900+ hp IN-LINE 6 SUPRA Th400 looking for some stronger parts and a great build…

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oh this richard back at you guys been a very very busy friday well we got jeremy's uh toyota super in the house uh 94 model from lubbock go lubbock uh makes 850 real world horsepower uh big single turbo it's a 3.8 liter i believe motor a 3.0 uh built motor can you believe that guys and make that kind of power that is unbelievable uh so he brought the training to us to go through and see how we can make it better uh we see some wear on the converter we have a crazy adapter on the front of it and stuff like that so the way uh his tech sheet uh reads off here i'll spend 30 minutes reading all this stuff that he's got more money in this thing than i got in my house i think but anyway this is a really really nice car but anyway we're going to get in here and look at this thing and see how we can make it better and and correct some things that he's got going on but first of all if you look here uh this is his converter if you come in here and look on this converter hub right here i mean there's 30 thousandths missing from here to here it's that wore out you can see here the converter should have been spaced back into the pump at least to right here at least to right there so we would have spaced this converter back into the about an eighth of an inch but if you come over and look here you can see here with the crankshaft bolts uh i've been touching on the back of the the converter right here you can see here it bolts on by six bolts now even though it bolts on that way you can come in here and put a washer here here here here here all the way around but when you extend that out like that you still want to come in here and make sure this nub right here is still sticking in the back of the crankshaft because if you pull this out of the crankshaft when you space this converter you just made one of the biggest problems of your life right there because that flywheel's going to flex so much uh from not being stuck in the back of that crankshaft so that's something you want to look at now not so much in your daily drivers like we talk about your 400s uh your stock street cars your 4060 e's and stuff like that you're not going to really have that type of issue it's when you get into these tiny converters like this your oddball bell housings your toyotas all that type of stuff you've got to check so we know when we get into this thing the pump's probably going to be a war plumb out so we could he drives this every day back and forth well you can tell i mean that's why that converter hub looks that way plus here he has no modulator the train is locked down at max pressure so there's a ton of pressure on this pump right here now we'll talk to him and see if we need to send this converter back to wherever he got it from or can we send it to bni in oklahoma and have them repair the hub where look inside put new bearings and stuff like that and put it back together for us and be cheaper on him that way so but anyway you can see here it's already been cut off for an ultra bell it's got an adapter behind the bell housing that it adapts it to the toyota bell housing now this here looks like a factory bale house it's not like an altar bell or anything like that but it does look like it has some type of billet adapter behind it [Applause] wow they are torqued in there i'll put me a bigger battery on there and let me see if i can uh i want to thank the gentleman that sent me this battery i just got this in the mail uh the other morning it lightened this gun up a ton believe me i can use it a lot better and stuff without having this big one on there thank you very very much i can't pick it up but sometimes you got to have that power make sure also uh you turn your back check your battery and make sure it's full and make sure your guns turned up all the way so hey it's not gonna do it that thing is tight plus they probably got a little bit of loctite on them maybe you just never know my luck they're normally over torqued so they've somebody torqued them tighter than what they should have so they are tight i mean this gun got jerked out of my hand hey jt i'm not really familiar with that type of stuff so don't know a whole lot about it but i know we have like an art car uh fill tube and stuff bracket here off the pack pretty neat aluminum adapter i guess you can put a 400 chevy behind anything now i believe this is uh just a fully manual transmission that they fixed i believe is what he's saying it doesn't have a governor in there at all that's physically totally missing so oh anytime you do i mean it'll be plugged at the valve body probably instead of welding the governor up or something like that [Applause] yeah he's talking about some type of plug that everybody's telling him that he don't need or something so we're gonna get in there and look at that still bushing right there is really wore out pedometers some type of cable there now we still have our modulator plug and valve right here like our existing video that we just did so now i don't know how this thing spools or anything like that because they don't have a trans right oh that's pretty cool oh yeah that's see yeah it's actually a tuesday backwards it goes the other direction it goes in like that oh no i'm not mistaken let me get it out of there we might have had it right but no they got something going on here too they've done some bending and prying and said yeah oh we're gonna have a spring-loaded filter that's kind of instead of the pan not too bad let's straighten all that up for him now he does have a screen filter we should be able to get all that cleaned out of there and cleaned up really nice oh that bolt's stripped oh that's