SOMETHING NEW!!! A look inside of a Transmission’s Torque Convertor

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this is a richard back catcher everybody's been asking uh what it looks like in a torque converter well i'm not a torque converter expert but i got friends uh that are so they sent me two converters that are cut that we can take apart and look at so what we got here first is we've got a b85 4l60e light light model it's it's a little thicker converter it's not the smallest one that's in the trail blazers or anything like that but it's in your normal pickup tahoe and stuff like that so basically this is what it looks like now this is a standard converter it's not a billet back or anything like that now they come in here and cut the weld off you can see it spins and we're going to come and take this apart now when they do heavy duty applications they'll come in here and braise all these fins together you can see all the work that's been done in here now that makes it a heavy duty i believe the non-heavy duty all that that isn't happening i'm not for sure i'm not an expert on this now this is your stator what we call a stator this will have a sprag in it it'll spin one way and lock the other just like in your 4l60s same type of sprag now we have a race car style uh they could add less fins more fans lay them over stand them up depending what type of applications uh they're building the converter for so if you have a bolt together converter like some of us race car guys do this is what they're changing on the inside they'll have four or five of these sitting over there if they go different tracks they could take the torque apart and put it back together and change that so now you remember this is a lock-up torque converter now if you got come here you can see this area right here is where your lock up seal will run if you come over here trent let me show here this is your lock up seal so if you come over here and you grab this like this this is going to come over here and go on here just like this and it's going to go on that seal now you have another seal right here that seals it to the body come over here now if you look here this seal seals it right here to the back the piston that applies the clutch there's an o-ring right here now these are torque converters have always amazed me but without this torque converter you could not come to a stop uh with the motor running in a vehicle so it has to have this now we're going to get over here we're going to pull this piston out that's got the dampening springs in it this keeps all the harmonics from the motor coming through the so you don't feel the motor running or anything like that you'll see these cut springs also in a clutch a standard vehicle when you let the clutch out you'll you'll see them springs in there like that now if you come over on this side here's your lock up clutch if you look at the back body right here you can see this is where your lock up clutch runs now if you come in here they've always say if you run too long of a bolt back here to bolt your torque converter to the flywheel you come in here and damage this right here and you put a big dent right here and now the clutch will rub right here here and here where all three of them two long bolts you put in there and put dents in here now you wear the grind the clutch off of the plate right here so that's why they say never put too long of a bolt right here because that's physically what you do there's your lock-up plate right there they amaze me still as well i can say i'm not a torque motor guy but being our tour converters i want to thank them for sending me the units so i could show you guys and stuff because they're really good people i've been using uh bill and them for 40 something years and uh if i tell them uh that i think they need to do something they listen to me if they tell me i need to do something i listen to them so uh we're both on the same page now what they also did now this is out of a dodge diesel this is a triple disc converter uh this is a a lot it's not a standard converter it's got a billet backing on it it's got three clutches in it uh it's got a really nice custom stator on the inside so this is for a five nine cummins get this apart gonna come in and look at all the fins and stuff too how they braise everything together now you come in and look at this stator now this is a billet stator this is a really nice cnc machine got a big steel brace on the back of it now this is probably a lower stall the fins are stood up pretty high to grab a couple a lot of fluid i could say i'm not a converter guy but they'll have a sprag in here too spin one way to lock the other now they do make spragus converters my uh torque converter in my turbo car is this fragrance converter it doesn't have a sprag in it so totally different design but this is a really nice stator here so we got all punks and bearing suits worked in bearings through here come over here and look here how they braised everything up really nice this is amazing what this stuff looks like looks reminds me of a turbine in a jet engine or something but i don't know how they physically work but being i was really nice enough to send us these to show you guys now if you look here we have a lock up o-ring here kind of like our 4l60e a little bit look at all this brazing you're talking about taking some time or if a computer does is that done by hand i mean i really don't know pretty pretty impressive now this here has a seal down in here if you look here uh let's come over here to i'll show them real quick now here's the 48re training here if you notice here this it doesn't have an o-ring on the shaft like your 4060e did but there's a seal down in here that seals on the shaft so when you stick this in here like this [Music] what the heck is going on here i understand why that's not going on there though am i doing something wrong trent i don't think so i don't think so either let me go over here to the shaft you can see that seal down in there that little rubber seal so that's kind of scary there i'm going to look at that shaft and make sure that shaft is good so but here's your lock up o-ring there's a lock-up seal down there and then we get in here now you remember this is a triple disc it's a we got this big massive supply plate [Music] you've got your clutches here wow now this clutch here is a single sided the center one's a dual sided and you have a clutch on the back so you could almost call that four clutches you got one two three four yeah but they call it a triple disc so but also you look here the outer one locks to the housing the inner one locks to this piece and then the outer this one here locks back to the housing then you have a centering bushing here that keeps everything center this thing's heavy heavy right here yeah let's match your fingers that's some cool stuff that's some pretty neat stuff guys hey we want to thank bni tour converters for uh sending the converter so we can show you guys what they look like and stuff if you're on anything give them a holler bni in oklahoma good bunch of guys over there they ship daily to anywhere in the world and you tell them what you want they know what you're talking about so give them a holler we're being at the end oklahoma if you want anything give us hard precision transmissions don't forget to subscribe you all have a wonderful guys we got this back together but i was really still wanted to figure out why this wouldn't go on there and we went over back over here and it physically went on so i don't know what i was doing wrong so trent went over here and slid this right on and it goes right on i don't know what the heck oh that's good though yeah but you do have a lock up seal here or o-ring and then you physically have a lock-up seal down in here that the input shaft slides on it's right there on the end like that okay instead of having it on the oh on the shaft here as an o-ring form so pretty neat pretty cool trent add that to our video checkmate y'all have a great day
Channel: Precision Transmission
Views: 117,558
Rating: 4.9726577 out of 5
Id: te0VzgpHzbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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