Random Horror Games I found online (Full Stream)

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hey everybody uh if you're just joining um chat is shaming me for wanting to introduce a feat cam to these streams I've talked about it before okay that would pull an entirely new audience okay you guys just you guys just don't want Ingenuity you just want every streamer to be exactly the same make the same jokes do the same thing but all of a sudden when I introduce the idea of a feat Cam that is where you guys draw the line that is where you're like oh no no feet can no no no weaklings foreign anyway um today we are going to be playing some indie horror games uh I'm preparing for October or if you're watching this in October happy Halloween happy Halloween you nutty kids uh if you if you don't know this about me I don't do well with horror material I don't watch horror movies I don't play horror games I only really do it uh for for content because that's all I am a Shameless content Farm I don't necessarily enjoy it either big baby no I'm strong I'm you want to know how I know I'm strong because even though I'm scared I I face it anyway that's that's real courage right there it's okay to be a baby so okay you know what I I gotta stop bearing my heart to you people time I do every single time I do people are just like I don't know shut up okay who uh what do you guys think is a better idea should I just open these games and and just play them or should I like introduce them like what their name is or like a quick like bio about them I have a Google doc that I wrote up just in case I needed those I think I might just like say the name I think I might just say the name and then that's it because I don't know when I was downloading these I did not look at like the about page or anything like that holy [ __ ] go Motion um but yeah I know I when I was downloading a lot of these I just did not really look at them sometimes I I would just look at the preview image and that was it I'd be like okay this seems pretty cool just say the name and open the game all right sounds good we'll do that okay we're gonna start with a game called assessment examination assessment examination I heard chat was talking about feet did it happen to be Sonic's feet no it's not Sonic's feet I know you're probably really excited about that but it was it was not Sonic's feet what is up with your your guys's obsession with feet like I I get it never mind I shouldn't have said that I shouldn't no um I misspoke I miss I misspoke can you guys just guys can you can you guys just forget that would that be would that be a thing that you could do for me guys uh it's uh it's not it's not funny guys it's not funny sorry I'm just trying to adjust the volume so it's not uh not that bad how are we doing is the volume good is volume good [Music] bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread I hope that you know that the moment that you donated that the game crashed on my end I had to restart it when that donation came in all right let's let's do this I I don't know anything about this I feel like this looks like it's very like uh analog horror inspired so just just by the static we'll now begin hello friend thanks for applying for this position at the authenticity assessment Department all of us here are very happy it's [ __ ] loud if you get the job that is today we'll be testing your instincts to see if you're qualified to perform authenticity assessments on your own in a real life scenario but before that some quick questions are required to get some more insight about who we would be hiring please take a city to wait further instructions okay what we got to do is chill out oh oh yeah newspapers a dream Word of Mouth newspaper is a dream uh Word of Mouth have any professional experience in this area no I don't even know what I'm here for do you have any personal experience in this no I don't do you believe in God I mean you know that's a hard question you know like these days I feel like I'm more spiritual but I don't believe in a you know any specific faith I mean I was I was raised Catholic but uh you know like you know I'm more you know overall spiritual I mean I believe like a higher power I guess you know you know I want to say any any specific guy but I mean you know you know how it is foreign I'll say yes do you fear death oh it intensely in town oh man I fear death so hard because what if you're dying it's just like it's just in like an empty void after you die That's Not to cause anybody anxiety and chat right now but like what what if what if you just get hit by a truck and instead of going to an afterlife it's just an empty void for the rest of Eternity anyway yeah I I I don't I I Fear God I'm hoping for a void why would you why would you hope for the void what is wrong with you do you have people you love in your life yeah I love people [Music] do you fear losing them oh intense what is this what is this one yes no 80 to a one four I kind of want to press this one I won't lie I mean like my answer is yes but I just I need to know what this one is we will provide you with several images of people and you must determine whether or not these people are authentic and to be trusted or threats you should stay away from please be careful with your selections our decision on whether to hire you will depend heavily on your results how's the volume guys just wanted to check in on that making sure [Music] dude dude's got horrible mascara like that shit's runny as hell threat I will not trust that man [Music] this guy's got mascara on fleek Trust [Music] um [Music] every I looked over to Chad and somebody said everybody is so fleek everybody's so fleek don't say threat salty what do you mean don't say threat this looks fine trust I don't like this guy this guy looks like this guy looks like uh you know those like old uh those old like first person shooter like boxes what are a box Arts were like there would be a guy in the front with like a gun and it'd be like Duke Nukem or like Doom looks like that that's what this guy looks like Wolfenstein yeah no this is Wolfenstein there he is Mr Wolfenstein ah no threat he looks he looks too too buff okay I can't read that oh horu fouks horu folks there's a little stick figure there a big stick figure with a big old eyes uh I I I consume a girl uh and like a smaller girl and then a baby okay [Music] is this Salty's family I have a a very big family I guess uh try you you look normal I don't I'm not a huge fan of the eyes and beyond that you're white threat [Music] oh this guy looks cool yeah this guy looks chilly he's even like smoking something I think or maybe it's like a toothpick if it's a toothpick he's cool as hell Trust okay well that he just has no eyes how am I okay well I don't want to discriminate maybe oh well he doesn't have a mouth either don't be ableist I don't I don't know if anybody has been born without eyes and a mouth I don't I don't know if that's a like deformity that happens trust what is he gonna do see you oh yeah yeah what is he gonna do hurt me foreign 5ng tablet take five Tablets by mouth nightly eat out of children in whatever that says [Music] salty face reveal but here I I have no eyes I have no mouth but I must stream trust trust foreign this actually looks like somebody that I know in real life and that is a bit unnerving I'll Trust just a normal person their eyes are slightly obscured but I I'll trust them [Music] um getting a little bit blurrier but still seems relatively normal okay yeah yeah I trust you know Police Department what's your emergency yeah hi I'm at Dory Park at a gas station actually in a corner of Dore park I think there's somebody here who needs help there's a kid outside he's got some blood on him is he hurt I don't know he looks fine it's just he's outside and the door is locked so I can't tell he's asking for help though so I don't know if you can hear but he's asking me to help him okay I'm dispatching an ambulance right now is there any way you can unlock this door oh I can unlock it for sure I work here I have the keys salty what is the name something what is the sorry I misread a comment I thought somebody was asking if this game had a battle pass I almost lost my mind then what's stopping you well I mean I wanted to help him obviously the moment the moment he came in it's a