[Solo Leveling: Arise] - ALL HUNTER ARTIFACT TIER LIST! Best equipment for EACH unit with timestamps

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good morning everybody welcome back to another solo leveling arise video all right guys we're going to be doing something that everybody needs to know and that is what are the best artifacts for every hunter in the game now I've already done videos in the past I'm going to what I'm going to do is I'm going to put cha into this video now and then I'm going to combine the other videos together so you have an all inone stop shop for every single hunter in the game and every single artifact that works the best for them versus the ones that you want to completely avoid versus the ones that are not too bad now remember the way this works is you want to have a four set piece for the most part if you have to separate two and two that's fine as long as the stats make up for it stats will always beat out a set piece for the most part but at the end of the day you do want to have a complete set so here are the best sets for CH so we're going to start this and I'm going to give you guys time stamps for every single hero that way or every single hunter that way you guys can just go to the hunter you're looking for and find them we'll do both SSRS and SRS together and that way you have it all in one video and you guys can refer to this at any time now when new sets do get released when a game does update I will of course revamp this video and give you you guys the newest most up-to-date version of this keep in mind the other two videos combined uh will have the same uh previous information as the last one so if you haven't checked it out check it out cuz it's it's still extremely relevant and and up to dat uh but this one will just include cha so let's talk about Cha's best set I'm going to put her up here as the Hunter and then we're going to talk about the best sets here so op sets this one here the line piece the four piece set everything scales off of attack for her she's a crit unit and an attack scaled unit so most of her crit attacks will be great because attack scal scals off of crit damage right or crit damage scals off attack so this is going to be one of her best sets hands down four piece set you ignore defense you g you gain attack power it's exactly what you want for her and the next best set for her is going to be the toughness set now you can go interchangeably between these two because this here will give you 8% more crit with a two-piece but 32% more crit damage now that crit damage does work you will see that Skyrocket so you can do whichever one you want or whichever one fits best I've tested both and both have their validity I find the toughness set to be a little bit better with my spec but the line set is very very close and some people will find the opposite again your stats will determine which one works best for you right now another decent set for her which isn't going too bad it's going to be her on hit kill Set uh because you can actually do quite a bit with her ultimate at her A5 because it gives her ultimate damage I think raised by 50 more per so you can do Insane amount of or maybe it's even 100% you can do Insane amount of damage with this oneit kill so not a bad option there uh Paladin set is useless for her she doesn't have a shield it's pointless don't want to wear it uh this set is useless to HP set because you actually reduce attack and give you the rest of your party uh your um the attack instead which is useless the core one isn't bad I mean you can use it she does very good core damage but it's not her main one she has zero break so you don't want to use that at all and then Destroyer set is not a bad option either so there you guys go these are going to be her best sets for her artifacts now let's talk about accessories cuz that's an important one obviously right her best accessory is going to be especially if you build her crit is going to be the expert set which is going to do Insane amounts of damage for you uh you can also use executioner uh and the uh uh sry executioner and the Berserker set if you want to do uh opponent's HP by 70% you do 20% more damage or if you do skeleton set or AKA uh Berserker set if you take 70% or if you have 70% Health yourself you do 30% more damage so those two work really well as well and the champion on the field one is not a bad option you don't want to do veryy because she she already takes up so much MP but still pretty manageable and then this one here is useless for her so there you guys go that is the set for cha those are the sets now I'm going to go ahead and put the other videos in for you and time stamp them and you guys can use those at your heart's Leisure all right guys okay now that we we've completed chart we're going to go ahead and do SN Beck as well too now snck is going to work very similarly to Chaw in regards to all of the specs the only difference here is going to be he's going to have the dragon set as his best set most likely because of the core attack damage that he does that inflicts bleed so you want to do as many bleeds as possible but all three of these work really really well with him uh the one he kill set is work works really well and Destroyer set I probably put down here uh he doesn't have any break he doesn't have any of that stuff everything else here pretty much will consist of the same thing the only difference is you're going to see that most likely right there actually we could probably do this and this and probably bring this down a slot and this you don't want to use as much as possible so that is going to be the SM Beck version of the list all three of these work extremely extremely well the best one for sure is the dragon set if you want to know why I actually made a whole video about the best set for him as well