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thank you again to SimpliSafe for sponsoring this video there's no safe like SimpliSafe it's been just over a year and we are finally going to move these fuel tanks back to the other side of the yard where they came from [Music] so these tanks came from over here where the old sheds stood right next to it that's the new shed there today these tanks are coming down they're going to go on the new pad over there and hopefully this concrete pad is coming out so we can start on the new grain bin should I walk this straight out probably then it'll twist up better yeah there's one necessary item of equipment we weren't entirely ready we're gonna need that trailer to put fuel tanks on so they're over hooking the crane up I'm gonna get this John Deere out of the way we're just gonna use this trailer to set those tanks on they're all empty so we'll pick them up with the crane set them on that trailer and move them across the yard I'll back up if you want me to we're gonna try and get both smaller tanks on this trailer Crossways should be able to fit him we're off to 16. oh okay good thing she knows us and understands the sense of humor around here second tank is going easy I gotta go Shuffle some stuff around on the other side of the yard before they get the big tank moving and there's our excavator well not ours but the one that they're gonna use the excavator for the day the one we're gonna pay to put ours on today so she's just slowly extending the boom now to get it over onto this side of the pad So the plan here is right now we've got this pad to get them nice and level and have them in place but what the plan will be is before we get product in them we're gonna come up with some type of a containment system because we've got to have that built around them but our last system we really didn't like it just didn't end up how we wanted it so we're kicking around a few ideas now to come up with something for now these are empty they're going to be moved to the right spot they're going to be level and we'll work with them from there tank two is in place now for the big one foreign this one's obviously a lot heavier so we're using the excavator's trailer to haul this one across the yard well they didn't waste any time here the second the tank drove away the excavators on the pad to start taking this out I think it's about to get noisy yeah there we go I had to set the camera down and join in for a little bit to get it exactly where we want it but all the tanks are different sizes so it makes it a little goofy but we got the spacing we want we're hoping you know we can fill right now once we get fuel in them we could fill right now if we had to but my hope is to actually Plumb them over to here and get some hose reels maybe on a pedestal I'm not sure so that we can pull from all one spot and just have the different products in one area then I'm not sure what we're going to do up here if we'll I don't know I'm considering concrete but that costs money it's all a work in progress we'll figure it out as we go for right now I'm really happy that this ended up where they should be I'll go see how he's doing over here I got a feeling this pad's gonna take a while but I think they're pretty thin in the center I've never actually seen one tore out before around the edges once he's got that broke out hopefully it goes quicker Here Comes car owner Corey up the driveway so we can load a couple race cars up we're actually going to get out of here real soon it's about 2 30 in the afternoon now they've got this thing crushed up got the outer Foundation or the footing around the edge crushed up I think once they start digging at it with the big backhoe the big excavator this is all going to start coming apart pretty quickly I would think but I'm gonna be gone for a couple days with Corey and Onyx we're going to be racing out in the Dakotas that'll be on our second channel in between the rows I'm going to leave this camera with Dad and hope that he can get some footage of a couple of things I don't know today tomorrow maybe maybe not I told him not to worry about it but I'm going to leave the camera in the shop so we'll see what he what he gets it's no secret if you've been paying any attention at all that we have armed everything around here with Simply Safe security systems we've got everything decked out in the shop here over in the hobby shop around the bin site inside the house we've got carbon monoxide detectors smoke detectors glass break sensors freeze sensors water sensors door alarms everything you can imagine we have had two personal instances where the freeze sensor and the water sensor have saved us when it comes to that door being open in the middle of winter and when we have a seven inch rainfall in one afternoon and we end up with water in the basement Those sensors have saved us a ton we're a busy family so it's really nice to be able to log into the phone app and know when we're gone at all times that everything is okay Simply Safe recently introduced their all-new 24 7 live guard protection which means that they can actually stop time in real time now this is actually exclusive to Simply Safe where professional monitoring agents can actually log in and speak and see Intruders in your home in real time they can let them know the cops are coming they should probably set down whatever it is they're after and get out of there it works by using this new Smart Alarm indoor camera which is the only camera that can instantly trigger the alarm it's got a built-in siren and live two-way agent audio you see right there there's an intruder sitting at our table he's hideous the system is less than a dollar a day and less than half the cost of traditional home security systems and there are no long-term contracts to lock you into anything setup is so easy that even I was able to do it myself if you're interested in a Simply Safe system for yourself right now you can save 20 when you sign up for a fast protect plan and get your first month for free all you have to do is go to Millennial farmer then you can have complete control and flexibility of your own system at any time from anywhere using the Simply Safe app simply say guys I'd like to say Zach finally is trusting me