Soft Skills - Influencing Skills

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hello friends welcome to yet another video on tutorials point with meter ciao well today in this particular video we will talk about a topic which can be of interest to many of you tuning into this video right now the topic is on influencing skills well have you ever been influenced by somebody it could be a parent it could be a mentor it could be a coach or it could be a friend or even a colleague at work well influencing is all about doing things which you are good at doing which means that you are able to influence somebody without showing them in a negative manner rather it's done in such a smooth way that the person gets influenced without even realizing that he has got influenced let's take a look at what is there on the agenda for us today here in this particular video we will talk about explaining the meaning and significance of influencing skills identify the relationship between power and influence identifying the sources of power which leads you to become more influential at place and identifying the characters of what exactly makes a good influencer so friends what exactly do we mean by the word influencing skills here is what it means an effect of one person or thing on another it can be something simply being you know you're trying to influence somebody in a positive way whereas the other person feels he's able to do things for you without realizing that he is doing out of you know friendship or things like that the power of a person or thing to have that kind of effect rather a power or sway resulting from ability wealth position etc a person or a thing having influence so influence is all about power and the way you use that power not in a negative but a positive way let's take a look at what is the significance of influencing influencing is a crucial element of being a good and effective communicator you might have realized that people who are good at influencing are people who are really good at communicating in a very very man oh you already possess the innate influencing skills a lot of which is done in a very unconscious or subconscious manner a lot of times people who influence don't even you know make it so apparent that they are influencing it's done in such a smooth manner something on a subconscious level to be a really good influencer these skills can be enhanced by moving them to your conscious mind and developing them influencing people is all about getting something done instead of complaining that it is has to be done in a certain way and hence what I'm trying to say is that influencing people is something which is a thing that somebody is born with or it could be a learn it skill either which ways this particular module will help you because you can get to learn how to influence people it is a learner will skin people like being around those people who can influence others influencing people makes almost anything you know happen in a very easy manner you know generally also I feel that people who you know are influencing people are people who genuinely have lot of friends they do it in such a way that people don't feel bad about it and at the same time the work is done there's a very famous quotation which says that influence is all about power it's not only power which has to be in a negative way it's also about using the power in a positive way to influence people that ultimately gets the work done now it's very important to balance the power people who have great powers in terms of status or hierarchy or even wealth should not misuse that power in a negative way so it's all about balancing the power in a positive way and getting the work done wherein you're not hurting someone in the process and also you're doing something good for the society there are different sources of power now this power can come in different ways for example it can be in form of a reward or recognition when at workplace somebody has been given a roof or all recognize for doing some kind of good work it can make the person feel influenced to do things in a way that will help others as well coercive is taking on power in a very aggressive manner wherein you really try to snatch the power in accros away that is when you cause your way of force your way to influence people now that's a negative way of influencing legitimate power is something which comes down from hierarchy your father or great-grandfather or great-great great-grandfather could have been a person of influence and power and that comes on to the lesser or the you know the lower generations personal power is again something which you feel really motivated to influence people and it's all about personalizing things for them export well export is a person who can get the power because he or she is a subject matter expertise on that particular domain area information knowledge all of these things also make you have great sources of power to influence people because if you are knowledgeable and have all the information about particular thing people are likely to listen to you more and get influenced by you in a much more better manner and the last is your connections a lot of time people network have many many connections both personally as well as professionally which helps them to become great influencers so friends these are all sources of power now please realize this when I see it that influence and power really go hand in hand well what's a good influence of all these images of people you are seeing over here on the screen at the Lai Lama or Steve Jobs Angela Joey etc they are all people who are or have been great influencers in our life now what is a great influencer a great influencer speaks logically fluently and confidently motivating and inspiring others by appealing to their hidden interest when I say hidden interest it means that the person really wants to do some but at the same time the influencer is able to tap into the hidden interest and get it out of their system by influencing them at a subconscious level now let us take a look at what are characteristics of a great influencer or a good influencer if you really want to become good at influencing people this is what is the characteristics that you should have let's take a look a great influencer needs to be somebody who's energetic and enthusiastic you cannot be dull and if you want to be an influencer you should not be boring and dull you have to be full of energy and enthusiasm this should be people who are calm and even-tempered disposition even if somebody you know really gets to them in terms of making them angry and irritated a great influencer is somebody who will calm and poise and does not lose his or her cool flexible and adaptable a good influencer is also somebody who has great listening and observation skills influencing is not only about talking it's also about how good you are able to listen to your people and observe them and do things for them that will really make them proud of you ability to act impartially and somebody who's neutral not biased as a person somebody who's really really self-confident and empathetic and perceptive it's all about how much you're able to empathize with your people are you able to put yourself into another person's shoes and think things from their point of view that makes you a great influencer well friends to conclude this particular topic or module on influencing skills I would really like to leave you with the saying that if you are somebody who really wants to influence people you need to be somebody who do it in not a negative way you need to do it in a positive way so that people want to get influenced by you without realizing that it's happening to them so go out there and practice you're influencing skills thank you very much for watching please keep watching more videos coming your way thank you
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
Views: 10,758
Rating: 4.9134197 out of 5
Keywords: Soft Skills, Soft Skills - Influencing Skills, Influencing Skills
Id: Mku5RPpPsJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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