I Made a Skeppy Themed Minecraft Server to Troll Him

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in this video i'm going to show you a troll i did on my friend skeppy that took over a year of planning and a team of builders over a month to make you see a year ago i saw the domain name skeppy.com for sale and i bought it then recently i got a bunch of my friends to build the skeppy fan server and i pointed the domain name skeppy.com to it now i'm gonna go and get him to come on and make him think that someone out there bought the domain and set up an entire fan server for him this is gonna be my best troll ever let's go see how skippy reacts quack it was pretty cool you didn't like it um i liked it i just way too much quacking no i don't stop are you actually mad i'm not mad but it's just look i even have one of you that we did skippy no delete that was the best video ever oh my goodness oh my goodness skippy hmm dude i just typed in i was i was literally just typing in like badboyhalo.com and like skippy.com yeah there is a minecraft server for skeppy.com no there isn't there is no i would know that no skippy there is skeppy.com yeah it's not just skeppy.com like it's probably like skeppy.mcnet no skippy literally i just typed in skeppy.com and it connected me to a server is this your server wait what version let me open [Music] hold on dad i have to afk for a minute okay wait what do you mean [Music] okay i have minecraft opened okay seriously skeppy there is actually no joke a server on here and it's it's literally skippy.com oh my god literally look there's people online i know skippy is this your server what the heck are you sure this isn't yours that's okay i'm actually genuinely confused are you doing this no i'm not bad are you actually i'm actually no i didn't i literally there's no way you would have done this in a day yeah what scampi literally no no no i'm being 100 honest because i don't own skeppy.com but i would like to own it but okay well they don't even know we're on yeah somebody bought it and they set up a server dad i'm being dead serious right now is this your doing no it's not okay oh wait hold on i gotta mute my my uh ts first one second what okay welcome to skeptic.com did you know this was a thing oh i gotta wait there's no way you would have randomly just found skeppy.com no while we're talking and what literally i was just i was just trying i tried where'd you go i'm here i'm at the spawn steppy yeah i i literally here let's jump let's can we go down what happens oh jump down scampi come on there's a compass wait it's like my server it's like my server with the compass and the show players and the house selector yeah that's what my server has oh my gosh but yeah skippy listen i literally all i did was i typed batboyhalo.com and i tried skeppy.com and it worked with your name wait i think they realized that we're online wait really they're saying wth wait wait a minute question mark say hi to them hey ben are you doing this i'm actually really confused no i'm not literally skeppy i have no owner wait the owner's on the owner's on wanted how long have you owned this domain for and they think that the owner is trolling because they think we're not actually there's so much going on my brain can't take this bad just explain please what skippy so you're as confused as i am right now i am very why are you not freaking out i am freaking out if you if you didn't set this up you'd be freaking out right now why are you not freaking out skeppy because i no i am i'm literally in shock like hold on i i gotta deal with my dog one second microphone you're talk oh my god there's a huge statue of me let me check out this wow it's like a theme park why are you hello it's fine i don't care you can have your dog bark just talk i'm confused microphone i'm literally i am a stunned it's this is literally amazing like oh my gosh snack time i want to go here in real life this looks so fun it's like a skeppy themed amusement park i want to know who built it it's literally a skeppy amusement park oh my god it's jif japanese symbol for beginner they give you fly i won't fly give me fly try flying i can't uh give skeppy fly to please oh my goodness gabby you gotta fly you gotta go they give me five they only did it after you listen that means you know them you definitely know that why did they only do it after you said it any of you i'm literally i'm asking them watch they'll be like no who are you oh my goodness a6d is a tightrope walker what and look oh look at you oh this is adorable are they saying did you like give them lines what to say no i literally they keep saying i still can't tell if those are real or not look skeppy look what i'm a juggler that's you yeah oh my god you was a juggler yeah this is you right here look you're saying where where where where where right down here i thought it is me i'm wearing like a cool thing yeah you're like a lion tamer skeppy do you remember me i donate a lot on your streams sicko step sicko sket i just can't tell if this whole thing is real are you guys n pcs no they're not npcs obviously they're real here let's go explore oh okay there's a little skepticism you don't even seem confused or freaked out i am wait let me go to bad boy halo.com hold on no batboy badboyhalo.com it's not a thing so why step do you have badboyhalo.com no i don't know i i mean i might i thought you would have had skeppy.com do you know i i want it now i'll buy it off of him okay wait you shouldn't fly skippy look look at this little fishing skeppy isn't it adorable this is so cool oh this is so cool what is everything there's a ferris wheel i want to go in the ferris wheel where are you i'm in the ferris wheel i can't see you i'm on top of the