with his camera but uh he's gone for four days and he happened to forget his camera in the break room table so I thought I'd grab it yesterday the guys were out and Jack hammered some of the cement apart on these bins is a lot thicker on the outside where the bins where the walls go and then they're breaking apart the middle of it and now they're hauling it away and gonna crush it and we will probably buy it back later as Crush cement to put around the other sheds to help prevent washing [Music] thank you morning new day I'm back horn and Hound dogs eater no don't get me there you go today the plan is to finish the gravel for the bin the pad where the concrete's gonna go we also have to load a few Bean trucks out get rid of some soybeans and we still have about 150 acres to spray horizontal lockriggers running but the horizontal one is not there is a gearbox disengage thing here which I've never touched an emptied uh it emptied quite a few pounds out of there but there's eight thousand pounds left in it and that auger's not moving I'm guessing there's maybe a sheer bolt or something somewhere that for some reason went I'm gonna hope and I'm gonna guess that it's probably not too big of a deal so hopefully I'll back it up to the shop here and I'll call J M and see where well I'll look at it first maybe it's obvious in the meantime dad's finishing loading the trucks out of the grain leg which is just a little bit slower but works just as fine but the truckers are obviously appreciative if we can get them in and out quick so they can get to wherever they're headed so we try and do things faster for them kick it on so we're checking to see right now if the shaft that runs along the side is turning or not to spin the gearbox in the back which it is that inform me that it is so it's running to the gearbox but not through it did you do it Anna is this you're doing yeah the pit deals running here okay and we got an oil leak into the gearbox and it's nobody's touched this it's been engaged yeah I wonder should we take that cover off the outside here you see we'll see what's down in there otherwise we could try to disengage it engage it it's hard to do great I can't I wonder maybe it's maybe we need to dump the auger first if it's sitting full and there's pressure on the gears or something suppose probably we can back it in farther and dump it on the concrete [Music] according to the directions I'm thinking this is generally in case you plug it yeah plug that front on there yeah shut this one off and clean it out which the front office you got the opposite situation yeah and this doesn't this is really it doesn't just disengage unless you think we got to lift that heart on it it seems like there's a lot of pressure there [Music] I can reach in there yeah those holes are pretty small there's no yeah go ahead so it is turning it's turning back here to the gearbox not out of it and it is engaged no the auger didn't no it turns up to the gearbox but the auger doesn't turn oh gotta get the nut out of there one-handed well out of that one so I suppose that's that's why we couldn't see it yeah so now we started up and make sure this is turning yeah and then see my guess as well and then I'll see if it's if I can tell if it's turning out of this one so the the box that the shifter is on is turning it's turning into the next box the main gearbox that drives the auger and it does not appear to be turning on the way out so something inside this swirly gig is not whirlying all the way from this side to the output whirly side well oddly enough that gearbox is out I've already talked with j m they are going to get one coming right away um unusual we we love that card love everything about it it's been a fantastic cart we've got two or three seasons on it now so they're gonna get us a gearbox coming and we'll get that swapped out as soon as that fills up we'll throw the beans in this bucket that's the only thing we got that'll get high enough to get in there so uh the beans in there aren't going to be a problem for fixing that ear box but they will be a problem if we leave Lane on the floor of the shop [Music] it's after lunchtime now we got the beans cleaned up we're loading up the sprayer we're gonna head out and spray that last 126 Acres off he goes the final field it's actually the final pegs because I set the camera down again for a couple hours so there goes the last tank you can see they got the pad over there we measured out the pad found it to uh line it up exactly where we wanted it they've got enough travel in there now they got the concrete cut out from the old pad it's going around packing it down tight [Music] got the final load of gravel for the pad here they needed one more load to get it up to where it needs to be but it's hot out there so I thought I would go do some mowing but as a dedicated YouTuber I figured I'd get out of the air-conditioned cab for you guys just to get this shot I am an artist who is dedicated to my craft foreign [Music] if you've paid much attention we've got this land here that used to be a lot of cottonwood trees that we're growing in or little poplar trees I mowed them down a couple summers ago I had a moment Again Last Summer and just looking at it I need to do it again so that's what I'm gonna do because it's air conditioned see I even opened the window and let all the AC out just to get you guys a better shot got the trees mowed looks like they're still working on the bin pad and it's almost six o'clock now so they'll be here tomorrow too I'm sure either way though it looks good it's going to be a new bin going up there hopefully in like two weeks because they're gonna they're planning on coming and putting the concrete in there in one week from tomorrow and would you look at this guy over here look it's it's Aaron and Onyx from the between the rows YouTube channel I think it'll be fun Onyx had me mow a razor track for him as long as I was out there I did because that support us also I'm gonna call it a night I'm tired today I'm on very little sleep so thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 459,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R0Yw22EMZuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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