Somerton Man - Q&A

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hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed and saw more tum' a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed unsolved which was the Somerton man revisited all the questions were answering today came from you guys via our BuzzFeed install Facebook page our BuzzFeed unsolved Instagram page as well as directly on the video on bun-bun feels good feels good Ryan can you believe that this season is already over what a ride that was a quick season yeah six it was the ride of my life and yeah Oh lots of fun case is not really fun I guess because you know it was a fun time to spend with my pal I know pals out there a lot of pals it's big a big pal it's a pal con what a wild ride did you ever feel like you were gonna get straight-up bucked off bucked off like like killed I don't know as I was imagining this Rob we said this season was a wild ride I was about oh I see yeah hanging onto a raging mayor you know Oh see I can't I can't see you at the moment so I didn't see that you were doing were you doing like a cowboy riding like a bull just now is pretending to ride a horse yeah okay well you know I didn't see that you were weak we could do that again well just for fun I think it'd be fun if we both did of riding a horse thing and then I edit er put some horse noises underneath it yeah we could do that and like it could be almost like like we're hanging on for all six and at the end we finally get bucked off by that that's right and that's a sort of a metaphorical journey of this season okay are you are you ready yeah let's go okay here we go oh did you get thrown off because I'm still odd oh I got thrown off I couldn't handle it oh I'm down to a tropic it bucked off and now you I wasn't really paying attention to you when you were talking I was just sort of imagining how fun it is to pretend to ride a horse oh you were riding a horse I was actually riding a bull as if we were a bullet nobody ride do people ride bulls yeah rodeo I thought they rode horses at the rodeo idea I've never been to a rodeo in my life obviously things that can't be essica oh yeah they're right a Bronco a bucking bronco let's look at this [ __ ] art how about fart time this is happy last post-mortem these are from Andy see white you know what's very funny about this they these are very glamorous by the way these are beautiful these are really good we look majestic I think they've been around for a while cuz I remember being tagged in this some time ago and I either liked it or commented on it cuz look we see it we see it out there you probably have this framed in your bathroom at eye level for when you take a pee I have it taped up on my mirror so every morning I look at it and I go looking good shout out to Andrea white follow them on Instagram at Andy C white to see more of this wonderful art this is really good let's get into some questions huh-huh-huh-huh-huh I just got some questions do some questions is what I said okay this comes from an ER mayor son hi gentlemen for the hashtag post-mortem whenever I hear about an unsolved case with very weird clues that seem like they should mean something but go-nowhere stuff like the name Keane in this case I wonder if the killer was intentionally putting weird stuff into the crime scene to distract investigators my question is this if you guys had committed a crime and you were trying to send investigators on a wild goose chase to get them off your trail what's Berry's clue would you please did they use the word spurious I love that what would you leave in a crime scene Ryan throw them off and that that's different than mocking them because that uh to mock them you could leave an actual dead goose yeah you're no you're not mocking so much as you're trying to fuzz the narrative a little bit fuzzing the radar so that's right exactly right what if what have you just left a bunch of fuzzy peaches here's what I would do every day for a year I would prick somebody with a needle unlike the unlike the the subway or something well that's already assault so you're well they wouldn't know because it'd be a very thin needle I nearly would knock you so you're gonna do this every day and no one is going to say hey you just tricked me with a needle have we not been on a tube or the subway and it been so packed that everyone's in there like sardines you feel a little prick on the unlike the small of your back somebody with a needle I'd say excuse me why have you done that no but the thing is you wouldn't know who it was so anyways I would do that for a year and I would slowly but surely gather hundreds of blood samples and then at every case after every murder scene I would just you know I would just leave that blood there but then it's like then you've tipped your cap as to what you're doing they're like oh okay so this person just collected blood from 365 people and is putting it at every crime scene so so we can probably rule all these people out or not like the goal is to get them on a track you they're really sinking time into it if there's 365 blood samples on there they're like okay he's trying to throw us off you don't want them to know they've been thrown off yes but what if I am one of the 365 blood samples I guess it's a risky move this is a risky move but by your logic they'd be like we got through all these out what about this and I'm still workshopping this but it's an idea yeah stay at the crime scene and when they get there you're there and you say I did it just kidding yeah I don't know what happened here boy cuz they cuz then they're gonna be like well this guy obviously wouldn't just stay here and joke about having murdered someone and then you know he couldn't be that dumb so you think that is more less likely to get you caught than me buzzing the radar with 365 blood samples yes I think so I don't think so because there's no other person for them to pin it on then oh no yeah I guess I haven't really thought it through maybe