Sonic 1 but every ring I collect corrupts the level (FULL STREAM)

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when is part five of the friend lock uh by the way if anybody wants to ask any questions while i'm setting up you can feel free to um but uh yeah no uh part five of the friend lock goes up on wednesday so like in uh not tomorrow but after tomorrow he's the leader of the church you know him well he's finally back to kick me in the nuts craze coconut balls can fire milk if he shoots ya it hurts ouchy i'm sure i'm sure you're very you're very happy that you wasted five dollars to get that red out how do you feel about the friday night funk and kickstarter i'm happy for those dudes uh they they made a game it blew up i i could i could spend like all stream talking about why people freaking out about the stretch goals is [ __ ] stupid um people are like well the undertale kickstarter didn't have stretch goals that high it's like yeah but the undertale the undertale kick started showing on my way i heard good grief the comedians of bear i said no he's not he's wearing a necktie waka waka excellent uh but people seem to forget that undertale only got viral after the game came out like it was it was a popular amongst like homestuck fans and stuff like that when the kickstarter went up because toby worked on some uh some homestuck stuff but it only blew up afterwards like friday night funking went viral good on those guys holy [ __ ] thank you colonel butter with uh 20 holy [ __ ] yeah uh five nights at freddy's was a failed kickstarter cosmic is right but yeah like it it's completely viral they know that people are going to donate way more than they need to so you might as well expand the game if people donate more like you don't have to um yo monkey also loving the friend lock vid so far yo thanks um i guess you know before we get into the game i do just want to like uh talk to you guys for a bit on where i've been what's going to be going on from now on uh how videos are going to work out for a bit so i'm kind of completely reformatting [ __ ] i'm kind of starting over in a sense uh the friend lock has given me a lot to think about uh i don't know if you guys know this i i didn't get a chance to really talk about it on stream and i think i've talked about it on twitter but the friend lock was like a really huge experiment uh i wasn't sure if it was gonna work and it worked like a little too well i wasn't prepared for it so it took a month off and i got all my editors together and we edited this like long series that i could just dump like every three days uh and people are loving it uh i i'm really glad because we really liked recording it and we're currently planning the next friend lock right now uh we've already settled on a game we've already settled on a lot of stuff uh we're just settling on when we're gonna start uh but it it's it's coming real soon i can say that it's definitely coming real soon um probably i'm thinking maybe probably next month even and i already got artists attached to help me out with stuff and i've already got our editors and stuff uh in mind for the videos so hopefully uh the next friend lock when that happens will be a lot easier to manage and i can make videos alongside uh the the thing uh since people really like that and i like putting so much effort into it but it took a lot of time mostly just because of that i just realized i didn't even i didn't even tweet that i went live so i should probably do that um and also if you're wondering oh what do we play what are we playing we're getting to it we're getting to it calm down calm yourself put on your big boy pants and hold up a sec i got some announcements and stuff to talk about um also uh text-to-speech donations are four dollars and up now uh mostly just because of the friend lock uh i had text-to-speech on for donations of two dollars or more and that was kind of a mistake uh you don't see it a lot in the videos uh but we edited around like all of those uh well not all of them some of them were really funny but a lot of them were just like personal thank yous and stuff and those are super nice but sometimes they would interrupt like kind of pivotal moments uh so we had to do a lot of work to edit around them um so hold up a sec i'm live on twitch link link in bio with sonic [ __ ] sonic sonic gifs give me a sonic gif funny sonic gif all right sorry i might be uh silent every once in a while i have to drink a lot of water monkey thank you thank you colonel but carol butter you don't have to keep donating you've already donated enough i'm cutting you off [ __ ] i guess i should put it in the title um four dollars or more for text to speech pretty much all the donations are probably just gonna go right back into the next friend lock because i have a lot of things that i want to do with it that i'm knowing i know beforehand like a lot of assets that i want made for it that are gonna cost um money um you guys don't know it yet especially people weren't around for the streams but the last episode of the front locks can be crazy i'm considering doing a friend lock of my own soon just wanted to say you're a big inspiration to me as a creator and think you are slept on af overall just wanted to say thanks bro for everything you do slash make your v slash make your v okay excellent i'm going to uh change that on donations i'm going to check that out hold up i want to read that full message i feel bad sorry i'm my stream is still kind of a mess i'm still not good at one of my favorite online creators you and your friends are the only people i really make fan art for and am excited to finish the friend lock tcg cards so ensure you cool man thank you that's so nice and also the other person said salty one of my favorite online creators you and your friends oh wait no that's the same one not stop the monkey [ __ ] you kernel butter stop you're cut off uh i'm considering doing a friend like on my own soon just wanted to say you're a big inspiration for me as a creator and i think you're slept on af overall just wanted to say thanks bro for everything you do slash make your videos are like comfort food sorta thank you so much that that's really nice your vids got me through my quarantine back in january and this is the first stream of yours that i've caught love your work dude [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] it i'm always so happy when people tell me about how my videos helped them through quarantine like that was that that's so [ __ ] nice like thank you so much um i i wish i was able to put out even more videos but i legit love the edited version of the friend lock you've been posting lately [ __ ] yeah rocket league opens up what was already there thank you i believe that's rocket lamp on twitter uh the artist if i'm not mistaken i always yeah it's rockin lamp yep i was right ha i [ __ ] knew it i knew it [ __ ] no [ __ ] no curdle butter stop okay seriously no you gotta you gotta stop donating now that that's easily over like [ __ ] how much money was that holy [ __ ] because that was like 20 10 10 30 that's like 70 dollars you got to [ __ ] stop dude we haven't even started everything mark be in the next friend lock stan lark uh i don't actually know yet i know that uh our mod for twitch hannah is going to be in the next friend lock and we're setting we're going to be setting that all up soon um but lark uh i think lark is interested um i just don't know if lark's schedule will line up uh the same as everybody else's scheduling those friend lock videos and like the streams are such a [ __ ] pain in the ass it's like crazy do you think markiplier is a good cuddler yes i do i there's no [ __ ] doubt in my mind that markiplier is a good cuddler like he he's he's he's very large he's got he's got big biceps and i would i would love i would love to one day give markiplier a hug a consensual hug not one where i [ __ ] like glomp him like those [ __ ] weirdos uh but uh if he ever wanted to like share a hug i'd be down because he seems like a really good hugger enough about me [ __ ] like simping over other creators forever um so what i was talking about before i i one i just want to say i really appreciate the donations i i've only been back for like a couple of minutes um but for the front lock i didn't really expect it to go as well as it did uh for the next one we're making a couple of adjustments uh man i've never been to a livestock stream before the friend like edited versions with kids which kick ass keep doing what you do brah thank you uh i should say uh if if there's curses uh it automatically censors it uh i'm gonna put that in the title too no cursing please or mute uh that i just i just put that on just in case i i think that there's a way to white list some words but i'm still figuring that out i'm horrible at twitch again this is like the main gimmick i'm not good at twitch um so have you forgiven pasty for his sins which could have been easily avoided yes i i've forgiven pasty and he's excited to actually do something in the next friend lock uh so that's cool uh i'll announce more details uh very soon because you know the the edited friend locks are endless salty catching a stream and won't be able to stay for a long but here's money sleepy osaka what the [ __ ] you guys are way too nice twenty dollars what the [ __ ] bro thank you so much sorry i'm like i'm kind of like my anxiety is flaring up from life having a great time revisiting your content and generally enjoying your personality and tweets hope to see you succeed even more that is the first person that has ever said that they enjoy my tweets everybody normally people hate my tweets especially especially when i get political or quote-unquote political and i'm like yo racism kind of be bad though um yo master's review my boy my boy thank you for subbing again i appreciate it um holy [ __ ] we're almost at a thousand viewers already i haven't even started i'm still talking guys i'm still trying to i love you more than balls thank you thank you um oh god what the [ __ ] was i saying oh yeah so uh streams um i haven't streamed in like two months uh i haven't streamed since the friend lock ended and uh i've been having a lot of anxiety about moving and like going live and just forgot to change my [ __ ] now take bananas okay [ __ ] you i'm just gonna from now on i'm just gonna say [ __ ] you colonel butter i appreciate it but [ __ ] you keep your money you're you're donating way too much okay we should really there should be a way to cap that for people um but just wanted to let you know i'm wearing a cool hat thank you lenny um but i haven't streamed for a long time uh i've been really uh kind of uh i guess i guess you can say i've just been kind of worried i feel like i'm not that funny uh i'm breaking out of that though i'm breaking out of it racism is not epic or pogers it is not but i'm breaking out of my fear uh i'm gonna be i'm gonna be doing a uh a thing where i actually have a schedule for the first time in three years i'm planning on streaming every other day during the week so monday wednesday and friday uh and when the front lock starts i'll be streaming monday wednesday and friday as well as sunday for the weekly friend lock streams uh and i'm doing this to kind of force myself out of my comfort zone now this won't be super consistent um well i'll try to be making it consistent obviously because it's a schedule but every once in a while i will have to take a short break uh just so that i can uh do some stuff like i'm planning on going on a brief trip with my girlfriend coming up uh where we're going to be doing some walking trips we're going to the last one okay thank you colonel i salute you okay uh so but when that happens though i'll be sure to tell everybody in advance that that's happening uh and just so that i don't run out of material to stream i've been working on a list of just [ __ ] that i want to stream uh so today we're we're starting with uh a challenge that i've been wanting to do like forever today we're playing sonic 1 but every ring i collect corrupts the level um every ring will change a random number value in the code of the game uh this was created uh by the same person that did the sonic 1 the the sonic ring this was created by the same person that did the uh sonic ring switch thing that i made a video on my channel about loved setting through two and a half hour jojo event and seeing your live tweets yo that jojo event was [ __ ] trash if it wasn't for the the part six uh reveal at the end it was such trash they they built up that event for months for months and they were like this is going to be the biggest event in jojo anime history uh [ __ ] uh bro but buzzard bro oh what is that supposed to mean yeah but i'd love to talk about the jojo event but that was [ __ ] garbage it was such false advertising too like what the [ __ ] um keep taking my money you're honestly one of my favorite youtubers came from [ __ ] fake pop team epic skit how how and stay how to and stayed for the [ __ ] posting holy [ __ ] it's so weird to me with people if uh you are even in compilation number 45. wow thank you um but yeah so today we're going to be doing the uh sonic ring uh corruption thing uh it's made by the same guy i want to quickly find his at uh just so you know i can promote his stuff because he's a great programmer uh he does a lot of excellent work and i want to promote his stuff more i'm probably going to be doing more streams in the future with some of his stuff that he's made because it's really really cool hey first time really enjoying a stream for more than five minutes been re-watching all your videos so you're welcome for the extra views xd time donating and i'm glad it's you you're freaking awesome you're freaking awesome uh hold up hold up i i need to i need to find this i need to i need to read this salty chat how much good content do y'all want chat only a spoonful salty pulls out comically large spoonful of good content okay so they said uh also first time donating i'm glad it too you're freaking awesome you're one you're one of my favorite content creators thank you so much uh system senpai and i don't have anything funny to say i just wanna say that your videos have been helping out a lot with my mental health i've come out as trans ftm recently and my family hasn't been helpful uh so building lego and watching your stuff has helped thank you so much no thank you so much i'm so [ __ ] sorry parents listen if there's anybody that can tell you the parents [ __ ] suck it's me all right parents [ __ ] suck sometimes uh most of the time uh so i'm really really sorry but that's funny for a donation but yeah no i'm i'm really sorry about the family [ __ ] sucks uh i'm gonna i'm gonna set the alert duration for like uh 25 26 seconds and then that should fix the the cut off problem um and then the alert text delay i'll put it two seconds and then that should help it uh that should not cut it cut off any more donations holy [ __ ] oh by the way i just want to say uh thank you guys so much uh for really uh what's the word salty i found a cool stick today and some need rock that is so cool sammy thank you so much for sharing bud oh my god good for you uh but also yeah i gotta say trans rights always gotta say that uh i i'm really happy i wanna thank you guys for helping the friend lock videos perform so well on the channel uh it's been like kind of magical like we've gotten like over like nearly over a thousand uh one thousand five hundred pieces of fan art because of that while it was streaming alone new disembodied head cell and i blame you i'm part of the