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too much crazy stuff's been going on bro bro uh Jones bro what are you doing dog what what am I doing bro why are you in a fort right now bro don't don't worry about it hey look look I got room for you bro all right bad bad Glow's not here so we straight look all right the reason that I have this fort right here is because things have been getting even more wild than they already are you know what I'm saying you got a sniper yeah I do actually let me hey hold up I gotta break out the middle so I can show you the sniper okay I'm not gonna lie bro I hit somebody with a combo dude remember that Mr Hopps remember that Mr hops oh yeah they tried to trap me they tried to trap me and eat me bro and a bunch of them got loose bro they all came from that that pet store remember that bro you're not talking about Nate bro I'm talking about I'm talking about Nathan's pet store his name is actually Brian it's not even what what yeah that's what I'm saying bro is it his middle name I don't know but I was hitting him with that combo I was like okay you know what I'm saying okay you know you know I'd be like I'd be like hey you know what I mean yeah I hit him with this shotgun see look that would be my secondary but like you know these are some real deal right weapons you know I need to get a pistol bro no cap that thing look nice I'm not gonna lie this might sound crazy to you okay yo get your car get your car bro oh my gosh dude we're going on a trip tell me to get my card bruh I know you was my bro I was hiding dude I was still scared that like but now that you're back I'm not scared no more because I just low-key needed a friend that's all it is where is my car yeah it's Gotta Be There It Is bro you scared me for a second my car be most the time isn't that crazy but you don't even be parking it all right bet man that ain't the door going close oh shoot bro I didn't hit my head off the uh off today volume was just crashed outside the wheel outside the crib ain't my fault bro my fault hey later today if you if you down I'm trying to take stacks on a walk if you're trying to go on that walk still angry at me I accidentally Stacks bro all right that's a perfect reason for y'all to uh definitely do okay yeah y'all need to build your bond up man that's that's crazy you're out here punching my dog I really should I really should steal your car pop out we on foot now bro dude this is why I got taken to by Mr Hopps he was trying to eat me bro is that the van yup that's a bit he kidnapped me and then threw me in that van I'm like bro I'm sure that's not a Glow's car promise you it's not okay and look this was all lit and he was trying to he was trying to burn me now the reason that I decided to come back here and show you this because I was trapped here is because you said you wanted a gun look there's extra pistol in here what yeah I saw I saw it last time I was confused hey bro you feel me hey should I do a couple of couple shots hey hey see if it works keyboard ah it works hey look I got you though I got you though oh man you a real one okay yes sir I I dig that yes sir hey should I block this area off for the rest of the people so nobody yeah bro I would not want to see this okay yeah it is kind of scary and I have to let me block it up a little bit I don't want people to have to experience what we experienced man oh God though the real question is what the what what is the police doing bro bro man I promise you they don't do no they actually they might have to take Lowe's off her like he he might really have to work for the for the force because they don't do nothing all right I'm out all right let's go I remember I had to call about my uh my dryer bro my dryer wasn't working yeah you can even come there wait uh I don't think you're supposed to call the police when your dryer is not working bro oh for real I thought that's where I was supposed to go on God like I thought that's what my mama told me she said I had to call 9-1-1 if I need to get my dryer fixed man she ain't tell you to uh just look on Google the first thing that popped up you got to use them on everything that's what my mama told me phew I'm gonna hit this hard right we finna okay my Lord I must fell out the back road was it hey I'm gonna Park you on the side of miles if that doesn't bother you man bro you do what you gotta do bro on God that's your car at this point hey you like that bro you like me now bro oh shoot protect me keep them entertained I'm gonna go get me a Leash from down here so you want a cousin huh you want a cousin Stacks all right he's wiggling over here stuck under the table yeah huh that's weird I don't know where my leash is do you think we can trust Stacks enough to walk with him oh God I think I I mean shoot we got both of us bro we can both all right let's just yeah let's lead the way Stacks how to leave the house see look oh my God down the stairs quicker than me oh dude look at Stacks walking down the street with the boys here bro you with the boys bruh who wants a chicken dude if we start spreading the dog will you know how dogs are let's go let's go oh my gosh can you catch us oh my gosh you can't catch us hey look there goes Glow's house what do you think Glow's up to man I haven't seen him in a minute he got cameras on his house now too a a glow if you were watching this right now I know you got a recording in here High glow it's me action and it's also King Jones how you doing you should come outside bro hey hey bro you breaking my my neck my neck hurts my neck bro okay you know what we'll catch you later bro on God on some real stuff though ever since last time we were with glow bro he's been so terrified to leave his house I don't think he's left his house in like two weeks two weeks dang oh God he needs to give him not know how to uh leave his house this way bro you smell that yo that smells good bro yo where's that coming from bruh wait is it coming from this house right here to the left oh my gosh yo oh hey sex I know you're hungry buddy come over here all right I need to do me a favor sex all right I need you to sit right here and just wait for us okay yo I don't know is that pie up there it's Gotta Be yo oh my gosh yo yo don't don't run up on that thing don't take the pie don't take their pie oh my gosh dude oh my gosh oh oh shoot oh shoot Gotta Go Gotta Go hey bro oh shoot you gotta go bro oh hey hey ma'am I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry that might have scared you what's up what's called the pie we thought that was delicious it it smelled like it was super good on everything hey let let my boy yeah they're pretty creamy hey man I love me bro I love when my pie is pretty creamy too man you guys want to come in and try some wait are you serious dude old ladies are the nicest you got some banana cream pie all right let's see where should I sit bro oh my gosh give them a go gents uh go on the other side of the table you know what I'm saying we got to be formal okay I used to cook for my grandchildren what do you mean used to oh after they grew up they stopped calling gam oh that's messed up why would they stop calling hey if you need some people to come over and eat your food we we're always hungry so oh God hey bro I think she's depressed uh here I can cut please cut them oh thank you thank you man I like the blueberry all right give it a few give it a few Cuts I like the blueberry too you got you got banana cream pie thank you oh wow oh my gosh she got a whole special I'll take this one apple pie oh strawberry pie I'm bad too dude golden apple pie what what is a fish pie oh give that the stacks later um bro don't I like chicken hot dogs none of that bro you're gonna you you're gonna feed him a pie dude you know dogs can't have pie that's like poison bro wow hey bro hey bro I'm not gonna lie I might have to try the fish pot hey I got a cheese pie enjoy them gentlemen drinks yeah can we get some drinks I'm just gonna run off some energy so I can make sure I can eat so if you don't mind me I'm gonna hit some circles okay bro I'm like you ready it's fish pie okay ew bro all pies you ate fish pie yo my pie was kind of good oh wait they got a chocolate pie that's probably not good but let me try that oh okay yo that's good for my Hunger bro it's like my Hunger keeps going down are you good nah bro straight nah dude huh sickly that's not good feeling good ma'am he's not feeling good do you have anything for him he's not feeling good I think it was from your pie dude do you feel like you're having food poisoning what do you feel look at my stuff my my stomach hurts bruh all right all right use that use that Mill right there drink that oh my gosh nobody's ever complained about my cream that wasn't that cream pie man that was a fish pie that was a fish pie that's weird you're tripping I didn't mean eat it ah fishy pie sorry about that yeah I told you not to drink the fish pie bro it just didn't sound good bro I've been told uh that the recipe smells like the ocean it didn't taste good ew fishy ma'am thanks for the pies but I think it's time for us to go yo hey yo Jones you wanna visit a doctor or something maybe yeah bro I still do not feel good bro all right wait hey yo the doors locked hey ma'am why'd you like the door why'd you lock the door it's time for us to go gam he's got to go to the doctors bro what there's no leaving gentlemen what do you mean I still don't care about your pie make your pies made him sick it was kind of good but it made him sick I don't want no more of your oh yo watch out whoa watch out watch out watch out whoa oh my God yo yo oh my gosh there is no leaving yo did that thing just oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you hiding back there bro I don't know I don't know bro there's so much going on let's come to agreement first of all your teeth you need to brush your teeth okay disgusting I can't see oh bro okay just cut out or something or power must have cut out yo wait there's cakes oh my gosh hey oh my gosh man what do you want from see okay okay I'm sitting I'm sitting I'm sitting I'm sitting I'm sitting I'm sitting okay sitting together oh my gosh okay I'm sitting hey bro bad pie one of the pies is going to be good the other one is poison you two will pick who eats which what what oh hex now bro yup I'ma tell you right now look I'll tell you right now is this one is poison because it's the one that you think is poison right you think it's poison and so you're like yo that's poison let me go for this one then you eat this one and then you're like oh my gosh that's what most people would do right but then they switch it up reverse psychology so this one's actually still a good one oh what it's still the good one but it's a double triple reverse psychology and this one's a bad one I'm going with this one but but what if what if this one's good right but like half of it's bad you know what since you want to stay over there I'll eat this one I'll eat the bad one I'll eat the bad one Jones I'll eat the bad one okay here we go I ate the whole pie of one bite that's actually good that what oh yo yo yo they're both poison hey yo what do you mean by that oh my God bro I'm starting to see things oh my gosh I'm starting to see things bro how to make another I'm literally at the point of death I'm literally at the point of death oh my gosh dude get this cake out of your face where am I looking at it right now bro I'm tripping ah that crown on your head is totally on your nose right now bro hey yo why is your chain on the floor bro what no don't be pick up my chain I didn't want to grab my name who has a milk well who has a fridge but no meow oh wait right here bro I got I got some bro it was that warm milk dude that's gotta be cow's milk that's gotta be a bucket of meat whoa oh my gosh you straight dude dude I'm so much better now oh my gosh yo what is going on bro we gotta find the keys right now we gotta find the keys right now it's talking that granny is out the Granny's out oh no oh God bunch of bodies upstairs oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh dude that would have been one of us okay okay I guess play time is over it's time to die nah it's time for oh urgency take that oh my gosh there's a creepy grandma in our neighborhood guys I don't know what to do about it y'all if y'all see that grandma in Minecraft run away fast bro punch her right in the nose hey you know it is it's flashing today man look today is crazy so my boy rage done finally left out man and I know there's not a lot of stuff to do so let me I guess I can put my drone away man I can put my drone away for now but I'm not gonna lie y'all I gotta find something better to do for the day I guess I can check on my email see if I got any new emails let me see what's going on over here hey I still got no Wi-Fi for this house but I had a house for so long and no Wi-fi you feel me weather advisor extreme heat warning stay inside from the mayor what the heck wait oh my gosh yo that's extreme heat okay nah bro that can't melt no no no no why would it get so hot out of nowhere bro it's not even near the summertime bruh let me see if they talk about this on the news or anything like that let me see let me see this just did the Heat Wave striking the pixelberg area is absolutely intense and monstrous residents are being asked to stay inside during this local weather advisory please keep an eye out and stay inside what the heck okay they even said like they're banning places all right bro they got so much going on you know what oh no if that's the case I don't have Windows because all the stuff that's happened I gotta hit up Walmart right now and get Windows and you know it sucks bro when I was over with rage bro raise them broke my car but as you guys can see I got a new car but oh my gosh dude oh my gosh oh there's fire bro this cannot be good dude now that we have this little cleared up I can finally Drive the new car it should be good as new just like the last one but oh my gosh all right here we go even it's kind of hot for this car right here hopefully Walmart has glass you know what I'm saying but uh yeah let me just check around and all of that stuff like that sheesh I've never seen it so hot out here bro oh man dude hopefully Walmart lets me get what I gotta get park right there Perfect Dude oh my gosh dude this has got to be a great idea oh we gotta worker right there Perfect all right we got a worker in here I'm glad there's some workers oh it looks like he's trying to what's what's he doing oh dude it must be so hot for him he's jumping in the water and literally drinking it little does he know the only reason that's open is because me and rage broke it open dang they even have a hole in the back of Walmart still they gotta get with it let's see clearance section all right all right no no this is still the new gear all right let's see oh what is this oh yo that's my glass all right I only need 64 glass to be enough all right hopefully I still have the money to pay for this dang bro he's throwing water bottles on them um yo excuse me man I'd like to dang you you thirsty bro can I get a sip you hear about the you hear about the weather my guy it's crazy out here bro I ain't never seen it so hot it's like 107 outside I'm telling you bro you can cook an egg on the ground if you want it to but shoot it might be a dirty egg depending on the floor you know you gotta be a clean floor look I need 64 glass thing you know what I'm saying I need I need to stay in glass bro my windows are broken and all of that and I really need to get my house some AC but I don't have time to check you out I'm Sweating Bullets taking a go for real oh yo that's a real one he's going back yo I knew it was hot out here but dang all right I'm glad that he agrees yo this new car seems to be holding up all right here we go let's just oh shoot oh shoot actually oh no no my car's on fire no my car's on fire bro don't do it bro this car is brand new oh shoot it's kind of hard to drive oh shoot get out of the fire oh no no no no oh are you kidding me are you kidding me bro this is my second car this is my second car man oh my gosh dude my car literally just caught on bro chill now I'm actually gonna have to call up for a new car wow bro first things first bro let's at least get this fixed all right we gotta stop that from there too much heat there we go block off all the heat at all costs there we go there we go oh man there we go now the house is looking good again man I told y'all I get this house fixed here we go let's uh cover this up there it is bow now my house is feeling nicer downstairs already ah ah almost already almost already ah now it's feeling a much better down here only thing left I need is an AC system and a new car bro like come on man I need a whole new car and matter of fact since my car was even hot I should probably get a new car with AC now I gotta order a car with new AC bro let me see if there's anything on site online oh shoot this car it's a delivery oh yeah oh yeah we're getting that bro new car instant delivery all right bro I guess we're just gonna have to wait a little bit and then the car should be here today let's go oh man I thought the ancient deliveries would be a little faster there we go bruh that's gotta be my new car bro let me see there's no new car outside bruh oh my gosh they put it right in my driveway I all right let's check this bad boy out oh my gosh yo it has AC dude this is everything I wanted and more bro it even has my color bruh let's go I'm not gonna lie y'all it's been a long day but it's still daytime like I got a lot done you know what I'm saying I fixed up the I fixed up the uh you know what I'm saying the glass got a new car check my emails watch TV all that and it's still daytime like what the heck yo what is that so what is that in the sky up there hold up let me get a better look from upstairs bro I gotta get a way better look from upstairs because I think I'm tripping right now or that sun looks awfully different and it's right outside of my house oh my gosh wait what's it doing hold up bro I got glass cut for what's happening out here oh whoa it just hit me oh my gosh okay the sun just attacked me oh nah the sun just attacked me bro all right all right you know I got an idea I got an idea all right you know what Sun's going crazy uh let me get my car yup let me bring my car with me look it's right out front it's Mouse okay go go back and go back in oh oh my gosh yo the sun is chasing me I've never had this happen in my life okay okay let's sneak out the back let's sneak out the back I got glass done for it no no throw my car out back there it is perfect is the sun shooting laser dreams oh my gosh oh my gosh it's time to go oh my gosh it's time to go maybe that explains why oh no I can't break the car Dodge the that's the fire where's the car coming oh the sun's following me oh shoot oh shoot look it's falling behind it's shooting lasers at me I've never seen nothing like this go move I'm getting chased down by the sun right now I don't I did not recall this in my regular Day plans oh uh oh it's perfectly all right oh no oh no it's shooting ahead yo it's getting smarter it's getting smarter dude don't let it hit my car this is new I'll hit the car no it's swerving out oh no okay the car is still good no no no don't burn down don't burn down I can't afford a new car wait let's Juke it let's try to lose it let's try to lose it all right here we go to the left ear in the grass oh oh wait there goes the regular Sun the regular Sun's going down but this sun chasing me what is it it's like a red Sun it's like a red looking sun hide my car hide my car all right dude I'm gonna hide my car in the police station I can't afford eight being broke run inside run inside run inside run inside oh my gosh yo anybody in the office anybody in the office no it's Sunday why would nobody be in the office though that's weird maybe they had like a heat break because it was so hot the secrets in the vault my guy the secret weapons in the vault okay here we go we broke in perfect I might even need to arm her up dude I want to suit up as a cop though you know what I'll do it because anything for protection right now there we go new shoes there we go some pants looking nice nuclear death ray okay what else you got for me ooh nuclear cell power and some TNT that should be enough let me get let me get a shield let me get a shield just in case too all right I'm gonna bring this back in case they ask yo someone stuck in they can just review the footage but look I work with the police not hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up I do not work with the police but the police like me so I can like you know I'm not gonna cooperate you know what I'm saying but like you know I can work with the Foley you know you feel me I ain't gonna speech I'm a homies now don't Place me like that but look I'm just trying to save the city bro y'all tripping y'all tripping oh yo let me shoot at it yo uh dude it's got us she's straight up in the air if I shoot straight up oh yeah it's coming back yo I gotta hit it maybe if I hit it it can knock it out of control or something yo I just shot one back yo wait is it reflecting mine oh shoot okay new plan new blend new blend let's try to blow that thing up bro I got TNT let's try to blow that thing up whoa whoa bro just drop something on me oh my gosh the sun's dropping stuff gas station the gas station okay I have the car hide the car all right let's hide the car in here let's see what we can do the gas station worker's not here dude since this thing is still a Halloween themed anyways maybe what we could do oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh yo I need this thing to back up back up yo if he gets down like that again maybe I could blow up the gas station I gotta use I gotta be smart I gotta be smart y'all oh my gosh it's time dude I'm going to literally blow up the gas station perfect bro oh this is genius oh this is genius okay let's get some more TNT in this thing all right boom let's see if this works see if this works all right up here it worked oh it worked it worked it worked it worked it worked all right I feel so bad dude that dude's gonna be so mad about his keys here we go let's start up here I'm not gonna place too much on the roof because hey this is for extra height ah there it is and one more two more maybe come on a little faster there we go now I just gotta get buddy over here hey buddy son where you at oh you can hold it oh shoot there it goes ah oh reload um oh no it's getting close it's getting close oh no I gotta get out of here all right let's light it oh shoot hopefully that's enough to get it started oh oh oh Slide the other one down here we gotta go hopefully it blows up the sun oh oh load up yep yep yep I don't even want to look back yo yo dude it's still blowing up dude where's the Sun at where's the Sun at I think the sun's gone oh my gosh that thing just blew up the Sun Now's the Time yo it turned midnight so the time was moving all day no wonder it felt like such a long day time was moving all day but we just couldn't tell because that fake sun was impersonating it you know what I guess I should get my car and head out of here because I might have caused the biggest problem that I've ever seen to happen um I don't want to keep this TNT lying around so let's use a different blood I'm gonna just I'm gonna just throw this back here and look like it's staged yeah don't need a lot of this stuff I'm out of this place wait oh shoot oh oh yo is that the uh oh that's the dude yo what up worker what up my guy what the heck dude don't ask me what the heck happened bro hey you should have been here working at your gas station bro you worried about the station bro you need to worry about is I think you ran out of waters it was a heat advisory oh so you're at home oh that's cool and all but gotta go hey man you already know what's cracking man another day on pixelberg bro I don't know what we finna get into but I finally got a bunch of crates for organization man that's the main thing I was like bro I got you know I got all my gun stuff and all this extra equipment up here you know I got all that cool stuff you know and matter of fact I've been wondering hello open my door hello come on hello bro chill hey bro get on my door bro you're