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hey guys it's karina and here back inside somewhere minecraft and today we're back inside my single player world and i'm just having so much fun i don't want to stop because i love this game and i thought i'd be so scared but no i'm not and so while i was gone i did a little bit of resource gathering so i got this entire chest uh because i have to get another chest so i sort of like block stick in place and blocks we can't place of course there's some exceptions of a string and saplings that i don't want those than being here but like yeah i went mining basically i think there's a creeper outside no there's a zombie outside yeah so it's night right now i got a whole bunch of iron here got some redstone took out some lapis gold and uh also i uh chopped down a few trees well not trees like i grew trees and then i chopped them down basically got my stone but i didn't find any diamonds like what why didn't i find any diamonds i don't get it but okay so we're gonna go to sleep now because like my luck my luck is just so bad how did i not find diamonds i was probably minding for like two hours all right i hear a zombie where you at [Music] it's a little kitty cat can i make a fishing rod how much string do i need for a fishing rod fit fishing rod i need two strings i have that i have that one two three i'm gonna get a little kitty cat it's gonna be like the highlight of this episode oh my god i'm gonna get a little kitty cat that's a kitty cat over there i'm not gonna scare it away so i'm gonna go all the way over here to fish for some fish god please give me lots of fish give me lots of fish you mean that's a fish come on oh fishing it is so time consuming it's a witch i'm gonna fight it i know i'm gonna fight it oh god oh gosh there's a creeper behind me too uh yikes explode the witch explode the witch i'm losing so much health if if the creeper explosion i'm gonna probably die okay i'm safe up here well not for long the creeper can see me i think creepers can climb vines oh god what am i gonna do i'm so scared again oh god i was i was trying to be brave but you know i ended up like dying well not dying not yet oh i almost fell there why am i not healing uh no thanks all right did i see a cat there it's a little ocelot [Music] buddy oh the creeper is over there oh my god the cat's gone the cat's one over there i don't know if i'll ever find that cat again it didn't get any fish now those monsters chasing me i don't know what to do i got a never said saplings over here for extra tree capacity i don't remember that trip ever being there was that tree i was there i don't remember okay yeah you know that wasn't too bad okay i really want to kill the the the witch because i want to show all of you but i'm not always scared i can fight mobs okay i can fight a witch i can do that i can fight the switch i'm going to kill it i killed it and i just got a stick that's it i got a stick that for a stick come on you know at least i killed a witch so that's cool all right uh oh yeah i wanted to kill uh do fishes eat salmon can can i feed a fish salmon feed a cat salmon don't know i'm gonna try it it's gonna be much faster to kill fish but i don't know if they can eat salmon or to get only cod because i only did it with cod because before the the aquatic life update we we could only but i think we could only tame uh ocelots or cats with fish or normal fish instead of salmon so i don't know if it's going to work for salmon but i got a few pieces of salmon here so oh buddy we got our paris baxter buddy here buddy have some watermelon there you go buddy salt that's all i got right now buddy i'm just gonna have to deal with it i haven't got any actual seeds uh i'm gonna have to make a melon farm soon because i'm running low on metals and i kind of don't eat them all as i am eating them uh where does cat go come on kitty kitty come here come here kitty when i came here i saw like maybe 20 cats now they're all gone they ran away from me so sad i don't want to get lost but i also want to find myself a kitty [Music] kitty kitty come here over here kitty kitty lava pops where's the lava is there love underneath me i don't know that a kitty oh it's a pear oh wait hold up it's another parrot i gotta get this pair i haven't got any seeds though i'm gonna see if i got any seeds in my thing also i'm going to break some of this while i'm getting going to my chest just another parrot oh my god i want to never pair it after his buddy is deaf i need to have another companion uh i can't maybe not pair because parrots scare me because it makes so many noises but you know it's whatever and it's fine i think there's some maybe cats over there because i haven't been out there there so there's probably cats over there all right how many seats do i got i got okay i got i think i've got enough hopefully hopefully this this pair ain't greedy can you feed them watermelon seeds i don't know i'm not gonna try because i'm limited on watermelon so i'm not gonna try it all right i gotta go find that part again hopefully i didn't lose it uh parrot parrot parrot what birdie the parrot's there what am i gonna call