kid with blood on him for Christ's sake but and this is gonna sound like crazy to you just as I was pulling out my keys I saw it his face his face you know he had this look it reminded me of something I don't know what something I'm terrified of [ __ ] I don't know man but something's off about that kid like real off you're going to let this kid bleed out because he feels off no that's not what I'm saying he he's not dying I don't think he he just doesn't look right is all he'd looked like he just died himself but he hasn't obviously he looked like a ghost or a demon it's hard to explain maybe I'm just [ __ ] up right now I've been drinking a little bit but you had to see him it's scary [ __ ] officer officer he must be pale up because of the blood what was there was something something happened to the top whoa whoa what is that what was that I need flash again I needed a better look I can't see what that is what what oh now it's making noise poor kid can't even keep his eyes straight not because oh yeah not because he drank one too many cheap beers is is the image changing is he still there how does he look uh yeah he's I don't know I'm like crouching under the counter so I can't even see what he's doing it's [ __ ] creepy hmm okay well the ambulance is still a good 20 minutes away and the kid cannot be doing well so I need you to go assist him oh [ __ ] that no [ __ ] way you didn't see that little [ __ ] he's not normal you know refusal to cooperate as a crime right son is is that what it that is of course [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I'll go check on him then thank you I'll stay on the line all right Ave Maria santis Santisima okay I watched that I thought I thought he started singing like [Music] okay well that that poor guy got the absolute [ __ ] bludgeoned out of his face threats [Music] like yeah average salty viewer where he's just a little silly goober I I would I would trust this man with my life oh no this is a threat definitely I know okay bye oops I completely completed the authenticity assessment examination congratulations oh cool you are accepted into you will receive a letter on Mark why'd you drop a slur [Music] when when I saw when I saw that one kid with the funny eyes I I lost it I'm sorry there was a lot of numbers I didn't even look at missing 62 year old five two it's hard it's kind of hard to read or the missing person another missing person Mitchell Kramer Jancy Hassan 14 years old Wayne Green fish Kramer is missing oh wait I'm getting a call guys hold up Hey Joe uh I'm just jacking off you know me just jacking off have you tried jacking off storage yeah no that's valid you know valid as hell dude what are you talking about I didn't say anything um are you drunk are you high yeah talking about yeah you had the [ __ ] late night shift it takes a [ __ ] toll on me you've always been a shitty friend you don't even [ __ ] listen to anything I say at all you don't even acknowledge me at all wait who owns the gas station Joe Joe who I've completely given up on talking to you you're having a whole different conversation okay all right I guess go [ __ ] yourself okay it's too late already excellent you have now completed the authenticity assessment examination congratulations if you are accepted into you will receive a letter on April the 23rd at 1004 a.m April 23rd arrives before that skip aside lock your doors and windows and wait for the real letter to arrive do not call the police if the real letters holy [ __ ] and you believe in a God pray to them if they are real hope they will take pity on your soul if everything goes well the analog horror tape said [ __ ] cops we'll be thrilled to have you join our ever-growing family you have reached the end of your examination I've always wanted to be a part of the Black Box group what is that it all right it's kind of creepy based tapes meant Mandela catalog if it was based I guess that that's it base tapes for real was that a kazoo no that was just how I how I speak multiple and I mean there might be multiple endings but you'll have to figure that out for yourself all right now time for real gaming okay we're we're we're we're we're we're we're coming out with the with the real indie games now [Music] education and learning it's not even on screen [Laughter] I found this indie game I don't think any YouTubers have played it yet so I figured I'd give it some Spotlight you know man I'm I'm always trying to Spotlight uh some some cool indie games [Music] hey hey Mr baldy oh man I love video games so much I can't wait to be a part of your schoolhouse thanks so much for having me dude you you guys know it would be so cool I this guy this guy has such an iconic design in me already I think that somebody should make a Source Filmmaker animation of him like taking his feet out of his shoes and then like smothering your face with them I think that somebody should do that [Music] now it's time for everybody's favorite subject math answer the three questions correctly and you might get something special just type the correct answer I can't believe it okay I'm good at math [Music] isn't that negative two great job that's right salty is Baldi your fursona Aldi's not a fursona come here and get your prize a shiny Corner a shiny quarter click on it with the left Mouse button to pick it up [Music] doing something you can you can use it on right click on the object with the corner selected that's how you use items you know thanks baldy I mean this guy this guy's pretty cool actually I don't know if he's evil all right or like a [ __ ] up sonic.exe um eight plus seven that's fifteen oh I know this one problem [Music] oh my God oh my God what is happening is that it's Baldy I'm sorry 15 seconds what detention for you what happened [Music] oh no he's he's literally look he's outside oh no he's gonna get me he's gonna get me he's gonna get me oh [Music] I this game has controller support I didn't know my controller was vibrating next to me right oh hi hey what's up Baldi [Music] wow this game did not age well what do you mean it didn't age do you see this that's right this is the peak of Gaming [Music] problem three wait what I thought that was negative five yeah okay when you get the chance can you show your chat the ending to Truman Show and ask them to spam the pop champ emote and act like the people in the film dude I desperately need a recording of this happening I that's a very specific request and I don't think that I can I can do that just because of the fact that that oh wait hold I hear math that bad I'm gonna die now I don't know if I can do that because twitch might kill me speaking of killing me all right I'll do it again [Music] shut up now it's time for everybody's favorite one oh seven minus six is minus no no no no no it's it's one it's one it's one it's not negative one five okay I don't care give me another quarter [Music] what's up problem one great job that's right problem two all right no no five okay three I keep doing negative numbers fun fact every time you get a question wrong Bali gets slightly faster so all questions wrong is basically hard mode okay good to know he's behind me go go thank you I you need to rest oh no I need to rest I think yeah he's down the hall oh God I need to rest [Music] okay six plus nine is oh my God oh my God oh my God math math math math math math okay math I love math does he freeze when I'm doing math or no I don't think he does oh my God detention for you okay you should know better oh come on he's right outside the door how am I supposed to do this huh am I supposed to do this okay go go oh I hate this not a huge fan I love it wait is there a Notebook here how am I supposed to outrun him gonna get me while I'm doing math probably not I'm a genius okay I can take my time I can take my time on the math okay I can take my time on the math um seven plus six is it's 13. okay he's about to murder me oh my God damn okay we're we're gonna get this I swear oh hey salty here's your five bucks also did you know that baldy is a canonical character in the flat law look it up on the official Ultra custom night Wiki P.S can't wait to be included in friendlock season 3 smile dap dab dab dab dab dab dab dab excellent I didn't know that he was an I was a character in The the FNAF Lord okay [Music] salty please don't me please don't I'm just