Crazy A Capella Cover of Taylor Swift!
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Channel: Walk off the Earth
Views: 39,519,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walk off the earth, red hands, gang of rhythm, krnfx, i knew you were trouble, taylor swift cover, wote, i knew you were trouble cover, gianni luminati, walk of the earth, walk the earth, walkofftheearth, gianni luminati nicassio, sarah blackwood, ryan marshall, joel cassady, mike taylor, beard guy, music, acoustic, ukelele, theremin, looping samples, percussion, drums, harmonica, guitar, mandolin, piano, keyboards
Id: WcM14Al83Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2013
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god damn it I wish I could sing
Sarah's such an angel in the videos, but she's badass at live performances.
So great.
This is good, but they're definitely miming along to a recording, aren't they.
Watch some of krnfx's live loops, he has A LOT of talent
Never heard of them until now.. and now I'm freshly out $6+ in mp3 purchases. Love the harmony.
I don't know why I never noticed it in their earlier videos, but Sarah is preposterously attractive.
I wish Weird Al luck in his new musical endeavour.
Their cover of Little Boxes is awesome