So We Went To Minecraft Summer Camp... (SCARY)

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don't forget to check out my awesome minecraft server play the dogs corner dotnet hey bro so I got these guns right here bro you filmed this is Tom or eight eight you forget the dead reply bro I'm the bandit king but I got the army look at that way to shoot on and shut up what's this you look look at that closer than in the house oh hey hey chill chill I also got a flamethrower brother oh can I see her hey don't shoot that in here now I got this thing called the Grim Reaper you feel me wow she let you in your backyard man let's go bro come on bro man now same up my windows now we're going to backyard Wow paper walls guys that he'll watch me good look at that rockets you feel me wait were you shooting it at I don't know it you got somebody hey how about you shoot it that way that way baby up I got you bro it's all good I don't see action if somebody ads we can just be like a tree fall in this house no invite you you might be later might have really hefty expenses later bro I come in yo y'all got your bags back boat you got summer camp coming right now sorry cam oh whoa dark you know all about summer can't stop playing Oh summer is already summer I mean it's just July I mean Dawg it's the middle of summer July hey and in cooler why you back that coat on it is summer ladies at summer camp little counselor hey Bill they making fun of my skin but look at you guess what ain't nobody made fun of my skin yet hey look at this man bro you got a messed-up dark sweatshirt you really look like somebody cosplay you look like you rolled your eyes look like a fur you see the fur your skin skin because you look like a hobo all right hey oh my god we gotta go pack [Music] yeah yeah actually go pack up bro I already have anything to pack what's up what's wrong what happened actually you're good like I was like three million in renovation yeah what happened what you listened action I got you I got you if this video gets at least 1 million likes we can get your house fixed good man a million so y'all better run up those legs right now hey there he is oh hey bro we're going on a trip but that's not the song guys I think we're finally here whoa those the longest trip of my life dang the Buzzard is Colonel like that hey Chuck you with the bus leave me alone tire are we driving for like keys the day it feels like my guns man I know bro you gotta listen up next time counselor's office here counselor action hey guys it's my first day to day how about you guys yeah what did you guys come to do oh you know we we um what did you come to do you know just summer stuff some about okay okay okay are you guys are cool hopefully you can see more of each other soon summer camp whoa I like her do not it ashlars room Oh or Bell for assistance only at night okay you please wait for a counselor to come out okay I'm still tired from that trip bro I'm really pig come on counselor bro mom don't open the door I like this camera I cannot see what you just said bro a new campers what um old camper pop you know Mom why the only one seat I'm trying to cam down the boss boss hey bro you got that creepers on ice come with me okay she's gonna take us through all what's the name of this summer camp bro summer about this you probably don't have a name the comments got to decide the name leave it down below hi we're the baddies at so we can get more comments what do you mean why oh yeah down below what Oh move stop talk to my girl can't crystal something we all be sharing it Kevin yeah and me and hurt me and hurt no oh there's a responsibility Keith yeah why you moving like that that's what you want to be so be responsible with I give you give to me none I give it to me it's me destroy any or every gadget all right paper scissors all right look Miku lovebirds I don't change it hi are you ready yeah are you ready yeah rock paper scissors and chew rock a pig rock I picked rock okay bit rock paper hi thank you no no you bend it I just bring this to our room bring us to our lady what a Roman here's a book of activities for today oh yeah what she got three books why are we fighting oh thank you thank you give me one I'm sue and that your cab and go to the cab it's here for okay yeah archery Android TVs in a can okay go to sleep part a shower okay so excuse me yeah you're going me to your cabin oh hey listen if there's a XXL bed king-size is mine what do you all know ah okay you bring a bag no you didn't even bring a bag either what are you talking about three gold Rex but I spent it on the gas though my desk AB torn bow that's all you wrote your this camp looks kind of nice hello enjoy to space more if I had four surface listen you huh Kudo yes you did we don't have phone service here hmm well got phone service you sit down hey hey what's Papa well that man gave me some walk past not like me you how you doing bro bro okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming is the cabbie cut no no no we got a footwork what are so many people out here miserable sub i all doing I'm tired I'm suffering tired suffocation bruh my phone's not all right I said I'm suffering tired huh serving lines what is this is like the cafeteria bro yeah take me to the cabin cuz I'm trying to take a nap but for the food give me one cheeseburger I want you oh hey wait yo is it me or does this help the energy drink remind Ella I don't know what it reminds me that way little right so we're going to the cabin the cabin before I start swinging on Kudo I'll swing are you with this garden salad boy oh and I hate to put an Oreo cookie boy showers the boy where's the girls showers and this man what so I know why not to go I go guys don't get in here hey police kudos okay you're done and Kudo you're done are we going fearless Fox one is that our caffeine pop punk is mine okay no hold up bro stop dangerous what have you roll off and go sleep and then break your neck I don't care bro I'm rolling you what are you talking about you guys have another roommate coming soon oh yeah it's cool that's all point of start can we can meet new people you know me no but you will spot our goal as it wasn't be a gang well use for the gang right get comfortable and ready for today's schedule okay get out of here bye master all West Side Wally way whoa wait by the way Molly didn't give me some Turkey hey bruh alright so look here's the plan here's the morning yo yelling we're gonna be the West Side Wally way gang during this summer I don't light any oh wow cuz I made it okay then how about how about we're dark oh and