's pretty cool all right so now we just have to find this thing all right Jammer thank you so much for all the help today oh chamber died uh when he shakes his hand by himself it doesn't look quite right what do you do with Sonic so now he's gotta figure out where to use this thing can we throw it at these enemies s whoa we got super Sonic that's awesome so we randomly fouled Supersonic in an S monitor good whoa that should be easy with supersonic uh okay I didn't know supersonic was in here or if there's any other super characters I don't think they put it under water but I'm not sure doesn't look like it where would they hide this thing I bet up these swingy swings gotta be up the swingy swings why wouldn't it be up the swingy swings as a shield some rings oh we found it I found it all right so destroy the little mini capsule and there he is chaos Chow okay but I can't use my items while I'm super sonic so we gotta wait for my rings to run out [Music] all right zero Rings we're back to normal Sonic and now we can use our little capture thing and we got him so now we have there he is chaos chaos Chow is sweet all right there's one more thing I want to do I'm gonna go to level one one I heard there's a secret feature that they forgot to remove from the game when they upload it so let's see oh yeah if you push m a bunch oh my gosh I don't know what it does whoa now it's lagging can we destroy stuff [Laughter] this is crazy what the heck is going on what is like Sonic but you're a giant ball of spikes all right I think we've done everything we could do except for capture all the bad Nicks which maybe we could do another video let me know if you want to see that all right let's concludes another Sonic USB shout out to chamber the gamer who helped me find a lot of stuff and selfie the creator of the game that made this a lot easier if you enjoyed the video make sure the Thumbs Up Button if you do the channel actually be sure to subscribe button and the notification Bell that way you know one of these new videos you follow me Instagram Twitter join the beach Jesus score check out memory store down below thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: Blue Television Games
Views: 308,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue television games, btg, blue tv games, sonic, sonic maker, sonic level maker, sonic game, sonic usb, sonic the hedgehog usb, btg sonic, blue tv games sonic, blue television games sonic, sonic btg, sonic blue television games, sonic online multiplayer, sonic online game, sonic online multiplayer fan games, play sonic, play sonic online, darby btg, omochao, omochao is back, sonic usb omochao, btg omochao, blue television games omochao, blue tv games omochao, btg darby
Id: HdH4GhaGdVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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