So, What Is WORTH Doing In The Cataclysm Prepatch? | Cataclysm Classic

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the cataclysm pre patch is now well underway bringing tons of expansion features into the game and despite the phased pre patch which existed back in the day being noticeably absent there's still plenty of things that you can be doing during this final wait until kata's official release on May 20th today I'm going to be covering all the various different bits and pieces that you can be doing during the pre patch as well as hopefully giving you a few ideas of things that you can work on if you're after something to do starting from the basics to some things which will take a bit more time but first a quick word from today's sponsor hellofresh hellofresh is a meal kit delivery service that aims to make a difference when it comes to leveling up your cooking skill and eating better hellofresh offers over 30 calorie smart or protein smart recipes weekly all with pre- propop ingredients delivered straight to you and there are plenty more options on top of that so there will be something for everyone the convenience of hellofresh is where it makes a difference you save time and money on shopping you save time in the kitchen and you get the exact amounts of what you need so nothing goes to waste anymore so whether it's for saving time getting on track with better eating or anything in between hellofresh is well worth a go and if you check out the link below and use my code you'll receive 10 free meals and a free dessert for Life whilst your subscription is active many thanks to hellofresh for the sponsor today let's get back to wow so beginning with things to get done on pretty much any character first of all head over to your class trainer and to learn everything that's new whil cataclysm does remove some abilities from the game a number of classes would have learned new abilities between 1 and 1880 which you won't automatically have spell ranks are of course gone from the gaming cataclysm so once you learn something new from your trainer it's just going to scale up with your level but this makes it even more important to go and train new things whenever you can and if you open your spell book you can see what level you'll learn stuff at so you'll know when to go and train everyone will also learn their armor specific bonus is at level 50 which means when you have the armor corresponding to your class you gain 5% bonus main stat so paladins will we play shamans will wear male and so on there's no more Warriors rolling on leather anymore in CER also at level 80 you unlock your Mastery which gives you a bonus to your spec depending what you play and some specs are pretty reliant on this new stat which right now outside of reforging it's kind of hard to get it as with any pre patch some classes are going to do a lot better than others but don't worry about your class underperforming at the moment for a few weeks things are going to change big time when we're at 85 and getting stuck into cata's end game you can head over to your riding trainer 2 and pick up your flight Master's a license as early as a level 60 for about 212g or so this will allow you to fly in eastern kingdoms kalor and deep home moving forwards if you have a bit more gold to spare you can also train 310% flight speed as well now for around 4,250 G this is very much where wor getting on your main you're going to be flying about a lot in cataclysm and you should make a decent amount of that go back during leveling anyway you should go and update your glyphs too the glyph system now has three tiers those being Prime major and minor and a ton of glyphs have been reworked removed or just moved about somewhere so you might have some decent ones already but you're going to be missing a lot of them you also don't need to carry a stack of glyphs anymore if you were playing a class which changed them out instead now it's basically how the runes system works in season of Discovery if you're familiar with that you learn a glyph once it goes onto the interface and then you just equip it from there if you want to swap glose you'll need Vanishing powder which is super cheap and available from inscription vendors and for level 81 and above we'll have to use dust of disappearance instead which is also on vendors but scribes will be making it too it's always a good idea just to carry a stack so you can swap out Cliffs when needed next up we have the new Guild system it's here and it's in the game but it's changed quite a bit from how it used to be Guild perks being tied to your guild level are now gone and all characters just have all Guild perks by default so things such as bonus justice points honor points experience all that stuff everyone gets them straight away even level one characters do so there's less of that feel that you need to always be in a guild which definitely existed back in the day for cata and there are two Guild perks which have been removed too those are cash flow which made it so when you looted gold a small extra amount was generated and sent into the Guild Bank personally I'm really happy to see this go as back in the day it created loads of quote unquote guilds whose sole purpose was funing money from leveling characters to the GM blizzard have also got rid of have group will travel this teleported all raid members to your location which made it so a road could sneak to just about anywhere press this button and magically there's now a raid group in your Capital not going to lie this was a lot of fun to use but maybe it was just a bit difficult to balance also Mass Resurrection isn't in the game as used to be and instead all classes with a resurrection ability now have a new button that was added in Legion which functions in the same way so back in the day in Kata if you were going to wipe a hunter could feain death and mass res you can't do that in Kata classic you're going to need somebody which has a heal Baseline to live despite all this it's still pretty good to be in a guild and there's a bunch of stuff which you can get now notably earning rep with your guild is very quick and there's no cap on the amount of rep which can be earned in the space of a week on top of that the majority of Guild rewards are account bound to so even if you are leveling on an ALT or something you'll still get nearly all the rewards that you would probably be after do note though that quite a few of these Guild rewards also need Guild wide achievements too which you probably won't have yet in fact to leveling on an ALT is probably one of the fastest ways to gain rep with your guild due to how much rep you get from Quest on your main on the other hand you'll probably have to do dailies or spam dungeons which I don't think is going to be any anywhere near as fast in any event at Friendly you can get a guild tabard which increases guild reputation gains by 50% and at honored another tabard which increases gains by 100% on top of that at Friendly there's a new earlom cloak that you can get giving 5% more XP and it Reve a Helm which gives another 10% more XP these currently only work from levels 1 to 80 as back in the day you needed a certain Guild level in addition to reputation to buy them and given that Guild levels aren't a thing anymore we can now get them in the pre patch which is great for alts but typically and well you can't use heirlooms on a first time leveling experience through a new expansion so I expect blizzard will change these back to be working from 1 to 85 at some point post launch one more thing about guilds and that is related to fishing if you're primarily a raiding