what it is i'm going to do is get in there and see if we can heely call that up and put a save the case now you can see here it's had this hole plugged here for manual capability uh it's had the valve body plugged here in the back normally there's two tubes that come here go down to the case they've been plugged too i don't know if you can see that in there yeah they're deep up inside there yeah you can see that ball is totally stripped [Applause] voila take that one [Applause] and see we got going on okay now these gaskets you really want to look really close because they do make different ones in this one here the one that'll come in your kit for this gasket here uh you'll get two of them so you really want to pay attention uh what you put what gasket you're putting on there and your identification is going to be in between these two holes right here they're going to look different you'll see the gasket it'll have your solenoid that used to be right here if your passing gear is missing now since it's a fully manual type system you'll get two gaskets with this uh it looked like this but if you look at this gasket here it's missing but your kit's only going to come with one of these and it's going to come with two of these and you're gonna have to identify it by these two holes right here one i have a tail and one will not have a tail so it's pretty easy to identify it right there so this is basically by looking at this kit this is a fully manual kit that they purchased uh they did away with the solenoid holes and stuff like that so no check balls would be in the case except the one in the trough right here see right here and they got one right here so if you notice this one's gone this one's gone and this one's gone come in here and look at your plate set it back on there anytime you got a trough like here you always you know you're gonna have a check ball put in there this ball right here it's a little bit different story what have we got right here oh the case is busted that's why that pulse wow we can't put a heated coil in there i can't fix that wow well that's not fixable we can't drill it or mount it or nothing so we'll have to get a new case in that unfortunately and that's an eight bolt bracket so we're gonna have to dig up actually i got an egg bowl case right there i just cleaned up so we're good there you can see here they took the accumulator blocked it somehow they just uh left everything out of it you always want to make sure your uh pinhole right here is not wore out where this thing is just wobbling like crazy you want to put a good accumulator cover on there make sure this little clip right here is in good shape too where it clips on here you always want to make sure that's good now when they do the uh blocking on the valve body when they plug this hole right here they're going to come in here and grind this valve off right here see if i can get this out and so they didn't put the in there very straight see they put it in crooked as heck they should have put it in straight that way the pin goes in straight it makes it easier to get out sometimes so and i might not be able to get this one out almost come on all right guys i'm gonna get this hat if i show you ah there we go now this is a little different than i've ever seen before this spring like this but anytime you do one at home and you're gonna do a shift kit or anything like that you pull this valve out right here you grind this land off i like to grind it off all the way around don't touch these two put it back in plug your hole here put this piece back in just the way it come out clean it up good then you have a fully manual when you block your governor back here so it's pretty simple to do but i don't see the only thing i tell you is that bolt right there teresa is what he's talking about you have a little washer right here that washer they make two different ones of these and they make two different ones of these so you better be careful when you put them together you get them mixed up when you're going out robbing a core or something like that got your hollow bolt goes in your support i definitely want to get rid of all these rubber hoses and stuff on this thing because uh anytime you blow a rubber hose i mean it burns the up like right now so rubber hose isn't always your friend and we have our reverse servo here third gear accumulator now since this is a manual operation it's not a trans brake operation uh you're gonna leave your rings on this uh piston right here there's two rings on here a metal one there and there's a metal right here some will be rubber some will be teflon just depending and your spring right here your trans brake spring will be a different color usually a lot firmer okay i'm gonna try to take them bolts out [Applause] oh my glasses i'm gonna do i think i'm gonna shock that bolt just a little bit each one that i do that way it might let me get it out of there a little bit easier anytime you have a tapered bolt like that that's tapered it's a lot tighter to get out but if you give it a little whack sometimes there you can get that baby right out of there look at that if not i probably would have stripped it out twisted it off something bad would have happened even though this is a bad case now since that bolt stripped out that's sad we're going to lose a eight bolt case getting harder and harder fine let's see if i can do this [Music] nobody said transmissions were clean and easy let me tell you every time we build one you have to clean them up clean up a totally different mess get it all cleaned up start on another one get it built get it all cleaned up start on another one there's a constant cleaning and cleaning and cleaning get out of there i try to tap on it like this maybe snap-on tools and