So many new Animals! | Alex's Mobs | Part 1

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if you are an animal lover like myself then i think you will thoroughly enjoy this mod um it is alex's mobs it's it's basically just has a it adds a whole bunch of animals to minecraft when you spawn in you come in with this little animal dictionary and uh yeah you just kind of get to look through everything they have which is a lot and my oh look there's one right there oh wait what is this what is this oh it's a fly disco staying get out of here i can't even hit it there we go anyway um yeah i'm just gonna my goal in this video is is to try and see every mod or not or not mod mob every mob every animal but you know if i don't then i'm sorry not sorry i get lazy sometimes so let's get discovering whoo ooh a birb a bird it's a crow it's a crow come back here come back come back i love crows hello beautiful oh goodbye beautiful well i guess we can check off fly and uh crow off of the list as to animals that i have seen so far hey best friend how you doing what you doing up there best friend you're you're my best friend now i hope best friend isn't trying to get that apple because i want that apple that apple is for me not not you best friend i'm i'm i'm getting hungry best friend no he took the apple no best friend how could you do this to me it's fine it's fine i can get food other ways it's fine i feel that i should also state that i'm also going into this mod completely blind i don't know which animals are hostile which ones are passive how to tame any of them so yeah this is gonna be fun oh my god oh my god that's a lot of zombies that's a lot of zombies um um clutch oh my god look how many skeletons there are over there there's like a horde of them yeah no i'm not going over there no no no all right i guess we will explore the dark woods biome first let's kind of check it out i heard another crow seems like crows are kind of everywhere or not really i don't know i've only been in two biomes oh what are you hello oh hey little buddy what are you hold on hold on what are you i don't know what you are it is a tasmanian devil oh they look kinda cute well now we can cross these little guys on our list i wonder if there's a way to tame them does it say in the books if there's a way to tame them or not oh i can fee i can tame them right now oh wait no they can't be tamed okay but they will scare off people with a scream you are so cute i love you so much i wish i could tame them and keep one but oh well a maggot ew i don't want that nasty kill this fly real quick disgusting oh look i got more maggots nasty i need food what are you you look like a snapping turtle are you a snapping turtle i think you are the hissing snapping turtle let's see let's see or is it the alligator snapping turtle i don't know this one has green stuff on it but i think it's that i think it's the alligator snapping turtle and you can't tame them and it says to leave them alone so i am going to just do that i'm going to leave it alone are those bears oh are they grizzly bears it's a grizzly bear oh i'm gonna keep a distance away from them though but i want that sheep oh wait now there's more sheep over here i can just kill these ones look at them though oh they're so cute oh my goodness alright so so far we've seen the grizzly bear the fly a crow a alligator snapping turtle and a fly if i am correct look here's another snapping turtle oh oh god oh god oh god did not expect him to attack me that fast oh that scared the absolute out of me oh wait a goddamn minute well late this is kind of weird what an odd place for that to spawn huh whatever i got some good from it oh look there's some bees even though i know that's not a you know the mod in this mod it's still still nice to see bees we love bees actually i should probably get away from them in case if there's any uh grizzly bears around oh alligator aldi cater hello my friend you are a long boy i hope you don't see me because i'm pretty sure that these are actually a hostile mob let's read and check and hope that it doesn't attack me oh it's a crocodile not an alligator i'm a dumb ass they can't be tamed but they can be bred with a rotten flesh which is pretty cool i could breed these two right now dare i say should i help these dudes should i help them smash i think i will i think i will help these dude smash hey bestie come here please don't kill me okay now let me go over here to this dude and just kind of like hey hey yo hey yo oh my god oh my god nope go go go swim swim swim swim nope nope nope nope nope nope that was very close i just breathed into my mic i'm so sorry oh my god there's another one no i'm staying away from those dudes nope that was that was too close that was so scary oh my gosh that man had me in his jaws in a little death grip my god oh my god they're everywhere why are they everywhere just stay out of the water well no that's stupid i don't know why i said that there's another snapping turtle i keep just like discovering the same things over and over again oh nope nope nope nope nope oh look there's another grizzly bear in their cup gotta stay away from them there's another crow oh there's another raccoons hello oh look at them oh they're so cute y'all are so cute oh and the little noises they make oh here take some sugarcane actually i don't know if if y'all will do y'all like sugarcane no okay oh okay so what if i do this oh where'd they go where they go what if i do this what if i'm holding any sort of food at all look at them here you take one you take one yes i'm a nice person oh oh do they are they washing it off what are they doing with it oh look at them go oh i love this mod this mod is so cute hey yo what the bird doing [Music] time to not go near that thing at all it's gonna make a little loop around ooh snowy biome i wonder if there's any animals in there hopefully there is because i i don't know how to find any of these dudes well i guess i could just read about them but reading is kind of boring we're just gonna why do i always see them why are there so many of these dudes there's another another portal thingy my bobber a bell i'm gonna take that hold up i got too much stuff in my inventory wait a minute is this a complete hold on hold on a second hold on in just a second oh my god it is wait i could literally just i could light this up can i [Music] okay maybe not maybe i just wasted two obsidian oh well it's fine now i got this bell [Music] subscribe do it what is that noise what is that noise [Music] no no no no no no no no don't come up here