friends is when I kick you from the side bro hey but I'm the only one here with dread weapon join me dude way you got what you but you even bringing with you I've been now okay oh it is wearing a hoodie in this weather war are you okay and you cuz I'll slap you back your hair oh what a weirdo hey you got you got a son he's speak you said got it hung that's what were your question are you good what do you Mook we're no it's okay if you is but biggest cheeseburger tango Oreo cookie this if we give it away this is what playin with me man why are we getting the weird roommates we got we got action now we got this dude it's all good sorry you blew up my house bro I'm here no I did not blow up your house that was actually kudos Oh Oh snitch I know it was you I know you say you had nuclear weapons and a nun I mean it is what it is you know we got a deal with this let's just go to the activities um guy Kyah Kyah Kyah can you the kayaking bro are we supposed to do is that a boat Lucio I think he knows where it says worse that way oh come on you like that tight now I'm tired dude but we're going kayaking just texting me some free uh-huh what what's deska we don't have reception down here bro I know you like baseball no that's all we don't play baseball around here we play kickball bro uh-huh we play kickball will you kick the ball sure take the sky I can be sure look like a regular Bo's to me mmm Bob here's your kayaks take two people let me join you dark well right yeah sure wish I can share our bed next you know what what what's your problem you guys having fun yet right all right bro you're weird everybody else Abra if you walk around the old days you don't fall is this is this it is this was kayaking is I mean this lame I'm already done bro where's like the waterfalls and stuff are Trent experiences hey you know what I'm Shawn blowing up the next party house next time on this yeah oh you left hey let's go with him what does what does me being tired have to do what my home bro I don't get e-stop else neck Archer on a boat and it's Hebert bro you a hurry yo he's leaving without us bro come on we're to follow him down I'll tell you my fried chicken oh what's the next scheduled archery y'all gon shoot you run you're on a bow King I'm the bouquet you scared my little girl baby girl oh you gotta call it a little sorry about that my friend he ugly my name okay sweater you got on buddy don't talk about me but hey don't talk about me bro that's why you have nowhere to aerostat y'all heroes Oh tight hairline why is it watches the hawaii's hey I ain't got no arrows and you ran out of heroes somebody give me some oh I'm all to be back here though my bad oh my bad my bad I was not even for you I'm not playing his bro I was letting you not HEA you ran he ran in front of my shot oh no I'm just reopening I'm really to chill bang you know staying heart liberal hey I don't want to play Archer no more I don't wanna do it anymore already go Nick wait what's next what's next oh that's like video games Levi he's great for you I play video game let's go y'all see I got that good ammo me brother Oh cap you got my skin yeah yeah I don't need to get skin this is not hard at all come on Muno you can spectate from the side we almost got it I almost got it dude all right all right all right no no no no not on uh L there's an L Desiree doh L Big L Big L capital L you weren't the weirdo go nothing where did the weirdo what else isn't left bra campfire are you pulling up on me demise what you're trying to do miss my campfire well it is getting dark here the campfire tired that's them that's fire buddies where's the campfire res oh it's right is that a campfire oh is it I don't know I mean it looks like a camp and there is a fire yes stop okay firs there cap that was fun was it fun not fun [Music] come on over you know what would have been funny yeah I said the word funner breaking more Lucy's windows well now you know what would be funnier blowing up actions house in that a counselor that dude clearly lost what's wrong with you did you find your did you lose your pocket watch I'm in trouble why okay what you yeah they lost one England losing our one and we don't know who it is well it's not me it's not dark it's not Kudo it's not action okay you don't know I'm wait do we follow him cuz I do ran out this way yes you think I think we should probably just head back to the to the cabin right there guys you know I wonder which camper went missing right because we talked to a lot of people I talked to nobody brah I don't like everybody's ops what could even happen how could someone go missing on our own summer camp I don't know they probably look weird boolean left cross um anybody got eaten oh maybe you got kidding it nah you don't don't put on it man I'm gonna go to sleep bro a nightmare bro hey did art did our roommate pick which bet he wants no no but I caught it bottom I caught his bottom right one as soon as I died we where is there wait a second boy where is our roommate now I don't care about that dude how ugly does he probably worry bucks you know say think about it wait wait he was with us right when's the last time y'all saw him uh well Kudo had a hairline so we ain't see him I was let me check Oh kayaking archery and directive yo u ha ha ah my indoor activities right hey y'all he's the missing camper do nah no way no not now why is it worse he should be here right now oh hey it is what is not our problem you know I didn't even write the kid yeah maybe I gotta sleep I might be more uh yeah maybe maybe we can figure out what happened and behave that was our first day at summer camp hope everybody enjoyed it let us know what you guys think happened to our roommate and hey if you ever see more summer cam videos makes you even like right now subscribe turn on post notifications and give us some activities to do during camp down below the comments because that's it huh I will see all of you next time if
Channel: Darkomode
Views: 493,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft camping, minecraft summer camp, i went camping in minecraft, minecraft pocket edition, mcpe, 13th street, minecraft 13th street, neighborhood, minecraft neighborhood, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, minecraft series, minecraft movie, map, mods, minecraft maps, minecraft mods, summer camp, camp, summercamp, scary minecraft video, funny minecraft video, minecraft funny video, darkomode, scary minecraft, family friendly, yaboiaction
Id: xl_cJP8OaZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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