Can You Solve These INSANE RIDDLES!? (GAME)

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how am i supposed to know this is probably one of the hardest riddles that we've ever had on lanky box this is really tricky [Music] wow there's actually smoke coming from justin's break my brain's overheated [Music] what is up guys welcome to this episode i'm lucky bye today we are seeing if justin can solve these five crazy riddles okay stolen cookies oh i better be able to solve this one day john a father of four went for a walk in the evening but he wasn't out to get some fresh air he was planning to snack on some peanut butter he couldn't do it at home since his wife has a really bad peanut allergy and his kids were grounded and not supposed to eat sweets for a week okay so it's already flying by guys make sure you play along at home see if you can beat me get more riddles now this guy he wants to eat some peanut butter cookies but he can't do it at home because his wife has allergy and his kids were grounded and they're not supposed to have cookies okay i'm following when john opened the bag it was empty what oh he had no cookies he invited out all the kids to the living room and asked who to eat the cookies all right so which of these kids do you think ate them he's gonna interrogate his own kids right christopher he'd be playing with his toy train unlikely story you think it's christopher mr tank roberto had been helping his mom bake a pie in the kitchen okay robert all right robert that sounds believable lisa had been helping mom to make peanut butter fudge was it yeah alicia might be i don't know david has been upstairs doing his homework yeah right david they be looking little sus little goody goody two shoes i was doing homework oh really right really what's the quadratic equation now guys we are going to try to go through five different riddles they're gonna get harder and harder we're gonna see how many justin can actually be okay it says good old dad instantly knew who the cookie thief was so we gotta figure out which one of them ate the cookies right bro now this is a tricky one man let me start left to right david have been upstairs doing his homework now i noticed right away david is the tallest kid ah maybe he got that way by eating so many cookies what i'm saying that's why i'm taller than that because i be eating i eat more calories this is real height usually when we film i'm squatting right like i'm squatting yeah no you need me right this is me sitting upright yeah he wouldn't even be on the camera guys this is me sitting yeah yeah he's all really tall that's cause i eat more guys if you eat more you grow big all right yeah so i'm thinking it might be david maybe now christopher i've been playing with his toy train choo-choo uh really christopher that's it i don't know i don't know about that man something about toy train sound a little bit sucks but okay unless like lisa have been helping mom make peanut butter fudge now i knew right away i think it's lisa or robert okay lisa or robert listen guys listen we got two clues earlier one was that the mommy was allergic to peanut butter right yeah the guy at the start the dad had to go outside and eat the peanut butter cookies because he couldn't eat them around his wife because she can't she can't beat she can't have it right can't have the peanuts okay so why would they be making peanut butter fudge oh you think she's lying oh why are you lying yeah that's a that makes sense somebody call her simba cause she's lying think about this they're making peanut butter why who's gonna eat it but the second clue we got was none of the kids are allowed to have sweets right so robert you helping your mom bake a pie that's awesome so hey we already know one of them's lying because she can't bake a pie and peanut butter food at the same time that's true she can't do two things at the same time so one of them's lying but they're both lying because they can't have sweets so how you gonna bake a pie who's gonna eat it yeah pies are normally sweet it might have been a salty pie yeah or maybe robert like got called like a cutie pie by his mom or something but i don't know guys see if you can solve this riddle think it's lisa alright you want to lock in lisa lisa because mom's not allowed to have peanuts all right let's lock it in let's go they say lisa lisa i know it was you lisa i know it was you here we go now guys justin has five total riddles if he's able to solve the majority of them he's gonna get a prize at the end so let's see what the answer is hi bro come on please please tell me it's lisa let's go lisa ate the cookies john's wife is extremely allergic to peanut butter oh wow so justin got the first one right let's check out the next riddle right now okay now alex and jason could call the police why what happened uh oh hello emergency hey why did they call the police their daughter ran away from home uh oh never run away from home ever guys dangerous don't just super damn don't do it just talk out your problems when a police officer came to their house they found a short farewell letter she wrote a letter and then ran wow this is getting spooky left on the table okay maybe the letter has a clue in it good thinking in this letter she said okay can't read that a little bit blurry that's it what in the letter she said that she was leaving her house oh okay oh okay she was leaving her why didn't they unblur it and never coming back