trying to support indie games a shiny corner I should have gotten the quarter shouldn't I minus all right [Music] guys what if baldi's baldi's Basics but uh he's hot like what if baldi's Basics like but he had like uh oh my God I fell for that twice is he down the hall here no no what is happening [Music] okay four minus nine is oh my God please brain help [Music] salty versus basic math you know what the real scary part of this game is doing math oh is he right there I can hear him he can smell me why is it dark in here ladies and gent I shall open what no oh he didn't see me wait I want a comic dub ladies and gentlemen as you can see this mailbox this is a mailbox I shall open it with my teeth oh [ __ ] squirrel rules when you follow the school rules no running oh wait did he not take me away because I wasn't running oh my God push me push me faster dude come on come on come on okay foreign seven plus eight is fifteen two plus nine is eleven and five if you type 530 45009 and the last question you will get a big penis oh it was almost very bad can you use the quarter on this how do I use the quarter how how do I use the quarter oh I have I have B soda whatever whatever that is oh oh no oh no this is not very good the sock puppet okay okay he is Behind the Walls right here okay seven plus nine if this if slender and the eight pages was based is what this game is uh 16. five plus six is eleven and then just five my trauma's resurfacing okay let's see if I can actually get around it because he's gonna come in here okay let's see if I can Juke some nope it's not gonna work it's not gonna work it's not gonna work oh my God open uh that didn't help I thought that what boots what are the boots do oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no that's um this is gonna this is gonna go badly no matter what I do I'm screwed yeah I I didn't I didn't aim the soda I guess uh numbers this is 13 right nice okay three okay run immediately run immediately oh yeah [Music] why were the boots there oh no oh no he's coming this is a bully bully save me [Music] okay I'm gonna try it two more times give him scissors I don't know how to play this oh hi now it's time for everybody's favorite subject great job that's right problem two five minus nine equals I can't believe it you're incredible brother are doing fantastic math equals more math here and get your prize a shiny quarter oh thanks Baldy problem one all right okay plus four equals it's twelve great job that's right problem two three [Music] is Baldi your best friend salting I mean we haven't gotten to know each other that well foreign so I hear okay so the baldy AI from what no running in the halls I understand oh no no no no I'm not running I'm not running I'm not running I'm not running I'm standing still [ __ ] for you why would you do this you know it's right there okay okay there's a there's a classroom right here after you do math questions I've noticed that you get your stamina back so I'm gonna try to bank on that oops oops oopsies no oh no oh I gotta think harder about these um 12. oopsies oopsies he's probably right there right oh no okay okay I need to figure out well faculty oh no no I want the corner no okay I mean this kind of helps me no no no no oh Jesus oh my God please no running in the hall tag your jump scares oh no have I already been in oh my God no for you when will you where did you come from I can hear him he's close oh no please please Mr boldie I've seen your feet on interesting websites [Music] oh man okay oh hi see that you're shitty at math now it's time for everybody maybe you should go back to elementary school idiot [Music] great job that's right problem three three minus seven is there we go you got it you're smoking crack in the bathroom thanks Bobby [Music] problem one [Music] fantastic okay I'm gonna put the number that people keep saying to put plus times okay use these to stick to the ceiling wait this is an actual cheat code somebody gave me an actual cheat code I thought this was a meme I'm I'm on the ceiling if if Drake played baldi's Basics am I right guys so does that mean still relevant is that a Nokia phone that looks like a cell phone I'm not running not running not running oh order okay here we go Miss input Miss input Miss input I didn't mean it Miss it but uh yeah that's h Miss input Miss input that's a Miss input okay if we can get to yeah here we go oh I hate this actually this the fact that there is no floor is uh is upsetting me quite deeply how do I okay okay I got two sodas do pretty good actually I mean we're upside down but you know never mind he saw me maybe I can ban it into the other side oh is that another thing I could pick up give me that oh no what do you mean let's play no no no no no no get the [ __ ] away from me no no no no no no no no [Music] you're my favorite white boy and a huge inspiration to me can't wait for the framework this November I'm so hyped good luck with the Halloween spookies thank you okay thank you okay or okay got it two salty why are you hand standing because I'm awesome Markiplier can eat [ __ ] no oh there's another Blue Door over here is there that's a lot of sweeping okay uh negative two six minus seven negative one thank you gotta sweep sweep sweep okay need to find out where is he coming from behind the moment I see him I'm spraying them lazy oh no he might be this way actually oh did I already do this one oh [ __ ] okay I'm spraying him strategy okay where are the last I I don't know the layout of this place oh there's a door at the end of this hallway I don't know if I did that one yet but sounds like he's behind me I did damn it sounds like he's behind me again um did you do this one I think I did do this one but I'm already in here because I didn't want to play foreign oh my God hey [ __ ] what no no no no let me go oh you [ __ ] well this is it [Music] oh yep that's it okay one more time now now that I'm kind of getting it [Music] also thank you for the subplot mind okay just let you guys know I'm sorry I can't call out like every sub when I see it I'm gaming but I do appreciate it [Music] all right [Music] you did great come here and get your prize a shiny core through the quarter [ __ ] problem one four plus seven good one problem two three all right problem three I get angry of every problem you get wrong just like normal teachers I went to a very unfortunate school as a kid I wasn't running I was running mother [ __ ] I keep falling for the broom is why does it sound like he's so close look a Homestar Runner reference that feels like it's pointed specifically at me so is there like lore for this should I like know the lore did matpat like make seven videos on this oh I'm screwed I'm screwed I don't you you're a [ __ ] I hate you are you kidding me oh [Music] oh green book uh no can he not cut Corners well can I use that oh no no no no no no push robot no no no no [Music] okay I got screwed over on that one last try last try I got screwed over RNG screwed me over I have an idea now everybody's favorite subject you got it problem two five okay there we go this is how addictions start salty no I can do it give me the coin all right shiny he could shut up problem one [Music] foreign oh that's unfortunate okay just go down the hall I don't oh what no no I wasn't running I wasn't running I wasn't running actually no no 15 seconds don't come in here [Music] someone please please let me out [Music] you would like to quit I got screwed over RNG okay last last time okay I swear this is the last one [Music] one [Music] negative one [Music] I swear last time you did great come here and get your prize I will I deserve it problem one four I can't believe it you're incredible good one hey Rob what was the you get a gun to shoot baldy if you put in that code okay I'll put in the code also is it is it too loud baldi's kind of getting a bit loud eight three three zero one eight two four eight three three zero one eight two for baldy feet picks [Music] that's fake salty what what do you mean it's fake no feet pics why would you suggest it then okay I'm gonna walk casually oh there's a quarter a shiny little quarter I'm gonna conserve my running what does the sock puppet do does the sock puppet just walk around oh lock I don't know what that does but I haven't now oh it's a long classroom uh five plus seven is twelve