Guild the recipe for the new tier of feasting cataclysm is locked behind an achievement where as a guild you need to have caught 10,000 fish so fishing definitely matters moving let's talk more about your main or perhaps a class you're changing to so is it worth gearing up loads in the pre patch to get a good start when cata releases I mean sure get used to your class changes see how the thing you want to play plays but as for gearing it's not very important the importance of main stat for damage and item level jump from questing rewards is kind of enormous in CER and even people in B from IC will be swapping those items out before they hitting level cap in some cases so don't worry about gearing up too much however if you did want to grab a few pieces for expansion launch and just see you aren't heading in as a fresh at or in booster gear then PVP is 100% the way to go not long ago blizzard dropped the honor cost of PVP items by about 66% and you can buy all of the raffle gear now for pretty cheap from vendors in the dalaran sewers ranging from item level 277 weapons to item level 270 armor as for earning honor there's a few daily quests in Grizzly Hills down south at Venture Bay which give 50 each and there's also some PVP dailies north of that to the Blue Sky logging grounds too but I went and checked them and they weren't giving any honor reward for some reason not sure if that's bugged I feel as though they should give honor but either way the southern ones will get you some honor other than that you'll want to be queing up winter grasp whenever that's available and doing the quests associated with that and then after that spamming Battlegrounds but honestly between Venture Bay and winter grasp you should be getting more than enough honor to buy some items worth a mention too there's also an honor cap if you want to PVP and cater and it should be worth being capped out at 4,000 honor points since when you hit 85 you'll be able to buy a few items same goes for justice points this is a new currency that's replaced all our various emblems from rafh and TBC and is also campt at 4K buying gear now for justice Point seems way overpriced as the cost is just so high compared to the PVP gear I mean if you're going to cap out anyway sure but otherwise i' save these points for cat's release so you can buy some gear at 85 and if you want an easy way to cap out your justice points a good old daily Forge of souls with the two daily dungeon quests and the weekly raid boss will get you most of if not all the way there if you're doing them every day and then of course we have our brand new profession archaeology the way this works is very simple you get various dig sites on your map you go to one of them you dig up some fragments when you've completed that site another one will spawn and you just keep going round them fragments give you skill points until Level 50 and after that you're doing common solves for five skill points each and 15 for a rare Find You Can level all the way up to 450 at the moment as well but as for whether you get a common or rare solve after your first one is completely random and I've been doing a fa bit of archaeology myself in the pre patch so I'm going to be breaking it down a bit now so as you may well be aware there are several level 85 item level 359 epics that can be obtained now from archaeology that's equivalent to tier 11 normal mode raid gear the big ones are staff from Dwarven solves the sword from troll the trinket from Nels and the shield from fossil these are bind to account meaning tradable cross character and faction and will only be upgraded via normal mode items with better stats from tier 11 raids this is going to vary from class to class or heroic level items for sure so if you're doing archaeology and you hit one of these items you instantly have a very powerful item the moment you hit 85 these level 85 epics though will only be eligible to show up once you've hit 450 skill so if you're going for the archaeology cap in the pre patch for whatever reason you might as well save up 200 fragments to give yourself a chance to hit one of these items now a lot of preis guides for cataclysm are going to have these items listed but I've got to warn you this could take you 1 hour to get them or 100 hours and at no point in the grind are you any closer than you were last solve it's a lot like grinding an item in RuneScape to be honest to give you an idea I got the Healer trinket and all it took was a mere 345 KN Health solves with a bit over 600 solves total I don't know if you've done much archeaology before but um yeah this is quite the grind for one item don't know if I could recommend it however if you're doing archaeology more for the collection or completion side of things many of the rare items aren't really that rare and I got most of them within 2 days oh and the mly fossilized Raptor from fossil and surprisingly despite being an epic item also doesn't seem to be super hard to get either so if you're a mount collection enjoyer this one may be worth the grind now of course this is all anecdotal and what I've experienced and seen other people get I kind of wish blizzard would put some numbers out on the amount of archaeology solves that have been done it would be fun to see just how djm people have gone with this in the pre patch the final thing to do is definitely to sort the bank out so we know the version of transmog we're getting in the game now in some ways it's like retail when an item becomes soulbound you learn its appearance similar to how you learned mounts or pets in Wrath and then you can transmog it from the Ethereal MPCs in your faction Capital also with regional resets this week you can also transmog legendaries as well now in cataclysm this has just become available right now so that's pretty cool if you have one we also don't have void storage in CER as well originally we had to put items in void storage and that cost some gold so that we could then transmog them but now since we learn item appearances I figure blizz just left it out because they assumed people wouldn't miss it not going to lie I'm going to be selling off quite a few items which have been sitting in my bank for a long time because we now have transmog but deleting tier sets or unobtainable items just doesn't feel right void storage is a cataclysm expansion feature after all and it would have been a good place to keep these items for the Memories also you've got to keep those gemed and Enchanted items for time walking in Warlords of drain or classic am I right either way now is a good time to sort everything out and be ready to go when cata drops but that is everything I have for the prepatch as it currently stands let me know if there's anything else you're getting up to which you could recommend and best of luck to all the archaeology Grinders out there remember the next solve is going to be the one when you get it but as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in and I'll see you all on the next one very soon [Music]
Channel: WillE
Views: 55,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cataclysm classic, cataclysm, cata classic, wille, tier 11, tier 11 guide, tier 11 heroic, cata dps, cata heal, wotlk best dps, cata pve, cata leveling guide, cata leveling, cata pvp, dk, death knight, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2024, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2024, mmo 2024, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, dungeons and dragons, tabletop, gaming, pc
Id: gm1Q7q7bt2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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