macro tools are warranted for life so you can hit them with a hammer i think right guys that's what i was thinking can't smack it once with a hammer it ain't a tool but this being bolted to even that thread there looks like it's gone see that that falls all the way down in there see there's no thread in the case so that one's stripped out too probably half the threads are gone we could have healey cold that one and it would have been fine that one is you can't weld that back in there fix that oh yeah see this ball here so i'm gonna strip that too there okay i'm ready to get inside this thing see what it looks like that's a pretty neat adapter though guys look at that 420 to a toyota didn't even know that existed very crazy i say that's one thing good about here is we get to see all the cool stuff get to open all kinds of people's presents now if you notice here we have a bushing in this one where our other one that i showed you on our last video did not have a bushing but since we don't have his torque converter here to show you see this one here is self-centering too so in other words we could take this bushing out right here and it would keep the converter fuller a lot better but you have to make sure that this stator right here look here down in here see this piece down in here let me try to get it to turn i'm sorry anyway the piece way down in with the splines has a bushing in the back of the converter back there keeping that stationary so it splines onto this shaft right here see so that's why you have to have that bushing right here well when they put the bushing in the torque converter they eliminated this bushing right here see and now the fluid can keep the converter even fuller so pretty good idea now you can run both uh pushing their bushing here they i've seen them kind of fight each other a little bit though at times so that's not something that we do now we got some kind of crazy stuff going on here now anytime we do a trans break or something they're wanting you to take that horseshoe spacer out of behind this pump pressure spring right there the boost valve so uh if you don't have one uh and you just got a factory spring people like to space them up put all kinds of washers behind them to raise their pressure well the problem is is they're not the one putting it in they're not the one putting a pressure gauge on it and probably nobody's going to put a pressure gauge on it so when you shim this up you physically really don't know how much pressure you got so now being at the 400 we're going to probably lose the pump so we've learned now i mean these carry out 400 with trans brakes and stuff i'm getting a lot better at what type of pressure but if we don't have them here we can't put a gauge on them to see so i can't guess and guess and guess pressure so had a small leak under here real quick but we'll pull this boost valve and stuff out really quick and see what they did to us normally that just comes shooting out normally it got tap on it and it'll come right out so that tells me they probably beat it in there with a hammer of the time i mean that could have should have come out like normal okay and it's not uh let me well i can put some air through this hole and it'll push that pressure regulator valve back and probably push this out right here but uh how solid that is it ain't even even trying to be uh springy but you can see all the washers they got stacked up right here looks like i got a couple of them in here that don't need to be there so that's an iffy deal there because they don't know what type of pressure they have when they put this in and basically we give it back to the man he's got not gonna know neither until he puts a pressure gauge on it so we got a lot of wear here in the pump you can see here the pumps wore out on both sides a lot of grooving like i said this converter here wasn't spaced right uh on the end you can see it you can see the the wear on the gear right here it just wore plumb out i mean this thing probably this fear has been sitting on there like that it needs to go down in there like that at least like that but when it's up here like that i mean you just don't have no support on that gear and then you just bump the pressure up to 200 pounds and now you're trying to really put force on this gear so there goes your pump so now if you notice here too they did not restrict a converter feed at all and that's something you want to do on a turbo car because you're going to be all over that thing and trying to push the converter out into into the motor and shove the uh thrust washer out on the crankshaft so you got to be really careful we do ever want them that way of course you can see the pump gear is all grinded up through here we're probably going to see a lot of wear here like i showed in my other video once it starts getting a lip right here the pump body is not good you can see here it looks brand new like it's never been touched if you get over here you can see it or you start grinding it what happens is the gear starts running dry from here to here and they can't get an oil back here on the back side so gm put this little little land in here off your pressure regulator valve the force oil back here on the back side of this valve and that's why they did that but i mean it does help but when you bump them up i mean anything can wear i mean now we don't have a billet shaft in here this is just a stock shaft you can i'll show you here i have a billet shaft over here um you can see here this is a transmission specialty drum here you can see how they re-splined it put a billet shaft in it got big old splines in here now if you looked at it here in the stock 400 drum a little tiny shaft little tiny splines you can't see them and that's why they break out so