seven plus seven is fourteen before another person asks yes I am aware of FGTV or whatever they're called [ __ ] FGTV where the guy just like records and doing let's plays with his kids which I think is kind of [Music] huge fan of that but you know FGTV Baldi in the elevator okay he's definitely gonna get me okay put me in attention put me in detention I'm running in the Halls I'm running in the Halls I'm running the hall so hard right now girl oh no no no no no grab the ola [Music] oh man man that was so upsetting okay I told I told you guys it would be my last one so it is I'm not doing another one if people want me to keep trying until I win at some point I'd be down but not right now okay I'm gonna cue up the next thing hold on first I got to show you guys Baldi in the elevator guys check it out Baldi in the elevator [Music] I hate this so much foreign that kid is dead that kid is 100 dead this is like Live Leak footage anyway next game let's see what is the next on my list Camp Massacre this one is called Camp Massacre foreign gotta put my Netflix tape in the VHS well you guys don't get Netflix on tape [Music] there we go oh yeah warning this game contains jump scares loud sounds loud screams blood and violence my favorite what is the name of the game this is called Camp Massacre pretty much all of these games I've grabbed from itch.io or game jolt okay everybody put on your headphones for the best experience what is the name of the streamer streaming the video game uh that would be salty DK Dan I found him on the street dying of starvation not because he didn't have access to food and he didn't know how to use food to like he didn't know how to use money to get food you didn't know how to exchange money for goods and services what site am I on I think I yeah I think this is Twitch you can see people [ __ ] on this uh drawdison's Ultra color correction off on reflection on reflection quality on I don't think that there's any yeah I think it's just uh keyboard controls for this I will avenge you I will kill everyone I am not the same anymore I'm tired of holding myself back wait are you a twitch streamer twitch streamer is a strong word I think I'm more of like an ass clown this game has been terrifying so far these logos are really getting to me somebody open up the door wsad walk e-change items you return to hand lnb interact hold up I just got a text I know Somebody's knocking at my door but action uh sorry got a text got a text gotta text everybody pause pause oh dang I actually I really have to pee too oh rough night for rough night for streamer salty DK Dan um all right hold on I'm going to raise the volume a bit I'm coming I'm coming oh and then Jason's outside of the window like whoa oh God do you do you do raids or no I was wondering if you were able to rate a friend of mine uh I don't really I don't really do raids unless it's for like a friend of mine or something sorry it is a zoom Zoom the sensitivity off the charts books they open up the door stop Taylor man I'm glad you're here nice shirt how do I how do I continue how do I how do I continue it what button to impress um how do I says press space to skip but I don't want to skip I want to keep talking e is not working I'm just gonna press every button on my keyboard until it works okay I guess you have to press space I I don't know why I said press space to skip man what do you want I was having a good dream here man the whole crew has disappeared from the camp this is very strange pick me up just for that not only that but there was something on the floor apparently blood okay very nice your little prank now let me let me sleep dude I'm not kidding please go take a look I'm trying to take care of the house here okay James okay I'll take a look but if there's nothing or if there's just hanging out or partying because that's pretty obvious coming from teenagers at a campground you're going to eat grass by the root you hear me all right be careful man oh you know normal insults I I'm always telling my friends you will eat grass by the root so this this is a camping entrance Forest so my task is to find my friends you can't run now okay oh my God I hope this is not real blood foreign turn backpack hello why did my character split up with the other guy that's a bad idea sorry I spilled wine everywhere what is this can I pick this up mine so I've been I've been on Tick Tock recently just you know browsing perusing uh and I don't know if anybody else has been getting this uh but I've been getting a lot of a lot of tick tocks about transitioning and like people being really happy about transitioning which is is great but my my Tick Tock keeps recommending them to me and I'm I'm not trans and it feels like tick tock's trying to send me a message because like all my other ones are like this might interest you based based off of your likes this this is probably good for you and then it'll be like like oh here here's a video game you might like also you might be an egg how do I pick this up pick up pick up key I guess I can't pick up key was that nice amping Forest entrance I hear like footsteps they're really really like light is that just me walking I'm an idiot I would I would like to be able to run this is giving me like Slender vibes oh my God my God my God [ __ ] my man Jesus that was not fair that's not fair at all bro I didn't even see any bodies I just opened up and I opened up a door and there was a loud noise and it scared me that's not fair what are they body bags or something I don't know come back and talk to James [ __ ] that wasn't fair at all okay back to camping is James like back at my my cabin or my house or whatever this isn't my cabin James better be dead yeah James better be dead after this oh there he is hi James man I found four bodies in a house near the entrance of camp what and now what do we do there's no telephone no signal in the camp well you and I will go into that house and you will help me to see if there's anyone alive otherwise take the bodies no no I don't want to touch dead bodies much less look at them come on come on help me now damn it why is this happening to me not Back to the Future shirt this is very pixelated Back to the Future shirt um go to go to the house with James man I love walking back and forth Amy's still with me okay cool why did we go to this Camp James it just doesn't seem like a very good place to go camping it's a little bit too isolated a little mama let me whisper in your ear let me tell you something you might like to hear got a sexy ass body [ __ ] [ __ ] damn [ __ ] like a [ __ ] Roblox character oh this was the cabin right yeah this definitely was oh my God no James oh [ __ ] oh ow bro what the [ __ ] [Laughter] okay now he's running after me [Laughter] I am popped too many zannies [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you shaking my bones wow oh my God oh my God the loop [Laughter] I'm sorry [Laughter] wait wait wait [Laughter] give them a second give him a second give him a second hey dude you're still back there what are you good you good he's still he's still a pain where do I go where am I supposed to go why are you running foreign keeps happening what where do I go where am I supposed to go what do I do just die to get the bad ending go back and get the car keys oh I guess I could I didn't know that that was there was no wait wait wait wait he's gonna come he's gonna come he's coming he's coming he's he's on me he's on me he's coming come on run at me I know I know you're back there there he is [Laughter] [Music] just pissing and [ __ ] okay I got the I got the car keys but I'm sorry the sound design in this game is amazing oh my God the car is out of gasoline how do I get castle in oh sorry bud bro this game is scarier than baldi's Basics whoa what a high bar art in the gas tank I don't I don't think I don't think that's what the game wants me to do anybody have any idea where the gas tank is [Music] a very inefficient murderer like Jukes him out faster oh hi James I guess I could keep running down here oh no yeah this is the dead end the more he screams the speedier he gets he's like Sonic please stop please stop okay please I can't deal with this anymore is he scared of you yeah he keeps he keeps keeps screaming when he's around me I think he's terrified of me is there like a gas tank over here that I