collective now yo can we get some fat albert emotes can we get some disembodied fat albert heads in in chat for for those who are subbed and have the emote [ __ ] yeah um but yeah i know uh you guys have been so supportive of the friend lock and i really really appreciate it uh it's been doing like it's some of the best performing videos that i've ever put out on the channel and it's a multi-part series that's a big deal get too off topic but i'm really pogging out that sony isn't taking down the ps3 vita store sony does what nintendo i guess oh wait sony sony's not taking down the store i thought they were or did they change their mind because like all of their stuff would like vanish from people's consoles whatever happened to the machiavelli uh machiavelli is still still an emote yeah uh the machiavelli is still still an emote you can still use it keep me entertained while i work on my art projects please yes i'm overworked you're awesome love you okay thank you um i'm gonna just get into the game right now because i don't want to delay this any longer they change their mind oh that's actually really cool i'm i'm shocked that they actually did end up changing their mind because like you know companies be like sorry i'm using my [ __ ] i'm using my fancy new brita filter guys to pour myself some water aren't i aren't i epic aren't i epic the planet with my brita filter sonic genesis gba 1 salty no i'm not doing that that that port sucks i i've seen gameplay of that port i don't want to play it [Music] oh also the person i was talking about that i really want to be the english dub voice of jolene is kiera buckland i think that she's super talented she is a huge supporter of jojo will do like a [ __ ] ton of free advertising uh she's actually she's actually already voiced raymie and the part 4 dub and for obvious reasons uh if you guys have been around my channel for a very long time you may understand uh i've worked with kira before on part six related stuff uh and uh i've actually done work for her where she has dubbed over manga panels with uh uh her voice uh so for the people in the back i don't know what i'm saying for the people in the back but i'm assuming it's trans right so i'll say it again trans rights [ __ ] yeah um uh did you watch the jojo dub va q a stream no i i didn't have the time sadly i i is it archived somewhere can i like still watch it because that that seems like something i'd be really interested in um but yeah uh essentially my main reason is i think that keira is super talented and a really cool person watching everyone including you on twitter raving about the part 6 announcement i decided to finally see what was so good about jojo now i can't stop thank you salty this is your fault yo yo welcome to the [ __ ] jojo crew my dude oh my god jojo's so sick i gotta do some jojo streams coming up actually i gotta i gotta do a playthrough of eyes of heaven because i've been meaning to do it um but yeah no uh sonic genesis gba when salty uh no anyway next question uh yo seriously if you're at all semi interested in jojo i highly suggest it uh i'm actually going to be making some more jojo videos in the coming year uh if you saw on twitter uh i have a jojo iceberg video that i'm currently working on uh that i wanna start splitting up into parts uh the video has gotten huge i'm literally under sinkhole on our campus and i almost fell in it was fun well i'm glad you're okay sorry uh i keep trying to talk and i i keep getting interrupted with the donations but that's that's the best problem to have um not playing ballen wonder world sorry i don't i don't like masochism um but yeah i'm planning i have this jojo iceberg video that i've been working on for the past year i'm not even halfway done yet and i'm gonna have to split it up into parts uh and it's a part of my jojo spective series if anybody remembers i did a a retrospective on part one and i'm i'm that series is still a thing i did not forget that it was the thing i've i've still been working on it the iceberg is a part of that series uh and i'm actually still not done with part one thank you nug nungs sounds like something that a caveman was saying um but yeah uh jojo video split into parts imagine that yeah imagine i also actually have to re-upload the the part one jojo spective i wanna put it into one video and i wanna correct a couple of errors but uh i'll do that later um but yeah no uh jojo iceberg video uh i did the calculations on how long it takes me to uh fully talk about each subject on the iceberg and it'll probably all together maybe be around four hours but i'll probably cut it down uh there's a lot to talk about and i treat every entry like like a mini video about them when are you going to make a tick tock showing the plushie oh yeah i should do that i should do that for tick tock cloud if anybody has ideas for how to get tick tock clout uh let me uh let me know uh btw salty since you mentioned it earlier if your anxiety uh flares up make sure to remember to take deep breaths in through the nose out through the mouth i have anxiety it helps me a whole lot thank you honey bunny actually that that was that's something i always forget to do uh people have told me that that helps a lot so i need to do that okay salty talk about the strzok straight so letter dude literally i'm not i'm not [ __ ] you it's on the iceberg the straight zone letter is on the iceberg i don't want to spoil it for anybody it's so [ __ ] weird um so that's on the iceberg salty i've been wondering have you had any ideas for have you heard abouts or is that series basically on the back burner for now um have you heard about is on the back burner for now uh uh also [ __ ] i forgot my my lo-fi playlist there's a there's a audio glitches in this song so i'll just fast forward um so that's on the back burner for now uh have you heard about uh i kind of got exhausted from editing so many in such a short amount of time uh if you guys don't know those are super hard to edit uh they take a while salty what would you want to come first a peter griffin fortnight skin or a jojo's bizarre adventure fortnite skin that's like asking me who my favorite child is like you expect me to know the answer of course not also we're playing the game now uh but jojo's bizarre adventure for night skin because that would be [ __ ] cool i've actually been playing uh fortnite for fun like i know shocking so i've been playing fortnite for fun in my spare time my first time in watching subscribing and donating your content has been my quarantine binge watch and i'm glad i've found it keep up the laughs and funny memes also mmm monkey thank you uh so if you guys are looking at what's happening on screen right now uh you can uh you can obviously tell that there's something wrong i have to uh i have to restart the game okay there we go okay i gotta i gotta stop the uh the lo-fi so this is what we're doing every single time i get a ring a part of the code of the game [ __ ] up so i have to be very careful uh the goal tonight is to get i think at least to at least to marble zone if i can beat the game it would be a miracle uh i don't expect to beat the game but if i can that would be incredible every time i collect a ring it uh it just changes a part of the code of the game and corrupts large chunks of the level and sadly in green hill there's rings like [ __ ] everywhere so that's a bit annoying i'm just putting up moving this this stuff over there ah [ __ ] thank god okay so i also put on infinite lives because obvious reasons there's no way i could beat this without infinite lives i will to be totally honest now this this th the bubble is going to be a very huge help okay no no no no no no no no no oh [ __ ] oh platforms will disappear platforms corrupt like that and you can't walk on them anymore some of them like shift around it's like crazy the work that this guy did on this hack is is incredible do the ring boxes count as getting rings yes yes they do what's your opinion on standardized testing i think that all testing is is dumb there should be a better way to like uh it should be a better way for uh children to be able to uh to know like uh how they're doing in school without standardized testing standardized testing dumb stupid but then again i hate school so okay [ __ ] i hate i [ __ ] that up all the time i did some testing what is this what is this little thing hello [Music] you're just stuck in the foreground all right incredible did somebody order a giant giant blue rectangle wago big bobo wagon bogo everybody my new catchphrase oh [ __ ] [Music] so every time you get a ring the corruption is different so there's no way of knowing what's gonna happen to the level or the the background apparently okay so i'm gonna have to get ah [ __ ] okay i'm going to have to jump over this gap i don't know if there's a platform so over here is your revenge on sonic 1 for last week's race yes i'm gonna have to get a running start and just go for it no no no no no no no no no just get one just get one oh [ __ ] me okay okay [Music] there we go so is this your revenge on sonic 1 for last week's race uh yes i just said that what are the rings corrupting the donations too hello okay oh god this is like visual garbage holy [ __ ] that was the first time i i beat act two of this wow so thankfully uh if this gets turned into a video we salty thanks for showing my jfk art in the third episode of the friend lock it really made my day it was great art you should be really really proud of co of course i wanted to show off some art in the streams especially yours it was very very good um so if this becomes a video thankfully we won't have to have an epilepsy warning on this one uh but for you know obvious reasons it's just level levels are just going to look like torn up pieces of paper after a certain point okay don't get more don't get more oh thank god i hope you guys are ready for monday wednesday friday of this sort of [ __ ] here we go here we go baby my wife my wife my name a borat my wife [ __ ] i love that in the friend lock uh monster's borat impression just kind of becomes its own character at a certain point like it's not even similar to borat at all like the impression just isn't even accurate at a certain point and it's [ __ ] hilarious poor guy just does not know that much about modern day pokemon [Music] s iota o t h i s i s i o two y o u r e v e and g e o n s o and i c i o d iota one no no oh no oh the parts of the parts of the parts of the level are desyncing oh no no no no no oh [ __ ] okay [ __ ] is gonna get really hard when there's a tight space involved oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] okay well i i got the checkpoint there we go okay we're actually doing it guys oh my god oh don't hit me we're actually doing it things are happening [ __ ] god i gotta be careful what are your thoughts on the letter z it's too weird take it out of the alphabet it confuses me why isn't it used in in any words except for zebra and zipper [ __ ] okay hey yo salty what's up with tape 11 from the fnap video um i don't know what you're talking about was there was there like a thing jk a genuinely do [ __ ] you colonel butter just gonna go safe i don't know what you're talking about channel points here are pretty boring uh why not spice them up so that salty has to kill a man after a certain amount of channel points uh yeah no i i salty [ __ ] you i i do want to uh change the channel points and have them do something uh but again i'm still a twitch novice despite being a streamer for like three years oh god so this is gonna be difficult yep this is not gonna be fun bruh okay we're underground all right we are underground and now we are back above ground and now the sky is gone and it's back no no no not today satan all right okay bottomless pit excellent no no no oh ho ho i legitimately don't even know if this is possible okay yeah so i'm gonna have to collect at least one ring here make that two make that death who likes starting over from the beginning i do okay [ __ ] you can we get afu colonel butter in chat yeah f you colonel butter can we get some like machiavelli's in chat i just i just like him i just think he's neat okay we did better on rings the the second time a lot of this just comes down to me memorizing the level oh [ __ ] so i'm going to have to collect at least one ring for every divot crispy baconator that is an excellent username god i wish i had a funny username just put a bunch of random [ __ ] into a name when i was making an xbox live as a blue version of donkey kong is where it is this king of swing on the gba yeah this is king of swing uh oh um okay uh that looks like it's a part of the background but it is a part of the foreground all right oh all right another another excellent part of the foreground sonic is gone okay here we go oh [ __ ] i forgot to plug i forgot to plug the creators uh the creator's stuff hold up so this was made by alistair atchinson the same guy who made the last one let me uh quickly quickly put up put up his stuff on stream this is this is the dude this is the dude alistair atchison uh he's a game developer and he's an excellent modder like this shit's insane so uh check out his stuff uh at a.g atchison atchison this man looks like a wanted felon i mean maybe no one man should have this much hay i'm just saying we're not starting the grinch porn thing again i know you guys want to we're not to say okay we are doing surprisingly well uh this is going over quite well i figured that sonic 1 would be a great place to start with this because uh it's so focused on platforming instead of just speed so i could probably avoid some rings everything is horrible fine fine you want me to get your [ __ ] rings i'll get your rings excellent i don't remember this being here sonic has phased through the wall salty where are you on the balls versus nuts debate um i i like calling them nuts it depends on the situation they're both funny ah yes what do you mean by grinch porn yeah you had to be around for it you had to be around for it i'm sorry i can't explain it oh come on man yeah bruh incredible i think that nuts is funnier than balls or actually wait maybe balls is funnier than nuts i i take that back i think that balls is funnier than nuts and sonic are actually lovers and no one can tell me otherwise this stream is falling apart okay bro no i'm good at sonic guys i'm good at sonic so much oh come on i can't do anything i have to collect these rings also just in case you guys wanted to know yes the the level can corrupt so i can phase through the floor at any point okay can't can't do anything up here thank god there's something over here what oh god oh oh this is just fake okay oh oh and and now there's nothing okay excellent hey salty first time donating i've been watching your content for years and you've been a huge inspiration and your vids have been helping me get through some bad anxiety i had a blast making art for the friend luck and i and i and i what and i want to read that that was nice and i can't wait for friendlock too oh yeah i'm so glad i am so glad i also cannot wait vomit just vomit what happens if i touch this nothing see we're we're we're learning we are learning from our mistakes yo yo this this lava this this lava have nothing underneath it this lava has nothing underneath it hello where where to go where would lava go oh [ __ ] me man what if sonic 2 but with matt and ryan from supermega instead of sonic and tails what if pewdiepie play sonic one what did pewdiepie play sonic one and he brofist what if what if am i right guys what if what if what if matt and ryan's super mega what if