Can YOU Solve These IMPOSSIBLE Riddles? (*99% FAIL* Who Would Win?!)

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more dangerous a bear or a cow that's one thing okay now we have to spot the hidden animal what [Music] what is up guys welcome to this episode i'm live yeah today we're seeing that we can solve these crazy riddles okay okay now guys we gotta choose who is more dangerous okay the puffer fish or no what is that a stingray ooh so both of these animals are under water i don't know which one is actually more dangerous i've never seen either of these in real life the puffer fish looks pretty scary though yeah it's like mrs puffs i get huge yeah okay now how could that be more dangerous what is this what is this some sort guys make sure you play along in the comments see if you can get these right i think these videos have the actual data and science on who would win right now the stingray i believe it can sting you is this who more dangerous like who oofs more like animals or like humans it's who oops more humans per year so we have to decide which one oops more people on average it's not gonna oof humans how do you get ooh by this guy well poverfish is one of those fishes that gets super big with spikes on it so maybe if someone picked it up and was like playing with it and then it like all of a sudden got huge it would just oof you ah yeah okay i think he's gotta be distinguished because it has the word we're so funny well i gotta go ahead you hate the voice steam what's funny no go ahead no what's funny i was saying i i saw a video of a puffer fish eating a carrot and it's real scary that's what you're thinking of yeah i'm trying to explain the logic here what if we can put a video on screen of a published eating carrot that will show you these guys are crazy that's how adam eats i know what video you're talking about that's how adam eats when he's sitting in his little booster chair i'm a lock-in puffer i'm a vlogging stingray it has the word sting in its name it's got a sting laser beam ray it's gonna oof a lot of people let's see all right let's go what six oops per year people guys somebody let's know the comments how is this fishy oof people all right next round okay okay you're being ridiculous now this game's ridiculous more dangerous a bear or a cow moon i would probably say a cow why because what if someone's deathly allergic to milk and they drink it and they that's not a cow's fault that doesn't count that doesn't count [Laughter] guys play along because we actually have a secret animal race video to show you at the end as well okay i could see maybe the cow could be dangerous if it like sits on a farmer that's funny to you like that's funny that's people ooping you laughing you think a cow is gonna sit on a farm and then you will because that looks very heavy a farmer is not dumb enough to let a cow sit on it you don't know old macdonald had a cow and it sat on him wow i'm gonna say cows dude are you you're trolling a bear could oof about 10 cows could a cow beat a bear in a battle no but that's not what we're doing we're not saying who will win we're saying who who's more humans right it's gotta be the bear dude a bear just going what time how would a cow even oop somebody i'm a locking cow just going to lock in bear let's see i can't lose more people by drowning on me guys know somebody lays in all the comments how is it even possible how does the cow even if somebody it just runs into him i guess so yeah or maybe it kicks it like with its behind legs or something a couch kick people yeah man are you kidding me okay now we got a chimpanzee or a deer okay now this one is tricky bro so both could be dangerous like if you steal a banana from a chimpanzee look he does not look happy but the deer has those antlers that it could probably just jam inside you how often do you think people steal from chimpanzees i mean i don't know probably a lot i would say the deer probably only because i would be friends with the chimpanzees really yeah why because i can speak to him really [Laughter] so guys if there's any chimpanzees watching they'll know what justin said yeah what did you just tell them i said i'm hungry job that's what i said okay well i'm gonna lock in chimpanzees i'm gonna say dear dude this thing has like thorns growing out of its head it's gotta oof more people that's true but that chimpanzee looks angry no it looks happy what do you mean that's how it looks when you get some all right let's see the answer let's go [Applause] 120 oops per year that's more than a bear and a cow and everything i could believe that though for sure yeah this looks very dangerous guys it was more dangerous that's one thing [Music] a big one or versus a cone snail now ice cream cone immediately guys you might be thinking well how would a snail if anyone is this big but i do know snails can be poisonous so i'm trying to just slid they're on your mouth and then the poison dna is already in you it's too late right and i don't think chickens can be poisonous right if someone you know what i would say what if someone allergic to eggs that's true that is very true that would take a long time how would a child could even oof somebody it's not even possible bro maybe if you're like driving and the chicken tries to cross the road and you have to swerve to the side and you and you oh why is it chilling across the road to earth people what yeah i would say the snail i and this this injury it says cone snail that's probably a specific type of very venomous snail yeah i'll go ahead and lock in the chicken okay i would say a snail wow 164 deaths per year from a chicken this isn't real this must be an accurate how does it oop 100 people a year how no this is totally real guys how guys listen comes how is that possible this literally has to be like somebody eats an eggy weggy and then he's allergic i think how it happens is maybe like the feathers from the chicken falls off and it goes inside of someone's throat and they choke on it or something or yeah the children sits on you just like the cat now all we're learning is farm animals are dangerous right okay now it's a little bit