Edgar Allan Poe - Q+A

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I like those T-shirts. Theyโ€™re both available at Hot Topic, but I can only find Shaneโ€™s Spooktacles t-shirt for women.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cyberpunk1Q84 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

No hot daga ๐Ÿ˜”

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed unsolved post mortem a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed unsolved which was Edgar Allen Poe all the questions we're answering today came from you guys via our bus peanuts all Facebook page our bus being unsolved Instagram page as well as directly on the video on bun although today we didn't get any questions from Facebook because no one asked any questions what's going on Facebook didn't mean to shame you like that but maybe you should pick your game up I know this isn't supposed to be very much a topical show in terms of what's going on in the world at large however make sure you're washing your hands and practicing social distancing when you can so we could curve Cove in 19 yes one way to stay safe is to stay inside and watch BuzzFeed unsolved you own me how much did you know about the episode going into it not much I'm familiar with his works I knew that he died kind of young I didn't see the John Cusack film all right let's move into questions about Edgar Allan Poe here we go here we Poe let's take it over to Grandpa Oh start over a Graham town he was just five men guys could Edgar have been abducted not by ruffians for voting fraud but by extraterrestrial experiments starting off with a banger no he could not have been no it's dumb as hell I don't think so because there is no evidence to suggest that if there was any kind of abduction from an extraterrestrials you would have seen some kind of mass level and actually it would be pretty funny if aliens abducted people and then the UFOs just [ __ ] out their bones just squirting it out the tailpipe like a wood chipper I just feel like people would have seen that today might be a little easier for you opposed to hide under the guise of like an airplane or something like that yeah back then you see something in the sky that's not a bird what is it I think one of the theories we presented though may it happen that's why I presented them I'm gonna add for this question it's a good question but also because the username is very fun from Instagram still in Graham town this comes from trash for sleep but what happened to Elmira's other man wasn't she with another man and Edgar the poor dude left sad why did they get engaged again I saw some people giving us flak for being a little hard on my refere leaving Edgar and I I looked more into it realize when we have made a boo-boo what it is is she Edgar went to school yeah and he's writing letters to her yeah you know like I love you what not things like that I wouldn't care for this if I were her imagine these letters little we you think they're you think they're like hey babe can't wait to see you again or do you think they're likely I hold you to you in my bosom probably a lot of bosom talk a lot of sweaty bosom to us any sweaty bluesman my sweaty sweaty boys a little sweaty goodbye the day could continue with what you were saying her dad does not approve of this union he blocks these letters Elmira never sees them and she thinks oh my god Edgar forgot about me marries is that what happened oh so I like the notebook where they were engaged and then we open the notebook I'm waiting for you so she marries another dude and then that dude eventually dies I think he died from pneumonia uh-huh and they do and then after that she reconnects with Edgar so in fact their love was as true as snow here is now if I had a daughter and she was like I'm gonna marry this poet I'd be like well what do you like some kind of classist is that what you want oh no no what you know I just hate poets and I would say Oh daughter of mine will marry a poet yes Oh hear that take a [ __ ] hike Robert Frost out of there TS Eliot get out you'll have 1 1 1 5 on Instagram says when can we get the next episode next week or this week when did this come out Wednesday it'll be every Friday 3:00 p.m. PST him van Engelen from Instagram says what were your what was your guys go to food in your college days and what do you think Edgar's would have nothing to do with the case it says what do you think Edgar's would have been so yes very much so what was your go to college food ramen like every I mean I know that seems stereotypical but ramen what I wonder mine and I used to cook in it I used to put an egg and boil it with the ramen it's pretty cool they made me feel like a fancy little chef man man thank you what about uh you ever knew Easy Mac no but I won't say that I hate Easy Mac I have nothing but good memories with a bit more wood Edgar have been into I feel like he's like a steamed broccoli man whoa apparently he went through a patch when his college days that was not good so I I think he was at whatever I could eat man true he was burning furniture shoe leather well do you remember old shoeless he was burning furniture to stay warm I'm doing so his own furniture this one comes from a Graham town that I love grab down Bethany nudists she says Poe was a heavy absinthe drinker on the Wikipedia page for absinthe it states that he was a big drinker of the stuff this could explain his hallucinations and if he was an active member enforcing temperance he could have just snapped dealing with addiction would have led him to eventually crave it so bad and he probably then went on a bender for the next five days evolved over there this would definitely explain the communication with spectres people claimed he had before he died hashtag Cheney hug all the way but I love you Ryan love to hear it dude down ah absinthe does it actually cause hallucinations anyways this is kind of in line with the theory that we presented that Edgar Allan Poe just had alcohol alcohol poisoning you know I don't know if that's my favorite theory through Asha Ches a Shi Ches Asha cause a hashtag post-mortem in your opinion who is the superior pole edgert Damron or the Teletubby I'm gonna go davin he's really good at that x-wing baby you see him knock those guys out of the sky and that is one hell of a fin says that your turn Ryan asked a question Thank You Shane I appreciate the past welcome this comes from Sydney Phil EXO okay The Raven did it this comes perma let's see what we got here that's pretty funny the Raven did it that's good yeah that's good one of his creations yeah he's earning Raven in that story doesn't kill him it's just the Raven is driving a man right I know but this is like a goose bump scenario where its creation gotta be a good universe the Poe extended universe extended universe I went to this amazing not scary from the PU I went to a amazing house Gary barb called him called never that was pretty funny oh my god I tried hard to suppress it but you know what I'm farming you are man I'm a funny guy shame and a funny guy never more than amazed that was based on all of his scary tales and walk through them come to life did he did it like a little Poe come out and like kiss you this comes from Queen T line for