So I TROLLED Skeppy in Bedwars

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what's up everybody and guess what in today's video skippy and i did a 1v1 in hypixel bed wars however we were playing hide and seek and unbeknownst to skippy i wasn't really following the rules and i pulled an epic troll on him that he did not see coming anyway i hope you guys like it before we start the video i have something really cool to show you here we go boom dog boom youtubes that's right guys i have my very own youtubes just like my friends skeppy dream and george i have my very own youtubes it's got me it is a giant muffin it is mr squeegee and even as my dog lucy who you all know is rat in the muffin ah it's so cute now my youtubes is gonna drop on november 3rd at 12 p.m pst in less than a week's time okay and if you want to get it i'm going to put a link in the description for you to check it out but here's something you should keep in mind this youtubes is a limited time thing and once we stop selling it this one will never be sold again but you guys are gonna have a chance to actually enter a youtube's giveaway to potentially win my youtubes for free all you have to do is click the link in the top of the description you go to that page and there's these little things you can do like following youtube's on twitter retweeting a tweet of mine things like that and you guys can get entries into the giveaway and it's super easy to do uh the face will look a teeny bit different but everything else you see on it is how it's going to look this youtube's is something i helped design and it supports me directly guys i know you've requested it for a long time so i'm super happy to finally like bring it here and give you guys the opportunity to get it i really appreciate your guys support anyway that's pretty much it again i'll put the link in the top of the description if you want to check it out on with the video hello everybody and guess who i'm with hi jeffy and guess what we're doing today i know i have absolutely no idea you just told me to get on and record mm-hmm so guess what no i'll tell you i'll tell you so today skippy and i are going to be playing hide and seek in bed wars okay now skippy you're gonna be the the seeker okay oh we're playing hide and seek we're not playing actual bed wars well it it is bad wars but it's also hide and seek with a twist are you ready oh yeah okay that's kind of fun yeah i'm ready so your job is very simple you just have to kill me one time wait what yeah you kill me one time you win that this video is gonna be like two minutes long no it's gonna be it's gonna be very very very long because there's something else do you know what the other thing is no you can't leave your island for 10 minutes no no can you leave your island yes so i'm gonna go get stacked and uh you you just stay over there what type of rules are these are fair rules i think they're pretty fair you're a really good bed wars player right i mean i'd like to think so okay perfect now here's here's the other catch right if i successfully break your bed and and kill you then i win you however just have to kill me so whether you break my bed or not but um you're basically going to lose so i just want you to be perfect i i don't lose at bad boys bad every single time we play i always win okay that's not true every single time no no no no no i win wait do you have a timer set a timer set uh sure we'll just you know we'll just guess we'll just guess okay well yes hold on hold on now that you said this is hide and seek so i have to find you exactly kill you so it's more like hide and kill exactly no see wait hiding hide and kill because even if i seek you i don't win right exactly you have to kill me and you know what i'm not going to make this easy i'm going to set up this map to make it super hard for you to find me oh is that what you're doing right now that's what i'm doing you're like making adjustments to the map so that you can hide uh you'll see oh i'm actually kind of excited hmm this is i'm going to win so it doesn't really matter what do i get if i win you go bald again um sure yay wait wait wait if i win you wait hold on what did i just agree to wait if if i win you have to dye your hair how about that bad i've already sort of semi thought about this idea and i don't know if i want to do it no no i don't know if i want it so you'll actually go bald again if if i win uh yes but if i did no if i have to win you have to dye your hair though like no memes oh man you fine with that oh my gosh there's so much on the line here okay deal okay only because you actually went bald i'll agree because i feel like i should wait seriously yeah you'll actually dye your hair if i win you'll actually go bald if i win though yes i will this is a lot more intense i'll probably choose blue blue because you're skeppy cause you're blue colored oh that's okay that's a good color actually i just want to leave my bed i'm really so wait hold on what if it goes like to the end like to the point where i have to kill you one time i don't know what type of rules you want you came up with here good point i'm adding an extra rule what you also have to kill me before