hmm alex and jessica confirmed that it was their daughter's writing okay so the daughter did write the letter the text looked weird yeah that's what i'm saying bro it look is looking weird had enough leaving parents my eyes right looking eagerly at sudden escape had enough leaving parents what is going on the parents said the girl was good at writing yeah apparently not she fooled you and couldn't make such mistakes guys there's something weird about this note had enough leaving parents that kind of makes sense my eyes pray looking eagerly at sudden escape that doesn't make any sense bro right so these yeah the sentence doesn't really make much sense so they're wondering why it's so messed up the officer read the note and realized that the girl the girl was kidding yeah she was taken by bad people why wait how did he realize that bro hey yo chill stop how did he know okay so i gotta figure i got a d code d psy okay now as we said the riddles are gonna get harder and harder this one's pretty tricky now justin can you solve this riddle so here's the note that the daughter left yeah i could get it because i'm i'm a real detective think you got it yeah now had enough leaving parents i mean that makes sense she left do you think that first part has no clues or anything in it probably not okay so maybe the second sentence has some stuff to look at my eyes pray looking eagerly at certain escape maybe if you read it backwards cuz like the bad people wouldn't be able to tell if she left a code in there if you it was like a backwards thing so i i gotta read it in reverse and in fox you gotta rewind the footage you can try and you relax [Applause] okay let's reverse that footage and see if we hear anything actually it didn't work come on okay hold on this is so confusing dude because she wrote this as a runaway note but she actually got taken right maybe the the letters are jumbled that's what i was thinking so i had enough pairs that makes sense that means she just left my eyes my yes yes if you just get rid of the e says yes okay ma my yes rey my yes ray she got a yes red wow so now she got yes right that's why she got taken she eventually can make anyone say yes by using a rave i have one of those guys so i have one of those classified well let me talk about it i have a yes ray and i point at adam's mommy and if i want something i point at her i said give me a nintendo swag yeah i blasted with the yes right and then she said yes guys i'm getting a nintendo switch so you'll see i'm getting it she said she just needed to go to the arts and craft store to go pick it up for me what i don't know she got some construction paper and she said she would get it for me but i'm excited it's on this way so she had my yes ray looking red that's what i think the note was so she said her yes rey which is very valuable super rare her she had a yes ray if you cross out the e her yes rey was looking good and that's why she got taken you want to lock in that answer yes i do yes all right let's see what the answer actually is all right how did he know man easy dude this is easy now guys justin is a genius let's see if he was able to solve this one i get a huge brain it's not even funny it's not even close man will he get the prize at the end of the video and enough leaving parents read the first letter of each word h-e-l-p help m-e-p what's map i think it says help me help me please so if you take the first letter of each word it spells out help me please go forward a little bit it'll show you dude i was actually close wow i was actually close adam because i was talking about getting rid of the first letter wow so i was just thinking in reverse yeah exactly so i got all right no okay oh okay he's a bad guy at a mass this guy is at atm he's getting some money all right next riddle the son of a millionaire he got knocked out wow wait so that guy was the son of a millionaire yeah he go to the hospital okay good oh no oh no this is terrible is he moved your son was attacked could you come to the hospital so the police is calling the sons dave oh maybe or multiple people or his parents yeah no cause this guy's a millionaire remember yeah i haven't spoken to my children for seven years so this is the guy's dad apparently this is the millionaire yeah right right right you talked to him for seven years that's a long time your brother was attacked oh so he's calling multiple of the guy's family members oh could you come to the hospital okay this the guy's brother we haven't spoken for seven years wow what happened seven years ago guys oh he's gonna call one more person he's mommy your brother's in the hospital he got another brother oh you got a sister we haven't spoken for several years but i will come okay so she's gonna help that's messed up no one wants to help him she brought flowers to say get well okay okay okay so all three of the family members showed up at the hospital with gifts for the person that got attacked okay did you spot the clue what clue okay so one of these people attacked the brother what okay let's see one of these people was behind the attack how am i how am i supposed to know this is a really really hard riddle guys so you probably don't already know the answer you and justin are going to try to solve this together i mean immediately based on my high intellect memory because i have a lot of memory the guy who attacked him was it looked like this guy right it wasn't his daddy his dad he didn't bonk