Beginner Kayak Fishing - The Gear You Need to Get Started - Buyers Guide

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what's going on guys this is gene Jensen and if you just bought your first fishing kayak or you're about to get your first fishing kayak for Christmas here is my list of the things that you need to get you started fishing out of a kayak alright so if you just got your first kayaker you're about to get one for Christmas this is my list of things that I would get for my very first fishing kayak now this list consists of what I already have and I'm going to talk about those products and believe links in the description to the products I talked about and I'm also going to talk about alternatives that can save you a lot of money to start with so let's get started alright so if you're about to buy your first guy act like I always tell everybody be sure to demo your kayak first everybody's different our preferences are different that's why there's so many different people paddling so many different kayaks out there cost is the big things stability speed everything is it's just all your personal preference so if you've already bought your first kayak and you didn't demo it that's okay too so let's just go through the very first things that I would buy when I get my very first kayak number one if it's gonna be a PFD now when choosing a PFD simple easy if you buy a seat with a high back get you up a PFD that is comfortable and in order for it to be comfortable the padding has to be above the seat so when I sit in this seat my padding is up here not back here pushing me forward on the seat making it more and more uncomfortable make sure your PFD is very comfortable because you will be wearing this thing hopefully from the time you get on the kayak until the time you get off the kayak that way if you fall in the water you're okay you can get back to your kayak these things get away from you very quickly when you fall out you're always going to have to swim towards your kayak and if you're in current or the winds blowing and you don't have your PFD on you could really be screwed so a good PFD this is an NRS Chinook retails for 90 bucks I think I would recommend you get one that's made for kayak fishing one with lots of pockets so you can keep your gear in it I also recommend you don't skimp on what's gonna save your life number two thing not to skimp on is a paddle okay the reason I say that is this is your motor most of the time when you get your first kayak you don't get a pedal Drive you don't get a motor driven you get a paddle driven and this is your motor and this is going to be the most important thing you've got it can wear you out or it can help you throughout the day and I recommend getting a very good one at least a hundred dollar paddle this is a bending branch's angular classic winds blowing heart runs about a hundred and thirty bucks and it's very very lightweight it's got a lightweight carbon fiber handle and it is very stiff in the blades so it's it paddles well and I recommend you get one around 230 to 240 centimetres long this is a 250 because I paddle with a high seat and it needs to be at least 250 but 230 240 and most kayaks will get you just get you to they're just fun the next one is what I call a requirement I use an anchor every single day I'm fishing if I want to hold still I anchor down and it keeps it tames the wind it makes it makes it where I can make more casts I find myself anchoring more and more every single day and the anchors that I use are simple an 8 pound steel downrigger ball or I've got a 10 pound steel kettlebell that I also use platt to a rope or I use a nice big steel carabiner tie it to a rope and another product that I totally recommend because it makes anchoring a whole lot better is the anchor wizard okay and here's one that I've got detached but the anchor wizard itself is gives you the opportunity to you pop it loose and and the anchor fall goes out and then you just start cranking it and it tightens down and it'll and it'll bring your anchor back up just makes maintaining the rope to your anchor a whole lot better it doesn't get tangled around your feet this is kind of pricey this is a $90 kit and it comes with a little shoot to shoot to to run your your anchor rope through it's a really really nice kit and it's well well worth the money alright so the next thing you're gonna need is you're gonna need something to keep your tackle in and for years we've been using these suckers right here little cheap plastic crates that you buy at Walmart by the department store at the Hoff supply store whatever really really good fun to customize you can get some zip ties zip ties some PVC pipe to the side have some rod holders you can do all kinds of fun stuff with it these are really fun to customize but eventually you're gonna want to upgrade and what I've upgraded to is I've upgraded to the Yakutat black pack it's a 130 dollar item but it's got a nice lid if the lid closes down boy I need to produce those hinges though lid closes down it's got three rod holders it really does lock down that fits nicely in the back of the kayak but most kayaks are designed now to handle your regular milk crate which is really really good so be sure to pick up at least a milk crate and have fun organizing stuff and have fun customizing it alright so your next one next one is is a safety item something that you have to have on your boat in a lot of states and I recommend it no matter what especially if you're on your little lakes with big boats with motors and everything else is a light pole you can use this one this is a visit carbon pro from yak attack runs 90 bucks or you can make one but make sure that it has a 360 light on top and this one you screw it down LED light comes on and it's a 360 light it's got a reflector it comes with an orange flag that's also the storage bag for this this thing folds folds up into to be really small impeccable that's what I love