I'm going to prison well we spent enough time on that question let's all go on over to Graham town this is from soccer check 189 if y'all were on horses on the beach and you see a man just laying there in a random spot are you going to leave or would you see if they're sleeping or dead Congrats on 100 episodes much love from another Colleen in Texas yeah I wondered this too if they're in a full suit I think in LA I'd keep on moving that is true people love to sleep on the beach here yeah yeah middle of the day but if they're in New Jersey Jersey even or so cuz they're probably just passed out right I watched Jersey Shore I like to think that I would I would inquire but I would also yeah like Shane says in LA I'd be like the guys taking a nap but if I came back and this was several hours later you know what even still I would probably think that's a long-ass nap I wouldn't think like dudes definitely been murdered right like I'm not walking up next to him with like holding a spoon up to his mouth to see to see if he's still alive this comes from YouTube this comes from general Kenobi hello there ha ha ha ha wait did they say that hello that hello zit anyways this isn't about this episode but there are there gonna be any supernatural episodes yes there is whenever we could film as you all know the world's going through a tough time right now and we're all locked at home so whenever the stay at home is lifted or whenever it feels safe to travel we will leave them are from our respective hobbles and then we will go out and fly to various haunted locations around the world to hunt and kill ghosts once again can you bring your katana next season oh hell yeah dude decapitate a ghost what if you bring your katana I'm sure it will be incredibly easy to travel with yeah and you douse it in holy water that's a good pitch or I could douse it in oil and set it on a fire like that guy from Game of Thrones that's pretty good - yeah that came in a lot of handy those guys did great whoa cool this is gonna be incredible you only have one eye what are you gonna do so yes we're waiting until it's safe again but we would love nothing more than to get out there and whip some of that goes boo this is from ke Shia hashtag post mortem Shane were you a fan of the show before it becoming hosts what made you be a part of the unsolved team hashtag love from Mozambique hashtag bugera hashtag post mortem and then a second question which of the unsolved members are Bouguereau boo gaara's of which are Shane iax I was a fan of the show before it started we've covered this but my inclusion in the show was as uncelebrated as anyone could imagine Ryan and I sat next to each other and he asked if I would like to fill Brent's shoes and it was he was free the next week so he said yeah yeah as for the crew Devin yeah she's probably more bugera than she she's big-time bugera what's in reason though she's a pragmatic bugera yes but she does have a little bit of the vision at the Lizzie Borden house we were doing like a walk through the house before and we were upstairs and she said that there was like two kids just standing in the room when we were up there and she just kept looking at this one corner and I was like what are you doing it was creepy the teach monster is for sure hey Nia come at rial probably a Schoeneck and i would say so mark so so you know probably alright that's that question next question let's go to Facebook Penelope Tremblay hashtag post boredom great episode you guys while watching I came up with my own theory it's not really backed up by anything so feel free to criticize it anyways my theory is maybe the Somerton man was murdered by his cult maybe the Rubaiyat formed a community of people who were all reading it and the Somerton man was part of it and so did Thompson the Somerton man could have possibly betrayed the community in a way and they got triggered and killed him leaving the tamam should as a message or something what do you guys think hashtag Shanee AK and Bukhara um I would love a cult to factor into this I think that's great you know I do love the idea of a cult as well it couldn't it's possible I mean as a dude who was positive that zombies may be the cause for oh no all bets are off I think it's fine for me to go yeah I could have been a cult Richard Johnston I wasn't entirely sure what he was trying to say here but he said this is a regifter he saying that because we are doing the same topic we did before oh yeah yeah that could be it that's very funny that wasn't even a post-mortem comment that was just I think someone commenting on the video also from YouTube I'm not a waffle if y'all were bugs what bugs would you guys be if we answered this Ryan what bug would you be Oh a bug would I be ah let's see I think you would be like one of those funny little pill bugs from a bug's life yeah I was gonna say you'd be it I was gonna think you'd be a dung beetle those guys are so goddamn funny I keep thinking of characters I'm just gonna think of you as the easy answer is like a stick bug stick bug I saw that coming but it's just too easy I feel like it doesn't capture your personality maybe like a [ __ ] up butterfly yeah I like that like a butterfly that has like like one wing that's all like more like a butterfly like usually when kids see butterflies they're like oh yeah a butterfly a butterfly where if you saw it you'd be like oh let's go - Ethan church from Facebook he says hashtag post-mortem I think that man was a Russian spy and was killed by the Russian government because he fell in love with Thompson and broke cover and for his relations with her I think the note in the pants was left so they could connect it to the book that had the woman's phone number as a means to inform her what happened but she denied it so she would not be targeted I feel like the code doesn't mean anything it was a distraction to draw attention away from the woman bam Clay's case closed from Ethan church he's very confident I buzzed out a little bit during