[Solo Leveling: Arise] - Top Blessing Stones for DPS & Survivability! Breakdown

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another video all right guys we are going to be talking about something that many of you have been pretty much asking me to do every single day and I just wasn't comfortable enough to do it because I didn't want to give you guys bad information but now that I've done all the testing that I want to we are ready now to cover blessing Stones that's right now I'm not going to do a tier list but I am going to give you guys two categories and the best blessing stones that belong in those categories now the two categories I'm referring to are the categories that matter most in this game number one DS DPS is King in this game everything is on a timer pretty much except for a few stages everything that you actually will care about will run on time and DPS is King and that will remain no matter what blessing Stones play a major part in increasing your overall damage and we're going to talk about the top few that you should focus on when you're going into any battle and why and then the second portion of it is going to be survivability because of course you can't DPS unless you're alive so that's going to help you guys out quite a bit as well now I've got 27 out of 72 blessing stones I possess Every Blessing Stone in rare format except for one and that is swiftness but we already know what that does so I will talk more about it I've got some of the ones here like boss layer in Epic version so I mean I can touch more on that but we're going to focus only our rares cuz majority of you players in the player base are going to have only rare versions of these and I'll explain to you why at the end of the video on how to acquire epics and legendaries okay so let's start off with the DPS portion of the video so first thing we're going to talk about guys is we're going to start from the bottom we're going to work our way up okay and we're going to talk about the the best ones to focus on now first one Advanced dagger technique now one thing I want you guys to get out of your head is this is not only for daggers a lot of people see this portion of it and be like oh shoot it's only for daggers all they're doing here is just wording it based on the Manoa and Anime because he obviously is proficient at daggers replace daggers with all weapons that's what it really means so essentially when attacking an enemy who has 70% or less HP the damage you deal increases by 5.6% now remember damage dealt is not the same as attack okay 5 5.6% is a damage formula at the end of all of it it takes into account all things everything gets taken into account and then it adds 5.6% now you guys saw yesterday if you did watch the video if you did not go check it out damage increase does scale very small if your attack is small so this is only going to matter if you have a very high attack rate so if your attack is super high you'll do better here if you scale off of uh really low attack this is going to be useless okay so keep that in mind this is going to be only good if ATT is high but definitely use this one if you have the ability all right now next one here sharp perception now this here I would ignore completely okay so this one a lot of people may want to use it at the rare level it's minuscule so it increases your crit rate by 4% only up to 8 seconds this is a useless one I would not use that whatsoever so just I would say avoid that okay now this here is not bad again kind of useless for sun uh for jinu because he has Shadow step when you hit decreases the attack for four seconds and then when you attack and decrease the target defense by 4 seconds by 4% not useful at all so these two guys I know some people were asking me about it I would avoid it at the rare level it might get better later on all right pulverized this is actually not a bad one the power of The Brak effects you apply in the enemy increase by 12% and the Damage you deal uh during the targets during the break effect is also by 12% this one actually is really good so this one I would recommend especially for anything that's a break related or after the break phase doing 12% more damage is fantastic and that actually works better than the dagger technique that you saw earlier so pulverize is actually a very powerful one and I would highly recommend it now if you are fighting a lot of ads in times and you don't care about bosses this one actually isn't too bad dealing 6% more damage to non-boss monsters but I feel like that's one you kind of want to just put on the on the side burner unless it's all ads that you're fighting and there's no bosses involved so this one's okay wouldn't recommend it personally conquer adversity very very good now this one here when you lose 30% of your HP so go down to 90% of your HP loss 10% left your attack increases by three times right so you get yourself attack defense and HP increase now this is important because attack scal is better than damage increase in early on in the game and this will also boost the rest of your stats so this one highly highly recommend put this on especially when fighting tougher bosses this one's going to really help you a lot okay chains of blood is another really powerful one but also will increase based on the HP ratio that you lose so you gain 12% of your uh lost HP ratio in attack damage but also you increase the damage you take so keep that in mind if you're not very good at dodging this one's going to suck for you but if you're great at dodging this is going to be one of your best DPS ones out there okay now boss layer very very powerful you increase your