Sonic Adventure (now with mods!) (STREAM 3) - Salty

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all right welcome back to sonic everybody who is excited who's excited it's sonic day everybody oh toasted bippy thank you for the sub i actually haven't checked how many how many subs are we at right now oh we're almost at 700 guys dang we only need like 25 more i think who's that pokemon thing is really fun yeah i'm really liking this little plugin i i got us uh coming up in the coming days i want to experiment with some more plugins and like little little browser games i definitely want to experiment with so look forward to whenever that happens i still want to do like the little talking talking thing for for twi for chat on stream i think that'd be very fun oh my god guys you will not believe this you will not believe this okay i want you to look at this okay look at the play time look at the play time for this file that i've been streaming with i'm not joking this was not planned [Music] nice i'm so happy about that you have no idea okay so here's what we're doing today it might be a little bit of a shorter stream don't don't mind the music basically what's gonna happen is that we are going to play through knuckle story and maybe maybe big story but i'm not sure on that probably just knuckle story for today just because uh i'm i'm tired and i have some work i got to do later tonight so i i don't want to stream too long so yeah just just letting you guys know that in advance but uh yeah i slapped in a couple of new mods to make the playthrough more interesting it's it's kind of a mess as you can tell then amy amy with the the groceries again and uh big and e102 yeah everybody's favorite okay let's just do knuckles oh wait i forgot i gotta oh yeah wait we already started knuckles story last stream too so hold up i'm knuckles the echidna but just call me knuckles the master emerald suddenly broke apart in the pieces scattered then an unknown monster suddenly appeared did it cause the explosion without the power of the master emerald to keep it afloat angel island will fall into the ocean i've got to collect the fragments and restore the master emeralds i think i'll check the city first wait look at this okay first off uh i'm i'm playing a sad sonic playing a sad sonic currently um also the textures are a little bit messed up for the ears also i think all of the music has been replaced by remixes of big chungus so that also is a thing you should be able to get into city hall yeah let's hopefully get into the city hall oh it's ronald mcdonald but his textures are messed up ah sorry i'm sonic guys look it's ronald mcdonald but his textures are all messed up look at this it's ronald mcdonald guys but his textures are messed up what did you do to this game i improved it i improved it last stream i didn't get to really play as sonic so i decided to you know just put sonic over knuckles he's not that happy about it but he'll get used to it just just give him time you ever put so many mods into a game that the the characters are actively suffering like oh man i sure do love emerald hunt stages there's they're they're my favorite parts of these games i'm like oh wait playing through levels and like having fun no i want to search for like small little collectibles for uh 45 minutes i mean yeah i figured but oh there we go there's one where's the next one oh there it is oh this is pretty this is pretty easy actually to call give me a pointer where is it i know that in items already by a punch okay i get it wait where is it hold up nope not in here i thought it was but it's not where hold up it's it's like near here watch out for the car okay thank you but like tell me where it is how did you not see it what do you mean not see it oh is it up here did i just totally miss it i missed it yep this right here i'm an idiot nice there is a strange amount of big chungus remixes in this mod is that sonic yeah it's sonic don't you guys love sonic everybody loves sonic i think i gotta go to the casino next is sonic okay yeah no he's just having a rough day this big chunk is remix goes hard dude yo thanks i'm not i'm not responsible for it but i'll take care i'll take credit i hate this song salty please stop please stop please no where's the first one oh yeah we gotta go up how do we how do we get higher again i know that there's like a way oh yeah uh here we go nice so uh our job is to rebuild the master emeralds you know like true chads oh it's inside of his mouth okay wait there we go got it oh i see it got it thank you salty for playing this game the way it was meant to be played yeah don't worry about it guys you know i a lot of people i i feel like don't play this game properly you know i i was one of those people once but now i i know the majesty of how this game is supposed to be uh played oh my god can the camera for [ __ ] sake what happened to knuckles oh he's he's taking a vacation day sonic is filling in and he's not he's not all that happy about it but uh he'll get used to it it's okay salty where the [ __ ] is big chungus i i was just told he'd be here i brought my son and now he's crying that he isn't actually here you're financially responsible for this it will not let this stand where where where where's the where's the emerald where's the emerald emerald chard hello show me where to go oh is it in here oh dang money pitch scrooge mcduck let's go i don't i didn't want to see uh the victory screen anyway sonic is me right after i get out of the shower to [ __ ] he's like all wet also fun fact one of the mods i'm using right i'm sorry i was not expecting the expression to change like that that caught me off guard i can't what where in the world am i one of the mods i'm using right now is uh one that replaces all of knuckles lines with his original recordings remember being here before because apparently this is his original voice they re-recorded all of them for the final release of the game but during the e3 build there was he had like and he had the same voice actor but his lines were delivered differently so i just found that interesting i wanted to use it are they better i don't really know i think that they're a lot less like angry i think they sound a little bit more calm oh cutscene cutscene guys cutscene father please the big chunk is in the background it is for the good of all our people how can i make you understand attacking other countries stealing and killing i i i i really enjoy how the the music the music actually kind of fits if you didn't know it was a big chungus remix it would probably work can you get a mod that makes the voice acting sound even more awkward uh i don't think there is a mod for that now where am i if i had the opportunity i would love to like make a mod where i like me like i would record all of the lines for every character oh the game just crashed i can't the game crashed i can't hold up let me rewatch the game a huge portion of this game is just like fixing the glitches okay i think it's fixed now we did it guys it's fixed [Music] i think that my mouth is bleeding now no i'm fine i just think it's bleeding don't mind that i just said that wait that's not knuckles there's like a weird taste in my mouth what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] where's this taste coming from are my gums bleeding what the [ __ ] no no they're not bleeding it's just what is