Soft Skills - Critical Thinking

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hello friends and welcome to yet another video on tutorials point with meter chun today we are going to talk about critical thinking skills let's see what is there on the agenda for us we will talk about what exactly do we mean by the word critical thinking identify the core skills for critical thinking we will also talk about what exactly as the importance of critical thinking uses of critical thinking and tips to enhance your critical thinking abilities well what exactly do we mean by the word critical thinking it's something which goes like this it means making reasoned judgments that are logical and well thought of it is a way of thinking in which you don't simply accept what is coming your way rather you think in terms of you know in a logical manner or rather you would think in terms of a logical sequence manner you challenge yourself in order to not give in to the standard way of thinking critical thinking my friends is something that will help you to tap into your brain cells tap into the gray matter and also try to think more from the left brain point of view you do not become too emotional you know and submissive kind of thinking critical thinking is all about being a little more analytical and try to solve problems in a more better manner let's see what are the core skills for critical thinking the first one is curiosity well as children are very curious and they keep asking non-stop questions so as to get or rather so as to feel satisfied with the answer in the same way one of the key elements of critical thinking is to make sure that you're curious it is a desire to learn more information and seek evidence as well as being open to new ideas the second core skills is skepticism which means it involves having a healthy questioning attitude about the new information you are exposed to so trying to think creative and trying to also have a healthy questioning attitude is what is skeptism all about third one is humility humility means even if you are wrong with your thoughts and ideas the humility to say our you know is to give in or rather apologize if you were not right on a particular thing well uses of critical thinking we use critical thinking in our day-to-day life and some of the areas where we use critical thinking is reasoning whenever we are trying to reason out a particular you know solution to a problem we try to think in a critical way in which we are able to really go down to the depth of an issue and try to reason it out we also use critical thinking when we are evaluating something whether something over the other has to be evaluated for example plan a or b that is also when we use critical thinking we use critical thinking a lot in problem solving problems at on the home front or in our professional lives we are always thinking critically we also use critical thinking in terms of decision making we also are thinking in terms of analyzing something so analytical skills is all about how do you analyze get into the problem and try to come to a consensus or solution and that is also where we use critical thinking skills well friends now let's look at what is the importance of critical thinking here is where is the important slice it tells you to promote creativity the more critically you are able to think the more creative you try to become it is crucial for self-reflection it helps to separate facts from opinions and you also tend to become more factual rather than becoming more emotional and opinionated it enhances your efficiency or definitely you will become more productive and more efficient if you are able to think critically it enhances your comprehension skills well all these friends are the importance of critical thinking let's take a look at what are the principles of critical thinking it's very important that if you want to become be able to rather think critically you need to make sure that you are all of these things you need to be curious and ask questions as much as you can you need to define the terms define the exact thing what you want examine the evidence do not just take things for granted try to evaluate and enhance what is the evidence analyze the assumptions as well as the biases avoid emotional reasoning a lot of times we get into an emotional zone and we are not really able to think of something in a weary or left-brained manner rather we think from the right brain which is more emotional do not oversimplify things consider other interpretations try to be thinking from both points of view rather than your own interpretations of things tolerate uncertainty whenever you are thinking in a critical manner there will definitely be a lot of uncertainties around situations and things and problems etc so try to be a little adaptable flexible and tolerate uncertainty in a very positive manner well let's take a look at what are the stages in terms of development of critical skills it doesn't just happen out of the blue there are certain stages of processes in terms of you know how do you develop critical thinking the stages of development of critical thinking are unreflective Varens you have no awareness of flawed thinking you are in a complete zone wherein you have absolutely no idea of what is critical thinking and your okey over there sometimes after that you get into a challenge zone which is limited awareness about things around you then you get into a next stage which is the beginner level or the beginning we start recognizing the need for critical thinking and somewhere you will feel that spark or that trigger which helps you to get into that mode of critical thinking the next one is you practice that means you start regularly practicing the skills for critical thinking the next is the advanced level after you've done too much of practice of you know using critical thinking is when you become advanced at it and you regularly start using these skills for critical thinking finally you become a master at something because you are doing it so many times you try to become you know it almost becomes like a second nature of yours to think in a critical manner so friends these are all stages that one goes through whenever they are trying to you know think in a critical manner let's understand where or how to enhance your critical thinking well if you're somebody who doesn't want to or doesn't know how to get into a critical thinking mode of way of thinking you need to start asking basic questions something or sometimes an explanation becomes so complex that the original question gets lost while you're working at a problem or analyzing things or evaluating things sometimes you get so much into depth of that particular problem that you lose focus of where you started from so it's important that you keep asking yourself the basic questions as to why you are doing this second is question basic assumptions which means when you assume you make an ass out of you as well as me so never assume things always clarify and get your answers to that the next one is be aware of your mental processes well this means that all of us have biases in our thinking becoming aware of them is what makes critical thinking possible know what your judgmental towards what are your lights what are your dislikes and that's how you will try to become a little unbiased towards things the next one is try reversing things even if it turns out that the reverse isn't true considering it can set you on the path to finding a solution so always try to take the path less traveled always try to think out of the blue a little bit well the next one is evaluate the existing evidence when you're trying to solve a problem it is always helpful to look at the other work that has been done in the same area and that is where you are trying to look at the existing evidence so that you do not waste more time onto doing things which have already been done by somebody else in the past so always look at some other some other person's work now you know the next thing in order to enhance your critical thinking is remember to think for yourselves don't be overconfident but recognize that thinking for yourself is essential to answering the tough questions not get so involved into the critical thinking that you do not think for yourself I think that's the number one criteria in order to enhance your creative thinking well Albert Einstein the very famous one said it really really nicely when he mentioned this we can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them and it really means that we need to start thinking in a more critical manner because what we started out we cannot be the same after a couple of years or months the next one was said by Henry David Thoreau which says that if there was one life skill everyone on the planet needed it was the ability to think with critical objectivity I think this is a life skill which everyone each and every one of you who's listening to this video should have as a personal advice I would say it's very important to think in a critical manner well to conclude this particular topic on critical thinking we have understood so much in depth about critical thinking the importance the ways and how to enhance your critical thinking abilities I do hope you've enjoyed listening to this video on critical thinking and I hope post this video you will definitely start to think in a more critical way well thank you for watching us and more videos coming your way till then thank you
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
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Keywords: Soft Skills, Critical Thinking, Soft Skills - Critical Thinking
Id: iaiF9cn5I2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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