So I Played Star Wars The Old Republic - Is It Worth It?

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Star Wars the Old Republic is it worth playing in 2023 well that's what we'll find out today as I showcase my very first experience with this BioWare MMO that has all but died According to some people and yes you heard that right I never played the Old Republic before making this video and so I didn't really know what to expect with this game what I did know was that Tor was a massive multiplayer online game that was supposed to Dethrone World of Warcraft as the top dog in the genre which it failed to do like many others before and after despite this I would say that there are many things that the Old Republic does extremely well but there's also a few things that do hold the game down for me and trust me we're gonna talk about that as well first things first though as always when it comes to RPGs like these let's talk a little bit about the character creation in the Old Republic you start by choosing what alignment your character will be this either being the galactic Republic or the Sith Empire and I'd say that this choice is equally important as choosing your class as you will be playing through different stories depending on what side you chose next is choosing your class of course and here you are presented with four different origin stories and essentially 12 subclasses four of them being lightsaber wielders and the rest being ranged Fighters and since I'm a bigger fan of lightsabers than blasters I decided to try out each of the different Jedi and Sith classes which I'll get more into later on now for the appearance section I was surprised to see the amount of selections there are to customize your character with there being up to 11 races to choose from you won't have all of them unlocked at the start and you'll unlock new races as the story proceeds with one of your characters as per usual I went the vanilla route and made roughly the same person for all of my characters because that is just what you do when you found a good combination of choices after creating your character you'll be playing through either side's starter zones and each starting zone is different depending on what class you chose say as a light side lightsaber user you'll start on the planet tython if you're a Sith you start on corriban and now right from the get-go after trying out both sides I have to say that both of these zones are excellent because of how all the main quest lines managed to immerse you into a galaxy far far away on python you make your way from being a Padawan to becoming a Jedi Knight and on koraban you prove your worth by becoming a Sith my personal favorite storyline being that of the Sith Warrior where you pretty quickly grab the attention of a Sith Lord who really wants you as his Apprentice one aspect I also liked a lot is the journey towards getting your first lightsaber but I'll have to say that the Jedi storyline is probably more Epic on this part because you actually get to build your lightsaber instead of just finding one which you do as a Sith now before I continue talking about the story let's dive into the gameplay starting with the combat the old Republic's combat system is based on a combination of traditional MMORPG mechanics and action-based combat but in comparison to other MMORPGs of the same age Tor is fast paced exciting and it's still pretty and enjoyable to this day despite its age one of the things that I love about the combat is of course your force abilities if you decide to play as a force user whether you're a Jedi or a Sith being able to unleash devastating Force attacks really adds to the immersion of the game plus it's just plain cool to see your character use the force to take down enemies especially with Force lightning yeah another good thing about the combat is the variety of play Styles available if you prefer range combat you can choose to play as a bounty hunter or a trooper and if you like getting up close and personal you can play as the aforementioned Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior among others speaking of which I have to say that the Sith Juggernaut is probably the most fun class to play most of your abilities feel fittingly heavy and there's just something extremely satisfying about controlling a character that completely controls the battlefield while just chaotically smashing everyone and everything around you into tiny pieces now in order to destroy every enemy you encounter throughout your journey you need good gear in terms of both power and style and I gotta say that the Old Republic provides plenty of loot as you progress through the game since I've mostly been playing story missions there really hasn't been any real need to get the best gear there is no matter what level I've been since enemies are downscaled in difficulty when playing by yourself sure after trying out some of the heroic missions and other optional content it's pretty obvious that not everything is a cakewalk since it is an MMO after all and for some activities you should definitely play with a friend or two speaking of which I can't really say anything about either PVP or max level content as I've simply not reached max level yet and I haven't tried a lot of the side activities like Space Battles and such I have played through a couple of flash points though and to explain these in simple terms flashpoints are essentially story driven missions that you can play through either by yourself or with friends and they're usually pretty fun to do and if you're lacking in gear and want to curb stomp your story missions like me flash points are usually a good thing to do if you have the time for it now you may have