Solo Leveling Arise - How To Build Every SSR Units In The Game!

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[Music] [Music] welcome guys to a brand new video on solo levelin arise in today's video what I'm going to be doing is going over the build for every single SAR character in the game now I want to say that in this game you actually do want to switch out your artifacts uh when I say gear by the way I mean artifacts in this game you actually do sometimes want to switch out your artifacts depending on the type of enemy you're going against however due to the fact that switching out your artifacts in the game currently cost credit I highly do not recommend doing it but in the future eventually I hope we get a lot of gold so that when we start needing to switch out artifacts it doesn't feel costly but right now in the current position the game is in yeah switching out artifacts is something you should not be doing often especially if you are a free to-play player because you require every single gold and switching kind of cost a lot so if I wanted to change this right now to this uh yeah it it does cost it does add up by the way but you do sometimes actually want to switch out your gear depending on the type of enemies you're going against so I will go over some of the builds for each individual character but do know sometimes you might want to switch it out anyways hopefully you guys enjoyed this video stay tuned for more content on solo leveling arise now as you guys saw I'm only missing two out of the hunters um but I do still know how to build some of them already now I do want cju very very much I think she's an amazing amazing character and she will actually help me out in terms of clearing out a com um clearing out a specific content so I absolutely need her but I still go over the builds for them even if I do not own them so let's get right into it so when it comes to Emma Laurent like I said you do want to switch out gears but sometimes you will have a different build for her now the build I use for her is the break one now not every single enemy in this game has a breake meter so you don't always need this geale on her however when the enemy does have a Brak meter and she does have the weakness attribute this is going to be one of the best gears for her because the faster you can break the enemy the better it is now some enemies also regenerate the brake meter once you fully broken it but some other enemies do not so it is worth noting that this build over here is something you might need to switch actually you definitely want to switch depending on the enemy you go against but like I mentioned right now do not be switching out your builds so the build I'm using for her is the break one and I find that very useful especially when I'm fighting against igis RIS igis yeah igis where I need to break as fast as possible so I use Emma and I used him as well uh or you can use him as well for the break as well so yeah I do have a build for her with the break you could go with HP as well because she does scill off her HP as you can see damage scills off of a Max HP so that's another artifact you could run with her but generally if you guys are running okay if you guys are in a Content where you're using your s Jun Ru and the rest of your Hunters are supportive then you actually do need to change your build to a different build which is solely focused on recharging your ultimate meter so if I go over to this weapon over here or this artifact this over here your power gauge acquisition rate is increased by 20% and when the battle starts charge uh charges power Gauge by 50% and additional increases additionally increases the player and the party's power gauge acquisition rate by 20% I do believe this Stacks um so if you have your characters your rest of your Hunters with that gear it does stack so you should be able to start with like full meter straight away so like I mentioned if you're going against enemies that don't have breake meter and you don't have the weakness attribute then the build for her will change and generally you would go for for this type of build so that you can do your ultimate faster with s jimu because at the end of the day the only things that haunters provide you guys with is the support skill which is this over here so she doesn't really need to do inent amount of damage with here uh with this ability all you really need is I guess brake effect um the heat absorption and heat emission is also pretty good as well now um if you have her duped up three times you do actually have the ability so when heat emission is used the active heat absorption effect is applied to the team member so yeah you don't exactly need to build her too much in this at in this side over here now for the other side over here where the uh it comes with the necklace the bracelet rings and the earrings now I went with this build but honestly I am second guessing this but this is usually focused for where content um you are only using your hunters and not s Jin Bru so sometimes I noticed in hard concept yes my uh my character's HP do go down so I went with this build because at the end of the day I do get an increase damage of 30% but at the end of the day you still don't really want your characters to go down in HP so this might actually not be the best build for her and you would have probably wanted to go with one where it's the enemy's HP instead but you only get a 20% increase so this is it over here the executional when um when attacking an enemy with 40% okay that's that's very bad sorry about that if you go over to four set um when the HP condition has been changed to 70 so when attacking enemies with 70% or less HP increases damage date dealt by 20% this is a lot much more safer in my opinion and generally something you rather use compared to this one because at the end of the day um maintaining your character's um HP uh to be 70% or lower isn't that great honestly so I