this taste does it taste like iron i don't know what this tastes like is my tongue getting numb what the [ __ ] no i think it's fine yeah i think it's fine stroke maybe i might be having a stroke if i have a stroke i'll let you guys know is it bitter and kind of soapy i can't i can't tell it's like a oh what's it called oh sleepy streets thank you for the thank you for the the sub i mean i i put on some chapstick earlier but it doesn't it's not the taste of the chapstick i don't think square i see what's going on here anyway maybe it is the chapstick and i'm just insane oh hey guys what does it taste like it tastes almost like um it tastes like numbing solution like from a dentist if that makes sense like numbing solution like uh what's it called but but it might but i'm not being numbed i don't know it's it's hard to explain did you brush your teeth uh and tongue today yes i did it's gotta be a part of the master emerald hold on come back here try drinking some cold water see if it goes away i'm trying yeah i think i'm good now it'd be [ __ ] wild if i just like had a stroke live on stream it's like hey guys um if we can get to 50 subs tonight i will have a stroke live this isn't what you're after wow throwing a stroke for content i see that's okay though somebody clips the stroke our live stream fails streamer has a stroke live on stream his chat is not amused thinks he's faking it why was that so loud he was there when the master emerald shattered i'm sure of it he saved me the trouble of looking for him that bubble was loud as [ __ ] what happened oh mads over rain uh thank you for the sub changing shape won't scare me i don't remember chaos having a voice does anybody else remember that i don't but i just made like bubble noises maybe that's a part of the uh the the mod that i installed maybe he used to have a voice i forgot how to get this guy oh there we go that's how oh ow i don't actually know how to avoid that the the fact so i didn't know this but apparently this game does not have native controller support like that's just a part of the mod is that true i i can't i couldn't play with the controller last time unless maybe there's something i was missing [Music] actually no i think it does it's just for some reason like it's not normally activated unless you do it like uh through like the launcher maybe that's jenkins oh this game is pure jank yeah pretty much i went to a buffet today for the first time in like forever and it was amazing i got like chicken and broccoli and like uh chicken on a stick a lot of different types of chicken [Music] sonic's thinking a lot about life right now in this walk cycle i wonder what he meant by that i'd better find sonic chinese buffet yeah it's like a chicken and broccoli chicken on a stick oh you know what i got i got like pineapple wrapped in bacon i've never had that before it's way better than you think it is to get to the bottom of this golden corral no well i don't think i ever want to go go to golden corral ever again i went once and that was enough okay where now where where do i go now because oh no that's open i can go here i think i have to do red mountains now right salty use this use the spin dash check out my spandex spin dash reel i mean not that spinach it's okay salty i blame you as an employee there excuse me golden corral listen i don't care if you're an employee or not golden corral is ass it's mid i don't remember this many trees here this is pretty cool i assume that these were a part of like the the the dreamcast game and not the ports for some reason and there's a lot of trees over here look at that i think that there's an upgrade up here maybe oh yeah it is my chapstick the taste of my mouth was the chapstick i guess i just never tasted my own chapstick before so i was like oh what what is this i'm just dull was the chapstick the whole time yes it was the chapstick i'm just stupid i thought i was like dying accidentally licked my lips and i was like i'm like oh my god am i having a seizure oh my god am i dying so no stroke yeah no stroke guys sorry okay now exactly where do i go the train headed for station square will be deployed to call over here okay to call tell me something shiny in the caves what caves oh i know what i have to do there's a cave over here i think over here yeah here it is finally the digging gloves you've got the shovel claw now you can dig through dirt and stone press the jump and action button simultaneously i love how his pupils go over his face i think that's pretty cool how do i how do we use it hold up i thought i just have to like how do i hold up jump and punch at the same time oh that is jank jump and punch i have to press two buttons at the same time for that i do not remember being that complicated but all right how long is the knuckle part of the game i have no idea i forgot i've it's been forever since i played this oh thank you for the the sub guys we're so close we're so close to getting to getting to to uh uh gaming wait where do we go now actually we're so close to getting to 700 subs to get rid of that monkey oh do i have to go back and get the self-destruction switch to to get the other monkey hold up hold up guys i gotta get the monkey self-destruction switch my bad okay so i get i get the button i bring it with me and i bring it all the way to the other monkey i really hope that this this song doesn't get my vod muted that would suck very much hope that that's not the case if not uh uh i'm gonna keep talking actually keep talking keep talking keep talking keep talking so the vod doesn't get muted okay i'm here with the monkey self-destruct switch i turn it on and then i go only sonic only sonic games could have an item called the monkey self-destruction switch and for it to be taken totally seriously it's up here it is close this way where is it where is it where is it it's down oh i think it's actually up here there it is oh sorry man i'm getting hungry again what are you okay chat genuine question what is your like comfort food what is a food that you can eat and you're just like happy recently for me it's been like chicken and broccoli like a chicken and broccoli is is good pizza pizza is good it depends on the pizza for me cockroach okay all right okay i need to figure out where these emerald shards are even too high a good burger oh man a good burger is so good like as an adult i've actually realized how much i actually like burgers when i was younger i was like ew bangers duck but like as an adult i'm like yo give me that burger i love burgers i guess i could just go up and then drop down [Music] now this stage is huge [Music] that's great to call but where where where at where where at they oh oh nope oh oh found it got it mcdaddy's sandwich what the [ __ ] is the mcdaddy's sandwich where you going to call no no no i didn't even get to see where to call went i didn't even get to see where she went damn it oh wait to go to go wait i just went through the wall hold up wait this isn't knuckles no this is knuckles he's just on his day off so sonic's filling in okay oh oh it's right there it's right there got it all right what a good friend sonic is yeah totally salty i have a question didn't you say your mom uh your mom is samus and your dad is master chief correct me if i'm wrong please i don't know when i said that but that does sound like something i would probably say so let's just say yes