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what is up YouTube I'm out here at fishing The surside Jetty we got pretty strong winds and uh pretty murky water however we're using live shrimp targeted species is speckle trout but I've heard that not many around but if we can get them some specs with the side of sheep I think we can have a good day using the live shrimp and the slip cork so let's see if we can get them some fish [Music] [Music] got a fish hey I got one uh I don't know what is it I think it's a small sheepy what is that oh it's a sheepy not a big one trying out the Twin power today change it up from Stella it's actually pretty decent but I think I can land him here myself man I'm kind of that's definitely a keeper but I kind of want to catch some trout or something dude tired of these sheep in man that's a good one wow he's just not pulling but he's like swimming around a lot I'm not playing with him I swear if I if I could get him in I would but he's playing really tough here all right we're going to try to I think he's done here yeah he's done dude that's a giant holy smokes oh shoot uh oh wow that's pretty big that's like a good 16 18 incher I really wasn't like playing with him I was trying to get him in but he was fighting back yeah that's good big dude that's pretty big this guy is 17 dude 17 17 yeah nice wa no way dude what it say A balio B no way that is so what dude my dad just got a balio bro what dude I didn't know these fish were even here that's crazy this yeah this is really really good bait good bait man yeah let me let me know down in the comments if you ever seen any like any of these here wow it's beautiful yeah well he's definitely going to die cuz they're very fragile maybe we throw him out for bait what got one oh this is pretty big oh this is good dude hey I'm going need the net yeah it's pretty good I don't know what it is probably oh okay all right if you're used to my videos I'll tell you this drag is different to the Stella but that's a big fish right there oh man I think this is a big sheep you guys I don't think it's a trout it's just a lot of head shakes it doesn't feel like a trout but if it is a trout I haven't caught a trout in over a a year he's right on that rock he's right on that rock man oh what is that dude no I don't think so but it's big big man big sheepy big sheep it man he's staying down oh dude he's rubbing on those rocks oh there we go man that's another 18 incher huh that's good all right let's see if these guys a keeper he's close I think he's been caught before that's why he fought so hard oh I think he's the keeper guys 16 and a half yeah nice all right so I got these two keepers in like I'd say 15 minutes so I'm going to talk about my setup so you guys can come out here because a lot of people are struggling and uh it's really not that hard guys so let's go talk about the setup all right so I'm using using the spinning reel whatever uh 15 lb 12 lb na mono and I got a really long lader like I'm talking about 3 ft tied to the swivel which then is attached to the slip cork now the slip corks uh I do sell these you can find them in the link down below but you don't have to use these slip corks you can use any slip Cork and actually you don't even need slip corks my dad's not fishing a slip cork but I'd recommend the slip quk especially when it's windy like this you can really control your shrimp and you want to put the shrimp in front of the fish that's key you don't want it to just be like everywhere right so when it's I'm fishing this lader this long just because I wanted to try something different you can fish it shorter whatever you like but it seems to this this seems to be the key and let's see if we can get a more let's try to get a limit today oh man that was a good one dude shoot all right so if you notice I made a cast like pretty left wise just two reasons for that first of all it's a lot of freaking glare I can barely see and second of all the wind's coming this way so basically what I'm doing is I'm walking down Jetty letting my bay drift as I walk down so I'm starting over there well I started here now but I was starting over there now I moved down here a little bit just got a really big bite right here next to this rock see if we can get it to bite again usually these fish they uh they bite once and then they kind of swim around they got to look for them again see what happens no way bro as soon as I said that and I hook up again bro this is heavy get the net I think this is a I think it's a sheep H another big sheepit oh maybe not that big but we'll see we don't know what these fish oh this rock looks sketchy what are you buddy pretty sure it's a sheepy yeah oh that's a good sheeps man that's my third keeper for sure right where I said he was going to be because I had got a bite from him the first time look this guy this is just St me here I'm I can't pull him he's not pulling that's how you know when they're big it's pretty good dude yeah what's my dad doing man I need the net hey I need the net that's a good one this is another 16 plus for sure he's very heavy yeah I can't get a good look cuz of the freaking glare man but oh my gosh dude this guy is he fou yeah he is oh my God it's still Big Woo that's good man another one bro oh shoot broke my line God damn it buddy now I got to re all right let's see I'm calling like 16 no they're freaking good fish man yeah 16 and A2 get my hook back here another sheepy on the live shrimp you're not going to get these guys on a artificial like this is literally impossible to catch an artificial especially when they're this slow so get yourself some live shrimp oh man I got a big fish my shoes are untied I'm going I'm going I'm going you're going to have to get it oh that's monster bro huge trout yes I need or pumping or something they look really big I need to tie my shoes quickly all right there we go sorry guys I had to tie my shoes big trout man whoa you want me you want me to grab the rod okay there we go so we can get a better angle on the fish monster dude he's going to have to go back but that's Monster look at that dude wow oh oh my god wow let me lower to drag a little [Music] bit let's go woo bro oh my God dude that's what we're looking for holy crap the camera we got to let it go quick but we're going to get a good video this girl wow man holy smokes dude look at that let me get the pliers oh that's a nice TR yeah yeah oh no here here oh dude easy 24 yeah he got it on that's lick yeah he got it on the gills man oh but it still got to go back keep no you can't keep these you got to let them go new regulation No 1 over 30 monster trout my dad got this fish it's going to die but we're still going to follow the regulations sometimes actually sometimes I caught basss that been dude no way Oh I thought it was 26 25 more I think what is there 20 25 and a half 25 and a half yeah wow about the water a good video good video monster fish man let's that this guy go all right let's go yeah yeah yeah huh we're going to have to throw this one in okay we're just going to throw it in here wow man good job dudeo YouTube so it is the end of the day and um after my dad caught that big trout buddy next to me caught one but man they they're big but they're far and few in between so it takes a while to get some I really tried I couldn't get mine maybe another day but yeah the sheepit are here but they're very very few so this year has been really bad for the Sheep here but the trout have moved in really quick and they have moved in pretty thick so I'm pretty sure we're going to start seeing some more big trout make sure you follow the regulations let those big ones go and there's a lot of confusion so the regulation for the trout is three per person 15 to 20 one over 30 so if you catch one that's over 30 you can keep it legally but if you don't if it's not over 30 you got to let it go however I think we're going to after these big ones roll in usually the smaller ones come back so I'm pretty sure we're going to see a few more big ones and then we're going to start seeing the keepers and the ones you can take home if you enjoyed this video make sure you give a like check out the slip qus I'm going to live down the link down below and thank you all for watching
Channel: JettyMan
Views: 50,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ULcj67UqW-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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