gonna get on my door hey I was waiting for you to open the door what you mean get off your doorbell you was waiting for me to open it man take a step and what are you doing here what you mean to you about forever okay it's been like seven years four months and 37 bro here clearly you found me talking about where I've been at bro you just pulled up to my crib you know where I'm at first of all you sent me three emails oh I sent you three emails now no I sent one and that was a while ago so I didn't even think you got it for real so I don't know you're not in that line man bro get out my house with them dirty boots take them boots outside bro you guys bro no all right okay let's wait this way look I got you I'm gonna show is that your car yeah hideous all right you got the same one but yellow yeah but your your seats and all that that's different bro they're literally the exact um they're literally the exact same that's the problem though mines is better and they're Stacks oh my gosh Stacks I got worried oh damn what are you Smackdown hey don't worry about hey Stacks this way hey I was looking for Stacks come on Stacks why is this name stacks you're asking dumb questions like you don't know Stacks bro this is Stacks from 13th Street bro oh you ain't seen a brother in so long stacks I need you to sit here I'm gonna show this stranger acting like you ain't known before cool though I'm gonna show Kudo around this new neighborhood now you stay safe Zach all right you do your thing let's go same dog I swear you tonight bro that's the same dog get out of here man okay okay okay God damn oh so now you worried about your arm you can get a dang by my arm all right let's go ahead bang man get your car out the middle of the road bro you know what hold on I got it I got it bro I got it how'd you bro don't worry about it don't worry there you go there you go all right don't worry about that we're not gonna speak about what just happened but okay man they got all types of people in these houses man I don't know who's in what house but they got a ton of people I heard something that lights up they got Halloween lights up still you know what I'm saying yeah I got Ops I got Ops no but it is dangerous around here I'm telling you what that was a danger Walmart right here no prices at Walmart ridiculous I'm telling you now look to the right we got this school I don't know if it's a high school University or none of that but it's something there's a restaurant to your left okay yep yep it's just restaurant bro they sell Burgers no oh wait hold up oh that the car should not drive in but look hey man don't worry about me I'm doing a quick clap normal hey bro it's just a quick lap oh dude oh oh my gosh yo we're not talking about that bro we're not talking about that everybody now talk about that last but not least um there is two places I'm gonna show you this one first look if you look to the left there's a closed down Pet Shop that we're not going to ever again don't ask why and then we got the police station in case you end up working with them I know you like you got me messing I just told you where the offset and you said ain't got no Ops bro I ain't got no Ops yeah cause you work for him okay you know what worked for the police bro I know you work so yeah police you know what I used to do to the police all right let's walk in this this is the mall right here okay this is where you get all the all the new city stuff you know what I'm saying but you still wearing the same outfit I'm wearing the same outfit well I got Burberry on stop hating what you got on bro you mean yeah from where that ain't Montclair is it okay I got it from Walmart but listen okay oh yeah yeah and warm okay okay let's see what we got down here today boy somebody messed this thing up boy they done broke the counters how's it still is that a car in the wall wait did you hear something wait what is that upstairs I'm hearing something upstairs okay bro why is there a car in the wall I don't know hey be very cautious bro a lot of things have been popping off lately here I'm not of course every time I'm around y'all some pop off bro right here what somebody just robbed this place oh glasses broke oh nah bro all right what oh that's a pretty late hey all the clothes in the world on three one two three oh come on come on hurry up come on get some clothes get the whole rack get the whole rack I got the rack I'm out bro come on bro come on come on come on all right all right on the rack bro honestly whoever hit that lick man shout out to them for real bro because now we're never gonna get caught bro cause they're gonna blame it on them I'm back we did just leave our thumb prints everywhere though nah my thumbprint is on this rack and this rack comes with me else in there I can recall I mean you you probably put your hands on Autumn clothes you just gonna say nothing to me now my fault you ain't had etiquette bro you gotta have robbers etiquette at all time hanging with me man okay Robert etiquette you wasn't robbing nothing you sound like that kid that go trick-or-treating with his homie just take all the all the bro like bro I I went to the house you were scared you Just Gonna Keep You Gonna Keep flaming me like this like what did I do to deserve something why is something always happening with you oh something always happening with me bro we do you're tripping bro I parked my car over there bro no you you parked your car over there yeah I parked my car over there bro you too you trying to scare people dude okay yeah that's what I just got done saying hold up let me Dodge these random things that were definitely here earlier all right yeah that's pretty much a spin of the Town there's another side there's a town side but that's that's a lot that's for another day another day bro I'm getting kind of tired bro I can't go back to the crib no oh oh cause you came here we all got to turn up now no I ain't trying to turn up with you it's all like it's slow where everybody at man man where everybody out that's why I'm trying to figure out look they can still got pumpkins out bro Halloween was two months ago it's not funny no mo where is your Christmas gifts for the decorations I mean this person got some Christmas decorations Christmas this is Jones he still that was for a party a Halloween one well he don't got no decorations so ain't nobody ain't nobody gonna get some decoration no Chris Brown Ain't Nobody getting a gift ain't nobody want the festivities like what's happening here shoot I got you a gift that clothes rack matter of fact you got to give me the gift back it's a model house now bro I told you saying your house man man let's see what they got on the TV news this is Channel 7 News coming at you live with a breaking story the mayor of Pittsburgh has announced new restrictions and laws upon the Pittsburgh people it seems like guns have officially been banned there will be no more pistols shotguns assault rifles nuclear weapons grenades or even knives being allowed within the hands of Pittsburgh citizens this is an attempt to clean up crime around the city and keep the people of Pittsburgh safe guns oh the guns bro see they would take all the guns man you don't even get struck like that don't you I don't got no straps like that man there's no straps like that look we're gonna have to hide it from the government bro hold on which one of these we don't have to hide it bro all right what take this take this take this keep that and hide it hide it hide it don't oh wait police are at the door why are you at the door right now chill okay hey action got some bad news for you oh is it about the guns dude uh Citywide gun ban oh I'm about to take off hey oh dang it's just part of the job all right man let me go upstairs and get you my guns they're talking real quick stay down there talk to him hey my God what how y'all doing hey get the gun feel me I like your Maps those my magazines all right what are they talking about down there bro I know I don't know I'm just talking to you down here I know it's hot in this suit I know all right man here's all the guns bro look I got you the ammo you know what I'm saying there you go oh here here bro nothing hiding upstairs yeah bro we're not hiding nothing here crazy really going through all your stuff right now bro yeah hey bro hey bro hey bro yeah sorry about that I didn't mean to throw you off thank you and sorry about man it's all a good officer but um I'm just saying if anything attacks the city I can't I can't save y'all no more I'm no longer a hero oh my gosh it's not my day starting hey hey so tell me tell me why you tried giving me the gun and made me take the ball for this bro hold up bro don't don't try don't try to play me like a bad civilian okay okay first off I did everything right I did everything in my part right you know I had the guns right you feel me I had the guns right and I gave it to him but I've been saving this city since 0-9 you wasn't in the city in 09 I know but I I I was born for this you ain't getting the analogy okay so because I was born it's okay you save in the city and online hey I'm driving but making all that noise oh no what was that bro is that a new neighbor I ain't never seen nobody with a dirty boy they need a car wash baby get off that car you need the car wash oh always are you on me yeah I want you let's introduce ourselves to the new neighbors bro someone moved in at the same time you moved in that's crazy to me okay anyway show me your house yet oh wait who is this oh is this a dude hey yo yo what's good man I'm your neighbor man this is action I'm the look I'm like the hero of this town man what's good ain't no hero bro look at this look at this couch bro hey you got a unique couch my boy I like the color bro I like the way you is bro hey this my homie rakuto bro hey why this man I don't know I don't like that imma hidea his face bro I'm about to oh yeah chop them in the neck uh anyways but yeah bro I mess with the style gents yeah all right I'm just saying bro this this city kind of dangerous dude I'm just do your thing yeah I'm not talking about my song either and he ain't talking about the song where you feeling dangerous he might just go bang stuff you feel me I feel all right oh you must got some things on you okay I mean hey hey guns are banned so you might not be all right but yeah do your thing bro um don't pull out no gun I do know a snitch yeah uh taking them you mind taking a photo hey you know what first first time in the neighborhood he just needs some friends I like to collect memories oh you could have just said saber memories but yeah where I got warrants all right bro don't post this all right all right here we go we doing a group selfie or something all right I guess so all right bro take the photo man man your arm ain't even long enough bro I got half my face in it bro you got the top of my hair barely got that oh hey bro hey you can't be sneezing like that what is a virus going around wait what did he just drop huh hey man uh bless you you need a tissue bro this dude is weird anyways we're gonna head out bye see you boys all right I'm going back to my house I'm cutting across the grass why would you do that bro don't worry about me and don't worry about that factory next to us poppy playtime was in there I mean all right oh wow so you're gonna throw that out there like that's just a normal occurrence bro I told you this city all right let me hey you ain't shut my doors bruh what you mean bro how you shut the doors bro you supposed to shut the door bro you don't got you don't got gas etiquette I didn't spit it out yeah boy spit it out that's what I thought hey and I gotta put my clothes right hey yo what oh I'm Gonna Catch You bro hey hey dog hey hey police it was me I stole the clothing rack police police hey what you doing I'm calling the police clear that's what I'm doing cause I need to be locked up bro something was just in my house okay well okay I don't got guns bruh How You Gonna use them hands bro these hands are bro you see these what is this I don't know who bro stats you okay the neighbor we gotta make sure he's fine he just moved in look at him bruh forget him dude I'm the I'm the city discount every day you about to be the city meat because you about to get killed oh so now I gotta be City Meat why couldn't I be the city girl like come on is that his house right there that got all that doo-doo right there oh no let's pull up on bro I'm cutting across the grass again don't mind me oh why pull up right here all right let's make sure bro it's good make sure bro he's good trying to be a hero ring the doorbell hey lowkey let's look through his house ring the doorbell oh hey man are you okay are you good something crazy is going on in the neighborhood I think I just saw some like stalker dude I don't know what's going on but hey protect them cheeks all right yeah bro stalker you look crazy well because it's not stalking you yet yeah I'm telling you that's why I'm warning you bro that's why you got your head off your head bruh I might be crazy bro you got your pant leg rolled up bruh what you got violence you don't want him to show you something ah bruh come on boy hey stop sneezing bruh you haven't seen the thing if you hear anything bro just go to me I'm at house oh shoot bro why you keep sneezing like that can I talk to you in a car real quick privately all right yeah wipe your nose but yeah hey just watch out just be on the way hey bro bro bro is that not the same block that's going on in my house and all around the city and all that so you tell it's okay let's Okay okay so he's out here everywhere and that come out yeah you know how nasty that that's all in your house bro bro wait look at the back what house yo did he just break in his own house I just look he saw him breaking his house huh where wait he walked in this room inside the house no he looks like oh shoot he's right here don't get caught just be quiet no no no I'm not all right he said ah what's he talking about who just goes outside to talk another wonderful night but it's his first night here time to go have some fun talk stay safe my child yo child a child oh you're talking about my boy got a child I ain't see him he introduce himself with no kids there he goes sneezing again bro that boy got he got the 19 virus bro I don't want that I don't know if this sounds crazy I don't know if we should break in his house or if we should just go to the police you feel me because I feel like he's working with that thing you're not a snitch so so we gonna break in the house why not oh my gosh okay bro you got a rot you gotta Rock a rock I mean go use that brain matter over there all right all right all right all right now you do your thing show me show me how you be breaking in the houses yeah show me how you be breaking the house oh dang that really took the lock out mad familiar okay see see now what this tells me here my friend oh he has my whole layout I know to you so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead up out of here my buddy bro no no right now now since you're here bro you stuck bro be back in the agency no you be back in the agency again so I'm telling Sergeant all about this hey you ain't gonna punch me why does he have everything you have there's somebody there's somebody in this house let's get out of here bro I don't feel comfortable he said stay safe my child unless he talk about the house and nobody talking a house like that I don't know maybe you want to oh why why bro don't be freaking like you good oh yeah oh oh oh shoot he definitely saws he definitely saw no he didn't he's easy me bro bro right there bro you have me scared I'm literally in my car for my collection for my collection what are you talking about oh that boy looked straight at me hey come on me look out let's go bro bro I think yeah I think that stalker thing is literally somewhere in his house bro don't you think that might be his child what did you saying bro I don't know but it's a grown it's like some life of luxury child type thing Bros hey bro if that's the case you know what we need next some cameras Oh shoot what is dog on the road oh my gosh I hope there's an officer and officer officer officer officer officer oh my gosh I'm so glad to see you right now and I've never said that in my life ever before Oh Lord what's the problem is hey bro chill out check out your name hey hold up hold up bro you don't know me brother hey bro I sent the file just because I got arrested three times you know what I'm saying it's because I got arrested no yeah bro you don't know me at all and I don't know you but I do know that tie on you that's how you a little loose so you think I get in a room and start singing bro that is not me bro that's you don't play with me they gave you a McDonald's fry and you started huh hey bro no it was a McDonald's Sprite what's the issue hey bro chill out lower your voice second of all dude it's a stalker there is a stalker out there bro and he's stocking the new neighbor just pulled in it's my other new neighbor it's not him though uh we didn't Rob uh uh uh we didn't rob a more early bro a stalker broke in I'm telling you a giant Moon yeah yeah there was a super red Sun yeah and the zombie bro oh that's real but don't don't try to don't try to come at me like none of this is real you always come in here with something bro this is the first time you gonna stop you're gonna need some proof if you don't come with me Interest this man bro that's all the proof you need bro I give you a Big Mac and a donut come on bro otherwise take your complaints elsewhere maybe fairly oh you did that yeah we need some evidence bruh come on evidence bro we got bro hey we gonna need cameras well that's what we're gonna need we're gonna need cameras and all of that all right you with me you want me on that I mean I'll be there with you I I don't know about it all right bro let's do the thing on everything that was capping back there bro I don't work with no police okay snitch bruh I don't work with no police dogs bro they don't even know my first name dude your whole credits bro they just knew my name was action because I'm about that so now the whole city getting blamed on me everything that has to do this snitch and you got these pumpkins out here Thomas Nick why you got one in your hand could you bro well I gotta oh oh that ain't me bro I don't know what you talking about bro hey it's all good so you know it is good there's a stalker in our place bro there's a stalker and you worry about me being a snitch bro you work with the police bro you won't snitch on me and the stalker and I ain't even doing nothing wait you see this dude over there bro what kind of funny looking hey hey let's see what they what's all the fuss about wish I I could have been there been where hey what's going on bro you straight what's good everything good oh wait everything good on your mental wait is that a hole what's going on right in front of us uh you're ready on air in three wait three oh what's happening oh wait we see in the news it's the first time I've seen the news from this hello Pittsburgh citizens this is Mike with Channel 7. his name was Mike I don't even know his name was Mike we're on the scene of a murder hold up there's a whole murder I ain't even see this dude on the ground hold up cases you still got cases pinning brosnips of that oh come on bro all right who was found and can what's he saying bro hey read that bro what's he saying who is yet to be found contained will the violence in uh-huh the violence the violence but wait maybe it's about that stalker bro oh shoot it's about that stalker wait hold on yeah the stalker that was going the wrong oh YouTube hey it's Mike you talking to me Mike what's good Mike you got the mic in your hand honestly Mike I knew it no I don't even know that that you don't know me uh nah yeah I'm a big fan of the new version big fan of your news man you know what I'm saying this is my boy this is my boy Kudos don't worry about the name bro that's cool though yup he got cases it's crazy you're not like oh my God let me see we're covering the news of a murder a stalker wait what you know about a stalker bro what you know everything what you know about a stalker bro uh this one's fresh police should be here any moment yo where's the family I don't know them boys oh oh they knew you was here they came quick oh there they are bro hold up my daddy almost hit me bro dang my ears are sensitive first of all that's my call to lead I'm going to pack it up bro they just gonna grab the body oh no they ain't clear the scene clear the scene hold up man hey bro I ain't gonna lie bro should I haul ass shorty right there though oh you like snitches go ahead no no wait even that dude's head wild crazy bruh you better watch your lip it's crazy it is crazy almost can't believe it bro they said go home what y'all doing everyone get out now oh shoot dang this police officer serious he got the Baton hey we should listen I'm out of here yeah you gonna listen man bro you oh so what you gonna do Circle back for the body hey that's something you probably gonna do that while somebody sleep or something I don't know what you doing hey man I don't work with no stalker none of that boy I don't know is that Jones bro hey sneak up on Jones real quick hey let's pop up on boy you know what I'm saying all right all right all right three nice and slow two exiles [Laughter] come on bro you good are you sure man I just got back from Walmart now I just dropped what I um what's up man I was just saying hey there's a stalk on the loser the whole body over there about a couple of seconds ago so I'm gonna snitching bro that's our homie man know what you want to be safe you want him to get next hey there's no stock on the Christmas party man I'm big man I think he'll be good bro you worried about the Christmas party bro I just said there's a stalker on the loose dog you know Santa Claus coming also man I'm playing a stalker like Santa Claus come bro bro I don't think Santa Claus coming this year man type of Santa Claus you're gonna get gonna be something violent I'm telling you I'm straight for real on God hey can we come in and tell you more about the stalker yeah I mean I guess all right yeah what you drop you must have dropped the expensive bottle of the most finest dude he must have had that right it was actually my water bottle was it a small water hey bro you know what bro oh that's the old one I gave you that thing is okay it's still good it ain't good hey bro I'm not allowing you wrong no bottles bro my cousin is gonna be mad bro that's some fruit pie wait I swear I could have just saw somebody in the back I don't know if I'm tripping I think that might have been a town stalker that must be them you guys are just like making some officials dude I'm trying to keep you safe bro now you got me so annoyed in my own house right now all right bro they scared me Jones I'm snitching bruh Bobby oh Kudo five dollars I don't know man it seemed like Jones was kind of exaggerating don't you think man we ain't even scare them that bad two bottles but one you gave them though he tried to tax you for the bottle you the bottle that you gave me he just obviously he's dropping stuff I don't know why he keep doing that I know like I think his hands slipping hey what the heck are you Santa Claus oh so we think of two different things bro hold up Santa no bro you you check out the chimney bro they they got rid of the guns hold up they got got rid of the guns all right hold up let me turn on the light it's not a rat a rat with a ram it'll be a big rat yeah that thing was kind of loud they had a possum up here you think it's something on the Roof oh I mean you gonna go on the roof but I'm still hearing stuff I mean I don't I don't got a way to go on the roof I just got a way to go to the attic let me check it might be an attic we tripping oh it's just somewhere else oh nope just the body hold up don't worry about that matter of fact you ain't even see that yup wow yeah we're going we're gonna move on yeah that's different uh-huh yeah yeah something like that hey you got any ladders we can use or something yeah I do oh back but yeah I had these ladders from like your little excavation I can't tell you all the details cause you a snitch but you know my cousin uh my cousin John had a couple ladders for me