oh no no okay yo lava with no bottom lava with no bottom okay i'm gonna try to get as as less as i can instead of just trying to maybe third is machiavelli's birthday so you better do something special for him salty oh that's actually a really good idea i i got a lot of stuff in may to be excited about may's also my birthday i want to do i want to do a birthday stream i don't think i've ever done that now what would happen during that birthday stream well i don't know maybe facecam maybe probably not but you know maybe it'll happen maybe this time maybe this time salty will show his face on stream maybe this time salty when is your birthday may 28th that is my my day of birth okay doing good this time doing good this time it really does oh not this again okay let's just run for it the momentum nope are we just [ __ ] no matter what we do because i think that that part of the level will just always go away okay hate you salty will never show his face on stream or will i only one way to find out if you do actually show your face you better not be another wilbur dream smp clone what if i just show my face and it's just like i'm the spitting image of wilbur soot or like tommy in it or something what do we just look exactly like that what if i'm just them in disguise like i'm just doing an impression and this is like my secret stream born on may 28th this donation was made by the may 15th gang yeah i wouldn't be proud of that you want to know why because uh my day also happens to be the day that harambe died yep harambe the the infamously slain gorilla was shot on my birthday and now i will forever be associated with the death of a fictional gorilla did i just say fictional he was a real gorilla why did i say that fictional gorilla he was real why am i why did i say that fictional chat's going crazy fictional gorilla he was real damn it he was real again with this oh i'm i mean again with this i for some reason i could walk on some of that all right excellent i see no issues with this oh that's gonna be so helpful what's over here oh did i just skip like a huge chunk of the level hello that was incredible i totally did i skipped like a huge chunk of the level that was incredible new speedrun tactic discovered oh my god please no crap i remember i accidentally did the easter egg as a child where if you wait for a few minutes and don't press any button sonic gets tired of waiting and jumps off and i cried because i thought sonic didn't want to be around me that's incredible also what is happening that is that is [ __ ] incredible i i bet that nobody on the sega team thought that that would happen just like i think this dude believes in harambe faked just like the moon landing i'm just i'm imagining like the the image of that like even sonic doesn't want to hang out with me like you just got back home from elementary school and you've been like bullied all day about like stuff that you can't control and you're like my only solace is playing sonic and then you accidentally leave the game on because you're like you're using sonic as like a therapy tool and you're like talking him and then he leaves he jumps away and he leaves well excellent i don't know what's happening here but um hey i'm i'm sick of hearing about your therapy i'm event like in among us sonic can i can i vent please vent then like in among us sonic you're really my only friend i'm out of here i'm sick of hearing about this goodbye [ __ ] your therapy i'm out of here he jumps off of the screen if anybody doesn't know what i'm talking about in sonic cd there is an easter egg where sonic will just [ __ ] leave if you leave the game open like super long uh in game he'll just jump out and be like i'm out of here okay let's abuse this come on come on come on oh that was close that could have went horribly yo strats [ __ ] um where do i go oh here we go wow what wait am i stuck oh no oh no i'm stuck no come on okay baby jail it's gay baby jail no it's it's gay baby jail i'm stuck i have sniffed so much clue i have become an immortal god i'm unstoppable the only thing that can stop me is a stream from my favorite content creator oh god oh no a wagon jawashawa oh god i gotta kill myself somehow thankfully i do have a kill switch but this is [ __ ] hilarious i i literally cannot get out okay let's kill let's kill sonic no i don't have to wait three minutes uh i don't have to wait 10 minutes because i have an automatic i have an automatic kill switch that i can kill sonic just in case he gets trapped because honestly you need to have that with a hack like this [Music] no i'm out of here i like running better therapy no way i like this version of sonic that doesn't believe the therapy works you see what you should be using is better help that that's the the sponsor of today's level that better help me no i'm not sponsored by better help remember the better help drama where like they weren't actually licensed therapists it was just essentially somebody that you could just vent to like that was all it is but they didn't say that all right come on one more one more no okay excellent i i die i die i die wait can i can i game scum it if i collect more rings can i somehow can i somehow force the game to glitch me out of bounds nope no i couldn't talk about low budget therapy no venting or progression i'm out of here i like my poor mental health better oh no i need those rings to survive i think that we might actually be able to beat the game i'm actually kind of confident now all right i've skipped a chunk of the level i all right oh did i just trap my i trapped myself oh my [ __ ] god it happened again no come on man can i corrupt it can i corrupt it no i can't [ __ ] a kill sonic gay baby jail 2 electric boogaloo i i i am confident that we can get past marble zone act 2. i'm confident chad i need you to believe in me there's some we need to get some serious rng to get this to work [ __ ] a all right here we go bro come on bro do you guys know that one guy at tick tock that makes the among us song he's like sus why are you acting sucks now stupid little [ __ ] why you acting like imposter i love that guy so much also what the [ __ ] do i do there we go i just pretend like the lava's not there it's fine even though i touched it i'm not hurt it's fine no stop stop giving me rings stupid little [ __ ] why you acting like imposter why you acting like a monster no ah my skin thank you for the subscription i am in lava now everything is okay i am somehow still alive hello yes i am still alive not getting stuck oh oh oh oh oh okay all right that's fine let's just go back to the marble zone i thought i was still in act 2 i didn't even realize i was in act 3. my bad i know the imposter is the imposter is sus no i know who the imposter is it's mark ruffalo okay so a while ago this isn't really relevant to what's going on but i want to talk about it anyway a while ago me and a couple friends were talking about how the only major recast that the mcu has had of like a very vital character i guess besides thanos uh or at least it wasn't uh besides thanos for a long time uh the first recast of any character in the entire mcu was a roadie uh and uh rhodey got recast sonic voice kid you're expecting me to care about your pathetic little problems and that's no good i have to save animals from robot slavery how do you think your problems compare also i came from the friend ah okay all right everything's fine oh oh go block go yes to victory no blockington blockington the third no he will be missed uh but yeah as i was talking about sorry uh i got distracted by the donation one of the only major recasts in the entire entirety of the mcu one of the only major recasts in the entirety of the mcu was war machine uh like roadie rhodes or whatever his name is and he was replaced by this oh my god what was his name it was why am i having a brain fart right now i know who this is i know the actor's name i'm a big fan excellent gerald no it's not gerald don cheadle he was replaced he was replaced by don cheadle for the longest time me and my friends had a joke that if the mcu ever needed a replacement actor for somebody who had been in the mcu uh that they would just use don cheadle again because like that was like his job like to be like the replacement actor if they needed to recast like imagine like brie larson's just like yeah i don't really want to do a captain marvel anymore like don you're on just imagine don cheadle captain marvel now that that is something i want to see every every character like after a certain point everybody else has died uh so every single character in the mcu is just played by don cheadle spider cheetle i wouldn't even i wouldn't even be mad like this like this sounds like a meme but don cheadle's a really good actor so i wouldn't even be mad the the cheetle cut we want the cheetle cut a part of me kind of wants them to like release a version of the first iron man movie that just replaces uh the other guy with don cheadle because don cheadle is a better actor and not insane no okay well lava do be gone though come on okay when you think about it mark ruffalo technically replaced ed norton that that is true but yeah okay every every character thank you every character is replaced every recast is either mark ruffalo or don cheadle there is no in between it is it is both of them equally for each recast that way they don't spread themselves too thin the hero 6 is marvel right yeah it's a marvel property but the actual big hero 6 is not like the movies at all don cheadle word of the day agony agony it is man the level got really [ __ ] up during this run holy [ __ ] can i just go underneath okay cool nope oh i hate this yo guys loki i'm really excited for uh disney plus armor wars show because that's just gonna be don cheadle's time to shine he's gonna do so well he's gonna be able to carry his own show that's awesome also loki just wanna say the these uh these marvel shows that they've been pumping out on disney plus kind of hype kind of [ __ ] hype remembering the clip where mark ruffalo spoils something about infinity war and don cheadle's next to him and gets annoyed it's just the entire that entire energy throughout the entire mcu from now on yeah i keep forgetting that like mark ruffalo and and uh uh tom holland are like the worst with spoilers did you guys know that during the premiere of infinity ward uh mark ruffalo accidentally live streamed like the first 10 minutes of the movie because he was instagram live on on his phone in his pocket on accident insanity how because mark ruffalo is an idiot he's he's an amazing actor but god he's dumb sometimes he also spoiled like the ending of infinity war in an interview like that comment said because the comment the comment was referring to an interview uh during infinity war and end game they actually paired up actors with other actors for like press kits uh and and mark ruffalo just flat out says before the movie comes out he's like yeah everybody dies in the end and don cheadle's like dude what the [ __ ] it's hilarious it's it's a great thi it's a great moment oh finally a checkpoint okay yes finally progression based mark ruffalo don cheadle word of the day slaw bunnies what the [ __ ] does that mean okay we're getting close to the end i can feel it i can feel it in my bones the great emerald of power allows me to feel i know that is it it's around somewhere i gotta hold my head because i have no fear a ghost tried to approach me he got leery the spider-man sex scene was spoiled by tom holland that's not a thing and if it is guess who's excited for the new spider-man movie through intense death anxiety these last few days but watching this stream and you getting me to laugh got me to happy cry and feel like myself again so here you go salty thank you so much keep up the great work man hoping holy [ __ ] dude going through intense death anxiety bro did you contract ligma ligma balls also i hope that you don't die i q q [ __ ] black and white filter and ominous music after i say like i know i'm sorry i'm sorry that person might actually be having a hard time and i completely just could be in the hospital being like being like man i could like die right now i'm sorry i'm sorry i hope you get better sometime soon i'm sorry i'm sorry okay let's i'm sure that they're a good sport i'm sure i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll i'm taking more seriously next time i'm sorry guys come on cut me some slack where do i go bro i'm sorry i'm really sorry i apologize who was that and mb196 i'm so sorry please please post a comment that that joke was okay so that i don't get canceled refund their donation lmao i'm okay salty just freaked out over a recent family death it's really cool salty i'm not mad at all okay well that's horrible i okay people are getting mad at me i was i was really close to saying bofa i was really okay call me a horrible person but i was gonna i was gonna follow that up with both beaufort but i didn't i didn't this time you were cringe no you salty no i'm sorry i'm sorry cancel salty or confirm i'm okay some dumb calls salty is over party [Music] listen i didn't followed up with bofa i could have easily been like i could have easily been like i hope you have fun with botha both with these nuts donation thank you for changing my life salty little balls oh my god why did you bring it up because i like being honest with my audience i didn't say it but i'm transparent salty i'm so sorry salty does it again i'm sorry okay i'm sorry listen listen he was he was cool with it he was cool with it they were cool with it i don't i don't know uh i i don't know what your pronouns are i'm sorry no you're not i am oh my god no salty man i am cringe i will eat these rings now impedance to both nuts g h we has fed dds ha x cvg okay whatever this was this is actually kind of reminding me of the tug on incident of like last year do you guys remember the tug on incident tug on this dick [ __ ] you hello salty it is i pewdiepie i am pewdiepie brofist brofist also have fun on your trip to tehran just like donations like yo salty your videos have really changed my life and i'm like stuck on this suck on these nuts tinker listen okay i've i've been i think i'm just desensitized to death because i i've been in the hospital so many times in my life and i was just told flat out like yeah you might die and i've still pulled through but in those moments just stupid jokes made me feel better even if they were both with these nuts salty does not feel listen okay this man is dying of ligma and you're laughing at him yes and i'm tired of pretending it's not funny i'm tired of pretending it's not spikes on the on the ceiling be like oh [ __ ] excellent i've decided salty is over to get a trending team it's he slash him pronouns oh awesome okay so it is he him i'm great i i guessed correctly salt hashtag salty's over party too no we don't have to do that we we don't have to do that god that that that whole stream though that'll stream is so accurate to recent events of just everything markiplier markiplier markiplier markiplier markiplier markiplier markiplier markiplier markiplier markiplier hello everybody it's me markiplier and welcome back to five nights at freddy's is that what you wanted is that what you wanted okay let's not die let's try not to die salty will be replaced by don cheadle in infinity war i would love for don cheadle to replace me i wouldn't even mind that could that dude could stab and murder me and i'd be like yeah you know valid oh [ __ ] me oh bottomless pit with a checkpoint i'll take it yes mark i love you my best friend salty wanted to give you a hug