the dragons spawn okay so yes that's agreeable yeah if the dragons spawn then i win so you're literally just gonna camp and hide uh maybe so yeah so i think that's pretty fair and uh just in case i miss any rules i reserve the right to change any rules at any time no no no no no right before you die you're just gonna be like all the rules are gone no no no i guess that's something you would do no i wouldn't do that i'll leave you so what you're making me nervous what are you doing i think you have something planned obviously don't worry about it no what are you doing tell me no don't worry about it are you like building places on the map to hide are you hiding right now maybe i guess you'll have to wait and see yeah all right skippy how how much time how much time okay uh it's been nine minutes 45 seconds okay perfect all right this you want how about this one more minute i got one more minute fine one more minute is like hardly long at all okay two more no no bad you keep okay okay one more minute to 12 minutes and then i'm leaving and i don't care what you said that that sounds fair oh you might should i get a heel pull just to make sure yeah i'm gonna get it i wanna i wanna get a heel pool and i wanna get one of those things in my bed because that would be no no no no traps so you can't get any traps but bad i can't even get diamonds fair i'm changing you can get diamonds once you leave okay hey i see you no you don't yeah i do i totally see you you don't no you don't don't tell me you got like obsidian you want to have the best i'll make me i'll let you um just to be fair i'll let you tower to mid just so you don't have to tire once the game officially starts go ahead i'll let you bridge to mid wait are you gonna kill me no i i won't kill you i won't kill you two diamonds wait i'm gonna give you a protection hold on hey i didn't say you could get any diamonds hey hey hey it's not up to you what i yet okay well you go ahead and get whatever you want all right are you ready skeppy just go go stand by your npcs what npcs oh or you want go wherever you want okay oh my gosh you fell in the void yes i did does that mean i would uh it means that my strategy may have just been goofed am i wait wait no i need three more minutes of prep go away what hold on i'm gonna get these diamonds oh you can't get the diamonds i wanna buy sharpness okay go get sharpness okay i need another diamond i'm gonna make one more one more loop-de-loop hey you can't shoot me go get charlie that's my diamond give it to me i took it as mine you can't kill me hey no kelly go go back i don't want you to see what i did yet shoo oh no guys i goofed i fell and lost all my infant spots okay and you still get another batch that was so dumb i was gonna use those to like sneak around i i can still do it i'm just gonna have to be a little bit more more clever about it i guess all right i'm back skippy yeah i'm gonna go get a snack because i can't leave my island for three more minutes no you can't get a snack we're in the middle you're not gonna kill me right i mean i'm gonna go get a snack i'll be right back all right you you go get a snack oh my goodness he's actually going to get food wait what if he's tricking me no he's not he's not he's actually left okay i got i gotta be quick i gotta be quick oh my goodness you know what i'm gonna run my island real quick just in case i need one of these and anyway these okay he's not there he's not there i gotta run oh this was the stupid part this little bump right here is what meme me okay he'll never suspect anything oh my goodness please don't see please don't see okay i am back and i'm still alive welcome back yeah i told you i wouldn't kill you okay the fight officially starts now the hunt oh finally so you can come and try and get me okay so i can kill you now yeah you can come no more means yep coming cancellations no more nothing if i can kill you exactly you have to kill me and it's over okay i can roll with that go on i know i'm just i'm thinking are you coming yeah i'm just thinking okay perfect because i feel like i know what you're doing oh you feel like you do i feel like i know exactly what you're doing oh you know what i'm doing your base aren't you no why would i be there hey hey you broke my bed right off the bat i did you did why would you do that because i know what you're doing oh you know what i'm doing i know what you're doing you know what i'm doing yeah i don't want you to respond i want the wind too oh no well okay well you have to find me before the dragons spawn yeah i will find you this is very easy i don't know why you made it this easy for me um do you understand what you agree to i feel like you don't know what you but you got yourself into what do you mean i'm going to win you're going to like that you made this so easy for me how did i make it easy for you well i'm getting emeralds right now so as soon as i get those i'm going to buy myself diamond armor i'm going to be stacked and then once i get all that once we 1v1 there's no way i'm going to lose okay we'll see what do you mean we'll see there's nothing going to see all right um let me get this diamond armor you realize your bed is gone