you know John got ladders bet I'm gonna hit him up later all right let's climb up here bro I'm not it's useful information I could use this info later hold up there might be somebody up here bro chill out bro you trying to push me bro it might be the stalker up here hold up okay all right I'm kind of scared I I ain't gonna lie to you I'm a little worried right now bro all right you yeah of course you worry he's on the snitch on you can't find that yeah let me see oh uh yo did somebody step up here after stepping in some dog poop or what happened that's some thick dog poop oh bro that's different oh wait oh wait remember the one guy's house oh shoot I ain't trying to hit you bro I was just trying to get your attention because remember the one guy's house that had that stalker or whatever that's the same block hold up we might need to grab this for later matter of fact it ain't budging you know we not why you thought she gonna pick that up bro I ain't know it was cinder blocks I ain't know what that was bro how you just walk and leave a trail you gotta be so dirty if you're just walking around leaving the trail at least to the other house right there wait is that dark's house uh oh dude we gotta stop it before dark it gets the dark's house gotta start none hey man hey do this just to see if it's possible is your ankles good though because that look like okay I'll show y'all done he ate all right break the trees a little bit it's not good for the environment breaking all the trees come on we need oxygen all right yeah it ain't even the trees getting broke it's a leash hey that's a dangerous jump go ahead do your thing there you go there you go come on I believe it oh my gosh that's the same spot he was just at dog come on you can't mess this jump up all right good wait let's see where it leads to dang okay I know it's blue stank what you think God damn bruh he left a trail man no wonder we can hear him from downstairs oh my gosh you must got the same boots you got on that howl right there ain't that Jones's house oh I told you Jones was getting stalked bruh I knew it I don't know bro but we got to get to the bottom of it we gotta save Jones come on okay there you go there you go up here uh-huh bigger jumps oh there you go there you go and yeah all right we're good we're good wait is this where the Trail Ends does it actually end here or does it keep going we really about to jump down on somebody chimney like Santa or like you first all right I mean shoot it ain't no problem but you got to go in at the same time though all right you ready ready all right three two one let's go same time bro all right bro three two hey bro I know you're not going that's why I ain't jump bro all right let's go there you go Santa [Music] this has nothing to do with your frogs but that stalker boat he left his Footprints up on your roof so I'm pretty sure he's somewhere in your house he's coming for you stalker yeah dude yeah look here's part of your tree bro you forget about that like no get out of my house bruh you're really kicking us out when I'm saving you hey man the water bro yeah bro you got some water or something yeah oh dang dang they got the glass in my ears please [Music] okay I get it sometimes you just gotta Panic you gotta do what you got to do I had to play the role like bro he getting kicked out the house when we trying to help him out no I got us kicked up oh hi ma'am what's what's good hey yo did your kid just take a picture of me hey bro bro I must be the Town Hero for real bro you just a future snitch oh take random photos of people right right bruh that dude yeah control your kid yeah control your bro you're not even my little kid like that my gosh what you keep messing around with that camera I would turn into where it belongs oh caught him now call her Cindy oh wow sorry about that oh oh oh that's crazy you ain't even had to say all that hey bro man do you need a belt you know what go ahead yeah yeah that kid needs punished clearly wait a second wait a second wait a second did she say she's gonna return that camera to Walmart oh my gosh genius idea genius idea oh let's go and then we can use those security cameras and boom we'll catch the stalker at Jones's house it's a genius idea I'm telling you bro it's a snitch idea I'll tell you that but anyways is it possible it's a possible idea it can work it can work hey uh ma'am do you know where the uh cameras are I'm trying to get some cameras like camera security cameras all of that stuff you know what I'm saying dude wait oh what you I'll work what's that supposed to mean oh so you don't know where the camera's at at least you don't know where the camera's at oh wait are you oh everybody know yeah you know exactly who it is man it's that dude yo yo yo the town oh hey hold up in 40 minutes wait a second all dead bruh when the sun come back and it burn you I don't want to hear nothing about that sunburn sending cameras to help you do your job right yeah yeah um no uh security cameras because this town is dangerous people get locked up I love that wow I mean wow that's crazy to me I don't even know what this girl is talking about bro it's because we went on a date and it went wrong ain't that right we used to date right tell them about how we used to date yup this oh cameras this way damn [Music] so you don't get no play annual snitch oh so she she got amnesia I ain't never worked with people with amnesia oh my gosh oh I think all right hey bro just get the camera so let's go bro let's get the cameras let's go bro hey man come on man my heart can't take this bro you got me look here's the camera don't talk to me not nope nope yeah yeah yeah some film cameras bop bop don't even talk ring It Up Ring it up just ring it up just bring it up no don't worry about who's paying tell tell her you got this I got it bro I got it I got it real quick bring it up come on bring it up hey you you causing the scene in Walmart you say you work part-time oh bro bring it up for you a discount what looks Shawty I ain't even on you like that damn thank you for that thank you for the film wait hey bro thank you for all that too hey she doing the most how much is that how much is that yeah how much is that I Wanna Know free call me what's she sneaker number in there let's go let's go ugly run go go go all right so all we got to do is wait for Jones to leave once he leaves we can set up shop bro okay wait I think he's getting up his doors is open oh man bro I really got to go back to Walmart bro I hope that chick's there because she was low-key kind of bad but I'm sick of action but my stuff oh wait that's his own hair bro that boy's so clumsy he dropping stuff on the ground and blaming hey let's go now's the perfect time you don't put a minute get in get in all right all right let's make it confusing too let's throw this car over there hey are you gonna be real mad about that one all right oh wait he already has a camera right here um let's go ahead and break this I don't even know bro I had a camera look if he sees you gotta stay safe with this look then I ah bro he ain't gonna have to use this one more okay hold up just leave that alone yep uh-huh that's his I got you okay matter of fact that's how I'm working in the movies all right I take a picture of her bow okay now it flashes and we don't see this all right for like 10 seconds hey make it get some good get some good angles I got you I got you I got you bro it's gonna be all right I got some new ones downstairs oh all right yeah Bop one right there oh dude this is perfect bro and he shouldn't be back no time soon so I hope not all right let's go upstairs I got I'm gonna put some cameras upstairs I I ain't trying to see what people do when they sleep or nothing like that but yeah I'm saying we trying to nah bro I'm trying to be secure oh I got a good view let me uh double check and make sure these cameras work the way I want to oh yeah oh yeah next boom dude this sees everything oh my gosh really with these cameras dude it's Unstoppable it's Unstoppable look I see you going on the stairs right now matter of fact and now I'm looking at you look yes sir there it is bro I'm making sure the stalker don't get our homie Jones all right now that we've faced all the cameras we placed all the cameras yeah all right now's a perfect time we got a dip we gotta dip let's go quick all right let's go let's go let's go all right all right hey chill out upstairs you mad at me bro wait hold up hold up bro he has a fire hydrant bro you know what this can be used for a whole lot of things bro you never you never seen somebody get hit upside the head with a fire hydrant we see the stalker we don't got guns no more smart idea so you see this whole Pitchfork right here you picked a buyer hydrant where's the pitch for it and so you know what bro get the fire hydrant then bro all right man it's screw it I'm getting this fire hydrant bro it's Gonna Knock wait I said oh oh oh oh oh are y'all for real oh are y'all for real my name how the best gifts to give your friend whenever he's in amazing wash your shrimp over here oh shoot I didn't see you at your own house Jones I was checking your computer to see a nice gift to give a friend who's been stressed out you've been stressed out on a computer it looks like hey now dress because how did y'all break in I thought I locked the door wait wait wait y'all know about my hidden key no you didn't lock your door but where's your head though oh okay I said enough can y'all can y'all please get out can y'all please get out I always kicking somebody out I'm trying to save you from the stalker man I'm just saying bro no no first of all I don't know if you all slept or not but there's something called a bed y'all need to get in it sleep in it and pray Santa Claus at your house cause y'all just broke into my house y'all on the naughty list oh my God now we on the naughty loud these cobwebs on the naughty list boy these dangerous you want to clean it you want to clean it since you're talking about it yeah give me a broom or something to clean it with and I got you here's some water oh come on bro oh my new shoes that's what you got on oh no so now you didn't hear anybody sitting here a lot you about to sit here and lie that's why you guys use some Nikes let's hope he brings you some nights I'm done with him man can you believe this is a flame bomb like that because I mean half his body flame look look at him I mean shoes that's kind of personal good thing you didn't notice his car was thrown that's the only good thing for real why is my car right over here that's weird but I'm gonna go back to Walmart because I actually forgot my drinks ain't nobody be driving that this late at night he's following Jones yeah oh my gosh that's a stalker bro we weren't tripping all right get the car quick come on oh my gosh all right all right all right I'm running to the car as fast as I can man you know hey man he's going to Walmart right bro said he forgot his drinks you know that's cap he threw his drinks at us I don't know I forgot that all of them how oh oh yep that car is right on him bro we're gonna stop this stalker right now oh let's go how about let's go let's go you go hey man there you go hey yo who's in here stop stop oh stalker hey stop right there oh my gosh you got a knife Put The Knife Down dude oh my gosh yo oh my gosh what's wrong with you dude don't you see this yeah he has a knife bro he's about to stab you chill out dude look in this chest what about it brother you're eating there oh we're at the deli section at Walmart [Music] well you understand being called a stalker isn't a good looking like the reason bro obviously obviously not they thought I was going to stab this guy but just knife on you you didn't even check out bro you ain't even buy it tonight dude he didn't even buy it but he just lied to him okay I'm a pizza dude I don't give a I don't give a damn if you no [Music] I never heard of that oh yep there goes Jones he's going back home [Music] what is he talking about oh he's singing something let me check the cameras all right yeah I'm inside too all right um uh she's going upstairs all right that's cool to know hopefully he doesn't notice me all right he's by the fish tank bro who does this he's just looking outside in his window I know I know I wasn't supposed to know nothing about that bro that was different how your house don't got a bathroom the only dude on the Block without a bathroom dude I'm just saying bro that's crazy dude running around the house twerking it's working you said his legs hurt cut all that twerking I know they ain't bruh you don't like that I'm gonna take bro this long to go to sleep you don't see the light right under his bed or something come on now what you do for two months not in your house bro okay well I would never see what a light on well let me check oh check downstairs oh my gosh downstairs cameras right now oh my gosh yes oh it's a stalker [Music] it sounds like he's in danger bro you still got them ladders bro yeah okay you already know Johnny got them ladders you feel me bro this is perfect timing bro hold up we gotta save Jones hey bro you almost stepped I almost stepped on your head hold up come on wait come on oh shoot there it is dude we gotta wake up Jones there goes a stalker I'm ready right now save them wait the fire hydrant get away from my friend oh I ain't do nothing oh he ain't budge oh am I tripping Jones bro bro that was a stalker we've been telling you about bruh yeah you want to believe us not once look I used your fire hydrant to save you let me extinguisher whoopsies bro I appreciate that but when you we did you you broke my you you broke my window my boy about that window I seen some things about that window you don't even say nothing about that window yeah don't even say nothing about that window don't say nothing about it you heard him don't hold yourself up I don't know what you guys are talking about yeah you don't know huh bro you just splash of water on yourself bro hey come on man don't you think we had enough water for today house gotta be something I I owe you guys an apology man I really do apologize for that you guys really did save my life like I've had a rough week man yeah and I took out my anger on you guys so I apologize yeah it's right because nobody's showing up nobody's showing up to the Christmas party hey man get out bro dang right to itself like that I mean to tell the truth [Applause] [Music] that's what I'm saying bruh he tripping dude you know what let's go back to the house man I can't believe this dude Christmas almost got ruined like that dang I got you on some food appreciate you dang like that I'm telling you LBJ is the better player bro logo LeBron bro you ain't never seen him yeah Michael Jordan is the best who's talking about something was we yelling that loud damn Windows Jones is that you yeah come on bro wait come on wait hey LBJ or Jordan who you got uh Kawhi Leonard but listen that's what oh my gosh that's the point bro yeah you guys hungry yeah I'm hungry I mean but I got some food right here damn shoe I don't got no pressure I'm hungry I want to show you guys something what you gonna show us wait you got you got a poster right here man hey what posters in front of my house like I'm the poster boy okay you got the poster for a new KFC hold up bro and it's behind the police station come on why they had to say that oh wait is there actually no bruh nah bro I ain't open that hey but how about we go there and get a bike let's go yeah let's go dang bro where you learn how to drive bro chill bro you almost hit the curve how did y'all leave me oh you was on foot Brian to run all the way here you know my knees bad oh my gosh you should have you should have held on to the back of the car or something on your right arm Jones keep playing with me oh shoot not your right bro why are you getting that bro hey before we go into this new KFC I'm about to give me a bite of this steak bro yes sir what can I have yeah I got you you want one steak good for the heart you feel me okay okay now we about to get some of this greasy chicken man I've been waiting for some greasy chicken spot to open up your skin since they opened up I need me some greasy food some greasy oh my brother back there he knows something all right rummy them ones hey hold up the whole block puller Hey Hey sir sir hold up hold up sir sir sir hey man hey bubble jacket on talking hey you got y'all y'all got that real greasy chicken here man you better talk with some respect man what would you like sir mean to me [Music] hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up there's a band that there's a band there's a band on guns hey man I think that thing is illegal you feel me and you won't give him oh y'all different bro hey bro hey man we we all cool look I'll show you we valid look come out here and look how about this if I beat you in a one-on-one if I beat you in this one-on-one how about we get free chicken how about that all right your boy ball up uh you trying to run a friendly fade come on bro let's see hey y'all got me bro man yeah all right I'm gonna commentate this real quick all right all right I'm gonna snatch the maker bro you ain't on nothing bro look lock down lock down lock down he's doing a spin move right now bro we can't oh oh my gosh oh oh my goodness hey bro we don't talk about that bro basketball hey bro he cheated they call me magic man they clearly do not call you snap me up bro that me up bro that was okay hey bro I'm not even gonna lie I took a picture of that bro yes sir on Twitter Instagram yes I'm so bad bro why are you taking photos of this we ain't gotta remember hey man can I get that uh I'm trying to be healthy salad twelve dollars hold up hey can I get the soup value you got one of your gangs selling bro so I'm selling thanks for the suit man look here the car swipe my car hey y'all order hey on me y'all get something oh free for you okay okay you were in the one hey respect respect yeah bro hey you got me though right are you straight man you already gave you a piece of chicken bro how much would you want it's all good it's all good my boy hey I appreciate you bro I see what you look like my boy that's all I'm saying they know about me ask what happened to 13. hey don't ask what happened 13th that brings peace [Laughter] for sure okay I will slap that bubble jacket oh hey hold up hold up hold up hold up yo Kudo I got it I got it I'll just bring I'll just bring Jay back around and Hooper and we'll handle this okay yeah we'll handle it got my Glocks on you you got my number Bandit my boy Bandy game hey man hey how about let's here too they got watermelons over here this is crazy it's like in and out has uh fries oh my God he said look at those okay bro you don't care about his job bro he don't get fired talking like that man they are at least you ain't got money I ain't gonna call them up for not having money cool though it seems like you don't like him you just staring him down right now bro I got something for this whole KFC it's gonna be gone bro it just it just got here it just arrived hold up bro let me get two more orders hey hold up bro two orders hey bro hey I'm gonna be right back man I'm gonna go get some more food bro you getting some food wait wait those kids are talking Jones come over here what are they talking about let's see we watched the video from unboxer 243 I don't like that name I don't like that name at all brought too many numbers I'm saying yeah just the time you got a dark web bro who's dog Kudo you know we don't mess with the dogs this time bro we don't mess with the dark web bro I tell them kids to chill out you know what you talk about you do hey I like it gold and creepy objects but the video what oh and he hasn't uploaded since I'm worried is he okay bro nah dude it sounds like that dude unboxer 4-3 whatever uh-huh that dude actually got some things from the dark web bro what if it's like 13 streets happening to him right now I don't want nothing to do whatever this video I do wait should we call it oh snap mom's calling bro these little kids bro they came in here not to eat they just took the cornbread and left are you kidding me like that sometimes bro hey I'm not even gonna lie he got a flip phone bro I saw it too bro I'm telling you bro he can only call 9-1-1 and his mama yeah he got four buttons right now oh what up dude why you hating bro well dang y'all um um I don't know about all that my boy I'll show you a new Bachelor I want to see the secret recipe yeah sure see the recipe to Heaven okay spices okay shoot wait hey oh no I'm out of here bro I seen too much hey I'm going I'm going hey you have a fantastic day look next time I see you I'm gonna get my ankles back y'all not hungry oh no not for that fresh not for that fresh come on bro I'll take it I'll take it Jones you don't even know bro right all right y'all so what like what were those kids talking about man dark web bro they was talking about the dark web you sitting there like yeah I go on the dark web I do though don't mess with that no more bro all my decorations from the dark web see that's why that's why the cobweb's grown with them that Christmas party ain't never happened bro it's about to be New Year's you ready for New Year's party man stop making that joke bro my family couldn't show up but there was a snowstorm my fault my fault no I ain't seen snow miles from me they must be from far away my fault I ain't mean that but yeah no them kids kept talking about the dark web and I'm like dude I'm just trying to eat my chicken soup bro bro and Kudo was trying to fight bro up there oh they're talking trash no he was talking crazy he was talking crazy bro melanin out that boy I'm telling you bro he gonna look like that chicken he shot at bro I'm telling you bro no cap they said something about a YouTube video too didn't it what was the name I couldn't remember their name on my boxer yeah that was that was randomly generated but apparently he got a dark Web Box and when he opened it after he posted a video he went missing he went missing yeah last time I seen people go missing it was Kudos fault it was Hooper and I had to go sir we don't talk about none of that oh my bad passes the past my fault are we gonna see what it's about because I'm low-key intrigued you know I like the dark web bruh you don't know the 13th Street dude the PTSD that go with the dark web bro this is dangerous man I got people everybody on the dark web bro where is Stacks at bro He barked some sense into me is he good I think he's dead but don't put that on my dog bro he out there chilling somewhere don't put that on my dog hey stacks every time man that was you gotta be kidding me all right let's turn on this YouTube video and see whatever it's talking about TV don't worry I'm gonna turn it on right now let's see oh is this this channel right here let's check it out and hello guys it is your favorite and today we are going to be unboxing a brand new dark web Mystery Box yeah oh it's very very nice very nice very sweet make sure to like comment and subscribe on the video for 10 years good luck and Good Karma okay okay open box let's see what is in this one oh a nice little helmet is in the Box oh this is this is very sweet very nice very very nice so yes I like I like the way this looks uh well that is going to be the end of this unboxing uh today it seems like it was a good reward not bad uh be sure to follow me on LinkedIn if you would like to see more content thank you that is the strangest video I ever watched that just made me uncomfortable I like it ain't gonna stand in front of the whole TV talk about I like it no me no no I like it because one first of all in the description I don't know if you all saw the description you was not about to contact this dark web dealer and and get a mystery box from the dark web are you serious right now but I were like I want to talk some sense to him I'm gonna let you talk to somebody hey my boy come here real quick why you got a camera don't worry about it hey let me tell you about something real quick no I don't do it you already have magma you want to be half-lice too would you totoroki uh I mean you heard it is what it is at this point like I think this is dope oh my gosh bro matter though they're mad and he said LOL so we have to go all right yo he told us to meet at the mall hey why