Someone Destroyed Her Gingerbread House During DIY Challenge! Rebecca Maddie Challenges

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welcome back to your rebecca naughty challenges today we are doing the gingerbread house challenge using twin telepathy so the way this challenge will work is we will have a wall dividing right between us and we're gonna have to try to guess how the other person will decorate their gingerbread house without seeing as you can tell we do not have the exact same gingerbread houses they are a little different but with twin telepathy we think we're gonna get it pretty close to the exact same decorations also you guys we are wearing the new onesies at so get them they're really comfy so comfy and warm we now have this dividing wall up for the twin telepathy but before we get started make sure that you are subscribed with notifications on click all and give the video a big thumbs up comment below when telepathy squad if you did all of that all right maddie you ready to build a gingerbread house oh i was born ready oh i was born to fail on this maybe ours will look exactly the same they'll just both be failed i looked at you as if i could see you but i can't rebecca's going to crush it maddie's going to fail big time wow feeling the hate okay i have no idea how to do this so who wants to go from here does maddie just try to see what this will look like so like is there no bottom oh the cardboard's the bottom that's the bottom this is the item i am picking and you guys comment below if maddie is getting what i'm getting i'm guessing it's this you have to know if you're you're not twins between cousins comment below if you have ever built a gingerbread ah house before i started to build the base same but like using twin telepathy it just makes it even more of a challenge it's definitely a challenge so i am trying to build my gingerbread house using twin tulla booboo okay maddie so i have to admit i'm pretty nervous oh what just happened uh just a little structure it didn't sound so good yeah maybe i'll just like use this to hold it up i'm a little bit worried about rz twin do you guys think that she's okay did kingpin get her if she did that's really bad i mean at least we have the device in our front yard there was a device that the game master left a long time ago when this house was being built that could destroy our z twin we have that the rhs thinks they have it but all they have is like a usb cord like they're like seriously not smart at all what would kingpin want with rz twin i have no idea comment down below what you think kingpin would want to do with her i'll be honest maddie's looks like the easier one but looks like she's having more difficulty okay so here's a hack sometimes i'll put something in the middle like a household item it'll like kind of hold it use any household item that you can see i'm using the candies to balance it out i don't know what i'm doing hold it but maddie i think in your room you have a box that you could probably put in there oh the one on your desk yes i don't think that would work i don't want to leave the challenge i don't care when to look at the challenge we should use only what we have in front of us okay what kind of theme do you want for your room i know you're like waiting to decorate keeping it kind of bare for now you know you guys comment below what maddie should have in her room i don't i don't think we need to decorate what if we did like a belle princess themed room would you like that i do love belle no i i think i just want to keep my room as it is okay well did you like the decorations when i put up your crush and x crush don't remind me you kept those up for a while maddie you still have photos in your desk no i don't yes you do ready let's just forget about it okay usually i'll like get it up and then it just all comes tumbling down yeah rebecca i think you're gonna get it this time especially with the competition yeah oh no this is falling through the box you got this you have the harder one too okay why is matt being nice to me he always picks on me and not maddie and now all of a sudden he's being nice rebecca what earrings are you wearing i wear these every day pearl earrings are cute they're cute okay why don't you ever try getting some new ones matt the thing is it's like it's easier i don't know if any of you guys wear school uniforms but it's just easier than thinking about what to wear and like these are super comfortable they're studs and well like i don't wear dangly ones a lot unless it's like an event i think mine's built as good as it's gonna be right now mine is standing this is mine you guys i'm kind of using these to support so far so good look at that i just spun it around 360 and it didn't even fall maddie what you just knocked a bunch of necklaces down i didn't know the napkins are oh no i can't look at your thing okay that's okay we haven't decorated matt was it you no it wasn't me you would see it coming at my face maddie it is your turn to pick an item all right wait why does maddie's look nothing like the photo oh you're right it doesn't maybe she doesn't i'm supposed to do it the other way like instead of this way it should be going the wrong way this is twin telepathy maddie it doesn't matter i knew it the first candy i'm gonna choose are these you know what maddie there's no instructions on this thing you know why because they they really think that anybody can get it there's photos trying to figure out what maddie would have used use twin telepathy okay i think it's these did we get the same one we'll just find out at the end you guys might be like wow we're not best friends at all judging maddie okay i get it i messed up already but it's still gonna