right yeah okay i'm starting to understand what this is [Music] bad what are you camping at like a random island i don't know you should go around and take a look at all the islands oh you're at yellow how do you know i meant yellow or you're at blue because you created these mini thingies uh-huh but this is way too hard there's no way you really expect me to find you you could be anywhere okay so you're not here dude i have so much stuff but it doesn't mean anything like i'm so stacked scabby i'm just gonna say you may have walked like right by me at one point no i didn't yeah you did no i didn't you're just saying that no you did dad you're just saying that no i'm not you literally probably just saw my name tag or something oh i saw your name tag that's for sure what no you're not blue i'm at blue right now okay do you see me right now wait you're a blue uh yeah i'm at aqua oh okay yeah oh you're at scion yes scion no bad listen do you see my name tag right now yes or no i do not see it right now okay that means you're not here thank you that helps me a lot oh well maybe i do maybe i'm just memeing you no you can't lie like that well yeah i can no you can't you can't lie okay where are you at right now i'm at aqua aqua yeah okay are you still there um yeah okay tell me if you notice anything i did oh my goodness i can see you building i see that yes i can't i literally see you wait a minute i know what you're doing you're in biz i don't know i am you're in biz i'm allowed to invis just in case i am so there's no way because you fireballed my bridge do you think i'm stupid bad uh i'm not gonna answer that wait okay where do you see me right now uh i can't say i don't wanna don't wanna give up you know any info is this like one of those videos where you got like mod on hypixel and you're trolling me and you have like advent or something sure because i collected all these how would you know what how about this go ahead and bring some of those emeralds back to your base get an invis pot and maybe that'll help you well actually i don't know how inbits will help you yeah i know that's what i was thinking i think you just want invis pots hey me buy all this stuff microphone oh my goodness oh my god um i just want to let you know skippy if you don't find me and kill me yeah oh yeah yeah no no no can we take that off i thought we were just trying bad i thought we were joking you actually actually buy your hair yes i can no you'll make you do that maybe you'll give up maybe you'll be like oh no i can't win admit it you were in this and you firewalled i could be in this i guess or never know all right go ahead and hold still okay all right are you holding still yeah i'm holding still right now okay where are you i'm on a yellow hot air balloon that i don't have time to play are you on the tall one or the little one the the little one i guess okay hold still considered the little one or would that one be the big one because there's two of them right next to each other so bad what the heck dude no they're so annoying yes yes you literally set me up you set me up that you set me up so what's the problem with i was trusting you i thought i could trust my best friend well you better hurry and find me you know how many ender pearls and and diamonds i had a diamond sword wow i didn't say it dude why did you think i would ask you to hold still you're thinking i thought you were gonna come out and try and kill me what yeah i'm gonna try and kill you but i'm not gonna come out i'm gonna stay hidden i see you building yeah cause i'm dude show yourself i'm at the same place show yourself where are you show yourself well first tell me where you are the same place where you killed me okay well just stay there for a bit i'm not wasting any more time i know what you're doing you know what i'm doing microphone oh my goodness that was so close he literally oh my gosh ah dude why this is so dumb you can't uh-huh i can't what nothing i'm just starting to get annoyed why are you getting annoyed skype because i'm not going to be able to find you and i don't know but this is your fault you like changed all the rules i did not change any of the rules honestly dude i thought you were just going to be hiding like at the bottom of one of the bases right now that's kind of what i was suspecting you promised you're not doing that i promise you i'm not doing that because you're not because i've done that before where you just like camp at the bottom of the basement i promise you yeah i am not doing that so you're on the bed worth map i am on the bed wars map 100 what nothing what nothing don't worry about it dad this is harder than you think i want to do this other way around because i want you to experience how hard this is i don't know this is pretty easy yeah for you yeah i i think things are going pretty i'm literally about to buy prop 4 and i have no idea where you are it doesn't even matter i'll make i'll tell you this you almost saw me at once when at one point when you fireballed me because that shouldn't count yeah sure because i was trusting you well did you see where the fireball came from no all right then okay i want another uh color all right well go ahead