missed no there's like an area I can walk around in the actual music what is a gravestone that says Nick on it uh Nickelodeon kept running too much SpongeBob oh no it's no it's it's the people who are watching Nickelodeon because I keep playing SpongeBob too much oh no that was so scary man that was so scary Nick is now at night forever thanks for the sub corny dude I'm terrified do you guys think he's still screaming and some people say that the skull-headed man is still screaming and hollering to this very day hoping to one day scream into the ears of his new victim okay great okay hold up We Are Gonna BRB real quick I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then we will continue with more horror games all right be right back all right I'm back sorry about that next we are going to be playing a game called do not play this game do not play this game already promising because Windows said don't launch this this might be a virus steam VR just opened thinks it's a steam VR game okay all right audio good um we should be good now don't click this button or this button foreign is this the game that deletes random files if you lose uh I don't know I didn't check so all right here we go can't open the door I don't know where am I this is house or bathtub with blood oh frame with no bed I'm just down there Minecraft torch can I not open up doors no I can't oh is that it okay all right that's it guys thanks for thanks for watching it's it's the funny orgasm sound excellent thank you for that moving on all right next up we got Escape PS1 Hagrid that is the name of the game I really enjoyed that playthrough I'm glad you did I did too all all 30 seconds of it all right [Music] okay so this is escape PS1 Hagrid really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel [Music] set start more credits muggle easy perfect medium chosen one hard the difficulty that must not be named let's let's try let's try medium oh hello there Harry popped too many uh too many edibles also I think that the painting is a 3D film do I talk to you like hey yo Harry what's up my dude Dumbledore asked calmly how do I you're going for a walk which I am afraid to say is against the rules not that you or me would care in any way but before I can let you out you'll need to do me a favor I want you to bring me at least 15 of those green bottles that the dev has put all over the place it sounds good oh yeah I need those substances for scientific purposes nothing dangerous of course oh and watch out for Hagrid he's patrolling the corridors at night don't let him catch you now go all right sounds good I like the controls on the top left F lumos alt f4 Avada Kedavra yourself oh here's the first one substance is I wonder how fast Hagrid's gonna be can I not go down oh there we go oh that's how fast he is oh no go up why did that actually scare me oh I'm fine I'm fine I just gotta get I gotta get all the rest of the substances you know me like go upstairs why does Harry have such a tough time going upstairs can't open up doors either what why is it there okay bye Akron uh is that you double door what are you doing out here get my bottles and you can leave you got 7 out of 15 substances I feel like I shouldn't be down here oh substance wait can I not go up the stairs now what the hell are you you scared me sounded exactly like Hagrid what's that noise it sounded like there was something in the background for a second there I can only go up the stairs if I like go back and forth for some reason very cool game design oh my God hey Hagrid come in here I know you're coming zippity's up Hagrid's not really that fast oh oh oh well I got 15 out of 15 substances good good now you may leave now Harry okay did I do it was very fast all right I'm out I'm outie oh now I'm outside what do I do now let's walk forward it's Dobby hey Dobby hello master Potter Dobby Dobby has brought Harry Potter Dobby has brought what Harry Potter has asked him for but since Dobby has left Malfoy's life has been rough to Dobby Dobby had to really know Dobby had to do really nasty business to feed his family Dobby knows very little but even he understands that what Harry Potter asked him for could get him into real trouble okay now listen up man I'll only keep shut if you do me a favor in return okay yeah sure Dobby bring Dobby at least seven of his medicine and Dobby will give Harry Potter sir what he desires he's so dead faced look at him okay I I get seven seven medicine listen to this is the first one syringes excellent Here Comes Hagrid don't be desire sloppy toppy Potter does not understand Harry Potter must not go to Hogwarts I thought that they were like tiny swords they're they're just syringes listen up y'all this [ __ ] is ironic no what what this video no this video game's ironic that's that's insane what man whoever said that in chat you're so smart I couldn't I thought it was I thought JK Rowling made this I I thought that JK Rowling herself was like I'm gonna take a break from being transphobic for five minutes and I'm gonna I'm gonna develop a video game and this is gonna be Canon to Harry Potter universe not enough racism for JK Rowling yeah you know what not enough racism cracking the wall whoop tobby needs one more syringe can you get Dobby seven syringes of testosterone just help Dobby out yeah sure Dobby I support you you go Dobby you are too kind Harry Potter sir here are the keys to the Slytherin dungeons Harry Potter has requested okay I got a Where do I go from here over here nope where are the dungeons maybe they were down where I was before that is the posture of an alpha look at this look at that posture door with a green glow on the stairs I mean this one down here yeah this looks pretty important uh hmm I don't have my stuff anymore it's a platformer now okay foreign holy [ __ ] Harry Potter's off the [ __ ] go white boy go I'm gonna be honest I don't think I could have actually jumped before now oh you know what I need to do I need to record b-roll footage of this and then use it for uh for my tick tock and like put like Reddit like Reddit IRL stories over it with like text-to-speech hello guys this is my Reddit text-to-speech video today I today I [ __ ] up am I the [ __ ] I threw my wife Donna I threw my wife down a flight of stairs am I the [ __ ] I threw my wife down a flight of stairs I thought it would be funny if I flew my wife I thought I thought it would be funny if I flew I thought it'd be I can't that's not even a tongue twister I thought it would be funny if I threw my wife down a flight of stairs it was I laughed but she said it wasn't cool and now she's in the hospital what does this mean for our relationship there's a there's I think words over here video game logic sorry oh no I can't ah I can't get past this what'll I do I'm I'm shocked that this game is still going I thought it would be over by now there we go left Mouse button to kill oh Neville Neville's dead he's also in my way slytherins left get over here this is what you get for walking in place is Hagrid even in here I'm just going around slaughtering Slytherin students for no reason isn't this the area from that the first movie we're like we're like Draco Malfoy like picks up that uh cupcake or whatever it's like is this yours and then the other characters are like no it's not and then he's like oh okay and then he puts it in his pocket and he never uses it ever again have you guys ever seen that scene it it's weird it's like Draco it looks like it's gonna be something that's important later and it's not I didn't kill all the Slytherin finish your opponent being found guilty of negligent homicide and manslaughter Harry was forced to leave Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for good using Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia he has he has ever since been on the run from the ministry leaving his life living his life as an outcast press any key to continue this was awesome this was sick I could see why this was highly rated on niche.io [Music] I can see why this is highly rated on each dot IO all right the next one is called Halloween fan made this is called Halloween fan made if it launches I don't know if it is this my boy Michael Myers Michelle Myers was it fan made I don't know I'll let you be the judge when it when it opens foreign opening a message popped up and said Halloween