don't pull him up here don't come up here no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i left my food behind oh my god this is not good this is not good at all it is right by my food i have an idea i have an idea whoo oh my gosh so scary so scary oh is that a village over there yes yes it says yes good good good uh oh back back swine back you leathery beast i could actually use these i can make scarecrows with these bad boys in case if i want to actually settle down somewhere and build a farm and then the crows can't steal all my i guess i do know some things about this mod but not a lot not a lot it's only been an hour into recording and i've only found seven of the new animals they're not new animals i've only found seven of the animals in this mod i know this is gonna take a while isn't it all right let's go and explore this village over here this is actually like a really nice village now that i'm looking at it fully oh look the crows are seeing all their here i will help you all out there now the crows won't come over to y'all [Music] see now they're scared of it oh my gosh there's a cat stuck in the well oh my god get out get out get out get out no you idiot no get out of the well get out of the well i'm trying to help you get out get out go shoo get out oh my god get out of the well get get out of the well no get out of the well it's not that hard jump out well you know what you you have an opening you can climb out if you want to well that was a nice village didn't really have anything though like i i wanted a well i got one emerald so that's nice i guess oh a new animal it's a little platypus can i feed y'all can i do y'all can yes no wait are you following me so i have fish oh nope nope nope get away get away get away get away get away oh look at them look at their little waddle i don't know how to feed y'all hold on hold on oh i can only feed it lobster damn that's so sad they're so cute since i'm not having that much luck finding oceans on land maybe if i find an ocean i can um find some more animals in there oh here's a little lobster hello do the lobster dance dance with me little lobster dance or don't oh sad sad day all righty now let's see if we can find any more ocean animals oh there's a shipwreck maybe there's a shark over there perhaps that'd be kind of cool if there was [Music] we'll still go we will still go it's fine it's fine it's all good because i can just um how many arrows do i have i have three oh i completely missed that one oh oh oh oh oh [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god nope nope nope nope nope nope nope run run run run run run oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god that was so scary oh my god and i'm stuck i'm stuck up here stop stop stop stop how am i dying how am i dying i had to save myself i had to save myself i don't know how i was dying i was out of its grip oh wait am i not out of it you you sorry guys but i was not about to die like that hell no no way i have come too far nothing really of useful in here okay well that was a bit of a waste wasn't it oh i almost died for nothing oh a whale yo this is a huge ass whale oh my god is it okay it's just kind of twirling will you attack me hold on what type of whale are you where'd it go where'd the wheel go come back no i was just reading up on y'all i didn't mean oh i hope it didn't didn't despawn oh wait no there it is oh yes big whale big whale they don't attack players so that's kind of cool oh look at it so majestic wow that's so cool that's such a big whale they're so big i wonder what happened if i swim like right up to it [Music] hey big guy how you doing oop is it trying to are you trying to eat me bro bro i'm not something to eat oh oh my god uh oh uh oh uh oh it seems i'm in a predicament homie believes i am food i i'm so sorry dude but i i am not your food i is it is it is it i don't know what's happening [Music] i guess i got a friend now they're just going to follow me oop and there she goes hope you can't see her anywhere she kind of glitched out but there she goes oh you saw her tail we're going to leave her alone oh my god that scared me all right i know there are some ocean animals that you find by going really deep so let's see if we can find any of these guys oh this is going to be a bit hard because you know i don't i'll drown if i stay down there for too long hmm another shipwreck let's go pop a squat and see what's up see what kind of loot it has [Music] some buried treasure all right all right oh look there's another whale that's cool i don't want what happened to happen again so we're just gonna get away from it oh look there's another whale if y'all saw that i don't know if y'all did oh yep there it is there it goes oh burb oh i know what these guys are these are um they're like they're like really scary-looking uh in real life but i know what they are i know what they are i think they're called i think i think they're this one yeah yeah they're uh shoe bills you know these guys look terrifying in real life but they they look kind of chill here all right back to finding the uh treasure i kind of like how this looks it's it's like a small little oasis kind of cool beans let's see oh oh my goodness this is a lot of good loot wow okay okay i should probably get rid of some stuff um let's see here all righty so that was pretty cool i think i'm gonna make this into a series because i don't think i'm gonna get everything in one video so welcome to the new mob series or mod series not mob jesus my i'm getting words twisted this is the series where i will be discovering every creature in alex's mob mod if i'm saying that right i don't even know if it's called alex's i think i think it's alex's mobs but i don't know saying alex's mob's mod is kind of i don't know it doesn't sound right but welcome to the mod series new one new mod series and with that i will be ending the video uh if you enjoyed like subscribe comment share if you will if you must i'd highly appreciate it if you did and until next time actually and if you if you like this you should subscribe and stick around day hold on where's my bill where's my bill let me pull a a a techno blade subscribe subscribe hit the hit that subscribe button i can't type hit this enough there we go [Music] all right until next time bye bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CryptidNat
Views: 16,873
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Keywords: MinecraftMod
Id: ZSwmg2LMjuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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