Solo Tarp Camping in Heavy Rain & Hail 🌧️ at a Beautiful Forest Lake in the Mountains

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foreign s I'm here on this beautiful autumnal rainy day in this gorgeous Forest on the side of a mountain I'm heading up to a lake and we're going to have ourselves a lovely top Camp let's go [Music] [Applause] I think I'm gonna get much sleep tonight I am at the lake absolutely gorgeous I've not seen anyone since I got here actually and I'm hoping with it being Friday afternoon and rain forecast for the entire weekend that they'll be known about the I'm just coming down let's have a look around and see if there's somewhere to pitch I still do I reckon close enough to the lake [Music] let's make it home ah I love that I wonder if we'll get some heavy rain tonight I hope so because it is forecast and I would love to be under here 's some heavy rain it'd be gorgeous right let's go get some water maybe have a little dip and we'll get settled down for the night [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] look how beautiful this is in the rain [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Let's Get Cozy now [Music] foreign 's coming down I've got my bed set up I'm gonna cook some food in a minute I absolutely love being under a top in the rain it's been too long it's been ages actually quite mild for the time of year tonight it's about 13 degrees so I don't have to worry too much about getting cold but I have got my winter stuff with me today because I wasn't sure what it's going to be like and how windy it'd be it's actually it's a little breeze but not too bad under here all right let's get some food on wow really coming down now yummy chili rain is beautiful bathroom just keep collecting a bit on the top hoping I'm not going to put it down in a night with me [Applause] sometimes people ask me what I do with myself on these long dark nights in the colder months sometimes I do take nice guy pictures if the stars are out sometimes I like to have a little look around for a head torch and see if I can see eyes peering out the bushes for the most part I'll do absolutely nothing and that is such a tree when you're running around in your normal life like a headless chicken all the time nothing and just be and just exist and have no alarm and just sleep and rest it's really quite indulgent actually to do nothing hello I might actually stick my waterproofs on and go take some rainy dark pictures of the lake see if any come out and then I'll get back to doing nothing [Music] it's beautiful over here but I even got a few stars for a few seconds such a pretty night [Music] I'm not alone either saw lights on the other side of the leg all right back to me tarp kind of dark hi guys happy bedtime drink [Music] see you guys in the morning bye [Music] foreign yeah I don't think I'm gonna get matched today tonight it's gone five in the morning and it's been very broken so far these bags taking a bit of a soak in the rain started coming in and hail like diagonally which just shows the importance of a baby bag because I'm nice and dry and warmth up without one that would be disastrous [Applause] come on in what a crazy night I've not had much sleep sort of 20 minutes here and there I feel like I actually I didn't film it but that back corner came out I started whipping around decided to put that back in and I put three pegs in it to hold it down because the ground's not very solid down there and it was fine after that but all night after that I was just worrying that so it was going to come less it was just totally mad but thankfully everything's in dry bags that needs to be kept dry um I stayed lovely and cozy in my booby bag I read a baby bags are just amazing they are literal Lifesavers because being in that last night without a booby bag my sleeping bag would have got sewed through so yeah it's all good it's quite exciting I'm a bit jaded but um yeah it's a beautiful morning actually it's really nice the sun's out look at that I mean it's like that crazy night just never happened so I guess that's the end the end of another amazing little trip had a bit of everything and I think it's nice now and again to take whatever Mother Nature can throw at you and let her remind you who the boss once in a while so yeah I love this thanks for watching guys see you again next time bye [Music]
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 820,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wild Camping, Rain, Tarp Camping, Bad Weather, Heavy Rain Camping, Solo Camping
Id: 74wl-wwx6vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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