First Time Cultivating and HE'S STUCK??!!

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Anna the viewers like it when you wrestle with ditch oh now you're gonna wrestle with onyx well it seems a little dangerous did you want to come join the fun come here nope [Music] anyway morning seed tender is about half full of corn the planter is full I filled it up last night Onyx and I are going to take this down dad's already moving with the field cultivator we're gonna knock some corn acres in today and eventually it's going to be late tonight or early tomorrow we're going to get to our test plot so I need to grab some parts for the planter for that hose plugs Hopper extensions 12 um three six nine there's enough all right make sure you don't miss a single Rock all right you got enough lunch I hope so he's got 40 pounds of random stuff eight cheeseburgers and a slice of pizza this is one of our biggest Fields here so we shouldn't really have any road time today I shouldn't have to fold the planter up and take it down the road at all so as long as things go well we don't have any breakdowns this should be a good day I'm just gonna walk by it here put my eyes on things make sure everything looks okay looks okay oil is also okay [Applause] it's very very similar to a fighter jet you have to make sure you got everything up and running auto track on auto planter down and let's go set up our auto track Turn automation turn that on set up our boundaries oh phone call where it should be on one half of the planter and I know why it is so if you go back a couple of videos when we were setting the planner up one side of the planter we moved an adjustment inside the row unit so we slid the double Eliminator up it was clearly a seed thing because it it's still up and I'm having to run more vacuum pressure and this new seed that we switched to is a different size and it's not planting as nicely as the old stuff now with that double Eliminator up so I'm gonna go through the right side 12 rows and bring that back down it's fairly simple but it does take some time I don't enjoy doing it when I should be planting but fussy about how it gets planted it does not like to not be singulated well so all I'm doing is pulling these little fingers back just pulling this dot dial not even a dial just pulling it back a click putting the bowls back on with one hand can't do it one-handed there takes eight ten minutes that should help that did not help which means it's actually this different seed that we put in last night I made it worse actually I should have left those up but now I'm just too impatient to go move them back up so I'm just going to deal with it to do hey uh don't leave home before I I'll get back to you but don't leave home until I get back to you because Onyx just radioed and said he's kind of stuck in a corner he's not stuck but it's muddy and the tractor won't let him turn out of it so I'm gonna go over there as soon as I'm done with these short rounds and see what we're dealing with I told him just to sit there but in case we need a rope don't leave home we do [Music] oh we got that here then so we'll use the rock picker tractor if we need something [Music] yeah let me know in a few minutes I'm coming for Ionix I can see the roof of his tractor way over there these RT two-track tractors can be tricky in the mud they'll float well but sometimes you gotta let them do what they want to do and you can't really fight it yeah he's in an area that's oftentimes pretty wet in fact we closed a ditch right through here about five years ago oh that's wetter than I thought it would be he's gonna make me get mud on my boots got in here a little far we should not have been in here oh geez this is gonna be this be fun oh God okay all right let's see if we can do anything here or not number one when you get in the mud raise those baskets up you see them in the back yep those got to be out of the mud raise the Implement all the way wish his field wasn't planted it's moving better than I thought it would yeah as bad as I thought it was going to be dry dirt didn't know how to knock it cut off the baskets yeah so how should I exit this field did I drive straight across but make sure the Digger's all the way up no this needs to be dug the mistake was you just got way too too far into the wet stuff and then these tractors you really have to hit they don't turn no ahead of time where you're headed with it well that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought he just he got in a situation he wasn't sure how to get out of it I'm glad he called me on the radio instead of trying to get out of there he's he's out it wasn't bad he just kind of got into a corner and I think he wasn't sure how to get out of there so he's he's good okay okay that's good I'm glad he does that doesn't get in the deeper than he should definitely yeah yeah he was just in that weird corner where uh Chuck closed part of the ditch up okay he kind of got in there at a funny angle and I he didn't want to drive on on gullison's field and he didn't want to back up into the water so he he just kind of sat there until I wiggled it out okay oh that was good still got a little bit of snow left in some spots out here in certain areas the snow is still melting out of the tree lines and the property lines and leaving stuff wet that's why it's so muddy in spots it's normal for our weather to change quickly in the spring but this year was pretty unusual it seemed like we went from three feet of snow to 60 degrees in about two days [Music] I'm out of seat see you can tell because of the way it is [Music] for reasons I won't get into because you don't need to hear me talk too much I'm gonna need seed again soon but when I got back here I noticed this these are the tracks from the planter do you see how this one here does not look consistent it's like this track would stop for a second then go then stop then go you get the idea something's up with it I'm a little concerned about these tracks we've had them for quite a while we haven't had any issues with them since the first year we've had them but uh something's going on and actually this is the same one that we had that problem with the wheel on a few days ago visually everything looks just fine all the