yes i do mark seems like a soft kind of guy he does boom boom nice we did it marble zone done i can't believe salty is talking about stealing don cheto's identity hashtag salty is over party no guys guys chat calm down we're not we're not trending again tonight please god no i don't want to start seeing that on twitter all right this is spring yard right oh oh no oh no mr damn daniel can i get a couple puffer fish half sim finding all right oh oh oh well it's one of those days i guess and i'm trapped i am trapped i am trapped there is nothing for me here excellent salties fans salty you're really helping me through a tough time in my life salty lol ligmo balls tech get wrecked it's true it's true yeah you know cope why does it say cope why does it say cope sonic be like yeah cope there are so far four tweets for hashtag saltius over two one of them is from october 9 2019 and it says salty is over two he pinned us too much just thought he'd share thank you for sharing this information might just change my life thank you here i come oh no i don't no no no i don't want to fall through the floor not again don chino kills you in your sleep and takes your place okay well i don't know if i'll be able to beat spring yard zone without like insane rng okay okay there we go only five rings that's that's not enough for the level to be [ __ ] up i don't think okay oh can you say i want to eat a hot dog as the puffer fish i it's not really an impression it's just me moaning [Music] it just sounds like i'm doing an impression of like like a stereotypical like character that eats a lot of food on i don't know like the simpsons or something i'm homer i want to eat food anime [Music] hey salty love your stuff and have for a while keep up your random things thank you i appreciate it here i go the floor is fixed i hired some guys from home depot they fixed it for me oh bro come on come on how im sorry sotai you're not gonna be able to gaslight gatekeep girl boss your way out of this one hashtag salty is over too thanks girl boss you're right i will not be able to hashtag get over this one bro come on bro come on how how do i oh like that okay excellent okay girl boss okay press okay all right salty do you love your daddy is he your superhero also hashtag salty is over party two ligma ball okay excellent thank you man so many people subbing and donating tonight i really do appreciate it like high key especially especially grabbing grabbing these nuts hey salty you should go to and try to find the worst animation cells you can who need sonic when you can have skeletor from behind making a weird pose or better yet sonic underground cells true i i actually i want to save uh animation sell stuff for a video i i eventually want to do uh and also i've been i've been buying animation cells specifically for uh for twitch emotes i i just scanned them with my computer imagine moaning like puffer fish in bed who are you okay i need a checkpoint i need a checkpoint soon nope all right you know what this is it's me playing the same level over and over again and hoping that rng is on my side please please please god please self-insert undertale oh what character would you replace also poopy peepo garfield phone out ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yes um [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] [Music] yo barbecue girl master just subbed guys can i oh come on what okay well oh the the floor disappeared guys the floor disappeared excellent i was gonna use that and then the floor disappeared as it does when just right when you need the floor it disappears come on man okay i guess i gotta keep corrupting the level then i have no other choice did something happen can i phase through yet no uh excellent there we go all right taking a new a new uh a new route this seems a lot less corrupted okay i stand corrected something is happening here oh god yo this spring how to dr robotnik needs to be arrested what is this finally checkpoint oh [ __ ] yeah shit's starting to get a bit [ __ ] yeah yeah all right all right i'm in the wall now oh excellent am i stuck it seems as though i'm stuck maybe if i keep collecting rings i'll be able to escape maybe maybe today come on there we go i'm out but now what oh they're doing something okay i can no longer jump jumping is not something i can do anymore okay so uh it does not seem feasible for me to escape [ __ ] and kill sonic all right back to the checkpoint i go thankful thankfully it all resets so i can kind of cheese it to like actually make progress oh [ __ ] ring please no gotta love those spiky [ __ ] have you grown up calling him eggman or robotnik well i usually call classic eggman robotnik i could just call him eggman though doesn't really matter speaking of which [ __ ] you mom i tweeted at you lola i'm sure the hashtag won't get enough momentum if it does though super sorry but you shouldn't have been gulping at these nuts did i do the funny right yes you did you did the funny right you did the funny congratulations you did the funny right you see mb196 is is a good sport everybody it's all good salty opinion on getting canceled again it's not happening not today i have i have an idea for another twitter related stream but i'm not doing it yet not yet you will know when it happens hopefully we can pull together something funny oh excellent okay great is there springs down here thank you oh okay oh there we go excellent i didn't want to leave you know i gotta i gotta admit i'm a really big fan of these uh of these really weird sonic hacks it makes playing sonic into like a [ __ ] puzzle it's also very annoying there we go i'm just guesstimating i gotta wait for that spike nice that that definitely won't [ __ ] [ __ ] up speaking of not [ __ ] [ __ ] up look i'm performing a miracle the level chunks have [ __ ] me over eggman off his shit's making these zones i know right oh no goodbye why is machiavelli one of your emotes because he's a philosopher he's he's used for when i do big big brain big brain plays you know what i mean and also nobody else says machiavelli is one of their emotes so checkmate i'm i'm currently trying to get twitch to approve uh to approve me for uh for some stuff coming up including a scrappy doo emote and i'm stuck i am once again stuck excellent salty should do a sonic roboblast 2 stream oh man i would love to that game is so fun i played it like so many times like on my own that would make for a good stream plus i i know a lot about the game already and how to play it so that would make for a pretty good stream thank you so much salty your streams have been getting me through a rough time oh things haven't been the same since i lost my uncle jack i'm really sorry i'm off [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i didn't even read that jack me off you guys have lost your streamer commentary privileges [ __ ] off [ __ ] a no no no secret areas no no thank you this is a real jack me hoff moment is it weird that i didn't even realize that the background was [ __ ] up like i just gotten used to the visuals i just thought everything was fine man like totally like just big chunks of the level that are [ __ ] excellent excellent oh no i need to get to a checkpoint soon hello my name's sonic i almost died i wish that the screen didn't move up when i talk it's very annoying no oh i gotta stop almost killing myself hey salty are you pl are you hey salty are you ever planning to put yourself through the pain of playing sonic boom on stream probably not unless you do like a sonic marathon which i'd love to do at some point i kind of failed at the kingdom hearts marathon uh mostly because i didn't realize the chain of memories would be so unfun okay uh i guess i guess there's floor here now excellent kill me please end my misery [Music] okay nice am i stuck no sort of i'm i'm only sort of stuck oh no i'm actually stuck never mind i love how the kill sonic button is right next to the restart game button that would be very bad ooh nice shot the the puzzles of sonic 1 everybody press button and then block move oh don't mind me just in the foreground and the background over here [ __ ] dude salty what's the discord uh i can't say yet it exists but i can't really invite people yet because we need more moderators and i need to figure out a way to vet moderators we just don't have enough same with twitch chat uh i've been thinking about opening up uh opening up a thing where people can uh uh right in to be a moderator i just don't know what would classify you to be a moderator so i gotta figure that out can i face through the floor please that would be super cool because i can't get through okay give me all the rings [Music] list the level out yes yes wait no is that a wall i can't pass through this okay [ __ ] steven universe games on stream it would be fun also i really enjoy your vids uh i do like steven universe so i wouldn't say no cope [ __ ] cope this is a real stuck in air moment yo imagine if jesus did this in the bible [ __ ] and and then jesus rose into the air performing another miracle and then seemed to be running in place and like accidentally being stuck in the air and couldn't get down and then jesus said my apostles please help me please please help me i'm stuck father i believe i am stuck cope jesus christ 2021. he's literally he's stuck wait he's going very slowly look he's moving pixel by pixel come on come on buddy you got it what other cartoons do you like recently i've been into amphibia and infinity train rest in peace infinity train is [ __ ] awesome i just want to say that right now before i even address this question watch infinity train seriously go if you have hbo max or even even like apply for a free trial and just watch it it is so good like infinity train is a great young adult cartoon uh i i'm hoping that uh the people at hbo max uh realize how much they [ __ ] up by canceling it i was stabbed out the entire time you started playing what the balls is this it's sonic but every ring i collect changes a random number in the code of the level it's horrible um but yeah please watch infinity train it's incredible um it it is a seasonal anthology too if the first season doesn't interest you uh season two is my favorite uh i love the themes of season two and what it explores uh and legit it it gets serious there's like actual [ __ ] deaths in that show like they don't they do not [ __ ] around genuinely it's a very good show okay come on oh come on yeah cheese it up whoa cheese it up what is happening i don't remember this platform being here before but all right excellent bro what's going on here yeah no spoilers for infinity training chat please uh if there's any spoilers hannah please just time them out and if they keep doing it ban them uh do not post spoilers i i just recommended it because i want people to watch it and a lot of people don't watch stuff if they're spoiled so just please be aware that uh i would love to eventually make i want to make a video about infinity train uh kind of like how i made my jojo video i want to do a lot more scripted stuff in the coming year so so you know be on the lookout for that eventually yo uh robotnik you got a did you design that half pipe in the back can we just fight there i mean it's right there the half pipe is right there doc dr e come on [ __ ] [ __ ] excellent ah we're back here again great uh so uh also uh according to that that uh incredible not according to that what am i talking about that that question from earlier uh i i watched the first season uh sorry i stutter sometimes uh i watched the first season of amphibia uh and that was really really good i have yet to watch season two because it's not on streaming services and i kind of like to binge a lot of stuff um or at least some some stuff uh okay incredible come on sonic please pull it together man thank you uh [ __ ] no come on man oh oh guess the game couldn't take that one we we can't kill sonic um oh okay we're fine game is fine oh my god all good folks we fixed it not nothing wrong we're fine okay come on come on uh but yeah amphibia is really good i'm i can only speak on the first season because i've only watched the first season but it got really good by the end they started introducing more uh serialized elements and it was really cool uh the the show is very like they set it up to just kind of be like oh girl is stuck in like a frog world it's like an isekai uh but after they're done establishing the main frog town then they kind of like expand outward and like show you like the rest of the world and it's very cool i haven't seen much of season two i've only seen some clips here and there but it seems very cool boom cope excellent am i manipulating code by pressing buttons look at the code on screen every time i press a button okay can i sonic coped so hard that he [ __ ] died come on can i at least like kill myself oh nope that's a quick menu there we go holy [ __ ] i did it i fixed it everything is okay i'm i'm i'm and i'm a genius i'm a genius coder i coped chat i did it i coped now if i can only get out of this sonic what if i told you that your entire life is a lie what if i told you that your world is just a collection of ones and zeroes salty i just bought a pack of gum you want some it's grape flavored if you take the red pill you become cringe if you take the blue pill then i'll show you how deep this sonic hole goes if you take the green pill i'll serve you some hot chocolate if you take the brown pill well you'll probably have to take a [ __ ] i don't think anyone's chosen the brown pillow yet if you take the white pill you'll probably piss yourself most likely but if you take the orange pill your skin will turn orange if you take the purple pill then i vigorously make out with you salty thank you for making me laugh a lot throughout the past few years and just being a really cool and genuine person have a good rest of the stream thank you if you take the pink pill then you get a cool pink bow in your hair and you look really cute i'll take the pink pill please the neo takes the pink pill he walks out that's the end of the matrix [Music] reaches for the purple pill but takes the brown pill by mistake neo what have you done uh no i'm [ __ ] myself that's neo i'm really good at this whole uh jokes thing i don't know if you guys know this but i'm kind of a youtuber [ __ ] i would love if somebody just just drew that comic where's the matrix but all there's so many different pills like the amount of pills it's just crazy salty you're a youtuber why didn't you tell us i just i just thought it was obvious aren't you supposed to assume that everybody's a youtuber until like they tell you they aren't what do you guys okay what is uh what is the name of the guy who's offering neo the pills morpheus like morpheus is holding like an extra pill and neo's like well what's that pill it's like oh that's my multi vitamin don't take that one that that's for me that's my all natural multivitamin i have a biotin deficiency my riboflavin was off the [ __ ] yo what happened to the bottom left you guys seen that everybody sing along with me okay d f h j l n e j i k number five thank you for singing with me my favorite characters five i've unlocked secret lore i can't believe we've even made it to labyrinth zone this is how many purple pills are there and give me all of them right now i forget what does the purple pill do does that purple pill make morpheus make out with you salty this is unmodded right no this is this is heavily modded every ring i get it rewrites like a single a single part of the code of each level for every ring i get [ __ ] i'm like struggling right