is this late though wait hold up bro act like you're driving by bro that's not him that's a security guard sorry I think he said he's inside he said he was waiting for the security guard that's what he said in text okay uh text him again tell him that tell him that we're here bro I'm scared man hey all right all right thank you thank you any reply bro no he hasn't sent a text here bro it hasn't delivered okay there he is there he is bro what's inside the mall yeah black right like not not like black but he black like that yeah that boy is charcoal hey what up bro that's tell him that you the homie that contact okay hey bro my name is King Jones I said friends these are the homies hey yo chill out chill out hey guns are banned here that's illegal man keep trying me with the distract you ain't checking like you got the wrong one bro oh my gosh I promise you you're gonna really be blind in the minds bro hey chill that's my uncle chill out chill out chill out Pockets check look at these moves bro come on man look all right this is my pocket cool this is my pockets man that's everything I got I threw out everything all right hey I already know that man Uncle these are my boys this is some bull dog I'm getting my name cleared in this city I don't care okay let me see follow all right I'm following man hold up bro hold up the bakery looking kind of cool it's chocolate chocolate velvet hey I don't know what oh bro stop acting like you know bro he smells like a pack of black and malts what's good man so so what's the deal so I heard you wanted to acquire a box yeah the dark web Mystery Box you know the same thing that unboxed her two four three dig yeah had his name again forgot his name yeah unboxer weird and one of these isn't easy okay what you mean like is it tough or something how hard is it it's gonna cost us bro you should have told us price before I came here bro my fault that's my fault hey come on bro don't scam me dude I'm not with that scam you scare me imma find out ask the police they know about me there's no that's police they know they know about me police know about me in this city bro yeah you're you're a snitch I'm a snitch bro so okay okay if I can hit this button what what is that means bruh wait hold up bro hey you got a nuke hold up bro the police won't matter hey man you know you gonna die with that too you you know you're going out sad bro nobody gonna remember you they gonna remember that super dark dude that made in charcoal I remember him as my uncle man you don't know this dude you don't know about better than you look at your hairline you know what I'm telling you it don't matter bro you got gray hairs like bro dang that's the only thing you're flying in both eyes how old are you my boy he's 65 man come on man I'm not I'll give you some steak I got enough for you Buddy's hands so I know you don't want those yeah I'm not giving you my credit card bro money dang Jones you must have had some extra Waters bro I thought they all broke get my car back I didn't know you had a card swiper on you anyways can I get my car back hey bro give him his card back uncle come on hey come on all right crazy [Music] so he's actually like my uncle by marriage so he's really technically not my uncle but like oh my gosh bro you didn't think about telling us that detail before I got my card stole you want to cash at me a lot my boy when did you guys to have faith in me man cash at me 200 3 000 remind me later okay you're waiting in that money and like bro I can't pay my bills without my card I can't pay oh my gosh hey bro it's gonna be all right man it's gonna be all right boy my house about to get four closed man I don't know what's going on contact your bank and be like hey bro someone stole my car and you'll be straight oh my gosh you should have told me that when we was on the other side of town brought the door like the bank on that side Ty's night time anyway so I'm glad you did we would have waste our time going to that bank for no reason I was bopping your new album so like you know I I couldn't listen you know like to to anything around me other than oh no we're at the door hold up bro it is way too way too late for somebody to be at the door hey somebody else hello no nobody sent me a you up texting Years bro trust hey what is this that's kind of evil don't you think bro hey I rebuke the grown up shut that door too I rebuked the hey what what bro that's that mystery box oh no no that's that's a that's a box full of mysteries for show but that ain't the mystery box I'm for dude hey bro shut that door I rebuke D come back in well I'm gonna I'm gonna go take it to my crib then if that's what you if bruh okay I guess we're just checking the water or something on it yeah come on Jones you got all the water throw something on that okay uh there you go uh all right that should be much better now I feel better about it bro chill out bro as soon as I open it you're gonna make that noise I thought that box was extra creaky I was like that box supercreek you need some WD-40 what is this golden shovel okay a golden nugget okay what is that oh I'm just hearing things a fermented spider eye in a book okay I guess um you can get the spider eye you can get the Nugget that's a pop don't you can that's that is not a popcorn man that'd be expensive I gave you the golden tooth all right there you go let me check this book and quill 602-4405 with all pleasure comes pain curiosity killed more than the cat bro I didn't pay this much money for a box with a shovel a golden popcorn wait what a a spider eye and then a riddles book a kid's book are you kidding me I could have went to the I could have went to the school Fair bro bro Kudo look look he's missing the he he missed it let me see this look at the top of the book bro it's some numbers bro come on now come on I know it's been a long time since school okay all right look at the top bro did you see the bottom bro they was trying to rhyme bro they ain't got a rhyme scheme look we thought pleasure cause pain curiosity killed more than the cat you feel me oh 602 coordinates bro hey y'all those are coordinates dude y'all are tripping you missed the point why do I gotta be the first person to say that bro wow I gotta be the person to say it oh my gosh y'all missed the point bro hey but no cap though you should really make that into it I don't know those bars were kind of you think so hey but you think anybody will understand it or do you think like I'd have to get hit up by genius and decipher those bars and I'd be like shoot a book came to me in the dark web all right y'all so like we gotta stop standing around are we gonna go or what because it's not going nowhere why um box skull can't nah right right he has a point he has a point let's hear your argument action nah let's hear your argument man why you want to go so bad first of all we got to get your card back that's all I need to hear let's go Kudo come on bro you know how much is on that card bro running off on the both of you I'm not driving though I just wanted to say that I'm not using your car yeah using your car for sure all right to 604-02 5 6 17 604-325-1817 1 2 604 oh about the Christmas party what are we supposed to do here don't tell me you're about to use that shovel dog yeah let me see who's Grandma's in this one are you serious that's crazy are you serious all right that's disrespectful bro all right bro are you digging up Graves one at a time at least Cemetery y'all gonna get possessed yeah we gonna get possessed bruh man you just sound scared just say you scared bro bro just say you scared bro that's all you had to say oh I'm scared yeah you're 10 feet away bro we out here doing all the work you scared yeah you guys are making fun of me about this but look what I found sorry about that I apologize about that wait oh my gosh yo why did you just dig this up bro someone was clearly resting in here bro uh there's I'm that's a mess I don't know about you but oh shoot I'm stepping all on them why are you stepping off our body bro I ain't here Jones did it on purpose I did it on purpose I'm gonna see what this chest is about oh [Music] got me some gold hey what was that what did I just see what did I just see bro I just saw something it was like a face or something outside of the graveyard oh it was like I'm gonna look out you're gonna look out oh bro bro oh my gosh isn't that supposed to be in the nether oh that's a ghost stay back there stay back I think it's a jellyfish no I think that's like one of those things that should be in the nether oh oh my gosh dude we're getting chased whoa we're actually getting changed down by that thing no sir no sir no sir bro bro who's screaming like that bro come on man day wow oh bro you scared me oh shoot maybe we can go to the police station that's what we could do police police help police okay never mind not the police then oh my gosh dude they're oh it's on us it's on us bro the spirit oh my gosh Jones don't I need you to chase that dude back here text Bro back bro oh my gosh get on go go inside go inside oh bro get off my door well get this on my door bro all right all right oh my God come on man you scared me bro why are you screaming so hard bro hey did it get darker in here bro wait hold up bro hey hold on hey no my license shut up bro bro dude don't talk to me oh if it goes oh it's a ghost bro record that dude bro recalls your uncle your cousin your granddad I don't care who it was call him tell him we need a refund bro I'll give him back this gold we found bro come on I'm tired of digging up stuff anyway send him a text I sent him a text he said LOL again I don't know why he what bro oh hex no I knew it was dark in here oh my gosh I must really not have played my electricity my electricity bill ain't getting paid I'm gonna need some new Jordans or something oh my gosh let me drink that chicken soup it's coming in handy now oh my gosh oh oh can you tell bro to hurry it up bro I'm not trying to get shocked by this ghost I sent him five other texts I said hurry I can't see bro and I said bro oh my God hey bro you got it you got that fire extinguisher bro hey hey oh shoot do I where is that fire extinguisher It's gotta be somewhere there's no it might appears what wait what what do you mean what do you mean oh boy what what oh no oh my gosh boy that boy hit me with the raid boy I am not a roach I'm telling you what bro dang that boy almost took me out my misery he said he's on his way on his way tell him to hurry up he said he's stuck in traffic I ain't no traffic ain't nobody outside bruh wow bro they just threw something on me bro it's sticky yeah it threw something sticky at me bro I don't know why but like oh my God I'm gonna die here did the light shut off again bro like that oh my God bro you're gonna game any slower man dang talking about traffic and stuff bro what's wrong with you oh my gosh but you boys want a refund yeah yes bro we need a refund in my heart back and I I get my card back this has been under 24 hours I'm willing to entertain all right back come inside bro just go through this don't ask um bro they were running already wait he can talk oh he talking to the ghost oh she found in the bro give me everything you found everything right now you'll make everything disappear come on I got you all right all right everybody give it to him why'd you give it to them you gave it to the ghost bro hold up bro I got you man that's everything that's is that everything y'all yeah yeah that's everything that's everything guess we're going home bro is this some type of a sick joke hey what happened to unboxer uh four three eight nine two yeah on God please yeah come on bro what what are you saying what leave me a five star on Yelp the going home part hey bro you know it's crazy you know what's crazy what I still got three pieces together this whole time and you just now telling me that I was on vacation he was on vacation dude I thought you just showed up here out of nowhere bro you got everything going crazy the entire time saying nothing about that hmm it's a wrong man talking about another grown man who is he gonna tell you shoot I thought he let me know dang that's messed up bro that's messed up bro all right come back inside man all right look at least at least I got things right you know what I'm saying I got a pet you know what I'm saying I got some chicken you feel me okay you gotta where to pay that where your pet at oh don't don't you don't want to say yeah no where your pet at bro you know snacks nah bro you don't want no pet not even a little cat or nothing like a little dog maybe you can't I feel that I feel that bro I'll be messing with cats bro they be too much bro I'm telling you bro they be two months they be a little extra bro I ain't even gonna lie bruh yeah extra dang that extra but let me see let me check my notepad for things to do today things to do uh dude I forgot the stalker is still on the Oh shoot what the heck hey whoa whoa hey that came that came from the stalker's house bro bro gosh I knew it dude as soon as I talked about the stalker the stalker back at it again bro hey that boy got explosives putting that bad energy on the air bad energy out in the air bro it ain't my fault somebody house got bombed but I do want to check on it I don't got gas come on bro how you don't got no gas bro I don't know I had no gas bro all right shoot this way then oh man dude hey came straight from the stalker house oh my gosh dude that's at least a couple hundred thousands couple hundred thousand bro throw the whole house away You're gonna need a whole new house bro I'm telling you all the roaches and stuff coming from that bro they ain't gonna get out of that dang the news people on the scene like that bro I just heard the explosion dude bro that that's so toxic bro y'all y'all really gonna show he was waiting for something to happen where they said who I was getting blown up today I don't think it's America's innocence man come on bro I forgot bro name it's been one day like I already forgot his name bro especially this camera crew lady she don't care about this this person's life we're on the scene of local meteor strike the struck a new picture of meteor oh my God meteors here too bro I know we had meteors hitting here that's not something that just casually happened bro you can't put that on me Edison was acting the town's most notable recent killer the town stalker so you know it was his house this whole time but but you ain't did nothing about it you can get a warrant come up here worry and he didn't tell nobody that's messed up bro he's just doing his job talking about reporting on the news bruh Matt knew the town snitch let me see specialty means stalker's dead what me like that someone has to do with a giant hole in this but I mean it's assuming that you didn't even look inside the window and I mean it's a meteorite sports right I'm surprised I ain't take damage from that one great stuff all right pack it up let's go for the cops get bro look so the cops didn't even let you differ don't talk about me bro hey bro why you talking about me all crazy keep running into me huh hey bro no you ran into no you just happened to run it to the scene what you think crazy right yeah crazy woke me up bro I was talking about I was talking about cats and all types and stuff like that I don't mess with cats what you think oh oh cops that's my cue bro wait you got warrants too yeah everybody got warrants wow so everybody got warrants so the cops just pulling up and then everybody got warrants everybody is that the firefighting team I ain't seen him fire crew on the scene what the heck dang bro are you always screaming at somebody bruh scream your digits start with the first where's she going dang all right they breaking in then you had to take down the doors the doors was open y'all could have went through the hole go go go let me hold behind let me call oh shoot it's the FBI agent and what's good bro what's up with you I ain't seen you in a minute bro did you see the town has no guns now you took away the guns and it's just got hectic since you took away the guns I ain't gonna lie we're gonna need some guns investigating this yeah I took your guns LOL oh you think it's funny but there's a lot less crop a lot less crime bro that could have been my house if the meteor felt like it what you talking about bro I'm not trusting this I mean if you're not doing anything want to help me do it bro am I getting paid to do this fart shoot my boy Kudo got you he was trying he was trying to uh become a firefighter this whole time ain't that right that's a lie all right give him some clothes he got you bro you finna go on there you finna do that work bro you know what I'm saying you got this here if you're going inside you need to suit up all right bro throw this thing at me let me get more gear from my car dang he came back with that kid Mighty fast bro somebody threw some boots at me that all right back hey we're going in there let's shoot suit up man I better get a raise for this it's toxic all right man bang a chainsaw for they ain't gonna put out a fire bro bro I swear I just saw him take those doors down a second ago bro all right man they just took down them doors oh wow that dude is dead daddy gone bro that's the new neighbor bro that boy got out of here yes very dead wow but look closely yeah bones blood spill new body new body all right yeah what about New Body what you mean new body that's the same body that man was dead after the meteor crash oh so this is a murder wait how bro we just came over here looking Dodge the explosion the body will be in pieces oh wait hold up that's kind of on to something look at this hole right here bro this hole in the bottom floor everybody's obliterated the skin yeah but the blood though it don't make sense for the blood like that that'll mean gone wait oh this is the actual stalker the actually same thing with a stalker stalker oh yeah he went out sad bro I feel bad for her no I don't that boy was stalking Jones that's messed up like I just kicked out the house too many times it got us kicked out the house Jones was doing all types of crazy things on camera it's the stalker not yet anyways just speculation all right I mean I don't know what other two people be sneaking in the cribs and doing all that stuff but I believe let me put out the fires that's the least I can do I mean yeah you ain't touching on the fires all right let's investigate further all right bet let me see all right hey bro this dude how's look mighty like mines now that boy got the same chairs and everything everything huh okay well you know it's a HOA neighborhood probably just simulator oh my gosh almost stepped in that bottle me neither I just agree with him because I'm an adult just assumed I knew that one I'ma just yep probably just wait what is that bro is that a photo of me and Kudo getting kicked out of Christmas party from Jones I remember that like it was yesterday it was on the ground so pictures of us the ground oh that's definitely the stalker boy yeah why would he have that at all oh hey stalker bro why you gotta stalk us like that bro like you couldn't have got a good photo I got my chicken out right I was hungry bro it who who was wanting to stalk her dead besides y'all uh Jones yeah Jones we caught Jones in the actor doing something 100 he wasn't supposed to get caught doing so I think the stalker was mad at him or he was mad at the stopping for that one yeah this is too big of a job for a guy like I mean yes I backed my hand fire everywhere that is true he does have a Mac Man hey you you bring a good point hey man yeah bro stop hating on Jones man before he catch you on fire with his left hand yeah look into it do your job yeah do your job look into it man we I'm gonna go back home I don't know what you talking about bro I was having a good day for somebody's house caught on fire well I investigate this you guys stay out of trouble no stay out of trouble I mean no promises to be in trouble all right no promises dude talking about stay out of trouble said try to avoid any issues been hearing about abductions lately now look I'm a grown man I'm gonna get abducted yeah exactly bro you worried about the wrong crowd bro worry about yourself I mean let me take this firefighter fit off too dang bro like I'm about to take these straight back to the fire uh I haven't been to the fire station at all matter of fact since we've been in this town yeah it's right around the corner next to that Motel actually crazy story I'm telling you right all right where the car at oh wait a car oh my gosh ain't bro we gotta bring the car oh hey yo dog hey bro stay bro what is that I don't bro I don't know hey bro why is it running towards my house no I don't feel comfortable too hey hey bro hey bro nah bro let's lure that thing to the park or something bro I want that at my house I'm not getting that thing nowhere near the house oh my gosh bro oh ax not to the park all right now we got some gas it's cool I use your card right bro catnip some cat oh there was a cat I dealt with it was a big black cat I think it was cartoon cat oh he loved pet stuff dude there's a pet store it's closed down hey bro you know how to break into a store you already know I do oh let's see what you got all right now look this house this spot right near the spot right this is the spot yeah this is the spot bro they've been close oh shoot I'm not looking okay all right all right I ain't gonna snitch bro hold on bro hold on bro I'm not looking wow dang bro you did it like the doors was unlocked bro these doors is locked bro huh the door okay so you got a bobby pin on you I see that don't worry how I did that I did this with my bare hands all right let's see if they got cat stuff all right let's see they got a pig who adopts a pig dog I don't know no that's true all right let's see rabbits we want no rabbits now I dealt with enough rabbits I think we don't ah cat stuff bro this has gotta be it right here bro all right okay you get that uh-huh is this a dog house the cat might like it too all right anything else huh let me see they got some images in here let me see what they got uh man these are just Flyers bro I don't care about the flyers dude come on bro oh my God yo I don't think we should stay in here much longer now that I'm thinking about it man yeah security system I don't think so but like what is somebody about to rent this place and they're like dangers footsteps here bro investigate those all right bro hey man after you all know how to open these doors they've been locked out all right bro all right bro do your thing bro do your thing bro dang bro you did a whole 360 with that I got eyes in the back of my head how do you know that I I don't worry about it to the park yay all right man how do we in the park where we gonna set this thing up at bruh more nice nice where we can seclude let's not forget what big monster is Gonna Come here because of it bro I just saw the back of his head I didn't even see what it looked like but all I know is it scared me it was like yeah but somebody dude um like any day of the week bruh there we go right here yep right in the middle so look it's next to the archery so I don't know like we might shoot that boy you know what I'm saying look they might have banned guns but you know what they didn't ban bows okay okay oh my gosh almost okay almost all bulls eyes okay yeah now we talk let's see what you got bro let's see what you got yeah let's see uh oh wow oh okay oh oh oh okay oh yeah how do we let the cat know that we set up uh what's a cat call uh this won't hurt my voice hey Cat if I was a cat I'd play with the cat tower or maybe the dog house cat tower a little bell right here though oh shoot bro there it is hey bro that thing's a lot tinier than I last saw it bro I don't know if it's shrunk or bro did you put in a washer dryer bro that happens to the white sometimes I ain't doing nothing to it okay I'm just making sure oh shoot dang broke the dang dog Tower bro dang wow yeah I don't know a lot of these little he doesn't look as dangerous bro I mean it's either that he's gonna mess up the town what you think should we run up on bro no problem man come on I got fried chicken I got five carrots you can't eat fried chicken oh smell this smell this did you smell it do you smell it yeah it's real maybe I don't know this might