"Someone gave me a Book about my Life" Creepypasta

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everyone has that one thing in life that they absolutely love for some it might be their smartphone or computer for others it might be a certain food or perhaps a place those are all fine things to love but if I had to choose something something that I truly loved in life it would probably have to be books I know what you may be thinking books who would love books more than their phone or computer well I grew up in a time before those luxuries existed computers were starting to become more and more integral to our society but unless you had the means to acquire one you just had to go without even still computers back in those days weren't as streamlined as today for most of my childhood I didn't have very many friends we lived in an area that didn't have very many children in it so finding company was difficult as a result of this I ended up throwing myself into my school studies I still hated school but I did get pretty good grades one year my teacher asked us to go to the local library and select a book for a book report even though it was many years ago I still remember how intimidating the building looked as I entered it the exterior had large ornate engravings into the stone walls a statue of a lion stood stoically adjacent to the large wooden doors the door opened with a slight hiss as a gust of air bellowed out from within the smell of wood and dusty paper filled my nose as I entered through the eyes of a child of this library appeared endless InDesign rows upon rows of books lined every wall shelf and some were even stacked upon desks I was in awe of this place as I hadn't previously stepped foot in a library before I was at a loss for words and I wasn't sure where to go then an old man peered up from an old worn counter he greeted me with a grin some teeth absent in places patchy Tufts of white hair clung to his balding scalp he adjusted his large glasses upon his face as I approached I told him I had been tasked with a book report and that I needed to choose a book the old man looked me over for a bit before giving me a slight nod he led me to a bookshelf and his fingers gingerly tapped along the spines of multiple books after a few moments his hand came to rest upon one in particular and he handed it to me the cover had a larger man standing behind a boy who was grabbing what appeared to be a wheel of a ship in large bold letters in the corner of the book the words Treasure Island were written I thanked him and was about to leave before he called me back you need a library card to check that out he's sad i frowned as i didn't have one but he just grinned and walked back over to his counter he retrieved a small paper card and told me to fill out my name I obliged with a single swift emotion he stamped the book and handed it to me don't forget to return it when you're finished he said I nodded and laughed Treasure Island was just the first of many books I've read during my lifetime from fantasy to sci-fi horror to mystery I've enjoyed all the genres well not so much the romance novels but you get the idea about half way through the school year my father had gotten a promotion at his job upon accepting we had to relocate a few states away to accommodate his new position I resented him for it but slowly overcame it as seemingly every month he'd come home with a brand new book for me to read after high school I had gotten a job in a nearby city and I myself had moved to be closer to my job even though I still loved to read my life quickly got in the way of that where I once used to be able to read every single night eventually it became every other week than every other month before I knew it I had stopped a reading altogether as the years went on my performance at worked abdun flowed I was frequently tired people got on my nerves often to basically sum it up I was unhappy in all my years working at the same company I hadn't once taken a sick day nor a vacation I honestly had no desire to until a couple days ago that is I had forgotten to file a few reports during the week and my boss was livid to say the least after an hour of him shouting at me I submitted to take an entire month of paid time off I had the time and I desperately needed a break since the way my job works all time off requests go through upper management not necessarily my boss so it was approved by the end of the day upon leaving work that day I felt a weight fall from my shoulders as I sauntered over to my car it was the first time in a while since I had an abundance of free time as I was driving home from work my eye caught the glimpse of a strangely familiar stone building I rubbed in my eyes as best I could trying to maintain a hand on the steering wheel I looked closer and there it was the same library from my youth I was surprised to say the least this obviously wasn't the same building it couldn't be but maybe they used the same architect I thought either way I felt a childlike sense of wonder build as I pulled my car over I walked up the steps past a slightly worn a lion statue and entered through the wooden doors that same familiar scent hit my nose and I felt a wave of peace passed through me I began walking through aisles looking for a book I might like to read like I've said I've read mostly every genre so deciding on what to read next was always challenging before I could decide a voice greeted from behind ah welcome back do you need assistance I turned and my jaw fell open slightly standing in front of me was that same old man from my childhood have you ever seen something so impossible that your brain simply can't process it well that was happening to me as if on autopilot my response was limited I'm looking for a book I said yeah try this one he spoke softly handing me a black book with a no title I looked it over and asked more about it the old man remained quiet for a few moments before saying it's one you've read before but still worth it my mind drifted back to Treasure Island but this book looked completely different I gave the old man a slight nod and began to leave when he stopped me once again do you have your library card he asked aloud at that moment I knew this was no mere coincidence I turned back and told the old man that I must have forgotten my card at home he just returned a familiar grin and with a snap of his fingers a card appeared in his hand he gently handed it to me and I looked it over it was the same card I had as a kid I was sure about it by that point I just wanted to get out of this episode of Twilight Zone and get home I turned to leave and the old man said one more thing before I left try not to finish it too quickly and with that I left after arriving home I tried my best not to think about what had happened but as I set my bag on the counter the small black book tumbled out and landed with a hollow thud I picked it up and read the first page it talked about a woman named Mary who was about to have a child I thought it was funny because Mary is my mother's name I read for a bit and she finally had a baby boy his name was Nathan I stopped for a moment wondering if the old man had played some kind of trick on me though after reading for a bit I quickly realized what this book was about it was about my entire life I was both horrified and morbidly curious at the same time I couldn't seem to break my eyes from the pages the old man was right I had read it before but not like this page after page contained a thousands of memories learning to ride a bike graduating school my first kiss my first job every event in my life had been cataloged in this book before I knew it the Sun had diminished and I found myself in my study hunched next to my desk lamp rapidly scanning the pages my childhood turned into my teen years followed next by my adult life and I was quickly approaching my current life a thought began to worm its way into my mind what comes after is it possible I could see into my own future just by reading it finally I turned the page and found myself in the book sitting there reading this book I chuckled at the thought and just as I did I read the same exact reaction I turned the page and read the words there was a sudden knock on the door not a second after I had read that I heard a loud knock sound on my front door I stood up and went to answer it but when I did there was nobody there I thought nothing much of it so I returned to continue reading the next line in the book sent an icy chill down my spine even though Nathan answered the door it was too late it had already entered then I heard the floor creaks outside my door and I immediately shut the book I'm not sure what is out there or what is going to happen next but I can't stop thinking about how few pages there are left in the book and I can't stop thinking about what the old man said about finishing this book too quickly [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 43,181
Rating: 4.9168777 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy stories, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, nightmare, real creepy stories, scary, scary stories, scary story, storytelling, true scary stories, true scary story, Creepy Book, Scary Book, A book about my life
Id: XTfc1qS6AR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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