as how this Dragon set Works it'll give you a full explanation so you can search that on the channel but there you go that is smck for the most part this is meant to be like the best top gear for that unit sets artifacts Etc right so uh first off useless um crit yeah he doesn't need it he does he can't do it if you look at his passive uh Troy actually can't crit at all so the toughness set is useless for him so you're never going to use that another useless one is going to be the break set here he doesn't break he has no break damage whatsoever so you're never going to use that he doesn't have a shield you're never going to use that um Nobles you should never use Nobles realistically you know you don't ever want to increase his HP and decreases his attack that's never the case right him he's pure Attack Mode okay so you definitely want to use that now this one can be useful this one because he has he has a core burn attack which is nice cuz you can continue burning with it but it's still not the best one for him um Destroyer set's not bad you can use that the problem is you'll gain so much ultimate so fast that there's it's going to be on cool down all the time anyway so realistically not the best choice for him but it's still not the worst choice for him um and then the two really good ones here would probably be uh a combination of the two or just force force a uh this going to be right over here now this is going to be this is going to be interchangeable okay so and I'll explain why so this one can go here sometimes and this one can go here overall if you have an A5 Choy okay for Wales this is going to be your best bet because A5 he gets his ultimate and he casts it a lot more often this one here decreases the ultimate cool down and also increases the damage you do so this is going to be op for whales and this one's going to be op for anybody who is not a whale so realistically you can put it this way if you want um and this will be fine here so there's no real very good one but if we're going to go non whales this way if we're going to go with whales this way okay so there's your there's your full artifact gear list for armor okay now in terms of actual um when it comes down to actual like earrings and necklaces and all that jazz uh so this one again useless you're never going to crit so you're never going to see the uh attack increase unfortunately champion of the field again same scenario never crit so you're never going to see it because this one here increases uh every time you crit increases attack so again you'll never see that the tagging option is not a bad one for him he's not a support though he's me to be a main a main DPS so this one can go there uh the Behemoth one actually very is not bad either it's it the problem is it it takes away too much MP like you need all his MP in order to cast all the skills so it's good for damage increase but there's two better ones obviously uh so there's the uh Berserker which is going to be uh the lower increased damage by 20% with 4 P set if the opponent's HP is lower than 70% and then there is this one here which is the better one which is the skeleton set or the execution Set uh this one is if your HP drops below 70% you do 30% more damage so these are the best sets for Choy okay so there you guys go choy's all done that's what it's going to look like for him okay let's move on to back here all right guys moving over to back now let's move him move Troy out of the way put back up here now the way it's going to work for him it's going to be a little bit different okay so I'm going to move all these bad boys back down I know you guys are like pay want to just reset these well it actually takes with the images every time I do it so we're going to just put him up there and we're going to give me a second to do this part okay uh now you guys all know Bach Works off of two different things first off he is a defensive scaled unit so you got to remember that so a lot of these sets won't work for him and he's also uh built for light damage and crit and he's a breaker he's a insane breaker probably the best breaker in the game believe it or not next to Jin who or who's pretty insane as well too okay so first off let's start with the bottom ones uh Shield you're never really going to use um because he doesn't really have a shield uh in terms of attack you're never going to use the attack set again doesn't scale off attack there's no point in it uh and then also um let's see the oh yeah there you go the noble set not going to use that doesn't scale off of HP also don't want to lower any of I mean you could technically lower his attack won won't affect him in any way increases other people's but the HP doesn't scale for him anyways right so here are the the the most popular sets for him so number one um the can be useful as the one hit kill set because he does do defense down with his with his um ultimate and his ultimate hits really hard it's not a bad one but it's it's not your primary one um the the core attack that he does is actually really good so this here with his basic attack cuz his basic attack actually does do breaks as well the only unit with basic attack does a break plus his core does a break so this is actually a really like a a pretty decent option if you plan to do uh DPS plus breaking at the same time but there are a couple better ones okay um The Destroyer set not a bad one either you could definitely use that for him uh to build his ultimate quicker but again you're going to be on cool down majority of the time so again not really recommended as a matter of fact this will probably sit here and that will probably go there uh and then here for the two best sets you're uh because he is a crit based unit as well as a light based and a defense uh spec unit you can build him more crit now his crit goes up I think at