work maybe not dang I guess it didn't smell it good hey come back hey man get back over here I got some snakes how about some meat some flesh so yeah you like that yeah bruh oh he pulled up yeah okay okay hey little buddy we're gonna call you Gerald what you think about that one dang okay guess not Gerald your name hmm you said today hey all right dang how about Tom Merrell e-rocking with Tom mirror oh wow come on come on man how about a little feisty you messing with a little feisty a little feisty hey man follow us back to our home this don't sound right I'm all a little feisty let's go a little feisty little dude you ain't rocking with the name nah I'm a little feisty stop hating man oh shoot there's a wolf in the room oh my gosh bruh little feisty dude come on you almost messed this up bro I was trying to save your life you almost made me take out a whole stray dog that dog why is she not going flying out the back y'all still there for that new scene right that was yesterday oh God y'all got nothing better to do someone said what they said almost can't believe it could have been me oh my God you're still talking about that yesterday hey hey hey hey who driving what hey little feisty get out the window Rob my whip bro oh my gosh bro love feisty we gotta talk about driving the car you can't it's cause you smile like that don't mean to make it good it's not good it's not good it's going back to my house dang and so this is the new place you'll be staying at you sure we can't do it at the heck but that's the strongest meow I ever heard in my life bro I ain't gonna lie hey uh cooler you sure we can't use you and Hooper's house bro no so y'all y'all ain't pet friendly but what if like we don't like pets more I ain't never heard a cat mile like that like hey oh he different go inside actually house a little feisty come on bro that's the brib come on welcome in get up the stairs now yep welcome to the new crib bro MTV all right as you guys can see or as you can see we got a lot of lights because they broke my lights me roll okay that's what's up yeah all day I think your cat broken bro hey look there's a bathroom don't don't ever use the bathroom in this kitchen that's the that's lesson number one I don't even know what that's gonna look like all right this your bathroom right here no this is my bathroom but I'm gonna let you use it too your bathroom can be out outside all right yeah man he like in the toilet you got all that toilet water on them now oh yeah hey you got toilet water look in here this is the shower bro at the shower go ahead take you one hit one of those take you one of those go ahead yup oh hey you flooding the bathroom bro are you serious bro I got that bro you got my shoes wet bro I just got these for Christmas bro that's the bathroom hey at least she turned it off all right honestly Mr feisty can you tell us anything about your past yo you can't even finish a meow right now but what is it doing bro I don't know bro maybe maybe it well is it talking English and money huh my bad yo is that hoop oh my gosh bro I knew we should have took it to Hooper's house no you can't talking bro this is your cat bro this is going to Yo No this is going back to your place I'm telling you it's not food here here I got you some clothes oh food Bros this is the smartest cat I ever heard I never heard a cat talk to me bro it's like a parrot cat oh oh this must be the definition but he about took your ankles dude he almost bit him off honestly food you still want some more food bro oh wait a second wait a minute wait a minute no more flesh nope uh bruh you got bigger like okay cats be growing up like in a year or something bro he grew up a year in like a day maybe 10 seconds there that's the last piece of chicken though don't be stingy now I want like oh Play Shoot look here's these hex uh have suits that we got earlier from the fire station you have fun with that I don't know what you can do with that but tear that up look some clothes over there don't tear these up at least do it outside play all right bet let's play tag tag you in oh I'm going oh I'm going oh I'm going oh oh you're ready now come here nah bro you win bro you in it bro I got a little feisty you got a little feisty run yeah I did run them whoa he pulled up on me move uh oh little feisty where you at bro where you at Feisty where you at Feisty oh oh you don't know how to play this oh shoot oh shoot ain't gonna find who ain't gonna find Uber come on it's like that what no no backs I said No Tag back nah bro you hurt me man no tag that's not how that worked okay okay back we're feisty at go where is it oh oh it's on you it's on you it's all right come here oh we're feisty oh you found feisty he was downstairs hiding bro he was downstairs wait father wait hold up bro you got like Twisted all the way I I don't know your dad but he is here's a uh here's some chicken though like I said that's the last one I'm father bro I don't know who he called him father bro hey good luck with that though I don't want to see his father honestly bro oh nah nah why'd you look at me like that little fight don't don't look at me look at him no look at him no no no no no no no no look at him yeah yeah bro you talking too crazy you talking too crazy I'm gonna need you to take that outside take that out matter of fact I'm I'm calling for you go outside make some friends outside don't cause any harm okay good father no you go outside you go outside hungry for more we'll go outside and there you go two pieces of chicken that's the most I ever given you just go outside bro I really think I miss dad why is you up there because I'm not dealing with that bro come on man you know if you stand up there you're gonna break it dog go away on them big old boots bro he's gonna start a fire in this place I have no use for Mortal entryway what walking walking tires me what is he talking about bro I don't know oh what hey how's he doing that how did he just do that that's your thing that's okay that ain't mine so how did you do that I don't know go ahead what's going on bro that thing is floating bro go ahead that's all I'm talking about is how is this cat out here floating and calling me Father hey bro somebody breaking my car oh my gosh bro uh Mr feisty where'd you get those bodies at I've claimed these souls for you wait hold up hold up hold up hold up bro I'm not catching bodies like this bro this ain't on my record I'm hiding upstairs I'm hiding in the Attic bro why do you run for going back downstairs you love me no no I still do love you it's just when you float and kill people it's kind of scary I've done wrong yes so very wrong do you have you uh seen our neighbors and shall go where you going to wait him being this violent going around don't sound good you do it you just talked about claiming Souls dog uh-huh I'm gonna activate this one um boy hey buddy where you going wait some of y'all help some of y'all helped outside with the bow on you help who said it wait wait what's going on what's Happening hey yo what is that Terminator hey bro hey bro what did y'all talk about hold up bro that's the special hey get away [Music] bro felt like I just won 100 rounds with Herobrine wait Kudos that you yeah bro what are we doing locked away bro oh my gosh bro who is that bro he's staring you down bro bro look at you straighten your soul bro like we did hey oh is it one of them alien things boy talk about the blue bro the got got like what you talking about bro hey look different hey back up off me dude why are you just staring bro he's just staring you down oh now you staring me down what gun is that hey that gun what it's looking at right now I don't know which part of the space I think I think it's looking at me right now because it's got the gun over here oh yeah should we be like trying to leave or something yes bro stop staring dude he's just staring at us why oh what is green what does that mean hey chill out bro look you wanna hey bro I got you with a chicken dude English yes English yes English well you see where he's speaking they speak English bruh you hear me speaking English what type of question is that talking about they speak stating the obvious you heard it I mean your ears is picking up English like what you got to translator in your brain yeah I don't know if yes wait hold up what's though see look what you done did bruh you tell me something from you you're right that is his house hold up bro hold up bro that that's not my house for real I'm right first of all oh shoot hey bro Mr Sir Mr sir it's not actually my house I'm renting it it's rented so it's really not my house don't don't take it out on me like when I be tolerated that's why you look like a corrupted wait hold up hold up why are we about to get executed because he was talking bro they had nothing to do with me bro he's still talking bro like leave dude I ain't gonna lie is the guard the dude who pulled up on us earlier looking like he wanted to sell or something I think so boy that dude is scrawny dog he ain't gonna land like two punches he's out okay all right bro all right oh shoot he right there oh shoot oh yeah hey bro he bout to smoke got you hold up yo bro I'm really about smoking all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right what's a way to get out of here bro I don't even include there gotta be something oh oh give me those dude good call come on my gosh take the keys take the keys all right I got the keys right here all right how we gonna get out of here bro strategize I mean uh okay so we're on a ship right yes ship okay we're on a ship yup what are these keys for I don't know but I'm glad we got them bro so we had to come back here and get them again hey no I got it I got it hey bro we're about to go straight 13 bro let's go to the engine room and destroy all the engines blow this whole ship down bro we about to blow stuff up oh it's a throwback in this thing hey that's all you had to say let's go oh shoot he's still all right wait let's go I think we're out of his radar he's walking slow oh hex knob are you walking us down bro I don't like walking like a Terminator bro like he the final boss wait no wait wait what is happening over here look at this this layer right here keeps getting flipped every time both of these layers are getting flipped you see these trap doors iron trap doors ain't supposed to be moving like this how do we turn the engines off um well it looks like there's a power system coming from this it's just the waves going through so maybe one of the switches okay I'm gonna try to turn off this switch you turn off that switch on three all right three one yeah yeah two one one bow it work to work oh my gosh yo they're off it stopped it dude that means it's just about to start heading down bro it's gonna crash hey hopefully it don't hit our house that's all I'm saying somehow how are we going how are we gonna jump out of here wait how are we gonna get up out of here we didn't even think about that oh my gosh so the engine's going down we need to find a place out oh my gosh no this is not me wait to pull up back here where it blew up oh shoot oh this is no good oh this is very no good okay hey yo yo wait what is this what bro over here over here dude this is our only way to land out we got something we gotta jump bro all right you go first oh nah bruh I can barely see the ground from here what if nothing's below go I can't believe we lost kudos huh you can catch me Brian you see me crying no crying nah bro you ain't see that Chrome little feisty saved us are you two all right I have saved you father mother oh thank you son such a good one dang bro I called you the mama that's wild right now bro called you my bro Animal Control right now I am not little feisty as you refer to me oh shoot Maximus oh my gosh I'm so sorry Clipper Miss I'm so sorry cliffus I didn't mean to disrespect you your whole life I never would have known here take three pieces of chicken took me it took a while to learn the language I feel that you're getting so big now glyphos I'm not gonna lie that boy getting huge he said you escape the clutches of your mat okay the the one who enslaves you on the ship we destroyed the prison oh wait what's the problem oh what's the worry oh oh shoot hey they back are they back on that glue stuff uh-oh they're armed oh oh no no no no don't surrender clip this clip is Max Smith oh I'll secure the specimen yeah just eat them you got the big teeth no so no uh oh but now we required our pet but we forgot what you did for this ship wait hey bro hey can we just leave a i o u a i o u H I have to deal with aliens out of the park so you blaming me because a meteorite hit there and all that now it's my fault bro nah bro I'm going home bro no I'm going home nah I'm going home bro oh why is it bodies they gotta have all the Christmas left over man up in this place sales the good sales boy I'm talking about the great ones let me see what these gumballs they probably had to knock off Gumball prices gumballs this shoe it still costs the quarter you got a quarter on me you got a quarter uh I got some steak all right let me see if I can put that machine let me see yup see look a gumball came out but it's the same state well look at the gumball right there though look that look tasty oh yeah I'm telling you bro steak for Gumball bruh the deals man deals for deals all right uh let's see what they got in the stuff upstairs I think they got like monitors and all types of PCS you got clothes let me see what they got in here um this is a coffee shop ain't nobody need to wake up with no coffee bro that's how you get addicted bruh let me see let me call you hold up bro I know it ain't hating do over there bro then you take your car okay any can I get any service why nobody ever here work here Kobe sucks hey bro you got my card dog bro I don't even got a border dog give me my boy get my card back bro I couldn't even get a gumball downstairs bro you know how embarrassing it is run me back bro I had like 250 000 in there bro come on man no no no don't wake up I'm right behind you nah bro you can't go nowhere bro what you gonna do lower your voice someone somebody might hear me what you said nobody's real in here and that's the way nobody at all you are a con artist bro how about if I pulled up on you huh what you gonna do if I did this I really got distracted he will spill it bro and that's gonna ruin your day for two weeks you don't want that at all that yeah say the word I'm gonna pull the trigger Bros I ain't your bro you owe me some sense matter of fact grounds yeah yeah yeah yeah you heard them you gonna get these grounds what they're made me sick oh brother stank bro it took my heart damage away bro I'm telling you bro there's something about that ain't right it was something in the bottle I'm telling you or something in the bottle bro it messed up me oh my gosh they got big bottles of them bro but they got them big bottles back here dog what they getting ready to celebrate hold up bro you come on bro you got to get the good one if you get the bottle all right oh wait it's a cognac oh my gosh that's that's lit poison monkey trying to get lit all right I guess there aren't no deals at the mall nobody working yeah something thrown at us all right bro they throwing stuff bro hold up let me get in the car bro we about out of here oh wait somebody asked you on the street that's what's up bro it's a ghost town that's not normal no is it oh shoot there's a dog on the street bro you almost hit that dog whoa dude oh my God wait let me check on this dog oh my gosh I can't believe you almost got hit bro bro wait whoa there's a big oil spill over here hold up bro oh oh my god oh no bro I ain't messing with that I know that was fungus bro that was a huge mushroom I ain't never seen something so one of them you must be growing up if you told my head oh no wait hey bro you good you almost hit a dog bro you gotta chill out dog you almost hit that dog back there bro you gotta calm down man are you okay recklessly yeah Reckless how you hit the tree yeah I know I sweared and crashed dang bro how you swerve that hard off the road like the dog wasn't even on the road bro you tripping dude don't touch your stuff hey hey big old uh mushroom fungi running from this one yeah you you saw that that that that's radioactive boy that must be a giant mushroom yeah yeah the giant one that big one that just ran away bro look like it looked like a monster off of Duma turtle or something like that bro I'm crazy zombies type thing yeah it's just something real crazy you must have reacted with the groceries wait this is gross serum hold up bro I know some short friends I could throw in this hey hold up supposed to be delivering this to the university down the road you did a bad job of doing it oh my gosh clean this up step yeah place this bottle in there and and scoop it up there you go no problem hey that's that's about twenty dollars just go ahead sit there bro I know you about to get fired bro go ahead bro yeah he definitely getting fired bro whatever he did hey bro is he gonna clean it up all right there he is all right turn into group for real for real bro was there a mushroom over here maybe bro what if it would have hit a flower bro it really would have been Plants versus Zombies oh my gosh not the dog that would have been a werewolf hey man you said the you said the university right all right I'm gonna I'm gonna handle that bro hey good luck getting fired that's gonna be me dang now the dog is on the road please I swear I didn't mean to there was a thug oh dog I swerved a mushroom I don't want to hear another fire bro bro getting fired let's pull up to this University and see what they talk about though let's talk crazy this right here this that University bro it's that Universal bro last time I went to a school uh-huh oh nah bro don't remind me of that bro I just had flashbacks dude look don't worry the girls in this school won't mess with you bro all right yeah bro I heard they don't mess with nobody for real all right let's see all right nobody here I mean it is a Sunday it is a Sunday so I don't know why anybody will be here I don't know why school at the library you know that's true but he said you bring it to the university where would you go and bring grocerum to a university for is they putting in the food oh that's messed up okay they're making the brochure right yes yeah as you replace with the r you put the m in front of the S and now you got science bro where to end met in science don't ask me questions you don't know the answer to bro I'm telling you my fault dang I'm assuming dang you right convicts really is out here on school bro what up man how many banks you Rob going on four that's what's up all right where the science app Lab at hey you know what a science lab at ma'am you just gonna look at me oh wait hold up let's not let the girls fall in love bro we see what happened last time went crazy wait Bob let's go in here why you got a globe in here bro this is science not history carry the one divide by seven but he don't ever talk so mad bro of course it's the science teacher bro look he's bald hey mister mister is it okay if I run across the table oh I knocked down a lot of scientists dang bro I see knocked down one of your bottles I hope you I hope you ain't mad about it my boy my boy hey hey I think that's exactly real quick hey bro hey stand over there bro stand over there bro all right bro hey bro bro yeah is that Walter White bro that's what I'm saying bro Ain't No Way Walter White just out here cooking up bro I mean obviously he do oh hit boy gonna put on the helmet he was a little out when he was tired hi Mr science teacher did you have a science lab oh anyway you care if we step on his desk yeah I'm not gonna step on it it's my fault yeah my fault my fault what are you doing in here I mean what are you doing working on Sunday that's what I need to know and uh did you guys order a growth serum a serum uh syrup grow syrup grit really green you know turns things very big and uh uh yeah like mushrooms by any chance yeah yeah yeah any chance of that uh yes how do you know about that that was next week um the delivery driver I think it was fat ass UPS USPS one of them they hit a tree I watched it happen in the green Gatorade or the serum Spilled Out right yeah I think it hit a mushroom and then the mushroom got really big and now he ran across town so what you really want to do about that across town bro I'm talking ran across them yeah what's your freaking out for hey hey you look like this tree in this book right here actually the tree off Kirby matter of fact I think that's what that's inspired also time to pack my bag where you going what you mean hey whoa whoa chill out chill out hey what about us people who live in this city okay you got you got to clean this up my boy you look like you was gonna get fired one way or another once they figured you out that serum wasn't tested yet oh yeah giant mushroom I'm sorry y'all just letting some chemical reactions around the house huh yeah just just around the whole town you can't deal with that hold it bro come on bro don't lie to me bro I know who you is bro you got more in you than you saying bro you ain't gonna sit here and lie to us come on now you got come on a shrink serum and shorten it so you want us to shorten the mushroom and then step on it because I'm not stepping on it now because I feel like it is yeah it's kind of big where would a mushroom be anyways bro I'm getting confused it's a mushroom well with Mario Mario oh he's probably scared of Mario for real you could find it first that'd be great well mushrooms eat dead things all right what's he trying to say bro um I know what it is is there a graveyard oh my gosh I gotta go back to the graveyard bro last time we was there Jones was picking stuff up let me do that bro nah bro hey 50 bro I lost my car throw me a little something Heisenberg or wait bro please man fifty dollars bro do I look like I care die oh my gosh dude you're getting fired regardless so you gonna die regardless yeah matter of fact matter of fact and I'm telling the police about you yeah yup the police on the way bro we out of here bro yeah we'll need your help no more no more oh shoot no more [Music] the business moving hey bro let's park right here I don't want to park outside of the graveyard because bruh what if somebody get that get a photo of that bruh like they're gonna Oh weird they gonna think I'm mad weird why you always hit the graveyard my boy like you're gonna be like bro this is the first like I heard somebody went crazy at the graveyard last week and now now we got this going on bro that was Jones like come on bro let me see it oh yeah dude oh that thing boy that thing is moving hey the top is just moved bro I'm bothered I'm visibly bothered right now it's crusty I feel like it has a weird texture oh my gosh Keith on it wow that's an evil mushroom you see it moving bro look look at the top of it moving bro watch it ugh yeah bro ain't that weird like you know what I'm saying wait wait whoa hold up hold up hold up bro you trip bro hold up look at me oh I'm looking at you oh look oh look look look look what bro every time you don't look at it it moves bro bro let me see oh oh what's the internet bro bro we've already dealt with someone bro oh nah bro all right I'ma just keep my eyes on buddy I'm gonna walk out of this one uh [Music] what come here come here come here does it want us specifically oh we're looking at you it definitely wants us specifically three bro start running bro just turn and run and let's see all right all right ready three let's see two one go go go go go go go go go go go go let's go hey you gonna slow down that's what you're gonna do all right hey like the squid games Red Light Green Light you ready all right what are we supposed to do with this bro oh I don't know I was just gonna deal with it he'll run away for the rest of my life you feel me like that live my life hiding running and staring at it bro don't look away if it follows us every single time we're turning around right yeah just have it chase us back to the uh University bruh we did not say did I say I ain't messed with old dude no more you wanna do that you're gonna do all right bro no I ain't dealing with it all right all right bro exactly two yeah one get get there oh no get away bye hey