now there we go that's right you know what that's right chat different did 5 is my new mascot everybody say hello to different little girl 5 the newest character he's a small small grouping of letters with arms and legs and uh one mickey mouse here at the top only one kind of looks like a tumor if you look at it long enough please somebody somebody make development 5 fan art please thank you everyone's favorite new stream character you you know him you love him good google five oh and now i'm stuck excellent i didn't want to play the game i will say dr eggman is getting way better with the whole traps thing did you guys know that uh in in the in some of the original uh sonic the hedgehog genesis games uh they actually explain glitches in the manuals and they're like you gotta watch out for dr robotnik's traps uh sometimes you might die for no reason and that's because you've activated one of his traps that was like that was their excuse for having glitches it's like oh it's dr robotnik he's so evil he kills you for no reason you know it's obviously not your fault yeah i think i think the specific one was tails tails in ice cap zone and uh sonic and knuckles it would be incredible if you could uh oh all right excellent i didn't want to play the game anyway please follow my twitter salty dk dan i make tweets that upset people that's really what uh could describe my twitter in a lot of ways uh the most recent thing that i've upset people with is talking about the friday night funk and stretch goals which i discussed at the beginning of the stream but everybody's freaking out about them because they're oh they're so big they're so large it's like you all realize what stretch goals are on kickstarter right like do you all do you all know and like i said before like people will constantly compare compared to undertale for some reason which makes no sense to me because undertale only went viral after it was released like it was a fairly niche thing for a while like people people liked the kickstarter campaign but like it didn't get like crazy funded or anything actually right now i want to take a brief moment i want to check how the friday night funk and kickstarter is going my main argument about it is this they know it's it's a viral game they do they know that people are going to donate a [ __ ] ton of money to it no matter what uh and their thought process is probably like well if people are going to keep donating a crazy amount of money let's just put up goals just in case so that people's money actually does go to something instead of just like nothing so let's check it out holy [ __ ] they're almost at 700 000 oh my god in two days wow [ __ ] that's insane yeah let's see what uh let's see what part of the stretch the stretch goals they got to so uh they've gotten a couple of different stretch goals so the game for anybody who doesn't know uh the kickstarter was only for sixty thousand dollars they currently have seven hundred thousand dollars worth of kickstarter money uh so for sure there's going to be a mobile build a custom character creator a sharing network fully animated cutscenes which is really [ __ ] cool uh five additional weeks and online multiplayer uh and five additional weeks if you guys haven't played the game uh they're essentially just the game's levels and each week is like three songs uh so yeah i'm excited about the five i'm excited about the fully animated cutscene part mostly because i'm i'm a really big fan of uh of the animator for friday night funken i've been following his stuff for a while he has a really cool style and it lends itself to a lot of comedic stuff also i should probably stream friday at funken at some point coming up because i i just realized i never did that so look forward to that i guess or don't don't tune in i'm just excited for like how much this is bringing to like the indie scene and new grounds especially because i i grew up on new grounds when i was a kid it it's kind of cool to see new grounds like back in the spotlight for a bit uh i know there's a lot of people that i know from new grounds even still to this day like i didn't really make friends with anybody on newgrounds i just kind of i was kind of just a lurker but i really like new grounds and i found a lot of creators that i still follow to this day like joel guerrera who is doing the ina series right now i'm i know i know the voice actor for ina not the voice actress the voice actor though the one who voices uh the the male sounding voice water please joel please hire me i would love to voice for you no pressure though i just like your stuff a lot yeah so many animators got their start on newgrounds including me to some extent even though i never posted i was always inspired by a lot of the stuff i saw on newgrounds please don't corrupt super bad please i need i need a checkpoint soon maybe please checkpoint or or or the end of the level that would also be oh [ __ ] please please oh no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you ah i thought i hooked on to a ledge or something ah well back to this how no no no no not again huh hello just get better salty i [ __ ] hate you who said that who said that top tier meme your username [ __ ] sucks your username your username is not based it is cringe god i'm collecting too many rings it's going to be glitched out again just watch the good news is that we're getting through these later zones way better than the first couple of zones and that's because the first couple of zones put rings in your face like all time at all times nice we did it are we just bullying the fans today yes we are until they stop bullying me back labyrinth zone act 2 baby yeah that's right that feel when labyrinth zone act 2 hits here we go no no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you you sphere sphere looking ass 10 rings that's fine i'm sure that won't cost too much corruption not even 12. excellent my power is immeasurable my skills are not to be trifled with labyrinth zone is where my toilet water goes that's so cool thank you for sharing oh [ __ ] i need to get that ring thing because there's a switch underneath it secret switch and oh thank god okay i can just die it doesn't matter but i won't i will survive apparently the power i can't see anything i cannot see anything and i got hit anyway okay i guess i'm going down here and oh epic here we go [Music] i'm cool i'm fly i'm hip i'm sonic the hedgehog hey kids are you into sonic the hedgehog the new sonic game comes out this sunday it's called sonic goes it's a game where i go fast i'm so fast that i didn't i'd never completed the name of the game it's rated m for mature because i go so fast uh i didn't even rate it at the esrb so fast hello yo this wall shooting spikes at me i really don't like that at all oh it's a ball so uh this is uncompletable so i'm just gonna kill myself this is this labyrinth zone i guys check it out i'm on brentalfloss i'm going to add lyrics to labyrinth zone okay oh i can't now because the music is is replaced by the invincibility music but someday i will yes this is labyrinth zone my name is brento floss video games with lyrics how how can he do something so creative sonic 1 with lyrics my name is sonic and i will be vaguely racist no sonic no racism is bad i feel like if sonic was racist wouldn't he be just racist against like other animals or like like different colors of hedgehog because isn't there like different colored hedgehogs or something okay just gonna get that again [Music] i am sonic and i'm running fat ass labyrinth zone [ __ ] sucks it's under water most of it and that is the [ __ ] worst i love the aesthetic of labyrinth zone i hate the fact that it's all water that is so lame bro come on this is the labyrinth zone i will kill things focus i'm focusing watch watch as this guy attacks me well i'm just trying to mind my [ __ ] business [ __ ] you finally hey hi sodium man i posted some epic art of deaf aged magic 5 to the thank you i'll take a look whoa what what that was not a bonus earlier what was that was that was that a bonus did that look weird to anybody else or it might you may go crazy man i gotta go piss hold up piss break piss time this time piss time and then i'll take a look at that art i swear piss time real quick just give me like a minute it's piss time everybody every if you need to piss do it now i'll be right back all right as shadow would say piss time is over salty did you wash your hands yeah i did i always wash my hands how's your epic gamer piss salty well let me describe it to you in full detail for the next 10 minutes so it was great just cut it right there just like oh let me describe it to you cut you hear that editor please do that make it funny make it [ __ ] hilarious okay what the [ __ ] why did you pee so fast because i'm not a loser like you fizzy foam on twitch because i'm not a [ __ ] loser okay maybe get your [ __ ] together ha ha ha ha been in a funny monkey trailer on a dvd i have and now must watch the funny monkey movie listen i didn't i didn't win the p world championships of 2020 before the pandemic hit to be [ __ ] insulted because oh why are you so fast maybe because i trained for this [ __ ] okay shut up shut the [ __ ] up i'm joking i'm joking just to clarify so we got we got a i just want to show off art of everybody's favorite new character hold up uh browser source hold up hold up everybody i'm just putting a browser source there it is there it is that is by that is by who is this by this is by uh diquito 524 everybody's favorite character put them on a shirt sexy manny this is look at this it's not even zoomed in it's so far away i can't zoom in this is my tanty rock man on twitter okay moving on moving on back at it i think that we might actually be able to win this tonight that would be pretty cool if we could um let me take a quick swig of water and then we'll get back onto it salty you missed my art i wasn't saying i'm not i'm not doing like an art thing right now i just wanted to show off like some uh two quick ones is this the real shen comics yep guys it's me shen comics blue chair it's me guys i make comics hey guys welcome back to the channel can i beat sonic the hedgehog one but every ring i collect uh [ __ ] me every ring i collect comes into my house and uh hurts my family huh can i beat sonic the hedgehog one at all can i beat sonic the hedgehog one but uh shigeru miyamoto is real bro come on come the okay can i beat sonic the hedgehog one but every ring i collect adds one minute on to my [ __ ] life expectancy oh does that just mean i i i become i i live longer i'd be playing sonic all the time i should i should probably reverse that that's not really a challenge can i be sonic the hedgehog one but every ring i collect means that my family won't well what what what the [ __ ] jokes are hard guys did you know that i gotta come up with this [ __ ] on the fly okay on the fly you know how you know how hard it is you know how hard it is for me to be funny it's very hard because i'm not funny can i beat sonic the hedgehog one but every ring i collect is a ring can i beat sonic the hedgehog one but every ring i collect is uh i don't know a bullet wound to my head if i collected one ring i'd just die somebody should make somebody should make like a short film about a magical version of sonic the hedgehog one on genesis that that if if the game gets shut off the person that's tied to it dies it's like a magical like like a magical genie comes out of the bottle and it's like you're like sonic huh and the guy is like yeah i skipped out on my daughter's dance recital to play sonic 1 on the genesis and he's like well what would happen if i tied your soul to that genesis and if you die in the game you die for real and then like it's like black mirror type [ __ ] like he keeps the genesis on and he puts it in his closet to hide it away but he keeps it on so that he can keep living and then his sister is like going through the attic to get something and then she finds it is like well this is this is a draining a lot of power uh somebody should turn this off and then she turns it off and then he does and that's the short film use that idea just put me as a special thanks please thank you that's my short film idea if you make it to sundance please invite me i would like i would also like a a 10 a 20 gift card to burger king thank you i don't know what i'm doing salty you're literally the funniest content creator i've watched stop saying you're not funny i'm just speaking facts if i'm funny to you you know what that's fine you can have your opinion but statistically if we're if we're talking statistics okay i am not funny and by statistics i mean 15 year olds on twitter listen guys all i'm saying is is that 15 year olds no humor okay they do they just do okay you know what you know what's real humor oni plays right funny word funny funny sound simpsons that's funny i'm not funny salty saying that we all have a [ __ ] sense of humor no that's not what i'm saying i'm just saying i don't deserve the audience that i have at all i'm very very lucky to be in the position that i'm in and i i appreciate all of you guys like a lot just to be real you guys really just in general you know there's actually a word for this it's you guys are my sugma sugma dick the champion jets freaking the [ __ ] out i'm sorry okay but genuinely though i i do have imposter syndrome suck my dick but also for real though i do have impostors to intro i'm sorry it was too easy too easy chet you make it too easy i'm shocked we got through this level fairly easily no big issues i will take that okay i gotta focus so no jokes no jokes only silence okay focus nope oh that could have been really bad [Music] no no no no no no no no there we go [ __ ] you nice but yeah i'll be real i'll be real with you guys uh i really appreciate you now i'm not i'm obviously not gonna be i'm not gonna pull a dream okay i'm not gonna pull a dream and be like yeah parasocial relationships what are that parasocial relationships bad but i really appreciate you guys tuning in like a lot what hello there we go oh no no no no actually no not allowed you are not allowed to play starlight zone you are not allowed nope sonic [ __ ] off i can't i literally can't please please i just want to play starlight zone come on what the [ __ ] okay kill sonic [Music] okay so yeah as i was saying uh [ __ ] parasocial relationships uh but at the same time i am really appreciative uh that so many people not only watch but like [ __ ] donate and [ __ ] like you guys are keeping currently keeping a roof over my head uh so i really really appreciate you guys a lot uh and i'll be streaming a lot more so i'm gonna make i'm gonna make all this worth your money okay that that's my goal you guys deserve uh so much so i'm gonna work hard to make [ __ ] worth worth your time and money and i can't wait for the next friend lock that's going to be very fun we're we're going to probably have a couple of surprises so stay tuned and for people who did not watch the streams uh for the last friend lock you are in for a [ __ ] treat soon it's gonna be awesome the the final episode is is just like the first episode it's 40 minutes and it's just popular swaddlers title saying not to curse but guess what li iota g m a b a l l s l l l i o d l nice try there [ __ ] nice try you're gonna have to do a little bit better than that to best me all right cool all right [Music] okay all right okay [Music] there's too many bottomless pits in starlight zone i got to be more careful all right okay what's up with starlight zone and the level just [ __ ] me over immediately but yeah