A4 if I recall they increases his crit up uh but base base version wise he's still not bad you still want to build him with some crit anyways uh so the toughness set is not a bad option for him but the best one for sure is going to be his break set if you want to break as quick as you possibly can Bach is the best breaker in the game next again I would say next to J ho who does insane amount of breaks as well but nowhere near the DPS obviously and uh the said it's by far by far his best one there's there's no there's no question about it okay so that's that's there you guys go that's pretty much how you want to set that up now in regards to uh useless uh trinkets we're going to go with useless Z champion of the field again doesn't scale off attack uh again doesn't scale off of attack there either so these two are not going to be useful for him these four here on the other hand aren't bad so again I would say uh the top one here would be skeleton Berserker sorry ex executor Berserker uh Veri and then tag in tag out in case you need the attack but again he doesn't scale off of attack everyone El that will be uh tagging in and out will benefit so there you guys go this is going to be back's best setup probably again um I would if anybody has a different opinion on the uh executor outfit or uh earrings I'd like to hear about that or the four piece set I should say uh because I think those are easily the best ones for these guys for sure well start off with the lowest I guess so attack useless crit uh crit's not bad actually to be honest you can you can definitely use crit cuz you can build her crit HP set and make her do more more damage uh her core set's actually really nice because again you guys can do more damage with that as well too Shield can be used because again she does provide herself a shield but it's it's so Niche like you really don't need it uh Noble set is one of her better ones but only the two-piece actually no you can technically use the four piece because you don't care if she loses attack attack doesn't affect her in any way uh because it'll just it'll just raise everyone else's attack her her everything she does scales off of um skills off of HP anyways right so don't worry about that now one hit kill is not a bad option if you are looking to do a lot of damage with your ultimate she does a crazy crazy ultimate with a ton of damage and also reducing the cool down and then the Destroyer set is is still optional um wouldn't consider to be her best one whatsoever and then of course the brake set I think the brake set's her best one because she does just break so damn well so technically you can do one of two things you can do these two here if you want uh I prefer The Brak set personally I think it's a better one uh as a matter of fact actually you can probably go like this there you go that's probably the best sets right there those are going to be for ammo okay now again in terms of uh accessories doesn't scale off of attack doesn't scale off of attack there as well tag in tagout definitely can be used uh again she will increase attack for the opponent I think it's I'm pretty sure it's increased the let me just go back here guys one sec I'm pretty sure it's the aquamarine has increased the attack right yeah attack increase so there you guys go she can help people out but it's not really meant for her um ver is not a bad option as well too good for damage increase but consumption of MP is a huge one and then again pretty much going to look like this okay so there you guys go that is Emma completed now uh let's move on to the next person and that's going to be dong Su Shields from opponents so let's talk about the gear sets right attack useless um crit I mean crit honestly can be used you can build them with crit set and and put defense on it with defense penetration because even there's no defense penetration set yet right there right um the core one is actually this one here with the the core increase is really good because he does a lot of damage with his core attack and his basic attacks so not a bad option there uh this one here the one hit kill I would actually recommend as well too because his ultimate does so much damn damage right um break set useless doesn't really do anything with it uh Noble set useless Shield set can definitely be used as a backup in case you need him to survive but he's already super super tanky as it is actually you know what I'll probably put that one up there um and this one up here and then the Destroyer set wouldn't recommend it personally just because again you'll be on cool down most of the time anyways so this is probably these are probably his best sets building him crit with defense spec as the main stat is not a bad option the one hit kill option with his ultimate because it does so much damage is a great option as well too and then of course the basic attack and the core attack increas is also very nice so now in terms of actual um artifacts for earrings and necklaces so ver is actually a good option for him he does absorb a lot of MP unfortunately but still uh this one here is really good as well too the two I would say these These are pretty much going to be the scaling off the same for everybody I honestly at this point I would say those are probably the best ones so there you guys go that is dong Su right there in a nutshell let's talk about our sets uh number one uh h HP useless uh breaker useless Shield useless okay you'll never use those ones so forget about those U one hit kill is not bad option not not not not the best option for her though but not bad um destroy I would say the same thing you can build her ultimate really quick and her ultimate does insane damage so you can definitely use that but wouldn't be her best options uh the the basic attack and the um core damage one not very good I would go with