hey salty looks like you're just playing plain old sonic adventure today yep nothing wrong with this check out my spindash the trail headed for station square will be departing fool that was penny snap cube oh you tricked me i guess me and penny have a lot more in common than i think that's not sonic that's evil sonic scourge from an alternate dimension and he's stroking the master emeralds i gotta murder him hey it's knuckles hey knuckles what whoa what do you think hey what are you doing all right put them up hand over that emerald now sonic no way not gonna happen i'm gonna stash it underneath my testicles so you can't find it yeah guys that isn't that that isn't scourge that's trevor with scourge's clothes see i was testing you i was testing you that that's actually trevor i'm green and cool that's what he says when he attacks you he's like i'm green and cool and he says every time he attacks oh no the chaos emerald i'll be taking these that's all there is to it you guys are too easy i love the way he holds the emeralds in these games that's a chaos emerald first come first they say and you serve me too well for your own good you can't get away with this you'll never get away with this dr robotnik knuckles i trevor the hedgehog will murder you and your family i've got four emeralds now that's two that's two he's lying that's the only two chaos emeralds dr robotnik does no math i trevor the hedgehog i'm very scared whoa sonic you make him eat dirt i'll make him eat dirt all right trevor the hedgehog will make him eat dirt everybody check it out it's your favorite boss fight yet again everybody loves this boss fight it's not jank at all it works totally fine i love video games they're so cool man when i get older i'm gonna make video games just like this one and people will definitely not send me death threats dude imagine okay like i'm a sonic fan right i'm a sonic man and even i acknowledge that like sonic has a lot of bad games imagine being sonic being like the creator of sonic you've created one of the most recognizable and iconic characters of all time and even though the main games like stink a lot of the time it's still one of the most iconic characters of all time like how do you make a character so likable and iconic that they s even if the content is bad people will still like eat eat anything with it up like genuinely nostalgia it's not even nostalgia there's a lot of sonic content now that people eat up like for example like the movies are doing insanely well the idw comics are really good the music is always good despite like how the games might be perceived the music is always fire somehow it's very salty well i'm not a furry and i like sonic i like sonic and i like sonic lore i think it's interesting are you sure yes i'm sure i'm not a closeted furry how do you think the creators feel about the weird parts of sonic fan art uh you think at some level he's proud i think at that level i'd probably be proud if he was like at that scale i still don't know why the music in this scene is completely muted i've been trying to figure out i don't know why my flying fortress my creation the forces ost suck it did but it had some bangers this bump was pretty good there's one thing i can compliment about forces is that they try to bring back like character themes remember how like in in like the dreamcast and get and multi-platform early days with like sonic adventure one two heroes and all those they had like character specific themes and music like tails had his own song sonic had his own song knuckles rose uh rouge amy was that danganronpa i don't know what i'm doing as knuckles right now yeah like there'd be so many cool character specific themes and they stopped doing them the trolley car oh yeah yeah they stopped doing character themes and they only brought them back recently for like uh like forces i really hope that they bring those back more okay so this is the gold statue i'm wondering where this the silver one is so here's the gold one two stone statues the door to the past does anybody remember where the silver one is i genuinely don't remember so i got the gold one i think it's as near biggs biggs up the wall how the hell were you supposed to find this how did i find this as a kid is my question no i found a medallion though oh wait there's a there's a thing here oh it's a it's an upgrade salty if you're not a furry why the hell do you follow daily rouge the bat on twitter hold down the action button yeah you got me there bud knuckles got me there you have me there how the [ __ ] do you know that okay so it wasn't there i'm wondering where is this does that who who knows where this is uh context there is no context somewhere to the left what do you mean the left i'm in a three-dimensional area there is no left or right there's like it's x and y i'll climb up here map okay okay let's see um it in the jungle somewhere oh wait wait a sec i think i know where it is i think it's in here right right this has got to be it no oh wait yes yes yes silver statue got it yeah i'm so smart okay can we can camera work please thank you okay i want to make i want to make another thing i want to just make another thing the term furry has a very wide definition it's all encompassing in a lot of different ways a lot of people think that people who identify as furry are people who sexually are into like like furry like characters not so sometimes you can just be like you know into like the aesthetic of like anthropomorphic characters and you can be a furry however that is not the way i feel about rouge hold up derek what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean i thought the rouge was the free pass for everybody i thought that everybody got the free pass for rouge did they miss the meeting i may not be a furry but damn rouge is a fine ass woman exactly this is what i'm saying i'm not a furry either i'm telling you guys no bowser is the free pass dude if you're into bowser you are the furriest furry of all of the furries you cannot be into bowser and be like yeah you know i just like him you know just like him you know nothing else i'm not the furry exclaim the first listen there's nothing bad with being a furry i'm just telling you guys i'm not a furry it's on you guys if you for some reason think i'm a furry i'm just saying it's definitely in here right it's right here there we go you're not a furry unless you say you are liking anthro characters doesn't automatically make you a fur you see this is exactly what i mean if i had like a fursona and i outwardly was like i'm a furry then that makes me a furry but like you guys know what i mean i don't have to defend myself to you people oh wait whoop where am i furry and rouge the bat lovers are two different things this is what i am saying uh this is what i am saying oh i dropped my controller yeah but it's funny to call you a furry but it's incorrect it's incorrect but isn't there an upgrade that i can get for knuckles in this section if i go back isn't there like a special upgrade around here that i can get or did i imagine that in a dream i think i imagined this in a dream yeah i definitely imagined it in a dream that's amy again sorry sorry my bad sonic he's really cool sonic he rolls into a ball son hear me now my father is coming i'm just very stressed for finals what do you recommend i'll i'm gonna say the same thing that i said to my girlfriend