Sol’s RNG: The Most Evil Strategy on Roblox

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[Music] hey everybody I'm Brean and I talk about Niche Roblox games today we're diving into a phenomenon that's taken over Roblox a game called Souls RNG this seemingly simple game has not only climbed the front page of Roblox but also sparked a wave of controversy and copycats but what is it about souls RNG that caught the attention of millions why is it so problematic at its core Souls RNG is straightforward players enter the game and roll galaxy galaxy galaxy these nuts I just got Galaxy I just got Galaxy I just got Galaxy I just got Galaxy I just got Galaxy I just got Galaxy I just got Galaxy breakr 1 and S 1 and 7 million Yes you heard that right the entire game play revolves around rowing for rare titles which are essentially cosmetic enhancements that carry no real gameplay weight but are somehow highly coveted by the player base so far Souls RNG stood out to me and the craziest thing about about it is that people think it's a good game when I first saw Souls RNG I was initially apprehensive about covering it from the way the game looks on the outside I thought it would be like a deep loen type front page game where I'd have to commit a lot of time to learning it all but this is not the case because yes Souls RNG does require a lot of time but no actual effort there's virtually no gameplay sure there's an Obby daily Quest and like one Quest but nobody really does those from what I've seen two out of set three of your daily quests will just involve you passively sitting still completing quests such as roll while it's raining five times what makes Souls RNG intriguing get troubling is its Reliance solely on the mechanics of Randomness and waiting players can craft gauntlets to improve their odds of securing better titles but this too is a time-consuming process that involves no actual gameplay skill or strategy or even more concerningly it requires barely any cognitive function at least blade ball another front page game that's full of RNG rounding requires a little bit of you know thinking when you have to play it and here's where things start to get concerning the game's design is a perfect storm for exploiting young impressionable players by incentivizing long playtimes through continuous rolling and crafting Souls RNG manipulates roblox's algorithms which favor games that keep players online for extended periods this also goes hand inand with the whole premium payout padding deal where if you get premium users to stay in your game for a long while then you're going to get some extra Robux paid out to you it's why so many of these bad horror games are filled with padding and holding e to clean up trash Souls RNG also forces you to watch this annoying cut scene every time you roll but it can be skipped if you buy the 100 Robo game pass that automatically skips it you know what they say make a problem sell a solution am I right got a selection of good things on sale stranger what are you B why [Music] in is that all [Music] St thank you come back any time and it doesn't stop there the success of souls RNG has spawned dozens if not hundreds of similar games on Roblox these titles replicate its formula with vidle variation s ating the market with games that promote passive gameplay and encourage gambling like behaviors among young audiences but obviously Souls RNG isn't actually having these kids gamble real money but if you think that makes it okay then you're a [ __ ] idiot Souls RNG is simply Shifting the Roblox landscape and could have lingering effects on the types of games that children come to expect on ROBLOX after all why would you want to grind at a niche game when you can just sit still and get gratification for doing virtually nothing stuff like this is troublesome because requires little effort but the RNG aspect still hooks you especially when you're given such great rewards for such little work I mean you just rolled a one in 450,000 chance Aura and you did no work isn't that great those big numbers definitely make you feel something you know something that I kind of want to mention is that this game uses a lot of like flashy effects and flashy sound effects and [ __ ] like that you know who also does flashy sound effects and colors and all that stuff Vegas slot machines oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes please shut up yeah um just thought I draw a few comparisons there also if Arcane is so if one in a million why do so many people have it like I feel like I see at least four people people a day who have Arcane it really diminishes oh sorry got it really diminishes the Rarity of these things if everybody else has them already you know what I mean you see video games are not inherently bad or addicting at their core there are several virtues to video games in youth especially a game like Roblox which has several building games or teamwork games or games that show you the importance of hard work and commitment there are games that are fun to play with friends and can give you a nice shared memory of being spooked by something scary or it can encourage you to work together to find a new strategy in a competitive game like the conquerors or eclipsis in short this game creates an addicting cycle for a developing brain maybe these kids will grow up to be those old people in the casino who lose 10K every night I lost $4 million hey dude you've been in this game for hours you just leave I'm bored I can't weep I need to roll something better they really funny really funny what do you mean a fun it's funny you know it's a good story it's funny you're a funny guy eh but who knows maybe the creator of souls RNG actually has really good intentions I'm sure he's a great person every friend I know that exploits children is just an amazing individual say I hear you like I'm young all none of them also just wanted to throw that in there the quest that you have to do seemed simple at first this girl asks you to find a star but unbeknown to me you have to wait for starf which has a one in 6,000th chance of happening so yeah I gave up on that one and the Obby you can do only gives you 0.3% luck multiplier so don't don't do that either so what does the future hold for games like Souls RNG and Roblox as developers and players alike continue to Grapple with these questions it becomes crucial for parents to monitor what their children are playing more than ever if you like this video don't forget to suplex that like button subscribe and turn on notifications to stay up to date with all my latest content also let me know your thoughts regarding Souls RNG in the comments below I'm Brean and I talk about Niche Roblox games and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] I fell in love with you we fell in love with you guys like us just don't far the [ __ ] sky you know [Music]
Channel: Breadian
Views: 133,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breadian, gaming, roblox, breadian roblox, roblox breadian, sol's rng, roblox sol's rng, sols rng, roblox sols rng, sols rng video essay, roblox video essay, sol's rng roblox, sols rng guide, sol's rng era 6, sols rng noob to pro, sols rng live, the roblox sols rng paradox, sol's rng guide, sol's rng rarest aura, sol's rng arcane, sols rng arcane, roblox documentary, breadian doors, breadian jim's computer, breadian sols rng, breadian sol's rng, sol's rng era 7
Id: eyeGot504pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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