Sona Is Known As "Crazy Conan Lady" Online | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

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hear the yell back to school with norman fell brand new shoes i have to say i've always whenever i hear that is our theme song by the brilliant jack white whenever i hear that tune or when i sing that song i have to say if i was here hear the yell back to school with norman fell it's stupid so i admit that norman fell do you know norman no idea who that is did you ever watch three's company i did remember mr roper yeah norman fell but why do i need to know his real name because he's a human being he did a great brilliant mr roper no you can't great argument he's also in ocean you should know people's work can i tell you something i just don't understand why i need to know the names of the actors who played these roles on 70s television shows because i would tsa might quiz you also yeah the tsa could you could get yanked off a plane at any moment and they will ask you basic questions about american pop culture and you need to know them second of all how do you like it that on the internet you're mostly known as crazy conan lady is that right yes she's just crazy conan lady on the internet they don't even know your name wouldn't you prefer if they knew that you're played by sonum obsession i think that i've been with her so many times she's like people will come up to me on the street and i'm often with sono because i'm showing her the errands that i want her to do and so this is where they do the dry cleaning and stuff and if you could pick it up and she's like you i don't do that for you go yourself and um so and then we get into a slap fight but people are always coming up to me going oh my god it's conor o'brien that's sorry that's just my life and it's embarrassing to admit but um you bring it up a lot i'm sorry but oh my god oh my god oh my god shaz which is the sound of them having diarrhea excuse me seriously excuse me can i say something and this is a true this is a real thing when we were at warner brothers there was a tour remember the tour um bus that went around at warner brothers the train yes yeah yeah yeah and so they'd get to see like oh my god there's this star there's that star and i don't like to brag and i'm i'm can't believe i'm going to like to brag i don't i don't i really i don't it makes me uncomfortable okay i'm like johnny depp during the trial when he said this is embarrassing but anyway we went to get clean i went to the island that i own and he actually said that he said i don't know how to say this it's rather embarrassing but uh i retreated to my island and i'm like what anyway the tour you know they drive it around the warner brothers lot and whenever they would pass me they had to actually put in special grading in the seats underneath people got so excited when they saw me wow that everyone would get diarrhea so they put a grate at the bottom of the tram at warner brothers to catch the diarrhea in a giant tank what makes you think that's them excited oh it was they were very excited and the sound was shaz no it was chess and it got to the point where sometimes it was so loud that if actor chaz palminteri was nearby yeah he used to come by and say am i wanted or was it a conancider and we would go we're sorry mr palmentary the tramps and he'd be like i know the tram saw conan and he was always very good-natured about it but whenever the tram the tram would go by oh look there's jennifer aniston they'd be like oh wow i can't believe it one of the friends or they'd go buy another you know oh look there's christian bale he's shooting the new batman yeah okay whatever and then they would see conan and then chaz palmitary goes running through the warner brothers gate and you go like me or die or conan diarrhea and then we'll go it's it's conan would chas ever shaz once one time chaz palmitary i was having dinner with him and he said let me get it this time and he one time picked up the bill but he didn't look at it first he forgot that we weren't you know he likes we both of us used to usually eat at the olive garden but we were like a really craig's which is more expensive and he the bill came and it was it was not what he expected and i heard jess yeah it was one guy it wasn't a whole tram full of people having diarrhea when they see conan is josh but chas palmitary having quick staccato-like diarrhea when he sees 800 for two club sandwiches yes anyway um that i know who chaz palmintery is okay you do that was a little flight of fancy but it's good that's what happens people see me they get really excited chaz then they see you and go oh my god and you're crazy conan lady yeah i um you get that a lot right oh you're that conan person it's just that like okay so a lot of the shows that you guys watch i feel like are reruns probably like you actually pay attention to the credits when they're rolling i always did that yes i you know i put that into a simpsons episode i know you did oh i didn't know that wow you didn't know that i did i didn't know that i did that i didn't know that i knew that i didn't you do you know no no i i used to watch the credits because i was and i knew a lot of names i didn't know who did what exactly yeah but certain things and closed by botany 500 i i just like what's botany what could that mean i think it was the dick van dyke show didn't they have so no many game shows there were so many it's a wardrobe stylist company but it doesn't make sense because botany's a science and 500's a number why is that clothing you oh you're right all other clothing names make sense yeah except that one hey listen no clothes make sense no clothes make sense no but also very few things like why is esso a gas station what you know botany 500 is so specifically other things okay i can't with you guys you know what this is if you're in the should be embarrassed you know what you know what can i say something if you stay in the dorm room too late and they start talking about what's at the end of the universe but what's after that yeah that's th this is that dorm room yeah it is yeah because you're also holding a guitar you are yeah no that was not a cue no play play us out botany 500. play us out we just got it started um jazz this one's for jazz has commentaries listening right now he's like why what did i do
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 362,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team coco podcasts, team coco podcast, podcast, conan obrien needs a friend, conan needs a friend, conan o’brien needs a friend, needs a friend, conan o’brien podcast, conan o’brien needs a friend podcast, celebrity interview, comedy podcast, conan podcast, matt gourley, sona movsesian
Id: mfwOzxL2yjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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