different we gotta decide who is the fastest who's the fastest in the jungle kingdom we got a what's this komodo dragon a dragon versus a sea turtle so guys we gotta see which one can move faster now i think komodo dragons are pretty quick i mean it has dragon it could fly obviously a dragon bro but the sea turtle on land it's probably pretty slow but in water i bet it's really good at swimming but i don't think so because rc turtles like 900 years old yeah they're not gonna swim super fast i stopped finding nemo and that guy was just chilling saying he would chill it yeah crush it's gotta be the komodo dragon it's gotta be the komodo dragon i think it's the turtle i think it's trying to like make me think oh turtles are slow they're not fast i bet they're actually really bad which one would you rather get chased by which one would catch you huh the sea turtle will probably snap at my toes i would not want that bad swim trunks and that'll be in the water [Laughter] okay what does that have to do with who's fastest oh i'm a locking turtle i'm gonna say komodo dragon bro it better be the dragon the turtle can swim at 21 miles an hour it probably can get that fast if it's swimming in a current like underwater well that's not fair all right here we go next round okay who's the fastest a tiger or a gazelle now right away i'm thinking it's gonna be the gazelle bro man this one's actually very hard because i think both of them are pretty quick gazelle i don't know what a gazelle is it looks like a deer like look at how fast actually these legs couldn't go that fast these la those are really skinny legs man yeah that's true but this guy looks like he's made to run man he looks like bambi i think it's the tiger oh because in the wilderness the tiger will probably catch the gazelle right yeah he's cute looking yeah that's true and the tiger probably eats a lot of frosted flakes tiger's cute looking two yeah they're great that's true i'm not loud at frosty places so much sugar i just hurry i get really fast if i eat them so maybe yeah maybe it's tiger i'll let you decide what you want to pick tony the tiger at the end that secret racing video that we're going to show you guys later that might actually settle which one's faster but we'll watch that in a bit i think it's the gazelle bro all right i'll lock in tiger i think it's the gazelle all right let's go let's go wow 43 miles an hour that's a really close race 40 miles per hour that's real fast guys that's ridiculously fast wow and who's the fastest we got foxy we got a little fox or we got a hippopota you gotta be the fox what do you mean a hippo walks so slow i think the hippo is actually pretty fast because hippos can swim right and i think hippos are really good at swimming hmm this one's real tricky um it's gotta be the fox man it's not even close man guys play along i i really don't know what the answer is that's what a hippopotamus looks like yeah we saw these at the zoo i only seen the one on um backyard again oh we saw this at the zoo yeah remember no i was too busy hanging out with the penguins oh right right right right right that's all i do is do i do that for about three hours i'll say the hippo gotta be the fox let's go wow that makes sense okay now we got a cheetah or a falcon now this might be very tricky i'm thinking everybody knows cheetahs are fast that's like what they're known for falcon can fly right and this is like the falcon flying speed versus the cheetah running speed yeah because the falcon can't run but that's chester cheetah wow chester china looks so cool yeah what if but did the cheetah eat cheetos before the race yeah that might be that's important to remember if it ate flamin hot cheetos you'd be going room everywhere let's say neither of the animals ate anything before the race this guy would eat cheetos and this guy would eat fruit loops oh yeah because of two kids sam yeah i i'm a lock in the falcon i think the falcon might be faster because he could fly you want to take that guess no i'll say chester the cheetah i believe in cheetos okay here we go [Music] it was the falcon wow that was a close race though okay now we have to spot the hidden animal what what are we looking at some leaves yeah these are just a bunch of leaves what there's no animal here wait a minute is that actually an animal where okay guys i'll trace it with the mouse i think this is the head of the animal what this is the body these are the legs do you guys see that and this is like the tail kind of animals that i think it probably evolved to look like this so that way like birds and stuff don't even see it it just looks like a leaf that's real cool why don't you make like a tree and leak [Laughter] okay like a tree and leaf you're saying this animal was that chameleon i think this is like a type of chameleon yeah let's see if you're right adam no way wow that's crazy it was a chameleon okay we gotta spot another hidden animal now this was tricky oh i see a little bug right here that might also just be like a rock it's a snail i think it's like a big animal what we're looking at a tree i'm gonna be a big animal you see a squirrel guys let us know in the comments if you see this i'm looking really hard i don't see anything yeah guys look super close do you guys see anything i think i might see something i think you might be cheating somehow guys i'm not going to say where it is but i think i might see an owl like a bird yeah do you see the owl i'm looking alright i see a snail okay that's an animal i see a stick bug right here all right that's a stick button anything else i'm looking i see it where i actually see the owl no look you got two little eyes at a beak i i think that's just some bark guys if you look close i think the owl is right here so look this is what the ears the these are the eyes and this is the body do you see where the eyes what do you mean right here this is one of the eyes and this is the other eye oh it's eyes are closed yeah no that's the owl look there's the eye and the beak obviously see who's right are you ready to be amazed i am yeah with the owl right here clearly right here no way okay now what