Sofia Vergara Plays a Hidden Camera Prank

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so I have sent sofia vergara from Modern Family over to the mill which is a little market on the lot Sofia can you hear me I can hear you okay before you go in I just want to tell you to be I'm gonna give you some stuff to say but this is you're gonna be really somber don't be real happy just say excuse me is this notes or excuse me this is the music store I'm Sofia Vergara I'm on Modern Family I'm Sofia Vergara I'm from Modern Family oh cool nice to meet you I'm Chris hi Chris like they say oh I'm so sad so sad no I'm sad I come I'm filming a movie on the lockira filming a movie here and Israel it's very sad I'm so sorry the movie is called with water running and horses or silence when birds are running and the horses are signing new year really yeah it's based on a book during the long summer from Texas where the dogs are running in the movie like the dogs were in the in the Texas I remember they think it was like some dogs running in Texas but long running in Texas so they Jordan good for that Saniya shortened the name of the movie I don't remember if the dogs are running in fixes fix us accent oh you could do it howdy y'all howdy all hey y'all howdy partner howdy partner my agents thought this would be a good party man it would be a perfect part for me because it's inside because it shows another side of me uh-huh but I have to be sad and I have to be sad all the time I have to cry oh she cried like this start crying [Applause] someone told me I have junk in my trunk junk in my trunk [Applause] you have trunk junk in the trunk I have to cry again I have to stay in character you know what I have to stay in character have to cry again I have to cry just sad just silently crying no excited this silent just do you believe me do I cry well do you think that very well I think a really good we do believe me I believed you a bit time I told you the truth gallop gallop around like a horse make a note how do you want that the end of the movie is howdy the end of the movie I laugh and laugh at it you want the end of the movie I so happy and I laugh and I laugh [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] all right you should laugh cuz you're on hidden camera right now you have to because you're in here in camera right now [Laughter] [Applause]
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 8,955,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, talk, show, interview, sofia, vergara, ifb, hidden, camera, dennis, quaid, mill, store, warner, brothers, comedy, funny, Columbia, Columbian, television
Id: mUr5KxtKZQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2010
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