So This is Fall Guys

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[Music] the true shadow beans plan will be executed now oh no i missed he knows too much [Music] i am peabody and i am ready to begin testing i'm just a robot living in a beans world only the beans in peak physical form can survive and move on everybody wants you to look out for round one seesaw but round two seesaw is where people get truly destroyed because there's a little wiggle room some room for failure in round one seesaw given that so many people can make it to the next round but around two seesaw you mess up a couple of times your ass ain't qualifying no that's fine go ahead be selfish see how far that gets us wow i barely made that one poor water can man was not as lucky that's okay he'll forever be with me in my thoughts i don't like it when latency is the reason that i lose video games so if we could all just stay eight feet away from me i'd very much appreciate it hey how did you get up there uh i risked it all to get on top of the yellow thing and it's not even worth it i'm pretty sure people can still reach you from up there thank you horse man i needed that in my life remember in any mini game that involves tails it's not truly about the first minute and 50 seconds all that really counts is those final juicy 10. come on do the wave do the wave with me monkey man can you not i was trying to do a wave with my monkey friend this duck is trouble right here never trust a mallard remember those words i just want you guys to know i like putting background music in these videos but it's really awkward without music while you're playing the actual game itself so i'm just gonna give you guys like a two or three second little taste of that the silence is deafening isn't it i'm not trying to sabotage anybody i'm just trying to keep my hands clean at this point i don't want anyone thinking that i'm a mean bean now is not the time for fear after all that comes later wow that's a lot of deaths what how did he survive that he's a mystical mallard i trust him even less than i did before and with only four other beans it might not be as difficult as it usually is i need not hide my true colors for as long you can't go grabbing anybody before it's just you and one person it cannot arise suspicion you gotta keep all eyes off of you fly under the radar well my strategy isn't gonna work as well as it usually does because i have one dude who i can't interfere with at all very uncomfortable there's no telling how this might go let it be known right now that i don't trust pineapple guy i don't trust anyone who's pineapple or wolf in nature those are just people that i can't vibe with although it doesn't matter who i vibe with when i'm dead my butt stay out of their door here we go sabotage wow that backfired immediately ugh wake me up when the boring ends lately i feel like this is the game that i find the least fun just because it's so so slow all they need to do to fix it is make it so that each ring spins faster with time thus making it not a snooze fest as it is right now the only time i've ever a storm is brewing a little storm 14. this spotted monkey seems to know where he's going i'll just keep following him it's working out for me so far tell me little storm 14 made it oh thank god he had me worried there for a second there's a little storm 14. i have faith in him i need him to make it to the end with me it's very important to me oh my god was that little storm 14 did he just die no i have to believe i have to have faith in little storm 14. nice shortcut idiot still trying huh go ahead keep going you'll get it i'm sure navigate the deadly donuts do not let your hubris overtake you for even though i am a perfect gaming machine anyone can make mistakes at the end of the day where are you little storm 14 please tell me you made it i'm waiting to see a pigeon come up that ramp storm 14 no i don't think he made it oh that was weird he got frozen there for a little bit it's with a heavy heart that i must report that little storm 14 died in the goo it's been a long day brother but rest assured we'll see each other again what are you diving at sir the balls are in different locations oh caveman got hops excellent hit excellent hit they're gonna have a hard time recovering from that one now i just slide in with a quick grab and i seal their face go go go brother scoring them while they're not looking and just like that it's time for the do nothing until the last moment game this is it this is the strategy my only goal now is just to wait until the timer runs down to about 15 seconds then i will take action all right now it's time to take action give me that thank you ladies and gentlemen it is that easy you do nothing until it's time to do something it shouldn't work but 60 of the time it literally works every time and there's nothing more really i need to say about it that's how i win on royal fumble pretty much every single time before you judge me for my degenerate plays remember there's a reason i'm peabody and you ain't why would you throw me off course like that what is going on here why can't you guys escape past the door people wonder how i get so many w's because i'm playing with stinky mcbaby over here don't you push me little man i have no interest in your games oh why would you fall right there if i was you i would have not fallen i would have succeeded and been the first one to cross the finish line let's go vitolo gr you've got this you just need to be a little bit more careful than that but i'm still believing in you my god you need to hurry though the slime is coming i think he's gonna die no don't dive oh no the tolo gr cool and i'm on the yellow team thank you obama all too easy oh wow that was nice no thank you get that ball off my side i don't want it over here it's all right it doesn't matter it was a little off center it'll probably end up going in anyway