him oh my god i'm so nervous i don't want to kill him come on i'm giving you so many seats just just love me love me oh yeah he loves me oh my god yay my pair is groaning and now oh that scares me too you know it's fine okay come on what am i gonna call him i don't i don't know what i'm gonna call him oh my god i'm so happy i got another parrot i really hope i'm not gonna kill him this time okay come on come on uh i don't wanna call i'm not gonna call him buddy two or buddy junior because that's just mean i think like like buddy can't be replaced but he's irreplaceable but he was special you can't just replace him you can't do that so i'm gonna i'm i don't know what i'm gonna call him i i don't know pearl what about pearl is pearl cool name pro eventually come to me you know he's a bit slow just like buddy was nothing to be worried about that's my last watermelon i could probably find more watermelon in the jungle pearls pearl cool name i don't know i'm gonna have to think about his name hopefully he's gonna be he's gonna be alive by the time i give him a name all right there's nothing much interesting over here and it looks like this area just closes off i thought that would lead to an ocean it'll be cool but no it's just boringness and i don't see any cats and i don't know what to do about it so kitties i want a kitty i hope pearl i wish i i really wish bat like what's it called birds can teleport like same as dogs and cats because like oh i hear another bird maybe i could get another parrot oh it's an it's a never white one i don't think i've got enough seeds i'm not gonna get another bird i think one is enough yeah one's enough i think i'm not gonna get a number because like i don't need two birds going through the pain of my my that of like my dying for me because like that's not fun so i don't see any cats what i don't get it there's it's a jungle it should be full of cats well a minecraft shirt oh look see i knew it it would lead to an ocean i knew i had a feeling oh maybe it doesn't i have to go see though hopefully i'm not going to lose my base i just have to follow the river basically to get back [Music] maybe that leads outside maybe that leads to like ocean and i could like find a way ahead of this jungle i don't see any cats i don't get it i don't get it why is there no cats here where are the cats i don't see any maybe i gotta climb a tree like to look up you know maybe out maybe that that will help me on my journey to get a cat uh [Music] okay i'm up here oh gosh the sun is getting like is setting i don't see any cats we're gonna have to search oh gosh that scared me so much i have to swim all the way back now we're gonna have to get a cat every day another day oh wow well i should also probably make a melon farm because i'm running low on food i can swim like this look at that i could breathe and i'm swimming [Music] all right come on so far away [Music] i'm trying to i'm still trying to look to see if there's any cats i don't see any cats i don't get it oh gosh it's getting dark mobs are gonna start spawning i don't wanna die i don't wanna die [Music] uh it's getting really dark why did i go so far away i should just like look around the area and be like oh there's some cats i'll just find a different way of i don't know i don't even know what i'm saying it's so dark now oh my god i don't know what's gonna happen to me oh gosh i see skeleton did i just see endermen and their men are harmless i'm not scared around friends ah that's my kitty oh gosh my parents talking it's making noises footsteps that's like a zombie oh gosh i'll just go to sleep i can't go to sleep i saved a bunch of melons in here to make sure that i don't eat them all oh my god i'm gonna just move my bed it's just the simplest thing instead of killing the mobs i'm just gonna move the bed oh no i don't want my i don't want my hair to get blown up okay what my what am i gonna call my parents parrot before he dies he punches potentially dies where am i gonna call her it's gonna be her yeah i think i'm gonna settle with pearl pearl pearl's the name [Music] pearl stop making noises i know you're just trying to wire me back and literally see them right here [Music] no not another one [Music] pearl i barely even named her i just literally decided on her name in that minute and she died i don't ever want to start a world in the jungle again pearl [Music] what am i gonna do i'm gonna make another gray for pearl oh i'm so sad why do my pets keep dying [Music] oh pearl i'm so sad i have to make another grave where am i gonna put it there's not much room here preferably i put it next to buddies but i don't know if i could this is what i'm gonna do all right i'm gonna destroy this thing [Music] i'm gonna destroy some that [Music] there so it's still nice and bushy around here but like yeah all right you gotta dig out the grave all right it's pretty sad [Music] oh girl she died way too soon i need my chorus dirt i need that that [Music] pearl no all right pearl died way too soon i need another flower i have some rubber flowers i don't have a white flower but i have a yellow flower i found some flowers while i was like kind of roaming