think it's easier and safer to go with executioner for the um set part second part of the artifacts for her now when it comes to him um I went with a attack set but once again you can change this as well um he does not crit he does not use crit damage so I went with straight attack but honestly I think you can also go with um this one over here which is increase basic attack by 18% increase core attack by this one actually no you don't go with that one you want him to alt so depending on your build for S jimu okay depending on the content you're going against is it content using tju as a Content only for hunters then your build will change once again you can either go with this where you're uh where you're able to increase the power acquisition rate so that you can ult faster because his ult is actually pretty good in terms of damage so you definitely want to ult as fast as possible with him and consistently I guess however if you also have other hunters in your team with this gear on him then you want to change the gear to be the one where it's this increase ultimate skill damage by 25% and decrease the cool uh ultimate skill cool down honestly alternating between this gear and this gear is some of the best gears in this game for you and depending on how you're building your player and your hover HS you will change your build so if I'm using a if I'm in a Content where I have to use S Jin Ru then either the my team or the rest of my haunters will have this gear on which allows us to um obtain a lot more power gauge acquisition which is for our ultimate then I would give this to my S Jin Ru or if it's a Content where it's only my Hunters then one of my hunters will have the exe they one hit kill one and the rest of my hunters will have the power gauge acquisition one so that we can Al faster this is only for like characters that can ult with like huge amount of DPS and he does do that um I went with flat attack since the rest of his attack skill or since the rest of his skill sorry skills of his attack but uh you can definitely change this as well now when it came to this one I went with increased skill Mana uh MP cons consumption rate by 20% but it increases your damage by 18% and a cooldown reduction effect to basic skill is 18% this is quite decent on him um I've noticed that I am able to actually obtain a lot of M so I never actually truly run out um but take a look at like the artifacts I'm using so I do have MP consumption as you can see I have another MP reduction consumption I have another one as well and I also have another one so maybe that's why I'm able to use this skill this this weap um this gear without feeling the effect of increasing the skill consumption so I do run this one and so far it's working fine with him I never really have an issue with this but you could change the artifact for this one to um not this one he doesn't create it can go with this one as well so the execution are where um based on the enemy's HP your damage can scale um this like this so this is genely good as well um increase attack by this when Landing a crit no that doesn't work for him I'm pretty sure that's the better one for him when he us it has uh no yeah that's usually the better one so this one has a down downside of like MP consumption rate being increased but if you have the the gears or the artifacts with the MP consumption reduction that would be really good for him okay actually is there a better version of this one I want to see if everyone comes with it no it doesn't so as you can see not every one of the set comes with the MP consumption reduction so depending on like your sof stats and whatnot you might not want to use this set on him um but it's working fine with me and then when it comes to him this is honestly when it comes to this one this is the best one for him now if you're using him with Troy actually yeah this this is going to be good so this is good especially especially if you take a look at chain that's coming out in the future she will benefit from this now for this one you can actually change this you can go with either HP set this is just so that you can increase his healing since his healing uh scales off of his max HP or to be honest once again you can change the artifact to the one that helps you guys uh gain power acquisition so this would be good especially for well TR ha as well would be good with her as well but generally supportive characters definitely you want to use this on them so if you're using player then you want to run that uh so I do want to change this but I don't have this set available so I I do want to farm this out and then eventually I give it to my characters now when it comes to him this guy this is honestly one of the best set for him which increases his basic attack damage by 18% and then increases core attack by this and every time his attack hits has charged core gauges by 60 which is good for him because his main bulk of his damage is coming from his ultimate you really want to you know spam his ultimate as fast as possible so you guys are probably thinking then why didn't I give him the power uh gauge acquisition one well simply because it doesn't actually increase your attack in general as well so um if you take a look at it where s Jun Ru it only basically allows you to obtain power acquisition rate um faster it doesn't really increase your basic damage from your normal attack string so you guys were probably going to say okay why didn't you I give him why didn't I'm give why didn't I give him the one which is the one hit one so where's the one hit one it's where is it it's this one you guys are probably wondering why didn't I give him this one uh because okay if you give him this one then your rest of the other characters need to have the power acquisition one this one over here so that's that actually becomes useful but like I said early on you guys probably don't have a lot of this gear build up and since it does normal attack