because when i'm around things always go in know what i'm saying fellas yeah peabody more like penis body he could go all the way ah and then a water can might stop him right at the end i won even though i was on the yellow team suck it god no no no no no let me get up okay oh i pick over here i pick over here i'm with the monkey monkey see monkey do right i think we need to get back over here buddy wow i've made questionable choices but i lived and hopefully this platform doesn't fall next you've gotta be kidding me what the hell i should have stayed with the monkey the monkey dude monkey should have seen and done as monkey has always been monkey sea monkey subscribe monkey brain systems set for revenge have you ever seen a man get so robbed after i nailed that fat gainer too which pigeon do i trust my god both pigeons were on the money do pigeons know something that i don't because this pigeon has been right an awful lot of times double jump hell yeah dude look at how far ahead that pushed me dog probably would have lost if i hadn't done that son no i won't stop referring to you as a vague family member's cuz so long i'm going for the con play he fooled you bye-bye the huge con they were all fooled they have an army of goalies they have a whole army of goalies oh a blue guy with an assist what a dumb idiot all right isaac newton i'll give you five seconds to explain what just happened right there what the hell what the hell crispy broccoli i got some bad news you're not qualifying this time i don't know if they patch this or not but i gotta get up there before i get jinxed to live an everlasting life of peace and tranquility okay okay stay the course stay the course right here here we go boom that sent me way too far maybe that got patched out i don't know but i have to keep trying that didn't send me nearly high enough get up get up get up get up he grabbed me from so far away i don't like it how did he know how did he know what a big chad play yo did that ball just get hit up twice gravity do be taking the day off though no no no get up why would you get knocked over what are you trying to lose at the last second or something that's not how i do man i'm all about the w's on ws it's kind of easy when everyone else blows chunks call me arrogant call me over confident call me whatever you want but call me maybe after you hit the subscribe button oh sick backflip that was a freaking tasty gainer oh that was a body whoopsie daisy more like oops why was i born i'm gonna call my mom that'll be funny right hello hey mom hey i'm uh recording right now say something funny um you're funny-looking damn why'd you gotta do me like that that's brutal yeah you wanted something i'm gaming with one hand right now what do you think of that that's professional skills right hey can i tell a good story i was telling some friends yesterday about you sure sure uh sure okay i was talking about when you and i and aunt brenda went to san francisco and that you were like i think 10 years old or something like that and we went to that video game tournament and you're like the youngest kid and people are like what is he doing here and stuff like that and brenda was like why are we going here i said because i want to support my son and stuff and then you went with all their butts yeah and i won that tournament when we walked out there after she was like yes my nephew is my nephew and at first she was like why are we here they love to hate on the gamers until the gamers get results and i was like because i want to support my son and stuff i go this is where he wants to be and i want to think i thought was the most amazing thing is how big the screen was when you guys got to play well yeah i was literally in a movie theater and then you were so excited you got all these games and all the stuff that they gave you we had to care we literally had to help you carry this stuff out because you had so much stuff yeah i got a couple of games for free and then i got um a game that was just about to come out two weeks early he had like some pins and some other stuff like some little men guys i don't know sorry guys up there in game land it's fine oh my god i just killed it i won that game with one hand and talking to your mom about old stories huh oh yeah is that enough yeah okay i love you love you too bye bye okay there you have it straight from my point of origin i'm a gaming god wow that guy really persevered right there i thought he was going to die well a little bit of lag it's right though because i lived apparently i died thank you lag very very kind of you to kill me even though i clearly jumped over the thing everything is clearly all right here god bless you nintendo god bless you taking buttholes what kind of a name is that uh i wasn't trying to push you off don't look at me like that fellow peabody uh did he just commit shoots and ladders cactus man no we need to be we need to be we need to be careful you bastard i find this game enjoyable because i hold forward on stick it's real easy for my monkey brain to comprehend that's all the pieces gone all ten of us or whatever are just gonna fight it out on this tiny little platform look i don't think i really care about winning i just don't want this other peabody to beat me if push comes to shove i might just bring him down with me your time has come brother nobody needs your robot ass lying around i told you i'd have my revenge mission accomplished boys let that serve as a lesson to you all hell hath no fury like a robotic being [Music] scorned [Music] [Music] is
Channel: Desbug
Views: 410,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Gaming, Entertainment, Fall Guys, Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout, Ultimate Knockout, Funny, Desbug, Battle Royale, Mini-Game, Fall Guy
Id: liVP4zjZcpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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