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this is uh richard back at you uh we got one from uh kansas uh come in today uh we got out uh i believe we already made a video of uh taking it out and letting y'all see the pan and everybody's kind of excited to tear this one down me too so uh we got our arizona one done uh we got another arizona one coming this morning we want to thank all you uh people for uh bringing us uh your work from out of state and stuff like that we're getting a lot of them so uh if you do bring them will do you a really good job so let's get this thing apart i'm excited to see uh what type of damage we have yeah it's um model so it's going to have an input speed sensor here and all that type stuff too so i'm excited now this has been rebuilt before by i don't know but if you come here and look at this whole bushing right here that's a factory gm bushing in this tail housing but it's been rebuilt before so it did have a new seal uh the seal when i knocked it out almost fell out on its own but it it we always glue these in no matter what other way just secures them staying in and they don't leak that way so it's got a rebuilt uh converter by somebody here don't want to mention their names it's got a sticker on this side too hard to foot smells pretty dark or dark don't smell dark but it looks dark smells bad how does that sound terrible yeah o-rings i mean just stink stink [Music] so bell has enough here you just want to make sure you get these uh sockets all the way down into the bottom of that bolt because if you ever strip one they're really tough to get out got your 2 4 servo right here that applies your second overdrive band see if they did anything here that uh it does have some type of shift kit in it probably an sk or something like that anytime we see this washer right there we already know now it does have the stock uh servo right here that applies the band it doesn't have a corvette servo in it now if you do put a wide band in there you cannot put that back in there because uh it'll apply the band automatically unless you take and grind off the pin right here to set your band clearance so just remember that on a stock band you can get away with it wide band you can't so they did do some fancy grinding here we see this on some of the builders out there do that if the high horsepower one i'll do it other than that we don't ever do that it doesn't have some aftermarket fittings right here nothing special now it does have the connector that uh the green and the gray and the or the brown right here tells me that it's got an input speed sensor in it so oh are you just ready for your surprise i'm telling here we go that's pretty messed up guys we can climb on that mountain yeah i'm down you know i think we can rebuild the with all that metal yes sir we probably could we can also back down and make something how heavy is that filter coming out of there wow i'm surprised this thing moved he trailered it from kansas but i moved it on the lift is it really yeah isn't that pretty that's kind of that'd be a pretty paint wow look at that color oh my god yeah if you could paint that like that that's pretty pretty crazy okay here we go that gas gets as bad as old as old can be probably never serviced in a long time i'm assuming i don't even want to put my parts in that that's so bad i just have to lay him here on the rides and notice it does have a seal retainer anytime we put the front seal in we glue the seal and the retainer did you notice how easy that comes off look at that so it's kind of a good idea kind of a bad idea but if you glue them on there with that yellow glue we use it's a good idea it's a 3m yeah just glue your seal in put a bead all around the seal pop that back on there let it dry and then that seal it's going to take a lot to get that seal out after that i think i got some metal in it i'm have splinters all through my mouth through my hands it's not a uh 65. it's not that just blows me away there especially the color of the connector that throws me off a little bit probably some type of mid-year stuff going on we'll get in here and it'll probably be half and half of uh something going on where they put the stator in there without the sensor or something like that see a lot of that type stuff this thing's so contaminated with metal all the sensors pillow pad everything will be replaced on this there's nothing savable boom for that even after we get this rebuilt uh we'll drop the pan on it we'll drive it for a little while get it warmed up flushed out good drop the pan on it and do another service on it before we even deliver the unit because even me cleaning this as good as i clean it's hard to get all the microscopic pieces out but that new transmission fluid so we like to get that out right off the bat that way the customer has isn't having any type of issue with uh erratic shifting or anything like that just covered in metal and this thing is just obliterated luckily it's got the one that's covered yeah have that stouched junk oh yeah going to see if our lock-up valve's been blocked or anything it hasn't been blocked or anything it's just all stock stuff going to change this up a lot too so look at all that metal look at this we're going to look into this thing uh having cooler failure too because a lot of times when these planets fail like this