Solve 11 Riddles to Win All the Prizes at This Carnival

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Nancy and Mike were going to the carnival of riddles which was scheduled to be in their town during the weekend it was a very popular Carnival that was traveling the country and everybody was so excited so when they arrived they saw a very long line and it seemed like they had to wait for many hours to be able to get in but the ticket salesman left his booth and walked in front of the crowd he said that he was going to give a riddle to everyone since this was the carnival of riddles those who could answer correctly would be able to get inside earlier than others the riddle was this I am the beginning of Eternity I am the end of time and space I am the start of every end I am the end of every place what am I [Music] the answer is the letter e Nancy and Mike were so happy that they knew the answer and didn't have to wait to get in but even though they were able to move in front of the line they still had to pay for the tickets but they were so expensive the salesman offered them another riddle if they could answer it he would give them a 50 discount I have an X number of candy apples if I count them by threes the remainder is two if I count them by fives the remainder is three if I count them by sevens the remainder is two how many candy apples do I have Mike was kind of a genius so he knew the answer immediately do you [Music] the answer is 23. Nancy and Mike were glad to have been able to save some cash to buy snacks Nancy wanted to get something sweet for herself and her brother so they went to the candy booth they had three options to choose from they could either buy cotton candy candy cane or a candy apple which one should they pick a closer look at the cotton candy there's a teeny tiny spider stuck inside yikes and did you notice that little apple worm inside the candy apple that's never good so they should buy the candy cane before leaving the candy Booth Mike wanted to get a gumball too however when he inserted his coin into the gumball vending machine he realized that something was strange hey do you see it too [Music] look inside the machine carefully not everything in there is a gumball this and that are eggs how weird is that hey after eating their candy They Came Upon a tent with a sign that said enter if you want to see real magic they were intrigued so they decided to walk in there were three different magicians the first was holding cards in his hands then he made them disappear the second one also had cards but he was making them levitate and the third one put a pen through a card but the card was unharmed after only one of them was capable of real magic and the others were just doing tricks can you tell who foreign [Music] take a closer look at the first magician's sleeves you can see a corner of the card he didn't make them disappear he just hid them the second magician's cards are attached to a clear thread you can notice it from where the sunlight hits so the third one is the real deal Mike was a fan of all things scary so he convinced his sister to take the haunted house ride as their cart moved inside the dark tunnel they encountered three different monsters along the way a zombie a ghost and a mummy little did they know that one of them was a real monster can you tell which one take a look at the zombie its makeup is kind of melting which means that it must be an actor as for the mummy look at his ankle his skin slightly shows under all that mummy gauze so he must be a dressed up actor as well that makes the ghost the real monster so creepy Nancy didn't enjoy the haunted house ride she wanted her next ride to be something relaxing so she chose the carousel Mike decided to skip this one to explore the carnival more they agreed to meet later when Nancy arrived at the carousel she saw that all the horse seats were taken except three but only one of them looked safe to sit on which one is that [Music] the second Horse Mount is cracked it's not wise to pick that one and the third horse is slowly moving back and forth even though the carousel is not rotating yet its screws must be loose or something so she should choose the first one it's the cutest one anyway as Nancy was enjoying the carousel Mike decided to check out the Hall of Mirrors the information board said that only one person was allowed inside Mike entered and had so much fun enjoying all the funny reflections of himself on the weird mirrors but then suddenly he screamed with fear why is that foreign take a closer look at the mirror Reflections one of them doesn't belong to Mike so he is apparently not the only one inside even though the sign said he would be Mike was so scared of the unexpected reflection he ran out of the Hall of Mirrors immediately but as he did he tripped on a stone and twisted his ankle so he decided to visit the first aid tent to get some ice when he walked in he saw that the nurse was in panic and in no condition to help him out because there were three pregnant women sitting in front of her all claiming they were going to give birth now however Mike noticed that one of them was lying and faking her pregnancy can you tell who girl number three is clearly the liar take a look at the ultrasound picture in her hand it has the first girl's name on it she must have stolen it from her so she's only pretending to be pregnant [Music] once the real pregnant ladies left for the hospital Mike was able to get some ice for his ankle and went to meet his sister at that moment they heard an announcement coming from the stage ladies and gentlemen gather up to see the strongest man alive don't believe me I'm not lying here he comes see him with your own eyes Nancy and Mike wanted to see who this man was so they joined the crowd a muscular looking man entered the stage he said I will prove to you how strong I am by breaking this thing with my bare hands but first you have to guess what it is here is my riddle to you there was a greenhouse inside the greenhouse there was a white house inside the White House there was a red house inside the red house there were lots of little ones Nancy knew the answer so she yelled it out can you guess [Applause] it's a watermelon and the strong man was able to break it with his bare hands indeed so cool Nancy and Mike were tired so they decided to call it a day and go home but before that they wanted to get a souvenir from the carnival they picked a beautiful fridge magnet when they paid for it the gift shop salesman put three cups upside down on the table and placed their money under one of them he said he would give their money back and the magnet for free if they could guess which cup had their money after he performed his trick watch carefully [Music] Nancy knew where the money was immediately how about you [Music] it's here who thought it was under this one right watch it in slow motion again do you see the salesman putting the money under that one with a quick hand movement Nancy noticed that what a fun day that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, riddles, puzzles, creative thinking, critical thinking, improve your memory, analytical skills, brainteasers, logical puzzles, test your logic, riddles with answers, test your intelligence, observation skills, train your brain, creative thinking techniques, creative thinking activities, creativity, brightside riddles, survival riddles, riddle marathon, workout for your brain, more riddles, logical riddles, super hard riddles
Id: pZgpE0PIFJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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