I can explain...😍(A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!): Vlog 373

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hi sweetie hi listen what are you doing [Music] you have an idea this little thing that i want to kind of announce has been about a year in the works no humility in that one good morning you guys i gave karissa the day off today she has been working non-stop she is a godsend we've just been trying to get caught up in all the stuff we never get done so some some fall tillage did some manure yesterday so um i mulched the leaves five times because every time i mulch we got more wind [Music] but i believe now all the trees are naked we're really in good shape and it's just we haven't felt like this in so long and i'm not making that up and i'm not being over dramatic as i usually am it's just feels like a huge weight's been lifted off this year which is weird because it's 20 20 and there's a lot of other weights that are weighing very very heavily but i have been up to something and i think i'm gonna fill you in on that a little bit later but right now i just want to go to my barn and do chores and be really boring and i'll take you guys along for the journey haven't been in the barn with me for so long everybody's getting big [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here she comes hi sweetie hi how's it going [Music] being attacked [Music] you're crazy [Music] listen what are you doing [Music] what what hello look at what you did in my hair you have no [Music] respect for people's face it's fine i love you [Music] that tastes good [Music] well ladies have you been enjoying yourself [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you've been busy well boys are all to one end and the girls are at women which means no one is in heat today is your job done here [Applause] hello billy [Music] hello that's my boy yeah everybody's just chill [Music] so [Music] [Music] the plan for next week is to wean these september lambs they're just nicely around that eight week of age right now most of them in this pen and this pen but i've been waiting for that very back pen which was a couple weeks later and next week we'll kind of split the difference between the two groups uh all the lambs look phenomenal carissa has done an amazing job in my absence uh my september i do love september lambing just the temperatures are usually better uh it's a bit cooler the air quality is 100 better than in the dead of summer and they just eat really well so mortality has been good like everything's been really good and shockingly i haven't been here so denominator so easily can wean them i'm thinking like a week today or maybe so thursday or friday next week before i wean the lambs i like to dry out start drying off the use it just kind of triggers them into maybe not producing as much milk now granted they won't stop producing milk until the lambs stop nursing so that is weaning day so what i'm going to do is i'm just running the office i'm going to make a new feed sheet and switch these guys to a dry maintenance ration so it's going to have a little bit of dry hay in it um it's gonna have a wee little bit of corn oh i don't know if it's cooked i haven't seen the rations in so long i can't even remember what's in it there might be a tiny little bit of corn solids but no no extra corn and then some some haylage of course so a pretty low maintenance ration kind of getting rid of that excess energy and protein that they don't need right now as they're coming off that lactation these are part of the reasons i like to do chores even with carissa chris is here doing co-op placement so she does actually have to be here through the week but uh this is pretty crucial timing and i have to be here to observe a few things and today is just one of those days like i added an extra feeder and some of these lamp pens because they're just they're just attacking the feed just little things that she wouldn't know unless i tell her to do it so i do like these days just to observe because that's where you you do your best management when you watch your sheep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] have an idea hi baby what do you do what do i got here for you hey what do i got for you look i went to the dollar store do you want to wear a hat yeah [Music] [Applause] no [Music] oh you're so cute billy you're so cute [Music] [Applause] i love you so much you're such a good sport i cannot believe you no oh my goodness gracious aren't you gorgeous [Music] oh aren't you ready thank you freddy oh my goodness great [Applause] [Music] oh good you're so crazy look at you merry christmas aren't you cute [Music] that's a good boy that's my good [Music] kenzie you're good no no [Music] do [Music] that was fun okay chores are done i've had some lunch i've been trying to figure out all the things i want to say here this little thing that i want to kind of announce has been about a year in the works it's not a huge deal it's a really big deal to me because anytime i start something new i'm my own worst critic and i'm really scared and i'm very excited i'm very excited to share it with you but i'm very scared of logistics i always think of like what's the worst possible thing that can happen and then i can't sleep at night hopefully by the time you see this it will be up and i won't have to worry about this anymore uh i'm launching a website let's backtrack about a year and a half uh i was working away at um i think it was squarespace at the time i was just trying to figure out how to how to make my own website i'm like can't be that hard all the podcasts talk about it um and i got it to kind of where i think it was gonna work and right before i clicked live i'm like no no you're not ready for this who do you think you are you don't even know what your people want or even like who are you for all my critics out there and all my haters out there trust me there is no bigger one than yours truly i can talk myself out of the best of situations fast forward a couple months later i met with a woman who i've long admired i've known her from 4-h circles and she had gone on her own and created her own business helping organizations and people create websites create brands all this stuff so i sat down with her uh over a glass of wine one night and said would you be interested in creating a website for me because i said i think i almost have it but i've given up and i scrapped it and i don't even look at it anymore i just i don't have the brain power and she said of course i can so we worked on that for probably [Music] quite a few months probably like four or five months and even that i i abandoned it again i'm like no it's not what i want anyways the channel in december kind of took off and in doing so uh it's been it's been amazing and i'm so truly grateful for it but it's had a little bit of a negative effect to me personally only because i'm such if something's