around looking around so i go on these flowers i don't have a white flower to represent pearl but she had a little yellow tail so this represents pearl pearl here lies pearl is how i spell pearl i think so okay goodbye pearl the rest of my seeds will go along with you pearl you will you will be missed be miss pearl goodbye how have we only did like what five episodes or something and i already have two dead pets how now i'm like even more determined to get a cat because i just want a companion pearl didn't even out last one episode not even one and at least buddy lasted like uh two episodes well that's not gonna stop me from completing my goals i'm gonna i'm gonna make this farm make this melon farm because that's what pearl would have wanted i told pearl but i was gonna make this melon farm and i'm gonna i'm gonna complete it it's this pearl this melon farm is gonna represent pearl i need some more melons i think [Music] i'll just take all my melons there we go i need a bucket too [Music] there do i have any slabs i got this slab i'll take one more just in case please don't be night already no it's still pretty good we can still like do things yeah yeah we're still good okay i think i think pearl would have wanted i don't know what pearl would have wanted maybe the little melon farm should be kind of hidden you know i think i look cool [Music] it'll be right here behind this tree it'll look it it'll be cool oh you know what i'm gonna do this is what i'm gonna do [Music] i'm gonna make the water like that one two three i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it look cool it's gonna be really cool it's gonna be super cool look at that oh wait i forgot this is a melon farm never mind what's wrong with me i forgot this is a melon farm i forgot it was a melon farm so i have to make it in strips i thought this would be like a wheat farm or something i don't know what's wrong with me whatever i'll just fix it fix it for pearl all right there we go so we got a row right here okay we got seven seeds to start with i'll make more if i need more a sleepy place awesome all right i'll make another strip here ah whoopsies i got a lot more seeds now and and then the last row will be here i haven't got enough seats it's fine i i i'm gonna i want some what's it called i'm gonna get some bone meal to help grow the melons uh i just i think i'll just need one i just want to grow one melon you know fully grow one melon all right oh i i do have to wait i don't get it there all right there we go we made a melon so at least we did something that wasn't total a total bummer you know we we made a melon farm but pearl died it's really sad now i i really really really want to get a cat i don't want it to die but cats have way more health so so i i think i'll i'll last i guess hopefully oh i see a cat oh what's wrong with me come here come here kitty kitty kitty come here come here kitty kitty kitty come here kitty kitty come here kitty kitty kitty come here [Music] come here kitty kitty here i don't want to get lost in the jungle okay kitty just come here i need to smash all right kitty kitty's coming don't mess it up is kitty mine i can't wait no come on come back i didn't tame it i'll get it do you have to have fish wait what if i lead it back home and then i bury it or something that sounds really mean but i really want to keep this cat this is like the only cat i've ever seen that well okay no that's a lie i've seen multiple cats but like they've all run away so i'm just gonna keep this cat you know i'm gonna bury it that sounds really mean but i promise it's not gonna be mean oh that's a bat i thought it was never bird if i get another bird i want in a different color i want to be red i don't want it to be white i want it a different color so it doesn't remind me of the horrible accidents of pearl buddy rest in peace pearl and buddy all right sun is setting so this is perfect you know i don't want i'm gonna i think i'm gonna bury her right here in this little hole all right come on just stay there just gonna come on just go in there we go all right thanks oh that that feels really me but i i'm not trying to be mean it's just the only cat that like ever loved me in my craft so oh wow okay except cherry do you guys remember cherry i had a minecraft like a few minecraft episodes and i had cherry i like cherry cherry was nice but i think cherry died in lava wow that was sad all right i'm gonna fish and i'm gonna get some actual card because i don't think i could tame her with a salmon so i'm gonna have to wait i don't like fishing fishing so boring like literally nothing happens in fishing nothing happens come on give me that fish give me that fish give me [Music] oh i got a cat what no i didn't get a cat i got a fish i could get a cat i don't know how much fish i need so i think i'm just gonna get like two pieces you know to start off it's coming it's coming it's coming i got a lilly pad no thanks okay sure i want a fish i think two pieces will be fine i'll just need two pieces let's start off if i need more i'll just get more it's not a big deal and my watermelon isn't growing that much hey i got some dish for you oh do you