Caroline I don't know if it's all Americans are just you but the way you say the word become makes me very uncomfortable now this is funny because we had a big discourse about this this is why I picked this question yeah yeah yeah yeah it is get into it remember we had a nice little discussion yeah about whether you pronounce the RUF a Cobra no you but the cornet the correct pronunciation there's two if you go to Oxford Dictionary and like a bunch of other with merriam-webster they have two pronunciations which is uncommon normally there's only one one pronunciation is McCobb the other one is carbon I think that I argued in favor of McCobb I think that's the generally accepted pronunce even twith in the episode but I knew this question was going to come up and I think the people who are arguing in favor of the other pronunciation huh are wrong I think that I think that's true it's McCobb also that's more fun to say no one's like that extra that's all I can think is maybe if you put a little mustard on the end like the Makabe like mister than it's macabre is not how you pronounce that it just feels like it a little bit away also I don't know what they're leveling at us here with I don't know if it's just you Americans where are you from exactly well here's I don't mean that in a xenophobic way here's here's the I just genuine genuine ly want to know I was where you're probably get away from that and how you pronounce it here's from Zotoh pill on Instagram what are your thoughts on Poe mumbling the name Reynolds over and over before his death do you think it was someone he knew perhaps a murderer someone he was drinking with was there a reason it wasn't mentioned in the episode love you beautiful ghoul boys heart emoji maybe it's just big for the Deadpool I've never seen those movies there's two of them right yeah there's two jobs pretty good I do think obviously it was somebody he knew whether or not it was somebody involved in the murder is another thing though why didn't we why didn't we include that in the episode I remember I mean I do recall him saying that but I don't remember any figure that could connect to it could be a murderer it could be just a friend that he had a drink with one night if we're talking about the coupang scheme maybe Reynolds was one of the ruffians who then forced him to drinks that he would go and cool possibly that's just a guess but as far as like the research that I've done I don't remember anybody in his life named Reynolds this comes from YouTube this is from assassin xx she says Ryan do you really like Shana or is it all an act Ryan and I are not actually friends certainly we're very good well I mean you know outside of the show we actually don't speak to each other as soon as they say cut we sort of go our separate ways how dare you well it's a lot what to let them in on this it's a lot like the Mythbusters you know those those weirdos you know we're happy to work together we're certainly colleagues also we spend more time with each other probably than any other human I thought when you combined all the hours of the office and the time that we're shooting yeah now especially it's a just to see him at home as well and in fact you know you have to understand we are actors my name is Brad pistachio yeah and I'm Brian cramp wish yeah and we've played the characters Shane Maday and Ron Bukhara and it is the honor of a lifetime to me it's kind of hard to distinguish with him as a character more so as a different fragment of my own persona yeah I is certainly Whittle as you know this is a scripted show it is and you know that is widely known yeah and I you know all the cast and crew of beautiful people we have a very lovely director he's very patient with us lets us play so much on set and he really lets us play and that as an actors the is the most is buried when you have space to play to be unshackled creatively and you have to understand we did start out on vaudeville pistachio and crab wish I was more trained on the stage of the bard myself but me and bill like that like peanut butter and it's enough about us and the craft as kids could talk all day good question is it time for roast know who deeply entrenched in the burgeoning porn scene and drawing the finances heroine have it well indeed get to the local New York City mafia look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't he doesn't look a hundred ice roads this come from this is this is like Batman if you did a lot of cocaine the macabre death of Ryan's hairline actually uh I can't make my hair go back because every time I do that it just makes it look like I have a ten-foot forehead which I do I've always had a large but if you look back even at the old episodes your dad has a large forehead to it I've always had the same hairline it's unfortunate still there it's always been that way but when my hair gets too long the sideburns kind of create this like arrow pattern if I pull century by the slit forehead yeah I know that's why I'm just trying to figure out how to have long hair and it really quite get it anyways from Oscar drooping I feel like Ryan is slowly absorbing shades extra why do you guys look like [Music] there's a housing crisis right now you need to be more empathetic and start thinking about human beings as human beings even if they're down on their luck and maybe don't have a good solution for living cuz sometimes the good stuff out there besides great gross boredom everybody Wow my heart's beating so fast yeah so Ryan I have a question for you yeah um feel free to answer this if you're hesitant to you don't have to if you do want to answer it then be my guest on with okay and again I'm only asking this out of I'm just purely interested what's coming up this week same common thing to be very careful with your words careful cuz this is going on the internet Marley yours of all ears I ask you a question let me answer your question with a question okay it's good I'm excited for the film's with that really good cast doesn't have anything to do with the story but kind of a clue Oh interesting you do know what the next episode is doing it's about giant worms well I'll see you next week oh you have a little spiel you do at the end here oh yeah that does it for this episode of must be unsolved postponed and make sure you tune in to the next episode and send in your questions through the BuzzFeed unsolved Facebook page the Buzzbee unsolved Instagram page or comment directly on the video on bun and maybe you'll beat the movie on the next episode of lesbian unsolved
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 1,027,323
Rating: 4.9729209 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Unsolved, BuzzFeedUnsolved, Edgar Allan Poe - Q+A, SffZ, The Macabre Death of Edgar Allan Poe, buzzfeed ryan, buzzfeed shane, buzzfeed unsolved network, cold case, edgar allan poe, edgar allan poe postmortem, edgar allan poe q and a, investigation, mystery, ryan and shane, ryan bergara, shane madej, theory, true crime, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, unsolved network, unsolved postmortem, unsolved q and a, unsolved true crime
Id: EtRFL6-RAb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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