"Something Hunted Me on the Mountain" Creepypasta

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I'm what some would call an avid outdoorsman I spend a lot of time out in the wilderness fishing hiking camping but most importantly hunting I love to hunt I have ever since I was a kid though I probably have my father to blame for that while other children were out riding bikes or having sleepovers I was clutching a rifle huddling next to my father to stay warm in the frigid autumn mornings my father and I spent almost every fall together up there on the mountain he'd teach me about the various wildlife and the different types of plants which ones were safe and which weren't he taught me how to track and how to maintain firearms I remember the first time I saw my first buck he stood there between two rows of trees only 50 meters away from me I love old my rifle at him looked him square in the eye and I squeezed the trigger I missed and the deer ran off into the woods to live another day I felt defeated that day but my father albeit strict was very understanding at my shortcomings he told me even the best hunters in the world miss that made me feel better at least a little the years seemed to fly by and I had hunt nearly every type of game in those mountains even though I was having fun I never let a kill go to waste I'd always bring back what I killed to stock my freezer for the following months after high school I got a job working as a camp attendant on the mountain it wasn't anything amazing mostly I'd just sit there and read magazines all day occasionally having to tell a group of frat guys to keep the noise down or reminding a scatterbrained father to keep an eye on the campfire like I said it was pretty boring stuff but I did get to be closer to nature almost non-stop and not to mention the campgrounds closed at the start of the fall hunting season and reopened the following year I had just packed up my truck and said goodbye to my mother I did this every single year and yet my mother would always tell me how much she worries my father on the other hand would always tell me not to come home unless I bag something bigger than my truck the following morning I woke up an hour or so before dawn got in my truck and drove to the mountain I had my own personal spot I'd parked my truck ad which was a narrow path which ended about halfway up the mountain I hopped out grabbed my gear my rifle and took a deep breath before walking into the woods around 20 minutes of walking the Sun had just started to creep over the horizon its rays igniting the sky above me that was always one of my favorite parts about being outdoors so early I continued my hike through the hilly terrain over logs and through dense brush it wasn't long after that I arrived at a clearing I figured this was as good a place as any to set up a camp for the night whenever I hunt I usually stay out for a few days at a time just to give me more opportunities I had quickly set up a small one-man tent and created a small fire pit the Sun was almost directly overhead at this point while I was still busy situating my surroundings I couldn't help but feel eyes on me I backed out of my tent my rifle in hand and scanned the treeline around me another good lesson from my youth was always trust your instincts I thought perhaps a bear was getting too curious for its own good I grinned at the thought of my dad's face if I managed to actually bring back something as large as my truck but quickly reminded myself how dangerous these animals could be I stood there motionless listening and scanning everything around me after five minutes of nothing I returned to my tent albeit more alert than before finally satisfied with how my camp looked I quickly scarf down three protein bars in a bottle of water before venturing into the woods it wasn't long before I caught the trail of a small herd of deer not too far ahead of me I meticulously took a note of each broken twig grazing spot and pile of droppings along the way just as I was about to peek my head through some underbrush a deer jumped out at me this caused me to jump and fall on my back hard before I knew it two more followed it as they all scampered past me disappearing into the woods before I could even ready my rifle rising to my feet I couldn't help but notice the odd behavior normally deer don't run towards a hunter like that they usually run in the opposite direction unless something else had spooked them first peeked my head back through the underbrush and noticed something odd there was a deer lying on the ground in a pool of its own blood its entire throat and chest seemed to have been torn from its body I could feel a mix of curiosity and concern rise in my mind I wondered what could have possibly done this and I also wondered how I hadn't heard it happening with how close it was while I was lost in thought I heard the rustling of twigs and leaves on the far end of the deer I looked up and caught a glimpse of something only for a moment but whatever it was it looked gray a wolf perhaps though it still doesn't explain why I hadn't heard it nor why it didn't stick around to eat its prey I decided it was probably best to start making my way back to camp the Sun was now on its descent and I didn't want to be out in the woods after dark it's very easy to lose your bearings at night the twilight was growing in the sky with each passing moment I tried to quicken my pace but I knew I wasn't going to make it back to the camp before the Sun had fully set still I marched on trying my best not to think about the possibility of wolves lurking about I began to get that feeling again of the eyes on me from some unknown location I felt myself instinctively gripped my rifle tighter as I walked then a rustling of leaves and crackling of twigs caused me to stop and aim my rifle it was two squirrels chasing each other around a tree with a heavy sigh of relief I lowered my guard and turned back but when I did I saw something that froze me there was something attached to a tree directly in front of me it looked like a man but not really its body was a grayish blue color and it gripped onto the tree with large claw like fingers I felt sweat run down the side of my face despite the cold temperature outside its head was erratically twitching about as if it were looking for something slowly I raised my rifle towards it but doing this caused the creature to stop twitching its head and looked directly at me its eyes seemed to reflect a light from some unknown source they shimmered lightly in the dusk I wasn't sure what I was actually looking at but my instinct told me that it wasn't friendly I studied my breath lined up the shot and fired the gunshot echoed through the forest as birds and other creatures scurried away from the sound the bullet hit the creature and when it did a new sound replaced the gunshot the creature shrieked loudly a chamber de nother round not wanting to take a chance yet when I did the creature was gone I scanned the trees in the nearby ground but there was no sign of it I knew I had hit it but I wasn't about to stick around to make sure I continued my journey back to camp but when I got there I found my entire campsite completely ransacked my tent was utterly shredded and all of my supplies had been scattered about just then I heard something behind me I slowly turned and was only a few feet away from the creature I had just shot he was on all fours crawling still twitching its head as it moved I could see it much more clearly now even with the light missing from the sky the skin on its mouth looked torn and its jaw hung loosely as a breathe silently its eyes were completely white almost as if it were blind I shifted my body slightly to face the creature and when I did it stopped crawling its milky eyes were looking directly into mine at this point in a split second I pulled my rifle up and fired but that did a little to stop it it left through the air and knocked me down it's the large claw like fingers were scraping at me while its mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth snapped in my face I tried my hardest to keep it from biting me by holding it back with the body of my rifle but this thing was immensely strong I rocked from one side to another and use the momentum to throw the creature off of me it scrambled to its feet but I was faster I took a quick breath and squeezed the trigger catching the creature in the head it wheeled and fell back I got up and began running towards my truck I looked back only once and when I did I saw no sign of the creature I just shot panic set in as I jumped over logs and tore my clothing on branches I was just praying that I was going the correct way the entire time I spent running I started to feel more and more eyes on me as if the entire mountain was now aware of my presence I skirted around a small hill and almost screamed happily when I saw my truck I got into it started it up and drove out of there when I made it home my mother was happy and my father was concerned at my wounds I told them that a bear had attacked me and that I had narrowly made it back I couldn't bring myself to tell them what I really saw up there weeks passed by and I couldn't shake what I had experienced I doubt I ever will I have since quit my job at the campgrounds and have started looking for work closer to town I have hunted everything up on that mountain but that night was the first time something had hunted me I don't think I will ever return to that mountain and if you plan on going into the wilderness be careful bears and wolves aren't the only things lurking within those trees [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 137,306
Rating: 4.8852897 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy stories, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, nightmare, real creepy stories, scary, scary stories, scary story, storytelling, true scary stories, true scary story, wendigo stories, Wendigos, Wendigo, Scary Wendigo Stories, creepy wendigo stories, True wendigo stories
Id: ffpwgl6RuQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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