thank you guys uh i hope that the upcoming videos are to your liking i worked well we worked very hard on them me and the boys and the girls and the peeps can i be in the next front lock um no i don't really know you and the whole point of the friend lock is for friends i don't know if you you would assume that based off of the title but there it is we haven't been rolling that much in this playthrough i'm gonna start doing that more [Music] all right excellent i'm gonna go up here then if it makes you feel better salty i have a bachelor's degree in software engineering and yet i feel like i don't deserve my programming job you are not alone in your imposter syndrome oh thanks and if somebody who watches me has a bachelor's degree in software engineering then maybe maybe my my humor is avant-garde maybe just just maybe well i think they were stuck oh wait no we're not [Music] boom no no we are stuck actually [ __ ] well kill sonic [Music] everybody's saying sus in the chat and for a while i was like why and then i remembered impostor syndrome sus among us no guys imposter syndrome is not a reference to among us for god's sakes hey does anybody have that one copy pasta of like the among us crewmate with like the like long swirly dick does anybody have that i'm asking for a friend because i remember somebody copy and pasted that when jimmy fallon was playing among us on twitch oh my god i lost my [ __ ] mind that's incredible oh come on [Music] there it is there it is the among us penis oh my god no no no hannah let it no hannah let it go let the emotions penis no there we go yeah that one is so like okay i obviously cannot show this uh for the video but oh my god that is like a really well-defined penis for for like for like a copy and paste for like a copy pasta for twitch that is a really well-defined penis i am not even gonna lie i like the more simplified version the the simplified version's funny the other one is uncomfortably realistic oh my god [Music] among us [ __ ] i can't i can't play sonic i can't oh my god kill sonic yeah can they be deleted now yeah let's let's delete the uh realistic among us penis but the the ones that aren't realistic uh can stay you guys you guys have abused your privileges your pro your posting among us penis way too way too much now oh my god salty says nice [ __ ] to among spp when the imposter is suss you know to whoever says that making among us content is free views it is not okay look at my among us videos i think they only just barely reached 100k just barely [Music] and those videos i thought were [ __ ] hilarious so okay hannah they're they're abusing among us pp too much time out people who spam among us pp too much please thank you they're abusing their among us pp privileges stop posting about among us i'm tired of seeing it [ __ ] memes [Music] taking the high road ladies and gents and non-binary sense okay there's nothing up here i'm gonna just take a leap of faith excellent can we get a checkpoint please like please just a checkpoint okay [Music] are we stuck again [Music] we're stuck again [ __ ] eh do you think that we can get sonic to go like crazy velocity velocity and clip through the wall here we go this is something and now i'm actually stuck all right i can't move [Music] and we are back at the beginning of the level as if there were any doubt that we would still be here there is no doubt [ __ ] a boop okay only five rings so far that's okay not that bad doing good doing good i think i'm finally starting to memorize the level too finally a platform is here remember when there was just no platform good times gonna let that ring just disappear there we go i don't want to deal with that oh speaking of dealing with that okay there's nothing there's nothing here for me there seems to be a shower head on the bottom left that or some sort of drooping penis yes all right [Music] so far we really only have one mod uh for our twitch streams and that is hannah hannah does a really good job but again i need to figure out who i'm gonna mod i think probably people who who are in the stream frequently i'll probably mod that and i'll i'll look for submissions if you're if you're a long time sub and you want to be modded uh you can always hit me up on twitter i'll i'll look into it and see if that's a reasonable thing for me to do um hi salty this is a bit embarrassing to ask but where can i send fan art to you besides twitter i just want to ask because i quit stup twitter for personal reasons um i don't i don't really have a place uh tumblr works uh i do check tumblr every once in a while but it's much more likely for you to get oh i accidentally reset the game alright anybody remember the level sec cheat code because i'm having trouble to to get it to work okay i'm gonna look it up [ __ ] it hey salty just curious if you guys know which pokemon the next friend luck will be on uh which which pokemon the next uh we do but we're not announcing it yet we'll announce it soon though we have stuff prepped for that but for now uh just check out the final friend lock video for the first season when it comes out on wednesday nick one level select has it been hinted uh no it has not uh we've hinted about lore but not what game we're doing next okay hold down a then press up down left right nope nope it has transferred me to a special stage this is not what i want [Music] i don't know what on my gamepad i don't know what oh wait i'm an idiot i was using the joystick and not the the joystick isn't registering i i'm such an idiot there we go i [ __ ] it up hold up okay hold up hold up hold up ring ding ding now hold down a and up down left right and hold down a and press start didn't work okay well we try again reset game yes okay uh i think didn't work why is this not working uh reset game let's do another button combination it is it is up down left right and then hold down a and start but the button what i have registered as a i don't know what it is okay reset game okay um i have one last button that might be a so there we go all right perfect so we're on stage two [Music] excellent or wait were we on stage two or three i think there's two yeah it was two okay i'm not insane i don't know why but starlight seems way easier to [ __ ] up yeah you see that like that's what i'm talking about i only collected a couple of rings and like huge chunks of the levels just [ __ ] disappeared don't disappear yes no no no no stop stop stop stop no oh everything's horrible sonic please sonic my love please just just keep walking just keep walking it's fine everything is fine oh god well i think we actually have to go down there and we can't we are stuck excellent [Music] why does that keep happening it's supposed to be random and it completely just [ __ ] up the entire level every time please don't [ __ ] up oh something happened it's fine everything's fine oh um there we go just wanna see if i can take the high road i [ __ ] up already never mind no okay here we go [Music] here we go no oh god oh god this is not gonna be good yep knew it not gonna be good please can i get through here at all okay okay i gotta find a way around there even a way around no i might be stuck there's a lot of places to get stuck in this one i think i found my way out though [ __ ] that was my only way out there we go it respawned thank god okay i'm just gonna take a leap of faith or is there there we go there we go okay is it not gonna send me high enough no there we go thank christ okay do not collect the rings do not collect the rings come on send me higher send me higher damn it how did i do it last time no there we go oh [ __ ] [Music] did we win yeah [ __ ] yeah that was one of the hardest ones too and we did it yes as the kids say poggers literally nothing can stop me except for that uh that can stop me uh but besides that nothing can stop me okay i gotta be careful with that what holy [ __ ] okay so that fan only goes on every once in a while so i'm good just ignore it just ignore it everything's fine that's a professional salty tip just ignore it everything is fine salty tip number 3472 everything is fine just ignore it okay that's that's okay we're out we're fine [Music] pro gamer move pro gamer move pro gamer move no no too many rings too many rings just in a short amount of time nope no why why are they why are those things there i think i was supposed to be able to access that [Music] well down the elevator shaft we go please please don't kill me no of course [Music] i [ __ ] hate the bo the little bomb guys in the in these levels they're like the worst whoever at sega thought it was a funny idea to make those like enemies you can you can die no again with this okay hopefully i can actually get up here this time no no okay okay thank god there's another launcher all right it's okay get get just a few rings there we go a few that's all i need that's all i need no everything's okay everything's okay whoa mama we're fine everything is fine ignore it everything's fine no no no no no no too many rings i'm so stressed there's gotta be it's it's gotta be the end soon right right we're near the end right no no the camera was moving we were so close damn it [ __ ] okay try it again and then go up here jump over this jump into this jump over him again go for the red no no no no and then upsies upsies get that invincibility [ __ ] can't touch me get that and then up here i have to get these rings sadly and clip through the the floor and clip through the floor again until you get to the secret mega epic area oh [ __ ] me okay there we go please please thank you all right no no oh i have to or else i get pushed off that would have been bad okay uh ah no one ring i just need one [ __ ] the game paused there we go that was my bad hi joe welcome to the stream i'm suffering oh [ __ ] so close i just know it i can feel it in my balls not those balls not the spike balls the great emerald to power allows me to feel i can feel it in my balls the great emeralds of power okay i gotta try to get through this with as many as less rings as possible but that'll make me really really available available to be killed people die when they're killed all right i'm just gonna take a quick moment to drink some water and calm down everything's okay [Music] get one ring okay one ring one ring and we're fine everything's fine we're fine you're fine yo mama's fine fine as hell [Music] and we didn't get those extra rings here we go oh [ __ ] come on man we're gonna have to go through that loop or are we yeah baby no you see that guys it's called clairvoyance i knew exactly what was about to happen i've seen it all before in my brain let's see if we can just go the top path and cheese it or not or or or the game will will do that in which case i will be sad [Music] oh no no i'm hungry for cheese i don't have any cheese in my fridge that makes me sad no sonic please sonic my my friend my compatriot please oh what what is going on here what is this [ __ ] orgy of balls what okay i guess i'm going this way going up nope going up nope okay what is this area what is this the purpose of this yeah no we ain't getting back up there so let's go down no not the ring [ __ ] and there's no exit what is the point oh and now i'm stuck in here the the entrance has been blocked okay [Music] excellent i'm good at video games i'm always so hard on myself when i play through these like challenges but at the same time it's just unfair like you guys you guys understand right like it's literally just unfair holy [ __ ] we're close to a hype train i still don't know what that means but uh we're close to it guys so get ready get ready for when that happens get ready for that oh my god type train wow please don't fall through the floor sonic wow a hype train it's happening whatever that means it's happening guys i think that means that uh uh we get things i think that twitch actually sends a letter to my house and they're like wow you got a hype train that's so cool and epic also i noticed somebody uh did a bunch of gift subs earlier and i have to say thank you so much that's very very nice [Music] are we getting close to the end i would like to be close to the end now please yeah i'll do that all right oh god oh god no one ring please thank you two two no one one ring please i only need one i only needed one please oh oh okay so we're stuck all right [Music] i'm stuck guys we are we are hyping the train if you want a sub sub now uh i'll um i don't know i'll i'll jump up and down really fast hey salty i wish i had some sort of witty comment about your epic gamer skills but i just wanted to say that you're very epic youtuber and i strive to have your amazing editing style and skills okay i'm sure that there was more to that comment let me let me look uh okay that's all bye okay there wasn't any more to that comment i assumed incorrectly okay clip yes yes thank you janky sonic 1 programming the savior no no it was right there everyone salty is the main character for homestuck too electric boogaloo okay we gotta get back up there but how okay there's got to be a way i refuse to believe that there's not a way yeah gaming that that was skills put that on the higher be sure to put that on the highlight reel that was [ __ ] skills [ __ ] that was some actually like mad skills don't even with me okay that wasn't but the the other thing was really [ __ ] clever problem solving holy [ __ ] joe joe you just gifted a bunch of subs holy [ __ ] thank you dude joe's the man oh my god so many subs oh my god [Music] let's [ __ ] go joe let's let's get some machiavelli's in here for joe joe deserves it get some machiavelli's [Music] joe joe from the friend lock [ __ ] yeah that's right you expecting me to say joe mama but not today [ __ ] actual child just subscribed actual child how do you have a credit card or paypal that you can use did you ask for your parents permission [Music] first and just like that we are now at the end of the game hey remember when the stream started and i said our main goal was to just beat like the first zone remember that remember when that was the thing congrats on your epic gamer skills good luck with beating the rest also post a dart for that specific thing you requested on the stream nice we'll we'll go to the fan art twitter after the stream is is over and we'll take a look well not after the stream is over after i uh beat sonic 1. and people said that i was i wasn't good at sonic this is this is the sonic that i'm good at when shit's [ __ ] okay and there's less rings in this level so [Music] things will be actually a little bit easier you see first checkpoint we're already doing it fantastically you see it's all good um there oh oh i forgot that was timed [Music] here we go i got it now salty very important question what is your favorite bird my favorite bird is probably penguin like any penguins i [ __ ] love penguins i think they're so cute that's also the answer to my spirit animal i also think that a penguin is my spirit animal okay penguins are very cool like they're [ __ ] flightless birds like what do they do also check out that [ __ ] strat here we go i got crushed by a platform but that's okay okay um sadly there's no way to avoid getting rings in this segment which sucks but it is what it is we'll just work with it no i tried i tried to avoid them i don't think that we can and even if we can it probably takes precision and that is not something that i can afford right now because i'm not good at games just gotta get at least one yeah there we go oh come on what is happening here holy [ __ ] um what's going on up there am i stuck is that what's going on here oh no maybe maybe not no i am let me see