this uh transmission uh for the power he's making and the power he's gonna keep making uh for a toyota you know they're they they can make a lot of power so we're gonna have to be definitely getting some parts in here for this thing course it's friday and everybody's already goes home early now it seems like we can't get nothing ordered on friday anymore okay now this don't make no sense at all i mean we have a a five clutch system here and we have a wave in the forward drum on a thousand horsepower almost car we do not want that waving this drum at all you know we can stack it up get more clutches in here that's what we care about but we actually don't want no soft engagement we don't want no type of wave in this unit so that's a no-no there and i believe this is just a stock hub you hear that thud if you come over here i'll come over there and let me find this one [Music] hey stock there's a strip right here this spawns into your uh uh output uh your intermediate shaft excuse me right here and that is really bad about the stripping so we definitely want to get one of them put in there if you can find a good four lady e1 that has the ting it will interchange into the 400. now we do have a band still in this thing so you can tell he does some manual shifting uh to me uh i gotta go looking i don't think this is the right piston for this i believe this takes a flat one see uh if you have this bumpy one here you have a flat one here if you have a bumpy one here you have a flat one here where we have bump uh a lifted one and a lifted one so this one here to to me is the wrong one and that's probably why we have your engine brake band failure see i have to look at it more if you if you get these wrong it'll bring the band on and not even be applied because you put the wrong ones in there when you bolt the valve body down it automatically pushes the band on so to me that's what happened right there in that part of it you can see here it cooked the drum stuff like that i'll get in here and look and see if the clutches are any good and we have a five clutch high gear outdoor style drum or clutch excuse me now we'll be going back with the allison clutches in this unit since it makes so much power uh different steels stuff like that now you can see we do have a bigger 34 element sprags but we're gonna have to come in here uh cut this tick weld off right here so we can open this up and look at the sprag and the races and see what they look like everything looks good we'll put a new frag back in here put it back together take well the tips of the snap ring where it can't come off again or put a double wrap snap ring on here and and eliminate the problem that way too so you also on these you want to look in here and see uh if they took the the seal off the drum on the inside you have a seal on the piston here you have a seal on the piston on the inside and then you have another seal that goes on the drum you always want to leave that seal off in this drum and you want to always leave the steel off in the forward drum especially in high horsepower applications that way you're using the whole support of the piston to apply the clutch now we'll get down here and look at our intermediate stuff see what they did to us okay you know here of course we've had a three clutch system for in a 400 forever you know everybody's come up with their own ways to try to make it better kill heat make the clutch supply faster better all kinds of crazy stuff they went with uh steel that's got holes in them to get the oil off to get the clutch supply faster you know all that type stuff so but on these here we always go back with the foil lady e4 clutch uh one extra clutch guys is tremendous when you're making high horsepower believe me tremendous so also on these snap rings you can see this real narrow snap ring right here the thickness is the right thickness for the job but when you put these narrow snap rings in here like this you can break the lugs off here where it goes in the case to keep this backing plate in for second gear so what we do is we'll find a uh 48 re uh something like that and get the wide snap ring that's about that wide and the same thickness and stick that in there and let me tell you you don't have any issues that way and never put your opening in this cavity right here never put your opening like that always turn your opening to the like that because they're bad about breaking these teeth off right here so uh transmission specialties actually they make a kit you can take this band anchor pin out right here and it bolts in there and it puts a little moon shaped washer uh thrust plate down in here to support the snapping right through here uh when you do a transmake application or something like that you're gonna chunk your band then you can you can put that in there [Applause] then we have our bevel snap ring flat on the bottom round on the top goes in just like that same way don't put the opening in the gap turn it works away from it you want to come and look at your bushings these are nice looking bushings compared to them other ones remember they're purple purple purple same way the thrust washer was purple now you can see here left our ring back out on our center uh that way uh it applies a direct clutch uh with all the way through the whole piston basically when you leave this ring off here it's the same thing as leaving the center seal off inside this drum right here so you want to leave that off leave that off work your plate to get more volume and fluid in here if you leave do all this and don't work your plate then how are you going to expect your plate to flow more fluid to apply this bigger circuitry so you have to drill the plate to make this circuitry fill up faster because you made it bigger so