love me now do you love me no do you love me wait i'm so confused is this my pet i don't want to hit it is this my pet or not why why i want to tame it is it is it my pet now i don't get it i can't i don't i don't understand why it doesn't work i i got i guys comment down below why i'm not able to set her down and why she doesn't have a caller i'm not why can't i teamwork kids i don't i don't know i'm going to fight this this skeleton you're dead you're dead to me you're already dead but i'ma kill you again you'd be dead again all right i don't know why i can't tame that the the cat i i don't know why but okay and also guys comment down below names because i i don't know what i should name her i'm really excited about it oh wow i'm gonna cook the rest of the fish because i don't need it oh you have a new little person attitude family okay we got a melon here all right okay awesome i'm really hungry so i'm just gonna eat this last melon i can't sleep i only sleep oh it's not night yet i don't know why okay maybe we should continue uh building the house instead you know i mean i know how to do that so i think i should do that do i have to hoe a little bit of grass i'm going to hold these bits [Music] maybe it will help with growing [Music] maybe hopefully this one won't grow there because then this one won't be able to go anywhere so all right oh you got to finish the house i gotta make some windows i'm gonna smell all the sand all the sand cook salmon yum yummy yummy in my tummy all right all right we got some glass awesome we got some glass going um just open your chest figure out what i should do next um ah sorry i should how am i gonna furnish it i don't know i think i'm gonna put the bed already in it [Music] oh i have to make the chimney i forgot about the chimney i forgot i had to make a chimney i'm just gonna put all that in there yeah that all right i'll come back sorry i'll come back for materials i'm just going to put the bed in there in my house figure out where i want to put it you know all right i'm pretty sure this right over here is going to be the bedroom so i'm going to put my bedroom it's like a bed area so i'm just going to put the bed there i don't know what i'm gonna have around here i'm just like a bed and that's it or i don't know here i definitely want the kitchen to be i'm gonna have a a chimney going up as well and then we're gonna have like a sitting area a lounging area and maybe there's gonna be an attic with storage i don't know i remember one time i heard a spider up there yeah i couldn't get it down because i didn't have any ladders on me yeah i think i'm gonna have an attic so for storage all right got some glass here i got barely any cool [Music] uh [Music] there we go uh i need some more wood i need more coal i thought i had a lot of coal but it turns out i don't all right how many ladders do i want i'm gonna make nine there are i'm gonna put all these sticks together there you get that many and then you're gonna get that many your but what's wrong with me okay turn all these into panes i don't know how many paints i'm gonna need all right we got we got half oh enough we gotta have a stack so far all right we're doing good on time on time all right come on come on come on come on and boom boom boom it's gonna be like kind of modern house with this glass it's gonna be cool you know it's gonna be cool i gotta i i remember i forgot to destroy this bit here so i gotta do that all right i'm gonna have nice big windows all over the place it's gonna be beautiful oh i need a lot more glass yeah okay i'm gonna get some sand i want a ruined outside area so i'm just gonna dig sand from here you know so it still looks nice at the end all right awesome we gotta collect all the sand now or maybe i got it all i don't know [Music] uh yeah all right it's cool did my cat be spawn i wanna go i'm gonna go see my cat hi don't know why i haven't why you're not tamed but okay sure my melon grew yay that's fun okay all right i'm gonna there we go all right i'm gonna okay that was exactly enough sand so that's cool that's more glass here all right i'm gonna make a chimney [Music] a chimney i got there all right i'm gonna need some stairs i think that money is gonna be enough do you can you make walls you can i don't need it but like that's kind of cool uh i didn't what i didn't know you could do that okay i'm sorry oh wow uh there you go that's that's all right um okay i need to chop down these trees soon i think i'm gonna do it the next day or maybe probably off camera because chopping down trees is pretty boring so yeah i'm gonna place down some more glass bing bang boom bong bing i haven't got enough that's fine i'll start getting doing the chimney [Music] uh ah whoopsies oh my god okay i'm gonna put that like that there we go [Music] oh it's starting to get dark i want you to be morning to forever forever ever and ever but okay all right [Music] maybe that was a bad idea i didn't really want to do that whoops uh okay all right um i think i know what i'm gonna do for the chimney all right but we have to do the next day because right now stay and i don't want to do more mobs this is why all my pets