Somebody That I Used to Know - Walk off the Earth
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Walk off the Earth
Views: 190,436,519
Rating: 4.9460435 out of 5
Keywords: walk, off, the, earth, gotye, cover, wote, somebody, that, use, to, know, gianni, luminati, sarah, blackwood, marshall, guitar, 5 peeps one guitar, 5 people one guitar, walk off the earth, walk of the earth, walk the earth, walkofftheearth, gianni luminati nicassio, sarah blackwood, ryan marshall, joel cassady, mike taylor, beard guy, music, acoustic, ukelele, theremin, looping samples, percussion, drums, harmonica, mandolin, piano, keyboards
Id: d9NF2edxy-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
is this really live? their voices sound too good.
The guy on the right has all the charisma of a whaling captain. I would follow him into hell's breach and back I would.
I'm pretty sure the guy on the far right spends 90% of the song evaluating the decisions that lead him to this point in his life.
Great cover. Here's the original.
Hey folks, thanks for the love. This is Joel - drummer from Walk Off The Earth. Feel free to shoot me any questions about the video, and be sure to check out our other YouTube vids!
What's Eric Cantona doing on the right?
Can they not afford more guitars?
This guy
I saw a guitar getting gangraped but I liked it. The guitar liked it too. On a more practical note (pun intended): would this require special tuning? The bass sounds really low. But I'm a guitar newb so I probably am wrong.