him over hey it's not her it was a guy i don't know it could be any of them how do you remember the guy in the mask it was a guy obviously the dude attacking is it that's not his deity and it's not his sister maybe the dad shaved his beard what he do you think he'd growl his beard i don't know i don't think it has to do with the look of the attacker because maybe the attacker hired that person to attack them okay that's a good point aidan that's a good point now do i spot the clue i mean i think it's this guy now i noticed something a little weird okay so the cards on the gifts yeah it says get well it says get well samuel says get well samuel what is the clue if they haven't talked for seven years what does that mean man hmm maybe there's something there like i've been i was in a test tube for seven years that's true so now i noticed today look at his stance bro it looks like he'd be holding a baseball bat right he does look kind of angry anybody go swing but i also see a small other clue what look at this guy's hand why is it like bruised you see that see it's like a different color i see that a little bit yeah when he had the baseball bat and he bumped him it like hit his hand hmm let's let's go through the three people again and really like watch what they say this is really difficult guys i actually don't know okay let's watch this part one more time guys i gotta pick up on the clue come on detective foxy help me out she says i'm helping all right so he's in the hospital all right all right he's passed out bro your son was attacked can you come to the hospital okay this is the day all right the day i haven't spoken to any of my children for seven years okay why why why would you not talk to them for seven years okay and they hung up now he's calling the brother your brother was attacked could you come to the hospital what is he saying we haven't spoken to each other for seven years are you trying to mess with me this is not helping bro your mother's in the hospital could you come this is sister it's a disaster we have spoken to each other for several years but i will come hey there's no clues you're trying to mess with me so guys this is probably one of the hardest riddles that we've ever had on lanky box this is really tricky i think you try to mess with me dude why would you do that do you want a little hell did you do that do you want a little hint no all right all right all right i'll figure this out if you have a detective no hints for justin guys i don't know but i must say what does the millionaire have to do with it also the son of a millionaire that's the day he's a millionaire it's either the deity or it's him it's not her it's not her it's not her it's not her it's not her all right it's not her because either the deity is the millionaire and he spent money to oof his own son why would he do that or is this guy because his hand is looking sus and he would be the one who attacked him well why do you think that the cards on the president say get well samuel get will samuel and then get well i don't know they just wrote different cards you think it's her because she didn't say samuel i didn't say that but maybe there's some uh clues in the card you're messing with me you want to give up i'm not giving up it's either the deity or i think it's this guy i'm unlocking this guy i don't know guys let us know at home in the comments what your guess is i have no idea i think it's this guy it's gotta be man look his hand is all bruised up i'm locking him all right justin's locking in the middle guy lock it in did i spot the clue yes i did it's the hand look the hand is is weird man it's a different color now this is probably one of the most high iq riddles of all time his hand is red i think that came from bonkin his own brother over the head like i'm about to do bonk all right let's see he wasn't told which son was in the hospital what wow so he wrote on the card get well samuel but he was never told that samuel was in the hospital but like the other kids like they knew they only had one brother so when they were like hey your brother's in the hospital they knew it was samuel same with the daughter but the dad didn't talk to any of his kids and so when they said hey your son's in the hospital they never said which one dude that is the highest iq puzzle we've ever looked at on lanky box that makes no sense bro wow there's actually smoke coming from justin's break my brain's overheated okay now this one it says it started pouring so it's raining a bus went into a tunnel okay okay a bus the wheels on the bus okay it was crazy dark in there oh yeah you're in a tunnel so there's no light wow probably can't see it's kind of scary somebody stole my wallet oh i had some serious cash in there okay there were only three other people on the bus okay so one of these three people stole it hmm okay this is getting suss bro the girl said she was listening to music she didn't hear anything happen okay that's fair the old lady said she was napping grandma style okay the guy said he was watching the road it was so slippery out there i used my remarkable powers of deduction and find out who stole my wallet who was it okay once again i'm stumped what okay so there's a bus driving through a tunnel it's super super dark when it was like the pitch black no one could see anything he got his wallet stolen and one of these people did it now who was it you think it's the grandma i don't think i mean just based