The $4 NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Jammer Setup! (iOS & Android)

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[Music] hi guys take James there in this video I'll be showing you guys how to change an esp8266 Wi-Fi development board into a deal slash Wi-Fi jammer so this was actually sent to me I care best so I'm just going to take down a packet now this is what it looks like it's just like a really small Wi-Fi board it's got a flash button and a reset button and it also has a micro USB port there so this was sent to me by it's actually a really useful thing you can use it of raspberry PI's and stuff like that this doesn't just work as a Wi-Fi jammer and that's just what I'll be doing this video there's many cool things that this works with as you can see it has all these pins on so you can connect it to stuff like a dueños or raspberry PI's basically you can use this for loads of stuff so I will put some information about this on the screen right now that this one I have right here is a 2.4 inch GUI fine development module that basically means if you're using this is like a Wi-Fi jam or something it will only be able to take down 2.4 gigahertz networks ok guys so if you have got one and you want to convert this into a D offer all you actually need is just a micro USB cable now you do actually need a pretty good quality one and this one right here it came with a phone I think it was my LG g4 I got it a few years ago I have some this one's pretty good quality I've tried this with lower quality USB cables and it just doesn't work so what you want to do just connect this to the USB port and then once that's connected all you want to do is just plug this into your PC now as soon as you plug it in each that led right here should go blue so just keep that in mind or flash blue once and then turn off and that's just so you know it's working alright guys so over on your PC just make sure you have a USB cable plugged in and then all you want to do is just go ahead and connect the ESP right now so when you connect it you should hit a Windows connection sound and it should also flash blue just for a second now why if nothing pops up just leave it connected and all you want to do is go to the links that I have in at the description so the first link and they're both github pages the first link is that node MCU flasher so you want to download this software so just go to the windows this is for Windows so you can either get 32-bit or 64-bit I'm going to click on these 64-bit release then just click on the Exe file and then just click on download next we need to choose the bin file that we want to flash so go to the second link in the description and all you want to do make sure you get the latest version so version 2.0 point 5 and I'm going to go for the 1 megabyte version ok so once you've downloaded those two files you can go to your downloads folder and now you can just double click the exe and that will just begin running now guys just before I show you the next part cuz I just had a problem with this you will actually need to get a driver for your Windows 10 PC and this is the CP - 10 X driver so if it isn't displaying or anything like that on your computer you can just get this driver so all you want to do just scroll down and just click the latest version it's only 2.3 megabytes so just click that and it will actually download a zip file so head over to your downloads folder you can find a zip file in there you don't need to extract it double click on it go into this folder double click on these 64 Exe then just click yes and now you can just click Next to install so I've already installed this I'm just gonna click cancel just in case it misses anything up but that is all you need and you can now actually just completely delete the zip file because you no longer need it so let's go ahead and open up the ESP a flash at all so just double click on that and it will open it exactly like this now this is what you want to happen you want it to be able to find a comport so it shouldn't be comport one it should be a random right number some people get free 5 some people even get 9 so just keep that in mind as long as it finds calm something you should be good so go into the Advanced tab and you just you want to change something here you want to change the flash flash speed to 80 the flash sighs you can just keep at four you can keep that at 4 as well and make sure this is selected on di Oh also go into config and you want to click the gear icon this is going to bring you out to your downloads folder and this is where you select your ESP AB in the file so just click open on that then go back to the operation and all you want to do is click flash so this is then just going to start flashing the bin file onto your board so this could take maybe a minute or so so just give it some time and wait for it to complete all right guys so once it has done you'll know because you have this small Tech in the left hand corner so we can now completely close out of this software and it has been flashed successfully so now what you would do is just plug it into your Android phone but I'm gonna show you guys how to do that anyway also guys just another quick thing you can actually test if it's working if you click on your Wi-Fi icon it should actually come up as pwned so does pwn Eady and that's just so you know it's actually working alright guys I'm back off my PC this is now flashed where they correct bin file so what we want to do from now is just plug it into our Android phone so I actually need to convert this so I'm gonna use an OTG converter and what I'd do is just plug it in like that and then plug this into my android phone right guys so right now it's connected to my phone my phone solve notified Moodle is plugged in it also flash blue so what you