are dead it's because of the jungle because of the fact that i live in the jungle oh my my bed is inside the house no what's wrong with me [Music] my bed is inside the house this is the reason why all my pets are dead because i live in the jungle my mom spawn all the time and they don't die during the night night day so yeah all right not okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do like that okay i'm gonna break these blocks here [Music] there [Music] and this is the chimney here do i want to make a curvy chimney or you know cool straight chimney but just kind of goes up a little bit i thought for some reason i thought i was gonna need a lot more bricks and stuff to make this but i don't need a lot and for some reason i thought i did no i don't okay i saw this in a youtube video once which do you like that and it looked cool so i'm gonna do it there and um i know what i want to do i want to get just one slab and put it like that i think that's cool in my opinion too bad if you hate that little nub thing but i think it's cool all right i for some reason i don't think before i do things i don't know why all right i need more glass all right all that's done and after we're gonna have to furnish the inside the house oh i'm excited for that i love furnishing houses because like there's no furniture in minecraft so you gotta be creative with it you know you gotta think of ways to make it look cool i'm gonna put that in there oh wow okay okay i think that'd be enough all right it's not gonna be even at all i forgot to put the ladders in yeah i'm gonna do that okay all right i need doors uh doris i got two doors here perfect um yeah i don't like placing glass in the dark place oh wow okay yay all right i'm gonna uh put the rest of the glass and put the doors in the first thing i want to furnish is the kitchen i love doing kitchens in minecraft they're so fun what the there's a skeleton my roof isn't there there's a skeleton my roof isn't there i hate that god i get i'm not like a pearl as you can see oh god there's like six thousand come here buddy come here [Music] how am i supposed to get up there what happens if i break this block yikes wait i'm gonna break these two blocks for just a bit okay so how would i get up here maybe there no that's in the kitchen hmm right by the front door the the well not even probably not there um no not there either there perfecto all right oh whoops i need to go back up there to fix this this mess i've done i've made i gotta go back inside the house i put these doors wonky yay go me all right i'm gonna destroy this because this is not cool i much prefer the ladder to be here but you know sometimes you just can't have it the way you what have it the way you want and that's all right i guess i should probably put the rest of the windows in i didn't need this many windows but you know it doesn't really matter oh wow okay not minecraft bro oh wow okay so here is gonna be the kitchen all right what's the how am i gonna make this kitchen okay uh where's my fridge gonna be i know how i'm gonna make my fridge watermelons i've grown yay all right awesome lots of watermelons actually that one kind of grew there but you know it doesn't really matter i thought i saw some more watermelons i guess it was just my animals doesn't really matter i guess what all right soon i'm gonna take all this stuff out of here move in you know that's cool all right another thing glass awesome all right what do i need um to make my thing i need trap doors or doors i'm gonna use trapdoors yeah i'm gonna do that um you make trash where's like how i think i i know how to make a trapdoor okay that's a craft needle that's a trapdoor yeah how does this look that's pretty neat i like that all right i gotta make gotta make one more there and i gotta have some of these some of these i'm gonna take this uh what's it called a smelter a steamer i forgot what it was called the thing where you cook food in i don't know how i forgot it's that's a blast furnace smoker it's called smoker i need some i always like having two ovens because i think it looks not nicer so i'm gonna make two there we go this is how you make smokers oh i thought it was night for some reason okay uh what else do i need for my thing i would preferably have some you know uh things like things uh um why did i for what they're called item frames yes iron fighter items but like i don't have that uh i need levers sticks i forgot how to make a lever yeah like that the okay i need another cobblestone do you want to call this on the bottom of the top i already forgot okay there we go um have i got everything i need to make my kitchen i need two chests one two no yeah there all right let's go make my kitchen i think this is all i need yeah this is all i need to make my kitchen i'm excited all right let's go make this kitchen awesome all right i'm gonna have my fridge on this side should i have a wall for my bedroom [Music] should i do that i don't know i i don't know it's whatever all right first i'm gonna make my fridge this is how i make fridges like that oh i forgot i needed a few extra ones nevermind it doesn't really matter all right i need this