on logic i don't think it's the granny why would granny take your money right whose story doesn't quite make sense when they were driving through the tunnel i don't know i don't know this guy looking sucks doesn't look like he's hiding something man in his pocket a little bit i don't know let me see the stories again man okay she said she was listening to music that's okay that makes sense people listen music on the bus old lady says she was napping that also makes perfect sense alright she's sleeping the guy said he was watching the road it was so slippery out there well wait a minute wait a minute they were in a tunnel right so why would you nap in a tunnel what's so funny what's so fun nothing that's dangerous so you think it's the granny so you think it's the grainy because she was napping in a tunnel everybody not because it's incredibly dark in a tunnel and no one can see anything it's him he lied he said he was watching the road but it was pitch black he couldn't see anything ah there we go let's see what the answer is wow so yeah as you remember it got super dark in the tunnel i'm celebrating before i even know the answer i know i got this one right yeah let's go the girl the old lady the story check out let's go the guy said hey i'm watching the road but they were in a pitch black tunnel there's nothing to see [Music] let's go okay now here is the final riddle now this is just a word riddle what is the last thing you take off before bed this doesn't have an answer as a trick question it's different for everybody now guys this riddle is very tricky because you might think oh maybe it's socks or like okay no it's good for everybody i take off the shoes or sketchers do i have cool sketches so you can't do that for that adam answer will be his diaper [Music] any other guesses because that's not the answer there is an answer to this riddle guys and it's really tricky the answer is not dicey no bro the last thing you take up before babe i don't it's there for everybody my glasses is what the last thing you take off before bait what do you take off before bed your clothes [Music] what why is that funny people put out pajamas yeah uh okay it's not that what it's gonna be something dumb like light you take off the light you turn off the lights it's not light it's something to do with don't give me a hint all right guys let us know in the comments if you could beat me and get this one hold up you were close with skechers all right no more hints what is the last thing you take off before base i'm unlocking pyjamas or adam oh you want to see what the answer is no wait i'm trying to think about this guys let me know in the comments really quick i can read the comments and maybe figure this out what is the last thing you take off before bed maybe as ghosty and foxy ghosty baby foxy do you know what do you think baby foxy take a bite off a donut hold on dude well it's different for everybody doesn't make no sense what's the last thing you take off before bed yeah skechers i take off my sketchers i would go bad the last thing you take off before bed all right what do you think the answer is hold on let's lastly take off before bed guys i'm actually trying to figure this one out my brain hurts man last thing you take off your bed what about you ghosty guys yes thank you [Applause] hold on what last thing you take off before babe takes a hug off his mom no not a hug from your mom the last thing you take off before bed take off the covers or something the last thing you take off before bed before you get into bed what's the last thing you take off it's different for everybody you're not listening okay let's say you're standing by your bed yeah you're about to go to sleep yeah then you get in your bed what's the last thing you took off before you got into bed breathing i just walked into the bed like i said for you being diaper all right guys i think we gotta reveal what the answer is i give up what's the answer the answer is the last thing you take off before bed is your feet off the floor that's not even true yeah it's a thing about it it's a riddle like you're standing on the floor the last thing you take off is your feet from the floor i thought you're true that's how i get mad how do you get in bed i flop like a fish you want to show us okay pretend this is justin's bed right here so this is the ground i just i'll be on the ground and then oh i just jumped wow that's it with your feet you take off your feet what does that even would that even mean guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe go check out now i won i won i won that's not fair justin's prize was gonna be this hershey bar but because he could not get the answer correct that means that i get to eat oh yeah yep oh yeah yup yup yup i'm gonna take off these candy bar fuel [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 2,519,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox riddle, riddle, riddles, riddle video, story riddle, riddle story, impossible riddle, impossible riddles, detective riddles, detective riddle, hard riddle, hard riddles, easy riddle, easy riddles, fun riddle, fun riddles, funny riddle, funny riddles, weird riddle, weird riddles, riddle stories, quick riddle, quick riddles, lankybox riddles, lankybox riddle show, lankybox riddles game, lankybox riddle game, lankybox reacts
Id: Ej5aCq4liOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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