crit here as number two sorry number one and then attack number two those are her best ones she's built pure crit crit damage all of her scaling is pure based on that so you definitely want to use the uh the toughness set for her to just maximize the amount of damage you can possibly do now with that being said the be set is going to be the best one for her in terms of DPS artifacts uh skeleton I'd say would be uh probably second uh Berserker third very fourth tagging in and out I put here as well too and this actually Champion one is not a bad option either uh if you want to scale a little bit higher there you guys go so that is going to be her setup there uh use her guys try her try her build her properly and you you guys will see some crazy results with her okay so we'll talk about a few sets Number One op set for him is going to be Noble and then another op set for him is going to be toughness and another really good one actually for him is Destroyer so those ones are going to be good cuz you want him to cast that ultimate as much as you possibly can and then attack sets useless for him and then uh one hit kill useless I mean you don't care about the ultimate damage the decrease in Ultimate is not bad I mean you can put it here technically break skills useless um between the two of these if I were to choose I mean i' put that there I guess realistically at the end of the day that'll probably be it uh useless there uh technically can be used pretty bad um technically can be used pretty bad useless uh pretty good and then the best one is tagging in and out he's your support first okay uh so wor sets HP Noble you're never going to use that it's pretty useless for him shield never going to use that pretty useless uh one hit kill I mean can be used at the end of the day it does do 40% damage on the ultimate and decreases the cool down but not that great destroy is actually pretty good for him I use it currently for him and he has it up all the time but of course again the cool down increase and decrease but for Cerberus destroys it he does it like ultimates three times on that fight and kills him on tier eight especially break set is probably one of his best ones because he's a breaker attack set is also op for him and so is toughness and then this over here actually would probably actually you know what I'll scale these two off his his basic attack and his core attack are very very strong so these sets are actually going to be the best ones for him uh he's very versatile and that's why you see so many sets for him that work out so well okay now because he does scale off of attack you can definitely use the Champions on the field his best one's still going to be expert skeleton also works really well Berserker works pretty well taging in and out you really don't want to do very you don't really want to do but none of these are useless for him okay I would say probably this is how it would probably go but again not useless but you don't you don't want to use it okay so let's talk a little bit about what she is uh attack set useless uh crit set actually pretty good uh Shield set actually pretty good um one hit kill eh not bad uh core attacks not bad uh Destroyer set you really don't want to build out on her uh HP set because she scales off HP works really well for her and then breaker set works really well for her so I would say these are the best ones I'd even put this one here as well too as a top three for her and then for artifacts skeleton for sure is the best one I'd say this one here this one here this she does she doesn't scale off attack so it's useless there for her tag in and out again you can put it on wouldn't do it but there you guys go so that's the best setup right there for her you can't go wrong with these you can mix these as well too by the way you don't have to put them all as four pieces worst SSR in my opinion he's just pure gimmicky my in in my at least in my opinion okay so let's just start off with his best ones these two are really good for him uh attack useless Noble useless crit is actually not a bad option uh Shield uh can be used actually no that's useless too one hit kill can be used Destroyer set can be used okay there you guys go uh useless useless uh can be used again we're going to pretty much do the same things as usual I'd say actually like this there you guys go all right those are all the SSRS in theame for artifacts all right so if you have any questions remember you guys can mix and match however you need to for your units uh you guys can also use different sets based on their um stats keep in mind though this is if you have the best possible stats for the best artifacts these are the best ones in my opinion for all the SSR units so um Dragon set pretty useless I mean let's be real actually can be used it's not useless I shouldn't say that it's not it's not useless but it is pretty bad um in terms of noble set absolutely useless uh Destroyer set it's okay the the more the more you cast her ultimate the faster you you you proc her poisons they they do the most amount Shield set is useless one hit kill again can be used really don't want to use this one it's it's almost next to useless but it's not useless so I'm going to leave it there breaker skills pretty damn good uh toughness set can be good for her if you want to set up crit but really the main set for her is going to be the arm set okay so the arm set is going to be the one that you want to use the most for this specific unit because of the attack bonus and obviously that will proc more attack for her um and her poison okay okay so again I'm going to put Behemoth here I'm going to put uh this here as well but also if you can crit with her uh this is not a bad option as well right so that's not a bad option for you as well this is going to be a little harder to stack though because