damage Delta bosses by 8% but your cool down of Dash also gets decreased so you lose survivability but you gain DPS so this was a very powerful one and double edge sword is another great one too when you attack when your attacks hit essentially at any point your attack stats increased by two 2% for 10 seconds but the attack St of the Target also increases by two and you can stack this up to eight uh four times so giving you 8% so this is actually a very powerful one as well too okay and then lastly uh the one I'd recommend here out of all these is weakness detection is actually really good because it does more Elemental weakness damage but this is only if you're fighting an opponent that you have weapons that cause the elemental damage weakness to them this doesn't apply if you don't do any of that okay so this is very situational but very powerful when used correctly now this here could also be very very strong if you if you built crit rate by breaking the opponent's gauge you decrease it by 2% every time you land a crit if you land a lot of crits break damage is gone like it's gone like you're you will destroy a bar so that's a really good one as well too assassin's proficiency I don't recommend personally uh you like baroa dagger this works really well but it's very situational again you got to be behind the opponent almost the entire time very very situational I wouldn't recommend this one whatsoever so all in all guys top ones are going to be Niche weakness detection very strong though fatal strike very good for break double s sword incredible for for DPS chains of blood incredible for DPS uh conqueror of adversity these three are probably going to be your main ones pulverize is up there as well too and then also I would do Advanced technique dagger technique if you are fighting opponents that you can actually reduce their HP uh below 70% so those are going to be your best DPS on so we go one okay 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 so those are your top eight DPS ones now again you're going to use these sparingly and differently depending on your circumstances right if there's no break bar obviously you don't use pulverize if there's no um Elemental weakness then you don't use weakness detection for the most part double that sword chains of blood if there's no boss you don't use boss layer right and uh conqueror of adversity and then the dagger right here this one here dagger technique are going to be your top ones overall all right so there you go that's your top DPS ones now let's talk a little bit about survivability cuz that's going to matter quite a bit so you're going to want to focus on that a little bit as well too okay so uh yeah daily Quest completion yeah that's going to matter now the biggest problem with this one of course is the fact that you do sometimes get bugged and it doesn't activate it's a game machine right but when this works 100% of the time you're going to want this for survivability it's it's in my opinion the best one okay next up uh tenacity tenacity is not bad the damage you take will will decrease by 20% when you have 30% or less at maximum HP so this one actually works really well with conqueror of adversity if you have a hard time surviving those two working together in tandem are actually really really nice because you survive longer and then you also get all the bonus stats all right so that's a really nice one as well too um camouflage probably the best one I'd say probably the most efficient one when you receive damage exceeding 5% of your max HP which we most of the time do you gain a camouflage for 3 seconds and recover 2% of your max HP this one at a higher level keeps you alive for so damn long okay okay so those are the big ones right there speed isn't bad your dash will increase by 8% your dash cooldown will decrease by 8% uh Sor your speed increases and your dash increase so this is nice for people who have a hard time surviving because their dashes down all the time this one will actually help you survive kasaka steel scales are not bad not a big fan of the 6% decrease damage it's almost minuscule you don't even notice it okay so don't ignore that one um what else now swiftness here we go okay so this is very very powerful now I don't have this on this account I have my freeo playay account though the maximum number of consecutive d es increase by one there's a 12% chance that your cool down will be reset completely crazy good crazy crazy good so highly recommend that one as well too HP extraction is not bad you recover 0.8% HP when defeating an enemy sucks against bosses so that's where the biggest issue with that one lies so those are pretty much your best survival ones okay so it's going to be daily Quest it's going to be tenacity okay this one here gives you Max HP don't don't even bother with that one it's not worth it um camouflage those are the three best ones okay for survivability Kaka steel scales are are mediocre speed one I think is better because you have a chance to decrease the cool down of your dash and also faster running in general and then of course the um where is that one swiftness okay those are going to be your best survivability ones so there you guys go those are the top DPS top survival bless stones in the game if you have any comments or questions let me know in the comment section I'm more than happy to answer them all right guys the pain hope you enjoyed the video I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 6,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: 5kyEhidKk0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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