right luckily it's after hours and there's no children present say that to the girl that's been standing out there trying to sell Girl Scout cookies a lot of people in the cafe making everything whole convict matter of fact the doors should hold it off for now we need to discuss kill me okay so how we gonna kill this thing how are we gonna bro it's hitting up against the door it's bothering me bro like I know you hear that since it's a fungus it'll be resistance to normal weapons so it's resist to a Glock all right ain't no way are you saying them hollow tips ain't gonna handle bro and how we're gonna make an anti-serum and of course you're missing the most important I feel like CW so right now dude of course he's missing the experiment like like we knew he was missing it bro right like we gonna make it out of here live or something like we ain't run all the way from graveyard you know what I have send you two out to get them while you hold around the door hey man all I know is you better hold it down bruh you better hold this thing down stare at it or something please get us a list bro uh take the chairs bookshelves and make a ladder up okay break out the window oh my bro what oh my God oh my gosh dude at Walmart uh and what is that exactly bro I'm taking the globe what what ingredients you get for Walmart that's actually going to do so it's Walmart you can't go like this Walmart no target ain't gonna help either Target don't be having nothing I gotta Lowe's all right yeah Lowe's water spiders eye bro all the waters is sold out cause the junk never mind all right we're gonna do what we got to do just make it throw weakness anti-serum okay yo he said fermented spider eye Redstone in a bottle of water throw it at the mushroom and it uh should reverse the entire process I'm trying to make that mushroom a little smaller it's still turning at the door like look at this I'll start working on this big you just send it out to go get stuff like go make this like how we know he ain't an evil scientist he's gonna do something I'm out of this thing bro hey bro break my stuff and then come up on that my goodness I'm coming bro just get it just get out the window bro I'm coming bro how you gotta get down here hey good luck hey good luck for real bro oh snap I'm about to jump off this tree oh ah my legs still hurt a little bit I ain't gonna lie yeah ma'am ma'am we need rest all fermented spider eye and water bottle all right I'll trade you one potion show look I got some why you always got this attitude always have an attitude what do you look like you work here you look like you work here I ain't gonna lie for real you're welcome you're supposed to point this out point us out at least do that okay great what I'm saying is okay now my eyes work very very well I can see that you is I can see you clearly a five out of ten you you ain't on the radar honestly and you talking crazy the last person talking about this at a store at a register had an excellent point at it so you know what fact dang that's a compliment oh [Music] you know she ain't getting me because it's not accurate she just talking bro I hate when people just be talking bro honestly they can't see it 9.5 when they see it bro it's crazy that's crazy to me bro that's all I'm saying all right a bunch of meat oh hey why they just got a spider eye in the meat section bro this is why I ain't messing with this place no more I ain't getting my fresh veggies good now we need a water bottle with the water I don't know I think Jones probably have more we might have to sneak in Jones House dang where the water is that oh my gosh if I gotta ask this if this five out of ten hey where the water's at Mrs half Mrs half um where the water's at Miss half where the water's at yeah water yeah water yeah what are bottles of water is that uh you looking for this yeah ma'am I don't hey look I know you single you probably ain't got no friends you got a book club probably I'll give you bro I'll give you this wine bottle right here this that red stuff is that good stuff get you sipping hey come on look I'll give you two in rods bruh I don't know what you're gonna do with it but it might light up the room you feel me what you want some meat I got some steak bruh I got I got some meat too you want access number I want this one's number bro you was disrespecting her no not the two bro did he go down hold up bruh bro you 10 years old dog I thought you was grown you've been lying all right give me the water bottle I'll give you my number all right hey cool though you've been lying bro I know you was 10 years old bro bro you was 10 years old this whole time bro bro I can't believe this this tall dark drink tall dark the water bottle bro all right I gotta show my number I got you my number all right it's okay write this down fight it down five four four remember that uh-huh remember they're actually a two get the stepping let's go oh go let's go go let's go let's go come on come on bro you got the second time oh my gosh oh my God was it just out here I had the car just in case we had to hit buddy I was thinking smart hey bro um is the door gone bro I swear I just saw oh stare at that thing look at you okay I don't know bro he's a scientist don't scientists be like writing stuff in journals or something he probably got a journal of how to use the Siri or is that Siri serum the zero someone gotta find a book while staring at this thing so don't eat us yes look all around all right all right all right oh whoa on the laptop I came over the laptop you got to close got a lock on it uh no wait dang it is um let me check that oh wait a printer he has a printer right here oh my God whoa yo I'm staring at you don't play with me boy if that thing takes a bite out of me I feel like I don't got that dude you stare at him bro hey you look like some he looked like some people I knew before okay okay it's over here oh shoot I'm gonna stare at it you get it but you get stubborn I'm gonna stare at it all right all right all right yeah there's already a water bottle bro you you almost gave that girl your number for nothing I wasn't gonna give her nothing oh shoot okay oh my gosh what what does it say inside the journal my boy all right it's called professor's notes I'm gonna read it now anti serum oh my gosh oh wow oh nah bro every time it's gonna chase you oh hey it's not it's gonna be like this um first let's set the bottom next to the restaurant all right so what's that first install like the Redstone didn't allow time to cook that's what I was reading so far all right now I'm gonna go to a different side yeah I'm gonna oh I'm looking at it I'm open at it thank you thank you thank you guys on that board all right go ahead go ahead next rest don't allow time to cook next fermented spider all right oh my gosh all right first thing you said was water bottle bro I'm gonna go try it out right here I'm looking at it all right so next it said Redstone allow time to cook so okay okay he's coming wait you have the Redstone give it all right I got you I got you I got you guys all right throw it in here throw it in here actually come on in in this one in this one right here I'm staring it I'm staring at it all right all right it says allow time to cook is it cooking oh shoot it's not cooking watch out watch out watch what am I supposed to do whoa shoot oh shoot stay back all right it says Redstone bro what I put next fermented spider all right bro is this thing not working bro this thing broke bro come on man this thing is broke oh wait we need to we need the blaze powder bro that was over years oh chill chill out chill out big mushroom Hush little mushroom let me live I'm just trying to live I'm trying to live boom all right I thought I threw the Redstone in it needs time to cook we need to move around oh my God Don't Look Away bro I'm looking at it oh my God dead eyes you need some dental very dead Eyes by the way bro I ain't finna lie let me uh check this one more time oh it's almost done cooking it's almost done it's almost oh my God right get the other side of the room get it to other side of the room all right let's go don't look it up put it behind this come here okay stop looking at it come on I'm not looking I'm not looking I'm not looking much I'm not looking very much bro about had a heart attack come on man just back it up all right all right I ain't backing nothing up bro I'm scared oh I'm staring at it is it done is it done all right all right all right it said wait is the water bottle still in there where's it at all right wait what just happened is our water not in there was it not I think it might have stole it it stole it whoa how did this thing I I got another one right here all right all right all right let's no because we need the Redstone we need it give me give me give me ow amen eyes off this thing since I got the eyes bro bro I'm telling you bro you got some water drop hey bro you got some water drops bro I don't got nothing hey bro hey bro I'm talking to bro hey bro there we go bro all right oh shoot we got a little closer okay oh no it is you think we gave it enough time bro I think we gave it more than enough time bro all right you do that you do that I'm staring at it bro so it shouldn't it shouldn't be worried whoa why is this oh I got it does that mean in like a day or two that thing would have been bigger than the statue in the town I guess so it's drinking wait oh oh it shrank a lot hold up bro I got a damn idea hey man you gonna stop stop terrorizing the city I ate them I'm going home what do you got bro why are you leaving like that bro what about all the people we saved today why is my car why is my car you know what I'm gonna go home too hey we did it I'm not busy boy yeah that's crazy I don't like stuff like this bro this this don't feel right to me man why did I even have to come here to be honest I don't even know the guy like that we didn't know him but like do his death was our responsibility like a little bit you feel me I feel like that's the least we can do look they even got glizzies come on bro look just because they got some glizzies on the table it was worth coming here yes bro look they got all the whole pork with the Apple in the mouth bro that's Reuben right there yeah but look but they got two glitches bro you feel me look I can have one you want you you ain't trying to say bro they got Burgers and Fries for casuals like you you feel they've been sitting out here but I got flies I do see the fly that's what I'm saying bro oh shoot there's a whole family oh is that his family bro oh man that's crazy that's so sad bro he had a little he really had a wife child and daughter wow [Music] I'm confused bro what why you say he had a wife a child and a daughter while he had two children uh wipe a child and a daughter look at him oh dang she's so sad she has to do that daddy ever coming back no she's no he's like that right now say that right now bro what I'm a lot hurt bro why why you had to break the news like that though wait your daddy's gone isn't this the dude who spilled the thing bro what are you out here doing what he said I feel obligated to be here like part of this is my fault I mean it is bro the dog didn't eat the dog was on the sidewalk bruh like it wasn't even on the road but it was just dangerous dang you cannot drive watch something pop off just cause you here oh wow bro wow they got a photo of him dude it's like they got this photo and they Photoshopped it in this room because this dude never been to this room probably oh no I don't know why he was here was that his ghost or something I don't know how he did that I don't know how they got this photo bro hey hey family y'all ain't see that but I'm so sorry I'm so sorry all right let's let's just I can't believe you bro you just knocked the whole sign bro you snitching right now hello ladies hello ladies and gentlemen oh what's good man how you doing hey you ain't supposed to talk to you we're gathered here today to celebrate the life of an esteemed member of our community Dr Nelson Greg no it was Walter White or white bro like come on I know you see that bro don't look at us why we turn around why are you looking at us like we cautious you did this you can't drive and Veteran of the community veteran underground Community veteran or none he got he got schlong bro that's what I'm saying I'm so sorry family I ain't mean to say that I think I hear me yes I have Dr bread is renowned for studying biology and work of human plant systems uh obviously he wasn't good at it but you know no not real good this dude ain't really driving either mushroom garbage why he he's surprised by his two children Emilian Clark and his wife Amy Amy I'm telling you know he's not coming back and daddy's not coming back it's sad bro she don't realize what you mean it ain't sad bro it's the truth man he get a mess of a fungus that is true he shouldn't have did that may we all wish him well and live on Happily well he ain't gonna live on here hey man father me yeah look at my mouth the last couple of seconds I said hey well father just leave like that you can't say no he ain't say nothing bro dang okay that was a short eulogy I ain't gonna lie hey is that right y'all looking back like where the priests Go I mean I'm asking I'm wondering the same thing that's what I'm wondering hey I ain't gonna lie so you newly single right what's good are you disrespectful you talking about me oh wait wait wait wait wait wait all right you know oh you want you want step children no no I gotta pay that child support never mind I'm Gucci on that exactly let me see what they got I'm stepping they got a bunch of cool paintings up here look at this one this was made by uh Nelson liangelo Clark the fourth you about to say Nelson Mandela nope nope not at all nope that's crazy no this is this is Picasso right this is Da Vinci bro I don't know but hey hey I don't know but that looked copyrighted to me I mean they kind of look the same but not if you look in the right hand corner it's a different color spec so it obviously is all different okay I don't know man that looks green and then gray and that looks great too like so I don't know why you gotta oh shoot the girl's crying bro oh shoot oh man I'm so sorry for your loss he was a great man from what I've known well you got to believe that he's gone I mean he's gone he ain't coming back that is true he ain't lied yeah um we knew him in the final uh moments we uh his face was ate off by a fungus but but the fungus though we used his ritual or like his uh what his plan and then I ate the fungus so you don't got to worry about it yeah no yo yo yo has been gone forever he I don't think he even in heaven or hell I mean he's just like where's she going yes can I get that number the number no well there's something I said no oh no he was just speaking facts I mean shoot let's go back over here see they got meat for the Peyton set over here bro ain't no pains over it's a church boy man why are you going through all that why are you trying to take bro I'm just trying to see what I can get man you got one of these bananas dog no I don't want any window oh shoot shoot they got something to drink oh they got that coke oh man I got some Sprite right here yes sir Hey listen the wedding funeral I just ain't know what the funeral was bad but look hold up hold up bro I feel horrible about what happened okay you should bruh if it wasn't if you knew how to drive better look you should have known how to drive all your fault bro you had one job you've been one job and that was a drive you need more than therapy you need driving lessons a man's life was your fault yup uh-huh and Mrs Puck got better driving lessons SpongeBob drive better than that dude I ain't gonna lie what was we at I'm Gonna Take These Wings with me though oh yo look what is this a drawing of is this like a magic conch shell like this is the second painting that you just gonna break bro I'm gonna see if I can put oh this is my painting um it's pretty it's actually happy wheels oh shoot father I didn't see you there oh wow father priest how you doing you know those paintings are older than I am oh that's crazy oh oh oh that's too okay I don't care about none of that you can see my boy don't care bro I got you though see look I'm oh dang put up the hats all right everyone gets curious LOL but he didn't even laugh you just said LOL that's crazy yeah bro you didn't even look like you was chuckling at all but second of all if you're not mad that I just put Slenderman up on the walls it might make this place a little cursed I mean you'd be all right it's a church you write that you're right I'm not angry but I'm not your child my boy I am not your child hey man come on man you can't be calling you can't be calling him your child bro come on man you're not hurt hoes no anger oh really do you have a wife I can change that hey just give the number that's we ain't asking for too much pre-star you know you just can't get no play okay bro why why are you sitting here lying like that bro this is crazy me this poor son I don't think I don't think he was poor that's Walter White yeah I don't know I care what nobody said he definitely wasn't four I'm gonna tell you that much he was moving bricks a lot I don't think it was poor hey yeah for sure rip rest in power my brother I'm about to Rob his house though to be honest that's what I'm saying he probably got a vault what you think I don't understand your slang but I hope you find peace too my slang it's cause I'm white that's crazy wow so just because the family the family that pulled up was white we not we not allowed here I can leave if you need that [Music] [Music] honestly the cool thing though is I never went to that school I mean shoot now there's an open job if you if you want to become a science teacher you know I look like I want to be a scientist I Rob people bro all right man all right I guess we can just head home then let's all right let's get it yo you trying to talk about something bro you trying to drive me go ahead I mean sure there you go all right in front of us right there oh shoot hide behind the car yo who is that oh no but he dressed like he a part of some type of cyborg old testostero bro wait he's going in bro he looked like he bought the sin right now we should probably go and check oh no all right that's all you what you mean that's on me come on man you don't know what the bone damn Brave bro who's the woman Oh shoot what just happened hey go on let's go bro you even get the arrows how you got the boat with no arrows oh okay okay okay all right where did it come from I don't know let me Shut these doors behind us dude oh my gosh what if it attacked the priest wait what do you think that thing attacked the priest wait even worse the body do grab the body where's the body at why is it a hole in the wall this dude part-time creeper that was an explosion uh oh we gotta we gotta find the body bro don't tell me they out here I don't care about my body because look we find it the police might give us a big award you feel me okay let me make something straight to my boy I don't go to the police that's all you oh my God bro but the reward though you gonna hey you're gonna go you snitching on the homies for a couple dollars bro I'm just trying to say this man's body let it rest you feel me all right dude this place you see any signs or anything anywhere um oh what is this this what block right here this looks super unnatural super you know that looked like uh yeah I don't know I can't even come up with something for that it looked like obsidian that's almost broken that's what it looked like it looked like the world about to corrupt this is what is this Chicken Little hey bro please hey please don't put that up in the air wait there's more it's like a path okay are you gonna follow that by yourself first all right I'm gonna follow that by myself first I'm right behind you all right let me see it went this way oh over here okay dude this is creepy look at all the I don't know why he's still doing this dang this ain't got it I got the body right here oh it's like that what inshada oh nah bro I'm hiding behind the corner dude come on dude we gotta drive and then we gotta get it going you don't got gas oh my gosh are you kidding me we gonna chase him down on foot bruh then we went the wrong way oh no ah oh my gosh bro that car was pushing the car all the way from there to here man do you want to get that gas or do you not want to get that gas man ever have gas bro that's the only question man do you want to get that gas or do you not want to get that gas bro that's all that jazz then all right bet I'm getting that gas bro this on your credit card again right oh my goodness all right you got me at this point I'm about to take your car and it's about to be mine hold up bro we don't gotta do all that yeah we got to do all that hey man you said ten dollars right yeah ten dollars all right ten ten dollar field oh yeah I'm getting it all the way I ain't gonna lie to you what you oh nah nah hey bro hey hey don't push the whip like oh man bro back about the car wash dude okay you got the money go pay for the gas bro all right bro let me go and pay for the gas hey man hey what do you just say no he said he'd be playing multiplayer games oh what's good man how's it going wait what are you talking about wait a second wait a second but why your eyes so warped bro I got a few questions for you one you look like you out of Bug's Life two are you unboxing four three two oh those are the only questions I got you remember that unboxer video you think he's that dude from there uh if I am who is asking well it's not it's not Jones uncle or whatever so you don't got to worry about that all right it ain't it ain't shoot he might know Jones Uncle Jones might be going around saying yeah man Jones my nephew huh you never know you don't want a hamburger all right bro have a pig lighter then I don't know if you're gonna rock with the pig platter bro he might not he might not mess with you oh my bad my bad I got you know what I got something for you I got something for you sweet rolls there it is uh the other dude had a black minivan right that's what we looking for all right bro hey keep your eyes peeled for a black minivan or a dude who owns that gas station over there with a shotgun all that put some pork guns are banned I'm gonna go back there and give that boy my words hold up nah bro the police man the police band the guns here it is Police the policeman the guns I'm gonna take his gun oh shoot up is that a wolf she almost swerved out the road come on now what's already happened over here yeah my fault my fault I ain't thinking about none of that oh wait a second all right let's see if I can do it again yeah okay it's kind of working it's kind of working come on wait your cardio got no power wait a second let's just Trail them bro he doesn't even I don't even think he knows I'm behind him I mean he has to be kind of dumb not to know that I mean you hit him three times where he lives from this uh-oh okay let's stay let's stay behind him bro maybe he just thought it was a turbulence bro I'm serious that's some turbulence bro there's some strong turbulence too oh the wind must be going crazy you turn around this corner let's see yeah go oh my gosh bro where is he about to get away all right I'm just I'm just trying to make sure I get a good look oh okay wait a second wait a second is this his house or is he about to steal something he about to steal something from somebody's house bro oh I don't know I'm looking inside the windows all right let me know is this his crib or or what what do you think I don't yo I think so he's watching he might be comfortable in there I ain't gonna lie all right hey yo what what hey nah what the oh Hecks no look at this oh no this is the devil no straight up I rebuke thee in the name of Jesus I rebuke the darkness oh nah it is a pawn it ain't upon none come on bro so we sneak up in the windows and they talking about darkness is upon us bro I'm not liking this oh he doing that he doing that hey bro hey bro hold up I don't know bro don't say that this must be Skyrim what the heck what in the world hey bro is that the mini ghost oh it sees us oh oh no oh no no no go go go go go go go go go go oh I could go I couldn't get away oh it's chasing you all right all right I got you let's