about this one but anyway but it comes with an orange bag that's a that's a stuff sack you stuff all this in two or you can just wrap it up with the with the the tether but totally recommend it have it on your boat it's better to be seen and and these are little bitty boats they're very difficult to see you especially when our boats going 60 70 80 miles an hour you really can't leave let's save your life so get a light pole with a 360 light and and even it's a reflector as almost a must these days so it's awesome visit corporate pro the next one of rod holders and there's a lot of different options out there I used to love making mine out of PVC PVC pipe but I was limited to what I could strap the PVC pipe to I could do it to my crate or I could do it to my seat but it was very difficult to mount it to any other place on the kayaks rod holders yak attack has been really hard it worked the last couple of years designing some really good rod holders and I love them this is the Zuka 2 and this is the Omega and I love both of them and both of them have their place the Omega has a really good locking system to lock your rod down so it doesn't get knocked out I use it on the side that I have my net on so if I have to accidentally snag the net on the rod the rod doesn't go in the water as I'm trying to pull my neck out in my neck my net out the Zuka too is what holds my net and it also is really good at holding spinning rods this happens to be the one that came off my son's boat so it's set up to hold a spinning rod I can hold bait casters you can do all kinds of stuff very very very good items like I said there's a lot of them available but get yourself at least two good rod holders and it will add an additional storage space for rods or TAT or nets or anything else that's long and lanky like maybe even a camera mount so definitely get them all right so real quick let's finish up with talking about a few small things that are really really nice to have and that can save you a lot of heartache later on down the road so number one is my fish grips I always have these on the boat you see I have a tether on them little 550 cord but I strapped to one of the handles on the kayak but a fish grip is ideal for not only if you don't want to touch a toothy critter you can grab it and stuff like that but I'll take it and if I'm if I'm measuring a fish for a tournament or I want to keep a fish for a minute just forget my cameras and stuff ready for some really good pictures just clamp that sucker around the hem the fish's mouth little wrap with this elastic cord just like that and just lay it off the side of the boat and I have yet to lose a fish on the fish grip I even use this to hold my personal best 10 pound 12 ounces for a number of minutes until we got a camera crew out there to take pictures so these things I trust and it and if you don't have them literally you can it can ruin your day with a big fish so the next is I'm getting my black pack a couple of these out all right so these are brand new I have a couple of beat-up ones in my boat but waterproof boxes ok these are plain Oh waterproof boxes they run between fifteen and twenty eight dollars I believe the bigger one this one right here is $28 this is the one I have in my boat just a yellow one but in my kayak place to put your wallet paste put your keys anything you don't want to get wet these things are ideal they're padded on the inside they are definitely waterproof and they last you for a very very long time well worth the money thanks Plano so another thing I almost forgot about was my net and a lot of guys have started calling this my ninja net because I am super fast at getting this thing out and knitting a fish literally it takes me less than a second to deploy this thing and get it ready to catch a fish you'll notice it's got this little arm deal a little extended foam pad this is what I require because it lid it goes in my rod holder is where I keep it so having that extended foam that foam extension on the handle is is necessary but I love that thing it's not cheap they're 90 bucks but I have netted fish after fish after fish after fish and I have more confidence with that thing than anything and and it's a fast employable net out of all the Nets I would recommend it you can get the inexpensive ones that's just fine but I have I love that net and I don't go anywhere without it so totally recommend it for 90 bucks alright so that's it that's my list for your very first kayak some of the things are must like a paddle of PFD anchor and a flagpole basically a light pole those are a must other than that a crate that kind of stuff like the the the net and things like that you can do without but they will make your life a whole lot easier if you when you have them so save your money and start adding and adding and adding to your stuff that you keep on your kayak be really good at space management with your tackle and things like that and your days will be pleasant and you'll have great days of fishing I love to catch a bass out of a kayak now guys we should check out my new website flute master comm for all these cool this cool apparel like this create good that's kept me warm today but like I always say be sure to introduce somebody to fishing introduce them to my channel let me help you teach them how to fish more importantly get out in the water going to catch some fish and have a great day we'll see
Channel: Flukemaster
Views: 335,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak fishing, beginner kayak fishing, buyers guide, fishing, kayak, bass fishing, kayaking, Flukemaster, fishing kayak, Trout, Tips, fish, hobie, paddling, Kayak Fishing Tips, Redfish, Kayak Tips, Houston Fishing, Kayak Bass Fishing, Gopro fishing, rod, Camping, HD Fishing Video, Galveston, fishing kayaks, beginner kayak tips, kayak fishing for beginners
Id: o0ixVIpGmhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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