a lot of the time having this is going to be very helpful increasing his basic attack and he does actually gain a lot of this uh you know gauge stuff it's only 60 but he actually gains a lot from this I've noticed when I use this set on him it does actually Al a lot faster so that's actually very very good and then for this one because he crits and he uh well my build for his crit if you take a look at my crit rate for him is only 25% but this is something that can definitely bump up in the future so I went with this one over here which is a lose okay if you if you don't proc this it's a lose lose situation if you proc it it's a win-win situation so um this basically allows you to increase your attack by a lot so that's actually very very good but the activation rate is kind of low it's 50/50 which can actually screw you over but um I'm willing to gamble basically and uh so far this is the a really good build for him and then when it comes to Beck similarly to Emma if you need this break and you're going against enemies with uh break ability break meter sorry and the is the weakness attribute is light he's going to be really good if you have this break effects because you're going to be able to break faster but if the enemy doesn't recover the break effect and I guess it's kind of like you do you really need that so for this one you can go ahead and change it to um so he basically attacks most of the time uh let me let me see him again so he basically what you use him for is break from his first skill nothing really from here but then you take a look at special skill he's able to decrease damage and defense which is good which makes him a really good uh support character and that's pretty much and the ultimates as well so you definitely want to use the ultimates as well so the wh inflect is apply to the last hit of all skill including excluding basic attack to all skill so you want to use the skill as fast as possible um so if I go over to the artifacts what did I do for this one so yeah I went with this one actually for this for for this side I went with increasing skill consumption um I don't haven't noticed any disadvantage with this actually to be honest but uh increases damage dealt by 18% and cool down reduction effect as well basically you want to use his skill as fast as possible so I went with this one because you definitely want to be able to proc the effect which is the this one over here the defense down so you definitely want to proc as fast as possible so I went with this one with a coold down reduction uh for this one you can change this build depending on your crit rate and stuff so let me go ahead and check my crit rate for him right now is 25% again so for him I could definitely switch this one to like uh so it skills off defense there's no really gear for defense um it doesn't B none of the attack works for him so break effects or you can just go with a power acquisition again so being able to Al as fast as possible as well can definitely be something you go with as well generally that's be like a universal build for any support of character honestly and then for him um he scals off defense as well and if I remember correctly let's see the effect of sorry uh when he user uses Dodge increases damage of suppress D du doesn't really have much in his skill so yeah if you're going to use him as a support character so once again for this one you will just go with power acquisition one so um this one over here honestly that's pretty much it the rest of his abilities don't really have anything really too interesting so yeah that's pretty much it and when it comes to this character Lee Bora let me quickly check when she needs to attack with her skills gauge power acquisition 100% cool down oh this one has no nothing to do with power acquisition right MP huh let me see increases damage de actually wait a minute he doesn't need MP to use a skill let me see damage yep yep yep no you do need MP though why does none of the skill say it okay anyways going back to leor so MP consumption is 80 it says it over here MP consumption so does not every character consume MP with their skill 60 150 okay yeah yeah okay never mind I I was tripping out never mind ignore that sorry um going back to leore uh she basically wants to use a charm effect basically but most of the time oh she is good for de debuff Zone as well so she's just a support character guys so just like with every support character you literally want to build them with the same thing which is again power acquisition um I keep calling power acquisition but what's the actual name Destroyer the Destroyer effects so power power gauge acquisition you basically want want to give it to her as well and then going over to this side she is she doesn't she skills of attack so honestly guys she's a support character once again give her the set when tagging out increases the attack of you and your team member by this amount so this is genuinely good for her as well now going over to the other characters in the game that I do not own I go over to Hunters go over to C Wu there is a couple of builds you can go with her she's a breakout but she also has Shield there is a gear in this in this game that actually allows you guys to increase the effectiveness of the shield now I I want to use her as a support character honestly and just for the shield so if I if I was to get her I would honestly give her this one the shield effect is increased by 30% uh when a team member including player activates a shield it increases damage dealt by 10% for for 10 seconds so honestly I would give this to her however you can also go with the break effect as well simply because she's also a break character as well as you can see but I genely think just making sure that that Shield is very tanky for you is generally the best way to go and since she doesn't really increase your damage with any of her ability having that gear on her that actually increases your