go get it done oh my gosh yo it's awesome he just bring back the dude he just bring the dude back to life bro that's the same ghost bro are you still outside wait are you saying the same bro y'all are still outside bro that's crazy the murder blood's still on the ground bro this is wild to me dang but I think that same ghost I think he just trying to bring them back to life or something as a ghost wait so old dude the teacher dude they brought him back as a ghost game back as a ghost wait so that means that other time we was at that graveyard that that was somebody else that we brought back it was a ghost y'all out here bruh stop playing bro I ain't doing nothing bro I'm just trying to eat some potatoes so you're telling me right yeah that one thing we we went to a funeral okay look I got the tables from that same funeral box oh the tables okay okay we went to a funeral yeah yeah body got stolen yep stolen this dude dressed in red like he the counterpart of Raven from the Teen Titans oh still how do you say it like that it's a little scarier star starts chanting the words from Skyrim you know and uh brings back Walter White as a ghost right yeah yeah right right and uh and you want to try to figure out how to stop hold up hold up I just want to know why you just walked in my crib like this bro like the whole because because I'm in pain right now I ain't no using pain bro hey I got a Band-Aid over here look no no I'm in pain cause every time I'm with you oh nah look I promise one day imma go over your house and then problems gonna happen at your house and you gonna blame me it's still gonna happen I'm gonna play video games oh you wanna cap some more so what what do we know about that ghost what a ghost experience other than I mean the only thing about a ghost we know is from Jones Uncle with the whole box you telling me so uh you want me to hit up Jones Uncle yeah hit him up hit him up oh see what he got all right luckily I ease dropped and I kind of got the number off of his phone now you was probably being a snitch again let me go ahead uh-huh hey man this is important you owe me my money yup yup help period all right sit through let's see if you said all right oh wow he responded quick I said meet me at the mall okay oh my God we always mean when they do that why he like the balls why why at night so much oh my God you better have gas this time man I got gas man don't worry about that I got gas [Music] perfect time to go to the mall all right just walk in bro just walk in see where you at oh okay all right uh should I text him that I'm here oh my gosh oh he's just sitting at the entrance what is you bro what's wrong with you boy you almost gave me a heart attack bro here have a hamburger look get a fruit why do you live at the mall you you been living here oh okay yeah bro the amount of money on that card you could have gotta never mind get my card back bruh give him the car back bro give me my card back bro the Jones family isn't too uh Rich first of all give the card that makes sense but why don't you just stay with Jones he really sold your car oh my gosh bro the Cork and I bought you a house you homeless dude was a bum bro I should have brought it back up the street I'm gonna get my money back hey bro give me that fruit back yeah fruit hey bro bro we need some help with something we need some help with some or not bro it's just an apple bro it's an easy apple bro he's an apple he's talking to back back let's go no cameras there all right man you Apple bro he's an apple bro and you are orange Jones is a pear all right man we in the back speak up I like coming after hours so I can eat the leftover food bro we don't gotta know your whole life though you had to tell us that at all characters that's crazy and character development crazy bro I ain't gonna lie hey so look here's here's the deal there's a ghost around and and it took over Walter White he basically did a ritual with his body and made him a ghost sort of like the ghost thing you did with your box so how do we get rid of that yeah yeah a real a real ghost yeah a real ghost like the one that you did you know I don't mess with a ghost you had a whole thing fought out the box bro what you talking about my box is a ghost from my boxes bro okay so you had us pick up a grave for a party I got a party I got a party shoe for him I got a glock I'm about to make this three of us right I got a glock y'all gotta make one of us disappear hold up hold up bro I don't like the odds of that coming back what you mean you lost bro was was Jones in on it he was digging them Graves extra fast bro you probably wanted your credit card cause you kept breaking his water bottles I I don't know I can help you the only man who knows about ghosts is the priest okay when the whole thing exploded because he was in his Tower sleep I don't know the explosion probably woke him up it probably did but like he should have handled it I'm just disappearing no you're not nope oh my goodness that's why I said that he left his food yeah I'm gonna get the leftovers this time shoot there's more glizzies over here give me [Music] freeze right there my name is himself this is a large crater why he call upon Notch this will require a lot of collections oh you bought the father caught you caught you red-handed sir oh man there's a big hole in your wall you might you might want to pass it up what's wrong my son I'm aware so I'm glad you're aware cause like big bucks are you aware that uh somebody came and stole Walter White's body like a big deer kid yeah okay a big deer can sit on your next service a guy came in right sorry Master guy he took the body did some Skyrim Raven dobikin type things and uh summoned a uh a ghost and uh the ghost is now loose I'm pretty sure his Watcher White's ghost what do we do about that yup dangerous ghost where you running in there I see that when I look I have a book on these happenings but why are you talking like that on these happenings bro what happened to security something she let you know when they grabbed you ain't got no security no deposit or something like that that's correct malakith oh I don't like saying that name yeah dude I don't know he feel like a bully he takes the deceased oh wow what are you doing that's that's kind of messed up and turns us into ghosts to join his army most Army going on bro you had you with the dark web Army you know I got police force I'm just kidding cause you a snitch all right you turn them into ghosts there's a banishment ritual here but no way to summon them okay so how do we banish said ghosts yeah how do we how do we ban this bro because they did a ritual to summon them so like do we get a vacuum cleaner the Ghostbusters yeah you know you need to find out and document how he's summoning them well we were just there bruh bring it bring that back to me out something that goes so you tell them we have to go all the way back to the house right just okay sir do you want us to actually grab this stuff that he used because I'm not putting my hands on that I'm just saying it was a whole pentagram on the ground and blood I'm not I'm not being nowhere near that my boy I'll create my own all right but I'll just get you a picture or something you gotta say hey why you got to hold up why you got to Res you know what hey I'm gonna just I'm gonna just do my thing bro you you do you just let's go get the picture bro that's not even the ouch is this the man we'll just walk around back it's all right all right so which one of us gonna go take this picture because I don't want to touch none around that pentagram hey man we both gonna go in there and take the pictures bro that's how baseball is doing all right look big boy know what big Ballers get involved with necromancers hey bro look but we in the situation we in so I can't take a picture of it right here wow I took one right there all right I did two but we got it we gotta get all that specifics right we don't know if that's blood or ketchup right oh my goodness I gotta go inside the house oh I'm sneaking I'm not touching it I'm not touching the body all right let me see choose a filter oh wait bro you hear a car wait okay I got the picture I got the picture directly above the book my boy dude I got a picture of his face dude he's going to jail tonight bro you want him go around taking your body when you're done no three bro on three bro just just run around saying it just live The Darkness Returns oh sorry you got another one too oh that ain't happening bro it's okay we're gonna put it hey what are you all over there help us somebody to the left oh hell well I'm scared for my life oh my God he's literally driving around dog bro he's headed back we got to get to the priest ASAP dude he's trying to beat us there think about it bro let's go then not good not good okay let me grab this car if this car ain't fueled up bro I'm taking it to the gas station right next door dang all right how about this one bro dang does it work where's the driver's seat dang but no fuel bro no fuel all right all right quick ass there's some food on this one oh bad say less drive drive all right man let's go let's go oh my God somebody's stuff all right hey it's all good bro hopefully they had a moving stuff in here because they ain't getting it back no time soon I ain't gonna lie about that that's ours now I'm taking that home oh everything I'm taking at home it's a little slow hey we pulling up though should we pulling up do we see the you see the black minivan no not anywhere bro oh shoot maybe he's looking around town for us still okay good because I'm not about to get turned into a ghost you got that hey he sees this yellow school bus he ain't gonna even check here twice he'll just think it's a field trip yup right to the to the church yep yep exactly all right here we go uh where's the pictures that father yo bleed my children hey bro here I got you I got you look one two three four five six I'm keeping all the photos no wait never mind this one's important hold up bro hold up bro he put that Mighty fast like on everything he knew this by heart yeah I don't think he needed them pictures to be honest we need to watch him keep my eyes on you boy okay and Sean yeah he doing oh shoot nah bro he got the question mark at the end nope did it work did it work maybe you need the body I got that too Bop bro put the body down as well I'm gonna need to do it hey bro you wanna go ahead some of that nah bro I'm not summoning nothing bro see look you got the wrong one bro go ahead and get him to do it bro you can't convince okay so what am I supposed to say my guy yeah you've been saying it the whole time along bro that's all you the same words okay what are the words okay Dover or I'm out okay get back up bro all right now if some if something else come out don't ask me no questions are y'all ready I ain't screaming nothing I got you though all right I got a photo of this one this is going in the collections but a dove uh Dover maybe okay ready all right you got it you got this you got this I believe it I got you I'm calling the police I got you police on the way I told you don't ask me questions hey handle that do your thing the power of nothing not sold the game oh my gosh oh yeah I don't know what are you talking about oh wait how is it is it working right nice it ain't working oh wow wow oh my God hey you still got that boat oh he bleeding oh my God oh my gosh I'm Gonna Leave hey what happened and he puking mad blood you're saying my beef broth I guess it's my time wait the police I call earlier wait a second um if you can fly the whole time why'd you break a hole in you okay priest oh my gosh you look damaged look use this image right here as a Band-Aid I've been paying my child listen that's a person whoa hey behind you huh what the oh pixel perk PD hey step away from taking the picture bro wait wait we didn't injure the man hold up I called the PO I called y'all hold up oh so you did call him snitch bro I caught him cause I got a photo of you doing the ritual in the church oh my gosh Stand Down Eunice I know yes the FBI agent he's here to save me oh let's go let's go this man a snitch snitch they're safe help the man thank you thank you transport the victim yeah transport them you only see that nothing but the checkered floor all right yeah and yo you saved us perfect timing tell you everything all right cool you got that all right so pretty much um Walter White's funeral and then some dude came in like we was talking to his mom for a minute boom next thing you know ghost it was the ghost form of them still bald he said you got reports of a noise lots of flashing lights something about ghosts yup that's exactly what I was getting to uh after the Ghost came through yup dude with the black and white bruh that dude can fly mommy looking dude right he was like and then you know I'm saying we put we put everything to rest you from look Bro Look it's basically that right there Bob yep all of that yeah pretty much pretty much all that yeah yeah yeah yeah and uh shout out my boy Kudo he should get a raise he'll put out a APB I don't know what that is uh yeah I don't know what that means I don't know what that is uh a plushie banana but I don't know what that got to do with me you two need to get home safe I'll send units to patrol your neighborhood oh my God now you got the options oh no no real bro I'm probably after you all right man I appreciate dang cool you really is going home what about me that's crazy bro that's crazy you know what uh we'll raid is home and look for signs and clues to his whereabouts will you do that good luck stay safe hey man I'll try my hardest to stay safe I gotta go catch Kudo now Kudo Kudo where you at bro hey where you at bro huh oh man that was another dope episode of pixelberg man I ain't gonna lie bruh hey that it's getting fired man I'm not gonna lie 13th Street season 2 might hit a little harder but it's all good because for now we gotta get what we gotta get man now let's see what's the goal today look at my goldfish look like he ain't eight years yo anybody here hold up hello pull my doorbell is that oh yo my boy oh bro what's good bro man bro I just moved into this freaking neighborhood Ain't No Way ain't no way you just moved in bro hey come here bro you telling me I'm gonna be your neighbor now bro this is this remind me of the old days 13th Street you know what I'm saying battling on the dark well all that exactly bro we went through so many hard times out there bro I hope we have some good times over here hey you already know man we already snuck in a zoo together all the a I ain't gonna lie this place a little worse it's the worst it's a little worse it's a little worse bro I ain't gonna lie yeah bro all right so you know what wait what have you been seeing since you've been here have you been going through some crazy stuff crazy bunny he's some some some dolls and some some squid game type stuff boy I've seen it all man I see it all I'm hiding bro hey that's my bad it's not even cleaning there don't ask it was a fanatic animatronic we did that to the floor bro who did that to the floor trying to get broke down and corrupted in my bathroom but look on the brightness where y'all at man bro speaking of my bro you won't believe what happened bro what all right so I'm moving in with Kudo out here right oh shoot y'all okay he gave me that bro he gave me the GPS he somehow typed in some address I don't see a screen on there hold on so I don't know how he typed it in this is the GP this right here this right here I don't know he said something about it having a hood mode and a normal mode I don't know what what he meant by that so we're gonna have to find out but do you know how to work can you figure out how to work that thing um yeah too but it's kind of late but all right Hood mode let me see there's only one button I think if we who's pulling up hold up hey who is that hey bro you got them guns oh wait I forgot to let you know guys are bad in the city oh guns are banned in the city hey what's good bro what's good bro oh it's delivery delivery oh like those all right take it easy delivery man they're just throwing packages out here like that yeah bro just like the good old days you feel me who is that from nah bro I'm not reading this bro they got your name on it I got my name on it bro you just talked to me I just got your name on it oh bro all right so we can stop oh no bro I just pulled up bro all right so it says I'm aware of your recent exploits around town and helping the people of pixelberg I request your assistance at my Mansion First Street Northwest paid generously in some dollar signs bro they saying they're gonna pay us well if we help them out so so they know about me helping people how they know you all right that's weird bro I mean I helped you in 13th Street I haven't helped anybody oh my bad but I didn't help anybody here yeah hey we can put your GPS to the test I mean all right so the address was First Street Northwest wait I feel like this one was talking GPS all right press the button first Mansion GPS that was just First Street Northwest First Street Northwest is this thing gonna work bro maybe I gotta get in the car bro it's a car activated GPS bro it's a car exactly bro you have to plug it up to something here we go oh wait why am I why am I here in the driver's seat oh no no you ain't a driver would you like to go oh that can't be Hood Mo bro that was normal mode bro that was nice all right beat all right that's got to be Hood mode man all right hey yo where you trying to go yo man tell us where to go First Street dang this thing with no address so you saw me sideways like oh my gosh dude yo hey yo um first man what's come on get the street dog get it right oh all right click buttons buddy First Street Northwest like a map how am I gonna tell you how to get there I don't know ASAP okay wait all right the GPS should be off I'm out the car bro I've never seen nothing work like that before well I need to drink out the house real quick hold up hold up bro I want that for real oh man so he gave me that address and just told me to pull up this couldn't this might not even be our crib bro look like it's me all right I mean you know I like red you already know I have to decorators come through there's only one bed in here right here next to these right here next to me he didn't know you was moving in that's probably it that's probably it you can get another Bell way over here next to the setup you know where's the computer at where is my computer at man how you supposed to make YouTube videos with no computer dude bro I know oh it's over here it's over here did not bring my I mean didn't bring my computer all right okay okay that's good to know that's good to know oh wait did you grab the GPS we need the GP we got to really figure out how to work that thing man it was working it was working all right all right let's there you go Bop let's see all right bro hand me that GPS man all right man let's get this thing on the road bro we got to get through this freaking Mansion they talking about they paying us big bucks bro big bucks this better be some big bucks uh GPS man hey tell them one more time all right GPS we're going to First Street Northwest buddy can you get us there can you get us there that's all I need it sounds like you just got done all right sorry strong where we headed uh how many times I gotta tell you man in the same place and I don't got enough memory to be these storing locations if I save this street one more time I'm gonna turn this right upside down Northwest all right all right figure it out all right hit this left real quick left right here all right you got a right coming up in a little bit keep it going why you driving so slow man the speed limit out here ain't 15. it was right up the street I really don't want that GPS I don't know why that man gave you that ridiculous oh my gosh hold up bro I know they got the rich folks out here Dad like why didn't I get a crib like this come on I ain't gonna lie if we brought the GPS the GPS mic hit a link on this place oh he really might that's what I'm saying man all right let's see what they got going on bro hey they said money opportunity right one more time yep money opportunities on the door knock knock open up knock knock quick yo how you doing today I ain't gonna lie welcome you actually hurt yeah that's us we came here for the uh the the one thing the book that you sent me you know what I'm saying um I don't know how she knows my name I don't either you just pulled up come on in oh thank you so much for welcoming Us in oh shoot you got a nice place is this your place oh dang she's Rich hey you must be loaded oh my gosh most definitely the mass Masters are in their back are in the back um who who's the Masters I don't know does she does she not living excuse me ma'am um is this your house is this your house by any chance are you the one who sent me uh the book or yeah please let us know I know hey bro if it was bro you might want to get her number she loaded dog oh you work as a house mate her number man you don't need her hey bro get your number for your house exactly that's what I'm saying bruh I'll just work in the field oh anybody wants to suck okay going out there I promise you that I'm not going out to no Fields no not today bro I've been out of that couple honey years um let me see bedroom bathroom okay wait hold up bro okay okay he's moving a little faster dang oh my gosh they got a whole jacuzzi inside she just go you know I'm gonna go ahead and take a nice little wait where's the where's the fields at that the other people are working at I'm trying yeah yeah where are the other workers come on now I need to see what you talking about yeah I'm trying to see what's she looking at uh you really dirty the water bro look at it's still blue I'm not gonna lie there is a speck in there there's a couple of specs in there bro come on dude bro I I see him too I'm sorry I didn't it must have been on my snacks it was an accident why can't we check over here go upstairs man all right okay oh they got a nice Loft oh my boy we can tell ghost stories up here all that oh my all right dang where'd she go she hit left or right wait which way did she go I don't know oh There She Goes uh-huh they got a secondary Loft with TVs dang I ain't gonna lie they Rich they Rich this house is actually ridiculously big yeah I have no idea but can I live here family was very educated let me see uh they got it master's degree in architectural design I can tell did they Design This House they probably did that's the real question did they Design This House and then they also got a Bachelor's degree in Block places they must have went to blockburn man construction workers man uh-huh sure you can live here how many times it seems a little more suited for the inside life however oh shoot you can work with her look job opportunities let's go hey do they pay well that sounds nice that sounds nice oh not him not him oh you what what you must not see the chain on oh my gosh you talk crazy bro she's talking crazy man you know what I'm just gonna stand on the balcony with you can you believe this this big old house hey read that book one more time who even got us out here bro like they got us messed up bro you know what I'm saying no one oh oh shoot oh what up uh oh they're gonna introduce you to the Masters we've been waiting to see them okay all right man yeah where are they at where they at where the workers at I've been lied to this entire time oh shoot oh my ankle all right bro are you good NASA huh bro what's happening what is going on oh wait hold up there's another girl in here oh shoot it'll be all right Dad what happened to the call for help oh shoot my bad man why is he laying there like that I don't know he's just taking a nap wait you know us no problem dang his neck broke was he good bro oh my God no he's just out cold here let's talk into kissing it oh my gosh that big old goatee someone need to cut that off that is not cute bro that man is just down there like Santa Claus wait that's her dad he already took the milk please I mean you can leave now bye no no no I'm sure you've been giving a tour by now yeah the maid did she's very uh different she's very different I don't know if I even like her like that man that's what I'm saying different my father is deadly ill I returned