guys want to do is open up your system settings then what you want to do is just select Wi-Fi now what you should to do is just wait for it and it should come up as pwned see just let it just came up like that so what you want to do make sure you just disconnect from your original what network so just forget it quickly and then all you want to do is connect to the pwned network so as you can see I'm just going to connect automatically it's gonna say Internet is unavailable but it does actually have a password not a password is the author if you don't know how to spell that I'll put it on screen right now but that will be the default password so I'm just going to okay close up this you just want to open up some kind of internet browser I use Google Chrome I think that's personally the best one okay so it's gonna load up all you want to do guys you want to go to this exact IP address so type in then just tap go and you'll connect to it so you're gonna get this sort of warning screen it just lets you know it says don't refer to this project as a jammer click I've read and understood the notice above and you will continue to the settings so we've got four tabs I've actually got five tabs at the top we've got scan if we click on that that's just more run right now just tap scan access points now it should flush blue just for a second and then it's just gonna turn off like that then all you do is just tap reload and if you scroll down it will show all your access points right here so obviously my Wi-Fi is btw and it's also got my neighbor's Wi-Fi on here but I'm not mean and that is probably illegal so I'm not gonna do it all you would do is just tap Wi-Fi point to select that you just check the box like that and as you can see my Wi-Fi is now selected so now I can start doing stuff so if I go into SS IDs we can actually make some fake Wi-Fi networks in here which is actually really cool so we're just going to do that right now we're going to tap on SSID now we're going to type in a fate and a fake network name so I'm just going to type in something random like fake oops okay and then just tap go then you can just press the arrow like that and you can also enter a number so I'm just going to put 15 of them you can actually put in as many as you want and and now what we can do is just click Add so as you can see that we've now got all of these fake networks now it's pretty cool so we can actually run these now if you go into attacks this is where you can start doing stuff sort of fete neck network one is actually known as beacon so if you start that all of these fake networks are going to start running so I'll show you them running on my desktop PC because I think that'd be more interesting and and there is also an attack could be off now this is the main one if I use this one this is what jams my Wi-Fi so my wife I will start lagging a lot if I selected it on that one if you scroll down here you can read some more about them so as you can see I do if it just makes that lag and stuff beacon is where you send out all of the fake Wi-Fi networks and then probe confuses Wi-Fi truckers by asking for networks that is specified in the SSID list I won't be using this one as it even says it's unlike you'll see any impact and that's why I will be using it because I didn't see any impact but yeah I'm the top to deal and beacon are very cool so the Fate Wi-Fi networks should be running right now so let's just have a look on my desktop PC right guys so I'm on my desktop PC just to prove that this thing actually works so if I click on the Wi-Fi right here cube mine I'm running Windows 10 you see that all of these fake networks come up which I just made so there's 15 of them you're probably wondering what happens if I connect nothing it just says no internet connection all it is it's just a fake network and it's actually quite funny to troll people you know you could do this at your friend's house you know put tons of them you can even put two hundred if you wanted to so yeah it's pretty funny and I actually really like this feature so now are all of the attacks now if I just stop beacon all of those Wi-Fi networks are actually just going to stop and if I start the off and my Wi-Fi it should be sort of lagging right now and it'll probably disconnect if I tried to load up a web page or something like that it just wouldn't work at all so I'm not gonna let that run for too long so I'm just going to stop that right now as you can see there's only one target and that was my main router there's also an info settings if you click on that you can read more about what this has to offer and so obviously the developer and a huge thanks to everyone on here so go and fire them on Twitter I guess they're the people that designed this it's really cool and this is also designed by space hu H and hopefully I pronounced that correctly so obviously shout out to him as well so yeah guys that is pretty much over this video so thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure to LIKE and subscribe also guys once you finished with it all you have to do it's just disconnected like that you can all just connect back to your main Wi-Fi so so much watching and I will see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tech James
Views: 220,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wi-Fi Jammer, $3 wifi jammer, wifi deauther, NodeMCU, ESP8266, ESP-12 module, apple, android, windows 10, pwned, deauther, wifi jammer, how to, error, fix, tutorial, esp8266 projects, esp8266 wifi jammer, howto, tech, nodemcu, node mcu, wifi, jammer, wireless, arduino, ide, easy setup, 2018, BIN file, latest, com3, no errors, micro usb, gearbeat, esp8266 wifi deauther, lua, windows, 7 8 10
Id: 8wZFCINl440
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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