is not responding okay this one this one's looking pretty slick actually doesn't seem like there's any audio oh no there is some audio Shadows on show counter we can play it in Espanol or English okay to turn that down a bit okay I think that's good audio wise I would play it in Spanish but I want to know what I'm doing what is this objective answer the phone hold on it's like so low here's the phone Hey kid what are you doing what is up with your head what are you wearing what what is this like a a racing outfit dub dub Meister here's the phone residents person has an asthma problem hey did you call somebody that uh Tommy Tommy did do you have any friends that have trouble with breathing I think somebody was having an asthma attack on the phone go to bed and maybe get a better [ __ ] haircut after you you wake up tomorrow come over here you little [ __ ] come on come on break the [ __ ] up I'm not done with you close Windows how do I close the windows Tommy Tommy Tommy you sleeping you sleeping bud you sleeping you sleeping Tommy Tommy you sleep yet are you sleep yet you sleep it Tommy speedrun speed run wait why is the door locked in my own [ __ ] house speedrun Speed Run go down why do I have all the windows in my [ __ ] house open Bridge somebody's trying to open up my door I I saw that Tommy you okay my child are you breathing what do I do now bro why am I actually scared because Miguel my ah real real life I sure hope he doesn't come through this door oh Tommy Tommy my My Sweet Summer child are you okay restore power from the basement how do I how do I access my items I can't see anything I have items on the on the bottom left how do I access them are you gonna go masturbate now like every other slasher movie in the world dude I do that even if I wasn't in a slashing movie right now by calling the police just jerk off I can't see anything can I hold on I'm gonna look I'm gonna look on the web page because I I don't know what the the controls are gotta be like controls or something there are no controls they did not list any controls cool skill issue I I don't know if it's a skill issue if I I literally can't see oh there's a flashlight right here huh what was that what are these noises hello this is actually kind of atmospheric foreign why is there so much creaking I don't like that Chrissy wake up I don't oh Tommy Tommy what are you trying to get back in the [ __ ] tummy get get back in bed why are you out of bed piece of [ __ ] you scared the ever living crap out of me you guys like my rendition of uh Chrissy wake up uh I bet you guys love that song apprecially wake up I do not like this Chrissy wake up where's the basement restore power from the basement maybe I could like find some keys or something maybe they're in the kitchen actually maybe in the fridge did I put the keys in the fridge I can't believe I got jump scared while singing the funny tick tock song you know it would be worse if I if I got jump scared while I was singing the stupid corn song it's corn it has the juice where okay where are the damn keys it has the juice okay now it's gonna get stuck on my head oh here we go bullets I have bullets now what about here also locked excellent also locked what this is my own house why are all of the doors locked [Music] this isn't freaking Luigi's Mansion cheers what is that can't pick it up foreign is clipping into that bowl what is this it's I I think that's like dish soap and it's clipping into the cupboard where if I had keys where would I put them maybe on the little key rack except they're not there Peak game design I love looking for keys I'm not even scared of [ __ ] Michael now scared that I just don't know where my keys are I obviously have some sort of like mental instability oh where I put my keys there's nothing there maybe in the trash put the keys in the trash seriously where did I put these freaking keys the coat rack damn at least make them like stand out or something how was this scary there we go why did I have the key left the key on the couch my psychopath door is locked press one or four to try out your keys okay I have one key wait the key this key doesn't belong to this door okay of course up the stairs I go wait this key doesn't belong to this door oh no it's open actually okay is there another key here there we go looks like I can hide in here let me guess this is a key for upstairs nope okay it's for downstairs it's for the basement foreign this has got to be the basement door right what do you mean what do you mean oh wait there's a key right here what I have two key racks I have two key racks what is wrong with me who who is this person I'm playing as are they psychotic and of course this isn't the basement it's just outside why not looks like there's a blurry lamb over there and no blurry sheep oh no that's the basement and now we're in okay power's back on see all good Miguel oh kill Michael Myers I don't have a gun [Music] sneak Michael won't find you okay hold on um I don't have a gun or anything can I hide here oh he's coming in he's coming in coming in he's coming in gotta be like uh there's a blue line at the top oh he's he's coming and he's coming in holding my breath I hope he doesn't see me don't kill Tommy my little my little boy I need to find a gun I guess I need to find more keys I don't want to find more keys my child wait where's Tommy Tommy Tommy oh hi Tommy don't worry it's all good oh my God oh my God it's coming in he's coming in I accidentally left Tommy open my God what does he not want to kill Tommy there is a child in here it would be hilarious if you go ah wow look dressed child [Music] fresh child in here it'd be hilarious okay it would have been hilarious but I guess Mr Myers uh try heading in the basement Locker [Music] okay coming down this game doesn't end there's got to be a way to kill Michael over though right like come on bro what come on gotta be like a gun or something [Music] are you kidding me you didn't even see me oh my God [ __ ] is the dumbest dude I've ever seen really like a a gun down here or something foreign was lowering the volume a little bit so where if if I was a if I was a gun owner in America where would I get a gun per chance maybe on the ground outside did I throw it out oh [ __ ] there's blood all over my face I can't oh how did he see me I oh now I'm in the kitchen I guess okay we'll try one more time and then we'll move on if I were to own a gun where would I put it I would have left the gun in Tommy's room that's some real big brain moves on the fireplace ah maybe we could check the fireplace okay I'm gonna wait till he walks away what no he didn't see me oh he's still walking away why is the music going bruh come on I just want to get inside let's crawl fast nope nope run [Music] to close the second door you'll have to open up two doors [Music] man foreign here for now there's got to be well where where could this should be okay so there's nothing in here there's nothing in here either there's got to be like an item that I missed in here or something [ __ ] I'm not in here I am just a closet I'm not worrying about me I'm just a closet I hold many things like clothes no no no what the [ __ ] that's just a constant I'm clipping through the wall I truly am a closet open doors Tommy Tommy Shield me Tommy okay bye Tommy I always hated when my closet whispered to me at night wait is that a key on top of the the key on the barrel [Music] no no no okay up the stairs try out nope he doesn't belong to the store here we go okay oh no okay no Panic no panicking be awesome if I didn't have a [Music] what is up with this music man how does he know what room I'm in no no don't open up the closet smells you I I doubt it why did that automatically open coming back up oh my God oh no don't don't hurt me okay I'm gonna try this again but now I have like a super awesome skill so the key is already the door's already open up there oh no Michael please don't kill me okay I'm just gonna speedrun this up the stairs into this room what do you mean the door is locked I had the key ah this is stupid are the keys randomized every time [Music] oh that's stupid that's stupid just kill me just kill me keys are randomized every time just just murder me murder me do it [Music] so I I guess I guess that's why I couldn't find the key the past couple of times very awesome gotta