ask for another color okay i'm really gonna put my big brain to use here because i saw that you built stuff at yellow and scion but i think that was bait and i think you're not actually there oh i'm not gonna use my guess on that okay so you're not there thank you just confirmed it i saw you built stuff at white as well white and pink these weird bridge thingies okay so you could be there but i still don't think you are okay i think you're at one of the bases where you destroyed all your blocks and you actually built there so i wouldn't go there are you at and i say green and blue wait you can't have two guesses that's something ah come on i'm trying to use all my knowledge how about this tell me tell me where you're at first uh i'm collecting emeralds i'm gonna go use it at my base right now okay so where are you um i am in a place i'll tell you this i'm not a green right now you're not green you're a blue i got it green you're at blue oh i know it's so funny what i know what you're doing what what you're probably following me around right now maybe from like you probably have invis and you've just been following me around maybe i do have invis i don't know wouldn't that be funny if i was just following you around this whole time i feel like look behind you dad give me a hint no no hint okay i'll tell you where i'm at okay right now i'm at my base but i'm leaving did you leave uh baby are you going over there dude i'm just swinging that this isn't funny it's pretty funny no it's not i have no clue well let me just spend this wait i didn't see you i saw you just slinging around it was so great you're so annoying dude i feel like you're at my face just following me oh skeppy you have three minutes to fight me well i know no you're more than three minutes because three minutes till the beds are gone okay true and then you have until the dragons spawn so like eight minutes good luck okay i need you to pinky promise me something okay pinky promise what pinkie promise you are not at your bed i pinky promise you're not just saying that that because a minute ago you just said okay okay and then a minute okay for that you said you weren't i will so i don't know what to do i'll say this i was lying to you i was not out dad you are a liar i am sorry i couldn't resist if you close your eyes i will give you a hint are your eyes closed wait promise me your eyes are closed and you're not cheating okay my i promise my eyes are closed okay no cheating promise they're actually closed okay i'm not messing with you i gave you a hand did did you get the hint yeah i i have my sounds off yeah and i just look behind me and there's just fire you're clearly messing with me you know what you're doing you're trolling me i don't know how much time i have left here i know what this is i know what this is what you're just invisible man i would see you well you can't see me so it works out whatever it's not even funny all right well let's play the hot or cold game okay okay so you know where i am right now uh i do know where you're at you always know where i'm at okay i'm gonna ask you am i close to you hot or cold you're you're warm warmer or colder uh where are you going right oh you're going towards my base colder ice cold okay now i'm at the hot air balloon warmer or colder definitely warmer okay okay where are you going now i'm where you killed me hotter or colder uh i don't know if i can answer that oh look at that skippy so if i kill you now you lose what 10 minutes till sudden death okay that's good that's good no that's not good that's a long time that is good for me well you know what honestly i wonder if i should reveal where i'm at please just do it for like a second fine i will i'm gonna unshaft ready okay i'll shift on shift no i just felt the map oh my god you didn't okay scary wait do i win that count excuse me go here go to your base look where i'm at why just kidding what the heck no yes i always i swear to god i knew you were there i swear every time i went to my face you would start laughing and i just thought you were invisible around me that i know no no no no no you're kidding me dude i it literally crossed my mind it literally crossed my mind and i never thought to look oh my god dude no that you can't upload this you know what scabby i think i think i'm happy i'm happy with that results dye your hair dye your hair blue i'm actually so mad at myself you have no idea the disappointment i won and i stayed at your base the whole time you were not there the entire time i was you never wait you were there the entire time yes i thought you were interested for the last minute no and i kept throwing five ways you were there the entire time yes the entire game the entire game no you weren't as soon as like you left i was over there hiding victory
Channel: BadBoyHalo
Views: 2,622,854
Rating: 4.9457536 out of 5
Keywords: BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Minecraft, Trolling Skeppy, skeppy minecraft, badboyhalo youtooz, badboyhalo minecraft, badboyhalo youtube, minecraft badboyhalo, I trolled skeppy in bedwars
Id: U7xIoU2KNg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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