if i can clip through man 13 subs in that holy [ __ ] is this the dream smp yeah this is the hello yes this is dream nsmp welcome my name dream thank you for smping with me today oh [ __ ] okay that could have gone horribly but i i recovered i recovered oh that could have been bad okay oinkers yeah there we go these nuts okay i think that was the end actually so we're getting there just not not good enough yet these nuts what come on all right do you think the dream would get pissed if i just stole all of his twitch emotes do you think he'd get angry with me do you think that twitch would even let me steal them god my game is like lagging so bad like the slowdown is horrible okay all right i guess we can't go there so much on the fly thinking goes into this and now i'm behind a wall oh come on i can't even see the platforming and and yet i survive if that's not power i don't know what is oh but i can't even all right [ __ ] my [ __ ] up [ __ ] my [ __ ] up just [ __ ] it all up [ __ ] it all up yes oh no [Music] he never told me this is a blindfolded run uh no it is not [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] gets [ __ ] up so fast okay i i will admit uh there are three levels of [ __ ] that this ring corrupter does this is easy mode this is like the least amount of corruption there's there are modes that are worse i i tried the hard mode before it was streaming i collected one ring [ __ ] was [ __ ] immediately like it was so bad this is the easiest mode that they have also nobody has beaten sonic 1 with this on yet so i'm still the first i'm still cool hey yo the pizza here be careful where you step the pizza is here though oh i guess we can just see it on the other side of the all right come on all right cyber shall probably beat it like 20 times already oh really did he did cyberzone beat it with this um i don't think so maybe he should maybe he [ __ ] should and then then you can make that joke all right conveyor belts um these are not what was here um can i can i not even get out no i still no i i i can't all right can i can i kill myself something's happening there we go [Music] this mod is like magic but magic that makes you sad this is actually you know what this this hack is called it's called alistair's magic box so it is kind of like magic uh but it's magic that makes you sad like this what is this i can't oh my god kill sonic salty try jumping and pressing the circle button thanks chat thanks to call ass sound in chat try jumping with the circle button have you tried being better at the game next to call you should steal all of dreams emotes and just place a transparent overlay of your face over each emote that would be actually a great idea dream more like cream all right have you tried turning it off and on again uh yes i have tried that okay okay before before i pop a blood vessel in my brain killing me instantly i'm just gonna quickly take a swig of water and we go check this out this is the one except for that i don't know what that was this is the one i don't care i don't care if the stage is glitched out this is the one it's still the one it is still it's still the one i'm not giving up yet now's not the time for die and lad oh i forgot does that momentum no no no no no [ __ ] okay we are so close to the end i can [ __ ] feel it oh come on oh come on this is the one my ass clip clip through the wall you stupid hedgehog that was like the farthest we've gone in a long [ __ ] time well i have to do it chat sadly [Music] you see a lot of these challenges right they are doable but you just have to have nearly insane levels of patience right because there's so many people out there that are way better at video games than me but they don't have patience i have an obscene amount of patience i will put up with so much [ __ ] salty help sarah left and someone posted among us pp that was not sarah that left that was hannah and also i'm stuck again so whoever just posted among us pp uh prepare prepare to get [ __ ] [ __ ] what's it called a timed out you just got [ __ ] timed out silly [ __ ] you okay here we go yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it oh yeah i've been meaning to actually play 4d chess on stream the only thing is i need somebody to play it with and nobody wants to all right no dialogue only gameplay oh come on please do not [ __ ] up this run rng please be on my side i would like to beat this video game i've been playing for nearly three hours yes no okay hold up well i tried a fun first salty stream yeah i see that some some people are rediscovering the duncancino copy pasta why does that hurt me that's literally how you beat that guy okay all right i mean i guess that makes sense [ __ ] the [ __ ] foreground all right there's no there was no way for me to see that so this feels upsetting dude do you need a hug or something no i i need a win i do not care for the love of mortals i care for victory my bones i don't know what was going on over there i'm just okay here we go soundy soundy salty sounds like salt [ __ ] [ __ ] stutter salty sounds like sonic but circumcised [Music] no fun allowed no fun at this point we're just hoping for like miracle rng at this point you know we're hoping for a miracle [ __ ] okay hold up one two nice okay [ __ ] [ __ ] yes yes okay i just can't get hit i gotta be really careful here there's gonna be two bombs here yep just uh right on schedule there's going to be red fire here jump please yes [Music] yes [ __ ] yeah whoa yo that was like god tier rng okay two two more levels and then we're in the final boss now i know that these these circles are not not going to be on my side ah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm gaining a lot a high speed of velocity a high speed velo a high velocity oh my god my stutter's really bad today it's probably because i'm i'm like i'm so anxious about the game i'm like oh my god i'm so close okay chat if i can beat this game then i'll get 10 subs i'm just kidding imagine imagine if i was like that it's like if i beat this then you guys told me like five subs no if if i beat this then all i want is for you guys to spam the machiavelli emote i would very much appreciate that [Music] oh god no no clippy no no clippy no okay is that lightning mcqueen in chat hold up i'm taking i'm taking a screen cap this is the best copy pasta i've ever seen in my life people need to see this hold up i'm putting this on i'm putting this on screen hold up this is the single coolest [ __ ] copy pasta hold up one sec here it is kurt ciao look it's lightning it's lightning mcqueen oh my god it's it's really him kurt chow wow karchow wow [Music] wow that that's one of the single greatest copy pastas i've ever seen okay guys calm down with spamming lightning we all love lightning mcqueen okay no one's saying that we don't but we don't need to spam them let me through excuse me let me through i'm epic all right i am in the floor looks like this place is going through a little bit of remodeling i guess they should call this place sandy scrap brain zone please please please allow me passage you shall not pass [Music] please guys it would be so epic if the rng of this hack would allow me to win that would be so ep what what huh sonic was just like i'm out of here low budget flight no food or movies i'm out of here please don't phase through the floor that would be such a poor or maybe you should i don't [ __ ] know because there's apparently nowhere left to go i guess we're gonna have to just collect rings until something happens oh no okay there goes my one ring oh there's space thank you hello does this not work anymore this this doesn't work anymore i've broken it it's not it's not functional oh but that is am i going the right way i guess i am this seems like the right way oh holy [ __ ] there's a copy pasta for jotaro and dio too damn there's like a copy pasta for everything these days like an internet boomer oh man i don't want to be crushed oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no of course of cour [Music] no my oh um okay thank you for the ring back okay please please move solid wall please move solid wall i have still not gotten the checkpoint i would like the solid wall to move [Music] how the how the [ __ ] did you make it red how the [ __ ] did you make your copy pasta red is that a thing you can do wow that's incredible man twitch sometimes am i right i'm not giving up this wall will move i might be [ __ ] up the the script of the game beyond repair but this wall will move i swear or i will phase through the floor okay all right i guess we're just going backwards now i think i jumped up too high i'm gonna go back down or not oh yes there we go [Music] i did not know if that was a bottomless pit or not oh come on there's got to be a way who hendo rings ah come on oh there's a conveyor belt can i make it over there okay so i think it's the fourth one up one two three okay three up okay one that's okay one two three and no okay okay new idea um i'm gonna check out what's over here oh stuff stuff that i don't know about okay this is a tall level thank [ __ ] god oh [ __ ] we've been here [ __ ] wait does it hold up does it loop oh it loops there is no bottomless pit that's why i haven't fell into one yet because the entire stage is looping oh man my wife's boyfriend loves wait hold up my wife's boyfriend is letting me watch your streams that's so nice that's so nice of them people are really trying to do uh copy pastas of uh of my face and it's not working [Music] okay no okay um [Music] man the level's getting so [ __ ] up oh my god oh god it's this thing again okay come on come on get out of it there we go i am the game master bow down to me and i'm stuck oh yes salty dk dan the game master get stuck kill sonic okay i'm getting i'm gonna go to that at those spinny things very good the power flows through my bones [ __ ] yeah sure i'll get some rings why not why not you know you have time [ __ ] hold up nice okay nice haven't donated in a while so here also today i found out that a salty deacon face mask exists and i'm just confused af about it oh is it on one of those whip off sites that just rips off google images i i i saw there was there was i think somebody was selling a salty decadent mug on redbubble and i was like what the [ __ ] don't do that [ __ ] [Music] okay i i'm confident that we can get through this we're so close to the end i don't want to give up now okay two [ __ ] okay i'll take it oh oh oh but yeah where's the salty dk met uh salty dk dan mascat is it like on some ripoff site or is it just redbubble i await your response mb it is redbubble let's take a look shall we let's take a look um what's the address for redbubble red bubble sorry that page doesn't exist that's weird wait why did it register it as a twitch link a twitter link what it's redbubble why did it huh there we go okay hold up while i minimize this okay let's see interact it's a stick it's a sticker please do not do this do do not sell things of me with without my permission uh what was sho scene or sean please do not i see that they're doing it of will burst too please i would prefer if you did not do not do that but uh otherwise you know have fun uh just don't sell stuff of me that would be preferred you found a literal face mask can you link can you link it on twitter if you like up salty can face mask you'll see a result let me let me see salty dk dan face mask oh it's by the same person okay yeah it is a face mask okay hold up i'll show you guys yeah don't do this i know i know it's probably their art uh but don't don't sell art of me uh stuff i would appreciate it at least not right now maybe at some other point i'll be okay with it but not right now sorry yes it's it's salty decadent from the dream smp sent a link too late though yeah it's okay yeah don't sell merch of me please i can barely sell merch of me also i'm not currently selling merch right now so if you see any merch that i don't publicize on my twitter it's not from me [Music] uh i would like to sell merch at some point soon uh but not right now i got i'm still looking for a good place to sell that like uh that like makes good products or like relatively good i'm not looking for perfection because obviously you're never gonna get perfection but at least something that's worth the money you know what i mean and hopefully not just t-shirts but t-shirts are cool i still really want to make enamel pins i think enamel pens are cool i know not everybody likes them but i like them and i think that they're neat [Music] okay yeah i'm not dealing with that they can just explode [ __ ] what how far is the [ __ ] blast range on those things oh there's more okay [ __ ] i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here guys oh like i gotta get out of here well that was actually like a pretty good impression hold up i like access something there i think what holy what it was that just me did that sound bad or like was that actually good what the [ __ ] how did i do that something something i just did something there i don't think i'll be able to do that again my catalog of impressions widens there there have been times where like i i i don't i don't do good impressions a lot of the time but when i do something happens i'm gonna very specific impressions for some reason i don't know why this is just the life that i've been chosen to lead okay and there is another one oh come on it was right there yeah text-to-speech is four dollars and up i'm sorry i had to do that with how many people were donating so it was like you know just trying to make things uh a bit easier to manage okay [ __ ] me i guess i i like screaming it's fun if you're ever if you're ever like upset just go in your car and scream take a pillow with you what what [Music] yo robotnik my dude i know you want to kill me but this is going too far man this is naughty this is not safe for anybody no one can use this elevator anymore okay i can't even use the elevator i literally cannot it's it's broken the elevator is broken i can't go back either do what the japanese do sell your used underwear you know someone will buy it here on stream also that impression was good or you can pull the dram and put a bow tie on a black hoodie again someone will buy it is that lord shaggy i hear uh i'm not going to sell my used underwear but thank you for the suggestion i i literally cannot use this i gotta keep correcting the level until it lets me through and here we are again my name jeff you know that text-to-speech came at the perfect time i thought that was coming from the game [Music] i think the game is is telling everybody to chat something i think you need to watch jojo's bizarre adventure please move get out of the way come the [ __ ] on for god's sakes okay i'm going back okay you win nope can't do that for move get out of here please i'll just get it from here then come on i'm not i'm not i'm not killing myself not yet i still have to touch fire i look at my noose not today old friend i have to scorch myself because it would be funny move please i'm probably [ __ ] up the level so bad [Music] okay let's check back here beam me up scotty please for the love of god okay in a second i will kill myself i'll try it 10 more times if it doesn't work then uh [Music] it just does not want to move okay yeah this game epic salty be honest if you started an smp would you say it's dream smp you know if i started smp it's going to be called as a dream s p 2. and everybody on it will role play as dream smp streamers and it'll just be a parody of dream smp we'll be going so deep in so many deep layers of parody because it's already insane that a