Sometimes Being Honest Costs You A Job…

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well good morning we were gonna tow that truck uh back to the main Fleet repair shop because uh the customer stated it was losing oil pressure and it would start up have oil pressure and then it would just lose it and start run rough so I shut it right back off um if I came over to tow it back to the Fleet repair shop uh here at the local U-Haul they don't have a facility to mess with they don't have time to mess with whatever they've got a million other trucks here to deal with so it was just tow this to the fleet shop engine might be going bad we'll get it replaced but we might do something a little different today because what was said was when you started up it would get oil pressure and it would run with that for just a little bit here and then it would just start dropping back down lose all the pressure and then shut it back off and where this thing was sitting was in kind of a screwed up spot to uh load without completely blocking the whole road with my truck it's a busy road in the mornings I didn't want to do that so I thought hey it's got oil pressure right at first what if I could start it up pull it out get it in line with my truck shut it back off as long as it has all the pressure while I do that we're good so I do that and uh I get lined up my truck here we've still got good oil pressure everything seems fine so I say I put it back in park and I let it idle and sure enough it starts dropping back down so I shut it off then I think we should probably look into that a little bit so I don't find the hood release and then I open the hood you see I'm just filming on my phone today by my shadow because that's all I got with me and let's check the oil here real quick just make sure that's not the problem and uh there's no oil that that black spot on the bottom that's the bottom of the stick that's not oil so there's no oil here so I call up the main man when it comes to repairs back there at the U-Haul shop and say hey this thing don't have any oil in it and he says well it definitely had oil in it before it left because they checked the oil before it goes out on the rental and if it burned that much oil in that short of a rental and yeah the motor's probably going bad um unless it's leaking somewhere so I go well not leaking here let's look down here not leaking up here but there's a spot right there crawl under here and what do you know it's leaking right out of here at the oil filter so we check and see and sure enough the oil filter is loose and there's that oil so what we're gonna do we're gonna leave this thing here for a minute I'm gonna run to the parts store grab some oil maybe an oil filter too at least get that thing tightened back up put some oil in it fire it up and see if we got oil pressure and luckily today I got the quick rig for running around town to parts stores picking up oil see what we can get okay let's see what they got in here what well that doesn't help okay on to the next one [Music] for sure which one high mileage used hard put away wet exactly what we need [Music] all right let's see if this fixes it we'll just park here in the street okay I just uh I pulled oil filter gasket or the oil filter off gasket looked fine so I just put it back on now we'll get some oil in there and see uh see what happens and I also found my chesty Mount camera so I can use that when I put oil in I have both my hands to do stuff nice thing about these trucks is they come with built-in funnel holders okay let's uh pop the hood find the release that I can never find hey I found it prop it up open sesame and no oil there either 30 did I remember that right I did I was hoping that's what it was I wasn't super sure okay [Music] I'm just gonna assume that it needs a lot so we'll put this whole thing in and then check it and then we'll move it up onto the street where it's level and check it there before we're like done done oh I spilled a little this way I have some Rags here from the oil filter clean that up ah oh no this is not going well ah yeah now we need more rags never said I was good at this okay you go back in the oil filter holder Story of My Life try to clean up a tiny little mess and make a huge one instead um the oil there oh yeah oh that light did it almost perfectly okay let's put this back let's start it up we'll see what happens then we'll move it up to the street where it's level if all is good and we'll check our level to make sure we're good please [Music] pressure come to me look at that now let's see if it holds which seems to be doing so what it was doing was uh they said you start it oil pressure would come up in uh in about 10 seconds or so it would just start dropping back down to nothing and they'd have to shut it off because at no oil pressure when all the oil was drained out of the engine it was sitting down in the pan like when the thing was off the pickup tube that sucks up the oil down there was sitting in oil even though it was very low and then once it sucked up enough oil to fill the engine with oil as it's running that oil level the pan dropped down pickup tubes sucked air oil pressure drops and now we're sitting here at 40 pounds of oil pressure still so and then if you rev it it jumps up just like it should and it should go right back down to 40 maybe just the hair under and stop bam right there Okay so I'll back this up onto the street where it's nice and level and then we'll check the oil level for certain top it off right where it needs to be and uh this thing might be good to go make sure it's not leaking again of course and don't rear in the back of my truck that I can't see uh probably right there right where it should be let's shut it off and check it out I had plenty of room there's some levels sitting in the street swipe this off really good so there's no question we are just a hair low a couple quarts looks like so I'll put some more in it and I'm going to put this down here this time before I even start because I know me and I make messes oh that's empty that's the full one [Applause] [Music] thank you that's probably a couple quarts ish you set that there so it falls down in the battery compartment and makes a mess of that too oil filter holder I wiped this off I did [Music] bam or just maybe a hair over but that's fine that's what breather tubes are for so clean up all our messes all right you're noisy hey skid steer make it look like we were never here except for now it's cleaning spots make sure we don't forget that put our cap back on clean up all our trash put this in here and I'll forget it till next time I need this stuff and it'll be covered in trash okay there we go so this one got keys turned back in that truck's good to go I drove it around a bit holds oil pressure all just fine and uh yeah ready to rent back out now I'm not a fan of talking myself out of a job which I totally just did because that wasn't like a simple tow across town that was a tone of their Fleet shop that's three hours away plus three hours back plus your load done load time all that this was a seven hour job with the big truck that had been a really good payday but it was totally unnecessary so I don't want to talk myself out of a job I also don't want to do things that are unnecessary and uh give customers big bills that they really didn't need to incur now it was the world famous Nate Goodwin who said one time when a customer asked him at Elite Fleet Automotive uh customer brought a vehicle in for a big repair approved repair all that they dug into it realized hey it's not this big thing that you think it is and all the stuff it's just this little cheap thing so boom fixed a couple hundred bucks you're out of here and the customer's like man I you could have totally billed me for all that and he said and it's very true and it's kind of how I run my business too is I don't want your money just your business and that right there long term is the way to go and yeah I would have made a lot more money today if I would have towed that truck all the way over the mountain into the valley and come back but I'll make a lot more money in the long run by doing what is right by my customers and not handing them a big huge bill just because I can so that is going to be yeah that's it for this one because uh my big long day just got really short of course I'm gonna build them for the time I spent here doing that but that's nothing compared to that but I'm still getting paid fairly for the time I put in they got the service they needed everybody happy so hope you guys enjoyed that one and uh see you next time
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 595,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Id: CslKDypV4wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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