animal is this guys let us know if you can get these at home what kind of dog are we looking at so it's either a crocodile or an alligator i don't even know the difference between the two crocodile or alligator this is a golden retriever that is not a golden retriever what kind of dog is this and why does it look like that this isn't a dog justin this is a gator what yeah gatorade something like that yeah montgomery gator i was just thinking that yeah but okay i actually i know there is a difference between a crocodile and an alligator i just don't know what it is is there a difference i think so guys let us know if you know the difference is they're two different animals yeah huh and this is one of them yeah i'm gonna say it's an alligator it's a crocodile okay crocodile let's see what the answer is okay now montgomery gator is an alligator because his gator so yeah okay that's why adam picked alligator probably it wasn't alligator oh cool what's the difference uh i don't know guys let us know in the comments if you know a difference well i thought these were one animal bro yeah maybe the crocodile is like the brother and the alligators disaster i don't know yeah okay now it's either a rabbit or a hair a rabbit or a hair i just got hair i no like a hair is a type of animal these are all new animals i never saw in the picture books right i'm gonna say this is i'm gonna say it's a hair yeah because i think rabbits rabbits kind of look like mr hops that doesn't look like mr hobson that's one thick rabbit though yeah he's eating a lot of carrots dude is that a rabbit or a hair which what kind is vani a rabbit or a hair a rabbit hey i'm saying rabbit right easy let's go oh you got it what's that so basically rabbits just be super thick i don't know the difference let us know also in the comments okay what kind of cat is this uh okay it's either a leopard or a jaguar are these like types of cats these are kind of they're like wild cats so that's a cheetah so it's not either i don't have any ideas that's a cheetah what the difference is between a leopard it's a trick question dude that's a cheetah i don't think that's a cheetah what do you mean she does look different we just saw a cheetah yeah there are this many animals on the planet yeah i thought there was cats dogs and children and cows that's about it yeah there's more than that though this is like a big cat i'll say jaguar i think it's a leopard all right let's see i'm just guessing i had no idea if i get it right though i knew all along if i got it wrong i'm getting hacked jaguar leopard oh what wow i got it right what's the difference bro and there's a cheetah somewhere wow and tigers they're all different and lions okay now these are just getting ridiculous a turtle or tortoise those are the same thing bro i think the difference between them is the tortoise is a lot bigger so i think this is a tortoise i think it's a turtle because turtles are all cute and they just love eating like grapes do you know if you rearrange the letters in tortoise it spells two rides [Laughter] wow your brain just works in crazy ways all right let's see what the answer is it says toot rise so that's interesting a turtle has flippers oh wow guys we don't know if any of these videos are scientifically accurate we're sorry if they're not oh now we guys eat the fry barama is that llama or what's this al alpaca alpaca what is this bro what are these animals i know a llama that looks like a llama it looks like we go to petting zoo adam uh he loves the lava yeah cause look at their necks it makes me feel like i'm not the only one with a super long neck anymore i don't think that is that a llama maybe it's an alpaca llamas have like um sometimes they have like the funny haircuts you know what i mean yeah so which one you want to lock in let's say this one's in alpaca i'll say it's a llama okay and it likes the llamas because it reminds me of mom and i don't like drama oh wait no alpacas have the funny haircuts are you kidding once again we have a funny looking dog needs to get a haircut we got either a hedgehog or a porcupine i think i actually know this one i think i actually know this one all right let everyone know what it is the hedgehog is like right they run really fast guy i don't know if he could run really fast a hedgehog i know people have hedgehogs as pets they're like really small i've seen videos on the internet i think it's a porcupine i think i'm gonna go with hedgehog you think that's sonic yeah i'll go with hedgehog manila porcupine can i get it yeah wow okay now guys this is the secret race video who will win a kitty cat or a life okay guys choose your teams right now i'm gonna go team kitty cat i'm gonna go team lion you think a cat could be lying in a race let's find out let us know in the comments which team you are right now three two one let's go we're off to the races dude oh man all right nice okay okay we got the lion taking the outside track if we lose it's because we had to run further because we're on the outside of the track oh come on kitty cat okay but if we win it was totally fair and we did it okay lion's catching up the lion is pretty dead yeah yeah we're looking pretty good oh lion's coming in the leaf let's go wow let's go what a photo finish let's go all right guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe go check out and get lanky box murray that was such a close finish we need an instant replay to see that yeah that was pretty lit huh yeah what do you want to do now we saw a bunch of awesome animals where'd you eat some animal crackers [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 3,516,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox react, lankybox reacts, lankybox reaction, lankybox reactions, react, reacts, reaction, reactions, art videos, art, animals, cheetahs, tigers, bugs, owls, guessing games, riddles, puzzles, brain games, games, riddle solving, puzzle solving, fish, sea life facts, animal facts, wild animals, lankybox animal reactions, lankybox animal riddles
Id: pt-FycbwrFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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