fair there's a hot air balloon that's me wait it's kevin i can't see you i'm on the ferris wheel right now but are you recording i'm recording this uh wait why are you recording i'm recording because i saw steppy.com i'm like oh that's trying to troll me but if you're really not trying to troll me then this is the coolest thing i've ever seen okay yeah no i'm i literally i'm not recording like i should be this is amazing you should record right now this reminds me of the one time where those other guys set up a server dedicated remember that once yeah see you showed me that one so i thought like you were in on this one because it seems like so similar yeah oh my goodness can't be like tp to me if you i can't tp no i don't approve you try tp here skippy did that work you have part no you're off you're they gave it to me i don't know look just look you never asked them for opt skippy don't worry about you never ask them no no skip don't worry about it just look at this look at this it's you with a crab on your head oh you know the crab song oh well um give me up too they don't want to give you up why did they give you up and you didn't even ask like i like don't give what the heck why'd you say i just why did you get it suggested it they i don't know if they're going to listen or not oh my goodness you're off since you're off can you place a minecart i want to go in the miami thing yes it's like little teacups but with your head wait they're saying he's going to ruin the map no no no i don't want to ruin this this is so cool we've seen enough of your videos don't give this dude dude i'm so bot like look you're trapped in ice but i'm not stupid and look it's your dog right here my dog yeah look they built your dog in here yeah rocco can you open it what no i can't open it he's trapped in ice no i don't want him to be trapped in ice i would let him out there i put you in gm3 oh my god it's rocco isn't that cool that's so cool oh my goodness this is so cool and then here's you oh and you're holding his paw that's adorable i am you can literally explore the whole there's so much to discover yeah they're lit oh my goodness rocco's over here it's pizza thing crushed pizza this is great scabby you gotta see this you're lucky i'm distracted but i have a lot of questions for you right now look but i have a lot of questions what questions what questions if you set this up for me you are the greatest friend i could ever ask for wait no okay hold on you so you like this yeah it's so cool what are you all gonna see i like it yeah yeah no it's cool but like like you're surprised though right do i not sound surprised no okay no you do seem surprised um but isn't this cool yeah yeah this can you place the mine cart yeah here so you can go ahead and write it from here there you go thank you this is the start go ahead and get in oh let's go together let's go together okay get in go who built this i don't know that guy has a skippy butler skin oh my goodness what if he knows ask him that's the owner wait why does the owner have a butler's gonna i don't know whoa whoa oh my god this is so much fun this is very fun yeah we want screenies please ah tell them tell them that we are the real say you're the real skeppy no because then it'll sound like i'm a fake oh i'll save them there we go see it seems like they know you they're i think they would be free bro the whole server it's called steppy.com so they do know you yeah wait what if they didn't what if they were just like they had no clue what this is the owner says i am so confused lol where are we right now this is like this is a roller coaster skippy oh i want to go here in real life i really want to go here in real life do you like this i love it okay i gotta meet up really quick one second wait why do you have to mute up guys i'm having the hardest time like i literally can't he literally loves this so much i love it i'm so happy oh sorry okay problem taken care of wait i'm gonna get a call with the owner let's get in the call with him what no we don't need to get in a call with the owner we don't no why would we get in the call with the owner that's because he built this entire thing for me um you know what here i'll dm the owner and i'll tell him how to get in wait you have a thing with the owner no i'm gonna dm him oh like in minecraft yeah in minecraft oh okay okay they said in chat wanted tell us if he's the real one they still aren't sure if you're real or not they think this might be a troll but like how would it be a troll i don't know i guess if you if he joins and then like he thinks you're the real one i don't know dude i just feel like i would have gotten a tweet about this or something or someone would have told me if this was you know if like this has been up for this much time i feel like i would have known about it well yeah but they're huge fans should i tweet about it and get people online no no no no no don't do that it's probably shouldn't a lot of people see this it's probably a tiny server and you'd you'd crash their survey if he did that oh oh maybe if the owner wants i could like put it on my server and get like everyone on like to show everyone yes hello hi hello hey wanted wait are you wanted the owner of this yeah what the heck you made this entire thing and you never told me yeah i made it with uh with a few friends when did bad know about this i don't know i don't think he did well no wanted i like i wasn't involved in it at all right this is your fans came together and they made a server for you can't you be happy no i'm so happy but like i just want to know okay who built this and me and my friend like you have like a list so that i can like because i'm recording for a video um but like i could thank everyone in