home from college and he was just like this oh he's sick wait we're getting paid man they got me messed up bruh like I do real crimes hey it's your phone like is he contagious because I walked in here without a hazmat suit my mother and little sister have disappeared nowhere to be found the police came investigation nothing came up what there's no way no way there's no way the police came and didn't find nothing yo sister both going like that I mean they left the most beautiful one left though I ain't gonna lie he looking kind of good what's your number man she out here telling some tragedies you trying to get I don't know what she just said at the bottom of that too boy she's speed talking boy she's walking very fast I know that's what I'm saying man that's crazy right her father roams the Halls she's working so hard oh I'm sorry that you've been working hard dang I don't know what the rest she said there either but ma'am you're gonna be all right you know when you like tune somebody out a little bit it's one of those that you oh she'll leave you there you speak more on things in the morning all right you take it easy but can I get your numbers uh mistress oh she's calling you oh wow show these all right yeah yes ma'am oh my gosh I ain't gonna lie I like her demeanor dog no man she just told her what to do and she said yes ma'am yes ma'am I can't wait to give me one of those [Laughter] um oh shoot what we fine with green man we'll just stick with green sticks to White unless it's green oak it's like grass and stuff like that yeah no that makes complete sense that's very that's cool that's cool I mean we got a TV over here so we can just chill man we'll be fine she's gonna bring us dinner and she's bringing us dinner bro that's crazy I know they gotta switch up in this bowl I like the hospitality that we've been getting but I don't know I got a strange feeling about this house man something wrong with that that girl down there wait which one the maid yeah the maid bro she's been weird ever since we got here even at the door she's was freaking weird she didn't let us in like she just said our names like bro it's cool you can read our name tags that's that's cool and all but like how you knew our name before I don't know I have no idea that's crazy but but anyways let's get in on this switch bro I'm about to whip your buttons are you serious right now she just came back all snap dinner tonight oh you already know okay okay okay I got this what is this I got cornbread some melons some spicy chicken wings oh I ain't gonna lie this is Soulful how did you know this is what I like she knew exactly what I like bro that's crazy hope you enjoy it compliment oh my gosh bro it's really my lucky day create this I appreciate this the master just assumed oh soon right hey I'm about to consume you're about to go crazy we got to play Mario Kart for real anyways enjoy the night all right I appreciate it I appreciate it boy get messed up in this Mario Kart dog first let's go man I told you boy I dusted okay what are you doing bro chill out yo what what is breaking bro get off the chandelier dog that ball was really on The Shins I don't know if I just saw something but I think I did bro I don't know about that oh don't break your legs now bro like it's already night bro dude it said dad remember the dad rolls at night they didn't say that we had uh exactly let's find them bro we can't we could uh see if he's really sick sick or if he's just pranking us you know what I'm saying he might be faking it bro I think he's faking it I know would a beard that big you you probably fake a lot of things in your life bro he ain't had no presents under my tree bro come on now with a beer like that you got to be Santa Claus hey you got to be Santa and look look matter of fact for that one I'm running through the fridge oh run oh oh my gosh oh run hey like like the girl did like the girl did all right there what is that dude like don't like me something bro oh run run oh my gosh oh my gosh upstairs oh my gosh dude I got a plan I gotta play up here all right okay all right you're all over my legs hurt it probably doesn't know where we're at oh he's up there all right come here come here come here oh my gosh where'd you go where you at okay all right bro what is that thing I don't know dude that thing just scared me it came out of nowhere bro oh there it is again the maid sir bro wait who would that possibly be the only person that was in bed today was her father the girl's father are you telling me that no way yo who stay away stay away oh get up here yo you just really killed her oh oh no bro we just witnessed a murder I better get paid a huge tag for this ain't no way I just witnessed somebody died that's gonna give me trauma for three years maybe yeah I don't know about that I don't know if they're paying enough for this man oh dude we might have to sneak or not who perfect time bro let's just sneak on out of this boy obviously you may as well bro we can do that like creep down to the front door I don't want them thinking that was us or nothing like that it definitely was awesome hi ma'am I never got your name either oh my God where's she going where's she going wait where's she going oh I know what you're thinking thing number one thing number two um you got something creepy walking around your house that's all I know that can be put to use in better ways oh man can you please stop pulling up on me oh I don't like what's happening man I I'm I think we should run oh oh we hey we ain't killed nothing we we ain't killed I did not do it I didn't do it then who it was that it was that monster that he said you should use that gun for there's a monster she was alive before YouTube Man of course she was the mate the maid said your dad roams the house at night it's night there was something wrong in the house and now she's dead look at it check check your cameras check your cameras I don't gotta prove nothing yeah don't pop us don't pop us yeah check your cameras yeah cameras I know you have cameras all around the house it's too big you don't have cameras okay how about this how about this how about this all right you can watch chest I'm gonna walk out to the car I'm gonna get the cameras I have in the back of the car I'll set it up and then tomorrow night okay look tomorrow night what can happen is uh you'll see that there's a monster that roams at night and it was your dad the maid said sir that thing was a ghost she hadn't been talking about that thing was definitely a ghost I've never seen anything like that in my life bro I don't know what I said okay I think we're rubbing it in a little too much hey ma'am you can watch this you don't gotta I'm not gonna leave yep you can watch it I'm definitely not gonna leave I'm gonna um ma'am guns are banned from pixelberg by the way I don't know if you heard but I just had to let you know oh her mate is dead I understand okay we should get the cameras okay okay let me just get the cameras okay let me go okay because she's not playing she's definitely not playing all right let me check the trunk let me see all righty Bop here it is I got the cameras where you at all right take this right here take this all right if you set it up like this you can check the cameras but we both gotta set up some cameras first things first let's set up one out here you know I wound up on the other side yeah yeah smart man I'm not gonna lie bro this is making me cry a little bit because I feel like we're about to get framed like I'm gonna I want to live the rest of my life like this bro the garage smart and smart smart um [Music] Everybody eyes on everybody all right even over here even over here yeah all over all over one of the trees they won't expect it one of the trees all right the main thing the Halls man look I got the cameras you do not have to worry cameraman is here all right here we go and a matter of fact is it still night we really don't even have to pull up back tomorrow I think because we're out here the goose went back your dad went back to the room I'm just saying I'm just saying I might sound crazy because you're awake I'm saying it's because you're awake I'm I'm not blaming you now don't you don't get it messed up beautiful let me get that number [Music] oh do you see how bad she is bro I actors like my whole life hey I'm trying to bag me one you feel me all right I don't blame you man I don't blame you she is a little bad all right see see you thought I was out here capping bro I don't dude bro you got all the cameras all over the place all right hey man we checking everywhere we check it everywhere we don't even have way out here I know a good room to put a camera in the dad's room let's ask if we can put a camera hey man can we put a camera in your dad's room just to keep an eye on them no that'd be interesting uh shoot where do you sleep at can we put a camera in your room to make sure you're okay okay oh we can place one of your room all right okay oh my gosh bro you only gotta make it like that you already got cameras now we look real bad where's her dad outside of his room oh she's looking at the camera [Music] fun story I did not know this was your room I did not know this was your room now he put two of them in here not eating bro bro I promise that is not mine might need a Dirty Bubble all right where is the dad's room you going to bed all right we hey we gonna be on the cameras uh and setting up doors locking up here wow she's locking me out the door all right I got one right outside of his room hey I think let's talk to the main room real quick where you at but ain't you out bro how you do that all right I don't break your ankles I know just breaking ankles on command all right I'm not even gonna go to sleep but I'm gonna start checking the cameras bro all right y'all I'm off the cameras all day if you use wsd you can move the cameras around fun fact all right nothing out front so that means nobody broke into the house let me know if you see anything on the cameras bro I'm not seeing anything on the cameras I'm not seeing nothing bro I'm not seeing nothing too crazy I'm at the dinner table there's a bunch of cookies um oh yo he's in the kitchen he's really in the kitchen wait let me check old girls room she's sleeping she looks beautiful oh shoot oh are you serious uh oh yo I think he noticed the camera there's no way we just caught this no way yo where did he go wait no wait is he about to do something to her oh my gosh get off the cameras bro get off the cameras all right all right all right let's go all right let's go bro we gotta save her she's shooting them oh my gosh yo she doesn't know she's gonna kill her dad oh I got an extra camera for this moment too oh wait extra camera oh wait where did she go where did she go where did she go dude no this is no good bro no I can't let her go bro I was just starting to like her whoa I was just starting to like her too oh my gosh no wait what happened what happened since we don't know where she's at let's check her dad's room it's it's got to be his doing you've got to be in here all right It's gotta be his doing let me check here first nobody okay not in the bathroom hey you ready all right let's do it one on you two uh-huh three in there in there man put your hands up where did he go in the closet no oh yo wait wait there's a body in there oh no don't tell me that's the bro he killed his own daughter yeah he really killed his own daughter oh yo wait wait what's your screaming for bro you can't be doing all that stuff oh dude oh we're out of here oh dude oh my gosh dude we got to get back to the house and ASAP yo I'm not even gonna lie bro hey you still got that GPS yo I still would definitely do no I don't I know I don't all right I got it all right I just turned on the GPS hey GPS man I'm running for my life how I get back home bro I'm off duty good luck to you oh my gosh oh bro you almost hit him talk about leaving the villagers alone bro you almost killed one he really just almost killed that man did you oh and that scientist back yeah I saw that you ain't seen it oh my God he almost just took that Man's legs off I know oh shoot bro come on dang yo yo tour guy you were terrible you were terrible at driving bro right now you know I'm not getting in the car with this man's ever again oh my gosh who this is the vacation spot I've been telling you all about bruh oh my gosh it actually looks nice I'm not gonna lie my dude hey thank you dude but ain't you also the mailman remember to stay on the trail all right all right bro chill man all right you pick us up soon all right man tomorrow tomorrow all right man you better be here 9 A.M sharp boy my buddy bro did you just see that he almost walked out he ain't even stay on the trail so why would I listen to anyways he's not even staying on the trail why would I stay on the trail come on I'm saying bro you probably hate three villages when you go over there I ain't gonna lie bro welcome to the brand new resort bro the Airbnb that we got for the week man or the day it was another day okay I got you I got you we needed the day off we needed today yeah we did all right so no more pixelberg so we don't got to worry about random things look look back here some crazy stuff going on hold up Make It Rain hold up here hey I'm putting this straight to my ear I ain't gonna lie oh yup you already know what's going on out here oh snap bruh all right I'm gonna do it all right we gotta aim for something different we gotta aim for something different both of them yeah we do let's hit this tree back up here look all right what's fine all right watch this all right let's see what you're gonna do it right under it right under it okay okay okay let's see how about this though Bob yeah you stick to the top like that oh my gosh yeah all four of them all four of them all right I can't hate that okay hey you still got your strap on you bro this ain't pixels we can keep that thing on us yeah you already know I got that thing on them and I got a fishing rod too we need to go fishing soon man you already know what's up okay be out here we can't go fishing bro oh my gosh I guess I can afford to break one thing for you hurry up come this way you was gonna break it I was just gonna do this because there was a freaking fence right here man I saw that bro why you breaking property dude you need to chill out for real we don't own this place this is Airbnb we can't be breaking their stuff yeah I ain't breaking nothing yo they got the bat for me oh I'm asleep here when they already knew bro they already knew let's see they got anything special in here hey I told them they better empty out their chest and I don't know I got more arrows all right more arrows you can even go from the range up here so you said you want to go fishing right yo all right so I was looking I was looking mighty far while we were riding up the trail but all I saw was village house man there seemed to be a little a little spot down the road if you kind of want to go over there it's off the trail just a little bit I don't know man when the mailman says stay off Trail I mean I can we even listen to him he almost hit three villagers talking about me the Village People alone we almost killed him trust the word that man says man he just said stay off the road I mean stay on the trail he went all the way over there he said don't hit the villagers he tried to kill the villagers man that's what I'm saying bro all right you know what we can't because he's in the wilderness but we don't gotta worry about nothing too crazy all right and it looks like it's turning night time too the sun's going down it's all good it's happening man I think we'll be all right hey we too grown man out here we got we got our girls we'll be straight for real all right all right let's see what they got it's a forest let's see what's going on I see the river bro you ain't lying about the oh hey yo yo what what is that a dead animal what kind of animal was that boy that hadn't been like a bowl or something crazy no look at that look at the horns man that boy was big hey and that thing was a lie that thing would try to take a bite out of me probably take my whole leg out here I see one I see one oh yeah I folded them like that oh there's another one oh that's his ghost that was his ghost man I I don't fold it bro so hard I left this ghost there you feel me bro you can't be doing that to be all right we had to go fishing all right bro before it gets too late damn bro look at the climate over there bro the climate over there it's very snowy over there I ain't going over there tell you what oh this yeah it's too cold over there I'm not messing with that look over there there's probably some monkeys up there bro look look at that climate dude fish even swim out at night I don't even know if we're gonna push anything bro fish is sleeping bro we tripping man we ain't gonna catch nothing but let's give it a try it'll never hurt oh oh I see oh you about to get one fish let's go bro that's crazy all right you won't get nothing better than the fish I just gotta get one faster now I bet I get one before you oh another one bro this would be my second fish man we gotta catch up oh dude [Music] to me bro it's cause I'm putting gummy worms on mine it really just finessed me like that all right all right here we go oh there we go I got one all right that is not a fish bro what am I gonna do with that but you can make a leather jacket out of that though bruh you gotta put what are you putting on your bait I think I got like hot dogs or something bro I don't know what's going on man come on what you need is something oh yo wait what the heck was that what's that it's in the water still wait it's right here let me see what this is you got it oh no I'm not fishing bro hey can we go back to the house bro we need to get up out of here oh we don't have the vehicle we don't got the vehicle to drive it you trying to leave because we saw a couple scars man that's OD I think we should just stay inside and not have stepped on the trail I think that's all it was we should just stayed on the trail not go off definitely should have stayed on the trail I I don't we should listen to the mailman hey besides look if we're at an Airbnb and we paid to be here we might as well spend some time here you know what I'm saying look all right look we can cook like this fish watch Bob uh-huh oh give us some days my chicken already cooked but it needs to be a little bit more crispy I ain't gonna lie you just said something very smart I ain't gonna lie let's hey you just hear something bro bro I swear it sounded like glass broke or something oh no dude they're gonna put it on our insurance card let's check upstairs yo there's a downstairs but but we gotta check this out hold up I didn't even go down there yeah oh oh shoot Diamonds oh bro they're loaded oh they loaded bro take these look I got you I'm a real one hold up what you talking about Bob diamond armor yeah what you talking about bruh oh wait wait they might have cameras put everything back oh shoot oh oh dude I'm not getting caught down here dude you got life messed up bro they can have it all back the Diamonds though I keep the diamonds yes what else they got down here they got a secret toilet bruh oh special bro oh nah bro nah I ain't messing with that at all wait where's the sink the sink bruh they just gotta bathroom with no sink dude are where's the sink how am I supposed to wash my hands come on man man it's all good you don't got to worry about all that now let's see you know I mean you should what a glass that bro yeah where is the broken glass huh dude I think we're just tripping I think you're a little paranoid uh and maybe I am too I mean they better watch out if they see my skills out here on this range you have charged ones look have Chuck oh look at those touching the ground man they hitting the ground man look at that one right there there you know we're crazy we forgot oh my gosh dude it's burning bro oh my gosh bro look at it come on man oh my God I can't even grab it oh dude I want it you know what I'm about to oh bro there it is again oh nah bro hey get your gun Get Your Gun oh we're checking outside the house bro serious hi hey man I don't play that game again bro I scream very loud I think I scared the villagers getting ding dong ditched or something bro I'm gonna do the same thing out back just in case all right this time I need you I need you to go tell them what's up bro all right all right you ready I don't know yeah yeah all right all right door open wait where they at oh what is this hold up wait but what dang I'm locked all right let's go back around this area ah oh there was a game okay over here look look outside that window oh what is that is that a bro is that a call oh um light them up light them up oh bro bro he's not taking damage oh it's a ghost over here over here I'm back out this way this way behind you oh shoot oh shoot this way in the well there's a well there's a well oh shoot hide behind here hi Bonnie oh my gosh it's looking for us right now did this just fly yo what's up it's about the house bro what type of person can't take hits from bullets dude I don't think that's a person I think there's a ghost on this Trail oh no bro hey probably explains the dead bodies out there dude how are we supposed to sleep under these conditions at all bro all I know is I'm gonna want a refund from all this bro oh my gosh dude can the Knight go any slower I don't think we can sleep through this one bro we gotta go check back inside and see if he's still in there there's no freaking way you said you lose you you use all your bullets yo I used all my bullets I don't think oh this bow and arrow oh she knows too he knows he knows all right if I shut the door fast enough and I'll go quick yeah bro there's no lights where you at I need to go down the basement and not even down the basement bro hey bro it's because the thing was following me I'm upstairs on my way upstairs so you was just up here hiding wow I was scared for my life I'm not messing with this at all bro we're getting chased down by a ghost and we're supposed to be in the basement man it goes bro all right let's go bro let's go let's go let's go I'm not messing around straight to the basement straight to the basement all right all right all right all right dude it's dark as heck down here ain't nothing but a toilet I'm gonna keep my bow and arrow ready I know bro I'm so scared man what are we supposed to do is there any type of oh shoot out the door bro oh we just gotta go oh yo it's not it's not hitting bro come upstairs I got the ball all right all right when it comes up it's almost morning man you scared me with that bro you can't be scaring me hey let's just wait outside for the tour guide let me oh that's the bus the bus bro did he kill the tour guy oh at least we got the car let's go wait a second he has no fuel dude this cabin had diamonds it had iron dude it's Gotta Have gas somewhere bro oh no dude check every every chest bro oh no dude oh there's no gas in here wait have you ever seen the uh have you seen the ghost in a minute anyways he was here at night but if if he might not come out during the day wait a second bro you're blind it's over here look over here a Jerry can pop all right dude we gotta get out of here wait wait oh it is come on get in the car get in the car get ready to drive get ready to drive all right get ready to drive I'm gonna hop in there in the front man all right take us home drive oh my gosh oh my gosh that ghost is following us keep going back to this back to pixelberg [Music] for [Music] your name
Channel: YaBoiAction
Views: 132,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary minecraft, scary minecraft video, minecraft roleplay, minecraft, roleplay, minecraft horror, yaboiaction, yaboiaction movie, minecraft movie, movie, funny minecraft video, scary minecraft videos, minecraft mods, family friendly, minecraft challenge, minecraft scary map, minecraft videos, minecraft scary, minecraft map, yaboiaction scary, minecraft funny video, scary minecraft map, pixelburg, minecraft pixelburg, minecraft scary movie, kutto, rickutto, hooperdoe, kuttoverse
Id: DoV83Ya96tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 52sec (13732 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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