about finals just study try your best and that's the end of the story if you do a little bit badly if you don't get like an a plus plus that's fine life goes on i know it's stressful but just don't go into it thinking that it's gonna be the end of the world because i did that with every exam for a while and that like [ __ ] me up you'll get it just you know study your study a little butt off make sure to take like occasional breaks don't overwork yourself but yeah [Music] i must do something quickly girl your hands are messed up i just watched a youtube animation about wario being sucked into eldon ring that's so cool thanks for sharing all right back in front of the altar you sound very shocked the broken pieces of the master emerald i have to restore them to where they belong how did you forget that is this the end of the story already i thought we just started i genuinely thought that we just started now you got a bit more okay good i was gonna say like what there's definitely like a chunk missing right yeah it's incomplete i need to find the remaining pieces wherever they are oh the egg carrier yeah we gotta go to the egg carrier wait i don't i don't remember the master emerald having this ability to like showcase where the rest of the emerald pieces are what i mean it makes sense but like you know where that's huh oh it's e-103 hey isn't that one of the robots oh yeah what an idea i'll follow it back to eggman's base i like the color blue here i come eggman look at all these eggman's robots where did it go did not go to red mountain here i come eggman oh a huge building has appeared deep in the jungle oh okay knuckles is everywhere you gonna clean this up no okay [ __ ] salty you do have a fursona it's trevor no a fursona the reason why it's called a fursona is it's your like persona it's like your avatar trevor is not my avatar trevor is a character an oc having an oc that happens to like have animalistic characteristics does not make you a furry i'm sure you guys are learning a lot about furry culture today and i am too we're gonna move on now what's the point of this stream it's a place sonic dude i love sonic uh what's going on and then guys i know how to get rid of the egg carrier it's gone this thing's always changing all right oh fresh knee harvest thank you for the gift sub don't have to go in through here yeah i sense the master emerald i bet you dude baby haven't you made that joke already did i steal a joke from myself i think i did yeah i stole a joke from myself that then again that that original sonic the hedgehog played through really that original sonic i can't speak that then again that original sonic adventure play through happened like like a year ago i don't think i'm gonna need to do that oh no camera can you can you please i'm gonna go back through here what's in here camera okay i sense the master emerald where is it it's around here somewhere i can [ __ ] smell it you're looking forward to sonic origins yes actually i think the thing i'm most excited about is how they're combining like all four games in the collection into like one campaign with animated cutscenes that's going to be really cool i don't know how many animated cutscenes there are going to be but i assume animated cutscenes from the beginning and ending of each game or to segue in between the games if i get any more than that i will be immensely happy or we shall see oh i see what i have to do i have to i i do have to push the lever so that i can get into those areas why is dk dan so salty you'll never know so we got to push it forward did i just hear eric andre i'm trying to pull it i'm trying to push it forward and i can't what the hell either push hold up to control the ship's tilt i i know oh i have to hold down b of course i do yeah of course no that's not the way i wanted it hold up to control the ships too there we go salty please notice me it would be epic pog what you see why do you gotta ruin that why do you have to say it'll be epic pog forgot it we're so close to like me getting to actually you know be like oh hey what's up but then you said epic bog epic pog oh my god there's something so satisfying about like hitting a giant robot and just seeing it explode in this game there's one more where is it where is it where is it show me to call okay thank you oh is it in one of these hold up is it underneath this i think it is actually why sonic there again his buddy knuckles wasn't feeling too good today so he's filling in man why why do you guys have to shame him so much he's taking a mental health day let the poor man be he's hunting emeralds every day either push or pull the lever to control the ship's tilt and i wonder i'm gonna make for dinner later tonight what are you guys having for dinner hope it's something delicioso oh it wasn't underneath here where is it is it up high i can only assume that it's up high right oh it is it's right there oh i'm dumb i didn't even see it i ate pizza oh yeah it's it's past dinner time for you guys you're not a sociopath like me that stays up till like 5 a.m working hey salty since you know so much about sonic can you explain which sonic character would suffer from irritable bowel syndrome probably dr robotnik right now to restore the master emerald oh wait he's sliding he's sliding he he's he's he's leaving where is he going knuckles i mean sonic what oh no not again who could have done this this fire who who could have done this could it have been trevor the hedgehog hey what happened here he killed everyone they came and my father i had no idea how bad this would turn out i'm shocked look it's the emerald tikal wait man what do i have to do to get teeth as white as sonics in that scene damn dude is this a dream it's more like a nightmare he came and my father well what what's your father what'd your father do with it what the [ __ ] i finally found you're talking about [ __ ] right in pieces what but i still can't figure out that creepy thing to call what happened squid games [Music] i forgot i forgot i put that mod on man this game is always full of surprises trevor i'm here to help you not again i hate you hey sonic hey hey trevor you're just in time knuckles i mean sonic my my brother that i kissed i'd better let sonic yeah i better let trevor handle this one now i must return to angel island i sure hope that a water monster doesn't attack me oh [ __ ] i guess he didn't get enough the first time all right let's handle this stop me from restoring the master i gotta say this is probably the creepiest chaos form right boss remix this this truly is the biggest of chunguses why can i not pick these up i was i thought you could pick these oh i can just say why can i do that oh whoops this is after he's absorbed froggy right honestly it's it's it's kind of wild that they were able to do chaos in the way that they did i think it's such an interesting idea for a boss like a boss that like morphs and changes over the the period of the game that you can like fight he's different every time that's pretty cool it's a cool idea don't give them enough credit for that especially at the time i mean sure they make you fight the same forms like four times but is that all you got it's me you're finished what's left now is to return the master emerald safely to my island are you gonna do anything about the chaos emeralds you just found or just leave them there who's who's taking