"SCARY Things Happen when you are Home Alone" Creepypasta

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it was supposed to be just another uneventful night alone I had spent a lot of nights by myself without the ever watchful eye of my parents being only 15 some people might consider that neglect while others may just think it's unimpressive a good friend of mine would often brag about staying home alone frequently at an early age it wasn't as impressive when I found out that his single mother worked two jobs to support him it was quite sad actually ironically another friend of mine who was two years older than me tells me he's not even allowed to go outside after 8 p.m. let alone stay at the house by himself I on the other hand have carefully crafted a trust between my parents I never bagged a nor pleaded that I was mature enough to be left alone I just did what I was told and eventually the opportunity presented itself my dad had come to me one night when I was 13 to tell me that him and mom were going out to see a movie they had attempted to find a babysitter but were unsuccessful so instead they asked me if I would be alright with staying home alone for a few hours I shrugged and nonchalantly trying to act as aloof as possible I told him I'd be fine and that I'd just play some video games and go to bed my father reminded me about my homework to which I groaned an agreement they left and I nearly lost myself in the excitement I know it may not sound that thrilling but I'm sure a lot of people remember the first night they got to stay home alone I ran around my house causing a ruckus for about 15 minutes then the reality and boredom set in I retired to my bedroom and played video games and most of the night around 10 minutes before they returned I hastily scribbled some answers on my homework and dove into bed trying to force myself to sleep I heard them open the door to check in on me before slowly closing it after that night being left home alone lost its glamour don't get me wrong every time it happened was a welcome event I could watch movies my parents didn't quite agree with I could play video games endlessly and the fridge was a smorgasbord of snacks so long as I didn't make a mess in the kitchen and didn't set the house on fire everything would be fine but that brings me to last night my parents were both heading out of town to visit my aunt and uncle probably my least favorite people on the planet they were awful and I loved going there every time my parents would make me I would have to endure my aunt lecturing me on her plethora of rules while my uncle would just berate me I once walked out of the bathroom at their house and had forgotten to tuck my shirt in my aunt snatched me up by the collar and shouted clothing etiquette in her house my uncle just likes to make jokes about my appearance or intelligence the phrase dumb ass kid has been uttered on more than one occasion these instances only seem to happen when my parents weren't nearby trust me I've complained to my parents about them yet they would just tell me that my aunt is very particular about her house and that my uncle lost his filter in the war so when my parents were preparing to leave my mother said the magic words I wanted to hear you don't have to come if you don't want to I feigned disappointment when she said it but inside I was an explosion of happiness during their packing they gave me the rundown on everything I needed to know they put all the emergency numbers on the fridge including their own they left me $40 to order pizza over the weekend then they warned me that if I do anything wrong that I'll reap the consequences as I stood there on the porch watching them drive away I felt a twinge of remorse for not going with them but the thought of my aunt screaming face quickly diminished it I headed back inside and fell onto the couch in the living room I laid there for an hour or so changing the channel on the TV every so often after an hour of mindlessly frying my brain I heard a knock on the front door this jolted me out of my days and I quickly turned off the TV like I had been doing something wrong when my senses came back to me I got up and walked over to the door I didn't think we were expecting anyone so I was hesitant I slowly turned the knob to the door and cracked it open nobody was there I opened the door a bit further and saw a delivery package sitting on the porch those delivery guys are like ninjas I swear I laughed off my nerves and brought the package inside when I set the Box down on the counter I noticed something strange the TV in the living room was on though I was positive I had shut it off when I first heard the knock it turned off the TV once again and went into my bedroom to play some video games it seemed like I had only been playing for 20 minutes but when I looked at the clock nearly four hours had passed the son had long since set and I rubbed my tired eyes when I took my headset off is when I first heard a new noise it sounded like a rhythmic tapping coming from somewhere though I couldn't determine the location I thought it was a leaky pipe somewhere in the house I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before heading to bat I looked around the darkened living room while I sipped my water I'm not sure if it was just the lack of light or my growing fatigue but the room felt ominous the whole house did in fact I quickly finished in the kitchen and walked briskly back to my bedroom after changing and getting into bed I found myself unable to sleep I just laid in the darkness listening to that phantom tapping a few minutes later I started to notice something about that tapping noise the sound was moving it was faintly echoing from my living room and moving down the hall towards my bedroom I couldn't be certain but that's what it sounded like to me my nerves came back as I laid on my side watching my door I half expected something to burst in and attack me just then but nothing did only the tapping persisted an hour ticked by and the tapping started to move again by this point I was certain it wasn't just a leaky pipe the tapping followed along my wall up onto my ceiling before stopping directly above my head I felt my throat tighten as I stared at my ceiling without blinking then I saw something begin to take shape above me I know this all sounds strange but trust me I'm not entirely sure how to explain this I watched as a hand began to push its way through my ceiling it wasn't like something was in the Attic clawing its way through the wood and drywall no it was like something from another dimension was now entering my room the fingers pushed through first followed by a hand the pale skin was almost indistinguishable from the white paint which coated my ceiling an arm followed next then a few inches away another hand appeared the hands and arms dangled lifelessly from my ceiling I couldn't believe what I was seeing then what appeared to be black strings began to poke through in between the two arms it was hair slowly the hair grew closer to me as I stared in disbelief then a head began to take shape the head was facing away from me so I couldn't see its face right away only more black hair then the shoulders formed until half of its body was now dangling from my ceiling to just above my head the body twitch slightly like an electric current was jolting through it slowly the body began to bend backwards and the head lifted up to face me a gasping wheezing sound filled in my previously silent room that's when I saw her face she looked like a woman in her early 20s maybe her eyes were glassy and a vacant yet somehow I knew she was still staring directly at me but what terrified me most about this woman hanging from my ceiling was her mouth she was completely missing her lower jaw her tongue you dangled near her face as viscera coated the remnants of her mouth she wheezed as she stared at me her arms growing closer and closer I wanted to scream but at the same time I didn't want to move for fear I would induce a reaction out of her her hands reached my face her fingers felt like icicles against my skin I instinctively shut my eyes praying this whole thing was just some horrific nightmare she forced her frigid fingers into my mouth and attempted to pry my jaw open suddenly I felt my senses come back to me and I screamed swinging at the creature wildly I flailed frantically and rolled out of my bad I dashed out of my bedroom down the hall and called my parents immediately my mom was understandably upset when I called her but I didn't know what else to do I told her that I was having a pretty messed up nightmare and asked her to stay on the phone with me while I went to check my room the woman was gone and so was that ominous feeling I had felt previously my mother tiredly told me they would be home tomorrow night and told me to go back to bed I thinked her for answering but after I hung up with her I didn't go to sleep I stayed up all night watching TV in the living room with all the lights on I'm not sure what or who that was or why it even targeted me maybe it was just looking for someone who was all alone and decided that I was an easy target maybe it was just an extremely vivid nightmare I don't know but I think the next time my parents decide to go out of town I'll be going with them as well [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 140,161
Rating: 4.9063168 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy stories, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, nightmare, real creepy stories, scary, scary stories, scary story, storytelling, true scary stories, true scary story, scary home alone, scary home alone story, creepy home alone story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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