Solo Skiff VS Kayak Fishing

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yo what's up guys welcome back to another awesome episode so today I am in the chocolate Bay Area fishing a marsh that's right off chocolate Bay uh we going to do is Target some red fish using a variety lures bugs and a paddle toe I haven't caught a fish on a paddle toe in a while but I have a feeling they're going to hit the bugs day cuz I see some little crabs floating up on the water and some shrimp here and there so I think a hote head will work really really well try to maybe get a limit of Reds I don't know that's been a long time but I just probably jinxed myself but it's good to be out here man and also I'm going to see if I can Target some flounder and so I am going to observe carefully because he's telling me I need to buy a solo ski if you guys agree go ahead and comment below oh those are nice setups oh thanks man I appreciate it oh his sucks he's jealous that's why he says that oh first start first pull look at that man that's pretty cool go all right let's get to our spot man I'm pretty sure you're going to beat me man y think you're too heavy for it man it's like no it always has water on the B like that always has water in the B like that back like that on the stern yeah uh-oh the motor's dead uh-oh you need to borrow my uh pedal drive you should have bought a boat instead I know I should got new motor dude sorry I had this motor for a while so push it just push it straight down all right all right you better hurry up that big ass barge over there is coming right at you oh man man I thought you lifted weights man you you have no no no torque in your pool here what is this here okay now go man you got much yeah dude it's going to flood my motor dude push keep pushing your choke in and out in and out yes you're welcome bro leave it leave it leave it you got to let that gas circulate bro all don't matter got to let that gas circulate man who needs who needs enemies when you have friends like Marcus I like your suppressor rods all right ladies and gents as I stated before we're at chocolate Bay we're going to see if we can hit up some fish today actually never ever fished this area chocolate Bay so uh kind of looking forward to it don't really know what to expect we're just going to do the same stuff that we've been always doing fishing the shoreline all that good stuff so uh let's do this well I'm glad Marcus figured out his engine PRS and there he goes you see all these little baits popping looks like it's uh hard sand bottom so it's probably it's probably red fish lurking around here just looking for that red fish man the red fish is a target species today folks well you know I would never say not a flounder though going to throw it in these grass see if anyone's just chilling in the grass you need make some uh uh trim adjustments on your uh your motor it's it's it's off it looks stable I'm glad you're happy man you happy with your purchase that's all that matters I'm just fishing the the grass line here see if I can get something to bite it's real shallow like one 2 ft so I imagine right up there it's like one foot yeah go for it fish I I have a strong feeling there's a lot of fish on these grass lines got bait too so they're here just seeing what they want to [Music] eat oh that's a is that GAR or red what that is right there saw something pass look like a car that had to be an alligator gar a smaller one saw him pass right by me there we go that's a fish feels like a flounder he's got some pull on him it might be a red might be a red whatever it is still first fish I'll take him yeah he's not no flounder that's a red fish either red fish or gar and that ultral light love the ultral light fight he he's got some bottom into him folks whatever it is come on buddy just don't be a gar okay be anything else but a gar yeah that's a nice red oh yes a slot red heck yeah boy first red today on the flats bug always coming through man you know that might have been a red that I saw not a gar that was a guy right there that just hit it sweet that right there is a nice slot strawberry golden red right first thing in the morning Conor right here on this grass line at 20 and2 inch beautiful red come on buddy there you [Music] go there is a red right in this little Cove right there oh wow it's I think he's going to be a uh a slot oh man he's pulling hard I caught him right here in this little Cove right here just throwing a paddle tail and uh I didn't really feel him hit it he just kind of snuck over and just put in his mouth and started heading out and and rest is history oh wow nice red nice red come on buddy come on in here good red fish good red fish he's not a super giant but he is going to be slot nonetheless oh come on here here buddy yes gotcha beautiful red fish that's a good red fish right here he's probably about what 22 maybe beautiful red hard fighter all right let's take some pictures let you go yeah check that out guys 21 and 3/4 and you barely had the freaking swim hook in your mouth let's let you go here you go my friend woo all right that's slot red number two today uh lower in slots but still slots nonetheless and uh we're going to keep on fishing um having a good time new Marsh new area in the chocolate Bay Area and uh yeah let's see if we can catch some more there we go that's a fish that's a nice dump dang he hit that hard nice round on a shoreline on this Apex right there and there he goes come on bro dude he's fighting pretty hard man he's not giving up homeboy is not giving up we got you we got you give it up brother yes sir he is a slide red nose on the board pinch tail 20 and 1/2 in inch just like the other one my F's 21 iner right here or 20 and A2 I can't remember but he's he's a lower in slot but that's three for today that's a limit it's a it's been a long time since I got a limit of red fish and I got them on the paddle tail I've been throwing bugs all day and honestly I didn't they didn't want the bugs it's weird it's it's one of those days and check out that tail man bloody but beautiful we're going to let this guy go and see if we can catch maybe a couple more maybe a double and I just probably jinx myself there stupid [Music] Nick woo what a day man I decided to end it early man got a limit of Reds and you know um the wind started howling really hard and I decided you know let's just call it quits early and because another thing is I had a weird weird craving a craving for Asian and Mexican Fusion beef tacos all right guys before you get your panties all in the water and say that's all disgusting and all let me show you exactly the ingredients that you need to fix this because I think a lot of you guys would really appreciate this Fusion Taco all right ladies and gents we are at Hmart as I promise you my wife simple dish right here is going to make a Korean Mexican barbecue beef barbecue Fusion Taco I know that's a lot to put in your mouth but is absolutely delicious so we're going to pick up a few things at the grocery store here and uh we're going to get home and cook it what do you think [Music] honey all right gentlemen you just saw my wife cook that Korean Mexican Fusion Taco one more time check that out guys does that not look freaking delicious I'm telling you what this is one of the I don't know man this whoever invented this is a freaking genius man with the IQ of 5,000 but we're about to devour it guys if you want to see the tasting the eating and the full how to make this taco right here make sure you hook up my wife's uh YouTube channel simple dish the link is in the description below as well as in comment section right honey you want say anything M no okay she's busy eating but we're going to tell you exactly how it tastes and all that good stuff but I'm glad you guys joined me with the fishing today I hope you really like this little segment of the cooking like I said hook my wife up make sure you hit that subscribe button give her a follow comment like all that great stuff that you guys do for my channel do it for hers guys and I'll catch you guys on the next [Music] one oh
Channel: RX Angler
Views: 118,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak fishing, fishing, inshore fishing, saltwater fishing, marsh fishing, hobie outback, redfish, flounder, speckled trout, sea trout, outdoors, salt life, Galveston tx fishing, how to catch flounder, redfish fishing in Texas, redfish fishing tips, redfish fishing Galveston, fishing videos, kayak fishing videos, life is good, enjoying life, fishing texas, kayak fishing setup, flounder fishing, redfish fishing, galveston fishing videos, solo skiff, bote rover
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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