she's not really crit B so I'm going to put it on B the champion one is actually pretty good for her because you you can stack it much faster with that uh option for if you want to use her like as a support unit more we're tagging in and out with qte that's not a bad option either to raise attack for everybody and then varies I I put this pretty much much here so there you guys go that's probably the best setup I'd go with um again this is meant for damage I mean you know what quite honestly with her this might be a better option starts to sets for her here's what you can technically do you can technically use this very very uncom in the guardian set Destroyer set is okay for her not really not not really that useful even the one hit kill set wouldn't be that useful her basic attack set is okay um breaker set completely useless for her she doesn't break Noble set it's kind of useless you know what I'm going to put this one up actually one slot these two here are going to be her best sets okay actually we can probably put this yeah I'm just trying to think she has even a very good set I don't think there like these are the two op sets for her so either attack uh because everything scales off of it or build her crit because she already has crit and umal weapons and all that stuff will obviously benefit off of that okay so that's going to be probably her Sr Set uh pretty good character guys to be quite honest um let's put this in C because she can you know qt in and out and give people attack but not not not something you want to use uh very not a very good option for her because of her crit abilities you definitely want to give her that accessory uh or and again the two options here are going to be these two here and then again if you want to build her a little quicker and you don't want to do all the stacking here not a bad option I still think this is better right here so I think this is probably going to be the best setup for her going forward okay so there you guys go that's for song okay so um Noble set really good for him Noble set is going to be his best set because it scales off of HP plus you can give other people attack and lose your own attack and it won't affect him in any way shape or form right breaks that's another really good option for him he's not the he's not the greatest breaker but it's still it's still a good option uh useless is going to be the arm set the toughness set you really don't care about those um Dragon set that can be used kind of useless though Destroyer set's not bad for him but again not very good uh one hit kill not very good and shield set you can definitely use if you uh have his A3 so I'll put in I'll put in good for them for him there okay um crits useless crits useless uh very good support I I would probably put this even up here um you can use this as well to vary if you want to increase his damage but again you know what that'll probably be C and again I'm going to put these two up here depending on your circumstances and situation pick and choose which one's better for you losing the now with him remember it's harder actually actually you know no this is better for him for sure the reason why is because he recovers so much Dam HP in the shield so this will definitely be a better set um as a matter of fact I can probably do this and feel more comfortable with that because he'll just never die that's kind of problem with me he just doesn't die so it's crazy straightforward so attack set's going to be his best set you can actually build him with toughness as well with some of the crit uh zero break so break is useless for him uh you can build him with a little bit of the Dragon set kind of useless still uh even one hit kill he does burn which is kind of nice but you're not going to spam that Shield is useless Destroyer set's not bad for him uh to be honest toughness set is probably second place here and armed is first these two will be useless and that's useless as well okay now for the setup here in regards to what you want to use them as you're not going to crit that often with him at least that at least that I noticed right if can't you you probably put thisy one even further down there we go probably probably that set up if anything okay so there you guys go um definitely don't use very cuz he already absorbs so much MP as it is because of his A3 you you'll probably end up losing a lot more than than gaining so you know what I'll even probably put down here like that probably there you go some support form him okay so that is Joe's setup right there and that should take care of that part okay let's move on to Kang k k Kang Kang is a fun unit man man oh my gosh Kang okay so building Kang Kang is fun Kang is a lot of fun uh Kang has a lot of good options now leads except for the dragon which it doesn't work on right so for him this set is pretty much going to be pretty bang on right so this is what you want to probably use here I would even put this up one more slot here everything else is kind of useless cuz he doesn't have a break but you can definitely set this up like this and go with that set up there any of these will work now longer fights this is going to be the best option shorter fights these two will be the best option at the end of the day uh amazing unit but these two are the best sets for him hands down there's no question about it okay so there you go that is tashik Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim okay Kim uh number one set probably for him is going to be the shield set armed is useless uh toughness is useless I believe he is also a breaker but I I find jno to be a bit better so that setup is fine breaker set is fine as well to for him if you want to use him as a breaker again not as good as J as a breaker but he's still there um everything else here is pretty mediocre I don't think you really