the chaos emeralds they were right there knuckles you you could have you could have taken them okay some pretty fire music trevor picked up the emeralds and shoved them up his ass probably i hope that all of these emeralds can fit up my tiny castle i couldn't even finish i couldn't i couldn't even finish but i know that trevor sure did that's actually his catchphrase i always finish like sonic says gotta go fast and trevor's like i always finish you mean finish first right like in a race no today we're sitting down with uh iconic youtuber and streamer salty dk dan uh salty diggadan how are you doing oh i'm doing great jeff thanks for having me okay that's awesome now uh today we have a a question for you that i don't think you get asked um how are you this funny well you see jeff uh you know all i gotta do is just make sex jokes about sonic characters and i i don't know it's just it it comes to me naturally yes but why do you only make sex jokes uh do some people think that you might be derivative from other let's players oh you know it's it you know jeff i you know i i wouldn't say i'm derivative i would say that i'm um inspired um you know what this is this is that says sex jokes is very very hard to come up with you know a lot of the time uh like a lot of people a lot of people frown on sex jokes but i feel like they're uh very very very very funny very funny uh and not a lot of people do them these days so yeah i found out that you could skip the credits if you hold down all the face buttons and press start it just skips them select your character okay let's start a big hold up how am i not supposed to make a [ __ ] joke after that how anyway big big get up we can we can see up your skirt big this is this is an unfortunate camera angle t-o-s t-o-s tos please t-o-s-t-o-s this is not safe for twitch uh t-o-s-t-o-s jos please please get up big please please please please i can't have this on screen please oh thank you blur the screen it's too late blur it blur it blur it froggy is that you you're looking kind of weird good buddy froggy what the hell is up with you no not the piss rock dude look at froggy with the emerald in his mouth it looks like i love that you can actually see the emerald in his mouth like he's like oh i don't have an emerald in here what are you talking about froggy i'm freaking out i'm tweaking right now [Music] where are my [ __ ] at wherever i'll be honest i think that big big definitely pulls off this dress better than amy does look at this shrut like fashion fashion work work work work work work froggy come over here [ __ ] it come on man the police the police driving by is that is that a giant fat cat in a dress a gym you can't you can't be judging people these days come on people already hate the police and now you know you're gonna judge the big fat cat with the dress okay i get it i can't jump up there nah amy pulls off the dress too why are we put why are we pitting two bad [ __ ] against each other you know what that's true you know we we should we shouldn't be pitting people against each other you know i think everybody should just start wearing dresses they're pretty why not welcome to twinkle park duh i don't know where to go uh okay this way salty i'm so hard right now i know me too look at the figure the bad is the [ __ ] okay let's see froggy is over here right yeah he's right there man if there's one thing i did not miss from this game it was these levels god damn it no i don't i forget how to do these actually how do i just how do i get the line back all the way it's a way to just like quit come on froggy come on bud i got places to be how do i do this again it's i i should probably read the instructions on how to do this i'm gonna die i'm gonna jesus jesus christ press alt f4 to skip the fishing segments if i really wanted to i could just enable the mod where like we could just skip the fishing segments and just get froggy just pluck him out from the water okay froggy god the camera is so horrible no i don't want you no no no no no no no oh froggy's getting it froggy's getting it damn it no he's getting it again okay how how how does this work you broke the line how did i break the line how to play biggs fishing segments yo what's up guys mysticwin here so today i'm coming at you with another video and i'm gonna be showing you guys how to win the most annoying stages in this entire game and we all know that that's big the cats um fishing stages so a lot of people i've seen a lot of comments on uh video about sonic adventure that they never yeah i've been leaving those comments like got to the super sonic story just because of the big uh stages so yeah i found out a super easy way to really you did stages no way even finished the game before i uh found this out but yeah i hate this dude oh me too bud me too all right so i'm gonna go to twinkle park to show you guys because okay let me let me share my screen because everybody's like share the screen share the screen please share the screen that's something you're gonna see in the screen shut up oh here here okay here here's the screen okay it's like his easiest mission it's the only one i could get uh it's the only one i could win actually oh but all right so i but i actually i won the entire game and it it feels great because i actually like beat big story you did no way it's because it's actually it's just so easy it's really it is the only hard part is that you have to actually like um get uh froggy to bite on the the lore so really okay first i'm gonna show you guys what actually happens when you do it wrong so yeah yeah you show it show us yeah so he'll turn around and try to go for it and then as soon as he bites he'll just pull it away and then he'll just not even no way but to hook him you have to actually move around the stick you have to move around the l-stick so okay analog stick whatever you want to call it but really so here you'll throw it in there come on yeah come on he has to do this is the only hard part just actually getting him to bite come on dude where is he all right so you move the l stick as soon as he bites there we go don't let the meter fill up because then he'll let go but you just reel them in slowly oh it almost filled up okay don't let that fill up all right all right there we go he's coming in it's literally this easy that's all you have to do you just move around wow thanks so much man yeah thank you and yeah like i literally got through the whole big story just using that simple trick yeah thanks man that really appreciate it yeah okay thanks man i mean if this helps you you can stop talking over me now you can stop talking over me okay stop stop when was this uploaded when was this uploaded 2017 okay thank you agent h and agent ace animations [Music] they got some cool like stop-motion animations now on their channel that's good for them okay let's do it salty your acting is amazing what acting you're not gonna like and subscribe well i i i'm not really a big fan of like uh stop-motion stop-motion sonic stuff personally that's just a personal thing i really appreciate this chat's attempt to like gas me up like oh my god salty your acting is amazing let's try it on this fish what i didn't get it froggy come on come on dude where is he where'd he go hold up i'll cast it out long froggy yep here he comes what the come come get it get it oh i i messed it up okay here we go got it i forgot