move on though uh okay so the next one we're going to do one more for tonight one more one more and then the rest will do another night this one's called Homer's homicide I think you guys will like this one because it's Simpsons you like Simpsons oh no Little Mikey please don't kill me I just a closet please don't attack my closusi thanks um I was just waiting for it to Launch [Music] any any second now the OBS wants there we go 302 p.m Krusty Burger just got shut down homies Homer's really angry and just plowed through a bunch of Duff beer cans 5 37 p.m mom was screaming for like five minutes I hope it's just because of my report card but I don't know something fishy is going on 5 40 p.m Lisa started shrieking but stopped after a couple of seconds I went to check on her but the door was locked maybe it was just her saxophone yeah okay saxophone making me scream too I.E I hate saxophone [Music] 5 45 p.m sorry Jesus Christ salty you can't use the gun to kill Michael Myers he was shot in Halloween for the return of Michael Myers Halloween 5 the Revenge of Michael Myers 2009's Halloween 2 and Halloween 2018. what were you thinking previously I I only had so many options to kill Michael Myers I'm sorry 5 45 p.m I locked myself in my room and watched Lisa's room through my Keyhole I just saw Homer leaving holding a can of gasoline and a lighter I'm scared for myself and for Maggie who I don't think Homer has gotten to yet six is this is this just what this is is this like is this just a visual novel Simpsons horror game is this it 6 10 p.m I can hear Homer snoring downstairs I think he fell asleep probably tired from the murdering I'm gonna leave my room get Maggie then get the hell out of here as long as I don't wake him up I should be fine press C to continue here we go don't step on toys oh I almost stepped on a toy I don't have a cow man what is up with this small door why does this why does the small door lead to the bathroom weird house design don't have a cow man what oh no Lisa from The Simpsons no oh it was because of the saxophone I knew it where's Maggie do you have to get Maggie is this Maggie's room and open the door where are you Homer gonna be one of those games where we're gonna see Homer and it's gonna be a very loud noise untexture is going on there's no textures on them at all it's just like yellow blue and white colors I hooped it my son doesn't come in after I finished murdering all of his family okay what do I do objective find Maggie okay so I gotta nope not doing that Lisa what what happened okay I guess we're starting over then that was scary that was oh my God I was like oh [ __ ] so literally if you just step on one of these toys it's just like okay just jump scares you okay oh we just don't I just won't step on the toys then what is up with like every game and needing to do these little particle effects in the area like you see little like white specks like flying through the air that does not make a game more realistic I don't like walk into my house and just see like little little specks just flying around what is this freaking upside down from stranger things upside down Simpsons toilet this house is built like garbage oh does the the soccer ball count as an as a thing I didn't know that I didn't know it counted as a toy just it's not really a toy it's a sports item well that's what that room is called the rumpus room I know a lot of a lot of people are a big fan of The Simpsons Rumpus Room it hasn't this room only made like two appearances total in the entirety of The Simpsons this specific room I can [ __ ] with the fov okay my question is how oh is this a keypad this will go back upstairs that this is okay these this is not the Simpsons stairs what is this like like I this is like I'm playing Gmod and I don't have Counter Strike installed thanks for the sub how do I open up this door I guess I'll go back into Lisa's room sorry lease oh sorry Lisa's iconic chair does this count as a no it doesn't wait is that is that March what is she doing what is what is she holding oh it's an ax it's an ax uh Homer put an accent to her head and I don't know like froze her in a block of ice or or maybe that's the shower I think it's the shower but it looks like a block of ice gee I'm glad that she's in there and we're out here and we're the sheriff and we're out here and we're in there and we're the sheriff and I just remembered we're out here I don't know the controls so I'm just pressing random buttons until something works open sesame is this Teletubby custard very oddly specific reference I know yeah there's nothing down here or up here I should say Tubby Custard is pink since when I didn't think it was pink I thought it was like purple where the hell are the keys you have to like loot them off of Homer's corpse dude looks more like a roly-polioli character than he does Homer what is this model okay well I died what is the game want me to do garage salty garage oh okay I'll go to the garage now I'll go to the garage he's roly-polioli he's small and short and round he's the coolest [ __ ] where is the garage anyway can't even open any of the doors ah this might be what I'm looking for Aggie where are you oh a blue key is Homer gonna like wake up and walk around or is this he just like stuck where he is avoiding toys is really not that hard when you actually pay attention oh yeah the holes in my walls do actually lead to my garage there we go Maggie hey what's going on up there oh oh Homer's coming oh no Homer's coming this is why they probably like have the little like holes oh God son of a [ __ ] oh an ax I can't use it though laughing pretty easy look like that would just get in the car and leave like what does the game want me to do don't get caught Homer you're insane you also look like a character from roly polyoli the Disney Junior show from like a few years ago wait what yeah I need to figure out what the combination is I guess yikes foreign where would I be oh four the first number is four I guess first numbers four or yeah foreign oh they just got an artist job opportunity to believe in me salt man yes oh no he got me the first number's still for oh uh four blank six what's going on up there I'm just gonna cheese it or or blank six seven four blank six seven or blank six seven [Music] no what's going on up there oh my God shut up or blank six seven I could just like guess it do you think it'd be as simple as four five six seven hey what's going on up there hey what's going on up there oh no Homer real no no no no no no no no no I'm over here Smith the surround sound is great or blank six seven whoops or blank six seven final number I could just guess until I get it or like six seven can't you can't get me in here Homer oh [ __ ] where's the last note smart Homer calling Homer at 3am this is what happened or blank six seven I'm gonna do four five six seven didn't work oh wait is this four six six seven or six six seven I'm gonna do it oh my God I had another combination of that I didn't clear it oh my God 9-1-1 what's your emergency my dad just murdered almost my Aunt near my house I don't know if my dad knows Stan Lee send someone calm down son where are you right now seven for two to Evergreen come here bye no please Homer what's going on are you okay son nah man we can't end it on this one we can't no we we're not ending it on this one we can't not the text to speech okay we're gonna play one more one more this one is called let's see which one this one is called house on wheels called house on wheels whenever it feels like launching all right there we go house on Wheels the Lights Went Out in my trailer and I want to eat some noodles and go to bed so much but as long as there's no light I feel awful a little bit too loud I don't trust it when there's like uh when there's like Ambience like that press e to drink soda water I don't want to drink right now press e to eat noodles I won't eat in the dark I need to turn light on behind the trailer press e to use sleeping pills not now press e to enter the bathroom I won't sleep hungry you sleep in the bath oh no that's a bedroom man my literacy really do be uh coming back why did I leave like a campfire out here shouldn't I put that out for like fire safety press e to use engine hey lights on I ate the noodles I don't want to drink it now damn it looks like the engine is knocked