need to use anything else now in terms of um accessories useless useless uh these two will probably fall down a few slots uh even that I'd say is useless the best one for him for sure is going to be this this accessory here okay that's probably going to be his best accessory I wouldn't go anything further than that so there you guys go that is the setup for Kim um so again use him as a main support to to give your unit units more attack by tagging in and out putting your Shield The Shield the guardian set is really good for him because it increases your damage as well and applies a 30% extra on the shield itself right so there's Kims he's done Kim there you go I I hate this unit personally but anyways it is what it is uh break is probably the best set for him uh I believe he scales off of H de everything else here kind of adds up uh yeah yeah everything else here kind of adds up he has no Shield uh he scales off of defense you would want to use Noble for that so yeah I'd say probably kind of like this that's probably going to be his best you should really shouldn't be using him quite honestly like there's some characters that are pretty useless so don't don't don't be using him all right so that useless useless useless useless the only thing that matters for her really is that uh everything else is pretty useless yeah and that's the only accessory you really want to use for her quite honestly that's it that's that's that's her setup right there okay so there you guys go uh definitely can put that there if you want breaker is another really good option for her destroy is actually a pretty decent option so that's probably the setup there for her in regards to her DPS useless there useless there uh I would go honestly like this almost there you go um the setups you want to really use for him this is useless uh useless useless I mean technically you can build him a little bit of crit if you want it's up to you on that at the end of the day but uh he doesn't break so that's useless as well uh core damage is not bad for him one hit kill with his ultimate's pretty good destroy i' say is probably his best option it this is a hard unit to really really gauge guys honestly it really is uh so what I would go kind of like this for his setup for sure yeah that would make sense right there he's honestly he's just an oddball of a character too bad they don't have a defense set I think that would really help a lot of these characters out okay so she is one of my favorite characters uh so you can build her a couple of different ways um her best set actually is going to be this one let's put Destroyer set here uh and then that's it that's pretty much how that's going to go so she based off of attack she if you get her to A5 she gets her ultimate right away so one hit kill will be your best bet if you don't have her oneit kill or because of the sorry if you don't have her A5 then the arm set is best so yeah depending depending where you want to build her that's probably the best way to go now Destroyer set's really nice as well too but it's kind of useless because if you have her A5 especially it's not that great because you already start off with 100% rage bar uh rage bar Ultimate Bar um or power acquisition bar and then so this kind of becomes mute in that point but if you don't have her A5 this is actually really nice cuz she builds so fast you'll able to do the Destroyer stuff fairly often you can build a little bit of crit if you want not a bad choice really at the end of the day but U not the number one choice and then the artifact of going in and out I probably put this one here uh but yeah this is definitely going to be her setup you can also technically use this this right here um and then yeah this is kind of use honestly kind of pretty useless to be honest I wouldn't use that at all but it is it is still an option if you want again you know what no we're going to put it there I think that makes more sense there you guys go so look too different than Park uh the only biggest difference is it's probably going to look a little bit more like this I'd say and yeah that right there is how it probably be set up I even put this as useless for him because he doesn't crit that often maybe even this way maybe like that even there you guys go so that's probably his best setup right there uh again couple different options you guys can go with but the best option for sure is arm arm for him more hybrid so you can actually use the HP set here for him just the two-piece at the very least to give you guys a little more of that HP from the from the potion so that's going to be one of his best sets uh breaker set for sure you know I'll put this down one ra uh the Destroyer set's not a bad option this is pretty useless for him this is pretty useless for him uh and then this is not a bad choice either uh that pretty much gives you guys the full options right there uh these two are not going to be a good choice for him really he's not meant to do much damage although he can he's not meant to do much damage he's there mostly for breaking and he breaks things like nobody's business let me tell you all right guys I think that pretty much covered every single unit right right I think we got it all there you guys go this is pay hope you enjoyed the video let me know if you have any comments or questions in there or any suggestions yourselves on some of these characters I've gone ahead and tested all of them on the freeto Play account and my pay to win account so I've got a good mixture of both and this is how I feel is the most accurate way to look at it all right guys I'll see you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 66,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: Jdwk96FyLKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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