damage dealt by 10% is going to be very very good so that's actually a very good build for her now for the other side of it uh she skills of HP but if I'm using her in my team I'm just going to let's see actually you could again go with power acquisition or the Destroyer set for her since she is a support character as well technically or shielder um yeah so it's either okay depends on what you need do you need to Shield to be extremely tanky then you go with the the artifacts that allows you to increase the effectiveness of The Shield or if you need her to just provide you guys with power acquisition Gauge by 20% Then you definitely will go with um actually wait a minute wait a minute let me let me go back to the artifacts actually so power acquisition if I remember correctly it says when the battle starts power gauge is charged by 50% now if I had another character with this it'll be 100% so only two okay you technically only want two of your characters with Destroyer sets then 20 for all to be honest increase the power yeah 24 so 40% increase in power acquisition technically you could go with more but you won't really benefit from the first half of the for set skill when the battle starts charge power Gauge by 50% um because 50 you only need two sets to do this two two gears uh two characters with this Gear with the four set gear to do that but they're increasing the the players party power gauge acquisition rate by 20% as well that's 40% in total right or is it just saying it's only 20% in is it excluding the first part as well so when the part two starts and an additional increases the player and the okay no no it's the four set okay cool cool cool so 50% 20% 2 4 6 8 so yeah you could build a lot of your support characters with this gear honestly and then your main um player I guess could go with the one hit um one hit gear um hm yeah you could go with that as well as well so yeah with SE honestly I'll probably just go with Shield though cuz I really want her of The Shield literally it because most content gets harder and having a shield just helps you guys avoid death so that's actually very really good so um I'll go for shield for SEO to be honest I'm going back to the Codex going back to Hunters Hong duu for him he just sucks honestly guys so to build him just build him as a support character honestly he does want to be play as like a damage dealer or tank but the only thing he does good honestly is this is the stun over here if you go over to passive increases us as defense which helps with damage increases users defense and creates a shield how long does his shield last yeah it's meant to be like a brawler type so damage but honestly he's not that great from what I can see so but he does have great AOE with both of the skill over here so yeah yeah for him it's kind of I don't know what to build him with I have a power acquisition there is no gear for defense boost so I guess one hit kill to focus on the um focus on his ultimate but yeah that that's how I would build him honestly just a support character so yeah that there we go and then when it comes to the artifacts for um SE I'll probably would go with attack yeah let me see so increases damage delt and cool down no uh Landing a crit no no honestly it would just be this there's not really good sets for the um bracelets and the necklace so the only one I would actually recommend is honestly the ones that just at least if you have an attacker in your team then this would be beneficial at the end of the day some that skills off attack foro and for dongu um increased skill consumption I guess I I don't know I honestly don't know how to build him I don't really like him as a character um anyways there there we go that's how you build every single SSR character like I said you guys already seen their pattern power acquisition or the is it called The Destroyer set is really good plus the one hit kill one is also really good as well those are the general two good artifacts from the left side and then for the right side it's usually one with like supportive ability cuz at the end of the day um if you're using S Jin Ru and the rest of hunters are just supportive characters and uh don't really provide you much besides do extra damage on the sides then I guess what you could go with is um let's go back to it you can go with uh with this or you can go actually no not this sorry not that this is used as h right not that one sorry not this one um you can go with no not that you can go with this one generally on the right side or you can go with this one over here when attacking enemies with uh 7% or less increases damage dealt by 20% so generally that's usually the best two for the right side for all the characters but like I mentioned you probably want to keep switching out your gear depending on the content you are in but right now now gold is required when you're switching out your gears and it's too expensive to recommend doing that so you probably want to stick with one gear at the moment um so yeah J though this game is good the Executioner I should change her set honestly I will go ahead and change it honestly uh but I just it's going to cost a lot of gold man damn okay that's it that's it hopefully you guys enjoyed this video stay tuned for more content it's been your boy AC gamer and I'm out
Channel: ACGamer
Views: 20,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling game, solo leveling arise android game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling netmarble, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise, netmarble, solo leveling gameplay, NETMARBLE, solo leveling arise guide, solo leveling arise how to build every ssr units, solo leveling arise build, solo leveling arise artifact, solo leveling arise ssr build, solo leveling arise artifact guide, solo leveling arise artifact build
Id: v3jQUNV9qd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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