noticed that I've been referencing this story several times already and I'm guessing that some of you are eager to know what my opinion is on the let's face it strongest selling point for the Old Republic and well so far this story has been excellent as I mentioned earlier you play through a different story depending on what background you picked for your character and so my playthrough might be very different from your own and yes I have tried playing Jedi Knight Jedi counselor and Sith Inquisitor and the stories for all of these are very different from the one I'm meaning right now which is the Sith Warrior at least in the early hours of the game as mentioned earlier as the Sith Warrior you climb the ranks of being a simple Dark Side Noob to a respected Sith apprentice and Beyond and I'm really enjoying the dynamic between my character and Lord Paras who becomes your master in the early hours of this story the only code I need to know is kill or be killed your ability is undeniable but your Readiness and your understanding of the Sith way is woefully lacking I am your master now so far I haven't yet completed chapter 1 and so to say that the story is huge is really an understatement the fact that I've been knee deep into this game for several days and not having completed the first chapter yet just speaks volumes of how big the Old Republic really is and let's not forget that I've mostly been investing my time into only one of the backgrounds meaning that there is a pretty massive replayability factor to the Old Republic speaking of replayability since this is a BioWare game you can expect a ton of dialogue and the best part is that there is such an extreme amount of dialogue choices that it really baffles me on how they managed to accomplish all of this back then Don't force me to destroy you this ends now Seth I don't need any help no get to protect me now there might be some MMO players that find this to be a turn off but for Die Hard Mass Effect fans like me this game has been God's gift for me these past few days yes there are times when the dialogue you choose don't really change the outcome of the situation but the amount of times you actually do get to choose what happens next is just insane in regular fashion however I'm not expecting the story to take all of my choices into consideration for the game's ending but the BioWare Hallmark of Simply letting you choose your dialogue has really immersed me into the Star Wars Universe in a way I never thought possible and it's an MMO which makes it even more crazy as a side note I really love that you can decide to play some merciful and good-hearted Dark Side user and on the opposite side plays a cruel and sadistic Jedi why would I ever let scum like you get away welcome oh and while we're on the topic of dialogue I just have to gush about the voice actress for the female Sith Warrior not Asha little throughout my playthrough so far I've been steadily impressed at how she manages to sound calm and Serene while also commanding and scary but there's still the matter of you being our enemy Sith not only will I not allow the Wilsons to do this but you had yourself a killing spree getting here I can't go unpunished stand in my way and everyone dies if you're thinking about playing the Old Republic as a Darksider then I can highly suggest going with a female Sith Warrior if you want to feel like a true Sith Lord oh and a bonus point for all you Mass Effect fans because Jennifer Hale AKA Commander Shepard placed the female Trooper on the Republic side so if you want to role play as Shepherd then this is the class to pick yeah I know it's a lot to take in just try to stay calm to be completely honest with you guys I'm quite baffled as to why I never tried the Old Republic before for some strange reason I just decided to skip out on this quite simply incredible game back when it launched in 2011. now yes since it's an older game I can admit that there is some dank here and there like the fact that a lot of the combat animations look pretty stale at times and some of the sound effects can be pretty bland like for some of the lightsabers the maps can feel overly huge at times especially if you haven't unlocked Speeders yet and extremely expensive costs for simply fast traveling is a baffling design choice and I'd wager that my play time would probably be cut in half if we just removed the amount of tracking I've had to do just to get to the next part of my main mission all of this however doesn't negate the fact that when you're partaking in things like combat dialogue and the main story you're most likely going to have a really good time like I have so far so yeah I can absolutely say that Star Wars the Old Republic is worth playing in 2023 especially if you have never played it before and I'd even go so far as to say that a monthly subscription might be worth it just because of the extra stuff and functions you get from it in any case if you're looking for a game that will hold you out until the next Mass Effect comes out or if you're simply a huge fan of the RPG genre then Tor is something you definitely shouldn't Miss if you never played it before 4. that's it remember to subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the video and I'll see you in the next one have a great day Mr Olden signing out
Channel: MrHulthen
Views: 361,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars the old republic, swtor, star wars, star wars the old republic 2023, is it worth playing star wars the old republic, is tor worth playing 2023, should i play swtor, swtor in 2023, mrhulthen, mr hulten, mrhulten
Id: eBtRgsD1-Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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