how much these levels suck not too bad guys the 33. that's my favorite number that's how many of my relatives were killed in the last sonic-based war don't ask me about it i gotta get the frost thing 33 barry zero found the froggy okay where where is the where's the frost thing where's the ice thing okay but where where is the where did the ice stone go i forgot where it was dropped oh there it is big chungus this is the song that plays wherever i walk dab me up froggy oh [ __ ] [Music] it kind of fits big well apparently this mod was made specifically for big in mind the mod the big chungus mod says and i quote spice up your latest playthrough of big story by uh by using this mod this has got to be my favorite track in the the big chunk is remixes oh man i'm in the ice cave i hope this doesn't ruin my fit okay cool it goes on underneath the fit you've discovered the life belt i sure did so there's four big fishing fishing stages right use the boulders to break the ice okay use the boulders to break the ice [Music] pick it up big pick it up pick up the boulder for [ __ ] sake pick up the bolt [Music] okay let's try that again wait is froggy right there oh he is no how do i how do i get out i could just do it while i'm floating anyway it doesn't matter oh well it's too close there we go okay can we can this please function please there we go come on froggy you know you want this you know you want it come on come on froggy come on something bite holy [ __ ] oh i'm freaking oh my god i'm tweaking out right now sweet did you know if you yell fire in a uv theater you'll get free service really big is that true life hack makes a sociopath i hope that nobody [ __ ] up my fit [Applause] [Music] oh my [ __ ] the controller vibration in the scene they're really necessary god that stare is just into my soul oops what do you mean oops oh you let it go oh now what am i gonna do my life sucks uh how about another joke froggy what do you get when you cross a mentally aloner with a society i don't know what to do go to station square you may find something i keep hearing uncle grandpa good morning what's up my [ __ ] good morning to you same character holy [ __ ] yeah they have this similar voices oh my god it's trevor i have so many emeralds up my ass okay i mean oh the okay isn't pizza steve like yeah pizza steve like that's what he sounds like oh yeah pizza steve i don't i don't even i i've never really watched uncle grandpa i only know it from clips you know i'm just happy that big is kind of like living his own life like hell yeah girl slay okay i forget we're looking for is up ahead up ahead like over here oh there's a frog i'm looking for wow i'm really good at finding this guy come on froggy yeah you see it man this is i'm going through these levels extremely fast oh there's a snag there's a snag oh i got it that's got to be like a record right like that was fast how's that level c how fast i did that oh it's probably based on how many fishes you get what the hell uh oh can you calm down hold on there come back please give me my friend back i'm begging you [Music] please level c is the first mission of the level oh okay it's not a ranking system i thought it was why are the sidebars blue foggy uh why am i in elon musk's penthouse how did i even get here yeah it smells like elon musk's penthouses elon couldn't resist big i don't think anybody can resist this baddie check it out strut shred okay work work work work work work work work work work work yeah wait why is this remix actually fire i'll listen to this oh wait i got the i got the running shoes hold up oh this froggy looks like he needs my help salty i'm suing you because you thought of me uh you thought uh you made me think about big singing wep check out this wet ass [ __ ] [ __ ] froggy check out this wet ass [ __ ] pretty wet where where is froggy somewhere around here oh there he is now the [ __ ] is wet come on froggy come on big big chunk is on the big chunks big chunk is big chunks big chunks big big chunk is chunkis big chungus oh [ __ ] dog i got him wait froggy's down there on the left wait i'm holding froggy and froggy's also in the cutscene guys if that was the case then why why did they start the camera angle like that that's just why why is froggy in the cutscene twice that's his brother froggo froggo is a bastard we don't talk about froggo that's the saucy imposter oh man i really need to die wow is it all right for me to be here no leave so do you trust me no one trusts you these are the seven emeralds that's the master emerald [Music] could it be yeah it's the master emerald the seven chaos emeralds unified by one that is the controller [Music] the seven chaos the controller itself could this be the emerald that controls the seven chaos foggy i don't like the looks of this place we'd better head out of here elon musk should be back any second there's no point to my rescuer you i don't know who would bother to save us both we better get going buddy we gotta make like a banana and get off of this ship in biggs boys oh you mean the chaos emeralds froggy you don't want to know what had happened if i got those sweet plain oh cool shark can you say various star trek quotes in biggs voice what do you mean star trek quotes what do you mean various how many star trek quotes could there be it's like two at most so i see you're trying to escape i'm right on time chaos grab him and get that frog where the [ __ ] are you guys there's four quotes four total quotes that's a lot of quotes for a show i thought that he absorbed froggy too did he not did i fabricate that in my memory all right and now for the frog wait what why does he have to absorb the frog oh i guess there's like a a part a part of chaos went into the frog early on yeah okay that's why froggy has a tail what a weird way to get big involved in the plot unbelievable look what happened chaos has transformed again why do these remixes actually [ __ ] bang is this like stockholm syndrome but for music yeah this is how sonic and big meat [Music] hey you're big and purple that's really cool you want a kiss oh yeah sure i don't got much else going on got him this is one of the shortest boss fights in the entire game salty realize that this is the only time sonic interacts with big in the whole franchise wait really this is their only interaction in the entire franchise that's insane what what hey maybe we could use this but i don't know the first thing about it oh well i'll give it a try anyway i will say i do like this scene a lot the fact that big just takes the tornado i thought they looked at each other in sonic heroes oh they looked at each other that was so jank this music really is fitting and that's the end of big story don't worry froggy i got my pilot's license along with my forklift certification oh big please censor that why are these remixes like actually bangers what the hell okay that's it that's it okay that's it for the night guys we're gonna take a quick look at fan art and then i'm gonna wrap it up wrap it up we're actually close to the end of sonic adventure too so that's pretty good [Music] yeah yeah yeah oh that's too loud all right let's take a look at fan art if you would like to get your fan art featured on the channel on twitch then be sure to at salty dk art rt adding me on on twitter will not help us find it uh it will make it more complicated so i'll put up the twitter