it's like a cooling so we definitely want to look at this stuff really close when we put it back together now it has been rebuilt before it looks like it's got an aftermarket uh upgrade to the plate right here with the check balls beat through the plate before and they add this little deal in here that'll set the check ball there like that and gets it up off the plate so you still want to drill your feed hole your pressure up hole right here that way anytime you drill these out it does relieve the the hit on the ball on the plate right there so we'll go back with actually a neoprene ball uh it's a hard teflon looking ball that doesn't do any damage i'm going to have splinters in my hands on this one now here's a good example why you want to get rid of your plastic pistons see this right here it's all cracked out and that right there will cause failure this is your one-two accumulator that accumulates uh the fluid to soften your second gear shift so once that broke out right there your second gear shift went to is terrible because it leaks by it so bad wow okay so that's why we always upgrade to aluminum this does have a shift kit in it still you can see the other the three springs that they've stuck inside of each other we still we like to stack it up to where we get this piston flush always raise your piston to the top you know so there's some carnage over there yeah there's a lot of connors everywhere there's your shift kit spring too now we'll take and stack a double piston here and block that get that plumb out of there that just makes fourth gear so much better the harness is good this had no fluid in the connector so we'll come in here and cut this off and we'll solder in another solenoid into the harness that way we can save the harness and stuff this thing's so contaminated uh this can take a lot of work to get it clean actually here's a a complete planetary washer that was cool next let's see i don't have a i'll take all my planets out yeah i think i'm in good shape it's got chunks in the way of the park there it is maybe that'll get it oh there we go there's baby got some shrapnel in there look at all that man i hate to say it maybe you should wear gloves on this one next time i rinse my hands off okay here we go now we're hoping we can save a lot of parts out of this unit because it is such a lighter design uh mainly the pump stuff like that planetary gears and stuff like that we keep in stock but these old pumps are getting hard to come by now this is uh even the earlier version it doesn't have no speed sensor uh stator nothing in there it's just your standard system that does have a shift kit uh pressure spring in it you can tell by the orange color we can get in here see if our pump's wiped out feels really good crazy how you get all that metal in something and it just doesn't just destroy the pump trying to look at this is you know how many miles this hap has on it since it's been rebuilt but you can just tell it's already got all the blue and wore off the pump slide a lot of wear up here on top so it's really hard to say it does looks like a lot of miles uh compared to what it has on the rebuild i guess it looks rough yeah it's pretty rough i always want to get your band anchor out of there that way you can just grab this and pull it always want to make sure you have a big horse small hole here look at that mainly when you're changing parts and stuff when you get into trouble now even though we see this markings it feels really good it's more just seeing it but the drum looks really flat don't see any wear in there it looks like we can probably put the drum back back in looks really nice so we can clean that drum up there and use it back so look at the reverse clutch here [Music] i like to look for signs to see what they've done to them when i take them apart to you know show this been into before uh i like to see signs they put new clutches or bands or anything like that in there reverse clutch has got a lot of wear on it you can see how it starts pushing in the center first on the clutch that's because it this uh wave plate right here pushes on the center here and once it pushes on the center and as it flattens it rolls out and flattens out on it so then it covers the clutch but you can see here once it starts doing it it'll just keep doing it so you just got to replace everything in here the wave plate's still good our bevel plate's still good but just replace all your stuff here got a nice little stock uh band in it does have the high energy material but it's still just a stock band i'm going to get down in here to the 3 4 clutch of course we're missing our load springs we know that already got the bacon going on on the clutches there you can tell these have been on uh used twice because they've been burned up before and been put on these clutches to get that hot this clutch ain't been that hot yet so you can tell this has been reused again they just put clutches in there no load springs so we'll put low springs back in and get that part straight and we do have our clutches and everything's installed properly got the wave the steel and the clutch that's normal engine brake clutch hard to tell if it's new or oem it's hard to tell on these there so [Music] look for wear here see how that reverse clutch is starting to wear here even it's got a dip in it so this drum to us