be beautiful i'm not gonna lie at the bottom looks like there's a road yeah i don't get it now look at the photo i even put the bottom upside down that's okay we're just doing twin telepathy so all we have to do is really match like our colors and our candy i'm ready to move on whenever maddie it looks so bad i'm back bad you'll understand when you see it you're like how is a math major that knows like geometry rebecca this is the best one you've ever made i feel like you're setting me up for something and i'm gonna do these i think she chose these did i guess right yeah i kind of want to know still think that we need to do a challenge against the merrell twins you guys comment below if you would want to see that i think maddie and i could go head-to-head with them i don't think they really have twin telepathy we have twindell episodes maybe not after this challenge hold on i just i got goosebumps goosebumps yeah hey matt can you check if anyone's in the front yeah what was that what was that it looked like anything's out here that was weird they're probably taking away the hay bales from the giant slide that we had back to the girls making terrible gingerbread houses okay the reason why i'm being so nice to rebecca is because she's getting ready to hit 10 million subscribers and we're throwing a giant party for her don't tell her you can't tell her it's a surprise this is the most annoying challenge of all time give this video a thumbs up if you agree with me so it's my turn to choose a candy i am going to decorate with these i'm using these okay that was weird i wonder if i'm getting twin telepathy with rz twins been able to use twin telepathy with her and stuff i literally have not at all and she went missing i know nothing about rz twin i have no idea where she is usually i can like heal her or something okay you guys so this is the last and final round of this twin telepathy gingerbread house and then we are gonna present our gingerbread houses to you guys and each other to see how they turned out my final item that i'm going to choose prince let's see i have a feeling that rebecca chose please please be right what if our houses looked exactly the same that would be awesome except they're two different gingerbread houses i'm kind of nervous for you to see this well it sounds like yours is going to be so much better than mine no he could be just saying that matt matt's on the phone he's like not even looking at us right now while we're doing this oh my gosh boom okay speaking of matt your best friend rick noah how do you think he spells his name r-i-c-k-n-o-a-h okay well the zam fam thinks it's just one without the h how did he know though to show up at our house don't be hater rebecca it's a little suspicious it's not we're best friends the game master probably told him okay zamfam do you guys trust rick noah and let's kind of figure out exactly how he spells his name because i have no idea or is it one word or is it two he's two persons now you're being hater i'm not a hater i just don't know him like how did he know that we were just gonna be in the front yard maddie it sounds like you're drinking a big glass of haterade okay oh my goodness put that back away oh no mine just fell my heart's still standing are you guys ready to reveal all right what was that what's that i'm gonna go check it out what was that they're back again there's nobody out there well while he's doing that it's time to reveal and wow maddie what was the first item you used i used the little gummy bears what about you oh i thought you used the other gummies the gumdrops that's what i chose for the second item wait i chose the gummies for the second item what was that hello whoa wait a second oh third i did these little colorful circles ah i use these finally i used the swirls that's what i did last what what we did get three of the four candies right now you know what i've decorated wait what's wrong look at this are you trying to wash off everything right now i didn't put that there why would i do that this this is the reason i don't know a pose i don't know i keep on hearing noises out here is there like a gardener that's doing something it's friday i forgot what was that what's that i don't know if it's the gardener he's never this loud what just happened what happened to our gingerbread house today matt come here matt did this are you serious that's so rude these probably fell rebecca oh so poorly made well maddie's especially that expected that they found cocked in half what are these matt me i was with you guys i know is that why you had us go over there so you could smash them oh that's a distraction i was right next to you over there no yeah but then who did this what if we were running you threw it on our thing yeah wait did you get the nunchucks guys stop i didn't do anything that's rude i mean they were so beautiful this sucks on the bright side at least you have your 10 million subscriber party tomorrow i'm excited okay you guys well that concludes us doing the twin telepathy gingerbread house here is our gingerbread houses hopefully you guys got screenshots of it before it was destroyed it's time to get set up for 10 million subscribers we are having a party tomorrow hopefully you guys are all coming to it on the rebecca small channel make sure that you guys are subscribed and don't forget to stay fit and have fun bye did you seriously do this no absolutely not so weird let's go
Channel: Rebecca Maddie Challenges
Views: 1,085,916
Rating: 4.9147072 out of 5
Keywords: someone, destroyed, gingerbread, house, during, diy, challenge, rebecca, maddie, challenges
Id: 63i2S5Al9NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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