minecraft server has like an in-depth lore but it does and then that lore is going to be parodied by me it feels so easy to spend these four dollars ha ha i'm reaching 20 tonight question that big surprise post you made on twitter last week was it the sonic race or is still a secret from us still owen putin okay so that that's actually a good point um the the big secret that i have the big secret announcement it won't you guys won't hear about it for a while uh it has to be worked on first oh my god [Music] what please please hit the goal post hit the goal post no it's right there come on i would have taken it i would have taken that w come on uh so like i was saying before that happened you guys won't hear about it for a while uh i still got plenty of pla we still gotta work on it we're gonna start stuff next month for it or i shouldn't i shouldn't say anything else um i'm not under nda or anything but i i want this to be a surprise because you guys won't believe it you won't believe it if i tell you i just i don't think that you will so um no sonic underground reboot no uh i haven't seen a single person guess what it is and a lot of people guessed let's just say that you won't guess it's it's not jojo related it's it's not like i'm not gonna mean anything official uh well i guess it is i shouldn't say that [Music] because technically yeah i don't know i gotta stop talking you you [ __ ] you [ __ ] like get so much out of me sometimes and i i don't mean to i don't mean to give you so much to work with salty stream let's go yo zephyr welcome back welcome back my dude you know 80 of my audience identifies as a he him um oh my god so normally when when i i do just assume he him i'm usually right just because of the ratio come on sonic please somebody make this into a gif just like a very small sonic gif where it's just sonic in the middle of the screen [Applause] i'm gonna be on scrap brain zone act 2 forever yo if anybody in here is over the age of uh 74 uh put a machiavelli in the chat i like pretending that that demographic exists like yo if you have grandkids let me know so many machiavelli's there's no there's no way there's no way all of you wow so many so many people aged 70 and up in this stream right now wow what come on come on come on well back to the drawing board all right [Music] again with this come on you know what they say kill sonic [Music] salty you help distract me from the fact that all my grandkids hate me you not none of you [ __ ] are over 70. shut up like enough with the gas lighting [ __ ] you it's gonna take me another hour to beat this like guaranteed like over another hour salty e3 stream please i'm begging er i would love to do that uh i've done e3 reactions before but never an e3 stream because we've always had trouble organizing good times to stream [ __ ] but i would love to do an e3 stream that sounds really fun as long as i don't copyright strike me and take my [ __ ] down i mean entry entry to the digital e3 is going to be like free right so they wouldn't take my stuff down oh oh yeah yes baby yes yes baby yes it's me what what what's the name of the guy who played shrek [ __ ] michael myers yes baby yes it's me michael myers ah from famous movies austin powders i played austin powers austin i played austin powder why are you denying that we are 70 years old aren't you a 120 year old smoker oh [ __ ] that's cannon you're right i played austin powders and chick the book from movie chick okay don't mind me just clipping no [Music] no no no no don't die don't die i need to get out of here before the saw comes no salty hurry up i need to do yoga tonight i don't i don't know daniel i'm sorry see us daniels we gotta stick together we can't be feuding even though i'm not actually a daniel it's a lie [ __ ] damn daniel damn damn daniel damn [ __ ] i pressed the button i go on the top salty top moments that's right no bottom moments here ladies and gents only top moments oh come on please [ __ ] no i want that i want the bubble because then i can take another extra hit and that would be very good for me oh come on with the background elements being in the foreground come on man [Music] this is it guys i'm feeling it i'm feeling it now mr krabs feeling that feeling that now mr krabs guys i think he's feeling it now mr krabs he's starting to believe can i yes yes yeah oh [ __ ] come on sonic [Music] whoa whoa whoa my god whoa whoa okay don't [ __ ] up the level but i also need one ring i don't have any rings i'm scared i need rings like now okay here we go here's one okay okay am i done am i done yes [ __ ] yeah yes yes just just just [ __ ] yes oh i can't tell what's happening i i cannot tell what's happening dr robotnik don't come into the background no go back to labyrinth zone oh did i already [ __ ] up the labyrinth zone skip am i supposed to go down there i'm gonna try that again [Music] last level guys there we go oh why am i collecting rings my dumb ass the thing is still in effect i don't know why i was doing that oh come on [Music] i would like an air bubble please does the demo at the end credits corrupt too oh my god wait yes it does because that's an in-game cutscene that cutscene is entirely in game then that does mean that the credits will corrupt too oh man i am very excited to see that oh my god yo what's up here i gave you your sonic having a fit gif on twitter my lord thank you now let's update upload it to tenor so then everybody can use it a [ __ ] discord [Music] okay give me more air bubbles please i don't trust myself to not die please pretty please thank you and the climb commences oh that's smarts yo it's over time to kick this dude's ass all right we're good we're good this is this is what [ __ ] cake [ __ ] cake absolute [ __ ] cake check it out [ __ ] cake absolute cake okay wait a second oh i almost i almost couldn't see chat for a second there [ __ ] cake oh [ __ ] how do you beat an egg's ass very carefully oh he he killed me okay well it's gonna be cake in a second cake sorry i was focused on that twitch chat message okay so you know how i said cake i what i meant was is that it was cake to get to him not not to beat him i i am an idiot okay cake gets zapped to death it's still cake guys it's still cake oh [ __ ] you can i bait him over here ah [ __ ] can we can we get some cake please cake now that's an emote i should have i should have cake mmm cake i'll put that for my birthday tier 2 sub emote cake see guys i'm a real twitch streamer i swear i know all of the things to your tier whatever it's not that i don't care it's that i am illiterate when it comes to live streaming for some reason that's also why a lot of my live streams are just like the game and like nothing else on screen plus i feel like a lot of streams have too much [ __ ] going on on the screen i i i i just like seeing the game in the commentary though i'm i kind of want to customize things a little bit maybe but like like for the front lock the most i did was just add borders i should make more borders from now on for stuff borders are hype all right excellent comeback stream if i do say so myself hey get back here you big chungus that was that was a quote that sonic said uh in the original game and it is over haha yeah whoo completed and yes i beat it on 420 all right now now i can't wait to see this because this is all an in-game cut scene the corruption is still in effect oh my god we getting the chaos emeralds no program you too love that band it's a lot it's a lot more fun when you just get to watch it i'm just now realizing is the corruption affecting like the text too well i guess we'll see after this no i don't think it is sound produce wait i actually i think it is that didn't say sound producer that was sound produce the ai sound program jamina and mackie oh did it say sound produce in the actual game sorry i didn't know presented by sega try again [ __ ] i have all of the chaos balls i don't think i will mr robotnik i don't think i will okay and that is it finally wow all right so that was that was a good one okay i am the best sonic player ever of all challenges unless it's going fast in the actual games which is the purpose of sonic uh in that regard i am the champion i continue to be my my reign continues salty i drew you and dream merch okay let me let me check twitter okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna log into the art twitter and i'll just scroll on that for a little bit before we end because some very nice people did some really great work and i would like to show it off and let's make the height like there we go so that way there's plenty of space for it so him let's let's scroll can i not scroll on obs i cannot scroll on obs but i can look at the art and retweet guidelines yeah i literally there's no scroll wheel at all so that's not gonna work uh i will make a new hold up i'll make a new window making a new window it's a family tradition making a window beckerly lumber it's a family tradition beckerly lumber hold up folks i'm figuring it out it's coming no worries you can't stop it it's coming just want to make sure none of my secret projects pop up that i forgot to [ __ ] close and i accidentally closed my streamer dashboard i'm very intelligent okay um window capture and i think that this is it yes yes it is and window capture activate all right let's take a look salty merch idea hold up i gotta minimize this a bit that's a good merch idea i'm patenting that thank you yo i love i love dreams so much i love dream dream make me cream we did it boys yeah hell yeah we did another challenge defeated another challenge defeated yes that that's a good gift gonna use this gift to announce all of my streams but what if the funny man was sonic and this is by at jingles bandit what if the funny man was sonic i'm a bit of an epic gamer i would say so i'm a bit of an epic gamer new object oc not stolen [Music] this is the one i think uh nope this is a new one definitely good five salt man but better the wg five oh my god just completely different g5 completely oh my god this is this is cool hold up been a while since i drew this guy i also drew a female version of him from that one video because uh i'm only good at drawing cute girls here you go [ __ ] yeah at bunny's b thank you so much i'm gonna enlarge this real quick yo uh if anybody wants to draw a female version of me more by all means just uh dial it dial it back on the horny i like this a lot this is [ __ ] cute dial it back on the horny though i've seen enough i've seen far too much this is this is cooler i'm giving this a like and a retweet because that that's like high effort high effort stuff not to say that everything else isn't high effort it's just i don't think that anybody else on twitter is going to understand what the [ __ ] this is [Laughter] lightning lightning mcqueen what's wrong isn't he funny is who is that is that me is that me being corrupted am i just a flesh mound virgin pre-stream salty can barely do act one chad post stream salty beats the entire game hell yeah i lo i have big muscles and i'm very sexy yo okay this is a cool interpretation of that difficult google five uh it's just a corrupted sonic he's like exploding as he's coming into contact with rings this one's really really cool who are you [Music] and this is by at small dumb crow and then no comment oh a ring and then family guy death pose by at the man three three four four eight four six nine oh i guess at the man three three four four eight four six ten was uh taken i guess huh and then i've seen this art before but it's very good [ __ ] rocket rocket always makes the [ __ ] best uh faces i swear to god shut the [ __ ] up pasty i funny man and of course rocket made this and i love how off-center the like mickey mouse area is on the right it it looks it looks so off-center it it just looks like this weird like bubble like like a very strange looking tumor it's just so [ __ ] weird oh my god definitely five i couldn't remember the actual description of them sorry well this is pretty close you got the one ear that's really all i wanted oh and this one's cute i love this one too and i have sonic shoes oh this is me kissing in mr apple uh thank you my favorite character i i like okay nobody else is probably gonna remember this but this is the same exact design the arms and leg design that i used for the h in the pokemon h the movie video so that's a good touch i love that sonic i've been having a bad day i don't care about i don't care you're boring and then he leaves seriously and this is don and i believe that this this looks like me peeing this is from earlier in their stream when i went to go pee so thank you for illustrating that lmao salty took a piss midstream uh i'm glad that you didn't give me any sort of genitalia that makes this semi okay and then of course dude and let's not forget five uh and this one's really cute sonic i love sonic i love sonic though like low-key i love sonic at salty dkn sonic for you heart thank you thank you at alien underscore fruit it's very cool and then cancer these nuts uh funny salty sonic oc because he streams sonic game and then this is me uh i just think he's neat of machiavelli because i do i think he's neat by at dude funny if i remember i think machiavelli was the one that got like thrown out of his home country because he was doing doing too much stuff rip block block on blob blocking on you know i really appreciate fan art but the memes the memes are [ __ ] hilarious like the thank you for changing my life lick my balls that's my at super e4 underscore then colonel butters stop donating your money please that's accurate colonel butters just kind of went crazy with that during the stream and then this this was before like right before the stream i don't know what's going on here i i enjoy it though so that was all the art during the stream unless there was like one more that got submitted oh yeah we got one more f fan who here likes five at night freddy five at night freddy anybody have five at night for eddie fan i i gotta do i gotta do a uh a five nights at freddy's uh marathon at one of these days one of these days coming up don't know about kingdom hearts though do not know about that one probably not probably not but i'll go back to it someday when i'm when i'm actually in the mood for it uh but yeah so that's it thank you guys so much for joining me today this is the first stream in my new schedule monday wednesday friday all around like eight o'clock p.m est uh i gotta make like a cool graphic for that to post on twitter but yeah so wednesday we got the final friend luck i'm gonna have an announcement later on in the day about some more cool stuff and then i will be doing a stream so wednesday is gonna be a packed [ __ ] day yeah that's right guys salty schedule for the first time in three years i'm going to have a stream schedule i hope you guys tune in i don't know what i'm going to be doing next stream yet but i have a lot of ideas so i hope you tune in for that all right so thank you guys so much uh for watching tonight thank you guys so much for donating and subscribing like you guys are [ __ ] crazy sometimes and all of the the nice art uh so yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys on wednesday alright see you later
Channel: Salty's Video Dump
Views: 46,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic, sonic the hedgehog, challenge, sonic 1, ring challenge, twitch, highlights, funny, saltydkdan, corruption
Id: RKScSB8v36s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 31sec (14251 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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