is no good we'll have to replace it because once that starts happening it lets the clutch start egg shaping around it like that instead of spinning straight and it'll keep doing that even with the new clutch and that seal's nicked the neck second one down keep going keep going keep going somewhere i thought maybe not all right there maybe that neck right there a little bit yeah a little bit looks like it is yeah it is you can see it not all the way through but yeah it did naked i'll show you what we use to put them seals on with we use uh this thing here will slide over it we'll put the seal on that way and then we'll size it with this one first and then we come in with this one here and then resize it all the way back once we get that done uh we'll have our pump already rebuilt and then uh once we size it with this we'll take it put our pump stator on there spin it around that way we know our bushing is good here we know our bushing is fitting good here and we just made sure that we're not going to cut any csv like that nice and that's what that this is what we use when you everybody always asks me how do you put these seals on here's another one right here we use this it goes over it like that we slide the seal on like that we'll take this one size it like that and then we'll take our green one and then we'll put it under sizes it even farther set it on there about 30-40 minutes before we even take and put it in the that way we know we don't cut these rings you cut these you lose reverse so if you cut into other ones you lose forward or third so i actually had a customer call and tell me man i ain't got no third gear ain't got no third gear he said everything looks good in the drum and stuff everything looks good but what he did was he cut this ring right here if you cut this ring right here you won't have no third gear so you got to remember that too there's the third gear oil pushes the band off that's your accumulator instead of using one of these see if you ever look into 406 d700 they have no 2 3 accumulator it's because they use the band push off for the accumulator so i definitely know that yeah so i say where's my accumulator well there ain't one what do you mean there's not one there's not one can you see that trend to the side right over here yeah okay yep look at you got me some new snap or macro excuse me pliers here them are nice yeah robert might hear you for seeing that yeah he might now we gotta wear here on our hub already the planet does show to be good i don't think it's the seal right here make sure seal is good cause this seal right here if it's bad or anything see that loophole right there this lubricates from front to rear so if this hole gets plugged up or the seal blows out this hole right here is what lubricates all the planetary stuff in the back so if that seal is sitting on there like that and it breaks or anything all your oil falls out and it doesn't lubricate in the back so and it burns everything up in the very back of the so the early designs was a hard plastic and this center piece would break out caused all kinds of failures on the 700s and stuff like that they went to this the 460s and stuff and this is kind of a really soft it doesn't ever get hard where it can break so i don't know if i can get this off in here you mainly want to look here for wear you can be good here but be war plum out here we've noticed that the roller brain hubs seem to be a lot softer and they do have wear issues right through here so you think you got a good hub it's not to check here we put a new one in every one so here's a brand new one nowhere so that's pretty same way with your shell you want to check here for any wear on the splines or anything even if it's war or not war we replace these and get these out of here we always go with a hardened one so and you can see the difference here what they look like from hardened and not hardened get down so i get the rest of this up this is where carnage is going to be folks it looks pretty rough in there already yeah let me get this out really quick [Music] oh wow it didn't blow the sprague up the sprague's still turning one way and locking but it'll have to be replaced the races were plumb out on it but uh a lot of times it'll split these but these are the hardened ones so you don't see it as much oh there it goes there it is fell right out i would say we have an issue here it is gone and of course you get into the planetary oops oh wow you don't see that you often this thing was driven beyond driven oh my hey it's gonna take a lot to get this thing back together but we have all the parts here to do it uh it's gonna be exciting one to build a lot of time an hour is gonna be put in this thing to get it back to where it needs to be so if y'all need anything give us hog precision transmissions y'all have a great day
Channel: Precision Transmission
Views: 316,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4L60E, Blew Up, Holy Shit, What happened, This destruction, Can we fix it, Don't miss it, Stay tuned, Make it better, Transmission in the pan, Carniage, Nothing left, Is it repairable, R&R work, 2005, Chevy, Silverado, 5.3, 2wd, 3000 Stall, Tear down, How to, Richard Crich, Trent Crich, Precision Transmission
Id: 1Xkfr1XjMXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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