the video if you have like a list or something i can send you a list yeah that would be great wait wait wait wanted how did you get the skeppy.com domain i just bought it [Applause] like before i did youtube or like um no no like it's been it was already taken but like the the guy that owned it was was like selling it and you contacted how much did you buy it for um what i i don't know if it's too much to ask but like can i buy it off of you like the domain uh i guess this is so cool i just want everyone to see it so what are you feeling to use for nothing i want to keep it exactly the way it is and i want to keep you with a rank and then just have your people who build it and just keep doing builds and expand it i mean if they want to but like this is way too cool hold on hold on wanted okay it's cappy yeah i can't tell you something okay oh my god here you go here it comes here comes one here comes more comes here comes you knew about it the whole time you knew i know what what you made me look like a fool i bet what okay i have a confession to make what here i have a confession to make okay i set this up yeah i know what do you mean you know i know i know you set it up no like i said no i knew i knew it i said well you set up everything the server yeah everything you own skepty.com i do wait my brain my brain my brain this troll skeppy has been a year in the making roughly two years to troll me yes i bought skippy.com you did not okay to do this no i bought skippy.com and i waited because i thought hmm i wonder if skeppy tried to buy it and so i said wait oh well i said just in case no wait a long time and then i contacted a group of reliable builders who wait so all the people in the chat were doing that stuff that they're saying these are all the builders say hi guys i can't be mad because i just this is way too cool and this is the most thoughtful thing anyone's ever done but like a year yeah an entire year to troll me oh come on that's i mean that's pretty good isn't it that's like some serious con like determination exactly the day i bought skippy so then who's wanted who who wanted who are you are you not the owner why the people helped me so you gave him a fake owner rank no no no this is like his server i just redirected the ip to oh i just that's right i got you you had no clue i trolled you by setting up an epic fan server that you would enjoy and wait it started a year ago when i bought this no this is a troll no this isn't a troll this is so cool i love it no this is a troll wait what's the troll part of it i love it that i had a fan server built for you this is literally amazing thank you no it's a troll why would i be mad skippy it's a troll what am i mad about well thank you dude like i'm wait do you have badboyhilo.com i want to do one for you now i do it won't take me a year or anything but like no you're supposed to be like upset this is a troll what would i be upset about this is so cool i trolled you though yeah you got me bad i got me yeah yeah i was just i'm ready by the way dude you got me so good i i didn't even victory i'm so happy bad you you got me so good and this is the best troll anyone has ever told me i'm sorry no it's okay dude i forgive you thank you like i've never done a troll this good they they had a lot of fun building it wait can can i have the schematic of this to put it on a server what no i'm gonna put it on a server oh okay okay okay we're gonna go ahead and support it i'm gonna stick this on my kit pvp server for like a week and okay you can go on and if they want to play it for a week they can so all right well i think this is so cool and thank you i'll even send you a copy too so you can cherish it forever okay yay i will remember this forever well i'm glad i successfully trolled you if you so you weren't just looking at random domains no yeah i knew that part but like wait no we were talking for an hour we were talking for an hour before you even mentioned it i know i mean i guess if you waited a year i guess an hour isn't so bad i got you i got you okay you you got me bad yay okay you got it this so guys anyway everybody i'm going to do an outro with skippy here oh i'm recording too uh oh my goodness i got him uh jeffy got trolls bamboozled tv here skippy he got trolled and uh skippy i'm sorry it was a little bit of a harsh troll but it seemed like you had fun so i'm sorry guys it was pretty mean of a troll i am sorry uh by the time this video is up this map will be on my kpvp server for one week and then we're gonna take it off and it'll only come on on occasion um thank you everybody who helped thank you all you guys thank you skeppy for coming on and checking it out i'm sorry again thank you no don't be sorry i mean well be sorry because you told me but don't don't be sorry but you trolled me anyway thank you bad i love you i love this no problem i thought you'd enjoy it this is very nice uh these guys did a really great job so they did but i got you you got trolled that's victory for me i think i have the most successful trolls now so yeah dude i i'm so sick of you trolling me ugh oh no i don't want to troll you down i hate you for trolling me wait no i disconnected from you oh my goodness no no wait scare me oh no well bye i got him
Channel: BadBoyHalo
Views: 1,022,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Minecraft, badboyhalo minecraft, badboyhalo youtube, the trio, a6d, minecraft badboyhalo, skeppy minecraft, minecraft server, minecraft 1.16, minecraft texture pack, cursed minecraft, minecraft but, I built a server for skeppy, I trolled skeppy with a custom minecraft server, skeppy.com
Id: AkYZ8_QzUOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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