going good i don't ever want it to start failing so when my channel finally took off i was daily vlogging and i'm like oh so that's the trick i guess i have to vlog every single day for my channel to grow so i daily vlogged all of december almost like pretty much almost daily from like december 1st to almost when i went to new zealand which was like march and looking back now i'm like oh my goodness it was so much it really did a number on me mentally i just started looking at analytics and if a video wasn't doing good i'm like i started playing around like you'll see me change the nails like three or four times because i'm so obsessive it literally became a really bad obsessive thing and uh to the point where i guess here just maybe a month or two ago i finally there's not a lot of people i can talk to this about i can talk to mark a little bit about it but i feel like it's these problems that we create ourselves i don't want to put any more on my family i did talk to my friend about it she goes you need a hobby i'm like dude that's why i started youtube because i needed an outlet and then the outlet became work and now she's like well you need another outlet and i'm like oh my gosh anyways i listened to her and i started really honing in on you my community i really started reading your comments and your messages and especially over on instagram as well because i have i have the ability to direct message people whereas i don't have that here on youtube wish i did and what i'm seeing is a lot of you love the story you love the characters you um this year has been really horrid for a lot of people with kovid and it's been an escape and i'm like that's my value showing up is my value and to be able to keep showing up for you i had to slow down it's been the best thing for me mentally um it's given me time to really hone in on editing again which i love doing like when i'm doing daily vlogs the editing is like and i do enjoy editing i like adding music i like doing these things because that's part of the creative outlet the reason why i started it in the first place but i also finally sat down with um with christina via zoom and we have designed a website finally with a store and i have to say this has been really hard as a canadian to find a full like entire fulfillment company to work with because um i can i couldn't find anything and it's covid and i have to do all the research online and i couldn't find anything or anyone in canada that does that sort of thing so what happened was christine's been working on my website so that's awesome and i have been talking to meredith of this farm this farm wife and she i mean we've been talking for years because we're in the space together uh but i really truly love her store portion of of her website so she kind of direct me directed me to where she gets her stuff done and uh with just one visit via phone um i'm like yup that's exactly what i want so i do have a shop kind of like merch i'm not putting it out there as a big money revenue generator i have a full-time job i farm full-time i i vlog now pretty much full-time and i'm really full so merch was something i did not want to do i want to be very hands-off but the more people just people just keep asking me for stuff so the really the things that keep floating upward is like wool and um toque not this one but my original pink one like stuff that reminds you of something you've seen on the show and for me that that really started my creative the creative process again which is the thing that really helps me get out of some pretty dark places so anyway i started working on um some limited time merch for christmas so i'm really really excited i'm praying nothing goes wrong i have um i have a few things up my sleeve you guys are the first ones well i don't know by the time this is out you might not be the first ones to see it so here we go i'm gonna put sheepishly me dot com and there it is so yeah so i've got the youtube videos um they've got it loaded oh my gosh okay so here we go this is the you're the first to see this actually because it they just uploaded it so i've got this is such terrible lighting i'm sorry i've got some ruthie christmas ornaments i've got billy dryer balls i've got billy track pants because christmas elastic waist hello oh that's all they got on so far anyways so there's more she's literally loading this as i'm on i can't believe this is happening it's like this is meant to be and there's also black billy hoodies white and kids hoodies so that's my holiday merch line so i hope you enjoy it i really did truly try to figure out it would be a little off but here it is siri just enough with you yeah and then there's other sections on the website i'm trying to do uh like there's a resource section so if you're a new sheep farmer there's a whole section of i went on twitter about a month or two ago and i said i'm doing some research can you please give me your best resources for uh sheep farmers getting into the business so i have a ton of links so check those out if you're a new sheep farmer um i have some affiliate links just i'm a i have some amazon affiliate links that i make like a couple cents if i sell a pair of coveralls or something with that link um i don't really it's just there i had to fill the space so um don't there's no pressure to to use them if they're just there but just know that that that's what that section is and then there's a contact section and i think that's it so i'm super excited and i'm so happy i could share this with you guys thank you for always being here thank you for subscribing and supporting us like i said this has been this is something that was never in the cards i guess the whole branching into a website youtube is never a sure-fire bet that i'm ever even going to stay relevant and i understand that and i think i just need to kind of pivot a bit have another little branch that if youtube for whatever reason if people just all of a sudden one day wake up and say she is so yesterday um then i can work on a website and i can work on my writing which is a huge passion of mine and i can um you know it's just it's just a platform i think that will be a little more evergreen than youtube if they decide to um to not show my stuff or if you guys just decide one day you're done which 100 i totally get it i love you guys and uh have a great weekend it's friday i'm gonna go help jess clean some equipment and yeah that's the big news so thanks for sharing the big announcement with me see you later
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 90,939
Rating: 4.9641991 out of 5
Keywords: big announcement, website launch, sheepishlyme.com, Sheepishly Me, sheep, sheep farming, feeding sheep, sheep chores, Christmas, dressing up my ram for Christmas, making a tiktok, funny, lambs, fun with lambs, happy, Sandi Brock, sheep farmer, farming
Id: FWKaz0CeIss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.