in a second you guys know the whole deal okay it's gotta pop up any second now right uh oh there we go there we go and there we go all right so yeah if you want to if you want your art to appear in a salty twitch thingy then uh you know put the tag tag the the fan art twitter do it [ __ ] there's the ad on the bottom right of the screen too so you have no no reason no reason at all i made a boy sona for a few weeks back uh but i don't think i posted it here so here's uh some art i made today my art style barely needed to change for the boy sona because of colors and shapes lol look look arch person a lot of people were making boy sonas this week redraw of a screenshot from saltydegenant's pixelmon video scrags level 69. man i miss scraggs oh this one's so cute i didn't see this one to clarify though it is boy sono with an i so boi sona but i really like this one this one's really cute i will now proceed to draw a boy's sonar are there any rules to them they're just supposed to be like a little white marshmallow person with uh black arms and legs kind of like a stick figure but not really uh the only basic rule is that you need to have a nose that is its own unique shape and color then you could just add any sort of decoration on whether it be like a shirt or like a some hair or like a detail that you like and frankie drew a boy sona i think frankie's had this one for a bit that's me i know it was a typo i'm sorry i'm sorry mental attacker i didn't mean to bully you hell yeah thank you yeah no problem also your head can be any shape it could be like a square it doesn't necessarily have to be a circle it'd be like an oval or like some wacky shape it doesn't matter and uh of course mal encouraging it i like this one a lot as you can see i like some of these in advance because i saw some of them on on twitter all these boy sonas look great lol yeah i love these i really like this one i i i don't know there's something about like the the the color on this one that i really like and the outlines it looks so fun this one was also really good i made a boy sona because yippee fortnite and noon cola drinker yippee [Music] salty can you fart into the microphone i think you're looking for a different twitch streamer but you know good luck good luck on your search i heard you forgot how to draw learn from fortnite pro yeah uh last night i was sketching in my my uh my art book and i just could not draw for [ __ ] like i don't know what happened but like for for whatever reason i was trying to like draw some characters and i just kept doing it wrong and i was like with that the hell so i'm struggling to uh relearn for some upcoming art streams or like get the vibes back you know what i mean they say amy is looking for her sedan to this day amy rose where could my sedan be genuinely probably my my favorite bit from these sonic adventure streams is doing the grocery run the trader joe's percent we heard we're making boy sonas now oh this is from bandit this is a good one i really like the the the jacket specifically jacket's got good vibes oh i don't think i saw this one i was going to post this yesterday because funny star wars day but i forgot friend like inspired me so much to when it came to my drawing and i owe so much to the series for being something i always come to whenever i need to laugh or feel better oh that's really sweet thanks dillybilly some cute art too poor lark got absolutely eviscerated don't mind me i'm just making an au about how derek kills his dad and joe bargain sent me to giving his soul to be doopy do sweet more edgy au's oh and somebody added the the [ __ ] sound effects this is amazing i love it boy sona but i can't find my tablet pen it's okay you're still valid hey you were salty has your ip address oh that is a dark au by purple voice sona moment this is silver eggs boy sona i feel bad for not following the front lock thing since i mostly watch your more silly videos hey i mean front lock season 1 is silly as [ __ ] it's silly it's goofy season 2 is also silly and goofy but we wanted to do like a little story thing along with it because we thought it'd be funny season three is gonna be more silly and goofy than season two was what are your thoughts on devin mack as uh sonic and sonic prime i think i've talked about this on three streams now but i i actually like him as sonic and plus he has the passion for it and he already really likes sonic like he he's a sonic fan so good also i think it's a if i'm not mistaken the reason i don't know if there was a specific reason that they got a different voice actor but i think based off of one tweet that i saw that had zero likes somebody said that it was a canadian production so technically like they couldn't get like certain voice actors on because of like union things or whatever i don't i don't know the specifics of that but regardless i think devin's gonna do a really good job and it's just really cool to hear another uh voice of sonic in general it's totally a canadian production if devin mack is there yeah i didn't know if devin was uh canadian or not but yeah i know uh devin is really cool devon did did devin not voice uh he voiced a raccoon and like tome i think and i like that character a lot back when i watched that series for the first time like ages ago i think he's gonna kill it too the the clip that they showed is not really indicative of like his full performance just keep that in mind if you aren't a fan of it wait till the show comes out he does a little bit of it in his like video on twitter that he made when like it got announced sonic's first voice was jaleel white the only other black sonic voice actor yeah devin is uh is this now the second uh voice actor uh for sonic that's black that's really cool if anything if anything it's closer to the original sonic than any other voice has been before and therefore superior but yeah i really like devin's performance so far i i think i think he's gonna do really really well i didn't know that there were seasons on that holy crap what do you mean seasons on that like uh like friend luck yeah season one was emerald and then season two was pokemon black yeah his video made me confident on his ability yeah devin devin's got the the swag he's got the major swag for sonic and he's got the passion what about steve urkel that that's jaleel white jaleel white was steve urkel and sonic also i've been standing on this i haven't even counted on this but uh the silver egg made me walking into claire's i like how the way you made me walking into claire's i i look like you know like hand goes limp which i mean is correct but like you don't gonna call me out on it i think doobie's doing an iceberg video on just my channel as a whole so i'm excited about that can't wait to watch it i might react to it when it comes out but no promises no promises i think there was an iceberg that was circulating that was on my entire channel there was a lot of like entries on it so yeah oh this one is cool i love this one i got my bow tie even though i'm like in swim trunks which is hilarious the background has the exact vibes that like i want for my channel super bad like as you can see on on obs right now or on the stream right now the background on the left and right like that's the exact vibes like i want like old arcade and pizza joint like wallpaper type aesthetic oh this is it this is the this is the uh this is the