out what's happening in the engine gets back on again this time I will drink the soda no I want to drink the soda though not now what is that I'm sorry I think that was supposed to scare me but uh it just made me laugh I'm gonna take my sleeping pills now wait um does it want me to go outside okay I guess I'll go outside it looks like it was a glitch I want to drink soda water what do you mean glitch this is the middle of the woods what are you talking about drink soda water so delicious damn it nah man nah bro he wants some I'm gonna use my sleeping pills no I want to use my sleeping pills I want to use my sleeping pills and uh I don't care if I go to bed without light stupid engine okay need to take sleeping pills okay now you want the sleeping pills what are you why is this guy why is the character saying that these things are glitches I I feel like the person that made this English might not have been their first language nice now I can go to bed oh no the the blurble okay no don't laugh don't I'm locked in my room with him I have nowhere to run is there any sense in running maybe you should have turned on the light okay let's see if we can get the second ending I guess what is this I do not want to drink soda water interesting video game damn it looks like the engine is knocked out around the engine again at this time I drink the soda or no I don't drink the soda what do I do I forgot oh no it I need to check outside looks like it was a place whatever now I drink I drink my Peppy sounds so delicious I love my pimpy I don't care if I go to bed without a late stupid engine no I want the light gotta turn back on the light if I can see anything I can't see [ __ ] back here all right the light is now back on what the [ __ ] is in my trailer dude stole my [ __ ] trailer you [ __ ] can you let me in you locked the trailer do I have to turn the trailer back on again like what okay I don't know what's I don't know what to do jacked my trailer okay I guess I'll go how far away can I walk the pills didn't help so it was real the main thing is that I ran away from it maybe none of this would have happened if I unchecked the outside okay we we need to play one more I refused I refused to end it on this one one more one more house on wheels okay only in Ohio security booth let's try this security booth oh [ __ ] sorry about that oh sick haunted PS1 I love these games oh wait this game is swag I think oh this looks swag this already looks really good how do I how do I click how do I what are the controls there's like 10 endings in this game I need to figure out how to activate activate game there we go it is a good good game to end it off on I think all right job rules capitalism be like hello and then you just open up the gate for them right no one's on the line employee register James Farnham Alibaba Lisa salmon oh cool oh I can go outside oh wait hold on I just abandoned my post oh I can't I can't I can't leave Nexus salty talk to them I'm supposed to talk to them I didn't know that you need to check the cars coming in before you let them go I don't I didn't know that oh okay whoopsies oh make sure to talk to the person in the car they must work here check person's license plate in front of their car if the car's license plate isn't on the employee register let them in if they're not on the register you must tell them to leave open the gate to employees keep gate closed until you've checked the blade ID almost pulled a sick day but today is just too important to miss let me know when I can go in good boy oh I don't even have to check that that that seems like a good boy yeah good boy good boy I saw a good boy all right good boy go on in [ __ ] the rules only let the handsome ones in I'm fine with that man I love this job just sit around all night checking people's license plates it's the dream they run you over no they cannot xt2 m28 and shift again I hear that I doubt tonight will drag on too much not for me at least uh can I go in what was that it was xt2 m28 xt2 m2h xt2 m2h xd2 m28 found it it's Mario vilchez go on ahead Mario Buck the rules let potentially dangerous people into this highly important government facility is this a government facility I mean there's a lot of warnings and danger signs what I have a I have a flashlight hero five zero four seven okay what was that for oh [ __ ] oh um I wasn't doing anything hey well I'll talk to them first rather be at home playing games but I got called in for an emergency could you let me in a u-h7ui AU 870y au87ui anyway it's 70i and oh got it Ellen Brown go right in person what happens if you go in front of them before they drive in I'm going in oh okay man I love like the PS1 type aesthetic it's it's just I love how crunchy it is The Simpsons horror game had more action than this you know that is true up huh why is that person pulled up over there oh did somebody get out of the car I think somebody got out of the car over there um somebody's outside of the car another late night yeah same mind letting me in uh yeah sure f a f F or fa5 A4 h oh yeah five a48 greetings random trans girl here I hope you had slash have a good day everyone in chat as for salty I hope you poop your pants in fear I'm already pooping my pants f a five did you guys see it I didn't see it yeah I don't I don't see it actually fa5 wait what is that noise yeah I didn't let them in anyway seems nice uh no I'm not letting you in I wonder what that person's doing over there page two on the right oh whoopsies I whoops and let them in that's on me sorry well they didn't they didn't put up any fuss so maybe they just wanted to go home don't mind the person that's just me I'm watching you do your job blind ass sorry I listen I tried my best oh they got back in their car and they drove away are they gonna report me huh where'd that come from who's knocking on the window I'm not opening up the booth what was that explosion the failure what get them failure victim failure okay is there an explosion do I just gonna continue waiting here I guess 100 percent this this is the guy that was stalking me earlier 100 percent this is Nova Nexus HQ right today's my first day and I got a little lost running late mind letting me in sure bud just gotta check your license plate ee4t93 de4t93 de4 t93 E4 293 d1403 I don't see it on here yeah I don't see it on here pal I'm gonna have to ask you to leave Not Gonna Let You in pal you swag salty let him in no he's one of your viewers I like how when you say I'm not gonna let you in they don't even put up a fuss they're just like all right I give up I'll go home God I I hate being in an enclosed space okay nice call glad that my mom is doing well oh huh all right not gonna open up the sides of the door oh another car is coming I'm gonna open up the door and then the ghost is gonna get in help me what did your license plate say re-8031 wait Resident Evil 8. no it's okay r-e-h y-e all right stop calling me emergency lockdown system activated oh what huh huh where'd the car go okay what's on the line but how did you how did you get in there I'll let you out [Music] calm down stop honking stop that's the first one that I've let out the way they stop do they want me to come out and talk to them what Sky car what that wasn't even scary that just that just surprised me [Music] that that just surprised me I guess you know you know what sucks about that that game was actually starting to get to me and then a car fell from the sky onto another car and that was just that and that was it okay interesting uh interesting night of horror games I guess well not really sure what to say about that um huh The Simpsons The Simpsons horror game was the best I mean I guess I guess but yeah we're gonna call it for tonight we hit three hours so I am going to call it for now appreciate you guys joining me for this this is kind of weird I don't know if you guys liked me playing those or not uh but you know let me know I might do more I have a whole bunch more uh so yeah all right uh I guess I'll talk to you guys later that's it bye
Channel: Salty's Video Dump
Views: 21,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror games, funny moments, scary games
Id: YbbnBUvK0ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 45sec (9465 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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