that's something you got to remember too we have a race here so you want to look at this uh bushing here you can see here i kind of see here we're starting to worm out a little bit i don't know if you can see that little spot right there there's a lot of pressure in here and they start worming out the fluid will actually make a worm trail plumb out of that bushing like a snake and come out the top you can see it's starting to do it so high pressure causes it to do it stuff like that but scott's brought your race here for your outer or your inner race for your sprague now this one here does have a snap ring in the case uh anytime you run a thin support here you're gonna have to run a snap ring they also do make a thick one that you do don't run the snap ring so you don't want to put a thin one with no snap ring then you have your support moving back and forth so you don't want that to happen of course we have a band here your reverse band it's called a low reverse it's just as old as the rest of it so we're going to need another band there get down in here um didn't change anything in the bottom they did some type of crazy stuff here bent the tabs that that'll never work good because you can never guarantee that's going to be perfectly flat and not take out your thrust washer i'm shocked it didn't take that flush washer out worse than that we've got some bearings over there we'll actually take this stuff throw it away we'll put a roller bearing down in here and get rid of this thrush washer makes a lot better unit same way here now we'll put a normally there's a plastic washer here and they went back with metal so we'll still go back with a metal washer there now on these um you want to definitely make sure your pins didn't walk check for any pin discoloring any wobbling on the gears check your sprag assembly make sure you put the right sprag assembly in it remember your uh roller your spring always pushes your roller uphill that way you know you got it in the right direction change your bushing here i said we'll go in here and tig weld these right here to keep these pants from moving towards this washer because they will walk it's not when how it's just they will walk so same way with your sun gear you want to look at it really close on both sides of the teeth uh for any type of wear on your load sides your drive your coast side either way now you notice we didn't have a lube washer in here like our other video show to keep the oil in this planet now we'll go out here in the trailer and find one and put one back in there because we like to keep that plastic washer in there that way it keeps the planetary full of gear our planetary's full of oil how does that sound it's friday it is friday now they do have two different thicknesses of washers bushings that go in here he does have a thick bushing a narrow bushing excuse me they make a narrow and a wide not thick so they will retrofit either direction now he does have a stock intermediate shaft here nothing great like i said this stuff will hold about a thousand then next you know it'll start breaking so you want to do it now or later i'd rather you do it now so same way your bearing's here you look at all these makes your races are good now they they do make uh bearings that have more rollers there's a roller in between each one so if you can find that put that in there that's a good upgrade too and you can see this race right here guys look at this that's why i tell you to check all this stuff look how bad that race is where that bearing's been running and it's bad but what's funny is they had that bearing running like that you know what guys that bearing don't even run that direction it runs like that so whoever built this train he put that in right now how they got it to work it's pr wrong they got it wrong but how they got to work is just because there's there was no critical thing that was going to happen this let's see was set down in there because of that chamfer see that that ledge see so that's why it didn't kill the bearing right off the bat but that's how they had it it physically goes like that like that it's a little thing that matters if that would have been here where there was no place for that lip uh then this would have made metal instantly because there's no place for that lip see yeah they got lucky so same way your rear it check your pins uh check for any wobbling or anything like that you're out of ring gear check for anywhere there stuff like that this thing is going to need quite a bit pumps i'm going to get on the phone with raymond at transtar really quick it's about 3 30 got plenty of time to order parts for both these i got most of it here with the hard parts and stuff i want to get in uh from raymond i get some rebuilt pumps and stuff like that so but teresa i want to thank you for recording you've been doing a very very good job it's friday i think i'm going to take you out to eat i'm going to take you out to the big texan in amarillo texas guys i didn't know if y'all knew it but we have the big texan here in amarillo it's about two miles this way and when we get done eating there i think we're gonna go to the cadillac ranch is about five miles this way i already found my red can of paint my john deere green i have me a black i have me a silver and i think we're going to go do some cavity on them cadillac's tonight how's that sound teresa let's go have some fun guys y'all don't forget to subscribe uh definitely enjoy what we're doing annie you're still crashing she's sleeping over there y'all have a great day
Channel: Trent’s Customs & Performance
Views: 56,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8FJ0Hh7qaks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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