that but it does sound you know if I learned anything from spy things which is mostly watching all the incredible seasons of the Americans on FX an incredible television shows it it's very convoluted and people die for making small mistakes a lot of times sometimes when you get your emotions involved which is big no-no when it comes to being a spy despite that is true despite what the Austin Powers movies would teach you yeah baby yeah shagadelic baby what if they found Austin Powers dead on a beach in his blue tailored velvet suit I do believe that he was murdered for his relation with the woman where I get a little fuzzy is whether or not the woman was also a spy it's either he told her that or she was a spy also because otherwise she would have identified him when they showed the bust of the face to her I see yes didn't she run oil wasn't she like it looked like she was gonna faint which means that like he must have told her if something happens to me people were gonna come and they're gonna ask about me you got to pretend like you don't know me and if they come asking about me their problem means I'm dead hashtag post mortem this has nothing to do with the case but my mom and I are planning to go to Eastern State Penitentiary after this pandemic is over it got any words of wisdom the eastern state go to the back room beforehand oh that is that place yes I was trying to think of fun tips for that place and then I realized it is where I booped water and then couldn't couldn't evacuate my bowels for dates he had a constant layer of sweat on his face the entire investigation do you remember how fun it was when we released that and that video hit and everyone was like she looks like he'd done seen a ghoul in this one I think it really rattled him and I was so excited for the post-mortem to come around so I could say I ate a bad hot dog yeah my tip there for having a good time there is Dhoni hot dogs at the baggage claim and silly let's move on here maybe one last question sure this comes from YouTube but this comes from a lemonade suicide he SH has anyone compared the code to any of the poems in the Rubaiyat is it at all possible that the code correlates with any of the lines or words hashtag post mortem I haven't done that and I imagine the authorities did do that that seems like a no-brainer though something I mean frankly you'd think that but a lot of people working on these cases also seem like no brainers if you want what if we looked in the book wait I'm trying to wait Oh Christmas died on the beach well what if we look I can't do an Australian accent well let's go keep going here before he descends into madness let's go to toast mortem to finish out Oh toast morning yeah forgot about toast mortem toast mortem if you haven't tuned in all season is our fun little replacement for roast mortem because the world could use a little positivity right now and we're simply toasting at least okay farmer says hashtag toast mortem let us a toast to the legend that helped get unsolved on his feet Brent Bennett may he rest in peace a probe a sweetheart yeah a big thanks to Brent for helping us start to see this series until he eventually was like I don't want to do this anymore which was exactly how it went down very I always appreciated his frankness I do miss my friend to this day very good guy in your heart you mean you're right thank you for catching that because he will forever be in our hearts here's a note cow's morning from Patrick Murnane toast mortem to Ryan and Shane wait that's Ness Congrats on 100 episodes and thank you for giving us entertainment during his time I picked this I didn't realize the toast morning to Ryan Shane part as much as I realized the 100 episodes that's a huge it's a huge accomplishment and it really goes way beyond Shane and I that goes to the entire unsolved team down from the researching staff to the editing of staff and to the people actually like you see the video put the video up everyone who's responsible for making sure the show gets made yeah there's a whole army of people that are responsible for making sure this show still goes and it's a big accomplishment for everybody at BuzzFeed so I will I would say this extends more to them than it does to Shane and I so and on the other on the other side of that we wouldn't be here without you the old guy watching us so yeah you guys are great it's a crazy thing that we're still here what four years later and really like Shane said that's only because of you guys watching and continuing to watch and telling your friends to watch and that's not lost on us so thank you all for tuning in it's a it's a crazy thing that we've built here together so yeah well I think that about does it for this post mortem it's gonna be I'm kind of bummed we're not gonna have our little crime ease out there anymore but as I said we will be back for some ghoul hunting when the world heals itself a little bit in the meantime if you'd like to find us we'll be over on watcher still making stuff and we'll be back here ghost hunting at some point well see you all later yeah well we're I'm let's let's bring it back let's ride into the sunset on our horses well I guess that does it for this season a BuzzFeed unsold true crimes II will see you long down that dusty tree huh come on long leg let's go alright music as yeah they got a place and really triumphant western music well credits roll as ya keep riding cuz the credits will go over this mic well looks like I'm humping the chair [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 871,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SffZ, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved network, buzzfeed unsolved q and a, buzzfeedunsolvednetwork, cold case, creepy, haunted, investigative, postmortem, ryan bergara, shane madej, somerton man, spooky, unsolved mysteries, unsolved network, unsolved q and a
Id: pdfh8thvMaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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