Sod Phase 3 Restoration Druid Guide | Runes Talents Rotation | Beginner's Guide

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hey what's going on guys real gaming here back another video today's episode we're going over phase three for Restoration Druid in season of Discovery this guide is going to cover runes talents and rotation that being said let's go ahead and get started so first five Talent points we're going to be putting into improved Mark of the wild this is just going to make our buff that we give out to our party and our raid that much stronger five really well spent points there then we're putting Five Points into improved healing touch redu the cast time of your healing touch spell by half a second so nature swiftness when activated your next nature spell becomes an instant cast spell really good in a pinch if you need to save somebody Five Points into Nature's Focus gives you a 70% chance to avoid Interruption caused by damage while casting the healing touch regrowth and Tranquility spells three points into reflection allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting one point into insect swarm and then five points and two subtly here to reduce the threat generated of our healing spells by 20% Five Points into tranquil Spirit reduce the Mana cost of your healing touch and Tranquility spells by 10% and then here com of comes the weird part of Resto J We're not putting any points into improved Rejuvenation we're not putting any points into improved regrowth those two spells are very expensive to use and in this phase we're not casting them now obviously if you want to use them you can put points here if those are spells that you're comfortable with using feel free to but they're not going to be the most efficient spells to use so that's why we're not putting points there we'll be putting Five Points into gift of nature increase the effect of all healing spells by 10% one point into Swift men consumes a reju or regrowth effect on a friendly Target instantly heal them and amount equal to 12 seconds so we will talk about this a little bit more here later in the video but this is going to be really core to our rotation and then this is also going to be something that we talk about here is improved wrath reduce the cast time of your wrath spells by half a second very important to put five points into improved wrath all right from a talent standpoint that's pretty much it let's go ahe and get into the runes so start with a head Rune we're going to be going into improved bark skin your bark skin can now be cast on allies no longer penalizes melee combat speed or spell casting time and can be cast while shape shifted but this is just going to be really useful right you can throw it out put it on your tank and it's just going to absorb some more damage for us going into our chest Rune we have Fury of the storm rage so this is going to be really key to our rotation this is the Five Points in Wrath that's kind of where that comes in so reduces the Mana cost of Wrath by 100% and each time you de damage with wrath you have a 12% of your next cast of Healing Touch within 15 seconds to be instant and castable in any shape shift form so this is going to be really good right when this does proc we can use Healing Touch we can get an instant Healing Touch off which feels really good especially in sort of like a pinch scenario now it also reduces like you said earlier reduces the Mana cost of Wrath by 100% so that's very important and we'll get to this here in a minute but wrath is actually going to be core to your healing rotation and let's just go ahead and segue into it since we're already talking about it let's go into our foot Rune which is a dream state so your damaging Spell critical strikes Grant you 50% of your Mana regeneration while casting for 8 seconds and increase nature damage dealt to the Target by 20% for 12 seconds so essentially what we're doing is we're using all of these rats to kind of fish for a Critical Strike to proc dream state so you want to try to proc dream state as much as you possibly can and the only way we're going to really be able to proti this is through spamming those free rats so right once you get the group kind of toed up this is something you want to focus on you want to practice and get as much Mana regen as you possibly can on our wrist Rune we are running efflorescence so this kind of plays into the Swift men talent that we're taking for deep Resto so your swiftmane florescence healing all party members within 15 yards of swiftmane raid members standing in it are going to get healed for a whole bunch so this is really strong right because now we're in 20 man raids we're not in 10 anymore so you're just going to see a lot more value from area of effect spells like this now the trick here is you can kind of cheese this with a rank one Rejuvenation so the way we get this to proc right e florescence procs through Swift Min now if we go back to Swift men Swift men procs through a Rejuvenation or a regrowth on the target so it's kind of like this weird sort of chain reaction but what you have to do is you have to find a Target that has Rejuvenation or regrowth on them already you have to cast Swift men on them and then e florescence will prop now what you can do is you can cast a rank one e florescence on something like the tank something you know typically like a melee group where everybody's kind of stacked in together and you can proc e florescence for almost nothing if you're using a rank one Rejuvenation so again the way this works is rank one Rejuvenation on the Target that you want e florescence to go on you'll Swift men them and then e florescence will appear at their feet so that's our wrist Rune let's go to hand Rune here so wild growth is what we're going to be taking heals all of the target players party members within 40 yards of the target player for x amount over 7 Seconds the amount healed is applied quickly at first slows down as wild growth reaches its full duration so rro druid this phase has really really strong AOE healing right you have wild growth and then we have efflorescence that we just talked about so super strong for just trying to top up uh your raid in general right so that's wild growth let's go ahead and go into nourish so heals a friendly Target for x amount heals for an additional 20% if you have a reju regrowth life bloom or wild growth effect active on the target so nourish is a pretty quick heal and it will actually out heal healing touch as long as you have a hot on that Target to heal with so as you can see at the bottom this Spell benefits and triggers all effects associated with Healing Touch so the Five Points here that we put into improved Healing Touch that's going to benefit our nourish up next we have life Bloom here so life Bloom reduces the global cooldown on your Rejuvenation and life Bloom abilities by half a second and you gain the life Blom ability so this heals a target for x amount over 7 Seconds when the life Bloom completes its duration or is dispelled it is instantly healed for x amount and the jured regains half of the cost of the spell this can stack up to three times on the same Target so you can use this to kind of spot heal around if you need to but for the most part you're putting three stacks on the tank that's taking the most damage so this is a very efficient heal overtime effect and it's one of the many reasons that we're not taking improved Rejuvenation in our talent tree life Bloom just simply does pretty much everything better for Less cost now we did talk about nourish earlier one thing you can do right if you have a party member that doesn't have a hot effect on them you can go back to Healing Touch here Healing Touch is still pretty good but if there's a hot up on the target nourish is going to be better so that's something that you can kind of decide on the fly but sometimes you know you could use a down ranked healing touch and then finally of course we do have dream state which we've already talked about Spell critical strikes gr you 50% man region this is where our wrath kind of comes into play okay guys now let's talk about our healing priority so let's just start with group healing so your main group heal ability is probably going to be something like wild growth of course we did talk about efflorescence efflorescence Swift men and rank one Rejuvenation are going to be in our maintain columns so you're trying to basically for AOE you have something to maintain for single Target you have something to maintain so this is something you want to try to keep down as often as possible is e florescence and we're going to be doing that with a wrank one Rejuvenation Swift M combo and then for single Target we also want to maintain three life blooms on whoever is taking the most damage typically the main tank right then for our single Target healing right we're going to nourish if the target has a hot on it or you can down rank a healing touch if there is no hot on the specific Target and and if we do have a fury of the storm rage proc we can get those instant cast healing touches and again Fury of storm rages right here reduce the Mana cost of our wrath and we have a 12% chance to get a instant cast healing touch and then of course our filler here we're going to wrath spam to proc dream state for our man regeneration and then we're going to be of course fishing for stormrage procs as well then sort of our emergency healing down here right we do have bark skin for the tank right so that we can reduce the damage that he does take in a heavy damage sort of phase and we do have our nature swiftness that we take in our talent tree right here for an instant cast nourish so you can kind of save that for an emergency and then of course for emergency group healing we do have our Tranquility spell all right guys that's pretty much it for this video If you enjoyed it please consider liking and subscribing to the channel we will see you on the next one he
Channel: Realm Gaming WoW
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Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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