one be on a corner i need some torches i should have brought some torches no i don't want to be on a corner it'll be fine it doesn't have to be in a quarter all right um and then i gotta have uh there here i'm going to have the thing this is my chimney so it's got a line with my chimney [Music] okay maybe i should do like that all right there so that's the range hood oh i needed a few more i needed a few more things oh whatever it's fine i'm gonna go to sleep all right and i need these to be up here why do they have is this an actual restaurant thing like it turns off my smoker i don't that's it i don't know i'm gonna have to try that well okay um nine yeah i'm gonna have it right there um crafting table i should probably have a crafting table here that's probably a wise choice i don't know where i'm going to put my crafting table um i don't know i'll figure it out it's fine i'll just put there for now all right [Music] all right there there we go look at that look it over opens my thing and i oh and i need this last trapdoor there and i need a door there i'll just take this door for now i don't want that door to be on that side it's the thing there also i'm gonna [Music] there we go um i haven't got any more stone i got this there we go and why does that no open the door does have to be there i want this to open the door why doesn't it work it works there why why can't i place lovers on trapdoor on chests that would be so useful uh it's not worth it i'm not gonna put it there put the trapdoor back no there we go i'm gonna have this thing like that i guess sure all right awesome i guess i completed my kitchen now so this is my kitchen i love making kitchens because like they're so fun you can be so creative with them and they're awesome so it's my kitchen awesome here i'm gonna have a dining area um i'm gonna have a wooden table all right so what sort of table am i gonna have maybe like that a table should i have a table like that [Music] or no i don't know it'd be like this yeah this is way better okay how uh am i gonna have mine cards for chairs if that's what's gonna happen i think i gotta do that it's gonna it's gonna cost a bit of iron though that's fine all right i also need a few doors because i don't have i haven't got enough doors yeah more watermelon's grown yay okay i need one two three four five more doors all right these are going the right spaces that's good awesome all right awesome awesome [Music] what happened to my other cat is my ever cat's all there [Music] okay yeah she's still there all right i don't know how to tame it guys comment down below if you know how to tame it or like i'm just not i just can't tame it like they're gonna be watching what what what why was there a creeper inside my house did it come in from my mind i don't know oh that's so scary oh that was so scary oh my god oh my god i'm just gonna let it explode yeah i lost a half a heart it's fine it's whatever oh my god that was so scary why oh my god how did it get in it's not dark there oh my god did i leave the door open or something and i just didn't notice it i don't know i honestly have no idea oh wow what do i need i need yeah i needed a bunch of doors uh i don't have oak wood yikes how does oh no i don't want to make jungle door jungle doors are gross i'm just going to cut a few bits from this tree you know no one will never notice oh i actually picked up some white one sorry about that all right um what where did all my i thought i had way more oh there's one piece of wood over there sorry excuse me nope all right is it getting dark not really all right there we go okay we got a bunch more doors i also need four mine carts and some rails oh wow i just need one rail [Music] all right there we go got a bunch of mine carts oh wow okay and what else do i need i need a rail rail i can make that all right i got 16. i don't need 16 but i got 16 so it's cool all right okay let's go finish furnishing i guess well not it's not completely finished how do you make a painting i i don't have any room on my walls for paintings ah man [Music] all right i want to connect it's fine i can't put the door on here i'm not going to be able to put door on that side i won't be able to put the door yikes okay it's oh actually i have an idea oh my god i have an idea okay so first with the door no [Music] okay but oopsies all right i got an idea i know how i'm gonna do this all right no i don't want to be like that [Music] no i don't want it to be like that all right i'm gonna do like that all right there we go all right come on gotta push it down now no come on just go down go down what go down i thought this would be smart but it's not my car just can't go down why why and i don't know what i'm gonna do i don't know i don't know all right guys i just i think i'm just gonna have to end the video here because i just i just don't know what to do so guys i really hope this video if you did smash it but i'll see you guys next time good bye
Channel: GamerGirl
Views: 5,039,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, capturing a friend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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