Solved USB Not Detected NodeMCU ESP8266 - Drivers issue

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if you connect your node MCU to your computer and if you go to device manager and Under Universal serial bus controller you get an error message saying a known USB device detected this means that you don't have a USB driver installed for the node MCU and this is how you resolve it before we do anything let's look at what the error message looks like I'm going to open the device manager here on my Windows machine as you can see right now there's no error message on my Universal serial bus controller here so now if I were to connect my node MCU in the device manager will automatically refresh and then if you look at the universal serial bus controller you can see there's one error message here so the first thing you have to do is open a browser here and then search for something called ch340 drivers for Windows 11. so now once you get there go to click on this guy here and once the page loads the latest driver is located right at the top here if even other older version they are all at the bottom here so I'm going to select this and this is going to download a zip file there so if I look at my download folder here you have a zip file so I'm going to right click and extract all and this is going to create a directory with the same file name as a zip once that's done I'm going to open that folder here and then basically run the setup file this will install the USB driver into my computer here so I'm going to say install so once that's done I'm going to click OK and I'm going to close this guy and basically close my download folder here and close the browser here as well now the driver is installed you can see that you still have an error message I'm gonna disconnect my node MCU from my computer can't wait for you to refresh you can see there's no more error on my USB or Universal Siri bus I'm gonna connect the node MCU again one more time and let's close everything else and this time around you can see on my serial bus there's no error message and my USB serial ch340 com is actually actually being detected and you can use this com port to actually download using the Arduino IDE software the node MCU sometimes comes with a silicon's lab cp210 chip in it so you will have a different error message so if that particular USB driver does not work you're gonna go and download a separate different driver from Silicon Labs itself basically you're going to look for a driver called cp210x driver let's say for Windows 11 which is my computer here and go to Silicon Labs directly here and then after that go to downloads and basically download this Windows driver here this one cp210x Windows driver and then this will also download a zip file like this and then basically follow the same steps as what I did here right click extract all and all this stuff I'm not going to do that for mine because uh mine came with a different kind of chip which is ch340. if you like this tutorial please like And subscribe other than that you have a good day bye now
Channel: Rabi Gurung
Views: 11,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nodemcu, esp8266, Arduino, usb, usb driver, USB Not Detected NodeMCU ESP8266, Installing NodeMCU drivers on Windows, How to power NodeMCU with USB?, How do I install ESP8266 drivers?, How do I install NodeMCU on Windows 10?, How to install NodeMCU driver in Arduino?, NodeMCU not detected by computer, ESP8266 Troubleshooting Guide
Id: QJjebzzSEM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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