wheels are there all the bolts are in everything looks to be in alignment and my tracks from when I drove up here look fine okay I fixed it that's all I have to keep an eye on that catch a ride back to the seed truck here because I'm on the opposite end of a very large field as to what the sea truck is this half ton looks like it's loaded down fairly heavy with that tank behind it foreign get that done yep yep Onyx is at the Rock picker again he got done digging a field over there I'll grab this thing we're about to the point now also on this field where I'm we're gonna be planting a test plot it's the plot we plant every year where we collect money our local County organization collects money from uh the entries for the plot the seed companies pay to be part of the plot and we hand that or give that money out to local kids that are going to school for being in an egg related field of something or other so it's a scholarship there I can mumble my way through words but the words I was really looking for are scholarships it's a little more planting now dad's back and I'm empty and he needs this truck which is perfect timing because I'm empty anyway got the kid back now too it's clean we're going to be switching to soybeans after this so we cleaned as much out of there as we could enough for tonight so we've got a few more bags coming to finish off the rest of our Acres but this is going to do it for all the bulk seed that we have for corn anyway this different seed I put in here now definitely plants nicer that other seed it just didn't like for some reason there shouldn't have been anything different with the coating I'm thinking it was Flats versus rounds just a different shape of seed because they weighed the same as well so they were both 50 pound units I don't know it's better now all right now we are going to plant this test plot so we have multiple different hybrids in here I believe there's 13 different hybrids we're going to plant them up alongside each other we're going to run a tester hybrid down the middle of the planter and then this fall we're going to put them all up against each other when we Harvest we'll give that information to our local County Corn and soybean Growers members and the money from the entrance will go towards scholarships for local high school kids so it's a cool program a good thing to do just take some time can be nice [Applause] to be nice wasn't here or not yeah we want these six right now right yeah and then we'll do the other six on the other end yep this seed now since I switched to all that 95 day it all plants way nicer isn't that funny yeah so it's definitely the scene it was going pretty close before yeah probably at least for the first couple till we see how much room we got yeah we got one side of the planter converted over once we get to the other end dad will meet me down there with the ranger then we'll finish converting the rest of it over Andy machines these Polaris Rangers 12 more that's it all right I'll see you in 1100 feet I won't forget sometimes I forget first I'm gonna go in here and change my variety go custom and let's see we're gonna do a somewhere in here it should say plot he gave me the thumbs up sounds like I got seed coming out hybrid's changed let's slow my speed down here a bit model steer make sure my population jumps up right away he's gonna put a flag in to Mark the center of hybrid number one and we've got population going [Music] and we got our hybrids changed on the map it's always kind of a weird like nervous process because you don't want to screw it up there's half of hybrid one down so now we'll start hybrid two on these six roads so we'll run our tester through the middle and six roads of each being tested hybrid on the side it works trust me Brandon is going to leave a couple of these outside those black ones yeah okay there's a lot of gas well I put gas in the dually [Music] okay the next six are switched over so now we just gotta fill on each end and dump the balls I could maybe clean this window after that rain the other day made the dust stick but I am a millennial and I don't like getting my hands dirty and that includes cleaning windows maybe I'm not oh you guys get the idea we just go back and forth like this until we have our 13 hybrids in and there we go hour and a half later we're going to be putting our final hybrid in here it takes a little bit of time as I think I've stated it's a beautiful evening though couldn't ask for it to be much nicer this is why I love corn planting after long depressing Winters here in the North 60 70 degrees in sunshine it's pretty awesome it's not real late but it is quarter after nine and we should barring any problems finish corn tomorrow so I think we're going to I know we're going to head home and call it a day dad's heading home I'm heading home good night planter and tractor ah the sweet comfort of a Polaris Ranger well dogs we didn't get nearly as much done today as I wanted but we did get the test plot done we knocked some acres in just for the fun of it I did a little bit of math on the way home and uh I put in about 10 million seeds of corn today that's that's not a terrible day although I've done over 20 million before according to that math it was a great day I won't complain I'm going to show you guys something I'm really excited about something that you can see on our second Channel between the rows for those who are interested there she is the 2023 ride right there all shined up and ready to go you better check out our second channel it's linked below unless unless you don't like this sort of thing then you don't have to and on top of this one here we got one going together for onyx Onyx is going to be running this thing this year over on the second channel so if you're interested in checking that out it's gonna be pretty fun [Music] and again if you're not interested go in thanks for watching today's video tune in for the next one where hopefully we will be finishing corn tomorrow and moving on to soybeans okay keep it between the rows
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 455,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kn1U39qGH7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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