iceberg i think that i saw yeah so here here's the whole one trying to see yeah there's a lot of good entries on this except for female salty rule 34 that's cringe i hate that but yeah y'all knew y'all know my uh my my stance on rule 34 i'm like eh don't do that of me but i do have friends that have like consented to it like like mal is like totally down for it and that's fine i'm just personally not really into it so avoid that if if possible and not really if possible just don't do it i'm being too nice about i'm way too [ __ ] nice about [ __ ] sometimes i really just need to be like no don't do it but yeah the cult of yo do you have ligma almost kidnapped yeah there's a lot of good ones on this i wonder if doobie's gonna actually be able to get all of these because some of these are really specific unless you've like watched all of my content some of these i think only came up in streams i don't even know if they made it into videos i don't even know what this one is mikey [ __ ] my wife so yeah oh dippy dippy did uh did we did like a little like an animatic thing based off of a friend like a friend lock conversation hold on jay let me i can't touch you never mind i'm a ghost i went right through you um i hurt bad i didn't even know ghosts could hurt yeah well we do have a tutorial body kind of oh it's full of fire and oil oh my god no pain i took one step outside of my house and everything went to hell this is why we don't go outside this is why we should have stayed inside for the pandemic this is why we stay inside and play on our 3ds which has fantastic 3d graphics hold up hold on jay i really like that face at the end that's good face good [ __ ] dippy good [ __ ] it's little doofus little doofus also in yesterday's stream said that you've shown fan art uh sean the fan art made two days ago and prior but i checked through your past streams and turns out that you didn't which includes not one but two pieces of my fan art oh sorry well here's your art now here it is and then we're back to the glendale stuff from the other day but yeah please it's not good dippy can you not be hard on yourself it's a rough animatic you even said that you could like clean it up and even if it wasn't a rough animatic it looks fine don't be so hard on yourself everybody compliment dippy swear to god anyway i think i think that that should be it right i think we're all good this is a little bit more of a mellow stream i took like what 10 minutes to like fix the game crashing so that's it this is day 25 of my stream streak 25 days of this can you even believe it i say this every day but can you even believe it 25 days straight on a stream streak obviously this isn't as impressive as like a subathon or anything like that but for me to make this commitment and still get work done uh on the channel in the meantime it's pretty pretty damn impressive for me almost an entire month let's see if we can actually make it like an entire month let's see if we can make it to day 30. that's going to be the goal next day 30 or day 31. i genuinely do not i'll be honest with you guys i'm gonna be completely real i have no idea how i made it to 25 days it used to be so difficult for me to stream regularly and then one day i was like you know what i'm going to do it every day every single day just as long as you're not pushing your mental health man yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not over pushing don't worry i i appreciate it though i do elden ring help with that yeah that's true eldon ring was a huge help there's so much to play in elden ring i should do an eldar extreme tomorrow maybe i don't know part of me kind of wants to kind of wants to just like finish up sonic adventure because we're really close but i don't know if you push your mental health too far stream it for content yeah that's a good idea i have a mental breakdown i need to i definitely need to stream it i say finish sonic i'll decide tomorrow sometimes i like to vary it up just for like my own mental stuff because i like diversity but who knows but yeah i definitely could finish up sonic tomorrow so it might happen tomorrow but uh yeah also it seems like more people like to like the sonic streams than anything else so we might do a sonic stream a shovelware stream coming up i need to you see what i need to do is i need to do more shovelware streams of games that aren't on ds i don't have that much shovelware when it comes to like wii or stuff like that so i need to work on that uh maybe you know what i definitely want to start playing again soon yakuza now that i've i've learned how to commit to like playing one game for over like 10 streams i want to play yakuza again i will say here's something i've learned about streaming every day for 25 days in the past sometimes i would have a bad stream and i'd feel kind of bad about it and i'd be like ah that stream wasn't that really wasn't that funny or there wasn't that many like good like bits of it and that's happened during this 25-day streak where i kind of go to sleep and i'm like dang that wasn't really the best stream that i've ever had but it's one of those things where like yeah not every video you put out is gonna be your best video not your every project or stream or you do is gonna be the best thing that you ever make sometimes they're gonna be a little bit more mellow and that's okay and you shouldn't beat yourself up about it because if you're like me there's just another stream tomorrow another chance to to do well so uh yeah i'd like to thank everybody for joining me for this 25 day stream streak if you watched one if you watched multiple if you watched uh only like a clip thank you i i really do appreciate the support um as an update for those who care i am working on videos right now currently i have a very a quite a large team of editors helping me make videos like for the upcoming stuff uh i have some scripts that i'm trying to finish up writing and recording so that i can send them over for audio edits and stuff like that so uh yeah the current plan and this is subject to change the current plan is that when i come back to uploading officially my schedule will be two videos a week i don't know if it's going to be that like forever but yeah i think that two videos a week i've said before is something that i really really want to reach and if i can keep up the the quality of it then yeah two videos a month seems more reasonable no way i would never put out only two videos a month if i was on a schedule i put out like one video a week if i was on like a monthly schedule that's a lot of videos a week that's true but you know what i'm working really hard to see if i can make that happen i have a lot of projects coming up so yeah gotta get back to work all right guys i hope you're having a beautiful wonderful night make sure to eat drink do what you need to do and take care of yourself alright good night everybody woo
Channel: Salty's Video Dump
Views: 10,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mods, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure DX, Steam, stream, twitch, full playthrough, blind playthrough, saltydkdan, salty, sonic the hedgehog, Trevor the Hedgehog, lets play, video game
Id: IVIkc7hmSwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 27sec (6867 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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